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Allergic reaction to DTP vaccination. Why do babies often react to DTP? Normal reactions after DTP vaccination

Deciphering the DTP vaccination and the types of vaccines used

The DTP vaccine passes in the international nomenclature as DTP. The abbreviation is simply deciphered - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. This drug is combined, and is used to combat, respectively, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. To date, there is a choice of these vaccines - the domestic drug DTP or. There are also combination vaccines that contain more than just DTP, such as:

– DPT + against polio + hemophilic infection;

Bubo - M- diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B;

Tetracoccus– DTP + against poliomyelitis;

Tritanrix-HB– DTP + against hepatitis B.

The DTP vaccine is the basis for the immunoprophylaxis of tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, the pertussis component can cause severe reactions, or revaccination is required only against diphtheria and tetanus - then the appropriate vaccines are used, which in Russia include the following:

ADS (according to the international nomenclature DT) is a vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria. Today, domestic ADS and imported D.T.Vax are used in our country; ADT-m (dT) is a tetanus and diphtheria vaccine given to children over 6 years of age and adults. In Russia, domestic ADS-m and imported Imovax D.T.Adyult are used; AC (international nomenclature T) - tetanus vaccine; AD–m (d) – diphtheria vaccine. These types of vaccines are used to vaccinate children and adults against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

Should I get vaccinated with DTP?

To date, the DTP vaccine is given to children in all developed countries, thanks to which many thousands of children's lives have been saved. In the past five years, some developing countries have abandoned the pertussis component, as a result, the incidence of infection and mortality from it have increased significantly. As a result of this experiment, governments decided to revert to pertussis vaccination. Of course, the question “should I vaccinate DTP?” can be set in different ways. Someone thinks that vaccinations are not needed in principle, someone believes that this particular vaccine is very dangerous and causes serious consequences in the form of neurological pathologies in a child, and someone wants to know if it is possible to put baby vaccination. If a person has decided not to vaccinate at all, then naturally he does not need DTP. If you think that the DPT vaccine is harmful, and contains a lot of components that put too much stress on the child's body, then this is not so. The human body is able to safely transfer several components of the vaccine against various infections at once. What matters here is not their quantity, but compatibility. Therefore, the DTP vaccine, developed in the 40s of the XX century, became a kind of revolutionary achievement when it was possible to place the vaccine against three infections in one vial. And from this point of view, such a combined drug means a decrease in the number of trips to the clinic, and only one injection instead of three. It is certainly necessary to be vaccinated with DTP, but you need to carefully examine the child and obtain admission to vaccination - then the risk of complications is minimal. According to a report from the World Health Organization, the most common causes of DTP vaccination complications are ignoring medical contraindications, improper administration, and spoiled drug. All these reasons are quite capable of being eliminated, and you can safely make an important vaccination. Parents who doubt the advisability of immunization can be reminded of the statistics of Russia before the start of vaccination (until the 1950s). Approximately 20% of children suffered from diphtheria, of which half died. Tetanus is an even more dangerous infection, the infant mortality from which is almost 85% of cases. In the world today, approximately 250,000 people die from tetanus every year in countries where they are not vaccinated. And absolutely all children had whooping cough before the start of mass immunization. However, you should know that the DPT vaccine is the most difficult to tolerate of all those included in the national calendar. Therefore, vaccination, of course, is not a gift from God, but it is necessary. DPT vaccination for adults The last immunization of children with DPT vaccination is done at the age of 14, then adults should be revaccinated every 10 years, that is, the next vaccination must be done at 24 years. Adults are vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus (DT) because whooping cough no longer poses a threat to them. Revaccination is necessary in order to maintain the level of antibodies in the human body, which is sufficient to ensure immunity to infections. If an adult does not get revaccinated, antibodies will remain in the body, but their number is not enough to ensure immunity, so there is a risk of getting sick. If a vaccinated person who has not been revaccinated after 10 years becomes ill, then the infection will proceed in a milder form compared to those who have not been vaccinated at all.

How many DTP vaccinations are there, and when are they given?

The child is given 4 doses of DTP vaccine to form a sufficient amount of antibodies that provide immunity to whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria

- the first at the age of 3 months,

the second - in 30–45 days (that is, in 4–5 months),

the third - in half a year (in 6 months).

The fourth dose of the DPT vaccine is given at 1.5 years. These four doses are necessary for the formation of immunity, and all subsequent DTP vaccinations will be carried out only in order to maintain the required concentration of antibodies, and they are called revaccinations.

children are revaccinated at 6 - 7 years old, and at 14. Thus, each child receives 6 DTP vaccinations. After the last immunization at the age of 14, it is necessary to revaccinate every 10 years, that is, at 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, etc. Vaccination Schedule

In the absence of contraindications and admission to vaccinations, the introduction of the DPT vaccine to children and adults is carried out according to the following schedule:

1. 3 months.

2. 4 - 5 months.

3. 6 months.

4. 1.5 years (18 months).

5. 6 - 7 years old.

6. 14 years old.

7. 24 years old.

8. 34 years old.

9. 44 years old.

10. 54 years old.

11. 64 years old.

12. 74 years old.

Interval between vaccinations The first three doses of DTP vaccine (at 3, 4.5 and 6 months) should be administered with an interval between them of 30 to 45 days. The introduction of subsequent doses is not allowed earlier than after an interval of 4 weeks. That is, at least 4 weeks must pass between the previous and next DTP vaccinations..

