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Girls on examination by a doctor of the genital organs. How to prepare for the first appointment with a gynecologist - important rules

Gulyara Izbosinova

obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category with 30 years of experience, candidate of medical sciences, head of the antenatal clinic department in the city polyclinic No. 17 of Almaty

Our expert has formulated 5 tips for mothers of girls whose daughters are starting to grow up. By following these tips, you will be able to raise a happy and healthy person, who in turn will become a successful woman, a loving and caring wife and mother.

What should you tell your daughter before she turns 9?

Your girl is growing up and soon there will be a period in your life when your child's body will change. Along with this, her emotions and views on different situations in life will change. When a girl enters puberty, her mother is the most important person with whom she can discuss her issues. You yourself went through this and now it is your duty to feel your child. Mom needs to explain everything to her daughter herself so that she does not look for answers to her questions from illiterate friends or on the Internet.

"Puberty is an individual process for a girl," says the gynecologist. "Your daughter's body will develop at its own pace. Some girls are fully formed by the age of 12 or 13, others go through this period later. Don't worry if your girl matures later than her friends. She will catch up with them soon, and, as a rule, her development will be faster. Age ranges are averages, use them only as a guide."

There are several phases of a girl's maturation:

- Presexual phase- it comes at the age of 8-9 years and lasts about 5 years. Secondary sexual characteristics appear. The body develops faster, the growth of the body in length accelerates. The mammary glands increase, the figure changes, hair appears and actively grows where it was not there before, acne appears, menstruation begins, the first changes in mood begin. The presexual phase of menarche (menstruation) ends.

- pubertal phase puberty begins at 13-14 years of age and continues until 18 years of age. Growth slows down, an ovulatory cycle appears. The body is already physically ready to conceive and bear a child. It is because of the growth retardation and the sharp jump in the level of female hormones in the period from 14 to 18 years that many girls get better. Therefore, during this period, you should especially carefully monitor the nutrition of your child.

The growth of the mammary glands begins with the formation of nipples and halos, then the mammary gland as a whole begins to grow. The penultimate stage of breast development ends at 14-16 years of age. The mammary glands reach their final size after the birth of a child and breastfeeding.

Signs of puberty include the appearance of pubic and underarm hair. Hair grows at the same time as breasts. First, single hairs appear, and then they spread to the entire pubis. During puberty, under the influence of female sex hormones, the pelvic bones begin to grow in width, as a result, the hips become much wider. The amount of adipose tissue increases, which is deposited in the abdomen, thighs, mammary glands, pubis and shoulder girdle.

Menstruation is the outward manifestation of all hormonal changes in the growing female body. An egg matures in the ovary, and at this time a special layer of the endometrium is formed in the uterus, the inner lining of which is ready to receive a fertilized egg, and also provide all the necessary conditions for the development of the fetus. The appearance of menstruation suggests that a very serious stage is coming in the life of a girl - when she can already become pregnant with unprotected sexual contact.

The first menstruation usually occurs at 11-13 years of age.- this indicates that the body is developing normally and correctly. They may be irregular at first, but after a couple of years the cycle sets in.

1. Help her deal with complexes

During puberty, a girl has many reasons for complexes: by the beginning of the first menstruation, the body makes a sharp jump in growth, therefore it becomes awkward, angular. Often, due to the rapid growth of bones, the skin is stretched, and in order to avoid cracks, the body activates the sebaceous glands - as a result of their work, the hair and skin become oily. Excess activity of the sebaceous glands leads to the formation of acne and blackheads on the face, neck, back, shoulders of the girl. Explain to your daughter that any of these manifestations only mean that she is becoming an adult. Psychological support is very important for the child during this period.

When there is a hormonal imbalance, even an adult has a change in mood. What can we say about an unformed child, whose body is torn apart by hormonal surges. You should not be nervous and even more so quarrel - because this is a normal phenomenon and it will pass. A girl can feel energetic and happy, and after a couple of minutes, for no particular reason, become sad and want to be alone. Often all this is accompanied by low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with their appearance. In no case should you laugh at your daughter's problems, this can lead to disastrous consequences.

