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Children's plastic surgery: what types and at what age are indicated for minors. What you need to know before having plastic surgery Aesthetic pediatric surgeries

Eyelid surgery should be performed according to indications. Age in this case is not of key importance. If there is a genetic predisposition to hernias (fat “bags” under the eyes – ed.), drooping eyelids, then this operation can be performed at 25 years of age. As for blepharoplasty for patients, it is mainly attended by patients over 35 years of age. Plastic surgery on the eyelids can be performed several times in a lifetime, everything is individual. Each operation involves the formation of scars, both external and subcutaneous. An experienced doctor will always be able to determine whether the skin condition allows for repeated surgery or whether it is better to refuse it.

In which case, what types of blepharoplasty are recommended?

Upper eyelid surgery performed with excision of the upper overhanging skin flap and removal of hernias. There is a special technique for applying sutures and different types of incisions. This is a very serious procedure from an aesthetic point of view, because... It is important to make such a cut so as not to “round” the shape of the eyes, not to make it too elongated, not to create a “sad look” with drooping corners, and so on. Lower eyelid surgery performed in two ways. In one case, an incision is made along the lower edge of the eyelash growth, which allows you to tighten the skin or remove a hernia. In the second, the incision is made transconjunctivally, i.e. the hernia is removed through the conjunctiva. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty more suitable for young patients whose skin has not lost its tone and elasticity. Sometimes blepharoplasty is performed using a combined method - the hernia is surgically removed, then the skin around the orbit of the eye is resurfaced with a laser.

How long does the operation take, what anesthesia is it used?

Blepharoplasty is performed both under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. It is calmer for the surgeon when general anesthesia is administered and the patient sleeps peacefully. I do the upper and lower eyelids for about 40 minutes.

How is the recovery period after eyelid surgery?

One day the patient walks with special bandages. On the second or third day after plastic surgery on the eyelids, we remove the sutures and apply special adhesives to relieve the load on the suture formed during the operation. Next, we recommend using masks that relieve swelling and reduce the likelihood of bruising in the eyelid area. Within a week after eyelid surgery, all visible traces of the recent operation finally disappear and you can safely go to work or “go out into the world.”

Microcurrents are very effective. They can be performed the next day after eyelid surgery. Cosmetic procedures using , aimed at lymphatic drainage and improving skin elasticity, have also proven themselves very well.

A person can experience discomfort due to imperfections and flaws in their own appearance at any age. If the problem cannot be solved in other ways, it comes to the rescue plastic surgery. The arsenal of its products today is so wide that it allows us to talk about the almost complete absence of age restrictions for patients. For example, the most common “children’s” operation - correction of protruding ears - is recommended for patients as young as 6 years of age. The use of modern gentle techniques makes aesthetic surgeries effective even in very advanced years.

However, a large number of patients, especially women, are concerned about the question -? Doubts concern, first of all, facial plastic surgery. Experts believe that you should think about the first lifting by the age of forty: the initial results of aging at this age are already noticeable, but the skin is still elastic, healing proceeds quickly.

Of course There cannot be a strict age rule for everyone - every body is individual. But for many types of operations, the pattern is this: if the flaw is obvious to others and its existence poisons your life, you can expect the most impressive results of surgical intervention. When planning a time frame for plastic surgery, it should be taken into account that the complete procedure takes a lot of time. You will help yourself a lot if you are able to “disconnect” from big problems and worries for a while. Long-term is absolutely not necessary for most types of surgery, however doctors recommend reduce business and emotional stress during the rehabilitation period.

As for the time of year, there are many prejudices on this score. Many, for example, believe that it is not worth it in the summer. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, where the average annual temperature is above +20°C, the number of successfully practicing plastic surgeons is the highest in the world. So it’s best to plan your surgery according to your personal calendar.

How do you know whether you should decide to take a crucial step - plastic surgery - or leave everything as it is?

Plastic surgery some people perceive it as pampering - a minor surgical intervention, without risk, without bad consequences. Many people believe that only pop stars need this, and that everything should be natural for the average person.

In reality, surgery, whether plastic or not, is an operation. Staying in the hospital, pain, the period of recovery of the body... And, besides, no one has canceled the possibility of an unsuccessful outcome. Such operations can be easy, they can be complex and last 6 (or even more) hours. The only difference is that it is performed absolutely voluntarily, since it is not vital.