If the time has come for another DPT vaccination, and the child is sick, or there are any other reasons why vaccination cannot be done, then it is postponed. You can postpone vaccination for a fairly long period of time, if necessary. But the vaccine should be given as soon as it can be done (for example, the child will recover, etc.). If one or two doses of DTP were delivered, and the next vaccination had to be postponed, then when returning to vaccination, it is not necessary to start it again - you just need to continue the interrupted chain. In other words, if there is one DPT vaccination, then two more doses must be delivered at an interval of 30 to 45 days, and one a year from the last. If there are two DTP vaccinations, then simply put the last, third, and a year later from it - the fourth. Then the vaccinations are given according to the schedule, that is, at 6-7 years old, and at 14. The first DTP at 3 months According to the vaccination schedule, the first DTP is given to a child at the age of 3 months. This is due to the fact that maternal antibodies received from her by the child through the umbilical cord remain only 60 days after birth. That is why it was decided to start immunization from 3 months, and some countries do it from 2 months. If for some reason DTP was not given at 3 months, then the first vaccination can be done at any age up to 4 years. Children over 4 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated with DTP are vaccinated only against tetanus and diphtheria - that is, with DTP preparations. To minimize the risk of reactions, the child must be healthy at the time of the vaccine. A great danger is the presence of thymomegaly (enlargement of the thymus gland), in which DTP can cause severe reactions and complications. The first DTP shot can be given with any vaccine. You can use domestic, or imported - Tetrakok and Infanrix. DTP and Tetracoccus cause post-vaccination reactions (not complications!) in about 1/3 of children, while Infanrix, on the contrary, is very easily tolerated. Therefore, if possible, it is better to put Infanrix. The second DPT The second DPT vaccination is done 30 to 45 days after the first, that is, at 4.5 months. It is best to vaccinate the child with the same drug as the first time. However, if for some reason it is impossible to deliver the same vaccine as for the first time, then it can be replaced with any other. Remember that according to the requirements of the World Health Organization, all types of DTP are interchangeable. The reaction to the second DPT can be much stronger than the first. This should not be afraid, but be mentally prepared. Such a reaction of the child's body is not a sign of pathology. The fact is that the body, already as a result of the first vaccination, met with the components of microbes, for which it developed a certain amount of antibodies, and the second “date” with the same microorganisms causes a stronger response. In most children, the strongest reaction is observed precisely on the second DTP. If the child missed the second DPT for any reason, then it should be delivered as soon as possible, as soon as possible. In this case, it will be considered the second, and not the first, because, even with a delay and violation of the vaccination schedule, there is no need to cross out everything done and start over. If the child had a strong reaction to the first DPT vaccination, then it is better to make the second one with another vaccine with less reactogenicity - Infanrix, or just administer DTP. The main component of the DTP vaccination that causes reactions is pertussis microbe cells, and diphtheria and tetanus toxins are easily tolerated. That is why, in the presence of a strong reaction to DTP, it is recommended to administer only ADS containing antitetanus and antidiphtheria components. Third DTP The third DPT vaccine is given 30 to 45 days after the second. If at this time the vaccine was not given, then the vaccination is carried out as soon as possible. In this case, the vaccine is considered exactly the third. Some children react most strongly to the third rather than the second DTP vaccine. A strong reaction is not a pathology, as is the case with the second vaccination. If the previous two injections of DTP were delivered with one vaccine, and for the third one for some reason it is impossible to get it, but there is another drug, then it is better to get vaccinated rather than postpone. Where are they vaccinated? The DTP vaccine preparation must be administered intramuscularly, since it is this method that ensures the release of the components of the drug at the desired rate, which allows the formation of immunity. Injection under the skin can lead to a very long release of the drug, which makes the injection simply useless. That is why it is recommended to inject DTP into the child's thigh, since even the smallest muscles are well developed on the leg. Older children or adults can inject DPT into the shoulder if the muscle layer is well developed there. Do not administer the DTP vaccine in the buttock, as there is a high risk of getting into a blood vessel or sciatic nerve. In addition, there is a rather large layer of subcutaneous fat on the buttocks, and the needle may not reach the muscles, then the drug will be injected incorrectly, and the drug will not have the desired effect. In other words, DTP vaccination in the buttock should not be done. In addition, international studies have shown that the best production of antibodies by the body develops precisely when the vaccine is injected into the thigh. Based on all these data, the World Health Organization recommends administering the DTP vaccine in the thigh. Contraindications To date, there are general contraindications to DTP, such as: 1. Any pathology in the acute period. 2. Allergic reaction to vaccine components. 3. Immunodeficiency. In this case, the child cannot be vaccinated in principle. If there are neurological symptoms or seizures due to fever, children can be vaccinated with a vaccine that does not contain a pertussis component, that is, ATP. Until recovery, children with leukemia, as well as pregnant and lactating women, are not vaccinated. A temporary medical exemption from vaccination is given to children against the background of an exacerbation of diathesis, who are vaccinated after achieving remission of the disease and normalizing the condition.

False contraindications for DPT vaccination are as follows: perinatal encephalopathy; prematurity; allergies in relatives; convulsions in relatives; severe reactions to the introduction of DTP in relatives. This means that in the presence of these factors, vaccinations can be carried out, but it is necessary to examine the child, obtain permission from a neurologist and use purified vaccines with minimal reactogenicity (for example, Infanrix). The introduction of the DTP vaccine is contraindicated only in people who have had an allergic or neurological reaction in the past to this drug.

Before DTP vaccination - preparation methods

DTP vaccination has the highest reactogenicity among all vaccines included in the national calendar. That is why, in addition to observing the general rules, it is necessary to carry out drug preparation and support for DPT vaccination.

General rules include: the child must be completely healthy at the time of vaccination; the child must be hungry; the child must poop; the child should not be dressed too hot. The DPT vaccine must be administered against the background of the use of antipyretic, analgesic and antiallergic drugs. Children's antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen also have a moderate analgesic effect, which allows you to eliminate discomfort in the injection area. Keep on hand, which can be given to a child in severe pain. Antipyretic buy in advance and keep at home, at hand. It is best to have different forms of release, such as candles and syrups. If you gave your child an antipyretic with paracetamol, but there is no effect, then try a drug with a different active ingredient (for example, ibuprofen). Antiallergic drugs will also help reduce the severity of post-vaccination reactions, which is especially important for children with a corresponding tendency.

