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Why dream about dirty water? Water that causes a feeling of discomfort - according to Meneghetti’s dream book. Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Lake in a Dream

  • Most often, such a dream is a bad sign that warns a person about future troubles, but the exact meaning can only be known after careful analysis.
  • Dirty water in a river can symbolize various life vicissitudes. For example, if the pond is calm but quite deep, you will face many alarms in the near future. But large whirlpools warn the dreamer that the difficult situation in which he is currently located is practically uncontrollable and maximum efforts will need to be made to solve it.
  • Falling into a pond with dirty water is a warning against a fatal mistake. If you do not take action in time, this puncture can negatively affect a fairly large period of your life.
  • Drowning in dirty water means that circumstances will arise in the dreamer's life that will not be controllable. To survive them, it is better to simply surrender to the will of circumstances.
  • Dirty liquid slowly approaching your home indicates impending troubles for you personally and for family members as well.
  • Red and polluted water flows from the tap? Then you will have a difficult period of getting rid of the burden of moral problems. Unfortunately, to complete this matter, you will have to go through mental suffering.

Swimming in dirty water

  • If in a dream you fell into a puddle with such liquid, then you should be wary of making a fatal mistake, as it may affect your destiny.
  • If you are in a room that is gradually flooded with sewage, and you are bathing in it, then according to Miller’s dream book, you will soon have to face serious life troubles. Most often, their culprits are envious people or hidden enemies.
  • Walking on the ground flooded with dirty water and getting your feet wet in it also indicates that the dreamer may soon get sick. In addition, such a dream promises material difficulties. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health and refrain from unreasonable waste.
  • Washing your hands under a dirty stream of liquid from a tap indicates that your enemies are going to harm you. Most likely, gossip will be spread about you, and if you do not take action in time, the machinations of ill-wishers can ruin your reputation to such an extent that it will be impossible to restore it.

Drinking dirty water in a dream

This scenario is quite common. But if you take into account the information from the dream book in time and take some measures, then negative consequences can be avoided.

  • Most often, a person who drinks dirty water in a dream runs the risk of becoming seriously ill in the near future. It is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination after such an incident.
  • Drinking cloudy water from a bottle or any container indicates that a person may begin to experience digestive problems.
  • Warm dirty liquid that you drank in a dream warns of the approach of a serious illness. If you do not identify it in advance, treatment will be very long and expensive.

Man has always been interested in his dreams, tried to understand the meaning of dreams, solve their riddle, and extract information from them for the future. Any events, actions, people can be reflected in a person’s dreams. Dreams are studied by science - somnology. It is in it that people try to unravel the meaning of dreams. Scientists, relying on knowledge and experience, strive to explain everything that happens in dreams.
A person is surrounded by water everywhere: at home, on the street, at work, in nature. Without water, a person cannot live a normal day. Therefore, very often we dream about how we drink in our sleep, wash ourselves, and bathe. Very often I dream of seas, rivers, oceans. Someone dreams of surfing. What is the meaning of such dreams? What can water mean in a dream? There is a possibility that your body is simply very tired and wants to relax on the seashore. Or you just want to drink, or sit on the river bank. But it may also be that water in a dream is not related to your personal needs. It is worth understanding the meaning of water in dreams.

Naturally, the role of water in human life is very important. Water in a dream can portend something good, but it can also mean something bad. In most well-known dream books, dirty and muddy water is a sign that you need to beware of dangers.
always means the unconscious of a person and everything that is connected with the internal sensory nature of the psyche. Water can be dreamed of in different ways: water in a river, water in the sea, swimming under water, clear water, muddy water, a lot of water or a lack of water. All these cases must be interpreted individually, in relation to the sensations and details of the dream itself. A dream interpreter who has extensive practice and knowledge of the nature and symbols of dreams can interpret dreams professionally.

Why do you dream about water?

Drinking something fresh and clean in a dream means all your wildest dreams will soon come true. If in a dream water splashes fall on your head, then this brings a love relationship with a happy ending.

Why do you dream about clean water?

Clean water in a dream means joy, a successful outcome, happiness.

Why do you dream about dirty water?

Dirty water portends unpleasant work, a negative result, negativity.

Why do you dream about water swimming?