"During the entire period of maturation, the girl will think more and more about her body, while she may feel uncomfortable. The task of the parents is to reassure her and tell her that all the signs are natural and there are no rules on how, when and how quickly everything should happen. One breast can be larger than the other, there is nothing wrong with that. For most girls, this process will balance out over time, "comments Gulyara Izbosinova.

2. Explain to her how to take care of herself.

Mom should help the girl to adapt. Explain that all inconveniences arise from the effects of sex hormones and they are temporary. Sweat, sebaceous glands are activated, so the mother must convince the girl that it is necessary to take a shower more often, use soap, shower gel, and deodorant every day. And during menstruation, you need to wash yourself several times a day - every time you change the pad.

According to the gynecologist, for teenage girls during menstruation, it is still preferable to use pads, during this period they are more physiological than tampons. Tampons are more suitable for women who are sexually active.

Sexual hygiene is the basis for the formation of a healthy body. The development of all inflammatory processes, violation of the menstrual cycle - all this occurs against the background of a lack of basic hygiene, "explains a gynecologist with 30 years of experience.

3. What to do if the daughter began early sexual activity

Young people often do not listen to adults at all and begin an early sexual life - from the age of 13-14. Therefore, if parents suddenly find out that a teenager is already sexually active, you need to calmly talk to her about it. First of all, explain that early sexual activity can lead to very unpleasant consequences. For example, if pregnancy occurs before the age of 16, it can be life-threatening, since the child’s body is not yet fully prepared for motherhood. And even if she manages to endure the baby, childbirth can cause irreparable damage to health.

According to the gynecologist, in the polyclinic it is often necessary to terminate pregnancies for girls aged 13-16 for social reasons. Because such pregnancies can lead to very serious complications, both physically and psychologically.

“Mom must definitely follow the girl, her figure. It often happens that the girl herself does not understand what is happening to her, and the mother catches herself too late. And when the teenager finally gets to the doctor, he discovers that she already has a running hormonal disease or a late pregnancy. Either the girl, out of fear of the anger of her parents, hides the fact of pregnancy to the last, which also does not lead to anything good, ”says Gulyara Kusainovna.

According to Gulyara Kusainovna, there were cases when a gynecologist accidentally discovered pregnancy in a teenage girl during a routine gynecological examination. Therefore, it is imperative to control the onset of menstruation in a girl - at least to know approximately when they come and end with her, remember when she had them for the last time.

Not the last role here is played by a trusting relationship between mother and daughter. If the daughter and mother are friends, then complete trust between them will eliminate critical situations.

4. Epilation - pros and cons

According to the gynecologist, teenage girls do not need to do hair removal, because it is not worth interfering with the natural physiological process.

You can start hair removal after 16-18 years- when the body is already formed, the cycle has returned to normal, the sebaceous glands have calmed down, all the phases of sexual development have already passed, everything is settled, then you can do hair removal, "says Gulyara Izbosinova.

5. Modern technologies to help

Remember how you got registered for pregnancy in the antenatal clinic - one of the obstetrician's questions was "how old did the first menstruation go", "when was the first sexual intercourse" and "when did the last menstruation begin." Rest assured, your daughter will one day be asked the same questions. And worst of all, if she can not answer them.

Back in Soviet times, the most advanced mothers taught their daughters to draw a calendar for a year on a large sheet and mark there every day of menstruation - and even designate abundance with a certain color. Mom could look at such a calendar at any time and check if the cycle was established, if her daughter had any problems. Now technology has gone so far that you don’t need to draw anything, your smartphone will do everything for you. Both the App Store and the Play Market have dozens of free applications for fixing your well-being.

Set up the application together with your daughter - the main thing is that all the data from it is saved to her account, then in 10 years she, having become pregnant with the desired child, will be able to retrieve all the data and tell the gynecologist all the necessary information. Also, when it comes time to take birth control pills, you should set up notifications in the application - they will help you not to miss or delay taking hormones.

