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Lime essential oil for hair. Lime oil: beneficial properties and use in cosmetology and medicine. Lime oil is an excellent antidepressant

Lime essential oil is an exceptional product that nourishes the skin with health and eliminates excess oil. Lime extract is often used in cosmetology and special products that cleanse facial skin and tighten pores.

Lime is one of the closest relatives of lemon. The Malay Archipelago, as well as Asia, is considered his homeland. Today, citrus is very popular and has many areas of application: in cooking, perfumery, production of alcoholic beverages, and cosmetics.

Florida and Persian lime varieties produce the highest quality and at the same time the most expensive essential oil; it is obtained by pressing or cold pressing. These types of production help preserve all the beneficial properties and smell of lime, but the final product will have a high price.

Benefits of lime essential oil

When pressed, lime oil will be light yellow in color and have a fruity aroma. The product can be used in culinary recipes, added to cocktails, and used for certain diseases. Due to the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin, the oil in its pure form is not used in cosmetology and perfumery.

But lime ether, which is extracted using a different technology, using distillation, has no restrictions on its use. This is what helped him find many applications in cosmetology.

Lime essential oil can be used as:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • sedative;
  • antiseptic;
  • means for the treatment and healing of wounds.

Lime essential oil is often used in the preparation of cosmetic masks, lotions, and creams that you can make at home yourself. They have a tonic and refreshing effect on the skin. It is especially useful to use oil for oily skin; in addition, lime oil helps get rid of wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

Lyme is famous for its antidepressant properties, helping to relieve feelings of anxiety and fatigue. In addition, the citrus aroma will help lift your mood and restore vigor.

The bactericidal properties of lime essential oil include:

  • air purification;
  • used even by hypertensive patients;
  • effective fight against infections and inflammatory processes (diseases of the nasopharynx and mucous membranes);
  • use for cold inhalation and massage.

Lime essential oil: beneficial properties

  1. Massage.Essential oil is very effective for massage and rubbing if there is joint and muscle pain. Thanks to its properties, lime helps relieve pain and warms up the disturbing area.
  2. Inhalation.Cold inhalation is often used for palpitations and neurosis. Do not forget that lime oil helps to cope with throat diseases; to do this, you need to slowly dissolve it, after mixing it with honey.
  3. Use in its pure form.If digestion is disrupted as a result of stressful situations, then the ether is taken internally. In its pure form, the drug can come to the rescue in the formation of warts and boils. In such cases, spot application to problem areas is recommended. The positive effect of oil on varicose veins has long been noted.
  4. Healing baths.Baths are useful if you have rheumatism or to relieve fatigue. The effect will be enhanced by a mixture of lime oil with lavender or almond ether. The butter is also mixed with cream, which has the highest fat content, or mixed with sea salt.


  • It is recommended to use 1-2 drops of the drug internally. They must first be diluted with water or mixed with a small amount of honey.
  • For massages, add 6-8 drops of ether to the base.
  • For hot and cold inhalations – 2-3 drops.
  • For stomatitis, add 4 drops of lime ether to 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. More often used as a lotion in the mucous membrane at the site of the lesion.
  • When rinsing, no more than 3 drops of lime essential oil are needed per glass of warm water.
  • When fumigating a room with ether, pay attention to the fact that lime combines well with vanilla, sandalwood, orange, and grapefruit. Add 4-6 drops to the aroma lamp.
  • For disinfection and healing procedures, use a dosage of 10 drops per 55 ml (adding ether to the base).

Lime essential oil in cosmetology: beauty and health

Due to its rich chemical composition, lime ether is used in many cosmetics. With regular use, the oiliness of the skin is reduced, the number of blackheads is reduced, unattractive shine is eliminated, and the enlargement of pores is reduced.

The oil can be used by both young and old people. It stimulates restoration processes in case of cellular damage. And using express masks will help relieve fatigue, get rid of dark circles near the eyes, and smooth out small wrinkles.