Although this is how to say... some people actually undergo surgery, which is called “out of pampering,” and there are people who desperately need it, people with a pronounced defect in appearance.

Plastic surgery includes cosmetic and restorative sections. The first is operations such as correcting protruding ears, giving the nose a beautiful shape, etc. The second section is the restoration of the body’s original state after injuries, elimination of their consequences (for example, restoration of the skin after a burn).

Whether or not to have surgery is up to you to decide, unless, of course, you have any contraindications. Before the operation, you need to take a bunch of tests, go through a bunch of doctors and spend a lot of nerves. But then the result will justify the spent effort, money and time. Perhaps... Or maybe it will only get worse? This is what you need to think about when leaving the doctor’s office after the first consultation (you can think about it earlier, but it’s still better to go, otherwise you’ll reproach yourself for your softness all your life).

Due to unattractive appearance Many people develop complexes, and if eliminating the defect will help you feel more confident, then why not try it? Let's say why should a child with protruding ears endure ridicule? Isn't it easier to have surgery? Moreover, otoplasty is possible from an early age, and it will cost half as much for a child. Risk is minimal.

If you want to remove excess fat, then think about what the scar will look like later, how long the recovery will take. Or maybe everything is not so bad, and it’s just necessary, because surgery will not stop obesity? After all, excess weight is not only a defect in appearance, but in general. Besides, there are a lot of fat people, so is it worth killing yourself over it?

Suppose you have already decided for yourself that life is not sweet for you without a new nose (ears, figure, etc.), you have already gone to the doctor for your first consultation, you were assured that everything will be fine and you will come out of it building a handsome prince (charming princess).

First, let's try to think about the consequences: what is the probability of an unsuccessful operation. Usually small, but anything happens. Next, we estimate how long we will run to get tested, how long we will stay in the hospital (if it is a simple operation, then 1-2 days, the doctor should definitely tell you about this at the first consultation). What will be the rehabilitation period, during which it will be necessary to stay at home if possible, going only for dressings.

It will be great if a loved one supports you - takes you to the hospital, meets you and takes you home.

If you are ready for all this, if you understand what the operation will cost you, but still want to do it, firmly knowing that the effect will pay for all the resources spent - then go ahead! This means that after the operation you will feel great: not every person is able to step over themselves, go through all the difficulties and achieve what they want.

In what cases is eyelid plastic surgery recommended? What is it?

Olga Alyaeva, plastic surgeon, doctor of the highest category, answers:

The former usually appear as skin folds over the upper eyelids and bags under the eyes. This is a kind of signal to consult a plastic surgeon, whether surgery is needed or can it wait. Plastic surgery on eyelids, or blepharoplasty, is a very popular and effective surgical procedure for facial rejuvenation. It consists, in particular, of removing excess skin and fatty hernias on the eyelids that form with age. The operation is usually well tolerated by patients and allows them to achieve the desired result.

Bags under the eyes.

From a medical point of view, “bags under the eyes” are an accumulation of fat. It is in it that the eyeball exists, but sometimes the fat sinks down and forms a hernia, from which the eyes always look tired. This can happen even at 30 years old. If such a problem appears, you first need to go to a cosmetologist: it could be swelling that goes away after a course of lymphatic drainage. Then it is necessary to rule out medical causes of puffiness under the eyes, for example, hormonal imbalance or problems with the thyroid gland, and only then go to a plastic surgeon.

Solution: While the skin is young and elastic (up to 45 years on average), bags under the eyes are operated on from the mucous membrane of the eye, which means that there are no scars left. The surgeon removes excess fat and the skin is tightened. True, there is a danger of removing too much fat, which in these places, unlike the hips and abdomen, is not restored. Then the look will look “sunken”. But modern technology can solve this problem too. The surgeon is also faced with the task of restoring the mechanical properties of the orbicularis oculi muscle, which holds fat in its proper place.

Heavy eyelids.

With age, the eyelids droop and the gaze becomes heavy. But in fact, with age it just becomes more noticeable, and it's all about the shape of the eyebrows. When tall, arched, the look looks open and the eyes are large. Plastic surgeons have even determined the ideal eyebrow arch: the distance between the upper eyelids and eyebrows should be at least 2.5 cm.

