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What is mixed astigmatism of the eye. What is mixed astigmatism: effective treatment and manifestations. How to treat mixed astigmatism

Mixed astigmatism is a refractive error in which visual distortion of the contours of objects occurs at different distances. This is due to the fact that in one of the meridians of the eye there is hyperopia, and in the second there is myopia. This type of pathology is the most complex, and therefore requires a special approach to treatment and vision correction.

What is mixed astigmatism in both eyes?

Astigmatism is one of the most popular refractive errors, along with farsightedness and myopia, etc. It is believed that this pathology is highly likely to be inherited, and also develops as a result of prolonged exposure to unfavorable factors, such as systematic visual stress, stress, injuries to the visual organs and others. Astigmatism is code 10 according to the ICD (International Classification of Diseases). The disease is characterized by partial deformation of the surface of the cornea or lens. At the same time, in different parts of the anomalous area there are convex or flat fragments, which leads to a violation of the sphericity of the surface. As a result, different refractive powers occur in the meridians due to different curvatures, which leads to defocusing of light rays on the retina and deformation of the image.

A person with this pathology sees the picture distorted, often with blurry and indistinct edges. To get a visual representation, you can compare it with the reflection in a teaspoon. This eye disease occurs in both adults and children. Moreover, 90% of babies are born with a slight degree of astigmatism, which goes away on its own by the end of the first year. This phenomenon is associated with the characteristics of the developing visual system of the newborn, and therefore is not a pathology.

Quite often, astigmatism is combined with other refractive errors, for example, myopia (myopic form) or farsightedness (hypermetropic form). In the first case, a person distortsly sees the boundaries of objects located in the distance, and in the second, he perceives objects nearby unclearly. The most complex form of the disease is mixed astigmatism, in which each organ of vision contains both myopic and hypermetropic forms of pathology (along different meridians). This leads to the fact that a person sees objects at different distances blurred or distorted.

Thus, mixed astigmatism of both eyes of a high degree contributes to disorientation in space and negatively affects the quality of life. It is difficult for a person to determine the shape, contours and sizes of objects due to the fact that one eye meridian is myopic and the other is hypermetropic. As a result, the image is focused twice on the retina: partly behind it and partly in front of it, so there is no single focus of light rays required to maintain high clarity of vision.
The combination of two types of refraction in one eye creates serious difficulties in selecting correction tools. Therefore, it is important that the diagnosis and prescription be made by a qualified ophthalmologist.

Mixed astigmatism: symptoms

High and moderate degrees of this refractive error are characterized by severe symptoms. Due to the difference in refractive power in different meridians of an astigmatic eye, a person perceives visible objects distorted. The outlines of objects on one side may appear more distorted and blurred than on the other if a person looks at the object from different angles.

In addition to worsening vision, fatigue and eye strain, astigmatism leads to such unpleasant consequences as frequent headaches and dizziness. Also, with a high degree of pathology, disorientation in space is observed due to the inability to distinguish the contours of objects and estimate the distance to them. Against this background, frequent mood swings and irritability may occur.

For some patients, symptoms of mixed astigmatism also include increased eye sensitivity to light, blurred vision at dusk, and squinting. This is necessary to consider the boundaries of objects at different distances. As a rule, these unpleasant sensations occur when the pathology is advanced. At an early stage, astigmatism may have less pronounced manifestations, which complicates its diagnosis.

Symptoms of mixed astigmatism in both eyes:

    Fatigue and eye strain;

    Deterioration of vision (fuzzy perception and distortion of the contours of objects at different distances);

    Dizziness and severe headaches;

    Frequent disorientation in space;

    Increased sensitivity of the eyes to light;

    Deterioration of vision at dusk;

    Frequent squinting.

Vision correction for this refractive error

Currently, vision correction for mixed astigmatism is successfully carried out. Glasses and contact lenses are used for this. Spectacle correction products are mainly recommended for children. In this case, an optical device with a combination of spherical and special cylindrical glasses is used. This is necessary in order to compensate for the difference in the optical power of the eye meridians (myopic and hypermetropic). It is advisable for the child to start wearing glasses in a timely manner. Mixed type astigmatism, if uncorrected, often leads to the appearance of strabismus and amblyopia (“lazy eye”) in childhood.

