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Doctor Zhivago short chapters parts. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago": analysis of the work

When Uncle Yurin Nikolai Nikolaevich moved to St. Petersburg, other relatives took care of him, who was left an orphan at ten years old - Gromeko, in whose house on Sivtsev Vrazhek there were interesting people, and where the atmosphere of the professorial family was quite conducive to the development of Yura’s talents.

The daughter of Alexander Aleksandrovich and Anna Ivanovna (nee Kruger), Tonya, was his good friend, and his classmate at the gymnasium, Misha Gordon, was a close friend, so he did not suffer from loneliness. stva.

Once, during a home concert, Alexander Aleksandrovich had to escort one of the invited musicians on an urgent call to the rooms where she had just tried to mix his good friend Amalia Karlovna Guichard is taking his own life. The professor gave in to Yura and Misha's request and took them with him.

While the boys stood in the hallway and listened to the victim’s complaints that she was pushed to take such a step by terrible suspicions, which fortunately turned out to be only a figment of her frustrated imagination - because across the city, a middle-aged man came out into the next room, waking up the girl who was sleeping in the chair.

She responded to the man’s glances with a wink from her accomplice, pleased that everything worked out and their secret was not revealed. There was something frighteningly magical in this silent communication, as if he were a puppeteer and she was a marie-o-net. Yura’s heart sank at the contemplation of this time. On the street, Misha told his friend that he had met this man. A few years ago, he and his dad were traveling with him on the train, and he got Yura’s father drunk on the road, and then threw himself from the platform onto the rails.

The girl Yura saw turned out to be the daughter of Madame Guichard. Larisa was a gymnast. At six-ten years old, she looked eight-ten-year-old and was somewhat burdened by the position of a child - the same as her friends. This feeling intensified when she yielded to the courtship of Viktor Ippo-lito-vich Komarovsky, whose role under her mother was not limited to the role of advice. Nika in business and a friend at home. He became her nightmare, he enslaved her.

A few years later, already as a medical student, Yuri Zhivago met Lara again under unusual circumstances.

Together with Tonya Gromeko, on the eve of Christmas, they were driving to the Sventitsky Christmas tree along Kamergersky Lane. Recently, Anna Ivanovna, who had been seriously ill for a long time, joined their hands, saying that they were made for each other. Tonya really was a person who was close and understanding to him. And at that moment she caught his mood and did not stop him from admiring the strange windows, shining from the inside, in one of which Yuri noticed a black thaw through which the fire of a candle was visible , facing the street with an almost conscious gaze. At this moment, the lines of the yet unformed verses were born: “The candle was burning on the table, the candle was burning...”

He had no idea that outside the window Lara Guichard was at that moment telling Pasha Antipov, who had not hidden his adoration since childhood, that if he loved her and wanted to keep her from death, they must get married immediately. After that, Lara went to the Sventitskys, where Yura and Tonya were having fun in the hall, and where Komarovsky was sitting playing cards. At about two o'clock in the morning a shot suddenly rang out in the house. Lara, shooting at Komarovsky, missed, but the bullet hit a fellow prosecutor of the Moscow Judicial Chamber. When Lara was led through the hall, Yura was stunned - she was the same one! And again the same gray-haired one who was related to the death of his father! To top it all off, upon returning home, Tonya and Yura no longer found Anna Ivanovna alive.

Through the efforts of Komarovsky, Lara was saved from trial, but she fell ill, and Pasha was not yet allowed to see her. However, Kolo-Grivov came and brought “rewards”. More than three years ago, Lara, in order to get rid of Komarovsky, became the teacher of his youngest daughter. All the warehouses were doing well, but then her empty-headed brother Rodya lost the public money. He was going to shoot himself if his sister didn’t help him. The Kolo-grivovs helped out the money, and Lara gave it to Roda, taking away the revolver with which he wanted to shoot himself. Kolo-Grivov never managed to repay the debt. Lara, secretly from Pasha, sent money to his exiled father and paid extra money to the owners of the room in Kamergersky. The girl considered her position with the Kolo-grivovs to be false, and saw no way out of it except to ask Komarovsky for money. Life has brought her down. At the Sventitsky’s ball, Viktor Ippolitovich pretended to be busy with cards and not notice Lara. He turned to the girl who entered the hall with a smile, the meaning of which Lara understood so well...

When Lara felt better, she and Pasha got married and left for Yuryatin, in the Urals. After the wedding, the newlyweds talked until the morning. His guesses alternated with Larisa’s confessions, after which his heart sank... In the new place, Larisa taught at the gymnasium and was happy, although she had a house and three -year-old Katenka. Pasha taught Latin and ancient history. Yura and Tonya celebrated their wedding. Meanwhile, war broke out. Yuri Andreevich ended up at the front without having time to really see his son who was born. In another way, Pavel Pavlovich Antipov found himself in the thick of battle.

The relationship with my wife was not easy. He doubted her love for him. To free everyone from this fake family life, he completed officer courses and ended up at the front, where he was captured in one of the battles. Larisa Fedorovna entered the sanitary train as her sister and went to look for her husband. Second Lieutenant Gali-ullin, who had known Pasha since childhood, claimed that he saw him die.

Zhivago witnessed the collapse of the army, the outrages of anarchist deserters, and upon returning to Moscow, he found even more terrible devastation. What he saw and experienced forced the doctor to reconsider a lot in his attitude towards the revolution.

