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Aconite: effective cancer treatment or dangerous poison? Poisonous plants in the treatment of cancer Poisons against cancer

Every day more and more people are exposed to cancer. Of course, traditional medicine treatment is not exactly cheap, but in order to increase its effectiveness, traditional healers recommend using traditional medicine recipes. It should be noted that in folk medicine there are a huge number of different recipes that help cure such a disease as cancer. In this article we will look at what plant poisons are used for oncology and how to cook them correctly.

Poisonous herbs for cancer

In nature, there are a huge number of different plants that have medicinal properties. Plants that can stop tumor growth and completely destroy pathogenic cells are suitable for the treatment of oncology. Such plants include celandine, vekh, hemlock, alocasia, sophora, mistletoe and others.

Treatment of cancer with plant poisons is quite effective, but of course this is provided that the treatment was started on time and agreed with the herbalist or attending physician. It is very important to adhere to a strict dosage regimen, since an overdose can cause not only poisoning, but also death. In addition, treatment is not recommended if the patient suffers from hypertension and bleeding occurs. It is also prohibited to take plant poisons for gastric ulcers and colitis.

Good folk recipes

In folk medicine, poisonous milestones from cancer. This herb has been used to treat tumors for quite a long period of time. Despite its toxicity, various medicines are prepared from it. To prevent it from causing harm to health, you need to prepare it correctly and take it strictly according to the plan.

Vekh poisonous in the treatment of oncology used in the form of a tincture prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Take 10 grams of the plant's rhizome, peel it and chop it.
  • Pour 500 ml of chopped root. vodka or 40% medical alcohol.
  • Place the mixture in a dark, dry place for two weeks to allow the product to infuse.

The finished product should be taken starting from one drop. Every day the dose should be increased by 1 drop. The maximum allowed increase is up to 20-40 drops, depending on tolerance. After which the dosage should be reduced according to the same scheme. In this case, the medicine must be diluted in water. You can carry out several courses of treatment, but be sure to take a break of at least 12 days between them.

Helps effectively. This plant is very popular among people as a treatment for various types of cancer. In order to carry out therapy with such a plant, it is necessary to prepare a tincture according to the following recipe:

  • Take 50 grams of hemlock grass and put it in a bowl.
  • Pour 500 ml of good vodka or medical alcohol 40 degrees over the herb.
  • Place the mixture in a dark, dry place for two weeks.
  • After this time, the tincture is considered ready. You need to take it with extreme caution, remembering that it is still poison. Exceeding the dose may lead to poisoning. The dosage regimen is the same as for treating milestones with herbs.

Alocasia for cancer- used as a treatment also in the form of tincture. This medicine has analgesic and absorbent properties. There are several recipe options for preparing a medicinal tincture.

Option 1

The remedy for this recipe is prepared from the oldest leaf of the plant. To prepare, you need to do the following:

  • Grind up the old leaf of the plant.
  • Place it in a jar.
  • Pour 500 ml of raw materials. vodka.

The product must be infused for 14 days.

Option 2

In order to prepare the tincture according to this recipe, you must do the following:

  • Take alocasia leaves and grind them.
  • Fill the raw material with 250 ml of water.
  • Let the mixture sit for 8 hours.

After the product is ready, it must be filtered. Store strictly in the refrigerator.

Accept alocasia in the treatment of oncology it is necessary according to the same scheme as other plant poisons, starting with 1 drop inside, and gradually increasing the dosage.

A popular plant in folk medicine is. Sophora is a very interesting and beautiful plant in appearance. But besides its beauty, it is also popular because of a number of medicinal properties. Medicinal tinctures are prepared from this plant, which help not only to cure cancer, but also to strengthen the body as a whole. Sophora with oncologists, as mentioned above, is used in the form of a tincture. It can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Take 4 tablespoons of the plant's fruits.
  • Pour 400 g of fruits. water.
  • Place the mixture on the fire and simmer for 15 minutes.

Afterwards you need to remove the product from the heat and let it brew for half an hour. The finished product is taken orally in a third of a glass three times a day.

Sophora tincture can also be prepared according to another recipe:

  • Take the flowers and fruits of the plant in equal proportions.
  • Fill the raw material with alcohol in a ratio of 5:1.
  • Place the tincture in a dark, cool place for 10 days to infuse.

Strain the finished product and take 30 drops per day, diluting it with water. At white mistletoe is also used in oncology. In addition to antitumor properties, the plant helps cleanse blood vessels. And so, in order to prepare an anti-cancer drug, you must perform the following steps:

  • Take two teaspoons of mistletoe shoots.
  • Grind the shoots.
  • Pour two glasses of boiling water over them.
  • Let the product sit for 12 hours.