Solution: Surgeons reshape the eyebrows, lift the tissue, and open the eyes. This operation is performed endoscopically, that is, with tiny incisions (in the hair). May also disappear after surgery bags under the eyes and rise drooping corners of the eyes. When age-related changes are already noticeable in the eyes, upper eyelid surgery is also performed at the same time: excess skin and fat are removed. By the way, “raised” eyebrows can fall over time, especially if the skin is naturally thick. And here eyelid surgery- this is forever. // grandmed.ru, shkolazhizni.ru, aif.ru, allwomens.ru

Vladimir Vissarionov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Plastic Surgeon at the Beauty Institute on Arbat says:

1. The effect of the operation lasts 7 years.

Surgeons call the period 7-10 years. However, it can be either shortened or extended. How? Get enough sleep, avoid sun exposure, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke (alcohol and nicotine are the main enemies of the skin) and most importantly - maintain a stable weight. Its fluctuations negatively affect the condition of the skin. Compliance with these rules will delay the date of reoperation.

2. The best age for plastic surgery is 40-50 years.

It is pointless to resort to it earlier, and later it is useless. The period between 40 and 50 years is really the optimal time for surgery (if plastic surgery means correction of age-related changes - lifting the facial contour, eliminating excess upper eyelids and hernias under the lower ones, and not eliminating defects in appearance (protruding ears, deviated nasal septum, etc.) At the age of 40-50, the hormonal levels are stable, and the skin is capable of rapid recovery. During menopause (52-55 years), it is better not to resort to plastic surgery - against the background of hormonal imbalance, the skin ages quickly, and the effect of plastic surgery quickly fades away. In adulthood (60+), the skin becomes thicker and operations no longer provide significant long-term results.

3. Plastic surgery can only be done once in a lifetime.

You can resort to plastic surgery 2-3 times in your life. Plastic surgeons consider the third lift to be the limit - the skin cannot be stretched indefinitely. In addition, plastic surgery is a serious surgical intervention with a long rehabilitation period, so it is undesirable in adulthood (which is usually accompanied by chronic diseases).

4. Recovery after surgery takes one and a half months.

This is the most common misconception, which we owe to numerous television shows about plastic surgery. After a month and a half, the bruises usually disappear and the woman can appear in public during the daytime. If the work is not representative, he can go to work. But complete recovery requires 3-4 months (for 40-year-old women) and 6-8 months (for women over 50 years old).

5. A circular lift can be replaced with a gentle endoscopic operation, which involves small incisions.

Endoscopic surgery is indicated in cases where minimal intervention is required. This method is not suitable for patients with pronounced age-related changes, with loss of tissue firmness and elasticity (in such cases, a tightening with removal of excess skin is necessary. Moreover, such interventions can only be performed by top-class surgeons (through a puncture of 1-2 cm, a large volume of the operation) It must be remembered that the result of a mini-operation lasts less time than with a classic lift (no more than 5-6 years).

6. Only wealthy people undergo plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery is a surgery of whims, so people with means actually resort to it more often. However, 30-40% of our patients are low-income people who undergo plastic surgery to eliminate serious defects in appearance that interfere with their lives. They often undergo plastic surgery on credit or save money for it for many years. Plastic surgeons are trying to ensure that plastic surgery is included in the compulsory medical insurance system and, if there are indications (which do not include age-related changes), it is free for patients.

7. Plastic surgery cannot be done after beauty injections and Botox.

Beauty injections (usually mesotherapy and hyaluronic acid injections) cannot be a contraindication to surgery. As for Botox injections (a neurotoxin that blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers and “turns off” facial expressions), you should wait until its effect ends (usually 6-8 months) and make sure that the muscles have regained their former tone.

8. An alternative to surgery may be advanced cosmetic care.

Modern cosmetology successfully solves many problems. However, only plastic surgery can remove age-related ptosis (tissue drooping) and excess skin.

In fact, all over the world plastic surgeries are carried out using the same technology (which appeared in the pre-war years). Since then, nothing fundamentally new has appeared. The so-called new techniques are only improvements to known techniques. In addition, all new techniques (for example, SMAS lifting - the so-called deep plastic surgery) give approximately the same result.

The biggest problem with plastic surgery is high expectations. Many patients expect total rejuvenation from the surgeon, so they are not satisfied even with obvious positive results. Therefore, in many serious clinics psychologists (and sometimes psychiatrists) work with patients. It often takes a lot of effort to explain to the patient that plastic surgery is not an automatic return to youth, but a measure that gets rid of the most obvious age-related problems.