If in a dream you swim in clear water in a dream, then your life in the near future will proceed without problems and worries, but if in muddy water, then, most likely, obstacles and obstacles await you. Swimming in water may mean that you have not yet separated yourself from your mother's essence and mother's psyche.

Why do you dream about a lot of water?

If water floods your house and it is impossible to stop it, you will face a difficult struggle and resistance, but if the water gradually decreases, you will begin to give in and danger will interfere with your plans.

Why do you dream of muddy water?

Muddy warns of danger, a blow to health. Muddy water in a dream warns - you may find yourself in danger; instead of joy, sadness will come. Falling into troubled water means that you will make many mistakes that will bring negative consequences and suffering.

Why do you dream about river water?

The river is the flow of life and destiny. If you dream of calm water, life will be calm and measured, but a stormy stream predicts a lot of interesting events and troubles, and also suggests that life will change before your eyes. A river with clear and peacefully flowing water is a very auspicious symbol. This dream promises joy, happiness and satisfaction with your life. If you dream of the smooth, calm surface of a river, it means you will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will delight you with tempting opportunities.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about water?

If you dream that you are rising from the water, then this means rebirth to a new life. Spring water or from a well in a dream means that you will be rich.

Why do you dream about clear water?

If you dreamed of clear, clean water, then bright prospects, prosperity and pleasure await you.

Why do you dream of swimming underwater?

A dream in which you are underwater may indicate an implicit danger. In addition, it means the need for a deep analysis of one’s own actions and thoughts.

Why do you dream about pool water?

A pool full of water dreams of successful deeds, an empty one - of powerlessness. If you dreamed that the pool was filled with cloudy or dirty water, it means that trouble awaits you ahead.

Why do you dream about water: the sea

Seeing a boundless sea of ​​water in a dream is a sign of great luck. Swimming in the sea is a fulfillment of desires. Find out also what dreams mean

The meaning of water according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of clean, good water, then be sure that something good awaits you. Most likely, you will receive money, or some joyful event awaits you. Clean water dreams of positive changes in a person’s life. Drinking good, drinking water is a very good dream. It foretells the fulfillment of your dreams. If you dream about something in the depths of your dreams, but were even afraid to admit it to yourself, it will come true, and in the shortest possible time.
If in a dream splashes of water reach you, but you also see that they are clean, then it may portend you a serious love relationship that will end in a wedding. If the water is dirty with an unpleasant odor, then this may foretell upcoming difficulties that you may encounter soon. Falling into such water means that in reality you may encounter a lot of troubles that may befall you.
Sailing in a dream on a ship that begins to fill with bad water means that soon you will have to solve difficult problems. But you will cope with them, thanks to your own prudence. Drinking cloudy water is a signal that your health may worsen or you may develop some kind of disease. In a dream, water comes into your house, this may signal that you are tired of dealing with dangerous situations, you need to “go with the flow.” Playing sports on the water in a dream, or you feel splashes of water hitting your head - such a dream promises the resumption of subsided feelings, the beginning of a new romance.

Vanga's dream book - Interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

In this dream book, water means evolution, thirst for life. Water can give renewal, get rid of dirt and sins. Getting caught in the rain or under a large stream of water in your dreams has a very unusual interpretation: space will have a great influence on you, which cannot be avoided. If such an effect really has an impact on you, then it will help you to become spiritually enlightened, you can become a new powerful person. And if in a dream you look at muddy water, then this warns you about troubles that may happen to you, or about difficulties in life, about conflicts with loved ones. Try to be a patient person, kind and considerate to others. This way you will save your soul and the soul of others. In a dream, you see your home being flooded, which means a large flow of news and new information awaits you. You can even expect just one piece of news. But it will have a very big impact on your entire future life, on your relationships with other people.
In a stormy stream of water you drown and choke, which means in life you will overcome some obstacle that may arise where you do not expect it. Moreover, it can have an effect on your health for the worse. You see ripples and circles across the water across the entire surface - this dream warns you that changes may begin in your life, but you are unlikely to like them. If you are swimming and are not carried away by the flow of water, this is a good dream that promises you that you will be able to cope with all life’s difficulties, and then you will gain influence over your life and be able to influence other people.