To prepare this product, it is recommended to use a thermos. performed by taking the drug 30 grams three times a day. The course of treatment is no less than three weeks.

Hello dear friends and blog guests. You have visited the page and I am very glad about it. I am always happy when an article turns out to be productive, I am glad that I was able to convey in it what people need. In today's article I want to tell you about plants that can be used to treat cancer.

A very difficult and difficult topic that worries many. Nowadays, more and more people are getting cancer. In today's article I will try to talk about some plants that can treat cancer.

I will tell you about the treatment of some organs affected by cancer. And what plants can be used to treat cancer. I really hope that I can correctly and clearly tell you how to treat this or that disease with the help of herbs.

Folk remedies for the treatment of oncology, which include: There are such strong medicinal herbs that are stronger than some traditional medicines. Of course, herbal treatment differs from other methods of treatment and significantly.

In order to be completely cured, you must adhere to all the rules of treatment. A collection of herbs must be correctly selected when treating a malignant tumor of a specific disease.

Here are a few directions to follow: The first thing is that you must choose herbs that have a direct effect on the tumor.

What herbs directly affect the tumor: pink periwinkle, comfrey, speckled hemlock, common black root, Russian gorichnik, marsh cinquefoil, marin root, etc.

Folk remedies for oncology, such as restoring the body's defenses. To restore immunity you need to use a lot of herbs. The most effective and powerful herbs such as celandine, spurge, elecampane, aloe vera, etc.

Folk remedies for the treatment of oncology, both malignant and benign tumors, especially in the female and male genital organs, the following medicinal herbs are effective: sparrow and comfrey, wormwood, meadow lumbago, fly agaric, angelica.

In oncology, blackhead, string, bedstraw, foxtail, and cocklebur are good at normalizing hormones. These herbs remove toxins from the liver, kidneys, skin and lungs.

Folk remedies for oncology such as angelica, licorice, sweet clover herb, salvia officinalis and angelica are also good at removing toxins from the body. The liver restores aconite, both poisonous and red.

However, hemlock has recently become increasingly popular. It was discovered that hemlock contains enormous potential for strengthening, protective, and immunostimulating forces in the body.

The hemlock herb is used to prepare medicines for cancer. In folk medicine, hemlock is used to treat cancerous tumors, absolutely all flowers, leaves, and stems.

Hemlock grows everywhere as a weed throughout European territory. This plant grows in Russia, Central Asia, Siberia, and how much of it there is in the Caucasus! Hemlock is used to treat goiter, bladder, epilepsy, and polyps in the stomach.

Traditional medicine uses hemlock to treat atherosclerosis, paralysis, neuralgia, headaches, which can be treated as follows: “,” loss of strength and many other diseases. I will not describe the entire chemical composition of hemlock.

I will only say one thing: hemlock is a unique plant that can both poison and cure the most serious illness. Hemlock treats all gynecological diseases: cervical erosion, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and all other diseases associated with gynecology, even infertility.

The direction of hemlock tincture on cancer cells is such that this plant itself is a powerful immunobiostimulant, and the tincture prepared to destroy cancer cells actively does this.

Recently, articles have begun to appear calling for taking hemlock tincture once a year as a preventive measure against cancer. But official medicine warns against over-treatment with hemlock.


Everything needs control. Hemlock herb is an active drug for cancer, so if it is treated uncontrolled, there can be the most unpredictable consequences. Even if treated with hemlock for a long time, some of the malignant cells become resistant and do not accept other antitumor drugs.

The hemlock herb for cancer is a serious healer during treatment for which you must definitely pay attention to nutrition. With such treatment, complete protein must be present in the diet.

It should not be fatty, and be sure to eat fish, various cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, especially those containing pectin and, of course, a variety of baked goods.

Under no circumstances drink alcohol, fried or smoked foods, and try to avoid fatty foods. Hemlock is considered an effective remedy that can get rid of cancer.

For this treatment you need an alcohol extract. Hemlock in its entirety, flowers, buds and immature seeds, all have the same medicinal properties. Therefore, it can be completely used for medicinal purposes.

It is imperative to collect hemlocks correctly if you want to prepare an effective medicine that will definitely help. The technique is this: take two glass jars, one half liter and one three liter.

You have collected the hemlock, chop it up and first put a liter jar in the floor. When you have filled the jar halfway, pour the mixture into a large jar and immediately pour half a liter of vodka into the jar with grass. Then shake the jar of raw materials thoroughly.