Teens and adults often prefer toric contact lenses. These products, unlike glasses, provide high clarity of central and lateral vision. This helps reduce visual aberrations. In addition, contact correction means do not limit freedom of movement and do not put pressure on the bridge of the nose. This allows you to comfortably play sports and lead an active lifestyle. Toric lenses work on much the same principle as glasses. The main goal of such optics is to increase the refractive power of the eye along one meridian and reduce it along the other, thereby compensating for the difference.

So, vision correction for astigmatism is carried out using:

    Glasses with spherical and cylindrical glasses;

    Toric contact lenses.

It should be noted that mixed astigmatism is not treated in this case. Optical products only relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of the disease and allow you to restore the clarity of the contours of objects. However, correction means do not in any way affect the main cause of the pathology - deformation of the cornea or lens.

Treatment of this disease

Mixed (ICD 10) corneal astigmatism is treated exclusively through surgery. One of the proven methods is astigmatic keratotomy, in which special micro-incisions are applied in the myopic and hypermetropic meridians. This helps to change the curvature of the cornea in the required plane (along the axis of the incisions). As a result, the refractive power of the eye is compensated and the correct focusing of light in the center of the retina is achieved. The disadvantages of this method include a long and rather painful recovery period, as well as low predictability of the result.

Laser vision correction using the LASIK method (LASIK) is considered one of the most popular methods of treating mixed astigmatism. In this case, the surface of the eye is delicately treated with a laser: in the first meridian, tissue is partially removed from the peripheral (outer) layer of the cornea to make it more rounded. And the surface of the cornea in the second meridian is made flatter by removing tissue from its central zone. In this way it is possible to achieve a spherical shape. First, the doctor cuts off the upper part of the membrane using a surgical instrument called a microkeratome. Upon completion of the procedure, it returns to its place. It should be noted that this treatment method is very popular because it is characterized by a minimal risk of complications and a quick recovery period. However, before laser vision correction, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for this operation.

In some cases, the above treatment methods are ineffective. For example, with lenticular astigmatism, it may be necessary to replace the lens with a toric intraocular lens. Radical operations such as corneal transplants are also sometimes indicated. Treatment of mixed astigmatism directly depends on the characteristics of the patient’s visual system, the degree of the disease and other factors. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult an ophthalmologist and undergo a comprehensive examination of the visual system.

Methods for treating astigmatism:

    Astigmatic keratotomy;

    Laser vision correction LASIK (LASIK);

    Radical methods (lens replacement, cornea transplant, etc.).

Which contact lenses to correct astigmatism?

If you have mixed astigmatism, and there is no desire or opportunity to wear glasses, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the range of toric contact lenses from world brands on the website

For those who want to enjoy clear, worry-free vision every day, one-day products like Johnson & Johnson's 1-Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism are ideal. These optical products do not require maintenance with a solution. It is enough to put them on in the morning, and take them off in the evening and dispose of them. It is believed that such products are the safest and most comfortable to use. Planned replacement lenses will also help get rid of the uncomfortable symptoms of astigmatism. A good choice would be the CooperVision Biofinity Toric model, designed for use for 1 month in daytime mode. SofLens 66 Toric contact lenses from Bausch + Lomb are also quite popular.

Please note that all products presented in our assortment are original. Before purchasing optical products, be sure to undergo an examination at the office of an ophthalmologist. To confirm the diagnosis of “mixed astigmatism,” a specialist may prescribe the following studies for you: visometry, tonometry, computer diagnostics of the cornea, biomicroscopy, skiascopy, as well as fundus examination, and in some cases, ultrasound of the eyes.

Astigmatic refraction is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea or lens. They may be asymmetrical, excessively concave or concave. The pathology may affect one or both eyes at the same time.


Mixed astigmatism is characterized by deterioration of vision at both close and long distances. However, it is not possible to correct the problem using conventional plus or minus spherical lenses.


A doctor can suspect a pathology based on the patient’s complaints and the presence of characteristic symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, he performs the Siemens test and also measures visual acuity corrected with cylindrical lenses.

Refractometry is considered the most informative method for diagnosing astigmatism. The study allows you to measure the refraction of the eye in different meridians and determine the degree of astigmatism. Based on refractometry data, the ophthalmologist can select suitable glasses or contact lenses for the patient.