Another feature available in many applications - on the desired day on the calendar, you can mark the sexual intercourse that took place. The question is, no doubt, a delicate one. But this moment, especially if this is not the first wedding night, is better to save. And it is better if the girl consciously marks each sexual act on the calendar - this will help her deal with women's health problems if they arise.

Everyone knows who a gynecologist is. This is a doctor who monitors women's health. But what does a gynecologist do when examining girls at 12, 14 and 16 years old? What to prepare for when you see this specialist? Despite many prejudices, the procedure for such an examination is not terrible. Often, it passes even without penetration into the vagina.

What does a gynecologist do at the examination at 12,14, 16 years old?

If you are a virgin and came for a routine examination, then the case may be limited to questions. The specialist will ask you about the course of the menstrual cycle, feel your stomach and "let go in peace."

This is how exams are usually carried out in educational institutions. No gynecological mirrors and penetration inside.

But in some cases, a rectal examination may also be performed. This is the insertion of a finger into the anus in order to probe the muscular wall between the anus and the vagina. Thus, the doctor determines the development of the genital organs.

In some cases, in particular, with "feminine" problems, a vaginal examination may be performed. There are special speculums that can penetrate the cervix without depriving you of your virginity. With the help of them, the diagnosis of internal organs and the collection of the necessary tests are carried out.

How does a gynecologist examine women?

If you are over 18 years old and not a virgin, then the examination occurs by penetration into the vagina. The doctor introduces a special tool with which he determines the size and position of the uterus.

Also, the necessary tests are taken, developmental pathologies and chronic diseases are detected.

In addition, the doctor examines the external genitalia. This is necessary to identify symptoms of serious problems and identify skin diseases.

In addition, the doctor conducts consultations with the patient. He asks some questions about sex and personal hygiene that are worth answering honestly. Confidential communication with a doctor can save you from many health problems.

If something is bothering you, you should say so. Ask any questions that interest you. Do not be shy and perceive a specialist as a man or a woman. Often, constraint leads to serious pathologies.

I'm afraid to go to the gynecologist

Many girls are afraid of such a doctor, considering his reception obscene and depraved. This is fundamentally wrong! After all, this doctor can determine:

  • Papillomatosis;
  • Candidiasis;
  • erosion of the uterus;
  • cyst (tumor);
  • Cancer at an early stage;
  • venereal diseases;
  • Problems in the development of the uterus and so on.

Many problems of the reproductive system do not make themselves felt for years. Their consequences threaten infertility, long treatment and even death. Therefore, you must get rid of stupid prejudices and take care of your health. It is better to be shy when the opportunity to have drunken sex with a stranger is on the horizon than to play the role of touchy in the doctor's office.

Is a gynecological examination dangerous?

If you are afraid of injury and pain during the examination, then do not worry. All instruments are sized and shaped to be ideal for penetrating the body.

Gynecological mirrors are warmed before work. They are sterile and able to push the muscles apart without problems. Therefore, there is no talk of any injury.

During rectal examination, the use of neutral lubricant is practiced. Remember that the doctor performs such procedures daily. He knows exactly what to do and how to do it. So your risk is zero.

Examination of girls by a gynecologist is carried out at 3, 7, 12, 14-17 years (after 14 years - annually) - before entering kindergarten, school, and then after graduating from elementary school and in adolescence. In addition, when symptoms of trouble appear on the part of the organs of the reproductive system, an extraordinary consultation of a pediatric gynecologist is prescribed, during which the doctor not only determines the state of the child's health, but also prescribes the necessary treatment.

Organization and legal framework

An examination by a pediatric gynecologist can be done at a polyclinic at the place of residence free of charge or on a commercial basis in a private medical institution that has the appropriate license and specialist. It is carried out on the basis of the order of the Minister of Health No. 1346n dated December 27, 2012 “On the procedure for passing medical examinations by minors”. If the institution does not have a specialist "children's gynecologist", a medical organization cannot replace him with a doctor of another specialty.

Parents are informed about the medical examination at least 5 days in advance and take written consent to conduct it. In this case, the legal representative of the child (father, mother or guardian) may be present during the procedure itself in the doctor's office.