Repeat this procedure until the large jar is full. Shake the large jar periodically to ensure that the hemlock grass is well saturated with vodka.

Why is it necessary to pour raw materials from a small jar into a large one? This is done so that the reaction does not start earlier, otherwise it will destroy the medicine. When you return home, pour vodka into a jar filled to the top with hemlock.

Then cover with a soft plastic lid and place in a cool, dark place. The place should not only be dark and cool, but also inaccessible to children. This tincture should infuse for two weeks.

After two weeks, when your tincture is ready for the treatment of oncology, pour the amount of tincture you need into a glass container, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. If you cannot tolerate alcohol, you can prepare a water infusion.

For this infusion you will need hemlock flowers and leaves. Grind them and mix well. For the treatment of oncology, a water tincture is made as follows: Warm up the thermos and pour one teaspoon of the prepared raw material into it.

After you have poured the raw materials into the thermos, pour two hundred milliliters of hot water into it. Close the thermos and leave it like that until the morning. In the morning you will need to strain this infusion and put it in the refrigerator. This infusion has a shelf life of five days.

Hemlock herb for cancer is a unique folk remedy. Treat yourself with the prepared medicine from hemlock as follows: Drink three times a day before meals one hour according to the following scheme: one teaspoon for fifteen days.

The next fifteen days, a dessert spoon and fifteen days, one tablespoon. Drink until the infusion is finished. Be sure to drink spring or boiled water. One hundred grams of water at one time.

In order for oncology treatment to be effective, the patient must prepare. The first thing you should do is cleanse your liver by switching to vegetarian food.

For the first three days, do enemas. What solution should I use for enemas? Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of salt. You can replace it with lemon juice. For one tablespoon of raw material, one and a half to two liters of water and evening baths are a must.

On the fourth day, take an enema in the morning and have a light lunch. During the fourth day, drink freshly squeezed apple juice. Apples must be of the sour variety. Well, on the evening of the fourth day at seven o’clock, start cleansing the liver.

And so cleansing the liver: take one hundred and fifty two hundred grams of olive oil, and in another glass the same amount of fresh juice. Drink two or three sips of oil and follow with two or three sips of lemon juice.

After fifteen minutes, repeat the procedure. Do this until the glasses are empty. If you feel nauseous, smell it immediately after drinking the juice. Well, increase the interval between taking oil and juice to twenty-five minutes.

If you still feel nauseous, reduce the juice and oil to one hundred grams. After you drink the oil, place a hot heating pad on the liver. To avoid too much burning, wrap the heating pad in a towel.

With a heating pad, be sure to lie on your right side and bend your knees and press them to your stomach. You need to lie like this until eleven o’clock at night, and then remove the heating pad. If you did everything correctly, in the middle of the night the intestines will definitely begin to cleanse themselves.

We all know that our liver consists of four parts. One such cleanse cleanses one part of the liver, and since there are four of them, it means you need to cleanse the liver four times. The best times to cleanse the liver are full and new moons.

After a complete liver cleanse, you will need to eat pumpkin or pumpkin juice in unlimited quantities every day. There is also a fruit and vegetable salad.

What vegetables and fruits are best suited to this salad: large carrots, medium-sized beets, always dark burgundy, and two sour apples. Twist all these products in a meat grinder, or grate them.

Add whatever it is, be it cream, sour cream, kefir or vegetable oil. The main thing is that you like the taste. Sometimes there are gallstones that can block the duct. Before you start cleansing your liver, crush the stones using a decoction of corn silk.

If you have already taken chemotherapy and taken a large number of medications, then you need to first cleanse your body for two to three weeks. A decoction of flax seeds is well suited for this purpose.

Decoction proportions: for three liters of boiling water, one glass of flax seeds, pour and place in a water bath for two hours. After this, cool to forty degrees and drink throughout the day. Just not in the morning, but from twelve o’clock until ten o’clock in the evening.

When you start hemlock treatment, for additional effect, drink decoctions of pine and spruce needles, oregano decoction, rosehip decoction, and you can add antitumor infusions.

Oregano is an excellent blood restorer. The vascular system is normalized by rose hips and pine needles. These plants also remove radicals and poisons from the body.

There are several methods for treating cancer with hemlock, if you are interested, you want to know these methods, write to me and I will be happy to write these methods to you. I really hope that I was able to help you and that you will find the cancer treatment tips in this article useful.

Plant poisons. True, about the occurrence of a tumor.

Science claims that every adult at any time has approximately 10 million mutant cells that differ from normal cells in at least one gene. Mutations can be caused by chemical, physical, or viral carcinogens, but most often appear simply as a result of random errors when copying the genome during cell division.

