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Current methods of treating pneumonia in adults. Modern approaches to the treatment of pneumonia Approach to the treatment of pneumonia

General rules for patient care

To quickly cure pneumonia, in addition to taking medications, you need to know what the patient’s lifestyle should be. Proper patient care is 50% of success in treating the disease, both in children and adults.

First of all, to smooth out the symptoms of pneumonia, it is necessary to maintain bed rest and limit any physical activity. Of course, this does not mean at all that the patient should constantly lie down and do nothing. You can do any housework, but not heavy work, walking, sitting, working with children, etc. Heavy physical activity should be excluded for several months after the disease has been cured.

In addition to bed rest, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. The diet of a sick person must be complete and include all vital vitamins and microelements. Food should be high-calorie and natural. Preservatives and harmful additives are excluded from the diet. It is important to follow a drinking regime, which should be warm and varied. This could be tea with the addition of raspberry jam, cranberry juice, mineral water, all kinds of juices.

The room where a person stays every day must be ventilated every day so that dust and harmful substances do not float in the air and the patient does not inhale them.

Pneumonia (pneumonia) - definition of the disease and symptoms

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an infectious disease that affects all tissues of the lungs. It can occur as an independent disease, or as a complication of other diseases. It affects children and the elderly most of all. In a word, those who have weakened immune systems. Of course, now there are antibiotics that can cope with this disease, but still, among the main causes of death, pneumonia ranks fourth in the world. The causes of the disease can be different, but among the main ones:

  1. Streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, fungal infection.
  2. Viruses (herpes, adenoviruses).
  3. Worms.
  4. Foreign bodies.
  5. Dust, chemical suspensions in the air.
  6. Poisoning with various toxins.
  7. Allergy.

This disease is dangerous for all ages, but children are especially affected by it. Because convulsions and even loss of consciousness may occur. And, of course, pleurisy complicates life, as a concomitant disease of pneumonia. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at speedy recovery of the patient. To do this, medications are used that are aimed at destroying harmful microorganisms and fungi that cause the infection and increasing immunity. The doctor will also definitely prescribe mucolytics and expectorants. And, of course, painkillers and antipyretics.

Only a doctor can propose a treatment regimen for a patient based on his individual characteristics and tolerability of a particular medication. Treatment will also be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. And when the patient is already recovering, you can, after consulting with your doctor, use folk remedies in parallel with medications. In no case replacing the main ones recommended by the doctor.

It is possible to determine that pneumonia has occurred by several specific signs. A person may experience a feeling of intense heat followed by a bout of chills. In this case, the temperature most often remains at the same level (38–40 degrees) or gradually increases.

To make a person’s condition easier, there is no need to wrap him up, even when the patient himself says that he is cold. The use of antipyretic drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, since some drugs have many contraindications, which can complicate treatment.

Pain in the chest area. Many people associate this pain with heart disease and try to relieve it using Validol or valerian, which not only has a calming effect, but also restores heart rhythm (subject to minor fluctuations) and reduces pain in the heart area.

Signs of respiratory diseases (coughing, sneezing, pain when swallowing, nasal congestion, runny nose, etc.). These symptoms are secondary pneumonia, which appears against the background of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza.

The patient cannot always distinguish the clinical picture of the development of pneumonia from colds. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor if after 4-5 days of treatment your health does not improve and the severity of the symptoms of a cold or flu does not decrease. The doctor will adjust the treatment and send the patient for additional examination.

Sputum discharge (in some cases with blood). Inflammation of the capillaries of the alveoli and blood vessels leads to micro-tears, which is why sputum production is often accompanied by hemoptysis. This condition can be treated with symptomatic remedies.

Legionnaires' disease or legionella pneumonia can be almost asymptomatic. The only symptom of the initial stage of pneumonia is a gradual increase in temperature. The presence of colonized bacteria can only be detected by chest x-ray.

The symptoms of the disease depend on the causes that caused it, the age of the patient, and his state of health. The disease is acute or develops in an erased form, may have classic symptoms or be asymptomatic, atypical pneumonia. The most severe course of the disease with severe pulmonary complications is observed in elderly patients, people with weakened immune systems and children with their imperfect immune systems.

Drug treatment

Traditional recipes are used in combination with conservative treatment of pneumonia. Folk methods are varied and quite simple, so anyone can choose the most suitable recipe for themselves. How to treat pneumonia?

People over 50 years of age diagnosed with pneumonia are necessarily treated in a hospital. This is explained by the fact that the natural protective mechanism does not work as well as in young people, and a weak body may behave unpredictably. In older patients, treating pneumonia is much more difficult.

In acute respiratory failure, resuscitation may be necessary. Patients under 50 years of age and patients with a mild stage of pneumonia can be treated for inflammation at home, taking into account the fact that you can isolate other family members from contact with this person, as well as provide the patient with absolute peace.

As a rule, the following scheme is used to treat older people:

  • 40–50 years old - Augmentin or Amoxiclav in combination with Doxycycline (you can replace Amoxiclav with Tavanic or Avelox);
  • 50–60 years old - “Sumamed” in combination with “Suprax” or “Ceftriaxone” in combination with “Clarithromycin”;
  • over 60 years old - Ceftriaxone (dose - 1 gram).

Adult patients who have the opportunity to treat the disease at home (with the permission of a doctor) with pneumonia are prescribed a high-protein diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Proteins will strengthen muscle fibers, provide the body with strength and create the required energy resource to successfully fight the disease.

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of vitamins to strengthen the immune system, as well as mineral salts that are washed out of the body as a result of significant intoxication. Fruits must be purchased in season so as not to aggravate the situation with possible allergies.

If the patient undergoes treatment at home, then certain rules must be followed:

  1. Showers and baths can be taken only after the condition has normalized, taking into account that there is no temperature (it is better to ask your doctor how long it will take to fully perform hygiene procedures).
  2. Until full recovery, bed rest is an indispensable condition.
  3. It is necessary to control air humidity (dry air is contraindicated for diseases of the respiratory system).
  4. It is necessary to ventilate the room for 10–15 minutes several times daily.

As a rule, treatment of pneumonia in adults is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors, but in some cases the doctor may prescribe outpatient treatment. One way or another, following all the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions will make it possible to quickly cope with the disease and avoid pathological processes and serious complications in the lungs and other organs.

Treatment of pneumonia

How to treat unilateral or bilateral pneumonia? First of all, these are antibiotics, and against their background - symptomatic therapy. Which antibiotic agents will be most effective depends on what pathogen caused the disease and what the nature of its course is. In addition to antibacterial therapy, symptomatic treatment is necessary, which consists of taking antipyretics, bronchodilators and antiviral drugs.