In a generalized version, the following procedure for the use of drugs as preparation for DPT vaccination has been adopted:

1 - 2 days before vaccination, in the presence of diathesis or any allergies, give antihistamines in the usual dose (eg, etc.). On the day of vaccination, after coming home, immediately enter an antipyretic in suppositories to prevent a rise in temperature and swelling at the injection site, as well as to calm the baby's crying. At the same time, give antiallergic drugs. During the day, measure the temperature - if it rises, then feel free to knock down. Be sure to give an antipyretic at bedtime, and during the night you need to check the presence of temperature. If the temperature rises, bring it down. The first day after vaccination, check the temperature - if it is elevated, give an antipyretic. Regardless of the temperature, give the child an antiallergic agent. The second day after vaccination - continue to give anti-allergic, and if necessary, antipyretic. If the temperature of the child is not high, then you can not give an antipyretic. The third day after vaccination - the temperature should return to normal, stop taking the antiallergic drug. The dosage of drugs and the most optimal medicines for your child must be selected, together with the attending physician, taking into account all the individual qualities of the baby. It is better to do this in advance, and stock up on the necessary drugs. After DTP vaccination - what to do? Immediately after you have been vaccinated with DPT, it is best to go outside and take a walk near the clinic for half an hour to be within the reach of a medical institution if a severe allergic reaction begins to develop. Then you can go home. If the child is active, feels good, and there is no temperature, you can take a walk in the fresh air, but not in a large company of children. You can even go home from the clinic on foot, if possible. Upon arrival home, immediately give the child an antipyretic, do not wait for the temperature to rise. Throughout the day, it is necessary to check the temperature of the child. If it appears, then shoot down, because scientists and doctors do not believe that hyperthermia helps to develop immunity - on the contrary, it only causes inconvenience and discomfort to the child. Before going to bed, it is necessary to put candles with antipyretic, regardless of the presence of hyperthermia. Try not to feed your baby too much, as this will worsen his condition. The opposite situation with drinking: give liquid without restriction - the more the better. Do not feed your child any new and exotic foods - only old and proven dishes. Also, you can’t give your child juices, especially concentrated ones - it’s better to just warm water, weak tea, chamomile infusion, etc. Keep the air temperature in the child's room no higher than 22oC, and the humidity in the range of 50 - 70%. If the child feels well - do not keep him at home, try to walk more. However, limit the number of contacts with people, do not go to playgrounds, do not go to visit and do not invite them to your place.

Vaccine reaction - side effects

Post-vaccination reactions or side effects are quite common, in almost 30% of children, but these manifestations are not a pathology or symptoms of a serious illness. Regarding the DTP vaccine, side effects are most common after the third and fourth administration of the drug. Complications and side effects should be distinguished, since the former are pathological, while the latter are not. The main difference between side effects and complications is that they pass without a trace, leaving no health problems. DTP vaccine may cause local and systemic side effects. Local symptoms include the following: 1. Redness, swelling, induration and soreness at the injection site. 2. Violation of walking due to pain at the injection site - the child, as a rule, cries, “protects” the leg, does not allow touching the sore spot, etc. Common symptoms of side effects of the DTP vaccine include the following: fever; anxiety; capriciousness; lethargy, prolonged sleep during the day or night; vomit; diarrhea; appetite disorder. All side effects of the DPT vaccine appear within the first day after the administration of the drug. If a child has an appetite disorder, diarrhea, fever or snot two or three days after vaccination, then these phenomena are not caused by the vaccine, but by some kind of infection, which simply coincided with the medical manipulation in terms of the time of infection. Unfortunately, the vaccination process in our country is not very well organized, so a fairly typical situation is when a healthy child, after staying in the corridors of a polyclinic, necessarily “picks up” an acute respiratory disease or diarrhea, which is in no way connected with the vaccine. Therefore, if a child has any symptoms a few days after vaccination, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the baby's health disorder. Sometimes side effects can be severe, but since they are reversible and do not harm the child's health, they should not be mistaken for complications. If a child has developed a severe reaction to DPT, be sure to inform the attending physician and enter all information in the medical records.

A severe reaction to DTP is considered when the following symptoms develop:

1. Persistent crying for more than 3 hours in a row.

2. Temperature above 39.0oC.

3. Edema more than 8 cm at the injection site. In this case, the crying of the child is due to strong pain, which can be reduced by giving and analgin.

In principle, the relief of symptoms of side effects of any severity is carried out by the same drugs, so the procedure for adults is the same as against the background of ordinary reactions to DTP. If the condition of the child as a result of the measures taken has not improved, then you should consult a doctor.

A prevent severe side effects of DTP You can use the right drug preparation for vaccination, which can significantly reduce the risk of these negative phenomena. Cough, fever, induration, redness, bump and pain after DTP shot. Temperature after DPT. This phenomenon is considered a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine. However, the temperature does not help the formation of immunity against infections, so when it appears, give the child an antipyretic. Some doctors recommend not to bring down the temperature if it is not higher than 38.0 ° C, since in this situation there is no risk of seizures in the child. However, the World Health Organization recommends that any fever caused by the vaccine be brought down. Seal and bump after DPT. Induration at the injection site may form and resolve within 2 weeks after vaccination. Such a reaction is normal, since there is a process of local inflammation at the injection site, which decreases as the vaccine is absorbed.

To reduce compaction and accelerate resorption, you can lubricate the injection site with ointment. A bump after DPT can form when the vaccine does not get into the muscle, but into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. There are much fewer vessels in the fatty layer, the rate of absorption of the vaccine is also sharply reduced, and as a result, a long-lasting lump is formed. You can try Troxevasin ointments or to increase blood circulation and speed up the absorption of the drug, which will lead to the resorption of the bumps. Can a bump also form if the vaccine was administered without observing the rules of asepsis? and dirt got into the injection site. In this case, the bump is an inflammatory process, pus forms inside it, which must be released and the wound treated. Redness after DPT. This is also normal, since a mild inflammatory reaction develops at the injection site, which is always characterized by the formation of redness. If the child is no longer bothered, do nothing. As the drug dissolves, the inflammation will go away by itself, and the redness will also go away. Pain after DPT. Soreness at the injection site is also due to an inflammatory reaction, which can be more or less pronounced, depending on the individual characteristics of the child. Do not force the baby to endure pain, give him analgin, apply ice to the injection site. If the pain does not go away for a long time, see a doctor. Cough after DPT. Some children in response to the DPT vaccine may develop a cough during the day if they have chronic respiratory diseases. This is due to the body's reaction to the pertussis component. However, this condition does not require special treatment, and goes away on its own within a few days. If a cough develops a day or a few days after vaccination, then there is a typical situation when a healthy child “caught” an infection in the clinic. Complications Complications of vaccinations include serious health problems that require treatment and may have adverse consequences.