10. Complications after surgery are the result of surgeon mistakes.

Complications after surgery occur even among renowned masters. It is impossible to predict them. In addition, operations that do not leave scars are impossible in principle. Another thing is that if the operation was carried out according to the rules, and the patient followed all the necessary recommendations, then most of the complications (which include suppuration, hematomas, scars) are removable.

There have long been desperate debates about whether it is possible to do plastic surgery in the hot season, i.e. in summer. Supporters, as well as opponents, have weighty arguments that sway them to one side or another in resolving this dispute. Previously, summer was definitely considered an inappropriate time for any plastic surgery, but now even ardent supporters of this statement have begun to hesitate. Let's competently consider all the pros and cons of plastic surgery in the summer.

Doctors, surgeons and cosmetologists are no longer so shy about doing plastic surgery in the summer. The main argument was the fact that people living in hot climates undergo facial plastic surgery at any time of the year, since they simply do not have winter. For example, take Brazil, which is considered the birthplace of plastic surgery. You can also cite numerous positive reviews from patients after plastic surgery in Los Angeles, where the number of such operations is growing every year. The even climate of these places, which is not characterized by significant temperature changes, has a very beneficial effect on the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery. Their residents also suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia much less frequently compared to residents of Russia, Europe and other countries where the air is not so clean and temperature fluctuations are a constant phenomenon. However, this all applies to residents of warm countries and therefore I don’t really believe in such pros.

Let's look at it from a medical point of view. The sun really has a beneficial effect on our immunity, which is necessary after any operation. At high temperatures (25 -30° C), blood flow in the operated areas improves and this contributes to the rapid maturation and healing of scars. During the cold season, biological processes slow down, and therefore collagen will be produced faster in warm weather. The most important argument for plastic surgery in the summer is that there is no difference between the street temperature and the room temperature, but in the winter it can be about 30-50 degrees, which will have a detrimental effect on the general condition and duration of the rehabilitation period.

The social factor is in favor of summer plastic surgery - on vacation, a person can either have surgery or wait for the bruises and swelling to subside. Agree that most patients at plastic clinics do not want to demonstrate this fact and therefore not everyone agrees to appear in front of their work colleagues in dressings and bandages. Also, during the summer vacation there is less emotional stress and stress, and after the operation you need complete comfort.

One of the cons is wearing compression garments. It must be worn constantly, without taking it off even at night, and in the heat this is quite problematic. Another important factor is that you should not wash for a long time (and in the summer, when people sweat much more, this is also difficult to do) and the areas that have been operated on must be protected from direct sunlight. Because of all of the above, you will still have to give up walking on the beach and swimming in the sea. Surgeons who are conscientious about their work warn their clients against flying on airplanes, as they significantly slow down the rehabilitation period.

Let's take a detailed look at the different types of plastic surgery and their rehabilitation periods, indications and contraindications in order to once and for all resolve this debate “is it possible to have plastic surgery in the summer”:

  • If you do abdominoplasty or liposuction in the summer (we are talking about residents of our latitudes, where summer gives way to autumn and autumn to winter), then it will be possible to undress on the beach only after 3 months, i.e. when autumn will be in its coldest season;
  • if we do mammoplasty, the result will be visible only after 2-3 months, so the immediate demonstration of new breasts will not be possible;
  • if you need to have rhinoplasty of the nose, then you should absolutely not wear glasses (including sunglasses) for 3 months after the operation, and if you have sensitive eyes, this will create certain problems in a sunny place, but sunbathing is allowed after 45 days;
  • During blepharoplasty, you must wear glasses, so it will be perfect for summer surgery and will be comfortable for you and will not cause any surprise to others;
  • otoplasty can be done both in summer and winter, there are no restrictions on this, especially if only protruding ears are eliminated;
  • endoscopic face lifting can also be done in the summer, the punctures that are made during the operation will heal much faster in the warm season, however, there is a big “but” - you will have to wear a bandage over the entire face.

Time moves inexorably forward. And life, like an hourglass, is showered with a trickle of sand, in which every grain of sand is our meetings and partings, quarrels and farewells, joys and experiences. All these events leave rays of wrinkles on our faces, formed from smiles and sorrows that cannot be avoided in life. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, we begin to notice traces of experienced emotions in “crow’s feet”, heavy eyelids, drooping corners of the lips, “anxious”. Today we have an excellent opportunity to turn back the clock and regain our lost youth. And modern plastic surgery gives us this opportunity.