Parents or guardians may refuse to have their child pelvic exam based on federal public health law. In this case, the child will not be able to refuse admission to kindergarten or school.

In Russia, a medical policy is required to undergo a medical examination by a gynecologist.

If a girl has reached the age of 16, she gives written consent to a consultation with a gynecologist herself, while parents are not required to notify about this procedure, and even more so about its results. Most likely, a pediatric gynecologist without parents will not accept a 15-year-old girl, and an “adult” will not examine at all, because he does not have the right to diagnose and treat diseases in children.

All data is entered into an outpatient card or special forms before admission to a kindergarten, school, or dispensary observation documents. They constitute a medical secret, and no one can get acquainted with these data without the consent of the parents or guardians of the child.

There is an exception to this rule. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of May 17, 2012 No. 565n, if the doctor during the examination reveals signs of illegal, violent acts against the girl, he will be obliged to report this to the internal affairs bodies.

If a girl was examined by a gynecologist for some reason, and there is information about this in her medical record, these results are “counted” if they are no more than 3 months old.

Indications for visiting a doctor

Scheduled preventive examinations are carried out for the early detection of serious health problems, which can then lead to severe reproductive disorders and even. Therefore, there is no need to abandon them. Such examinations are completely painless, the gynecological chair has been used since adolescence.

In addition, it is necessary to visit a pediatric gynecologist if the girl has complaints:

  • itching and burning in the perineum;
  • discharge from the genital tract, stains on linen;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by fever;
  • lack of menstruation at 15-16 years;
  • the girl has too heavy, painful periods, lasting 7 days or more;
  • the appearance at the age of 11-12 of signs of male pattern hair growth, acne, insufficient development of the mammary glands;
  • accelerated sexual development, the appearance of the first menstruation before 11 years.

The main diseases detected by a pediatric gynecologist

Examination of girls by a gynecologist in kindergarten and subsequent dispensary observation is carried out to identify the following groups of diseases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • non-inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • breast disease;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the genital organs.

At a later date, premature sexual development or its delay is additionally diagnosed, as well as a violation of the rhythm and nature of menstruation.

Most often in girls of prepubertal age, vaginal discharge and irritation of surrounding tissues are detected. Such symptoms account for up to 70% of all visits to a pediatric gynecologist about the disease. Another most common problem is parents' concerns about the normal structure of the genital organs.

Non-infectious vulvovaginitis

Usually this disease is caused by contact dermatitis, that is, skin irritation under the influence of detergents. There is reddening of the skin, in rare cases, vesicles and itching are formed.

A common cause is poor perineal hygiene. This reveals redness and swelling of the labia majora. Sometimes the vulva shows remnants of white discharge or even fecal matter. In more severe cases, scratching appears, which can become a gateway for a secondary bacterial infection.

A rare but serious cause of noninfectious vulvovaginitis in children is lichen sclerosus (lichen). It is accompanied by itching, irritation, soreness, bleeding, impaired urination and pain during defecation. A characteristic feature is white spots on the skin, which takes on the appearance of parchment paper.

When a foreign body enters the vagina, for example, a piece of toilet paper, bloody, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, irritation of the vulva may appear.

Infectious vulvovaginitis

Any cases of genital tract infections should alert the doctor to child abuse. This requires the diagnosis of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus, HIV infection and infection with the herpes simplex virus. In children under 3 years of age, the source of chlamydia and the papillomavirus may be transmission from the mother during childbirth, even if the woman did not know about the presence of such a disease in herself.

Infectious vulvovaginitis is accompanied by redness and soreness of the skin. Vaginal discharge is yellow-green in color and may be purulent. The disease can occur against the background of a cold, and in this case it is caused not by sexual pathogens, but by streptococci, meningococci, Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococci and pneumococci.

Scratching and secondary infection can be caused by pinworms.

Anatomical changes

Often parents turn to a gynecologist with complaints about the abnormal structure of the external genitalia in little girls. In this case, the doctor conducts a careful external examination, during which he can identify such frequent pathologies:

  • infection of the hymen;
  • prolapse of the urethra;
  • vaginal tumor.