People who decide to resort to laser treatment for astigmatism must undergo keratotopography. The study allows you to get an idea of ​​the thickness of the cornea in all its places. This, in turn, makes it possible to correctly calculate the volume of laser intervention.


Mixed astigmatism in both eyes is usually corrected with glasses or soft or hard contact lenses. The selection of correction means is carried out on an individual basis. Mixed astigmatism can only be completely corrected with toric lenses. Their peculiarity is that they have different optical powers in different places. This allows you to form a single focus on the retina and give a person good vision.

Mixed astigmatism can be treated surgically. The operation is only allowed for people over 20 years of age. The essence of the surgical intervention is to correct the thickness of the cornea using laser keratomileusis. Doctors use a laser to remove part of the tissue of the cornea, giving it the desired shape and optical power.

The cross-linking method is widely used to treat astigmatism caused by keratoconus. During the procedure, the cornea is saturated with riboflavin, which gives it high strength. To correct curvatures, the patient can be implanted with stromal rings.


Unfortunately, there is no specific prevention of astigmatism today. The congenital form of the disease is based on organic changes in the cornea and/or lens, the occurrence of which is simply impossible to prevent. A child is born with a defect that can only be corrected through surgery.

Timely treatment of injuries and inflammatory diseases of the cornea will help reduce the risk of developing acquired astigmatism.

Useful video about astigmatism

Mixed astigmatism is a condition characterized by a combination of nearsightedness and farsightedness in one eye. This anomaly causes a fuzzy and blurry picture that a person perceives. The most complex form of this disease is mixed astigmatism of both organs of vision. Pathology can be either congenital or acquired. Treatment in this case must begin as early as possible, especially if the disorder was identified in a child.

General characteristics of visual impairment - what is mixed astigmatism, ICD-10 code

Mixed astigmatism is a visual impairment in which both nearsightedness and farsightedness are detected in one eye. Due to this combination of disorders, a person is not able to see clearly and clearly objects located both near and far. With mixed astigmatism, the image in the organ of vision is focused twice, that is, there is no single focus. The patient cannot determine the size of objects and the distance to them.

With mixed astigmatism, a person sees blurry objects and cannot focus on one point.


To correct mixed astigmatism, glasses with special lenses are selected. Most often these are toric lenses that combine both cylindrical and spherocylindrical glass. The need for such lenses is due to the fact that they contribute to the refraction of light in the direction of both meridians. Find out how a person with astigmatism sees.

Glasses for mixed astigmatism correct and maintain the level of vision. They are selected individually.

To choose the right glasses for astigmatism, you first need to conduct a vision diagnosis. Experts note that getting used to glasses for mixed astigmatism is quite difficult: they cause pain in the eyes and dizziness. The older the patient, the harder it is for him to get used to corrective lenses.

Adults are initially prescribed weaker glasses to make the adaptation process easier. Then, after 3-6 months, glasses with stronger lenses are selected. After getting used to the second pair, glasses with lenses that can completely correct astigmatism are selected.

Adults are usually prescribed glasses with glass lenses, while children are prescribed glasses with plastic lenses. This is largely a safety issue: when a child falls, he does not injure his eyes with glasses that will not break.

In addition, glass glasses are heavier and therefore often slip off, which disrupts the process of vision correction.

For adults, wearing glasses is mandatory. Children wear them all the time.

Contact lenses

The advantage of contact lenses used for mixed astigmatism is higher visual acuity.
This is due to the fact that when wearing lenses there is no distance between the lens and the eye. When wearing glasses it is about 1.2 cm.

For this diagnosis, toric lenses with two optical powers are prescribed. The best choice is soft elements (silicone hydrogel). The lenses are selected by a specialist. They can be one-day, long-term wear and planned replacement.

Laser correction

Laser correction for mixed astigmatism helps to change the curvature of the cornea by evaporating its thin layer.

Thanks to the operation, the normal refractive power of the cornea is restored.
The most commonly used technique is LASIK (laser assisted keratomileusis). During the intervention, a thin layer of the cornea is separated and a laser is applied to its middle layer. After this, the flap is returned to its place.
The method is painless, highly accurate, and gentle. It gives good results: full vision restoration can be expected 5-6 days after laser correction. He will tell you about astigmatic contact lenses.