So, DTP vaccination can cause the following complications:

severe allergies (anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioedema, etc.);

convulsions against the background of normal temperature; encephalitis; encephalopathy (neurological symptoms);


To date, the frequency of these complications is extremely low - from 1 to 3 cases per 100,000 vaccinated children. At present, the relationship between the development of encephalopathies and DPT vaccination is not considered scientifically proven, since no specific properties of vaccines that can cause such phenomena have been identified. Experiments on animals also did not reveal a connection between DPT vaccination and the formation of neurological disorders. Scientists and vaccinologists believe that DPT is a kind of provocation, during which an increase in temperature simply leads to a clear manifestation of hitherto hidden disorders. The development of short-term encephalopathy in children after DTP vaccination causes a pertussis component, which has a strong irritating effect on the membranes of the brain. However, the presence of convulsions against the background of normal temperature, twitching, nodding, or impaired consciousness is a contraindication to further administration of the DTP vaccine.

Having been born, the baby begins a life filled with new events, which include various medical procedures. DTP vaccination belongs to this list. Young mothers often think about the consequences for the baby of vaccination. A reaction to DTP is normal. But each child tolerates the vaccine individually. So that mothers feel confident before vaccination and do not panic at any trifles, we will talk about what is the norm during vaccination, and what should cause an immediate reaction from parents.

Specificity of the DTP vaccine

The abbreviation DTP contains in its name the first letters of viruses against which immunity should be developed in the human body: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus. Vaccination is considered the most serious and various reactions can occur to it.

DTP is done in several approaches to create resistance for many years, because after a few years, immunity may weaken or be completely absent in a child or adult.

  • The first DPT vaccine should be given at three to four months if the child has no contraindications.
  • The second vaccination is given 45 days after the first, and the third is similar to the second. This principle is used only in a completely healthy child who does not have deviations in the field of neurology, cardiology, gastro and other systems. There should be no signs of colds and viral diseases that make the body more vulnerable and create problems for the production of antibodies against measles, diphtheria, tetanus.
  • A year after the third vaccination, the first DPT revaccination is done. At this stage, it is believed that the body's resistance is formed and will protect the child for five to six years.
  • Subsequent revaccination is done every five to seven years. For a child, this is a period of seven and fourteen years.

For each vaccination, it is necessary to conduct preparation, undergo a thorough examination. A visit to a neurologist is mandatory, because at the same time as DTP, the child is vaccinated against polio. There should not be any violations in the field of neurology or the psychological state of the baby. The whooping cough component can affect brain development by suppressing it. Any contraindications make it impossible to vaccinate DTP, polio.

What reaction is possible to the DPT vaccination?

Each organism is unique, so the reaction to the vaccine may manifest itself in varying degrees. For some children, this will remain a routine visit to the doctor, while others will be forced to stay at home and receive certain therapy. The reaction to the vaccine is manifested as follows.

Local feature of vaccination

  • Redness at the injection site, which has a different form of manifestation - from a spot up to 8–10 cm in circumference, to a serious size that causes concern. If the redness is within the normal range, then it disappears on its own within one to two weeks. A nurse or doctor may recommend using Troxevasin ointment to dissolve the lump. But if the reaction on the leg does not interfere with the child, you should not use any ointments so as not to clog the skin puncture and not get a more serious reaction. It may be suppuration, which will require other treatment measures.
  • Induration at the injection site and severe pain in the thigh is considered a normal manifestation, because the injection damages the tissue, disrupts the cellular communication under the skin. Seal is a protective reaction of the immune system to a foreign component. The leg hurts precisely because of such a reaction of the body. The injection site can hurt not only after vaccination, but also in all cases of intramuscular injection of the drug. Initially, babies were vaccinated in the buttock, which caused more serious consequences than an injection in the thigh.

General reaction

In addition to a local reaction, DTP vaccination causes general malaise in a child.

  • Sluggish state during the first, second and third days. The baby can be moody, refuse to eat, sleep longer than usual. The body sent the main forces to fight the infiltrated enemy. This condition is typical for children with weaker immunity.
  • Temperature jumps from 37 to 39 or more degrees. It must be knocked down with antipyretic drugs, even at the slightest indicators. The temperature during the formation of immunity is absolutely not needed, although this is a normal reaction. Usually returns to normal within three days. If the temperature remains on the fourth day, you should consult a doctor, because this symptom indicates the development of another virus.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal colic - this is also an individual reaction of the child to the whooping cough component in the DPT vaccination. It usually looks like single manifestations and passes without the addition of drugs.
  • Cough, snot may appear in the first three days. This is also a reaction to the vaccine. It is the norm, if it does not develop into a more complex form. Therefore, any manifestations of the DTP vaccination must be reported to the nurse when visiting the child the day after vaccination.

The symptoms listed above are the body's normal response to the components of the vaccine.

Reaction to DTP that is not normal

But how many cases there are when more serious consequences occur, it is difficult to say. Of course, there are fewer of them, but it is necessary to say about them.

  • Convulsions against the background of high or even normal body temperature. This is an individual feature of the baby or unnoticed contraindications to DPT vaccination. This is mainly due to the nervous system, which thus reacts most often to whooping cough. The subsequent vaccination is done with serum ADS or ADS-m. The child's vaccination schedule may be shifted if the body is not ready for the procedure within one and a half months after the first DPT.
  • A serious illness of a catarrhal or viral nature has developed. During the vaccination period, the body encountered another virus that the immune system missed due to the struggle with the components of the vaccine.
  • An allergy to DPT components can manifest itself in many ways - from small rashes on the body to serious swelling, suffocation, causing serious problems.
  • Paralysis of the lower extremities - may be temporary or permanent. Such a reaction occurs due to pain or improper injection, when the needle touched the bone or nerve responsible for the work of the legs. This lasts until the serum components are absorbed, if the immobilization of the leg is associated with edema. With serious disorders, improvement occurs only with the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Such cases occurred when a small child was vaccinated in the buttock. The nurse hit the sciatic nerve, which caused a side effect. Therefore, it is worth following the recommendations for introducing DTP into the baby's thigh, and not into the buttock. At an older age, the injection should be done in the upper part of the arm, where the muscle tissue is very well developed.