Essential oil is added to anti-cellulite products. During massages, the “orange peel” disappears and the skin tightens.

Lime oil is an excellent skin whitener. This quality is used to remove freckles and age spots. Systematic use of masks will help even out your complexion and tighten your skin.

For acne, acne and furunculosis, apply lotions with the addition of lime oil. For single ulcers, you can use the undiluted product. During the procedures, a burning sensation may occur or the skin may begin to prick a little. Don't worry, this is a normal reaction. Applications are recommended to be done twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

To stimulate and refresh oily skin, you can use cosmetic ice with the addition of essential oil. A few drops of ether are added to a glass of water and then frozen.

To reduce oily skin and then give it an even tone, you can use a mask with a white clay base, adding lime essential oil and walnut oil. The mask is done twice a week; upon completion of the procedure, it is recommended to apply a tonic.

If inflammation, redness or peeling occurs, citrus oil should be mixed with lavender or juniper oil. For the base, oil from grape seeds, jojoba, pumpkin or walnut is most often used.

Lime oil and hair health

Lime has an effect on the production of oil in the skin. The ether is very good to use for scalp massages and for therapeutic wraps. With the help of such cosmetics, hair becomes less oily, dandruff is actively fought, hair becomes shiny and stronger.

For oily scalp seborrhea, you need to regularly apply the oil mixture to problem areas. Exfoliation is reduced and severe irritation is relieved.

Beautiful and strong nails

For healthy nail plates, to avoid delamination and brittleness, you need to take salt baths with the addition of lime essential oil. Such procedures strengthen nails and whiten skin. Creams enriched with oil help get rid of rough cuticles and hangnails.

You can easily make a special nail polish at home. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil, to which add a few drops of lavender oil, rose, and lime. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into your nails. While the course of treatment is taking place, you cannot use varnishes; your nails must rest!

To strengthen the nail plates, you can mix the base with essential oils of tea tree, frankincense, lavender and wheat germ. The resulting composition is rubbed into the nails and applied to the fingertips every day.

Lime Essential Oil: Precautions

It is important to know that citrus fruits are strong allergens. To avoid unpleasant consequences when using lime oil, it is recommended to conduct special testing. A small amount of diluted oil is applied to the bend of the elbow and left for two days. If after the period no redness or swelling occurs, the product can be used.

Lime oil slightly lowers blood pressure when used in aromatherapy. Sensitive people should use incense very carefully, and it is better to mix it with other types of oils.

Like other essential oils, lime is not recommended for use undiluted - this leads to skin damage in the form of burns. When diluted, the oil may cause a slight tingling sensation with a slight burning sensation - a normal reaction.

If you are hypersensitive, you should not use lime oil. During pregnancy, you should also be careful with the dosage and use of ether.

Remember that your health is in your hands, so you need to not only maintain it, but also protect it! Use these great grooming tips wisely and you will always be irresistible!

Lime essential oil is a mild invigorating tonic that retains the properties of all preparations based on citrus products and also has its own unique features. Its pleasant aroma is rich in notes of spicy bitterness. Lime oil contains no toxins and is great for all-purpose use.

General information about the substance and plant

The oil is extracted from two types of lime. For subsequent use in the production of perfumes, its Mexican variety is used. This lime, otherwise called real lime, produces esters that have a rich range of healing qualities. The same cannot be said about the oils obtained from the Tahitian large-fruited lime; they retain only part of the beneficial properties contained in the plant.

Lime is an East Asian tree that is widespread in America. This tall plant has not only beautiful glossy leaves and small flowers with a fragrant aroma, but also sharp spines. The fruits have a bright green color and are shaped like lemons, the only difference is the size, they are comparatively smaller.

Lime oil production

Extraction of oil from lime fruits is carried out in two main ways:

  • cold pressed;
  • steam distillation.

Zest extraction is the highest quality method. At the same time, the oil retains the natural smell and all the beneficial substances contained in the lime. True, such a product is rare due to its high cost.