Surgical treatment: keratotomy and keratoplasty

Surgical treatment of mixed astigmatism is indicated for progressive forms of the disease. There are these types of operations:

It should be borne in mind that each method has its own contraindications. Read about the treatment of myopia in preschool children.


Eye drops for astigmatism accelerate metabolism in the lens and cornea, combat dryness, relieve irritation, and improve blood circulation in the eye tissues.
In case of this deviation, the following topical drugs are prescribed:

  • Quinax;
  • Taufon;
  • Visine;
  • Midroom;
  • Albucid.

Vizin is a modern drug in the fight against ophthalmological problems. Helps relieve pain, tension and redness in the eyes due to astigmatism.

Visual gymnastics

Another component of therapy for mixed astigmatism is visual gymnastics. The complex includes the following exercises:

  • Rotating the eyes in a circle and in a figure eight. Performed with eyes open and closed;
  • movement of the eyes to the right and left, up and down, as well as diagonally;
  • focus of gaze on the tip of the nose.

Any component of treatment for mixed astigmatism must be agreed with a doctor.

Features of treatment of myopic disease in children

In children, the development of mixed astigmatism in most cases is caused by abnormal development of the eyeball, so complete cure can only be achieved through surgical intervention.

Corrective glasses are required, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed (in particular, electrophoresis), as well as a set of exercises to improve vision. Read about astigmatism in children and how it manifests itself.


This video will tell you about astigmatism, the causes of its occurrence and possible treatment.


To summarize the article, it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  • mixed astigmatism - severe visual impairment, combining signs of myopia and farsightedness ();
  • the disorder may be congenital or acquired;
  • in children, mixed astigmatism if left untreated leads to lazy eye syndrome;
  • treatment, based on, consists of correction with glasses or lenses, surgery or laser correction. Additional methods are visual gymnastics and the use of drops;
  • Complete cure of mixed astigmatism in children can only be achieved through surgical intervention.

If you notice symptoms of visual impairment, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to preserve your vision.

It is a disease accompanied by a violation of refraction - the ability of the eyes to correctly refract light rays. Most often, this disease is inherited. It develops due to a violation of the shape of the cornea or lens. Vision deteriorates due to the fact that the cornea in some areas becomes convex or concave.

Diagnosis of “mixed astigmatism”– most common in cases of visual impairment. This disease can be congenital or acquired; the reasons for the development of the disease are completely different: from genetic predisposition to injuries and operations. This is a serious visual impairment in which a person sees poorly both in the distance and near. This is the most complex type of pathology, in which the shape of objects is distorted, and it is impossible to correctly assess the distance and size of these objects.

How to determine astigmatism in both eyes

Mixed astigmatism of both eyes is accompanied by impaired refractive ability of the left and right eyes. If a disorder occurs in the left or right eye, the disease is characterized by the development of farsightedness along one main meridian and myopia along the second; in more serious cases, problems are observed in both eyes. This type of disease requires serious treatment and is the most difficult to correct.

The most common symptoms of mixed astigmatism:

  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Rapid eye fatigue.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Distortions of shapes and distances.

Causes of mixed astigmatism

In most cases, the answer to the question: ?, can be answered that this disease is hereditary, since the shape of the eyes, like the shape of the nose, lips, and chin, is passed on from parents to children. But there is also acquired astigmatism, the causes of mixed astigmatism are:

  • Operations on the eyes.
  • Serious eye diseases.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.
  • Injuries and damage that lead to scarring on the cornea.

Treatment for mixed astigmatism

In order to restore visual acuity with mixed astigmatism, it is necessary to increase the optical power of the eyes in one direction and decrease it in the other. The most common way to solve this problem is optical correction - the selection of glasses or contact lenses. The definitive treatment method for mixed astigmatism is laser vision correction by straightening the shape of the cornea or lens. In some cases, optical and laser therapy do not produce results, then lens replacement, intraocular lens implantation and corneal transplantation are recommended.


Astigmatism is one of the types of refractive error in the eye, observed to varying degrees in almost every person, and is most often congenital.

The most dangerous pathology of this problem is mixed astigmatism. Suffering from it, a person cannot see either far or close. It is also not possible to recognize the size and clear shape of the object.