If a child has these or other symptoms for DTP vaccination, they must be reported to the doctor, who will tell you whether this reaction is normal or not. Then the question of whether it is worth getting vaccinated at all will not be the main thing for you.

A mother needs to feel her child, know all the features of a growing baby and, at the slightest doubt, consult a doctor, and not other mothers. Everyone's reaction may be different. Common sense and a sensitive attitude to everything that relates to a son or daughter will help to avoid stress during the next visit to the vaccination room.

Seal after DPT vaccination
The injection site turned red after DPT vaccination - what to do? Imported DTP vaccine, advantages, disadvantages, cost

DTP vaccination is an effective method of preventing such dangerous infections as tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria. At the beginning of the 20th century, before the creation of a vaccine, about 20% of children were infected with diphtheria, half of them died. Tetanus led to the death of 85% of infected people. Even today, in countries where immunization is not carried out, more than 250 thousand people die every year. Before the creation of the DTP vaccine, up to 95% of the world's population had whooping cough, which is especially dangerous for babies.

Immunization made it possible to cope with the epidemic, the spread of infectious diseases decreased. However, in recent years there have been whole anti-vaccination movements. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out whether it is necessary to administer a vaccine for a child, how dangerous are the consequences of DPT vaccination.

Why get vaccinated?

DPT is an adsorbed vaccine against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. The drug is designed to create immunity against 3 serious infectious diseases that can lead to the development of severe irreversible complications. Therefore, DPT vaccination is done in most countries of the world. The DTP vaccine is based on inactivated pertussis cells, purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids.

Important! On the territory of Russia, preparations of domestic and imported production are widely used for vaccination.

The action of the DTP vaccine is reduced to the development of an immune response in the baby, so that later the child's body can cope with pathogenic agents. After injection, toxins and microbial particles mimic the development of an infection. This triggers the synthesis of protective factors, interferons, antibodies and phagocytes. That allows you to develop a strong immunity to infections.

In modern medicine, 2 types of DTP vaccine are widely used:

  • Acellular (acellular). The composition of the drug includes purified pertussis antigens, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. These molecules are able to form immunity, can significantly reduce the risk of developing neurological adverse reactions to the whooping cough component. Examples of such a vaccine are Infanrix, Pentaxim;
  • Cellular. The vaccine contains dead microorganisms of whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids. Therefore, after DPT vaccination, a child has pronounced side effects.

Vaccination Schedule

DTP vaccination helps to form a stable immune response in the baby. However, for this it is necessary to follow the following vaccination schedule:

  • At 3 months, the first DPT vaccination. Early immunization is justified by the fact that maternal antibodies are able to protect the child's body only 60 days after birth. Vaccination is carried out with a domestic or foreign drug. However, it must be borne in mind that the DTP vaccine can lead to the development of a post-vaccination reaction. Foreign vaccines are more easily tolerated. DTP vaccination should be given to a child under 4 years of age, older children are shown the introduction of the DTP vaccine as the first vaccination;
  • At 4.5 months, the second vaccination. The DTP vaccination must be done 45 days after the first immunization. Characterized by increased immune response. Therefore, it is recommended to use a similar vaccine in order to reduce the severity of adverse reactions to the drug. However, if the baby had a strong reaction to the first vaccination, then it is necessary to use the drug without the pertussis component.
  • At 6 months, the third vaccination. Some children develop an intense reaction just after the introduction of the third DPT vaccination.
  • At 1.5 years the last vaccination. It is tolerated quite easily, rarely provokes the development of severe reactions.

How to prepare a baby?

To reduce the risk of development and severity of adverse reactions after DPT vaccination, the following rules must be followed:

  • A few days before vaccination, stop taking vitamin D, which will help prevent the development of allergies;
  • Before vaccination, it is necessary to give the child an antihistamine and calcium gluconate, which should be continued for 3-4 days after immunization;
  • 1-2 hours after the DPT vaccination, the baby should be given an antipyretic to prevent fever.
  • The dosage of medicines should be selected by the pediatrician, based on the individual characteristics of the child.

Instructions for using the vaccine

DTP vaccination is used as part of the immunization of children under 4 years of age. A single dosage of the drug is 0.5 ml. Before the introduction, the ampoule must be heated to body temperature, shaken thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

If the next vaccination cannot be carried out on time, then the vaccine is given as soon as the child's condition returns to normal. Immunization is carried out according to aseptic and antiseptic standards. If, after opening the ampoule, the drug remains unused, then it must be disposed of.

Important! If the child has had whooping cough, then DTP is used instead of the DTP vaccine.

It is forbidden to use DTP if:

  • Violated the integrity of the ampoule;
  • The expiration date has expired;
  • Ampoules are not labeled;
  • Violated storage conditions of the drug;
  • The drug changed physical properties (color, insoluble precipitate appeared).

After vaccination, the nurse must register the fact of vaccination in the established accounting forms, indicating the date, number and batch of the drug, expiration date, manufacturer.

Many parents are interested in where they get vaccinated. The drug is injected into muscle tissue, which ensures a sufficient rate of absorption, the correct formation of the immune response. The skin is pre-treated with an alcohol wipe. Pediatricians recommend that in children under 1.5 years of age, DPT be vaccinated in the femoral muscle. For older children, the drug is injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

Child care after vaccination

Immediately after the DTP vaccination, it is recommended to be on the territory of the medical center for 20-30 minutes so that the staff can help the child if there are signs of a severe allergy. At home, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic drug based on Paracetamol in the form of syrup or suppositories, without waiting for the temperature to rise. After DTP, you can also use anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Nurofen) at bedtime.

If the child has a fever, then it is recommended to give up walking for a while. On the day of vaccination, you must refrain from bathing, massage. It is important to carefully monitor the behavior and condition of the child, regularly change the temperature.

Features of vaccination in adults

Adults need revaccination to maintain a sufficient level of antibodies in the bloodstream. Therefore, vaccinations are given every 10 years, starting at the age of 24. However, whooping cough is not dangerous for a strong adult organism, therefore ADS-M is used for revaccination.