To survive, the family moved to the Urals, to the former Kruger estate of Vary-Kino, not far from the city of Yuryatin. The path ran through snow-covered spaces dominated by armed gangs, through areas of recently pacified uprisings, with horror repeating the name of Strel-nikov, who pushed the whites under command -va-name of Colonel Gali-ul-lin.

In Vary-kino, they stayed first with the former manager of the Kruegers, Miku-litsyn, and then in the annex for the servants. They planted potatoes and cabbage, tidied up the house, and the doctor sometimes saw the sick. The unexpectedly appeared half-brother Evgraf, energetic, mysterious, very influential, helped strengthen their position. Antonina Alek-san-drovna seemed to be expecting a child.

Over time, Yuri Andreevich got the opportunity to visit the library in Yuryatin, where he saw Larisa Fedorovna Antipova. She told him about herself, that Strelnikov was her husband Pavel Antipov, who returned from captivity, but hid under a different name and did not maintain relations with family. When he took Yuryatin, he bombarded the city with shells and never once inquired whether his wife and daughter were alive.

Two months later, Yuri Andreevich once again returned from the city to Vary-kino. He deceived Tonya, continuing to love her, and was tormented by this. That day he drove home with the intention of confessing everything to his wife and not meeting Lara again.

Suddenly three armed men blocked his way and announced that from that moment the doctor had been mobilized into the detachment of Liveriy Mikulitsyn. The doctor had his hands full: in winter - rash, in summer - dysentery, and at all times of the year - wounded. Before Livery, Yuri Andreevich did not hide the fact that the ideas of October did not inflame him, that they were still so far from being realized, and that mere rumors about this had paid with seas of blood, so the goal was not justified -breathes funds. And the very idea of ​​​​remaking life was born by people who did not feel its spirit. Two years of captivity, separation from family, hardship and danger ended with an escape.

In Yuryatin, the doctor appeared at the moment when the whites left the city, handing it over to the reds. He looked wild, unwashed, hungry and weak. Larisa Fedorovna and Katenka were not at home. He found a note in the key hiding place. Larisa and her daughter went to Vary-Kino, hoping to find him there. His thoughts were confused, fatigue was making him sleepy. He lit the stove, ate a little and, without undressing, fell soundly asleep. When he woke up, he realized that he was undressed, washed and lying in a clean bed, that he had been sick for a long time, but was quickly recovering thanks to Lara’s care, although until complete recovery there was nothing to think about returning to Moscow. Zhivago went to serve in the Gubernia Health Department, and Larisa Fedorovna went to serve in the Gubernia Health Department. However, the clouds were gathering over them. The doctor was seen as a social alien, and the ground began to shake under Strelnikov. There is a ferocity in the city through a seagull.

At this time, a letter arrived from Tony: the family was in Moscow, but Professor Gromeko, and with him she and the children (now, in addition to their son, they have a daughter, Masha), were being sent abroad. The grief is that she loves him, but he doesn’t love her. Let him build his life according to his own understanding.

Suddenly Komarovsky showed up. He is invited by the government of the Far-Eastern Republic and is ready to take them with him: they are both in mortal danger. Yuri Andreevich immediately rejected this proposal. Lara had long ago told him about the fatal role that this man played in her life, and he told her that Viktor Ippolitovich was the culprit of his father’s suicide. It was decided to take refuge in Vary-kino. The village had long been abandoned by its inhabitants, wolves howled around at night, but the appearance of people would have been worse, but they did not take weapons with them. In addition, Lara recently said that she seems to be pregnant. I no longer had to think about myself. Just then Komarovsky arrived again. He brought the news that Strelnikov was sentenced to death and Katenka must be saved if Lara does not think about herself. The doctor told Lara to go with Komarovsky.

In the snowy, forest loneliness, Yuri Andreevich slowly went crazy. He drank and wrote poems dedicated to Lara. Crying for a lost beloved grew into generalized thoughts about history and man, about the revolution as a lost and mourned ideal.

One evening the doctor heard the crunch of steps, and a man appeared at the door. Yuri Andreevich did not immediately recognize Strel-nikov. It turned out that Komarovsky deceived them! They talked almost all night.

About the revolution, about Lara, about childhood on Tverskaya-Yamskaya. They went to bed in the morning, but when they woke up and went out to get water, the doctor discovered his companion had shot himself.

In Moscow, Zhivago appeared already at the beginning of the New Economic Policy, emaciated, overgrown and wild. He traveled most of the way on foot. Over the next eight or nine years of his life, he lost his medical skills and lost his writing skills, but still took up the pen and wrote thin books. Lovers appreciated them.

The daughter of a former janitor, Marina, helped him with the housework; she served at the telegraph office on the foreign communication line. Over time, she became the doctor's wife and they had two daughters. But one summer day, Yuri Andreevich suddenly disappeared. Marina received a letter from him saying that he wanted to live alone for a while and not be looked for. He did not say that brother Evgraf, who had appeared out of nowhere again, rented him a room in Kamergersky, provided him with money, and began to bother about a good place to work.

However, on a sweltering August day, Yuri Andreevich died of a heart attack. An unexpectedly large number of people came to Kamergersky to say goodbye to him. Among those saying goodbye was Larisa Fedorovna. She came into this apartment out of old memory. Her first husband Pavel Antipov once lived here. A few days after the funeral, she unexpectedly disappeared: she left home and did not return. Apparently she was arrested.