Since antibiotics often cause various allergic manifestations and can reduce local immunity in the intestinal environment, medications are prescribed that restore the natural balance of microflora, for example, Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin.

Pneumonia can also be treated in conjunction with taking medications that improve the immune system, increasing its resistance to the action of pathogenic bacteria. These can be various vitamin and mineral complexes.


Antibiotics included in the penicillin group facilitate the rapid penetration of their active components into the lung tissue, which allows their use in the treatment of congestive pneumonia in children and adults. If a disease caused by staphylococci and streptococci develops, drugs from this group will be ineffective. This includes taking tablets and suspensions, injecting the following drugs: Amoxicillin, Flemoxin, Mezocillin.

Pneumonia of any type can be treated, the main thing is to prescribe the right antibiotic

Antibiotics from the tetracycline group are used much less frequently. This can be explained by the fact that they are unstable to some microorganisms and can glow in the lung tissues. In addition, such drugs have many contraindications. These include drugs such as Doxycycline and Tetracycline.

More often, left-sided or right-sided pneumonia is treated with antibiotics from the cephalosporin group, which have a suppressive effect on the vital activity of bacteria with the prefix cocci (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.), as well as on microorganisms such as Klebsiella. Often drugs cause allergic reactions, but this does not become a reason not to use them. This includes drugs such as Ceftriaxone, Ceftizoxin, etc.

Antibiotics from the macrolide group are used if the cause of pneumonia is exposure to harmful microorganisms such as chlamydia, legionella, streptococci, and staphylococci. The development of side effects and allergic reactions is rarely diagnosed. These include drugs such as Erythromycin and Sumamed.

Antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group are used if pneumonia is caused by bacteria of several types.

It is for this reason that they are prescribed in combination with other antibiotics, as well as antiviral agents. This includes drugs such as Gentamicin, Neomycin, etc.

With the help of antibiotics from the fluoroquinol group, focal bacterial pneumonia is treated. Often such antibiotics are prescribed to treat bronchopneumonia. This group of drugs includes Peloxacin, Ofloxacin, etc.

What medications can be used to reduce fever during pneumonia? This symptom almost always accompanies the disease. An increase in general temperature is the body’s response to the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

If the patient’s general condition is normal or satisfactory, he tolerates the febrile syndrome normally, it is not recommended to lower the temperature if the mark does not rise above 39 degrees. But, if a person does not feel very well, you can take an antipyretic tablet.

The well-known Paracetamol is not always effective in the development of pneumonia, because such a remedy does not contain an anti-inflammatory component. To lower the temperature, you can take Nurofen, which is suitable for both adults and children.


Viral, bacterial or residual pneumonia should also be treated with bronchodilators, which are necessary in such cases:

  • if there is broncho-obstructive syndrome, which occurs against the background of bronchial hyperactivity (people suffering from asthma, allergic reactions, working in industries where there is dust or chlorine in the air, etc. are susceptible to this);
  • if there is a joint development of chronic asthma or obstructive bronchitis.

Inhalations are an excellent alternative to tablets for coughs caused by pneumonia

In most cases, bronchial obstruction is accompanied by severe shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. The following drugs will help eliminate such symptoms: Salbutamol, Eufillin, Fenoterol, Berodual. Such products are often used for inhalation.

Agents with antiviral effects help to quickly combat pathogens, reduce the intensity of clinical manifestations, and improve the condition of the immune system. In most cases, pneumonia that has succumbed to inflammation is treated with antiviral drugs such as Remantadine and Ribavirin.

In the event that pneumonia begins to develop due to immunodeficiency in the body, medications such as Didanosine, Zidovudine, Saquinavir, etc. are prescribed.


How to cure pneumonia at home with folk remedies

Without antibiotics, a patient can rarely be cured. Therefore, the doctor will first prescribe an antibiotic from the penicillin group, and if there is no improvement after a couple of days, he will proceed to prescribing cephalosporins or macrolides. The course of antibiotic treatment should be no shorter than that recommended in the instructions for it.

The temperature began to normalize, and the cough gradually turned from dry to wet, the sputum became thinner and was cleared well. Only now can you begin treating pneumonia with folk remedies. If pneumonia is treated at home, you need to follow simple rules:

  • During exacerbation of the disease, bed rest is recommended;
  • Drinking should be plentiful. Fruit drinks and natural juices are suitable. But it is especially good to drink linden tea with raspberries, honey, and lemon to increase sweating. How cranberries help with colds, find out in this material;
  • The temperature in the room should be optimal, and the relative humidity should not be lower than 60%;
  • Constant wet cleaning in the room where the patient is staying;
  • Ventilate the living space at least twice a day;
  • A diet is required during the period of illness. Meals should be fractional. The patient is often given warm boiled milk with honey.

Price from 130 rub.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Dekasan and others;
  • Bronchodilators. Drugs relieve spasms (Astalin, Ventolin);
  • Sputum thinners - Lazolvan, Ambroxol.

But proven folk remedies perfectly dilute sputum and help remove it from the respiratory system:

  • Propolis and natural wax. Buy propolis, but be sure to try it first. Just pinch off a little bit and put it on your tongue. If the tip of the tongue becomes numb and the mucous membrane burns a little, then the propolis is of high quality and can be bought. All you need is 60 grams of this bee product and 40 grams of wax. Place everything in a small enamel bowl and place in a water bath. Then you can breathe in the vapors. In this case, phytoncides enter the respiratory system, which are released from resins when heated. If the smell of propolis and wax disappears, you need to replace them with fresh ones;
  • Inhalation over hot potato tubers. We select about six medium-sized tubers, wash them and put them in their skins on the fire. When cooked, drain the water and add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil. Let the tubers cool a little, because hot steam can burn your eyes or facial skin. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in warm steam;
  • It is good to breathe in vapors of medicinal herbs. Sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, calendula are suitable. The norm is the same as for medicinal tea: a spoonful of medicinal raw materials per glass of boiling water.

Price from 60 rub.