If the patient refuses the introduction of the vaccine, then the risk of developing infectious diseases increases. However, in case of infection, the disease will proceed in a mild form if the patient was vaccinated with DTP in childhood.

Adverse reactions

The DTP vaccine belongs to reactogenic drugs, because in 90% of vaccinated children it causes short-term local and systemic adverse reactions. Usually symptoms of malaise develop within 3 days after the injection.

Important! Any symptomatology that develops after this period is not related to the vaccination process.

Some of the normal reactions after DTP vaccination include:

  • Increased body temperature. After DPT, fever can last up to 3 days. This is the most common reaction to the vaccine, so parents should prepare antipyretic drugs ahead of time. If the temperature before bedtime does not exceed 38 ° C, then it is better to put a suppository on the child. If the temperature exceeds this threshold, then it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs in syrup (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nimesulide);
  • Soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site of the DPT shot. To eliminate the symptom, you can use an alcohol compress;
  • Violation of the functionality of the limb where DTP was vaccinated. In children, muscle mass is less developed, which makes it difficult to absorb the drug. This provokes the development of pain in the child while walking and lameness. In this case, it is recommended to massage the leg, wipe it with a warm towel;
  • Headache, malaise, general weakness;
  • Indigestion, diarrhea. To prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended not to feed the child for 1.5 hours before and after vaccination. When diarrhea occurs, enterosorbents should be used: Smecta, Enterosgel, activated charcoal;
  • Prolonged crying, moodiness, irritability, sleep disturbance;
  • Cough. The symptom develops as a reaction of the body to the intake of the whooping cough component. Usually, the cough goes away on its own within 3-4 days, does not require medication. If the symptom persists for a week, then it may be a sign of an infectious disease not associated with vaccination;
  • Decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • The appearance of a rash. The symptom goes away on its own a few days after vaccination. With severe itching, it is recommended to use antihistamines.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the child's reaction to the DTP vaccination may be:

  1. Weak. It leads to the development of a slight general malaise, an increase in temperature of not more than 37.5 ° C.
  2. Medium severity. It causes a pronounced deterioration in well-being, a change in behavioral reactions. The temperature usually does not exceed 38°C after DPT.
  3. Severe reaction. The child becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, the temperature reaches 39°C. If hyperthermia exceeds 40°C, then during vaccination it is recommended to abandon the vaccine used in favor of ADS.

Important! Doctors note that after each subsequent DTP vaccination, the overall reaction of the body to the drug becomes less pronounced, but local symptoms are more pronounced.

Possible Complications

In rare cases, after DTP, severe health problems develop in children that require immediate medical attention:

  • Severe allergic reactions: atopic dermatitis, Quincke's angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
  • Decrease in blood pressure, which leads to impaired blood flow in vital organs. The following symptoms of hypotension are distinguished: pallor of the skin, weakness, cold hands and feet;
  • Convulsions without fever. The condition indicates an organic lesion of the child's nervous system;
  • The appearance of symptoms, which indicates a violation of the central nervous system and the development of encephalopathy. Complication develops only in 1 case out of 300 thousand;
  • Baby crying for 2-4 hours;
  • Inflammation of the spinal cord and brain. Pathology occurs in 1 in 500 thousand vaccinated;
  • The development of a bump at the injection site more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • Temperature up to 40 ° C, which antipyretic drugs cannot bring down.

Existing contraindications

DTP vaccination cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  • Severe immunodeficiency states;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Severe pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Severe allergic reaction to DTP in history;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Convulsive seizures in history;
  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the DTP vaccine;
  • The baby has a strong reaction to the previous vaccination: the temperature is up to 40 0 ​​C, the bump at the injection site is more than 8 cm in diameter.

These contraindications are absolute, in such cases the child receives a lifelong medical exemption from DPT vaccination. Relative contraindications are also distinguished when vaccination is postponed for 11-20 days:

  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Signs of the development of intoxication: nausea, weakness, lethargy, anxiety;
  • diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • Against the background of teething;
  • Severe stress in the child;
  • Decreased appetite.

Main types of vaccines

Usually, routine immunization is carried out with a domestic DTP vaccine. However, parents have the right to independently choose the drug for vaccination. The following vaccines are available:

  • DPT;
  • Infanrix;
  • Pentaxim;

It is worth considering in more detail each of the preparations for vaccination.


The drug was created on the basis of 100 billion inactivated whooping cough bacilli, 15 flocculating units of diphtheria toxoid and 5 units of tetanus toxoid. As an auxiliary substance, a stabilizer is used - merthiolate.

Important! The DPT vaccine cannot be bought at a retail pharmacy chain.

The Russian-made DPT vaccine is available in the form of a grayish-white suspension for intramuscular administration. A cloudy precipitate is acceptable.


This is a suspension for intramuscular injection, which is used for vaccination and revaccination. Infanrix is ​​produced in ampoules of 0.5 ml in Belgium. After vaccination in children, the following side effects are possible:

  • Slight redness and swelling at the injection site;
  • Soreness and impaired function of the limb where the drug was injected;
  • Elevated body temperature no more than 3 days;
  • Runny nose;
  • Apathy, tearfulness;
  • Pain in the throat, gums and teeth;
  • Allergic reaction.

Important! The listed symptoms develop in 90% of children after the first injection of the Infanrix vaccine.

Taking antipyretics and antihistamines will help alleviate the baby's condition. If a seal appears at the injection site, then a compress can be made.

The introduction of the Infanrix vaccine is contraindicated in such cases:

  • Increased temperature in a child;
  • Against the background of infectious diseases;
  • The presence of severe pathologies in history;
  • Against the background of teething.

There are also combined drugs that can protect the child from 4 or more infectious diseases. These include Infanrix IPV (protection against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio), Infanrix Hexa (protects the baby from whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio, diphtheria, hemophilic infection).


The drug is produced in France in double packaging. The composition of the Pentaxim vaccine includes diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis toxoid, filamentous hemagglutinin, dead polio virus particles (3 strains). The listed components are in a syringe, the volume of which is 1 ml. They are a cloudy white suspension. Separately, in the form of a lyophilisate, there is a hemophilic component, which is combined with tetanus toxoid. Immediately before the introduction of the vaccine, the nurse mixes all the available ingredients, according to the instructions.