Already in the forty-third year, at the front, Major General Evgraf Andreevich Zhivago, asking linen worker Tanka Bezoche-redova about her heroic friend intelligence officer Khristina Orletsova, asked I was terrified of her, Tanya’s, fate. He quickly realized that this was the daughter of Larisa and brother Yuri. Fleeing with Komarovsky to Mongolia, when the Reds were approaching Primorye, Lara left the girl at a railway crossing with the watchman Marfa, who ended her days in a madhouse. Then homelessness, wanderings...

By the way, Evgraf Andreevich not only took care of Tatyana, but also collected everything his brother had written. Among his poems was the poem “Winter Night”: “Shallow, shallow all over the earth / To all limits. / The candle was burning on the table, / The candle was burning...”

Boris Pasternak. "Doctor Zhivago". A story about time and yourself. A summary of Doctor Zhivago might look like this.

After his uncle, who took care of him after the death of his parents, moved to St. Petersburg, Yura Zhivago lives with a family of other relatives - Gromeko. He finds good friends in Tony Gromeko and Misha Gordon. One day, when Amalia Guichard, a friend of the Gromeko family, wanted to commit suicide, Yura met her daughter Lara for the first time. Then he caught the secret of Lara’s relationship with Komarovsky, who was much older than her, and who also had his own relationship with Lara’s mother.

A few years later, already a medical student, Yura and Tonya celebrated Christmas at the Svetnitskys. It was already clear that Yura and Tonya should be together not only as friends, but also as spouses. Anna Ivanovna, Tony’s mother, who was seriously ill, predicted a happy fate for them. Lara also comes to Svetnitsky (after a date with Pasha, who is in love with her). At the evening, Lara has no time for fun - she shoots at Komarovsky, who was also in the hall, and, missing, hits one of the guests. This is how Yura’s second meeting with Lara took place. At the same time, Anna Ivanovna dies. Komarovsky managed to save Lara from trial. She married Pasha, and the young family went to live in the Urals. Yura and Tonya also got married. With the outbreak of war, both Yuri and Pavel go to the front. Soon Larisa heard rumors that her Pasha had died. Yura and his wife move to the Urals, to Yuryatin, where he begins to secretly meet with Larisa. Soon, having learned from Larisa’s confessions that her husband did not die and lives under a different name, Yura decides to leave both his wife and Larisa, because he can no longer lie to his wife about his love for her, and his conscience does not allow him to be with Larisa. But then Yuri is forcibly taken into Mikulitsyn’s detachment.

Only two years later he will be able to escape from the detachment. Zhivago does not find any of his relatives in Yuryatin. Tired from the road, he falls into a dead sleep. The next morning he wakes up in Larisa’s apartment, well-groomed and clean. After a while, a letter arrives from Toni, saying that she is in Moscow. Soon Larisa, at the insistence of Yuri, leaves with Komarovsky, and he himself begins to slowly write poetry and philosophize. With the beginning of the NEP, Yuri arrives in Moscow. He is no longer the same as he was before. Gradually losing his ability to heal and write, after some time he dies.


This, written without some important details, is a summary. (“Doctor Zhivago” is, of course, not designed for such familiarization). Its purpose is to interest potential readers. Some, having read Doctor Zhivago. Summary”, will be interested in the full text and, only starting to read, will see that there are a lot of details in this novel. The very essence of the novel depends on them. Other young people will find it sufficient to read only a short summary. Doctor Zhivago is a magnificent, powerful novel. And without taking into account the most important nuances on which the entire intrigue of the work rests, it is impossible to evaluate this work, which brought the author the Nobel Prize. If you want to fully understand and experience it, then it is better to immediately start reading the novel after finishing the summary. Doctor Zhivago is worth it!

Boris Pasternak, Nobel Prize winner in literature, and his work Doctor Zhivago needs no introduction. I recommend everyone to familiarize themselves with this work, and for those who are already familiar, remember it from our summary.

When Yurin's uncle Nikolai Nikolaevich moved to St. Petersburg, other relatives began to take care of the 10-year-old orphan - Gromeko, who often received interesting guests in their home, and where the “professorial” atmosphere helped develop the boy’s talents.

The daughter of Anna Ivanovna and Alexander Alexandrovich Antonina became his devoted comrade, and his classmate Misha Gordon, who studied with him at the gymnasium, became a friend, so Yura did not have to suffer from loneliness.

One day, Alexander Alexandrovich went on an urgent call, where Amalia Karlovna Guishar tried to commit suicide. Yurik and Mishka asked with him, and he agreed.

While the boys stood in the hallway, listening to the complaints of the failed suicide about her suspicions that pushed her to suicide and turned out to be just her imagination, a man appeared from another room and woke up the girl.

At his glance, the girl winked, like an accomplice, happy that no one found out their secret and everything turned out okay. There was something frightening in such communication, and the characters looked like a puppeteer and a puppet. Yura's heart sank, seeing such enslavement. Mishka told Yura that he had seen this man before. Once upon a time, he and his father found themselves on the same train, and on the way the man got Yura’s dad drunk, who then jumped onto the rails.

The girl turned out to be the daughter of Madame Guichard. Lara studied at the gymnasium. At 16, she looked 18 and didn't like being a child. And this intensified when she began to yield to the advances of Komarovsky, who was a friend and adviser in matters under her mother. He subjugated her, becoming her nightmare.