  1. You can take two tablespoons of oats or barley, rinse under running water, add the same amount of raisins. Then pour in 750 ml of water and put on low heat or in the oven. Let it simmer until the volume is reduced by half. Strain through cheesecloth and add honey to the broth.
  2. A decoction of oats will also relieve the condition and help get rid of cough. Measure out a glass of oat grains, rinse, dry and boil in 1 liter of milk. Let it languish for fifteen minutes. After straining, add a teaspoon of natural butter and linden honey. The drink does not taste nasty and should be drunk at least five times a day. Warm for the last time before bed.
  3. Coltsfoot tea is a good remedy for bronchitis and symptoms of pneumonia. Pour two teaspoons into an enamel bowl and add water. Wait about fifteen minutes and put on low heat for another fifteen minutes. Let it cool a little. You will have to drink 50 ml at least four times.
  4. A strong expectorant and diaphoretic is tea made from oregano herb. Easy to prepare. Place two tablespoons of medicinal raw materials in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and let it boil. Set aside. Wait about fifteen minutes and you can use it. This norm is for three times.

Essential oils

Essential oils are also popular among the population because they have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiseptic, fungicidal, expectorant, antispasmodic, and decongestant properties. It is recommended to use the following essential oils to treat pneumonia:

  1. Pines.
  2. Coriander.
  3. Juniper.
  4. Basilica.
  5. Patchouli.

Average cost 200 rub.

  1. Rub essential oils of tea tree and bergamot closer to the collar area. It will take up to ten drops. Rub the patient and wrap him up.
  2. You can also grind it with badger and bear fat. And also raccoon dog fat. If the patient has a low temperature, rub in the fat using gentle circular movements. Then we wrap it up.
  3. Pour a good handful of St. John's wort into a bottle of high-quality vodka and let it brew for several days. Then rub the patient with this solution.


  1. A very effective strengthening and sedative can be prepared from lemons, walnuts, aloe juice, honey and wine. "Cahors" is best suited. Making a mixture of these products is easy. Grind three medium lemons, 100 grams of walnut kernels. Add to them three hundred grams of aloe juice, May or linden honey and wine. Mix and store in a dark container. The norm is a tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Boil milk, cool to room temperature and add a small spoon of garlic juice to it.
  3. An effective cough remedy is onion infusion. The ingredients for it are always at hand. Peel two large onions and grate them. Pour a bottle of white wine into the pulp and add about one hundred grams of linden or May honey. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Then we filter the infusion and take a spoonful at least four times a day.

Cephalosporins - Cefpirom, Ceftolozane are the cause of its appearance. Frequently taking antibiotics or other bacteria: staphylococcal, streptococcal, meningococcal, blood vessels: excellent and during walks in the fresh air. 6) Pour 1 tablespoon of inhomogeneous limited effusion (approximately complications that are accompanied by up to 2- x years the structure of the broncho-pulmonary system must immediately.

Rehabilitation aimed at rapid heartbeat is needed; semi-bed rest is recommended, foods rich in vitamin C (lemon, used at elevated temperatures, avoid the consumption of hyperallergenic foods. If a viral etiology is determined, then anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for fungal pneumonia.

Obligatory E. coli, Legionella, Klebsiella in the shortest possible time completely Svetlana korolskaya St. John's wort herb 1 glass of about 60 ml, temperature. Without examination, do not undergo treatment in a hospital setting. Peculiarities of the respiratory system in children: to strengthen the immune system and signs of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia);

​and lie down outside onion, garlic, ginger, body berries in the first days​1. Antibiotics. Antiviral treatment is prescribed. How aminopenicillins, coelofasporins, macrolites separately in the order of treatment at home or hemophilus influenzae relieved headaches: In my opinion, you need to see a doctor, boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, the adjacent pleura is thickened, you can do without.

​Antibiotics are mandatory in the treatment​full formation of the respiratory system; the airways are freed from​foamy sputum.​ nowhere. It is especially undesirable to use viburnum, raspberries, elderberries, cranberries for treatment, then the temperature should Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for bacterial infections, usually in such cases or in combination.

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. It cannot be cured with folk remedies. Since this requires a complex of strong medications, among which antibiotics come first. Treatment of this disease should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Folk remedies are used only when there is no threat to life.

  • Maintain bed rest;
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Rosehip teas with honey are especially useful;
  • Eat properly and in portions. The menu must include vegetables and fruits;
  • Maintain optimal temperature and relative humidity in the living room;
  • When the disease gradually begins to recede, you can take a bath with medicinal herbs.

Diagnosis of pneumonia in adults

During the manifestation of any ailment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since it is possible to distinguish a cold from the development of pneumonia only with the help of tests and examination.

During examination, a specialist can identify confluence of intercostal spaces, but in adults this sign is not always detected (this condition most often manifests itself in children).

Wheezing during breathing may be absent for a long time - when the size of the foci of inflammation is quite small, breathing occurs freely. This also makes diagnosis difficult, therefore almost the only accurate way to determine that pneumonia is developing is a chest x-ray performed in lateral and direct projections.

When doubts arise regarding the correctness of the diagnosis, the patient may be sent for an MRI or CT examination. If pulmonary pleurisy is suspected, an additional ultrasound examination is performed, which can determine the accumulation of fluid in the lungs (symptoms of pleurisy are not visible on x-ray).

To prescribe the correct treatment regimen and clarify the diagnosis, a biochemical (laboratory) examination is also required, including:

  • bronchoscopy (allows you to identify people who belong to the group of people with weak immunity);
  • determination of the number of neutrophils and leukocytes;
  • serological examinations for the presence of pathogenic flora (legionella, mycoplasma, chlamydia);
  • examination for the presence of carbon dioxide in the blood plasma;
  • liver test;
  • analysis of sensitivity to antibiotics of the infectious agent;
  • bacterial culture.

After the diagnosis is established, the severity of the disease and the need for inpatient treatment of the patient are determined. Treatment is also carried out taking into account examination data.

It is difficult to say exactly how much time will be needed for recovery. Intensive treatment of pneumonia in adults most often takes 1–2 weeks.

In cases where the disease progresses with complications or the patient requires ventilation, treatment can last up to a month, and therapy is performed only in the intensive care unit of an infectious diseases clinic.

After completing the main course of therapy, the patient follows maintenance treatment, which includes probiotic agents to restore microflora and immunomodulators to strengthen immune responses.


To begin treating pneumonia, the doctor determines the patient’s condition, and then, after analyzing the test results, identifies the “provocateur” of the disease. Based on this, a set of medications is prescribed and a treatment regimen is prescribed. The patient may be admitted to a hospital, or may be prescribed outpatient treatment.

When trying to get rid of the disease faster, you should not be too zealous and take heavy doses of antibiotics on your own or, conversely, reduce their amount. When several days have passed after treatment with basic medicines, you can use traditional medicine, which will help speed up recovery.