After vaccination with the Pentaxim vaccine, the following side effects are possible:

  • Hyperemia (reddening of the skin) at the injection site, the appearance of compaction, swelling;
  • Fever up to 3 days;
  • Irritability, tearfulness;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Lameness after vaccination in the leg;
  • Decreased appetite.

Pentaxim practically does not cause severe side effects. And the listed symptoms are easily stopped by antihistamine, antipyretic drugs. After vaccination, it is recommended to refuse walking, swimming for a couple of days.


Children older than 4 years of age during vaccination recommend the introduction of ADS. There is no pertussis component in this preparation, because immunity against whooping cough in a child is considered to be formed. ADS is administered to prolong the resistance of the organism of children to the pathogens of tetanus and diphtheria. The vaccination schedule is to administer the vaccine at 7, 14 years of age, and then every 10 years in adults. The ADS vaccine is well tolerated, but there may be slight redness at the injection site.

To form a reliable immunity against tetanus and diphtheria in children older than 6 years, the ADS-M vaccine is used. It is characterized by a low dosage of active ingredients, therefore it helps to reduce the risk of adverse reactions after vaccination.

Vaccination: pros and cons

The DTP vaccine was included in the National Vaccination Calendar because it can protect children and adults from deadly infections. If the child has no contraindications, he is perfectly healthy, then the parents need to decide in favor of vaccination. Indeed, after DTP vaccination, dangerous side effects rarely develop. However, vaccination allows you to be sure that the child's body will be able to cope with the pathogens of dangerous infections.

Often parents refuse DTP vaccination because the vaccine can lead to the development of autism. In such cases, reference is made to an article in The Lancet. The publication states that thimerosal, which is part of many vaccine preparations, causes dangerous complications. However, numerous clinical studies have shown that vaccination is not capable of provoking the development of autism in children. The myth is also the assertion that DTP provokes the occurrence of bronchial asthma in a child.

Some parents note that a few months or years after the vaccination, the child developed deviations in mental and speech activity, tearfulness, irritability, and a decrease in immunity. However, there is no reliable information that the listed conditions are complications of vaccination. There are no vaccines that are absolutely safe for a child's health. In rare cases, DTP leads to the development of serious conditions, but the consequences of infectious diseases (whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria) are much more dangerous.


DTP vaccination is the most reactogenic of childhood vaccinations, which leads to the development of a large number of adverse reactions. Almost every child has a fever after the administration of the drug. Therefore, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, and undergo a medical examination before vaccination. This will reduce the risk of post-vaccination reactions and severe complications in the baby. In Russia, vaccination is voluntary, so parents have the right to refuse DPT vaccination in writing.

The introduction of any vaccine to a baby is, first of all, the excitement of parents for the condition of their child. No one can predict how a newborn will react to an unknown drug. It is difficult to predict the possible consequences of such assistance to an unprotected organism.

Vaccination is one of the most allergenic and hard to tolerate. A rare mother will not complain to the doctor about a change in the mood or well-being of the child after the introduction of this substance. What complications after DTP vaccination can be expected? How can I help my child cope with adverse reactions?

Why do children react hard to DPT?

This vaccine contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids that protect the body from these infections. But the reaction in most cases is caused by another component - killed whooping cough microbes.

The first DTP vaccine is given to a child at three months old - this is the time when the natural protection that the baby got with mother's milk begins to weaken. Therefore, vaccination in most cases coincides with a decrease in the child's own protective capabilities. Together with this important event is the introduction of foreign cells, even non-living ones, which is why vaccination leads to undesirable consequences in children from DPT vaccination. Their body often responds with various reactions to the introduction of such foreign cells.

Who is entitled to medical advice

In what cases is the DPT vaccination not done? There are absolute contraindications when immunization is not carried out due to developing diseases or severe reactions to the components of the drug. There are temporary contraindications when doctors recommend delaying vaccination for a few days.

Why is DTP vaccination dangerous? - it temporarily lowers the immune system. This is normal and is relatively well tolerated when the child is completely healthy. But if the day before the vaccination, the child even has a slight temperature rise (above 37 ºC), inform the doctor about this, because such a symptom may indicate the onset of an infection. Ask for a referral for a complete blood test to determine if the drug can be administered to the baby. This is one of the effective ways to avoid unwanted complications on the DTP vaccine.

What are the complications of DTP vaccination

Reactions and complications to the introduction of DTP are divided into two main groups:

  • local or local, which are observed at the injection site;
  • common, when the whole body reacts with malaise, fever and other changes in well-being.

How long the reaction to DTP vaccination lasts depends on the immune capabilities of the body, as well as on compliance with the regimen and rules for administering the drug. For example, body temperature rises in different ways, as a result of which they distinguish:

  • weak vaccine reaction when the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ºC;
  • average reaction with an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 ºC;
  • strong if the temperature goes beyond 38.5 ºC.

How long does the temperature last after DTP vaccination? Normally, such a reaction of the body quickly passes within one or two days, but there are protracted reactions. They may depend on many concomitant factors - the addition of an acute viral or bacterial infection, the development of an allergic reaction.

What are the complications of the DTP vaccine? Each child reacts differently. The main rule that parents should follow is not to listen to other families about previous complications and reactions to the drug.

Local reactions of the body

What are the local complications of the introduction of DTP?

General reactions of the child's body to DTP

They are varied. The reactions of the body are divided into four large groups:

  • toxic reactions;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • complications due to improper insertion technique;
  • pronounced allergic manifestations.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

One more group of complications can be distinguished - this is the addition of a concomitant infection after the administration of the drug. Cough after DTP vaccination, sore throat, weakness and reddening of the tonsils for several days develop when the child had contact with an infected person before or after vaccination.

Diarrhea after DTP vaccination, nausea, vomiting and weakness occur when an intestinal infection is added. The reason for this is the consumption of low-quality food.

Treatment of adverse reactions

To cope with the complications of the introduction of DTP, you need to consult with your doctor in advance about the possible consequences of vaccination and first aid for the child if they occur. In most cases, treatment is symptomatic and consists in the appointment of all familiar drugs.