In such cases, surgical correction of the detected defects may be necessary.

Preparing for an inspection

A child at 3 years old usually does not need to explain anything for a long time. It should only be said that they will go to the doctor with their mother, as usual. In the absence of complaints, the examination is limited to external, that is, the doctor visually assesses the structure of the external genital organs and the absence of signs of inflammation.

How to prepare a girl 6-7 years old and older for a gynecological examination?

It is important to remain calm and confident - by the age of 7 years, the child often does not yet experience any embarrassment and will not notice an "uncomfortable" topic.

The first visit to the gynecologist by a teenage girl is often remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, the mother needs to be explained what will need to be done before (urinate in advance, clean the perineum with a damp cloth) and what will happen during the examination.

Examination by a gynecologist usually does not cause psychological trauma. Parents should not focus on going to the doctor as something unusual or even more shameful. More often the girl worries more in advance than after the visit.

How is the inspection going?

Stages of implementation:

  1. A conversation during which, in a calm, friendly tone, the doctor asks questions to the little patient and her mother about the developmental features of the child, any complaints or abnormalities in the development of the genital organs. At the same time, psychological contact with the patient is being established.
  2. Examination of girls before the onset of puberty is usually carried out in the supine position on the couch. The child needs to remove all clothes below the waist, and also lift the edge of the blouse or T-shirt over the stomach. Then the girl lies down on the spread diaper.
  3. The doctor feels her stomach, then asks to bend her knees - this is done either by the girl herself, or by her mother, who is nearby. The doctor examines the external genitalia.

This concludes the inspection. Only in rare cases, for example, if there is a suspicion of anomalies of sexual development, the doctor performs a rectal examination of the uterus and appendages, inserting a gloved finger into the rectum, and prescribes other research methods, in particular, ultrasound.

In girls, it turns out whether menstruation has begun, what is the duration of the cycle, whether there are painful sensations. If (the first menstruation) has already passed, a menstrual calendar should be taken to the appointment, which every girl and woman should keep, marking the days of menstrual bleeding in it.

Adolescents who have already had their first menstruation are examined on a gynecological chair. The doctor always asks if the girl is sexually active. If the answer is negative, he conducts a rectal examination, probing the uterus and appendages through the anterior abdominal wall, on the one hand, and the wall of the rectum, on the other. This manipulation is painless, although unpleasant.

In case of pronounced inflammation, the gynecologist can take vaginal swabs even from a virgin. There are always holes in the hymen through which blood is released during menstruation. Through one of them, the doctor carefully inserts a thin probe under visual control and makes a smear. In this case, the hymen is not damaged.

If necessary, a special children's vaginal speculum can even be inserted through such an opening to assess the condition of the vagina and cervix. Of course, this is not used during the medical examination. But if the doctor suspects a serious disease of the reproductive system, for example, a tumor, such an examination will be carried out. The integrity of the hymen is not violated.

If a girl is sexually active, she is examined in the usual way - vaginally, as well as with the help of mirrors.

In addition, the condition of the mammary glands and secondary sexual characteristics, in particular, pubic hair, is necessarily checked. Inconsistency with their norm indicates a delay in puberty, which is often caused by serious endocrinological diseases. Only their timely diagnosis will help the girl to conceive and bear a child in the future. Therefore, you should not refuse gynecological examinations in adolescents, because at this time the girls are already embarrassed to talk about these topics with their mother.

Without exaggeration, one of the strongest stresses for teenage girls and their mothers is the first examination by a gynecologist. This procedure, of course, cannot be called pleasant, but it is necessary to go through it.

Ideally, healthy girls should undergo a gynecological examination at least once a year, starting from the age of 12-14, or rather, from the moment of the onset of menarche (first menstruation). And if the girl begins to be bothered by any unpleasant symptoms earlier (pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, etc.), then the visit to the doctor should not be postponed until this moment. There are pediatric gynecologists who work specifically for children and adolescents, who are able to help in such situations in the most professional and correct way.