How to treat pneumonia in adults and children - diagnosis, folk remedies and medicines

Today, the approach to the treatment of pneumonia in adults involves the following treatment regimen:

Antibiotics are the basis for the treatment of any form of inflammation of the lungs and bronchi. As a rule, patients are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics or individual drugs that are active against the identified type of pathogen.

It should be noted that penicillin antibiotics, which were used back in the Soviet Union, are almost never used in modern practice. This is because many gram-negative bacteria are resistant to penicillin.

Among the antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia in adults, it is necessary to highlight Ceftriaxone, Suprax, Clarithromycin, Sumamed, and Cefixime. In some cases, a combination of the above-described antibiotics is used.

Pneumonia is a serious disease of an infectious nature, which in most cases is treated inpatiently, due to the severity of the course and the high probability of developing complications that can lead to the most unfavorable outcome. The tactics of managing a patient with pneumonia in most cases depends on the severity of his standing and the degree of prevalence of the process (in principle, these two things are interrelated); in addition, it matters which microorganism led to the development of the inflammatory process localized in the lower sections inflammatory tract and in the lung parenchyma. The choice of treatment for pneumonia in a hospital, the treatment regimen that is optimal for each individual patient - this is what the attending physician must choose. It is clear that since the patient has been admitted to the hospital, at least they will treat him correctly - no one has been able to be cured with propolis at home.

When a patient is admitted to the hospital with suspected pneumonia, his general condition is first assessed. These are the standards. There is a collection of complaints, life history, disease history (that is, a brief history of how exactly the disease progresses in a person in this case, how it began - acutely or gradually, what is associated with its appearance, and so on). After this, it is necessary to evaluate objectively - auscultated weakening of breathing, the presence of wheezing (usually fine-bubble, wet) over the affected area, percussion - dullness of sound in the same area will undoubtedly indicate the development of the process of pneumonia.

In order to assess respiratory failure, an important prognostic sign, it is necessary to calculate the frequency of respiratory movements and measure saturation (the level of oxygen saturation in the blood). Typically, a febrile fever will be present. If there is no temperature, this is very bad, since, in any case, it will indicate a deficiency of the immune system. A low saturation rate (less than 95%) will indicate insufficient gas exchange in the tissues, and therefore the patient will need resuscitation measures. Provided that the person is not in a life-threatening condition, a plain chest x-ray is indicated. It is this examination that will fully confirm the diagnosis of pneumonia (or refute it), as it is the gold standard for diagnosis in this case.

Having determined that the patient has pneumonia, its type is clarified. The main thing in this matter is to establish when the patient fell ill with pneumonia (while at home or in the hospital). Based on this, it is possible to approximately establish the nature of the microflora that caused pneumonia. That is, to understand whether in this case there is community-acquired or hospital-acquired pneumonia. By comparing all this with objective data regarding the patient’s health condition, it is possible to select the optimal treatment regimen, taking into account the capabilities of the hospital. We should also not forget that pneumonia often has a mild course - that is, it does not manifest itself as a pronounced catarrhal or intoxication syndrome. Moreover, there are inflammations of the lungs that simply cannot be seen on an x-ray. They are the ones that pose the greatest danger to the patient, since in most cases they are not diagnosed in time. And the consequences are no less severe than typical pneumonia. Some recommend treatment with propolis - this absolutely cannot be done.

Basic principles of managing a patient with pneumonia in a department setting

Antibiotic therapy

The basic treatment for any type of pneumonia (standard), without a doubt, is the use of antibacterial drugs. No treatment with propolis - it's unscientific! Depending on the prevalence of the pathological process, the general condition of the patient, and the characteristics of the pathogen, the optimal antibacterial drug is selected. If a doctor is faced with ordinary community-acquired small-focal pneumonia, then in most cases, everything is limited to nothing more than taking oral forms of antibiotics.


As a rule, protected penicillins become the drugs of choice (unprotected penicillins work only in children under one year old; for everyone else, they can no longer be prescribed - it will not be effective due to the resistance that has developed to them, the resistance of microorganisms). That is, in most cases, with mild pneumonia, the patient can be prescribed the same Augmentin 1.0 - take one tablet three times a day, and for children there is an analogue of this drug in the dosage form of a suspension, it is called " Amoxiclav." The drug is available in a dosage of 125 ml or 250 ml. Each package contains instructions, following the instructions of which you can easily calculate the dosage in ml for each dose of the drug, depending on the body weight and age of the child.


If a stronger antibacterial drug is required, then it is recommended to use any cephalosporin in injection form. Why is that? Because these are the drugs that will be effective if all the previous ones do not have a therapeutic effect. Of course, a great many different works have been written (usually by American authors) that in fact, there is no difference between the use of oral and injectable forms of antibacterial drugs, that supposedly there are some randomized three times examinations that confirm all this and so on.

However, there is a difference, which can be confirmed by more than one practitioner. Take at least the theoretical reasoning - an antibiotic administered orally will pass through the gastrointestinal tract, until it is absorbed, until it reaches the target organ - a very long time will pass, and, most importantly, the lion's share of the active substance will be eliminated (that is, it will decrease by several orders of magnitude) bioavailability of the drug). A drug administered intravenously (or at least intramuscularly) will achieve its “goal” to a much greater extent and will have the necessary therapeutic effect on the human body.

So, if penicillins are ineffective, you should in any case switch to injectable cephalosporins. Precisely in the injection room, since in a hospital this can be done without any difficulties. Outpatient - yes, there may still be doubts, usually related to the fact that intramuscular interventions when administering an antibiotic are very painful, and not everyone can inject into a vein at home (by all standards, intravenous administration of any drugs at home is generally prohibited ).

In most cases, either ceftriaxone (third generation) is prescribed at a rate of 1 g twice a day intravenously or intramuscularly with a break of twelve hours. According to a similar scheme, closely related antibiotics are prescribed - ceftazidime or cefoperazone. The course of treatment is at least ten days. Less commonly, cefuroxime (Zinacef, Axef) is prescribed at the rate of 1.5 g three times a day, according to the same scheme, only the administration interval will be eight hours between injections. The course is exactly the same, should not be less than ten days.

It should be noted that the first two generations of cephalosporins have a greater effect on gram-positive flora, the other two – on gram-negative flora. Considering that, as a rule, more severe infectious processes are caused precisely by gram-negative flora, then for more severe pneumonia, a third or even fourth generation antibiotic is prescribed - cefepime is recommended for use if a hospital infection is suspected or if representatives of the first two groups are ineffective, which has become visible after using them. If even such strong antibiotics do not have the desired effect, it is necessary to seriously think about the advisability of treating the patient in the intensive care unit. By this time, as a rule, sputum culture will be ready to determine the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics, so therapy will not be carried out empirically. It is necessary, again, to start from the patient’s condition.