Contact is always shrouded in mystery. Having gotten rid of wrinkles and unsightly folds of the skin, women prefer to hide the phenomenon of their rejuvenation. People around make guesses about this, arguing about what caused the changes: a good choice of a resort, the magical effect of masks or baths, high-quality cosmetics or falling in love, which always inspires. The names of good surgeons are also not advertised, but are passed on by word of mouth, through friends and acquaintances. Barely noticeable stitches from the operation are masked with foundation so that no one would guess that the luxurious appearance is the work of the surgeon.

Public opinion and the media do not favor plastic surgery. The Internet and television are filled with rumors about unsuccessful attempts to get rid of wrinkles or extra pounds. At the same time, everyone looks with envy at the ageless faces of movie and pop stars who are already 60 or even 70 years old. Society tends to create stereotypes, and whether or not to resort to plastic surgery is everyone’s personal choice.

It should be noted that in Europe it is customary to even be proud of turning to an experienced person and openly recommend him to friends. Such services in the West are prestigious, and a woman’s always well-groomed appearance is a must. Split ends, yellowed teeth and bad skin are perceived as bad manners there. After all, a person’s success largely depends on his external aesthetics. If you would like to have plastic surgery, but in doubt, read this article to the end.


Fear is a natural protective reaction of a person, which can protect against wrong actions and save life. Even the word “operation” seems scary to many, even if we are talking about plastic surgery. Let's list the fears that scare clients the most:

  • anesthesia, its action and consequences;
  • pain and discomfort;
  • getting an unsuccessful result.

If your main fear is that your appearance will change for the worse after the intervention, it is better to refuse the operation, and maybe you don’t need it.


Not only modern equipment is used, but also high-quality anesthesia. To ensure that the patient does not feel any pain, a combination of intravenous and inhalation anesthesia is often used. This makes it possible to reduce the total volume of drugs and significantly reduce their negative impact on the body. Of course, there are risks, but the surgeon is not interested in the patient being in pain or uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact that her condition during the operation is monitored by experienced anesthesiologists.


The patient does not experience any pain during the operation itself, and after it injections are performed to relieve any discomfort during the healing process. In addition, physiotherapy and other procedures are prescribed for accelerated treatment.


Even experienced ones note that if the patient is initially set up for complications, then they may occur. The main thing is to believe in the best and be positive


Plastic surgery is a real opportunity to eliminate, become more beautiful and younger. There is simply no alternative method with a similar effect. Some women convince themselves that even after the third pregnancy, a loving husband will admire her figure without noticing the excess weight. Other ladies find it more pleasant to imagine how their husband admires their perfect forms and proudly goes for walks with his rejuvenated and slender wife. With age, many people increasingly ask themselves the question: how to become young again and arouse the admiration of others? After all, everyone knows that men love with their eyes and you need to give them such pleasure..

Socially adapted, successful and self-confident women often turn to a specialist for plastic surgery. After all, everything in a person should be beautiful, and women should cause delight with their appearance, and not regret. Those who have already experienced this means of rejuvenation change not only externally, but also internally. Women regain their coquetry, desire to please, positive attitude and excellent self-esteem. The wardrobe is also changing: shapeless sweaters and long skirts give way to elegant dresses, tight jeans and blouses with an open neckline. The number of bright and light outfits increases, the posture becomes more majestic, and the smile becomes more dazzling.


  1. We list the main advantages in favor of surgery to restore youth:
  2. Services are provided by private clinics with a high level of service and professional care.
  3. The use of the most advanced technologies and the best equipment, since specialists are interested in good results.
  4. Confidentiality - information is not transferred to third parties and no one will know how you regained your youth.
  5. Comfort and safety, thanks to the quality of the drugs used.
  6. A dream come true for many women.
  7. A step towards change (in family, work and other areas).
  8. The opportunity not to torture yourself with strict diets and daily workouts.
  9. An opportunity to feel more confident.
  10. An opportunity to start life again.

Timely plastic surgery is as important as stylish clothes, a fashionable hairstyle or an expensive car. Only by being beautiful does a woman feel like a “real woman.” You can't stop time, but you can control it and look perfect every minute of your life. It is beauty that rules this world, so the question is “should I have plastic surgery?” disappears by itself.