In reality, as a rule, girls first turn to a gynecologist closer to the age of 18, or with the onset of sexual activity, and most often, unfortunately, with the appearance of any disturbing symptoms or the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. Due to fear or embarrassment, the girls try to postpone this visit as much as possible. Sometimes at the same time they are afraid of just the fact that the doctor and then the parents will become aware of the early onset of sexual activity. But the lack of proper and timely medical supervision can lead to really serious health problems.

Well, on the shoulders of the mother, as the closest of the experienced and the most experienced of the loved ones, in this situation, the task lies with making the first visit of the daughter to the gynecologist timely, planned and as psychologically comfortable as possible.

In recent years, gynecological examination of adolescents has often been included in the compulsory school medical examination program in high school. On the one hand, this removes some problems: parents do not need to act as "enemies" - initiators of going to the doctor, and it is a little easier for a girl to survive this "test" together with her peers than alone. On the other hand, if you are close enough with your daughter and you know that for her a collective visit to the doctor is less comfortable, then keep in mind that you have the right to refuse a gynecological examination as part of a school medical examination.

Preparing for a gynecological examination

In any case, before going to the doctor, be sure to talk to your daughter about what scares her, calm her down, tell her about what awaits her in the doctor's office. Explain that although this is not a very pleasant procedure, it is also not terrible. In addition, every woman needs to undergo it regularly in order not to worry about her health. Try to make a relaxed, relaxed conversation with your daughter, or if you doubt your abilities or for some other reason it will be more convenient, just invite her to read this article. And then take the following steps:

  1. Conduct an educational program. Try to explain to your daughter that you should not perceive the doctor as a person who evaluates her behavior or moral qualities. Say that he or she (it is better to choose a female doctor for the first visit) is just doing his job, which concerns only health. Therefore, it is so important to honestly answer the questions that the doctor will ask. If a girl is already sexually active, she will most likely be afraid that her mother will find out some intimate details. As calmly as possible, promise her that no facts voiced in the doctor's office will cause you a storm of emotions. And most importantly, remember to keep your promise. Caution and restraint in this matter will help you establish a trusting relationship with your daughter for many years to come.
  2. Discuss a "plan of action." Agree in advance whether you will accompany her during the visit to the doctor or she does not need it. Some girls are calmer when their mother is nearby, while others may, on the contrary, experience stress from this. Maybe the daughter will agree that you wait her turn with her, but she will want to go to the office alone. Respect her wishes. However, if the girl is not yet 15 years old, it is still better if you are with her in the office - you can not “stand over your soul”, but wait, for example, behind a screen.
  3. Choose a gynecologist. Take the choice of a doctor very seriously - this is best done together with your daughter, consulting with her. Call consultations and paid clinics, ask on the Internet, among friends. Surely you will find reviews about doctors and find a specialist with an optimal set of professional and personal qualities.
  4. Stock up on everything you need. Make sure that you have examination gloves, a diaper, clean socks for examination on the gynecological chair. Buy a disposable plastic mirror at the pharmacy so that the girl does not have to listen to the frightening rattling of metal reusable mirrors used by antenatal clinic doctors. If you go to a paid clinic, there is no need to carry all this with you.
  5. Prepare answers to questions. Usually, doctors enter data on the beginning of the first menstruation, cycle, previous or current diseases, as well as data on sexual activity (yes or not) and methods of contraception into the card.
  6. Trust the doctor. If you thoughtfully completed point 3 of this list, you are probably confident in the qualifications of the selected specialist. All that was left was for him to do his job.

How is a gynecological examination performed?

Examination of girls on a gynecological chair usually consists of several stages:

In non-sexually younger girls, speculum examinations may not be performed, and two-handed examinations are often performed through the anus (such examinations are no less informative than conventional examinations).

So the most unpleasant part - examination on a gynecological chair - lasts no more than 2 minutes, and the entire visit to the doctor takes about 20 minutes - you see, it’s not so scary. But now your daughter's women's health is under control, and you and her can celebrate the ordeal experienced with a couple of delicious cakes in the nearest coffee shop.