Steam distillation is carried out using special devices; crushed fruits are placed in them and distilled there. The price of such a concentrate is lower than the first; this method is much more widespread throughout the world.

The distillation method is the most popular in modern times, but you should still be careful and carefully study the packaging, which clearly indicates how the product is produced. If lime oil is extracted by direct extraction, you should avoid exposure to direct rays or strong gusts of wind for an hour after applying it to the skin.

The product is perishable, so it should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Composition of the oil substance

Lime oil is a light liquid of a light yellow or greenish hue with a pleasant, refreshing odor. The aroma of the product is original due to bittersweet notes.

The composition of the ether is rich and contains the following useful substances:

  • limonene;
  • pinene;
  • sabinene;
  • campine;
  • linalool;
  • borneol;
  • citral;
  • cineole

What are its properties?

Lime essential oil is an excellent natural antiseptic; it heals wounds, cuts and other skin damage well and fights inflammation.

Its fresh aroma tones the human body, calms the nervous system, and easily copes with neuroses, stress and depression. This oil is also effective in treating:

  • colds and infections;
  • sore throat;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Like any other citrus-based product, lime concentrate strengthens the body, increasing its immunity. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system: it eliminates the symptoms of tachycardia and any disturbance of heart rhythm.

Lime essential oil affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines, stimulates digestion and increases appetite.

In addition to all of the above, the substance has a positive effect in combination with other drugs in the treatment of such diseases:

  • alcohol addiction;
  • arthritis;
  • hypertension;
  • anorexia.

Effect of ether on the skin

Its role in cosmetology is no less significant:

  • improves the tone of the mature epidermis;
  • fights wrinkles and cellulite;
  • eliminates oily skin problems.

Product properties most suitable for these types of dermis:

  • fat;
  • aging.

When caring for problematic oily skin, lime oil does the following:

  • reduces fat formation;
  • eliminates greasy shine;
  • tightens pores and gently cleanses them.

The ether improves complexion, eliminating dark circles under the eyes. This property will appeal to women with exhausted and tired dermis after childbirth, who smoke, or who have suffered a long and serious illness.

As for the mature epidermis, lime oil will provide invaluable assistance in this regard:

  • will give elasticity and firmness;
  • moisturizes;
  • saturate with nutrients;
  • smooth out wrinkles, eliminating signs of aging.

But lime essential oil is used not only for cosmetic purposes, it is used to eliminate various skin diseases:

  • Whitening abilities allow you to get rid of age spots and freckles.
  • Cleansing properties help cope with acne and pimples. Wounds from them heal faster also because lime oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.
  • The concentrate treats herpes, scabies, cuts, cracks and other skin lesions. It easily heals and tightens wounds, eliminating any possibility of infection.
  • The ether affects purulent rashes and even helps get rid of furunculosis.
  • The oil dries out the warts and often removes them completely.

A natural lime-based product effectively fights swelling, increasing skin elasticity and restoring its natural healthy color.

Popular recipes

A balm for treating wounds is prepared by combining 20 drops of lime essential oil and 4 drops of lavender or juniper. These drugs combine well with each other, the effect of their interaction will increase several times.

For problematic oily skin, a mask based on white clay with the addition of walnut and lime oils will help. This mixture is applied to the face for no more than 15 minutes. After rinsing, the skin is wiped with tonic.

For mature dermis there is a remedy - a mixture of low-fat yogurt and macadamia and lime oils. This mask is left on the face until completely dry.

Warts and boils are removed with undiluted preparation.


Lime contains a lot of acid, so there is a ban on its use by people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • disturbances in the digestive tract;
  • allergy.

In case of individual intolerance to the product and a pronounced negative reaction of the body, use should be discontinued and completely eliminated in the future.

Lime is an exotic fruit with many beneficial properties. Oil based on it does not lose these qualities. It makes the skin clean and elastic, helps cope with wounds and cuts, and strengthens the body.