With mixed astigmatism, which occurs in the same eye along its two main meridians, nearsightedness and farsightedness may be present simultaneously. Therefore, the disease is the most difficult to correct: during treatment, the optical power in one meridian must be increased, and in the other, correspondingly reduced.

Mixed astigmatism of both eyes has the same characteristics, only the picture is confused in each eye. This is far from uncommon, but the disease in its progressive form is doubly dangerous and less treatable.

Mixed astegmatism in children

For every parent, a healthy child comes first. The eyes are a vulnerable place in humans and therefore require special attention. The most common cause of mixed astigmatism in children is heredity. If any of the parents had this problem, there is a chance that their children will also suffer from mixed astigmatism.

Many newborns, due to heredity, have a certain degree of astigmatism, but as they grow older, by the age of one year, this degree decreases to 1 diopter, which is normal, and therefore cannot be corrected, without affecting the quality of vision.

The danger of congenital astigmatism with untimely or incorrect treatment is that the child’s visual function will not only not develop, but the existing one will degrade.

The consequence of the disease, due to the lack of active progress, is amblyopia (or lazy eye, when the development of cells in the visual cortex does not occur, and the brain eventually stops processing the signal) and strabismus.

Parents should be observant about their children's eye health. It is important to recognize astigmatism at an early stage and promptly consult an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms of mixed astigmatism:

  • Excessive eye strain, rapid fatigue.
  • Frequent dizziness.
  • Systematic headaches in the area of ​​the brow ridges.
  • Difficulty focusing the eyes on printed text.
  • Complaints of poor vision when reading books or looking at a school board.
  • In order to better examine something, the baby tilts his head at different angles and squints his eyes.

If at least one of these symptoms is present, you can safely refer your children to a doctor for an eye exam. You should not expect that the child will “outgrow” the problem, although this also happens quite often.

Treatment of mixed astigmatism in children

Due to the unformed physiology in children, the treatment of such a disease has a narrower scope than in an adult. But, given that the eyeball is formed before the age of 14–15 years, treatment of astigmatism should begin as early as possible.

The most common way is to correct astigmatism with glasses. Corresponding cylindrical glasses are prescribed to children for everyday wear. At first there may be discomfort, but if it does not go away within a week, you should consult a doctor again - perhaps the glasses were chosen incorrectly. The frame can also cause inconvenience.

Glasses have significant disadvantages: limited activity, lack of development of lateral vision, inability to correct vision 100%.

Contact lenses do not have all these disadvantages, but they are excluded at an early age of the patient, since during their installation parents can seriously damage the eye of an unconsciously resisting baby.

At a more mature age, when a person can carry out the process of removing and installing lenses on his own, they become the optimal solution.

Any type of surgical intervention is impossible due to the physiological growth of the child. Even laser correction can be resorted to only after 18 years, with the exception of extraordinary cases.

Pregnancy and mixed astigmatism

Pregnancy is a period of particular vulnerability for a woman, and the eyes are no exception. The presence of mixed astigmatism does not directly affect a woman’s health, however, during labor, retinal detachment can occur, which can lead to the development of blindness.

When blood pressure rises, a similar problem can also occur, which is why some women with myopic or mixed astigmatism are not even allowed to become pregnant.

Treatment of mixed astigmatism in adults

An adult may also be prescribed glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision. However, this is not a treatment, but only relieves the symptoms of the disease for the duration of their use.

The following methods are used to treat mixed astigmatism:

  1. Astigmatic keratomy. Since the task is to change the shape of the cornea of ​​the eye, micro-incisions are applied to it during the operation, making it possible to achieve a change in curvature in the desired meridians. The method has big disadvantages: a low level of predictability, as well as a painful and long rehabilitation period.
  2. Laser correction. The point is to adjust the optical power of the eye in the corresponding meridians. In the right places of the cornea, tissue is removed from its outer layer, giving it a convex shape. In other areas, the surface of the cornea is made flatter by removing elements from its central part.

You can diagnose, get advice from a professional ophthalmologist and treat mixed astigmatism and other types of eye diseases in our clinic.

The fact of the prevalence of this disease indicates the inevitability of regular examination by a doctor and the immediacy of timely treatment. Take care of your eyes!

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