Each (!) mutant cell can give rise to the development of a malignant tumor. However, the body's defenses, more precisely, natural selection at the cellular level (the immune system in this regard plays only a secondary role) destroys all mutant cells and their offspring (clones of descendant cells). Only sometimes (in about 17% of people) one such clone in the body is not destroyed due to defects in the system of natural selection at the cellular level. It is from this clone that a malignant (not yet cancerous) tumor develops. It grows very slowly, taking glucose from neighboring normal cells in an oxygen-free (anaerobic) mode.

This tumor does not have blood vessels, is not diagnosed and does not manifest itself in any way for 6, 10, or even 20 years. But when the number of cells in it reaches about 1 million (less than the head of a pin), capillaries of the circulatory system begin to grow into the tumor. Now the tumor receives all the substances it needs (oxygen, glucose, cholesterol, etc.) from the blood.

A malignant tumor turns into a cancerous one and acquires its ominous properties - unbridled growth, the ability to germinate into surrounding tissues and organs, the ability to metastasize throughout the body.

Do we treat or kill?

What treatment methods exist today? Doctors themselves recognize the surgical method as palliative, that is, bringing only more or less long-term relief. Most often, the operation contributes to the death of the patient. Chemotherapy with its poisons actually destroys cancer cells, but... along with normal ones. Unconventional methods remain. It is known that a significant number of people were cured of cancer using the methods of R. Breuss, M. Gerson, G. S. Shatalova, N. V. Shevchenko, Katsudzo Nishi, etc. Unfortunately, the scientific principles of these methods have not been published, but in their description So many mistakes have been made that it is extremely rare to repeat success.

As for the methods of treatment with poisons, this is, in fact, a type of chemotherapy (only without its catastrophic consequences). Their main difference is a clear scientific basis and reproducibility.

Which poison is better

Poisons can cure cancer. A special place among them is occupied by the so-called antimitotic (suppressing mitosis - the process of cell division) poisons. Some use chemotherapy, using the highest doses the patient can tolerate. In this case, normal dividing cells, especially in the hematopoietic organs, are destroyed along with cancer cells. For many years, doctors have been looking for that distinctive feature of cancer cells, by which the poison could selectively affect them, bypassing healthy cells. However, such a sign, one might say, lies on the surface. This is a higher metabolic rate. Cancer cells turn out to be much more voracious. This means that it remains to choose a method of treatment with poisons so that the cancer cells die and the normal ones survive. And now the research task was formulated as follows: to find two or three different poisons, available to every patient, capable of defeating all forms of cancer when used alternately and in minimal doses.

Fight until victory

Traditional medicine, groping its way, has followed the path of searching for antimitotic poisons that can be used in very small doses. The most valuable discovery turned out to be highly toxic plant poisons with antimitotic action: - coniine (an alkaloid from the hemlock plant); - colchicine and colchamine (alkaloids from the corms of the magnificent colchicum and autumn crocus); - aconitine (an alkaloid of the plant aconite, or fighter). Each of these poisons has been proven to cure cancer. Treatment must begin immediately, regardless of the degree of tumor development and whether surgical or radiological treatment has already been performed. In advanced cases, there is a danger that there will not be enough time for a complete cure, but the person gets rid of severe pain. Improvement usually occurs quickly, but, as a rule, treatment should continue for several months, and in severe cases, several years.

How to use plant poisons

Cancer cells can develop resistance to one poison or another, so two (or more) different poisons cannot be used simultaneously to cure cancer. You should also not use the same poison for too long (for plant alkaloids - no more than 8 months). The most popular anti-cancer poison is coniine from spotted hemlock. Methods for preparing alcoholic tincture of hemlock and treating cancer with it were developed by V.V. Tishchenko.

Method No. 1 (royal) involves taking 1 to 40 drops of tincture once a day, adding one drop each day, then reducing it to 1 drop, and so on for several cycles in a row until recovery.

There are special techniques for the weakened, for children and for especially severe cases. Hemlock tincture is available for sale in some pharmacies. Colchicum alkaloids are approximately 4 times more poisonous than coniine. The method of application is similar to the royal one with hemlock, but the maximum dose is 4 times less, that is, 10 drops. You can buy autumn colchicum tincture in homeopathic pharmacies. The most powerful poison for curing cancer is aconitine, an alkaloid from the plant aconite (fighter). If you follow the royal method, the intake is only one drop per day! Only specialist herbalists can prepare this tincture.

When using such highly toxic drugs, it is necessary to strictly follow the procedure. Any amateur activity is unacceptable!