Video: Lime essential oil

Essential oils are used for both medicinal and preventive purposes. It has also been used in cosmetology. One of these is lime essential oil. The product has beneficial properties that improve overall well-being and help you look great.

How is lime oil obtained?

The ether is obtained from the peels of the lime tree by steam distillation or cold pressing of the peels. It is sometimes confused with lemon oil, but the products are completely different.

Lime essential oil has a milky, light yellowish or light green hue. Has a slightly tart citrus flavor.

Composition of lime oil

Lime is considered a fragrant and healthy citrus fruit. It is used in cosmetology, medicine and even perfumery purposes.

The broadcast includes:

  • limonene;
  • pinene;
  • campine;
  • sabinene;
  • citral;
  • cineole;
  • borneol;
  • linalool.

In addition, the product contains a large amount of potassium and ascorbic acid.

Benefits of lime essential oil

Lime oil can have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, antipyretic, choleretic and laxative effects on the human body. Its use leads to a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Lime removes toxic substances and normalizes the digestive process

Ether often has a psycho-emotional effect. Its use allows you to quickly calm down. Just inhale the vapor to lift your spirits.

The product is used for cosmetic purposes:

  • to provide a rejuvenating and powerful tonic effect;
  • to refresh the skin and smooth out wrinkles;
  • to form a homogeneous skin color;
  • to lighten age spots;
  • when eliminating rashes for oily skin types;
  • to eliminate excess oiliness in the hair;
  • to increase skin turgor in the décolleté, abdomen, thighs and buttocks;
  • to fight cellulite.

Lime essential oil has a pronounced healing effect.

It is used:

  • to eliminate swelling and reduce blood pressure;
  • to provide anti-cold and antipyretic effects;
  • to get rid of abdominal pain;
  • to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • to provide a general strengthening and antioxidant effect.

The oily liquid removes waste, poisons and toxins from the body. Its use has a protective effect against radiation.

In addition, lime quickly and permanently disinfects the air in the room.

What oils does it combine with?

Lime oil can be combined with many types of oils based on bergamot, vetiver, geranium, ylang-ylang, cedarwood, lavender, lemon, rosemary, rosewood, pine, sage, mandarin and lemon.

Medicinal uses of lime essential oil

The oily liquid is often used to treat various diseases. It can be added to a bath, taken internally or applied externally.

The method of use depends on the type of pathological process and location of the lesion

For joint pain

Lime quickly and effectively helps relieve pain during the development of inflammatory processes in joint tissues. Ether is recognized as an ideal remedy for the treatment of arthritis in the early stages.

For colds

Lime oil will help fight viruses. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

To cope with a cough or runny nose, you need to do inhalations. Add 2-3 drops of oily liquid to hot water. The vapors are inhaled for 5-7 minutes. Treatment lasts 5 days.

If you have a sore throat, you should gargle. Add 2 drops of citrus essential oil to a glass of warm water. In the first days of illness, the procedure is carried out every 2 hours. After the itching and scratching disappear, the number of rinses is reduced to 2-3 times a day.

To destroy pathogenic flora in the air and disinfect the room, it is recommended to carry out aromatization. To do this, add 2 drops of ether to the aroma lamp.

The use of lime essential oil in cosmetology

Lime essential oil is often used in cosmetology. It can be used to care for aging or oily skin. The oily liquid can smooth out wrinkles and give the skin elasticity.

Lime oil is good for acne, fungal diseases and herpes

Lime oils for face

Lime is an excellent remedy for caring for any type of skin.

There are several recipes:

  1. To increase tone, give the skin a beautiful color and smooth out wrinkles, you need to use a mixture of day cream and 5 drops of ether. The composition is applied to the face with massage movements in the morning.
  2. To give your skin youth, you can use a mask. To prepare it you will need 2 tbsp. l. sour cream or natural yogurt without additives, 6 drops of oily liquid and 4 drops of geranium ether. All components are thoroughly mixed together. A homogeneous mass is applied to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes.
  3. There is also a mask for problem skin. It will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the secretion of fat. For cooking you will need 2 tbsp. l. blue clay, 10 drops of jojoba oil, 8 drops of lime essential oil and a little warm water. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply to clean facial skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. This method can be used no more than 2 times a week.