How to avoid adverse reactions to the introduction of DTP

The introduction of DTP is a burden not only on the children's body, but also on loved ones. Nerves, fuss, running after drugs are not the most pleasant pastime for parents. To avoid this, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming vaccination.

What are the analogues of DTP

As mentioned above, the most reactogenic component of DPT is whooping cough. Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of complications for vaccination, you can use imported similar vaccines made using a cell-free pertussis component:

  • "Infanrix";
  • "Infanrix IPV" with additional protection against polio;
  • "Pentaxim" is a five-component drug that includes, in addition to the above components, protection against Haemophilus influenzae.

Multicomponent vaccines can be purchased on a paid basis at the polyclinic at the place of residence at the request of the parents.

The DTP vaccine protects the child from three dangerous diseases, which, before the start of an active fight against them, led to the development of severe conditions. Many complications of such protection can be avoided if you take care of their prevention in advance and be more attentive to your baby.

After vaccination with DTP, the baby may show fever, anxiety, tearfulness. The baby does not sleep well, loses his appetite. The reaction to DTP in a baby can be different: it can be acute or almost imperceptible. What reaction is considered normal, what to expect for mothers, we will tell you in more detail.

Normal body reactions to vaccination

After DTP, children may experience the following reaction:

  • an increase in the mercury column on the thermometer to 38.5;
  • redness or itching at the injection site;
  • tearfulness or restlessness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bad dream.

An increase in temperature in children up to 38 degrees, in the first three days after DTP vaccination, should not cause concern to parents. This is the physiological reaction of the body to the administered drug. It is worth giving the baby an antipyretic drug according to the scheme and monitor his well-being.

Redness or itching at the vaccination site can cause big trouble for the crumbs. The reaction provokes bad sleep. To alleviate the condition, give the baby an antihistamine and lubricate the reddened area with Fenistil-gel. You can bandage the leg with a thin cotton cloth or gauze. If the baby stops combing the reddened place, then the itching will pass faster.

The child becomes tearful due to general malaise. Calm the baby, provide him with peace. Do not play with the baby in active games, wrap, overheat. The room should not be hot. Follow the daily routine. You can not switch to new bait within 7 days. For babies, give breasts more often, let the baby suckle in small portions. Keep track of your baby's weight.

If the baby does not sleep well, often wakes up crying, you can try to alleviate the condition in well-known and simple ways:

  1. Make an infusion from the collection of mint, lemon balm, hawthorn. Dry collection (1 teaspoon) you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a warm place for 3 hours. Give the baby from a bottle 2-1.5 hours before bedtime. The child will calm down, the itching will pass, sleep will return to normal.
  2. Make a compress of honey with flour, apply it to the sore spot. The cake should not be warm, only at room temperature. Remember, you can’t warm the place after DTP, this can provoke inflammation.
  3. If the cause of poor sleep after DTP is high temperature, wipe the baby's body with warm water. You can add alcohol to the water, in a ratio of 5/1. Do not try to bring down the temperature by wiping with vodka or vinegar. The compositions are aggressive and you can easily dry out the delicate skin.
  4. Before going to bed, give your baby a light soothing massage. But do not rub the vaccination site. Help the baby to relax, then the sleep will be calmer.
  5. Before going to bed, ventilate the room and put on a humidifier. If there is no purchased device, you can simply hang a damp sheet or towel on the batteries.
  6. Well soothe children infusions of chamomile. Dried flowers are brewed like tea and given to babies from a bottle. Chamomile will help relieve itching, reduce inflammation and the baby will calm down.

It is important to monitor the general condition of children. If the temperature is high, and the child eats and sleeps well, then there is no cause for concern. When he sleeps poorly, and at the same time has a high temperature, which antipyretic compounds do not bring down, it is worth calling specialists.

How many days should I expect a reaction after vaccination?

The reaction to the vaccine in children may not appear immediately. The crumbs react individually to the drug, so not everyone may have a reaction after the first vaccination. After the second vaccination, the picture can change dramatically - the temperature rises, appetite and sleep worsen.

It cannot be said for sure that if children do not have a temperature on the first day after DPT, then on the second and third it will not rise. Monitor the condition of the baby and often put a thermometer. We recommend giving the baby antipyretic drugs for three days after vaccination: Nurofen, Ibuklin, Paracetamol. Infants put candles: Viferon, Efferalgan. This will help the baby bring down the fever and the allergic reaction will pass. Giving an antihistamine continues 3-4 days after vaccination, according to the scheme prescribed by the pediatrician.

Each baby is different, so the reaction in each case may be different. In some children, the temperature lasts only a day, the second is unwell for 3-4 days. But do not set yourself up for the worst, in 60% of cases the DTP vaccination is painless.

Poor sleep in a baby can be provoked not by vaccination, but by nervous overexcitation. After vaccination, you should not immediately leave the clinic with a crying baby. Sit a little near the office, let the child calm down. Attach to your chest, talk to him in a calm voice. The child will calm down and there will be fewer side effects.

If bad sleep is not accompanied by fever and repeats for 2-3 nights, then it is worth showing the baby to neurologists. In children, muscle tone may increase due to nerves and vaccination has nothing to do with disorders. The baby will be prescribed massage and physiotherapy.

Do not worry if the child after DTP does not sleep well for 1-2 nights, the temperature rises in the evening, and during the day the baby rests and eats well. Parents should be alert for the following signs in children:

  • the temperature is above 38.5 and does not subside;
  • the DTP site is swollen and hot;
  • an abscess appeared on the leg, from which pus flows;
  • after each meal the baby is sick;
  • the dream is gone, the child roars incessantly;
  • the skin has changed color to yellow or pale with blue.

Any reaction requires immediate medical attention. We recommend calling an ambulance.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about complications, we recommend watching the video:

The condition of the baby after DPT depends on the preparation. If you perform the correct preparatory steps and follow the recommendations of the doctor, then the baby will sleep well, and vaccination will not cause negative consequences.

DTP vaccination - when can I bathe a child? Whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus vaccine What vaccinations are required for children at the age of 6? DTP vaccination at 3 months: what parents of babies need to know Complications after DTP vaccination - leg swelling