The worst enemies of cancer patients

Please note:

Oxygen cocktails and turpentine baths according to Zalmanov, massage, and intense physical activity are contraindicated. Any improvement in the supply of oxygen to healthy cells is primarily used by cancer cells to accelerate the proliferation and spread of metastases.

A carbohydrate diet and refusal to eat proteins are contraindicated. The tumor's only food product is glucose, so the amount of carbohydrates and the total amount of food must be reduced. Losing weight is beneficial. However, proteins (boiled meat, poultry, fish) must be included in the diet. Fasting when treated with poisons is not recommended.

You cannot help poisons with other medicinal herbs and remedies, since any beneficial effect on cancer cells partially or completely destroys the effect of the poison.

Urine therapy, acupuncture, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, and mumiyo can only cause harm in the treatment of cancer.

Smoking and alcohol in any quantities, fresh strong tea and coffee, acidic foods and sour drinks (neutralize poisons), seaweed, spicy, salty and fried foods are strictly contraindicated for cancer patients when treated with poisons.

Treatment method

All poisons considered have a nicotine-like effect. This gave grounds to M. Ya. Zholondz to supplement the list of strong poisons with antimitotic action with the alkaloid of the tobacco plant - nicotine. There is already some practical experience of the successful use of this poison to cure cancer.

It is recommended to use tobacco from one pack of Belomorkanal cigarettes. Place all the tobacco in a clean 200 ml jar with a tight lid, fill to the top with alcohol (vodka), close and place in the refrigerator for two weeks, shaking daily. After two weeks, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze, settled and carefully drained from the sediment. It turns out about 100 ml of a transparent tincture of a brownish-greenish color.

It is better to store it in the refrigerator. One course of treatment lasting 78 days requires 14 ml of tobacco tincture. The tincture is enough for 6-7 courses. The method of application is similar to method No. 1 (royal) by V.V. Tishchenko: every morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals, drink tobacco tincture in drops with 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature according to the scheme: the first 3 days - 1 drop, then add every three days 1 drop until reaching 13 drops per day (for 6 days). Then, in the same way, reduce the dose by 1 drop per day every 3 days.

Remember: Tobacco tincture is the strongest poison! No overdose is allowed. You should write POISON on the can! and keep out of the reach of children and drunkards. In case of poisoning, immediately call a doctor, take 30 tablets of activated carbon, then rinse the stomach until vomiting, drink strong tea.

After 8 months, if it is necessary to continue treatment, it is advisable to switch to another of the above alkaloids.

Cancer: healing practices and prevention. Treatment with poisons Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

Chapter 5 The mechanism of destruction of a cancerous tumor by poison

Chapter 5

The mechanism of destruction of a cancerous tumor by poison

The famous Hungarian researcher A. Balazs in the book “Biology of Tumors. Doubts and Hopes" (1987) discusses oncological topics:

“For humans, cell reproduction is a blessing, but it can also be a misfortune. It is good because it underlies the preservation of the appearance and growth of the individual, the healing of wounds and the body’s defense reactions. A misfortune occurs when this process gets out of the control of regulatory factors and uncontrolled tumor growth begins.” The scientist notes that there are practically no common identifying features for cancer cells under a microscope. This is a very important idea. It remains important for us even after the following clarification:

“Currently, not a single morphological feature is known that would be characteristic exclusively of cancer cells. However, a thorough study, assessment and comparison of changes observed by light-optical and electron microscopic methods will make it possible to confidently establish the malignant degeneration of cells.”

So, for cancer cells, not a single morphological feature is known that distinguishes them from normal cells. But we desperately need a distinctive feature of cancer cells, and one that can be used to destroy cancer cells without damaging normal cells!

However, why do biology, oncology and immunology look only for morphological (“constructive”) distinctive features of cancer cells and why always under a microscope? What if we look for the distinctive signs of cancer cells not morphologically and not under a microscope? If only these distinctive signs of cancer cells would allow the body to fight against cancer!

Let us remember one very important feature of cancer cells, which cannot be called morphological and which cannot be seen under a microscope: cancer cells are characterized by a higher level of metabolism (metabolism). This feature is the basis of the fact that cancer cells differ from normal cells by accelerated, uncontrolled reproduction, and then penetration, germination into surrounding healthy tissue and the formation of metastases. The famous oncologist A.I. Gnatyshak in the course “General Clinical Oncology” (1998) confidently says: “Any feature characteristic of all types of tumor cells that could determine the general mechanism of action of antitumor drugs is still unknown.” But we have in our hands a property that is characteristic of all cancer cells - their higher level of metabolism. We have one common property for the cells of a wide variety of cancer tumors.

A. Balazs (1987): “None of the treatment methods used in modern medicine is tumor specific. With their help, all dividing cells are destroyed, regardless of whether they are normal or cancerous. This alone should be considered as a great achievement in medicine, if we had at our disposal a tumor-specific substance that would destroy exclusively cancer cells. Unfortunately, we do not have such a substance. After all, as I have already emphasized, not a single truly “cancerous” reaction is known, not a single exclusively “cancerous” physiological or morphological sign. But this is precisely what makes clear the rationality of that truly Sisyphean work, which is aimed at finding at least one sign by which it would be possible to distinguish a cancer cell from a normal one!” But I can say that we have in our hands one such sign that allows us not so much to distinguish each and every cancer cell from normal cells (this is not necessary), but to destroy all and all cancer cells, leaving alive healthy normal cells of the body affected by cancer. disease. This sign is a higher metabolic rate! And this means a higher level of consumption of nutrients and plastic (“building”) substances, if you like, then a very high “gluttony” of cancer cells. Let us now try to “feed” the body of a person with a cancerous tumor with a special (not just any!) cellular poison in a very small dose. The result is shown schematically in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Diagram of the results of introducing a special poison into the body of a cancer patient

A fair question from the reader would be: what is this special poison that we are talking about? Not every poison with which humanity is familiar is suitable.

The division of cells during their reproduction in the human body is specially called “mitosis”. This is the so-called indirect cell division. So, the only poison needed is what is called “antimitotic,” that is, it interrupts and destroys cell division (mitosis)—the dividing cell dies, leaving no offspring. The savvy reader has already prepared a question: modern oncology also uses antimitotic poisons during chemotherapy. What is the difference? Modern chemotherapy of cancerous tumors originates from an accidental anti-cancer result obtained after a gas attack, and moreover, during the First World War. Chemotherapy gained particular momentum in the years after World War II, when it was proven that a derivative of the powerful chemical warfare agent mustard gas (mustard gas) - nitrogen mustard - has an antitumor effect. Since then, more than 300 thousand substances have been tested for anticancer (cytostatic) activity. As a result, in 1975, 30 antitumor substances were used in clinics to treat cancer, and by the end of the 80s - about 70. All cytostatics are poisons. These include a group of poisons - antimitotic substances (antimitotics). These substances are plant extracts, alkaloids of the Vinca species. The most famous of them are vinblastine and vincristine.

Chemotherapy drugs first damage and then destroy a wide variety of dividing cells in the body, cancerous and normal. Cytostatics are toxic, and this (unfortunately, only this!) determines the limits of permissible dosages in chemotherapy. All cytostatics, to one degree or another, damage the body’s immune system, which may be defenseless against infections and viruses. Cytostatics suppress the formation of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets in the hematopoietic organs, which leads to bleeding and reduced resistance to infections. Plasma calcium levels may decrease. Inflammation and bleeding of the oral mucosa appear; damage to the lining of the stomach and intestines causes loss of appetite and nausea. Pigmentation may increase on the skin, small ulcers may appear on the skin of the feet and palms; hair loss begins, which sometimes leads to complete baldness. Sometimes there are dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys, lungs and heart muscle. Most cytostatics also weaken sexual function, which leads to temporary impotence in men and to menstrual irregularities in women. Large doses of alkylating substances (cytostatics of another type) also damage the central nervous system, which manifests itself in dizziness, vomiting, neuritis, hearing loss, and, as an exception, even muteness. All of the listed side effects never occur all together.

The use of poisons to cure cancer requires compliance with a number of simple rules.

1. Treatment of a cancerous tumor with poisons must begin, regardless of the degree of tumor development. Naturally, the earlier treatment is started, the faster and easier the cure. In some cases, you may not have time to achieve a cure; there may simply not be enough time for this. But the person gets rid of severe pain. In these latter cases, no other treatment methods can save the patient.

2. To a certain extent, cytostatic poisons damage all cells capable of reproducing, both tumor and normal. The task is to choose a method of treatment with poisons that would harm the tumor cells and destroy them without causing noticeable damage to normal cells of the body. Such methods have been found and are known.

3. To bring the active substance of the poison closer to the cancer cells in the required quantity, it is advisable to additionally inject poisons, for example, into the rectum if there is a tumor in it, etc.

4. Treatment with poisons must be started without paying attention to previous surgical or radiological interventions.

Usually the patient's condition improves (remission), and the symptoms of the disease weaken. A fairly rapid final recovery of the patient, although it occurs, is not typical. As a rule, treatment should continue for a fairly long time (several months, and in severe cases several years).

Please note, dear reader, how official oncology behaves, all over the world! In order to achieve the final recovery of the patient as quickly as possible, immediately after the first course of treatment with a cytostatic, the highest doses that the patient can tolerate are used (A. Balazs, 1987), and later a maintenance dose is prescribed. In this way, formal chemotherapy destroys both cancer cells and normal cells. As a result, the patient most often dies. The scheme of action of chemotherapy is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the results of modern chemotherapy: both cancer and normal cells die, the body dies.

A. Balazs (1987) speaks honestly about chemotherapy: “It is absolutely clear that treatment, even during periods of remission, is a serious mental test for both the patient and his loved ones.”

Patients who have undergone treatment with poisons usually remember with horror the chemotherapy treatment they had previously undergone. It is difficult to find a reasonable explanation for such a general chemotherapeutic “madness” of modern oncology, but the fact remains a fact.

At the same time, the author finally managed to observe a doctor who successfully practices cancer patients, whose actions are based, in my opinion, on the transfer of some poisons long used in oncology to concentrations close to those recommended in the methods of traditional healers - V.V. Tishchenko and others.

It is necessary to very significantly reduce the dosage of official chemotherapy, without at the same time bringing them to ineffectiveness or to a state of balance in the body of anti-cancer and cancer effects. In this case, the treatment time increases, but the literally murderous effect on the patient of official chemotherapy, which has long earned an extremely bad reputation among patients, disappears.

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The truth about the occurrence of tumors

Science says that every adult at any time has approximately 10 million mutant cells that differ from normal cells in at least one gene. Mutations can be caused by chemical, physical, or viral carcinogens, but most often appear simply as a result of random errors when copying the genome during cell division. Each (!) mutant cell can give rise to the development of a malignant tumor. However, the body's defenses, more precisely, natural selection at the cellular level (the immune system in this regard plays only a secondary role) destroys all mutant cells and their offspring (clones of descendant cells). Only sometimes (in about 17% of people) one such clone in the body is not destroyed due to defects in the system of natural selection at the cellular level. It is from this clone that a malignant (not yet cancerous) tumor develops. It grows very slowly, taking glucose from neighboring normal cells in an oxygen-free (anaerobic) mode.
This tumor does not have blood vessels, is not diagnosed and does not manifest itself in any way for 6, 10, or even 20 years. But when the number of cells in it reaches about 1 million (less than the head of a pin), capillaries of the circulatory system begin to grow into the tumor. Now the tumor receives all the substances it needs (oxygen, glucose, cholesterol, etc.) from the blood.
A malignant tumor turns into a cancerous one and acquires its ominous properties - unbridled growth, the ability to germinate into surrounding tissues and organs, the ability to metastasize throughout the body.

Do we treat or kill?

What treatment methods exist today? Doctors themselves recognize the surgical method as palliative, that is, bringing only more or less long-term relief. Most often, the operation contributes to the death of the patient. Chemotherapy with its poisons actually destroys cancer cells, but... along with normal ones.
Unconventional methods remain. It is known that a significant number of people were cured of cancer using the methods of R. Breuss, M. Gerson, G. S. Shatalova, N. V. Shevchenko, Katsudzo Nishi, etc. Unfortunately, the scientific principles of these methods have not been published, but in their description So many mistakes have been made that it is extremely rare to repeat success.
As for the methods of treatment with poisons, this is, in fact, a type of chemotherapy (only without its catastrophic consequences). Their main difference is a clear scientific basis and reproducibility.

Which poison is better

Poisons can cure cancer. A special place among them is occupied by the so-called antimitotic (suppressing mitosis - the process of cell division) poisons. Some use chemotherapy, using the highest doses the patient can tolerate. In this case, normal dividing cells, especially in the hematopoietic organs, are destroyed along with cancer cells. For many years, doctors have been looking for that distinctive feature of cancer cells, by which the poison could selectively affect them, bypassing healthy cells. However, such a sign, one might say, lies on the surface. This is a higher metabolic rate. Cancer cells turn out to be much more voracious. This means that it remains to choose a method of treatment with poisons so that the cancer cells die and the normal ones survive.
And now the research task was formulated as follows: to find two or three different poisons, available to every patient, capable of defeating all forms of cancer when used alternately and in minimal doses.

Plant poisons against cancer

Traditional medicine, groping its way, has followed the path of searching for antimitotic poisons that can be used in very small doses. The most valuable discovery turned out to be highly toxic plant poisons with antimitotic action: - coniine (an alkaloid from the hemlock plant);
- colchicine and colchamine (alkaloids from the corms of the magnificent colchicum and autumn crocus);
- aconitine (an alkaloid of the plant aconite, or fighter).
Each of these poisons has been proven to cure cancer. Treatment must begin immediately, regardless of the degree of tumor development and whether surgical or radiological treatment has already been performed. In advanced cases, there is a danger that there will not be enough time for a complete cure, but the person gets rid of severe pain. Improvement usually occurs quickly, but, as a rule, treatment should continue for several months, and in severe cases, several years.

How to use plant poisons

Cancer cells can develop resistance to one poison or another, so two (or more) different poisons cannot be used simultaneously to cure cancer. You should also not use the same poison for too long (for plant alkaloids - no more than 8 months).
The most popular anti-cancer poison is coniine from spotted hemlock. Methods for preparing alcoholic tincture of hemlock and treating cancer with it were developed by V.V. Tishchenko.

Method No. 1 (royal) involves taking 1 to 40 drops of tincture once a day, adding one drop each day, then reducing it to 1 drop, and so on for several cycles in a row until recovery.
There are special techniques for the weakened, for children and for especially severe cases. Hemlock tincture is available for sale in some pharmacies.
Colchicum alkaloids are approximately 4 times more poisonous than coniine. The method of application is similar to the royal one with hemlock, but the maximum dose is 4 times less, that is, 10 drops. You can buy autumn colchicum tincture in homeopathic pharmacies.
The most powerful poison for curing cancer is aconitine, an alkaloid from the plant aconite (fighter). If you follow the royal method, the intake is only one drop per day! Only specialist herbalists can prepare this tincture.
When using such highly toxic drugs, it is necessary to strictly follow the procedure. Any amateur activity is unacceptable!
Following erroneous, ignorant recommendations, cancer patients delay their healing or die.
Please note:
Oxygen cocktails and turpentine baths according to Zalmanov, massage, and intense physical activity are contraindicated. Any improvement in the supply of oxygen to healthy cells is primarily used by cancer cells to accelerate the proliferation and spread of metastases.
A carbohydrate diet and refusal to eat proteins are contraindicated. The tumor's only food product is glucose, so the amount of carbohydrates and the total amount of food must be reduced. Losing weight is beneficial. However, proteins (boiled meat, poultry, fish) must be included in the diet. Fasting when treated with poisons is not recommended.
You cannot help poisons with other medicinal herbs and remedies, since any beneficial effect on cancer cells partially or completely destroys the effect of the poison
Urine therapy, acupuncture, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, and mumiyo can only cause harm in the treatment of cancer.
Smoking and alcohol in any quantities, fresh strong tea and coffee, acidic foods and sour drinks (neutralize poisons), seaweed, spicy, salty and fried foods are strictly contraindicated for cancer patients when treated with poisons.

The roots of peony evasive have long been included in anti-cancer agents. Patients receive significant improvement in the treatment of cancerous tumors with an infusion of peony root. For stomach cancer, it is recommended to collect the roots in May. The roots are dried and an infusion is prepared at a concentration of 1:10. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Cancer Treatment for the Poor

All poisons considered have a nicotine-like effect. This gave grounds to M. Ya. Zholondz to supplement the list of strong poisons with antimitotic action with the alkaloid of the tobacco plant - nicotine. There is already some practical experience of the successful use of this poison to cure cancer.
It is recommended to use tobacco from one pack of Belomorkanal cigarettes. Place all the tobacco in a clean 200 ml jar with a tight lid, fill to the top with alcohol (vodka), close and place in the refrigerator for two weeks, shaking daily. After two weeks, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze, settled and carefully drained from the sediment. It turns out about 100 ml of a transparent tincture of a brownish-greenish color. It is better to store it in the refrigerator. One course of treatment lasting 78 days requires 14 ml of tobacco tincture. The tincture is enough for 6-7 courses. The method of application is similar to method No. 1 (royal) by V.V. Tishchenko: every morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals, drink tobacco tincture in drops with 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature according to the scheme: the first 3 days - 1 drop, then add every three days 1 drop until reaching 13 drops per day (for 6 days). Then, in the same way, reduce the dose by 1 drop per day every 3 days. Remember: tobacco tincture is a strong poison! No overdose is allowed. You should write POISON on the can! and keep out of the reach of children and drunkards. In case of poisoning, immediately call a doctor, take 30 tablets of activated carbon, then rinse the stomach until vomiting, drink strong tea.
After 8 months, if it is necessary to continue treatment, it is advisable to switch to another of the above alkaloids.