Years later, having become a medical school student, Yuri Zhivago met Lara again under strange circumstances.

Before Christmas, Yura and Tonya Gromeko went to the Sventitsky Christmas tree, their path lay along Kamergersky Lane. Recently, Anna Ivanovna, who had been very ill for a long time, took their hands and, joining them, said that they should be together. Tonya understood him well and was very close. At that moment she understood his mood and did not want to interfere with his admiration of the luminous windows, in one of which a black thawed patch was visible with a candlelight shining through it, directed at the street with a conscious gaze. At this time the lines were born: “The candle was burning on the table...”

He did not know that at that time Lara was outside the window telling Antipov Pasha, who had adored her since childhood, that in order to save her from death and prove her love, they needed to get married immediately. Then Lara went to Sventitsky, where Tonya and Yura were having fun in the hall, and Komarovsky was studying the cards. At about 2 a.m. everyone heard a shot. Lara wanted to shoot Komarovsky, but missed, and the bullet hit the prosecutor of the capital's judicial chamber. After Lara was escorted through the hall, Yurik was shocked to recognize her. And again the gray-haired one who was involved in the death of his dad. After returning, Tonya and Yurik learned about Anna Ivanovna’s death.

Komarovsky protected Lara from trial, but she fell ill and Pasha was not allowed to see her. Kologrivov visited her and gave her “rewards”. More than 3 years ago, she was a teacher for his little daughter, this helped her get rid of Komarovsky. The prosperous course was spoiled by her brother Rolya, who lost public money. He wanted to shoot himself if he didn't get his sister's help. Lara borrowed money from the Kologrivovs and gave it to her brother, taking his revolver. She couldn't repay the debt. Hiding from Pasha, Lara sent his exiled dad money and paid extra for a room in Kamergersky. Life became disgusting to her. At the ball, Komarovsky demonstrated that he was playing cards, not paying attention to Lara. He greeted the girl who appeared in the hall with a smile, the meaning of which was well known to Lara.

When Lara’s condition improved, they got married to Pasha and went to the Urals, to Yuryatin. After the wedding they talked until morning. His guesses were intertwined with Lara’s confessions, which made his heart sink... Lara got a job as a teacher and felt happy, although she looked after both the house and 3-year-old Katya. Pasha was a teacher of ancient history and Latin. Tonya and Yura also got married. Meanwhile, the war began. Yurik was sent to the front without being given much time to spend with his newborn son. Antipov was also sent into the thick of battle.

I had a difficult relationship with my wife. He didn't believe in her love. And in order not to deceive everyone with a fake family, he took an officer course and went to the front, where he was captured during the battle. Lara asked her sister to join the ambulance train and began searching for her husband. Second Lieutenant Galiullin, who knew Pasha in his childhood, said that he saw his death.

Zhivago saw the army falling apart, anarchic deserters acting outrageously, and after returning to the capital he witnessed even more terrible devastation. Because of what he saw and experienced, the doctor had to reconsider his attitude towards the revolution.

The family, in order to survive, moves to the Urals, to Varykino, to an estate that once belonged to the Krugers, located near Yuryatin. They had to make their way through snow-covered expanses, where armed bandits were rampaging, through the edges of suppressed uprisings, with fear repeating the name of Strelnikov, who oppressed the whites under the leadership of Galiullin.

Once in Varykino, they stayed first with Mikulitsyn, the former manager of the Krugers, and then in the servants' building. They began to improve the house, plant potatoes and cabbage, and sometimes the doctor treated patients. The sudden arrival of his half-brother Evgraf, energetic and influential, greatly simplified the situation. Apparently, Tonya was expecting a child.

Yuri Alexandrovich was eventually able to go to the library in Yuryatin, where he met Larisa Fedorovna Antipova. She told him about herself, that she was married to Strelnikov - Pavel Antipov, who returned from captivity, but was hiding under someone else's name and did not maintain relations with his family. He never once inquired about the health of his wife and daughter.

Yura comes to Varykino again 2 months later. He adored Tonya, but her deception tormented him. That day he returned home, wanting to confess everything to his wife and stop meeting with Lara.

Suddenly, on the road he met armed people who blocked his path and announced his mobilization into Mikulitsyn’s detachment. The doctor had a lot of work: in the summer - dysentery, in the winter - rash, and all year round - the wounded. Before Livery, Yuri did not hide the fact that he did not support the ideas of October, because they were far from being realized, and they paid for the talk alone in blood, so he believed that the end did not justify the means. In addition, people themselves formed the idea of ​​​​remaking life without feeling its spirit. After 2 years of separation from his family, captivity, hardships and dangers, he escapes.

The doctor came to Yuryatin after the city was liberated by the Whites and surrendered to the Reds. He was unwashed, weak, wild. Lara and Katya were absent. He found a note in the key hiding place. Lara and her daughter went to Varykino in the hope of finding him there. Fatigue made me sleepy and confused my thoughts. He refreshed himself, lit the stove and fell asleep. He woke up already washed, undressed and lying in a clean bed, he had been sick for a long time, Lara took care of him and he was quickly recovering, although he could not yet return to the capital. Zhivago went to serve in the Gubernia Health, and Lara - in the Gubono. But misfortune befell them again. The ground began to shake under Strelnikov, and they began to see the doctor as socially alien. An emergency raged in the town.

At this moment, Tonya sends a letter: the family left for the capital, but they were sent abroad. The trouble is that she doesn’t like his soul, and he doesn’t love her. Let life go with the flow.