The meaning of dreams according to Juno's dream book

Juno is an ancient Roman goddess who is the wife of Jupiter himself. She keeps the family hearth, comfort, family traditions. The meaning of dreams in her dream book is based on experience and knowledge that has been collected for several centuries. The interpretation of dreams, comments, and explanations in it are based on the opinions of Nostradamus, Freud, Solomon and even Cleopatra. Water in such a dream book gives an association with feminine energy and sensuality. If you dreamed of a strong stream of water, but it does not cause danger, then gusts of feelings and emotions await you. If such a flow is blocked by something, it means that in life you have to restrain your true feelings, you do not let them spill out. The spring and its clear water shows your true feelings, how transparent and pure they are; also in such a dream you can see your connection with intuition and premonitions.
Seeing dirty, stinking water in a dream can foretell vicious relationships, dirt and lust, which you urgently need to get rid of in your own life. Seeing a ball with clear, life-giving water in a dream - such a dream suggests that you should expect beautiful weather in the upcoming dream. If in your dream some kind of beetle got into your glass of water, it means you may face a trial and slander from people around you. If you see the water bubbling, it means you can make some amazing scientific discovery.
Water in a dream can portend good and bad things. If you managed to remember the details of the dream, then in dream books you can find out what to expect in the near future, what to hope for, and what to beware of.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Many different objects and situations can appear in a dream. Each dream has its own interpretation. It warns or illuminates a person’s internal state, predicts good and bad events.

Pure water seen in a dream represents purity of thoughts and actions. But seeing dirty water in a dream, many people panic, get upset, and take the vision as a sign of an irreversible disaster.

Dirty water is a bad sign, so it is better to interpret the dream in time to prevent the negative events indicated by the dream.

You can unravel the meaning of a dream with dirty water by the following details and situations occurring in the vision:

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

An interesting interpretation is present in Miller’s dream book. The dream book says that dirty water symbolizes the onset of a dark streak in life.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book based on situations occurring in a dream:

  1. A stream of water floods the home dreamer Flooding is a sign of a desperate struggle against problems and troubles.
  2. Liquid leaks from the house. The dreamer is under a strong influence to which he succumbs.
  3. Fall into such liquid. Falling symbolizes making mistakes that cannot be corrected.
  4. Get your feet wet in a cloudy liquid to a serious illness.

    The second interpretation says that getting your feet wet in such a substance will lead to complications in material terms. This means poverty, destitution, lack of money to survive in the future.

    The vision signifies that such a sad situation can be avoided. Don’t make hasty decisions, don’t trust strangers. All actions must be well thought out and careful.

  5. Drown. This is a sign that the existing problem will not be resolved.
  6. Swim. Bathing portends danger to the dreamer's life.
  7. Pour liquid down the drain. The dreamer will get rid of failures and problems. A favorable period will come in his life.
  8. Pour water out of the bucket to improve things.
  9. In a bucket Dreaming of water means problems at work.
  10. Wash the floor with unclean water for a quick trip or work trip.
  11. Dirty water in the bathroom symbolizes the presence of ill-wishers who are trying to harm the dreamer. The more water there is in the bathroom, the more such envious and unfriendly people surround the guardian of sleep.
  12. Swim in the bath. This is a sign that ill-wishers will desecrate the dreamer and receive moral pleasure from this. They will spread gossip, weave intrigues that will destroy human life.

Interpretation from other dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of dreams based on situations occurring in the vision
Vanga's Dream Book See: expect misunderstandings in society.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation See: expect health problems.
Sailing through troubled waters: Expect disappointment.
Dream Interpretation of Hasse See: insurmountable obstacles await the dreamer.
Drink: problems will break the will of the guardian of sleep.
Dream Interpretation Meneghetti See: expect a loss of life direction.
Long's Dream Book See: Expect a nervous breakdown due to a very busy work schedule.
Seeing a child in dirty water means problems in the financial sector.
A child drowned in unclean water: it is worth taking a closer look at the child’s health. There is an illness lurking in his body that requires immediate treatment. If this is not done, the baby may die from the disease.