In its pure form, the oily liquid is used to eliminate warts and boils. The product effectively fights herpes. But you need to rub the liquid in carefully, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the body.

Attention! Before using lime essential oil, you need to make sure you are not allergic.

To do this you need to conduct a reaction test. A few drops of oily liquid are applied to the inside of the elbow. If no symptoms of irritation appear within 24 hours, then the product can be used.

Lime essential oil for hair

Lime essential oil helps to cope with many problems that arise during hair care.

Its use eliminates dandruff, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and makes the strands silky.

  1. If your hair has become dull or your hair is very oily, you need to add 7-10 drops of ether to the shampoo.
  2. A therapeutic mask will help with seborrhea. For cooking you will need 2 tbsp. l. flaxseed oil and 10 drops of ether. The mixture is applied to damp hair, the head is covered with polyethylene and a towel. The procedure lasts 20 minutes.
  3. To quickly grow hair, you will need a glass of kefir and 7 drops of lime essential oil. The composition is distributed onto clean and damp strands. To make the effect better, wrap the head with polyethylene and a towel. After an hour, the mask is washed off and the hair is rinsed.

Important! With the correct use of folk remedies, you will be able to get lush, strong and well-groomed curls. But the positive effect will not be noticeable immediately, but only after several procedures.

Nail care

To make your nail plates peel less, grow better and look healthy, it is recommended to use lime oil in your care.

A balm made from 2 drops of mint, rose and lime ether and 1 tbsp will help strengthen your nails. l. olive oils. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. Apply to a previously cleaned nail plate.

If the nails are splitting, then a medicine of 2 drops of rosewood oil, 3 drops of lime ether and 10 drops of base oil will help. The product is used until the nail plate is completely restored.

Lime baths improve blood circulation, thereby accelerating the growth of nail plates

Contraindications for use

Before using the product, you need to remember that any type of citrus fruit can lead to the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, first you should conduct a test by applying a few drops of ether to the inside of your elbow. If redness or irritation occurs, you should stop using the oily liquid.

Lime essential oil should not be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The aroma oil helps reduce blood pressure, so it should not be used by people with hypotension.

Avoid contact of oily liquid with eyes. This may cause a burning sensation. If such a situation does occur, then you need to urgently rinse your eyes with running water.

Lime essential oil should not be applied to the skin in its pure form. This leads to the formation of burns. To prevent this, it is necessary to mix the product with base oil. The resulting mixture can also cause tingling and burning. This reaction is considered normal. Symptoms disappear on their own within a few minutes.


Lime essential oil is an excellent inexpensive remedy for many problems. It can be used to treat diseases and prevent colds. The oily liquid can be prepared at home. This ingredient is used to make care products for hair, nails and face. But lime essential oil may not be suitable for everyone. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, then it is better not to use the product.

I will give information about one more oil - lime oil.

Lime is the fruit of the lime tree, a citrus plant cultivated in North and Central America.

Genetically, lime is similar to lemon, and its taste also resembles the well-known lemon.

Lime oil belongs to the category of the most popular citrus aromatic oils all over the world, obtained from citrus fruits. You can read about others: grapefruit, orange, lemon on the corresponding links.

Lime essential oil is obtained by cold pressing or using the distillation method (these are steam distillation processes).

In the first case, the peels of the lime fruit are pressed, squeezing out high-quality aromatic lime oil.

The amount of oil produced in this way is too small, so on a production scale the second method of steam distillation (distillation) is used.

Lime is also processed to obtain juice, which is used in the production of drinks, for example the well-known “Schweppes”.

A by-product of such processing is also essential oil. Today its production reaches thousands of tons per year.