Suddenly Komarovsky arrived. He was invited by the government of the Far Eastern Republic, and he wants to take them with him: they are in danger. Yura rejects this proposal. Larisa told him that this person had played a fatal role in her life, and he told him that he was to blame for his father’s suicide. They decided to hide in Varykino. The villagers had long since left the village; wolves' howls were heard at night, but they were more afraid of people, because they had no weapons. In addition, Lara recently announced her pregnancy.

Then Komarovsky arrived again, reporting that Strelnikov was awaiting execution and Katya needed to be saved. The doctor advised Lara to go with Komarovsky.

Yura, being in deep loneliness, began to go crazy, he got drunk and wrote poems, dedicating them to Larisa. Tears for my beloved turned into collected thoughts about humanity and history, revolution, as a lost ideal.

One evening the doctor heard footsteps and saw a man entering the door. He did not recognize Strelnikov. Apparently, Komarovsky resorted to deception. They talked all night and went to bed in the morning. When the doctor woke up and went out to get water, he found Strelnikov having shot himself.

Wild, thin and overgrown, Zhivago arrived in the capital at the beginning of the New Economic Policy. He walked the greater distance. Over the next 8-9 years, he lost his skills as a doctor and writer, but still did not give up his pen and wrote thin books that were appreciated by amateurs.

His au pair was the daughter of a former janitor, Marina, who worked as a telegraph operator on a foreign communication line. After a while, she married a doctor and gave birth to two daughters. However, one summer, Yuri suddenly disappears. He sends Marina a letter in which he writes that he needs to be alone and does not need to look for him. He did not say that again his brother Evgraf was helping him by renting a room and giving him money, and was looking for a good job for him.

But Yura dies in August from a heart attack. Surprisingly, a lot of people gathered to say goodbye to him, including Lara. She wandered into this room where her first husband Antipov once lived. A few days after the funeral, she suddenly disappears: she leaves home and does not return. She may have been taken into custody.

In 1943, at the front, Evgraf, asking the linen worker Tanka Bezcheredova about her intelligence officer friend Khristina Orletsova, became interested in her fate. He immediately realized that she was the daughter of Yura and Lara. During her escape with Komarovsky to Mongolia, when the Reds were close to Primorye, Larisa left the girl with the guard Marfa, who died in a mental hospital. Then wandering, homelessness...

Evgraf took care of Tanya and also handed over all his brother’s poems, including “Winter Night”.

When Yurin's uncle Nikolai Nikolaevich moved to St. Petersburg, other relatives, Gromeko, took care of him, who was left an orphan at the age of ten, in whose house on Sivtsev Vrazhek there were interesting people, and where the atmosphere of the professorial family was quite conducive to the development of Yurin's talents.

The daughter of Alexander Alexandrovich and Anna Ivanovna (nee Kruger), Tonya, was a good friend to him, and his high school classmate Misha Gordon was a close friend, so he did not suffer from loneliness.

Once, during a home concert, Alexander Alexandrovich had to accompany one of the invited musicians on an urgent call to the rooms where his good friend Amalia Karlovna Guishar had just attempted to commit suicide. The professor gave in to Yura and Misha's request and took them with him.

While the boys stood in the hallway and listened to the victim’s complaints that she was pushed to take such a step by terrible suspicions, which fortunately turned out to be only a figment of her frustrated imagination, a middle-aged man came out from behind the partition into the next room, waking up the girl who was sleeping in the chair.

She responded to the man’s glances with a wink from her accomplice, pleased that everything worked out well and their secret was not revealed. There was something frighteningly magical about this silent communication, as if he were a puppeteer and she a puppet. Yura's heart sank at the contemplation of this enslavement. On the street, Misha told a friend that he had met this man. A few years ago, he and his dad were traveling with him on the train, and he soldered Yuri’s father on the road, who then threw himself from the platform onto the rails.

The girl Yura saw turned out to be the daughter of Madame Guichard. Larisa was a high school student. At sixteen, she looked eighteen and was somewhat burdened by the position of a child - the same as her friends. This feeling intensified when she succumbed to the advances of Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky, whose role under her mother was not limited to the role of an adviser in business and a friend at home. He became her nightmare, he enslaved her.

A few years later, already as a medical student, Yuri Zhivago met Lara again under unusual circumstances.

Together with Tonya Gromeko on the eve of Christmas, they went to the Sventsitsky Christmas tree along Kamergersky Lane. Recently, Anna Ivanovna, who had been seriously ill for a long time, joined their hands, saying that they were made for each other. Tonya was truly a close and understanding person. And at that moment she caught his mood and did not interfere with admiring the frost-covered windows, glowing from the inside, in one of which Yuri noticed a black thawed patch, through which the fire of a candle could be seen, facing the street almost with a conscious gaze. At this moment, the lines of the poems that had not yet taken shape were born: “The candle was burning on the table, the candle was burning...”

He had no idea that outside the window Lara Guichard was telling Pasha Antipov at that moment, who had not hidden his adoration since childhood, that if he loved her and wanted to keep her from death, they should get married immediately. After that, Lara went to the Sventsitskys, where Yura and Tonya were having fun in the hall, and where Komarovsky was sitting playing cards. At about two o'clock in the morning a shot suddenly rang out in the house. Lara, shooting at Komarovsky, missed, but the bullet hit a fellow prosecutor of the Moscow judicial chamber. When Lara was led through the hall, Yura was stunned - she was the same one! And again the same gray-haired man who was involved in the death of his father! To top it all off, upon returning home, Tonya and Yura no longer found Anna Ivanovna alive.

Through the efforts of Komarovsky, Lara was saved from trial, but she fell ill, and Pasha was not yet allowed to see her. However, Kologrivov came and brought “rewards”. More than three years ago, Lara, in order to get rid of Komarovsky, became the teacher of his youngest daughter. Everything was going well, but then her empty-headed brother Rodya lost the public money. He was going to shoot himself if his sister didn't help him. The Kologrivovs helped out with the money, and Lara gave it to Roda, taking away the revolver with which he wanted to shoot himself. Kologrivov never managed to repay the debt. Lara, secretly from Pasha, sent money to his exiled father and paid extra to the owners of the room in Kamergersky. The girl considered her position with the Kologrivovs to be false, and saw no way out of it except to ask Komarovsky for money. Life disgusted her. At the Sventsitskys’ ball, Viktor Ippolitovich pretended to be busy with cards and not notice Lara. He turned to the girl who entered the hall with a smile, the meaning of which Lara understood so well...

When Lara felt better, she and Pasha got married and left for Yuryatin, in the Urals. After the wedding, the newlyweds talked until the morning. His guesses alternated with Lara’s confessions, after which his heart sank... In her new place, Larisa taught at the gymnasium and was happy, although she had a house and three-year-old Katenka. Pasha taught Latin and ancient history. Yura and Tonya also celebrated their wedding. Meanwhile, war broke out. Yuri Andreevich ended up at the front without having time to really see his born son. In another way, Pavel Pavlovich Antipov found himself in the thick of battle.

The relationship with my wife was not easy. He doubted her love for him. To free everyone from this fake family life, he completed officer courses and ended up at the front, where he was captured in one of the battles. Larisa Fedorovna entered the ambulance train as a sister and went to look for her husband. Second Lieutenant Galiullin, who knew Pasha since childhood, claimed that he saw him die.

Zhivago witnessed the collapse of the army, the outrages of anarchist deserters, and upon returning to Moscow, he found even more terrible devastation. What he saw and experienced forced the doctor to reconsider a lot in his attitude towards the revolution.

To survive, the family moved to the Urals, to the former Kruger estate Varykino, not far from the city of Yuryatin. The path ran through snow-covered spaces dominated by armed gangs, through areas of recently pacified uprisings, which with horror repeated the name of Strelnikov, who were pushing back the whites under the command of Colonel Galiullin.

In Varykino they stayed first with the former manager of the Krugers, Mikulitsyn, and

then in the outbuilding for the servants. They planted potatoes and cabbage, tidied up the house, and the doctor sometimes saw the sick. The unexpected appearance of his half-brother Evgraf, energetic, mysterious, very influential, helped strengthen their position. Antonina Alexandrovna seemed to be expecting a child.

Over time, Yuri Andreevich got the opportunity to visit the library in Yuryatin, where he saw Larisa Fedorovna Antipova. She told him about herself, that Strelnikov was her husband Pavel Antipov, who returned from captivity, but hid under a different name and did not maintain relations with his family. When he took Yuryatin, he bombarded the city with shells and never once inquired whether his wife and daughter were alive.

Two months later, Yuri Andreevich once again returned from the city to Varykino. He deceived Tonya, continuing to love her, and was tormented by this. That day he drove home with the intention of confessing everything to his wife and not meeting Lara again.

Suddenly three armed men blocked his way and announced that the doctor was from that moment mobilized into the detachment of Liveriy Mikulitsyn. The doctor had his hands full: in the winter - rash, in the summer - dysentery, and at all times of the year - the wounded. Before Livery, Yuri Andreevich did not hide the fact that the ideas of October did not ignite him, that they were still so far from being realized, and seas of blood had been paid for just talking about it, so that the end did not justify the means. And the very idea of ​​​​remaking life was born by people who did not feel its spirit. Two years of captivity, separation from family, hardship and danger ended with an escape.

In Yuryatin, the doctor appeared at the moment when the whites left the city, handing it over to the reds. He looked wild, unwashed, hungry and weak. Larisa Fedorovna and Katenka were not at home. He found a note in the key hiding place. Larisa and her daughter went to Varykino, hoping to find him there. His thoughts were confused, fatigue was making him sleepy. He lit the stove, ate a little and, without undressing, fell fast asleep. When he woke up, he realized that he was undressed, washed and lying in a clean bed, that he had been sick for a long time, but was quickly recovering thanks to Lara’s care, although until he fully recovered there was nothing to think about returning to Moscow. Zhivago went to serve in the Gubernia Health, and Larisa Fedorovna - in the Gubernia. However, the clouds were gathering over them. The doctor was seen as a social alien; the ground began to shake under Strelnikov. The emergency was raging in the city.

At this time, a letter arrived from Tony: the family was in Moscow, but Professor Gromeko, and with him she and the children (now they, in addition to their son, have a daughter, Masha) were being sent abroad. The grief is that she loves him, but he doesn’t love her. Let him build his life according to his own understanding.