A dream in which the dreamer has to swim is a positive sign. Most often, it means the completion of some important task, symbolizes the general prosperity of a person and personifies satisfaction from life. But in order to more accurately interpret what dreams of swimming in water mean, you need to take into account the smallest details of the dream’s plot. It is very important to remember where you had to swim in the dream. For correct interpretation, it is also important to remember the quality of the dreamed water and the emotional component of the dream. If the dreamer enjoys swimming, then success awaits him in reality, and if a feeling of fear arises in his night dreams, then things in real life will not go well.

Swim in swiming pool

The most common question is why you dream of swimming in a pool. If you have to swim alone, this indicates that the person is tired of everyday worries. It is advisable to contact your household and ask for a little help. If you swim in the pool with your loved one in your night dreams, this indicates that separation will soon occur in reality.

You need to remember how you swam in the pool:

    To swim confidently means to expect the onset of a joyful period of life; To swim with difficulty means to experience disappointment in life. It is also a sign of the dreamer's lack of self-confidence.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to swim in a clean pool filled with very cold water, then this foreshadows that in real life you will have to endure serious trials. But they will help change it for the better.

What kind of water did you swim in in the pool?

Dreams about swimming in a pool can be interpreted as follows:

    For a young girl, swimming in clear water means that she will soon meet a true friend, and her financial condition will stabilize. If you happen to swim in clear water with pleasure, then in reality you will soon be able to make a big profit. If you had to swim underwater, then this indicates to the fact that in real life you have to deal with a difficult matter. Success will depend entirely on the dreamer’s assertiveness.

Swimming in the sea - dream book

The sea symbolizes inviolability and eternity in night dreams. Therefore, swimming in the sea in a dream means that significant changes are coming in real life.

At the same time, the appearance of the sea surface is of great importance for interpretation:

    A calm sea predicts the fulfillment of desires; Slight excitement means that small problems in life will be easily overcome; A rough sea indicates that obstacles will arise on the path to happiness.

Night dreams are interpreted similarly when you have to swim in the ocean. The scale of predictions is only increasing. Thus, a raging ocean in a dream means that it will take a lot of strength to overcome life’s difficulties. But the calm, endless expanse of the ocean indicates that a period of very calm life is beginning.

If in a dream you have to swim underwater in a natural body of water, then this indicates that in reality you are trying to hide from real problems and try not to notice troubles. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer in reality needs the support of friends and loved ones.

Interpretation of sleep based on water quality

When interpreting dreams, you should pay attention to the quality of water in a natural reservoir:

    When you have to swim in clear water in your dreams at night, this portends a life without problems and worries. If you have to swim in cool water, then for a sick person such a dream foreshadows a speedy recovery, and for a healthy person it promises good luck and predicts that you will meet true friends in life .When you have to swim in clear water, this symbolizes good health and success for the dreamer. Also, such a dream personifies the spiritual purity of a person and speaks of his creative nature and desire to improve himself. When you have to swim in muddy water, this foreshadows the emergence of various obstacles in the real world. If you have to swim in dirty water, then troubles and sad events are coming in real life . Such a dream can also be a harbinger of illness if, according to the plot, dirty water gets into your mouth.

Why does a woman dream of swimming in the sea?

Very often, dreamers ask the question why a woman dreams of swimming in the sea. If during the swimming process a feeling of unforgettable pleasure arose, then such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of almost all desires in real life. In addition, after such a dream, a woman’s life will develop very well, surrounded by loving and beloved close people.

If a woman had to swim with an unfamiliar man, then most likely there will be a need in reality to help her friend in solving a very important problem. This must be done, since a person will not be able to cope with difficulties on his own. When you have to swim naked in a pond, this symbolizes a strong inner will, a balanced character and a calm conscience. But if in a dream you experienced discomfort while swimming naked, then this foreshadows an unpleasant situation in reality. Swimming with your lover means that your existing relationship in real life will bring joy and pleasure.

Due to the variety of interpretations, the plots of night dreams in which I happened to swim in the river are especially highlighted when interpreting dreams.