High-quality essential oil of limetta has a light fluid texture, pale yellow or yellow-green color with a sharp, refreshing and pleasant tart odor with a bitter-sweet tint.

Lime essential oil has properties that are very valuable in terms of its biological qualities.

In addition to the fact that, like all citrus oils, it is a natural antiseptic, lime essential oil has proven relaxing, restorative, bactericidal and antiviral qualities.

Lime oil also helps cleanse the body. This is an excellent adaptogen, antidepressant and stimulant of sexual activity.

Lime oil can help fight wrinkles and improve skin elasticity (especially in the chest, thighs, abdomen and buttocks).

Fresh lime juice or a few drops of lime oil can be used to make a healthy breakfast. Follow the link.

Lime oil is also suitable for people with mature skin with reduced tone.
Lime essential oil (limette oil) has proven itself in complex treatment of diseases:

  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract,
  • hypertension,
  • anorexia,
  • depressive states,
  • increased anxiety,
  • alcohol addiction.

And the wound-healing properties of limet oil also help with

Of course, lime essential oil is widely used in cosmetology.

It has a beneficial effect on the condition of tired, dull skin and is indispensable in the care of oily facial skin.

As part of aromatic compositions, limetta tones and cleanses, perfectly controlling the secretion of sebum (sebum), effectively fights blackheads, noticeably tightens pores, and helps, including on the back and neck.

For people with mature skin, an essential dose of lime activates blood circulation, restores capillaries damaged by rosacea, promotes the development of new cells, smoothes wrinkles, gives tone and erases signs of fatigue, making the complexion fresher.

This effect is especially noticeable after overload, previous illnesses, pregnancy and childbirth, and in women who smoke.

Lime essential oil effectively complements treatment

Lime essential oil is used for massages, inhalations, cosmetic manipulations with the skin, colds, and nervous tension.

Dermatologists recommend the use of oil in the treatment of infected wounds and scabies. To enhance the disinfectant effect, lime oil is used in a mixture with and.
Many cosmetic products (balms, creams, lotions, etc.) are enriched with lime oil; a few drops are enough.

Lime essential oil is used in nail care. At home, a mixture of 3 drops of lime oil, 2 drops and 10 milliliters of Jojoba or macadamia nut oil is effective.

The product is applied every other day to clean nail plates, which will gain strength and a healthy shine. It is recommended to rub pure lime oil into brittle nails every other day.

Also nourishing lip creams in combination with other oils. Follow the provided link.

Remember that when using lime oil, the skin may tingle slightly in the first 2-3 minutes after application.

Contraindications to the use of lime oil

  • This is an individual intolerance to its components.
  • Cold-pressed lime oil and mixtures with it cannot be used immediately before going outside in sunny weather, but only an hour after the procedure. However, oil obtained by industrial distillation can be used without such restrictions.

Use lime essential oil when taking baths, massages, cosmetic procedures, energize with it and get pleasure and tangible results.

Lime oil is a wonderful essential mild tonic. In addition to the beneficial properties of citrus, lime oil has other unique features and is used in cosmetology and medicine.

The oil is obtained from the fruit of the lime, a tree native to East Asia. The lime tree is distinguished by beautiful glossy leaves, fragrant small flowers, and sharp spines. Lime fruits are bright green in color, resemble lemon fruits in shape, but are smaller in size than the famous fruit.

How is lime oil obtained?

The product is obtained by cold pressing or steam distillation.

Cold-pressed oil is the most valuable product, as it retains all the beneficial substances of lime and preserves the natural smell of the fruit. But lime oil obtained in this way is expensive, so it is not in wide demand.

Lime oil produced through steam distillation is much cheaper, which is a deciding factor when purchasing the product. But before buying, you need to make sure of its quality to avoid counterfeiting.

Oil composition

Lime essential oil is an effective herbal remedy rich in natural ingredients. Limonene, citral, cymene have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs and respiratory tract.

The oil contains microelements important for the body - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc.