Suddenly Komarovsky showed up. He is invited by the government of the Far Eastern Republic and is ready to take them with him: they are both in mortal danger. Yuri Andreevich immediately rejected this proposal. Lara had long ago told him about the fatal role that this man played in her life, and he told her that Viktor Ippolitovich was responsible for his father’s suicide. It was decided to take refuge in Barykino. The village had long been abandoned by its inhabitants, wolves howled around at night, but the appearance of people would have been worse, but they did not take weapons with them. In addition, Lara recently said that she seems to be pregnant. I no longer had to think about myself. Just then Komarovsky arrived again. He brought the news that Strelnikov was sentenced to death and Katenka must be saved if Lara does not think about herself. The doctor told Lara to go with Komarovsky.

In the snowy, forest solitude, Yuri Andreevich slowly went crazy. He drank and wrote poems dedicated to Lara. Crying for a lost loved one grew into generalized thoughts about history and man, about the revolution as a lost and lamented ideal.

One evening the doctor heard the crunch of steps, and a man appeared at the door. Yuri Andreevich did not immediately recognize Strelnikov. It turned out that Komarovsky had deceived them! They talked almost all night.

About the revolution, about Lara, about childhood on Tverskaya-Yamskaya. They went to bed in the morning, but when they woke up and went out to get water, the doctor discovered his interlocutor had shot himself.

In Moscow, Zhivago appeared already at the beginning of the New Economic Policy, emaciated, overgrown and wild. He traveled most of the way on foot. Over the next eight or nine years of his life, he lost his medical skills and lost his writing skills, but still took up the pen and wrote thin books. Fans appreciated them.

The daughter of a former janitor, Marina, helped him with the housework; she worked at the telegraph office on the foreign communication line. Over time, she became the doctor's wife and they had two daughters. But one summer day, Yuri Andreevich suddenly disappeared. Marina received a letter from him saying that he wanted to live alone for a while and not to be looked for. He did not say that brother Evgraf, who had appeared out of nowhere again, rented him a room in Kamergersky, provided him with money, and began to bother about a good place to work.

However, on a sultry August day, Yuri Andreevich died of a heart attack. An unexpectedly large number of people came to Kamergersky to say goodbye to him. Larisa Fedorovna was among those saying goodbye. She came into this apartment out of old memory. Her first husband Pavel Antipov once lived here. A few days after the funeral, she suddenly disappeared: she left home and did not return. Apparently she was arrested.

Already in the forty-third year, at the front, Major General Evgraf Andreevich Zhivago, asking linen worker Tanka Bezcheredova about her heroic friend intelligence officer Khristina Orletsova, inquired about her, Tanina’s, fate. He quickly realized that this was the daughter of Larisa and brother Yuri. Fleeing with Komarovsky to Mongolia, when the Reds were approaching Primorye, Lara left the girl at a railway crossing with the guard Marfa, who ended her days in a mental hospital. Then homelessness, wandering...

By the way, Evgraf Andreevich not only took care of Tatyana, but also collected everything his brother wrote. Among his poems was the poem “Winter Night”: “Shallow, shallow all over the earth / To all limits. / The candle was burning on the table, / The candle was burning...”

Retelling - V. S. Kulagina-Yartseva

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He traveled most of the way on foot. Over the next eight-nine years of his life, he lost his medical skills and lost his writing skills, but still took up the pen and wrote thin books. Fans appreciated them.

The daughter of a former janitor, Marina, helped him with the housework; she worked at the telegraph office on the foreign communication line. Over time, she became the doctor's wife and they had two daughters. But one summer day, Yuri Andreevich suddenly disappeared. Marina received a letter from him: he wanted to live alone for a while and asked not to be looked for. He did not say that again, out of nowhere, brother Evgraf had appeared, rented him a room in Kamergersky, provided him with money, and began to bother about a good place to work.

However, on a sweltering August day, Yuri Andreevich died of a heart attack. An unexpectedly large number of people came to Kamergersky to say goodbye to him. Larisa Fedorovna was among those saying goodbye. She came into this apartment out of old memory. Her first husband Pavel Antipov once lived here. A few days after the funeral, she suddenly disappeared: she left home and did not return. Apparently she was arrested.

Already in 1943, at the front, Major General Evgraf Andreevich Zhivago, asking the linen worker Tanka Bezcheredev about her heroic friend, intelligence officer Khristina Orletsova, inquired about her, Tanina’s, fate. He quickly realized that this was the daughter of Larisa and Yuri. Fleeing with Komarovsky to Mongolia, when the Reds were approaching Primorye, Lara left the girl at a railway crossing with the guard Marfa, who ended her days in a mental hospital. Then homelessness, wandering...

By the way, Evgraf Andreevich not only took care of Tatyana, but also collected everything his brother wrote. Among his poems was:

World of Heroes

Antipova Larisa Fedorovna, Lara is the main character of the novel; daughter of a Belgian engineer and a Russified Frenchwoman, Amalia Karlovna Guichard. Arriving from the Urals to Moscow after the death of her husband, L.’s mother, on the advice of her lover Komarovsky, opens a sewing workshop. L. studies at the gymnasium; experiences a strange dependence on Komarovsky and becomes his mistress, without feeling any attachment to him. Suspecting their relationship, L.'s mother tries to poison herself, but remains alive. Increasingly burdened by his connection with Komarovsky, L. in the spring of 1906 became a teacher in the wealthy Kologrivov family and stopped seeing Komarovsky. After graduating from high school, he enrolls in courses; After their completion, she wants to marry Pasha Antipov, who has been in love with her since childhood. To pay off the monetary debt of his brother Rodion, L. borrows money from Kologrivov; In order to pay him off, she intends to ask Komarovsky for money, but is ready to kill him if he invites her to be his mistress again. Going on Christmas 1911 to the Sventitsky Christmas tree, where Komarovsky is, L. takes a revolver with him. On the way, she stops by Kamergersky Lane to see Pasha; sitting in a room with a lit candle, she asks that they get married as soon as possible. During the Christmas tree, L. shoots from a revolver, hits prosecutor Kornakov, who was trying railway workers for participation in the 1905 revolution, and slightly wounds him. Wanting to save L., Komarovsky claims that she shot at him, and not at Kornakov. After this, L. suffers severe nervous fever.

In the spring of 1912, she married Antipov, and after 10 days they left for the Urals, to Yuryatin. There Lara teaches at a girls' gymnasium. Their daughter Katenka is born. However, Antipov believes that L.; he goes to the front, where he is captured. L., having passed the exam for the title of sister of mercy, leaves her daughter in Moscow and goes to the front on a sanitary train. At the hospital she meets Doctor Zhivago. Working in the small town of Melyuzeev, L. often encounters him. Realizing that he is in love with her, she leaves a week later.

The next meeting takes place a few years later, in Yuryatin, when Zhivago, who moved here with his family from Moscow, comes to L.’s house. She talks about her husband, who serves in the Red Army under the name Strelnikov. L. and Zhivago become lovers.

In captivity among the partisans, Zhivago thinks about L. and what exactly makes her good: . For Zhivago L. - , . When Zhivago manages to escape from the partisans and get to Yuryatin, he comes to L. She says about herself: . Living with Zhivago, L. has a presentiment of his imminent arrest: . When Komarovsky appears in Yuryatin, L. eventually agrees to go with him to the Far East, hoping that Zhivago will soon join them; at the same time, she is sure that her husband, Antipov/Strelnikov, has been executed.

Arriving a few years later in Moscow from Irkutsk, L. goes to Kamergersky Lane, to the apartment where Antipov once lived; in his room she finds a coffin with Zhivago’s body. Yuri Zhivago's brother Evgraf tells her that her husband was not shot, but shot himself and was buried by Yuri Zhivago. L. tries to recall his conversation with Pasha Antipov on Christmas evening in 1911, but cannot remember anything. Saying goodbye to the dead man, L. tells him about some terrible guilt of his: . After the funeral of Yuri Zhivago, L. spends several days in Kamergersky Lane, together with Evgraf, sorting through the papers of the deceased. She tells Evgraf that she had a daughter from Yuri Zhivago. One day, having left home, L. never returns. . At the same time, the disappearance of the heroine in endless spaces adds an additional touch to the image of L. as a symbol of Russia (cf. also the meaning of the name Larisa). The daughter of Lara and Yuri Zhivago is found at the front in the summer of 1943 by Evgraf Zhivago: she bears the name Tanka (cf. -) Bezquereva, works as a linen worker and considers herself the daughter of his wife; as a girl she was given to be raised by a guard at a railway crossing, then she was a homeless child and ended up in correctional institutions.

Zhivago Evgraf Andreevich is the half-brother of the main character, his (cf. the meaning of the name Evgraf-). Illegitimate son of the bankrupt millionaire Andrei Zhivago and Princess Stolbunova Enrici; grew up in Omsk. The main detail of the portrait is . One of the main character traits is mystery. E. first meets Yuri Zhivago at the entrance of one of the houses in Moscow during the October Revolution of 1917. Later, during his brother’s illness, E. helps his family with food; delirious, the doctor takes E. for. It is E. who advises Yuri Zhivago’s wife, Tonya, to leave big cities for a while. Next time E., when Yuri Zhivago’s family lives in Varykino, near Yuryatin: . Thanks to his mysterious connections, E. provides great help to his brother’s family and leaves two weeks later. More than three years later, in Moscow, Yuri Zhivago accidentally meets E. on the street: he. . E. rents a room for Yuri Zhivago and helps look for his scattered publications and manuscripts.

Zhivago Yuri Andreevich is the main character of the novel, a doctor and poet. The hero's surname associates him with the image, that is, Christ (cf. the name of the character's mother is Maria Nikolaevna); the phrase can be read as. An associative connection between the words - is also revealed. The meaning of the patronymic is also significant: Andrey -, Andreevich -.

The novel begins with the death of the hero's parents: the mother dies, and the father, a bankrupt millionaire, commits suicide by jumping out of a courier train. The boy's uncle, Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin, brings him to Moscow and settles him in the family of Professor Gromeko. One day, after an interrupted musical evening, Zh., together with his friend Misha Gordon, accompany Alexander Alexandrovich Gromeko to the rooms: here Zh. first sees Lara, a girl sleeping in a chair, then watches her silent explanation with Komarovsky. Almost 20 years later J. will remember this scene: .

J. enters the university at the Faculty of Medicine. Starts to write poetry. After graduating from university, he wrote a paper on the physiology of vision. On Christmas evening 1911, J., together with Tonya Gromeko, goes to the Sventitsky Christmas tree: driving along Kamergersky Lane, he draws attention to the window behind which a candle is burning (this is the window of the room where Lara talks with Pasha Antipov, but J. about does not know this). A line of the poem appears: (- an unconscious quote from a poem by K. Romanov, 1885). At the Sventitsky Christmas tree, Zh. sees Lara immediately after she shot the prosecutor and recognizes her, although he does not know her name.