There are the following variations of interpretations:

    If you had to swim in a river and at the same time you did not feel the strength of the current at all, then this indicates a favorable course of life and a happy family life in reality. Swimming in a seething river stream means that in reality you will have to develop active activity. Swimming across a river with a strong current means in real life, do a huge amount of hard, exhausting work. But the result will be worth it and will be rewarded. If you had to swim in a river that turned out to be very shallow, then this portends the onset of difficult times in life. Also, such a dream indicates that the dreamer does not have enough energy to successfully overcome life's difficulties.

A young man's dream of a floating girl in the river predicts a waking meeting with a beautiful stranger. Moreover, she could become his betrothed.

Swim in a lake or pond

Miller's dream book contains an interpretation of what it means to dream of swimming in a lake. Moreover, if you had to swim alone, then the dreamer will experience changes in life. When, while swimming, you are lucky enough to see your reflection in the water surface in your night dreams, this eliminates loneliness in reality. You will make wonderful friends in real life, and your life will be filled with new bright impressions. For single people, swimming in a natural body of water means expecting in reality a fateful acquaintance that will lead to the creation of a family. But if the water in the lake is dirty and cloudy, then a long-awaited romantic acquaintance will most likely end in severe disappointment, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. When interpreting a dream, be sure to pay attention to the general condition of the reservoir:
    If the shore and bottom of a pond or lake are clean and it is very pleasant to go into the water, then this is a favorable sign that predicts success in all areas of life. When you have to swim in a pond and see the bottom of the reservoir through the clear water, this indicates the high decency of the dreamer and his impeccable conscience. If, when you are swimming, you observe a beautiful reflection of the landscape on the water surface, then this foreshadows a joyful meeting in reality. When, while swimming in a pond or lake, you see sun glare on the water surface, then this indicates that in in real life you will soon find family happiness.
Swimming in a dirty pond foreshadows repentance for past mistakes. You need to be careful not to make new mistakes under the influence of surging emotions. If there is a lot of duckweed around you, and there is a lot of silt at the bottom of the reservoir, then this is a warning that you should not waste time and effort on an obviously doomed undertaking. When, while swimming on a dirty lake, a strong feeling of disgust arises in night dreams, this indicates that in reality the person is in a state of severe stress or nervous strain. Such a dream suggests that it is time to fully relax.

Dreamed of swimming with turtles

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to swim in a pond next to turtles, then this indicates that things at work will be very successful. You will be able to realize your new ideas or implement original projects. All this will be duly appreciated by management.

Swimming with fish in a dream

Swimming with fish in a dream in any natural body of water is a very good omen. Such a dream foreshadows happy mutual love and complete harmony in relationships with a partner. A school of fish seen in night dreams is interpreted a little differently:
    If the fish was small, then minor disappointments are possible in life; A large fish portends financial well-being.

Why do you dream about a lot of swimming fish?

It’s very interesting why you dream about a lot of swimming fish. Such a dream foreshadows the onset of an interesting life period, full of new acquaintances. But if an unpleasant feeling arises in a dream, then this indicates that the dreamer is tired of publicity and strives for loneliness.

Swim with dolphins

It’s very good if in a dream you had to swim with dolphins. This means that in real life you are surrounded by pleasant people, whose support you can count on in difficult situations. But also swimming next to dolphins symbolizes your willingness to submit. Some features of dreams:
    Holding on to a fin during a swim means timely receiving support from a friend in reality; Sitting astride a dolphin means subjugating one of the people to yourself; Falling from a fast-swimming dolphin means expecting problematic situations to arise.

Sail on a ship

Sailing on a ship is a very good omen. After such a dream, a successful period of life will begin with many new impressions. The dreamer will have meetings in real life with very interesting people. Sailing on a large ship across a body of water in a storm, which, according to the plot of the dream, abruptly gives way to calm, means that fate in the coming period of life will be favorable. Traveling across the water surface in calm and sunny weather on a large, beautiful and comfortable ship portends good prospects in real life.

If in a dream you have to sail on a boat, then this symbolizes that in real life the dreamer will have to urgently resolve important issues. It is necessary to pay attention to variations in storylines:
    If there were other rowers there, then this foreshadows a fun time with friends; When it happened that the boat capsized, this warns that in reality you should not spend large sums of money, otherwise bankruptcy cannot be avoided.
The type of boat used is also important for the interpretation of dreams:
    Sailing on a motor boat means realizing the transience of the world around you; Using a kayak means having good health; Sailing in a canoe means receiving a responsible task; Moving along the water surface in an inflatable boat means being afraid of troubles in life.