Beneficial features

The oil retains all the beneficial properties of lime:

  • antiseptic;
  • antivirus;
  • bactericidal;
  • antirheumatic;
  • restorative;
  • healing;
  • tonic

Lime essential oil has good antiseptic properties, heals wounds, small cuts, and fights inflammatory skin problems.

A fresh, light aroma with bitter notes can calm the nervous system and cope with neuroses and depression.

The oil is used to treat colds and infectious diseases, their prevention, for sore throat, runny nose, and sinusitis.

Lime essential oil helps strengthen the body, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and stimulates digestion (increases appetite).

The drug is used in the treatment of alcohol dependence, hypertension, arthritis, and anorexia.

Application in cosmetology

Lime essential oil is included in many medications for the treatment of acne, herpes, acne, and psoriasis.

The essential oil of an exotic fruit is used in cosmetology, as the product works well in skin care:

  • fights cellulite, wrinkles;
  • used in the care of oily skin;
  • suitable for aging skin care

The product is used to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, to moisturize and saturate the skin with nutrients.

The aromatic oil helps get rid of freckles, age spots, and acne.

The anti-inflammatory properties of lime oil are used in the treatment of herpes, scabies, cracks, furunculosis, and are used to get rid of warts.

Lime oil helps strengthen hair and nails, restores damaged skin, stimulates skin regeneration, and improves blood circulation.

Recipes for use

  • Balm for healing wounds and abrasions

Add 2 drops of lime ether, 2 drops of juniper oil to 1⁄4 tsp. fatty wheat germ oil or palm oil. Apply the product to problem areas on the skin.

Before each use, it is necessary to prepare a new composition, since essential oils quickly evaporate.

Pure lime oil can be used spot-on to treat pimples, blackheads, and cracked lips. In this case, apply the product to a cotton swab and lubricate the inflamed areas. Skin treatment can be done 3 times a day.

  • Headache

Lime essential oil can be used to relieve spasms and headaches.

Moisten your fingertips with oil, rub it into your temples, between your eyebrows, and into the back of your head. If possible, lie down for half an hour. Usually this time is enough to increase blood circulation and get rid of headaches.

  • Improving concentration and memory

If you feel tired or distracted, inhale the aroma of the oil. You can moisten a napkin or a piece of cotton wool and inhale the oil ether a couple of times every 10 minutes.

  • Massage and rubbing

To improve blood circulation for muscle pain and colds, add 5 drops of lime oil to a rubbing product or fatty cosmetic oil (almond, apricot, etc.). Rubbing can be done 2 or 3 times a day.

For massage, add 5 drops of lime oil to a single dose of massage cream.

Every day, at least 3 times, apply the product onto the warts. It is advisable to cover the wart with an adhesive plaster after application.

  • Redness and inflammation of the skin

Add 2 drops of oil to a single dose of baby cream and apply to redness. Improvement occurs within a couple of hours.

In adolescence, it is advisable to add lime oil to skin care masks. 3 drops of the product are added to ready-made cosmetics for the care of teenage skin.

The product calms the nervous system well, helps normalize the psycho-emotional state, and relieves nervous tension.

An aromatherapy session with lime essential oil is useful for women during PMS and menopause, and pregnant women. The procedure will help cope with irritability, pain, and toxicosis.

Add 5 drops of lime essential oil to the aroma lamp (per 15 sq. m area). Before an aromatherapy session, be sure to ventilate the room, and close windows and doors during the session. Procedure time: 15-20 minutes.

An aroma session with lime ether helps to disinfect the air in the room and activate the body’s strength. Therefore, aromatherapy sessions can be used to prevent diseases during colds and flu.


There is no doubt that lime oil is a beneficial remedy. However, if you are allergic to citrus fruits, this remedy should be treated with caution. Before use, be sure to test for the absence of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a couple of drops of oil to the bend of the elbow. If after a couple of hours the skin in this area becomes red or itchy, stop using the essential product.

Do not abuse this wonderful natural remedy, follow the recommendations for its use!