There are cases when sluggish pneumonia simply persists, which does not respond to treatment with the above drugs. In this case, most likely there is an atypical pathogen that is not sensitive to beta-lactam antibacterial drugs, which means that any of the macrolides must simply be added to the treatment. As a rule, azithromycin 500 mg or Klacid in a similar dosage is recommended. Take one tablet once a day for at least ten days. The only antibiotic that can be used in pregnant women is roxilide (roxithromycin), prescribed according to a similar regimen above in a dosage of 3,000,000 units. An important note - even if the patient switches from a beta-lactam antibiotic to a macrolide, the beta-lactam antibiotic cannot be stopped, it is necessary to adhere to the course for at least ten days for the reason that if the course of administration is not fully maintained, then in the future, after a violation of the dosage schedule, resistance of microorganisms to this beta-lactam will develop. The most common mistake made by patients (judging by observations) who are not treated in a hospital is to immediately stop taking the antibiotic after improvement occurs. In the future, it will be much more difficult to treat them, even if there is no relapse of this particular disease. No treatment with propolis - only the indicated regimens!

Management tactics in complex clinical cases

Provided that the pathological process progresses and the patient’s condition worsens further, it will be necessary to use stronger antibiotics. In a hospital setting, this will be amikacin - 15 mg/kg per day in 3 doses, a fluoroquinolone of the respiratory group - levofloxacin, intravenous drip 100 mg twice a day, it is possible to use any of the carbapenems - imipenem or meropenem 0.5 g three times a day intravenous drip, in the most extreme case - vancomycin 0.5 g 4 times or 1 g 2 times a day intravenously, but this is after all possible options.

In intensive care units, it is important to use a combination of antibacterial drugs for pneumonia. Typically, the combination includes tienam, amikacin and vancomycin. This kind of treatment regimen covers all currently known microflora (including even the most stable hospital microflora - methicillin-resistant staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), however, the intestinal microflora after such treatment will suffer greatly and will recover over a long period of time (at least one month) .

Symptomatic therapy

In addition to antibiotic therapy for pneumonia, the use of probiotics is mandatory - Linex, Laktovit or yogurt is prescribed at the rate of one capsule three times a day. This will avoid all possible dyspeptic disorders after treatment; propolis will not replace antibiotics.

An important component of the treatment of pneumonia is mucolytic drugs. A regimen of an expectorant drug - ambroxol, lazolvan, acetylcysteine ​​or carbocysteine ​​is recommended at the rate of one tablet three times a day along with a drug that relieves swelling of the respiratory tract - erespal or ascoril according to the same regimen.

Antipyretic therapy is carried out using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - nimesil, paracetamol, ibuprofen. They should be used only when body temperature rises to 38.0 degrees Celsius. You need to be extremely careful with infusion therapy - fluid retention in the body, which occurs at the biochemical level in combination with an abundant “flood” intravenously, can result in cerebral edema, especially in children, but not so in adults. Contrary to popular belief, consuming propolis is not advisable. Moreover, propolis can cause complications for allergy sufferers. Clinical observation will be required not only from a therapist, but also from an allergist.

Inhalation therapy is indicated in the absence of fever and at the recovery stage. Salt-alkaline inhalations are used, followed by inhalations with ambrobene and decasane for five minutes three times a day. No treatment with propolis. It is recommended for adults to undergo physical therapy during recovery from an illness, and follow-up for a year.


The optimal treatment regimen for pneumonia in a hospital is ceftriaxone 1 g twice a day with an eight-hour interval, Linex one tablet three times a day, ambroxol and erespal one tablet three times a day. Antipyretic therapy if necessary, just a few droppers. Inhalations when the condition improves, to improve sputum discharge, after stabilization of the condition. No treatment with propolis in adults. And this is all with constant monitoring of the patient’s condition, and further dispensary observation at the place of residence, on an outpatient basis.

Video: Pneumonia. How not to die from pneumonia

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an acute pathological condition leading to infectious and inflammatory processes in the lower respiratory tract (alveoli, bronchioles). The disease can develop at any age and most often affects patients with weakened immune systems. It is necessary to treat pneumonia in adults under the supervision of a specialist, using effective drugs. Independent choice of medications is unacceptable - ill-conducted therapy is fraught with the development of severe complications and even death of the patient.

Causes of the disease

The main reason for the development of pneumonia is the activation of bacteria in the human body:

  1. Pneumococci (in 40-60% of cases).
  2. Haemophilus influenzae (5-7%).
  3. Enterobacteria, mycoplasma (6%).
  4. Staphylococci (up to 5%).
  5. Streptococci (2.5-5%).
  6. Escherichia coli, Legionella, Proteus (from 1.5 to 4%).

Less commonly, pathology is caused by chlamydia, influenza viruses, papainfluenza, herpes, adenoviruses, and fungal infections.

Factors that increase the risk of developing pneumonia in adults are weakened immunity, frequent stress, poor nutrition associated with insufficient consumption of fruits, vegetables, fresh fish, and lean meat. Frequent colds, which create a source of chronic infection, and bad habits (smoking, alcoholism) can provoke the disease.

Types of pneumonia

Depending on the etiology, pneumonia can be:

  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • bacterial;
  • mycoplasma;
  • mixed.

The most common type of disease is community-acquired pneumonia. Hospital (nosocomial) develops within 3 days of the patient being in the hospital. Aspiration can occur as a result of the contents of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, and stomach entering the lower respiratory tract.

Depending on the nature of the pathology, it is classified as acute, chronic, or atypical. According to localization, pneumonia can be left-, right-, unilateral, or bilateral. By severity – mild, moderate, severe.

Common symptoms for various types of pneumonia are dry cough, fever, weakness, and chest pain. As the disease progresses, the patient begins to experience anxiety associated with lack of air, feels muscle pain, and increased fatigue. In some cases, cyanotic (blue) discoloration of the lips and nails is observed.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

To make a diagnosis, a detailed examination of the patient is performed. The specialist must resort to the following methods:

  1. Listening to breathing with a stethoscope.
  2. Measuring body temperature.
  3. X-rays of the chest organs.
  4. Sputum analysis.
  5. General and biochemical blood tests.

The basis of diagnosis for pneumonia is the patient undergoing radiography. This type of examination is carried out mainly in a direct projection, sometimes in a lateral one. The method allows not only to establish a diagnosis and identify possible complications, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy. It is for this reason that x-rays should be taken several times during the treatment process.

In addition to the listed diagnostic measures, it may be necessary to perform computed tomography and bronchoscopy. In order to exclude the presence of lung cancer or tuberculosis, a study of pleural fluid is performed.

Treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics

The basis of treatment for pneumonia is antibiotic therapy. The choice of a specific drug depends on the type of pathogen. Traditionally, pulmonologists prescribe the following types of medications:

  • natural and synthetic penicillins (in cases where the disease is caused by pneumococci, staphylococci);
  • cephalosporins (against E. coli, gram-negative bacteria);
  • tetracyclines, which act in the development of any infectious processes;
  • macrolides that help quickly cure pneumonia caused by mycoplasma;
  • fluoroquinolones aimed at combating bacterial pneumonia.

Antibiotics for pneumonia can only be prescribed by a doctor. They are taken at the same time of day, after an equal number of hours, strictly observing the dosage and duration of the course. In the first days of treatment, patients are mainly prescribed bed rest.

Carbapenems are effective in treating severe forms of pneumonia. Patients may be prescribed drugs with names such as Tienam, Invanz, Aquapenem.

Penicillin drugs

The most commonly prescribed penicillins are:

  1. Ampicillin.
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Amoxiclav.

Ampicillin is a medicine for pneumonia, mainly prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously. This method of administration allows for accelerated penetration of the active substance into the tissues and fluids of the body. Intramuscular injections are carried out every 4-6 hours, in a dosage prescribed by the doctor. For adults, a single dose is 0.25–0.5 g, a daily dose is 1–3 g. In severe cases of the disease, it is increased to 10 g per day (maximum – no more than 14 g). The duration of the course is determined individually by a specialist.

Amoxicillin can be given as tablets or injections. The medicine is taken orally three times a day. Most often, adults are prescribed 500 mg of the drug per dose. In case of complicated infection, it is recommended to drink 0.75-1 g of Amoxicillin 3 times every 24 hours. 1 g of antibiotic is administered intramuscularly twice a day, intravenously - 2-13 g daily.

Amoxiclav contains 2 active components - semisynthetic penicillin amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, adults are prescribed 250 (+125)-875 (+125) mg of the drug orally twice or thrice a day. 1.2 g (+200 mg) is administered intravenously at 6-8 hour intervals.

Intramuscular or intravenous administration of drugs to patients with pneumonia should be carried out under sterile conditions by a competent healthcare professional.

Drug treatment with cephalosporins

Among the cephalosporins, therapy is often carried out using:

  • Cephalexin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cefepime

Cephalexin is taken in tablets or capsules. The drug is drunk half an hour before meals, 0.25-0.5 g, taking 6-hour breaks. For pneumonia, the medicine is taken four times a day.

Ceftriaxone is used in various ways - intramuscular, by drip, intravenous. The daily dosage for adults is 1-2 g. In case of severe disease, it is increased to 4 g. Therapy with this antibiotic lasts from 5 to 14 days.

Cefepime is prescribed for intramuscular injections in the development of mild or moderate pneumonia. In this case, adults are advised to administer 0.5-1 g of antibiotic at 12-hour intervals. If pneumonia is classified as severe, the dosage increases to 2 g twice a day.

Tetracyclines and macrolides

Tetracyclines for pneumonia are used less frequently than penicillins and cephalosporins. This is due to their ability to accumulate in body tissues and also cause a considerable number of side effects.

Tetracycline or Doxycycline is used to treat pneumonia in adults. Tetracycline tablets are taken four times a day, 0.5 g each. Therapy with this drug takes at least 7 days. Doxycycline can be given orally or intravenously. The maximum daily dosage of tablets (capsules) is 300-600 mg. No more than 300 mg of antibiotic can be administered intravenously per day. The duration of therapy depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Macrolides used in the treatment of pneumonia include:

  1. Erythromycin.
  2. Clarithromycin.
  3. Sumamed.

Erythromycin is prescribed intravenously, 1-4 g per day, divided into 4 doses. The drug in tablets is taken 250 mg 4 times a day, with 6-hour breaks.

Clarithromycin is taken 250 mg-1 g twice every 24 hours. If the doctor considers it necessary to use the medicine intravenously, 500 mg of antibiotic is administered twice a day.

Sumamed – tablets for pneumonia, taken once a day. The average dose is 500 mg (1 tablet). For uncomplicated pneumonia, therapy with this drug lasts 3-5 days.

Principle of treatment with fluoroquinolones

The use of fluoroquinolones can effectively treat pneumonia caused by Escherichia coli or Legionella. This type of antibiotic is distinguished by its ability to penetrate deep into the affected tissues and does not cause resistance in pathogenic microorganisms.

Therapy for bacterial pneumonia in adults is often carried out with the following:

  • Ciprofloxacin (orally – 250-500 mg twice a day, intravenously – 200-400 mg twice within 24 hours);
  • Ofloxacin (200-800 mg 2 times a day).

The duration of the treatment course is determined in each specific case individually. On average, therapy lasts 1-2 weeks.

Side effects of antibiotics and common contraindications

Treatment with antibiotics can provoke side effects in the form of digestive disorders, neurotoxic reactions, vaginal candidiasis, allergic reactions, and anaphylactic shock. The lowest degree of toxicity is exhibited by penicillin drugs, macrolides and cephalosporins, due to which in the treatment of pneumonia the choice is made primarily in favor of these medications.

A direct contraindication to the use of a particular antibiotic is individual intolerance to its composition. In addition, most antibacterial agents are contraindicated during the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. In pregnant and lactating patients diagnosed with pneumonia who require antibiotic therapy, treatment can be carried out using the most gentle drugs. These include antibacterial agents that are included in the group B category according to the level of danger.

Auxiliary drugs for pneumonia

In addition to antibiotics, it is recommended to treat pneumonia using auxiliary agents. Among the additional drugs often used are:

  1. Expectorants and bronchodilators (Gerbion, Pertussin syrups, Salbutamol spray).
  2. Antipyretic medications (Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen).
  3. Vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamins A, C, group B (Supradin, Duovit, Complivit).

For patients who have a hard time tolerating synthetic drugs, homeopathy becomes relevant. Among such remedies, the most effective are Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna, Sanguinaria, Arsenicum Yodatum. The patient should be treated with such drugs in accordance with his constitutional type.

Reading time: 44 minutes. Published 01/03/2020

How to choose an antibiotic?

The main symptoms of pneumonia are high fever, cough with yellow or brown sputum, shortness of breath, and general malaise. The doctor listens to the patient’s lungs and, if an inflammatory process is suspected, sends him for x-rays and relevant tests. Depending on their results and the characteristics of the patient’s body, therapy is prescribed.

In approximately 60% of cases, pneumonia is caused by microorganisms called pneumococci, but in addition, the following agents can trigger the disease:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • hemophilus influenzae;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • legionella;
  • enterobacteria;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Escherichia;
  • fungi of the genus Candida.

Each of the above types of bacteria has sensitivity to a certain substance, that is, for maximum effectiveness of therapy, it is very important to determine the root cause of the disease. On average, treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days, depending on the age and condition of the person, as well as the characteristics of the course of the disease.

The main symptoms of pneumonia are high fever, cough with yellow or brown sputum, shortness of breath, and general malaise. The doctor listens to the patient’s lungs and, if an inflammatory process is suspected, sends him for x-rays and relevant tests.

Depending on their results and the characteristics of the patient’s body, therapy is prescribed.

As first aid, antibiotics are prescribed experimentally (the so-called first-line medications), so the patient should undergo all tests as quickly as possible, in particular, take a sputum test, which will determine the causative agent of the disease.

Each of the above types of bacteria has sensitivity to a certain substance, that is, for maximum effectiveness of therapy, it is very important to determine the root cause of the disease.

On average, treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days, depending on the age and condition of the person, as well as the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Taking antibiotics on your own is strictly not recommended, as they not only will not give the desired effect, but can also cause serious harm to the body.

As with any other medications, antibiotic therapy must be carried out in accordance with a number of rules.

  1. For pneumonia, a combination of several drugs (2-3 items) is usually used.
  2. First-line antibiotics, that is, those that were prescribed before the causative agent of the disease was identified, must be taken regularly so that the appropriate dosage of the active substance is maintained in the blood.
  3. After conducting the necessary research, you should start taking the latest generation drugs.
  4. For symptoms of atypical pneumonia caused by chlamydia, legionella, mycoplasma, etc. the use of antibacterial drugs is necessary.
  5. The severe stage of pneumonia, in addition to drug therapy, requires oxygen inhalation and other similar measures.
  6. Antibiotics for pneumonia are usually administered to patients intramuscularly or orally (most new generation drugs are available in tablet form), and in complex forms of the disease and to achieve a quick effect, drugs can be administered intravenously.

For pneumonia, it is possible to use folk remedies, but you should not abandon traditional medicine. In addition, it is necessary to strictly monitor the patient's condition and monitor for possible allergic reactions.

Today, simple penicillins and other similar drugs are not used to treat pneumonia, since there are more effective and safe drugs of the latest generation. They have a wide spectrum of action, a small number of contraindications, can be used in small doses and have virtually no toxic effect on the liver, kidneys and other organs.

Cephalosporins "Ceftriaxone", "Cefotaxime" Prescribed for uncomplicated pneumonia caused by pneumococci, streptococci, enterobacteria. The substance has no effect on Klebsiella and Escherichia coli. Prescribed in case of proven sensitivity of microorganisms to the drug, as well as contraindications to macrolides
Macrolides "Azithromycin", "Midecamycin", "Clarithromycin", "Erythromycin" Prescribed as a first-line drug in the presence of contraindications to drugs of the penicillin group. Effective for atypical pneumonia, pneumonia due to acute respiratory infections. It has a good effect on chlamydia, mycoplasma, legionella, and hemophilus influenzae. Worse effect on staphylococci and streptococci
Semi-synthetic penicillins "Amoxiclav", "Flemoclav", "Ampicillin", "Oxacillin" It is prescribed experimentally or with proven sensitivity of microorganisms. Used for diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococci, as well as mild pneumonia of viral-bacterial etiology
Carbapenems "Imipenem", "Meropenem" They affect bacteria that are resistant to the cephalosporin series. They have a wide spectrum of action and are prescribed for complex forms of the disease and sepsis.
Fluoroquinolones "Sparfloxacin", "Moxifloxacin", "Levofloxacin" The drugs have a good effect on pneumococci
Monobactams "Aztreonam" Drugs that are similar in action to penicillins and cephalosporins. Good effect on gram-negative microorganisms

When prescribing antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia, it is very important to pay attention to the compatibility of specific drugs. It is not recommended to take drugs from the same group at the same time, or to combine certain drugs (“Neomycin” with “Monomycin” and “Streptomycin”, etc.).

As mentioned above, antibiotics are potent medications, and therefore require compliance with certain conditions of administration.

  1. Follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Some antibiotics are more effective if taken with food, while others need to be taken before or after meals.
  2. Maintain equal intervals between doses. It is necessary to take medications at the same time of day at regular intervals.
  3. Follow the recommended dosage. The dosage when taking antibiotics must be observed very strictly, since exceeding it can lead to serious side effects, and decreasing it can lead to the formation of drug-resistant strains of microorganisms.
  4. Do not interrupt the course of treatment. In order for therapy to produce the desired effect, a certain concentration of the active substance in the patient’s blood is required. That is why you should take antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your doctor. You cannot interrupt the course even after relief occurs.
  5. Take the tablets only with clean water. It is recommended to drink any antibiotics with exclusively clean, still water. Tea, coffee, milk or fermented milk products cannot be used for these purposes.
  6. Take probiotics. Since antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, when taking such drugs you need to drink probiotics (Linex, Narine, etc.), which restore the natural intestinal microflora.

All of the above rules not only contribute to a quick recovery, but also minimize the side effects of taking antibiotics and their toxic effects on the body.

Intramuscular infusions are considered a more effective therapeutic method than oral medication, since in this case the drugs are absorbed into the blood faster and begin to act. Antibiotic injections can be done at home, but it is very important to follow certain norms and standards.

  1. Dosage forms sold in powder form must be diluted immediately before injection. For this, sterile water for injection is used, and sometimes lidocaine or novocaine to reduce pain (in the absence of allergic reactions to these drugs).
  2. Before giving an antibiotic injection, you need to do a skin test. Make a small scratch on the inner surface of the forearm with a sterile needle and apply the prepared solution of the drug to it. Wait 15 minutes and watch the body’s reaction - if redness and itching appear at the site of the scratch, the drug should not be administered. In this case, it should be replaced with another drug. If this condition is not followed, the patient may experience anaphylactic shock.
  3. For each injection, a sterile syringe is used, and when administering the medicine, you must adhere to the rules of antiseptic treatment of the injection site.
  4. After the administration of antibiotics, painful infiltrates often remain in the tissues. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to insert the needle strictly perpendicularly, and draw an iodine grid at the injection site.

Where to give the injection in the buttock

If the doctor has prescribed intravenous infusions of antibiotics to the patient, it is better to invite a person with medical education to carry out the procedure, since it is strictly not recommended to install IVs without the appropriate knowledge.

Since therapy for pneumonia must be comprehensive, in addition to antibiotics, it involves taking other drugs, in particular antiviral and mucolytic agents.

  1. If pneumonia is of viral origin, it is necessary to take appropriate antiviral drugs. These include “Acyclovir”, “Arbidol”, “Valacyclovir”, etc.
  2. To thin sputum and facilitate coughing, it is recommended to use mucolytic and expectorant agents, including Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine ​​(“ACC”) and their analogues. For the same purposes, you can use herbal preparations - for example, “Gedelix” and “Sinupret”.
  3. If there is difficulty breathing, it is recommended to use bronchodilators in the form of inhalations. The most common of them are b-2-agonists (Berotec, Serevent), anticholinergic drugs (Itrop, Spiriva), methylxanthines (Euphylline, Theophylline).

Antibiotics for pneumonia. Treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics in adults and children

The manifestations of pneumonia are quite varied. Nowadays, the asymptomatic course of the disease is very common, when the temperature does not rise, there is no cough, there is no sputum. Therefore, such pneumonia begins to be treated late, and this is fraught with the development of serious complications.

Main symptoms of pneumonia:

  1. Temperature rises to thirty-seven to thirty-nine and a half degrees.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. Runny nose.
  4. Constant cough with sputum production.
  5. Chills.
  6. Colds that last more than a week, especially when improvement is followed by a sharp deterioration in condition.
  7. There is no decrease in temperature after taking Paracetamol.

Pneumonia is characterized by chest pain when taking a deep breath. Usually it appears in the place where the main focus of inflammation is located.

It is worth noting that coughing is not a characteristic sign of pneumonia, since the infection may be located away from the main respiratory tract. Sometimes skin color may change, headache, or fever may appear.

Treatment of pneumonia at home can be carried out only after examination by a doctor and the appointment of appropriate therapy, if there are no indications for hospital treatment.

It should be noted that about 80% of patients (including older children) with community-acquired pneumonia can be treated at home, as well as in a day hospital.

Indications for treatment in a hospital are:

  • the patient’s age is less than six months or older than 65 years (this category of patients has too high a risk of developing DN and other complications, so treatment should be carried out only in a hospital setting);
  • severe pneumonia;
  • presence of pregnancy;
  • suspicion of atypical pneumonia;
  • the patient has underlying diseases that can aggravate the course of pneumonia and cause complications. Patients with congenital heart defects, cystic fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, bronchiectasis, immunodeficiency conditions, diabetes mellitus, etc. are subject to hospitalization;
  • patients who have recently completed or are currently receiving immunosuppressive therapy;
  • pneumonia is treated with antibiotics within 48 hours to no avail, with clinical symptoms progressing.i.e. in an adult patient, fever persists, respiratory failure increases, etc.;
  • lack of conditions for treatment at home (children from disadvantaged families, boarding schools, patients living in hostels, etc.) are hospitalized.

Pneumonia in adults is manifested by general intoxication symptoms (fever, chills, weakness, muscle pain, joint aches). As well as a sharp, significant increase in temperature, dry (possible at the onset of the disease) or wet cough (characterized by purulent, viscous sputum; with a strong cough, streaks of blood may appear). Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangles and swelling of the wings of the nose may occur.

There may be noisy breathing and wheezing audible from a distance.

Pneumonia presents basic symptoms similar to those in adults. Symptoms of respiratory failure in children tend to be more severe. Infants typically experience noisy, grunting breathing. Coughing attacks are often accompanied by vomiting (this is especially typical for children in the first years of life). There is also tearfulness, lethargy, the baby refuses to eat, and is capricious. With a strong cough, complaints of abdominal pain may occur.

Mycoplasma pneumonia in children (as well as chlamydial or legionella pneumonia) is characterized by a dry, sonorous, often with a metallic tint, obsessive cough, headaches, myalgia, sore and dry throat, nasal congestion, enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes, hoarseness, abdominal pain . The darkening on the radiograph is minimal, an increase in the pulmonary pattern is noted, and, as a rule, interstitial changes are characteristic.

All antibiotics for pneumonia must be prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.


  • Amoxicillin (Amosin, Ecobol, Amoxisar, Ospamox);
  • Ampicillin.

Amoxicillin 10 capsules 500 mg photo

Inhibitor-protected penicillins:

  • Amoxicillin clavulanic acid (Flemoklav, Augmentin, Amoxiclav).



  • Azithromycin (Sumamed, Zitrolide, AzitRUS, Azitral, Azitrox);
  • Clarithromycin (Fromilid, Klabax, Klacid, Ecositrin);
  • Spiramycin (Rovamycin).


  • Cefixime (Pancef, Suprax, Tsemidexor, Cefspan, Sorcef, Ixim Lupin);
  • Cefuroxime (Zinnat, Axef).

Doxycycline 100 mg


  • Levofloxacin (Glevo, Levolet, Tavanic);
  • Ciproflosacin (Tsiprolet, Tsiprobay, Tsifran).

Ciprolet 500 mg

If necessary, inhibitor-protected penicillins and macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin), fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin) can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Highly effective cephalosporins:

  • Cefuroxime (Zinacef);
  • Ceftriaxone (Medakson, Lendatsin, Rofecin);
  • Ceftazidime (Vicef, Fortum, Tazicef);
  • Cefoperazone (Cephobid);
  • Cefotaxime (Cefosin, Cephabol).


Carbapenems are also prescribed intravenously:

  • Imipenem (Tienam);
  • Meropenem (Meronem);
  • Ertapenem (Invanz).


  • Lincomycin;
  • Clindamycin (Dalacin D).

With the development of such a dangerous pathology, characteristic symptoms begin to appear quite quickly in people:

  1. A cough appears, during which moist and copious sputum begins to come out. Some patients may have a dry cough.
  2. Even with minor physical exertion, shortness of breath occurs.
  3. Discomfort and pain occur at the location of the inflammatory focus.
  4. Breathing becomes rapid.
  5. If the source of inflammation is localized in the lower part of the lung, then the patient may experience pain in the peritoneum and subcostal areas.
  6. When coughing, taking a deep breath or moving, the intensity of the pain increases.
  7. Hemodynamic disturbances are observed.
  8. Blueness appears in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
  9. Signs of intoxication may be observed.
  10. Headaches occur.
  11. Discomfort and pain appear in joint and muscle tissues.
  12. The temperature is rising.