I dreamed of a floating child

When you dream of floating people, it means that the dreamer’s wishes will soon come true. And when you dream of a floating child, then in reality you will have to take care of someone in the near future. In addition, such a dream personifies the presence of complexes in the dreamer associated with communicating with people. When a child chokes on water while swimming, this indicates that the person’s financial situation is not very good. When you have to save a drowning child, this indicates a fear of losing a loved one. When interpreting night dreams associated with swimming, you should definitely listen to your own intuition. And we can definitely say that if, upon waking up, a person remembers his night dreams with positive emotions, then everything in life is going well and there is nothing to worry about.

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If a person dreams of not just a dirty little river, but a huge raging whirlpool, this indicates the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which he now finds himself. Dirty water in a quiet and deep river is also a sign of anxiety and worry.

What if you dream about dirty water?

If in a dream a person falls into a dirty and deep pond, then this is a sign that in reality he will commit a bad act that will greatly upset his friends and family. Dirty water, which may be offered to drink in a dream, is a very bad sign; this may mean that you need to see a doctor soon, because the person who had this dream may be suffering from illness. If in a dream a person begins to drown in muddy water, but in real life he knows how to swim and is not afraid of water, then this means that in reality he will be faced with circumstances that he cannot cope with, so it is better not to do anything and submit to them. If dirty water is of an advancing nature, it means trouble; if it is decreasing, it means a dangerous effect. Hearing dirty water flowing and bubbling in a dream is a clear sign that in reality a person will become a victim of public criticism. Falling into a dirty puddle in a dream means that in reality a person will experience grief or make a serious mistake. Quite often people dream about how they take a shower; if the water there is dirty, this means that the dreamer will have to get rid of something that is weighing him down at the moment, but soon everything will return.

It is worth paying attention to the containers and quantities in which you see water in your dreams. Why you dream of dirty water in a glass can be interpreted by a modern dream book. It says that if a woman sees dirty water in this vessel, then most likely she will have problems with her husband.

If a person wanders in quiet, calm, but dirty water, this means that he will soon have an easy trial, so in reality you need to be extremely careful to avoid this. But if the water flows rapidly and is very dirty, then the trial will be difficult, and a serious illness is also possible. If a person walks through dirty water, great happiness awaits him, but in order to become happy he will need to overcome some difficulties. Dirty water that gushed from under the floor may be a sign that the dreamer will soon meet secret enemies. Often people in a dream see themselves pouring dirty water on something - this is a warning that a person can lose a lot because of a small, insignificant mistake. If, in a dream, a person is in a confined space and dirty water rushes over him from the walls, this indicates his defenselessness in reality and excessive gullibility, due to which he can seriously suffer. The esoteric dream book says that dirty water, in general, means negativity, unpleasant work to be done and, as a result, a negative result.

What does it portend?

A person who looks into dirty water in a dream shows great attention to his appearance and health in reality. If in a dream a person sees standing dirty water, it means that in reality he is in danger. It can also mean some serious obstacle in life. If in a dream a person not only bathed in dirty water, but also felt that he was scalded, this means that in reality the dreamer will suffer losses due to his carelessness. Why do you dream of dirty water that is agitated, the Indian dream book explains, it says that this is a sign that the dreamer fears the anger of some important person or the disfavor of his superiors. If a person is on trial at this time, this means that the trial will not end in his favor. If a person in a dream sees that dirty water is flowing through his room, worries and damages the furniture, then this means a quarrel and troubles. When a rich man dreams that a dirty, bubbling stream is flowing near his house, this is a warning sign that the dreamer may lose his property due to a fire.

Seeing water coming out of a well in a dream foretells a great misfortune for someone close to you.

Some astrologers claim that a dream about dirty water portends much more trouble for women than for men. Dirty water that a woman dreams of often means troubles that will accompany her for some time.

So, one thing is very important in interpreting a dream - the ability to notice little things. If a person learns to do this correctly, then he will be able to interpret his dream without much difficulty. Why you dream of dirty water can be read in many dream books; the ability to understand correctly is the main meaning.