It sounds strange, but if earlier the first examination took place at the school with a gynecologist at the age of 14, today girls get into a chair at the age of 10-12 years. Why? It's all about the early sexual development of children. And it's not about sexual knowledge, but about the natural restructuring of the body. Here, the production of female sex hormones is determined, which leads to an increase in the mammary glands, the beginning of vegetation in the armpit and on the pubis, as well as the onset of menstruation. The lack of a timely gynecological examination leads to the neglect of a developed disease - often girls suffer from the formation of cysts on the ovary, which is explained by uncontrolled production of hormones.

How and at what age are they examined?

As already presented above, the first visit to the gynecologist at school can occur at the age of 10 years. Of course, here girls are not brought to embarrassing circumstances - a standard examination is not carried out on a gynecological chair. The doctor only checks the growing mammary glands, in which seals (mastopathy) can form, as well as the genitals - they determine the vegetation on the pubis. Apparent puberty is assessed and the next visit to the gynecologist is determined. Also, if possible, the probable onset of menstruation is stipulated.

Inspection at school on an armchair at an early age is carried out only for girls who have already experienced menstruation. Under the examination, a visual examination of the state of the uterus is supposed, if there are complaints, it is possible to check the condition of the internal genital organs through the anus.

At the age of 14, as a rule, all girls have menstruation. Here it is already necessary to “track” the cycle - on average it varies from 25 to 35 days. At first, the menstrual cycle can be irregular, which at the age of 14 is not uncommon if menstruation began only six months or a year ago. But often the cause of such failures is the presence of diseases of the internal genital organs. The same cysts on the ovaries can be follicular and cause delays in menstruation - the release of an egg. In the absence of timely treatment, this leads to ovarian dysfunction, and, consequently, problems with conception at an older age.

Therefore, an examination by a gynecologist at the age of 14 is comprehensive. If the girl is sexually active, the gynecologist inserts a magnifying mirror into the vagina, examining the condition of the uterus. In the absence of sexual intercourse, an examination is performed through the anus. This method also, instead of the usual ultrasound, helps to determine the condition of the ovaries - the size and presence of cysts on the organ.

How to overcome fear?

Many girls of 10-14 years old experience discomfort in the gynecological chair - shame and discomfort provoke a feeling of fear. What can I say - even adult women experience discomfort during examination, because the genitals are very intimate and secret, which even a specialist does not want to show. How to overcome fear?

Gynecologists themselves advise girls:

  • do not watch such videos on the Internet and do not study other manuals - this only increases the feeling of fear, because the video contains material through the "eyes" of a specialist. The girl will not see this, therefore, there is no need to study the entire procedure for patients 10-14 years old in a gynecological chair;
  • when examined in a gynecological chair, relax - discomfort, discomfort or even pain are provoked precisely by tense muscles;
  • trust a specialist - a girl must fully trust the work of a gynecologist and his actions, this is the only way to avoid feelings of fear and shame;
  • do not shower 3-4 hours before the intended examination - washing the genitals may incorrectly "provide" the available data. Simply put, rinsing washes away secretions that may indicate a possible inflammatory process;
  • do not shave yourself - the pubic hairline of a girl indicates her puberty and the hormonal picture in general, therefore it is undesirable to shave her hair before examination.

Examination by a gynecologist at school can be carried out by both a woman and a man. Of course, staying at the age of 10-14 years in the gynecologist's chair is very uncomfortable in principle, what can we say about the examination by a gynecologist by a man. But, if you trust experienced women (experience in terms of regular gynecological examinations), then men are more accurate in their actions than women. The fact is explained by nature - a man cannot know exactly when a girl will feel pain during examination. Therefore, he tries in advance to prevent such sensations during his actions. A woman knows from her own experience that even with her somewhat inaccurate actions, she will not harm the patient. But due to individual characteristics and in the case of elementary stress, safe actions can cause discomfort to the patient.

An examination by a gynecologist at school is necessary for the timely detection of diseases and hormonal disorders. If problems are found, the girl is given a referral for a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic.