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Why do you dream of corn - interpretations from dream books. Why do you dream about corn: versions of various dream books

From time immemorial, among many peoples, sunny yellow ears of corn symbolized only good, kind, auspicious and joyful. Nowadays, corn is considered only a tasty dish and a source of oil. However, why is she dreaming? What does it symbolize and what to expect after such a dream?

General value

In most cases, dreaming about corn is a good sign. It means that you and your family have everything you need. You are in complete harmony with yourself and with your loved ones, you live in love and happiness. It is also worth noting that corn promises big profits, which is also nice.

Meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream

In order for the interpretation to be more specific and suitable for you, try to pay attention to small and insignificant details of the dream.

For women:

  • If an unmarried girl dreams of corn, then this means only good things: perhaps soon you will meet a new admirer, and maybe even a much-desired marriage proposal.
  • However, if in a dream you tried your best to feed your lover a cob, but he flatly refused, then in real life you are advised to take a closer look at your partner - there is a risk that he has either already cheated on you or is going to do so.
  • Do you see how you eat grains with appetite and share them with your other half? This is a good sign. Expect some valuable gift from your loved one.
  • But married women should definitely take a pregnancy test after dreaming about corn - perhaps an unexpected, but no less pleasant surprise awaits you and your spouse.
  • If you already know that you are in an interesting position, and in a dream you are collecting cobs, then rest assured, because an easy and quick birth awaits you.

For men:

  • But a man’s dream of cobs has a double meaning. For example, either the dreamer’s business will flourish and bring in more and more profit every year, or all the energy will go into his sex life - intimacy will sparkle with new colors even with a familiar partner.
  • If in a dream you saw not just one cob, but a whole field of corn, then you can expect a lot of workload at work or a new part-time job. Pay attention to how tall the stalks were and whether the corn kernels themselves were ripe. This is very important, because your remuneration will depend on this indicator.

Regardless of gender:

  • If the grains were ripe and appetizing in appearance, then this symbolizes your material well-being - you will not need anything.
  • But green corn has a double meaning: on the one hand, it warns about an imminent deterioration in health and advises you to devote more time to health, and on the other hand, it promises a fun pastime.
  • Have you seen an overripe cob? Thus, fate is trying to tell you that you are too demanding and harsh towards your near and dear people. You need to become softer and more gentle. Otherwise, coldness will reign in your relationship for a long period.
  • Pay attention to the number of cobs: if only one appeared in your dream, then be prepared for the fact that you will soon receive a lucrative offer. The way you react to it will determine whether you will be able to change your life and fly up the career ladder, or whether you will remain in the same place.
  • And the many cobs that grow on one stem symbolize either the number of children you will have in the future, or true friends.
  • If you dreamed of not a whole cob, but only individual grains, then this is a good sign. In many dream books, corn kernels are associated with coins, and therefore promise wealth.
  • Corn, which has crumbled into many individual grains, is dreamed, as a rule, exclusively by creative individuals, who will experience a new wave of inspiration in the very near future. A muse will come to you, a huge number of interesting original ideas will appear, and you will also meet other creative people.
  • If you see yourself carelessly walking among thickets of corn, which seem to have no end or edge, then this is a favorable sign. Dream books disagree on what exactly awaits you in the future, but rest assured that it is definitely something wonderful, something that will bring you joy and make you happy.
  • If in a dream you plant corn, then do not expect easy changes. In order to achieve at least something, to achieve the smallest goal, you will have to work long and hard on yourself, work hard and overcome difficulties. However, if you maintain this pace, fate will generously reward you.
  • Anyone who stole other people's cobs in a dream will in reality be tempted to do something that will bring easy money, but is not even and not even legal. Be careful: if you give in to an impulse, you will lose peace for a long time; your conscience will not let you sleep peacefully.
  • And if you try corn, try to remember what it tasted like. If the treat is sweet, then soon you will be invited to some kind of feast, for example, a wedding. However, if the dish turns out to be dry or bitter, then expect an invitation to a sad and sad celebration. Alternatively, a farewell to the army.

Interpretation from dream books

  • Miller explains the corn seen in a dream as a favorable sign that promises the dreamer exceptionally good, good, joyful events. For a young man, such a dream can mean new acquaintances, but only if all the cobs are intact. Otherwise, the interpretation becomes the opposite, and instead of happiness, expect losses and failures in all areas of life.
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima Such visions are interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, this can mean constant stable income in the family. On the other hand, fate hints to you that you are too strict with your subordinates. Be gentler, and business will go uphill.
  • Modern dream book claims that the dream of corn promises you the appearance of a new hobby in the near future.

As you can see, in most cases, corn is a favorable symbol, promising joy, new acquaintances, unexpected profits or interesting meetings. In any case, do not concentrate on the opinions of dream books. You yourself are the architect of your own happiness and the creator of your destiny.

Corn in a dream is an ambiguous symbol and can have both a positive meaning - wealth, promotion on the career ladder, well-being in the family, and a negative one - life difficulties, financial problems, deteriorating health and other troubles. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember its details: the appearance of the product, its quantity, the actions of the dreamer and his emotions, the situation in the dream and the people around him.

Interpretation in different dream books

The meaning of a dream about corn in popular dream books:

  • Spring. This plant is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. The more cobs you dream about, the more friends the sleeping person has.
  • Autumn. If you dream of yellow corn in grains, the dreamer has many enemies; such a night dream foreshadows betrayal and deception.
  • Summer. Seeing a corn field in a dream means a bountiful harvest. Eating corn in a can is a sign of great luck. Eating boiled on the cob is a sign of joy and unforgettable emotions. Cook to make a profit.
  • Islamic. Such a dream means prosperity and family harmony.
  • Freud's Dream Book. Canned in a jar - for passionate sexual pleasures and love adventures.
  • Dream book of Smirnov. Seeing a product means experiencing financial problems. This grain crop symbolizes poverty and misfortune.
  • Interpreter of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima. Seeing young cobs means material wealth and prosperity in the dreamer’s family. Dried grains - be tough and uncompromising. If a girl dreams of corn cobs, then she will soon get married and give birth to a child.
  • Foreteller Vanga. The dream promises a pleasant pastime with close friends and the successful completion of an important task.

If you dreamed of rotten corn, serious troubles and financial problems are coming.

Decoding a dream according to Miller

According to Miller's dream book, dreams about corn can be deciphered based on the circumstances of what is happening:

  • If you dream of being withered and old, the sleeping woman should be gentler with the people around her.
  • Walking through a corn field in a dream means participating in a risky and dubious event.
  • Harvesting ripe grain crops means quick cash profit.
  • Seeing green grains means a serious illness.
  • Separating the cob grain by grain means communicating with loved ones and enjoying spending time together. Watching someone take apart a cob means being happy for other people, being selfless and merciful.
  • Boiled corn is a sign of the appearance of a new admirer or secret admirer in the life of an unmarried person. D For married women, such a dream promises a strong and harmonious relationship with their spouse, and for pregnant women - an easy birth and quick recovery after childbirth. For businessmen and business people - to improve their financial situation and conclude a profitable deal. If a person decided to open his own business and dreamed of boiled corn, this is a good sign that promises success and prosperity; the business must be related to agricultural products and animal breeding.
  • Buy a cob on the beach - a sleeping person needs emotional release and proper rest.
  • If a girl dreams that she eats corn grains with great appetite, the young lady is careless about her finances and wastes money in vain.
  • Sharing young cobs with your beloved and happily absorbing the delicacy together - soon your loved one will give you an expensive gift. If a guy refuses boiled corn, then the girl should be extremely careful with her chosen one, since there is a high probability of betrayal and betrayal.
  • Cooking a lot of cobs and treating loved ones with them in a dream means being generous and good-natured, always helping your family and supporting them in difficult life situations.


In the mythology of different peoples, sunny yellow ears of corn symbolized exceptionally good things: life, peace, prosperity, good health and opportunities that are just waiting for human effort to unfold. For the average person, corn was and remains a tasty dish, a source of oil and feed for livestock. Why can you dream of corn?

If you also dreamed of the yellow-sided “queen of the fields,” you can take a breath with relief and calmly watch the development of events. You have much more reasons for joy than for grief. In any case, the lion's share of interpreters are convinced of this.

  • Miller's dream book: a dense, plump ear of corn symbolizes the luck and financial independence awaiting the dreamer.
  • Vanga's dream book: if you dreamed of corn on the eve of a serious business, feel free to take it on and do not be afraid of difficulties, the profits will exceed all your expectations.
  • Ukrainian dream book: expect quick and impressive profits
  • Dream book of the 21st century: night dreams involving grainy cereals foretell an increase in income.
  • Collection of dream books: corn represents complete abundance.
  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: being as strong in spirit as an ear of corn, you have all the qualities necessary to ensure a decent existence for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Family dream book: everything is going well in the dreamer’s life. He knows exactly why he gets up in the morning, his family is prosperous, his health does not fail, and his habit of self-examination does not poison his life.

    No matter how you look at it, corn is often a good dream

  • Modern dream book: corn seen in a dream promises the appearance of healthy offspring.
  • Children's dream book: Fortune loves you - there is a lot of entertainment and a lot of luck ahead.
  • New Age Dream Interpretation: You are as overflowing with creative ideas as a cob is overflowing with grains.
  • Dream interpretation of those born from January to April: you have many friends you can rely on.
  • Dream Interpretation of Those Born from May to August: if you are engaged in homestead farming, prepare bins for an unprecedented grain harvest.
  • Freud's Dream Book, and with him English, Newest and many others, see an overt phallic symbol in an ear of corn and prophesy vivid intimate impressions to the dreamer. True, you will have to upset convinced romantics: your new relationship will not contain even a hint of sublime feelings, pure sex for the sake of sex.
  • And only three dream books go against the general opinion and see troubles in the dreamer’s future.

  • For some reason, the Islamic dream book associates an ear of corn with property of poor quality.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book sees him as the embodiment of poverty.
  • And the dream book of those born from September to December is sure that enemies will pretty much spoil a person’s nerves.
  • Interpretation options for men and women

    For a young girl or an unmarried woman, dreaming about corn promises:

  • the appearance of a new fan;
  • a long-term, although not officially registered, relationship with a pleasant man;
  • An offer of marriage;
  • a valuable gift from a loved one, if in a dream the young lady ate delicious yellow grains with a young man;
  • treason if the dreamer strenuously treated her beloved to corn, but he flatly refused to take the cob.
  • For women, yellow cereal promises love adventures, a strong marriage and healthy children.

    Representatives of the fair sex who have managed to tie the knot, after a dream about corn, should look at the pharmacy for a pregnancy test - perhaps a joyful event is already on the way. The interpretation is considered especially true if the dream featured a whole field dotted with stems with strong cobs. But if a woman, already pregnant, collects weighty, smooth corn fruits in a dream, her birth will be easy and quick.

    A girl who sees herself covered with cornmeal from head to toe at night will find a non-conflict husband, ready to indulge her soul mate in everything, and a house - a full cup. In which, by the way, she will become the sovereign mistress.

    Beautiful golden cobs in a man’s dream have a double meaning: either the dreamer’s business will flourish and generate income, gaining momentum every year, or his sex life will sparkle with unprecedented colors. If a representative of the stronger sex sees a field of corn, a lot of work awaits ahead, the reward for which depends on how tall the stalks were and how ripe the grains seemed.

    What did the cereal look like in the dream: boiled, canned, raw, etc.

    Are you still dissatisfied with the interpretation you received? Then remember what the dreamed cereal was like. Ripe? Rotten? Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow?

    Interpretations by degree of maturity

  • Ripe corn predicts increased material well-being.
  • Green warns of deterioration in health. But don’t be in a hurry to get upset, according to another version, several unripe young cobs, filled with juice, serve as a symbol of a fun pastime (the real thing is young and green).
  • But an overripe, dry or too hard corn fruit signals a lack of spiritual kindness and gentleness. Try to become less demanding of your loved ones, or your home will become cold.
  • A dream about rotting corn indicates that an envious person is walking next to you, looking at your life with unkind eyes. Behave carefully and trust only those with whom you have eaten a ton of salt.
  • The more corn the better

    By quantity: one, many ears, a whole field

  • If one cob appeared in your dream, pay close attention to the offer that you will soon receive. There is a chance to radically change your life, start a new promising relationship, or fly up the career ladder at the speed of a rocket.
  • Many cobs perched on one stem, according to some interpreters, mean children that you will have, and according to others, true friends.
  • By color: yellow, red or other shade

    Did you notice the color of the cereal you dreamed about? According to various interpreters, sunny yellow predicts happiness, exciting love affairs and the rustle of brand new bills in your wallet. And the brighter it is, the more pleasant events will happen to you. Grains of an unusual red, blue or any other shade indicate that you are about to be surprised, and greatly.

    Dreams about grains

    Corn kernels are often associated in dream books with coins, which means wealth. Especially when they dream of being stuffed into bags or boxes for storage. In this case, act decisively: your plans have been given the green light. By the way, if someone influential and strong offers help during this period, do not try to refuse out of pride - only cooperation will bring you real luck.

  • Grains scattered on the table warn of the arrival of relatives.
  • If you tried in vain to sweep them into the dustpan, money will fly out of your pockets like a fan.
  • If you swept it over the threshold, you will be escorting uninvited guests out of the house.
  • The cob, crumbling into individual grains before our eyes, is a dream for creative people before a new surge of inspiration. Original thoughts, interesting discoveries, communication with creative people - all this awaits you in the near future.

    It's all about raw corn. What about cereal prepared one way or another?

    The taste of the corn is crucial

    A dream about boiled corn portends:

  • invitation to visit;
  • meeting your soulmate - for singles;
  • great success among the opposite sex - for those who are not yet planning to settle down.
  • The appearance of canned corn in night dreams predicts... a spicy adventure. Don’t count on much, since this relationship will not develop, but you will have the opportunity to have a good time.

    Where have you seen corn?

    A whole field, up to the horizon, is sown with corn, ready to go to the barn for storage - a sign of a profitable business that will make you work a lot, but will also reward you a hundredfold for it.

    A field of green corn promises a happy marriage with sincere, warm relationships between spouses. In addition, the bright green color of the stems and leaves around the cob is considered a symbol of free choice. Fate does not incline you to anything, allowing you to make decisions on your own.

    Corn packed in an opaque tin means that a person does not see the whole situation and makes mistake after mistake. It's worth stopping and thinking about what you're doing wrong before it's too late. If the grains were carefully packed in glass, you are following the right course of action.

    Actions with a plant: plant, collect, steal, etc.

    Seeing yourself among corn thickets is a very favorable sign. Interpreters differ on what exactly you should expect, but there is no doubt that it will be something wonderful.

    Something good seems to happen

    If you planted corn in a dream, do not expect quick changes. To achieve something, you have to work long and hard! But remember that according to one version, each grain represents a chance, ready to “shoot” and don’t slow down. In the end, fate will reward you.

    If you have been harvesting corn, a bright streak is coming in your life. Troubles will dissipate, problems will be resolved, debts will be paid off, and your financial situation and state of mind will be in complete order. In addition, you will suddenly find a business that you will devote yourself to with all your heart, which will bring you many happy moments.

    If you watched someone else harvest the harvest, success will come to your loved ones, and you can be happy for them.

    Buying corn means receiving unexpected news. Listen to the information received, it will open up unexpected perspectives for you.

    Did you sell your harvest? Your kindness and generosity towards other people will bring you a lot of good.

    Anyone who stole corn in a dream will be tempted to engage in a not entirely honest business. If you give in to the impulse of your “dark side,” you will lose peace for a long time.

    If you became a victim of scammers and lost the collected cobs, upon awakening you will be in trouble.

    Shoeing corn portends an intimate conversation with friends. However, this dream is not very favorable for the financial situation; do not get involved in financial adventures and do not allow yourself large expenses until the situation stabilizes.

    If in your night dreams you cooked corn, expect guests. Did you treat a specific person? You will have the opportunity to meet him soon. If you were treated to a steaming delicacy, your image firmly occupies someone’s thoughts, although the admirer does not yet dare to admit it.

    Having tasted corn in a dream, remember whether you liked it? A sweet and tasty treat foreshadows a feast on a joyful occasion, for example, a wedding celebration. If the dish turns out to be bitter or dry, the reason for the gathering will most likely turn out to be sad - like a farewell to the army.

    Trying to open a can of canned corn means successfully, although not without difficulty, climbing to the top of your career.

    Interpretation of other dream options

    Dream books call corn oil a sign of hot love passion. Unlike corn itself, which promises intimate relationships without attachment, here you have every chance of finding mutual love. Especially if in a dream you used oil for frying.

    Corn flakes indicate the dreamer's tendency to exaggerate the size of the problem. The next time you feel a panic attack, calmly think about the situation and maybe make sure that it is not so catastrophic at all.

    Dreaming about popcorn has two meanings. You will either receive support in the implementation of your plans, or you will begin to gush with ideas that will make your dreams come true and achieve your goals.

    Corn flour and dishes made from it predict a calm and happy life. You can achieve a lot, even fulfill your secret desires, if you do not give free rein to your impulsiveness. Let your actions be extremely reasonable.

    Sunny cereal is a surprisingly auspicious symbol. It is almost never interpreted in a way that is bad for the dreamer. In fact, everything that dream books warn you against is hasty decisions and unnecessary risks. A little self-confidence, hard work, perseverance, and your field will definitely be filled with young shoots, and luck will knock on your house.

    Why do you dream about corn? What message does a cereal plant convey to us in a dream? In order to find out, you need to turn to various dream books. Perhaps each of them interprets this vision differently. But from all the meanings, you can put together a certain image that will definitely help solve any problem and reveal the future.

    What does corn mean according to Miller's dream book

    If you dreamed of corn, then you can rest assured that very soon success, luck and joy will come into your life. But this is if the cereal in the dream was in normal condition.

    Why do you usually dream about a head of cabbage being crushed or somehow spoiled? Alas, nothing can be done - losses and losses lie ahead. Although if there is only one bad plant among a rather large field, then the loss will be small, and it will not actually cause any damage: neither moral nor material.

    Corn according to Vanga

    Why do you dream of corn according to this dream book? In a dream, this cereal means well-being and prosperity, as well as early profit. When planning a risky business in reality, you can be sure that the risk will be justified and will bring good benefits.

    Interpretation of a dream according to a modern dream book

    Did you dream about ripe corn? The image indicates material gain. But according to the dream book, financial well-being is possible only by showing firmness and even toughness in solving important problems.

    A green grain indicates that you may soon get sick. But if there is no damage to it, then the disease will be mild and fleeting.

    Corn according to the English dream book

    The interpretation in this interpreter has a sexual connotation, because corn has a peculiar shape. However, according to this dream book, seeing cereal in a dream means harmony and coherence in intimate relationships with your partner.

    Interpretation according to the Newest Dream Book

    Why do you dream of corn, according to this dream book? Seeing a plant in a dream means that there will be a possible relationship without love in the future. But do you need such a connection?

    Why do you dream about corn according to Sonarium?

    In this dream book, corn is also associated with wealth, happiness and prosperity. If, upon waking up, you remember the details, what form the cereal was in and other details, then this also needs to be taken into account when interpreting the dream. Because sometimes the smallest detail changes everything.

    What does corn on the cob mean?

    Corn cobs in a dream symbolize material stability achieved only through one’s own efforts. Have you ever seen a dry cob? The vision suggests that your character can cause difficulties and discord in the family. Did you dream that a bird was pecking at cobs? Your enemies are clearly planning to harm you.

    Corn field in a dream

    Why do you dream of a whole corn field? There may be a risky financial transaction that will end successfully and bring a lot of profit. You can start planning your expenses. But do not forget that care and calculation have not been canceled. You shouldn’t just rely on corn in a dream.

    If you dreamed of a large field of green grain, then this is a symbol of happiness and prosperity in family life.

    I dreamed about boiled corn

    A woman who sees boiled corn in her dream will soon meet her love. Why does a married lady dream of boiled corn? It promises a great evening spent with friends. In general, boiled corn means joy, fun and surprises.

    Corn in a dream - various options

    • Corn grains, no matter what you do with them - whether you just saw them, ate them or sorted them out - always lead to money. By the way, they (money) can appear not only thanks to work, but also without the slightest effort on your part: it can be an inheritance, a gift or a win. All in all, unexpected wealth.
    • Grain thrown into fertile soil dreams of the patronage of a significant person and success in business.
    • Fallen asleep in a manger prophesies that your wish will come true.
    • Picking corn in a dream means that you have chosen the right line of work and are on the right path. You should never give up, even if your work seems fruitless. Soon all your actions in this area will pay off with interest.
    • Picking corn in a dream means taking a break from the endless routine and spending your time having fun with acquaintances and friends.
    • Why do you dream that you had to eat corn? On the one hand, such an image promises separation from the person you love, on the other hand, an expensive gift from him. Which value is most suitable for you can be determined by the circumstances. If everything is fine on your personal front, then you don’t need to wait for a sad parting; most likely, you will receive a gift. Know that thoughts are material!
    • But eating boiled cereal portends a meeting with good old friends.
    • Seeing someone eating corn means that you will see this person in reality.
    • Did you dream that you were treated to it? It’s good if you remember the person who gives you the treat in your dream, because it is this person who secretly dreams about you.
    • If a woman dreams of corn, then the image symbolizes relationships with the opposite sex. The larger and more attractive the grain, the stronger the connection with your loved one.
    • Seeing cobs on the stem is a sign of pregnancy. And also to healthy children and prosperity in the family.
    • If you dreamed about a lot of corn, expect serious income from work or a good harvest.
    • Rotten corn prepares you for unpleasant or sad events.
    • Young corn dreams of entertainment, interesting leisure time with a lot of communication, where you will be the center of attention.
    • A huge field with young grain in a dream means luckily in the love sphere.
    • For a man, corn portends success in his endeavors, work, family life, plus material gain.
    • For a young man, corn promises happiness and a pleasant meeting.
    • Peeling corn in a dream means financial problems.
    • Buying cereal is a sign of self-realization, which will be prompted by some news.

    For the most part, stories about corn convey prosperity, prosperity or profit. There are, of course, some unpleasant moments. But you know - everything passes! And this too will pass and be forgotten.

    Corn is a very productive cereal, the large cobs and strong green stems of which personify a person’s vital energy, as well as his well-being and fertility. These are the associations that arise in a person who has had such a dream. In addition, due to the peculiar shape of the cob, such a dream can also have a sexual connotation. So, why do you dream about corn? We will try to answer this question with the help of well-known dream books.

    What if you dreamed about an ear of corn...

    In general, a dream with corn does not foretell practically any negativity, so, overall, this is a good sign. However, for a more accurate interpretation, be sure to remember as many details of the dream as possible, its plot, the actions performed in the dream, as well as the type and form in which the culture itself appeared before you.

    1) If you saw corn in a dream, this is a good sign that portends prosperity and well-being for you;

    2) if you see yourself walking through a corn field, this means that you will very soon make a good profit, and it can be quite unexpected. This could be, for example, an inheritance from some distant relative about whom you know practically nothing or have never even seen;

    3) if you see in a dream how other people are harvesting corn, this means that in real life you will be very happy for one of your relatives or friends who, with your support, will be able to achieve certain successes;

    4) if you yourself are collecting this cultivated plant, this is a sign that very soon all your efforts will be rewarded, and your successes will be recognized by the people around you;

    5) if you eat corn in a dream, this is a good sign, foreshadowing a very profitable deal for you in the near future, which you are unlikely to refuse;

    6) if you eat corn flakes in a dream, this is a sign that you pay too much attention to little things, and therefore often do not notice really important points, which can then cause problems and misunderstandings;

    7) if you see how you bought corn, for example, on the beach, this is a sign that it’s time to think about rest or vacation, since you are too tired at work;

    8) if you dreamed of a good harvest of this crop, this is not a good sign, warning you that in reality you have many enemies, most likely in business. Therefore, be on your guard, do not share your thoughts and plans with anyone, and keep only proven, reliable assistants around you;

    9) if you see yourself in the dense thickets of a corn field, this is an excellent sign that promises you an improvement in your income soon. Of course, it won’t just happen, but your hard work and diligence will definitely be fully rewarded;

    10) seeing young cobs of this culture in a dream is a sign that you are a very sociable person, and you are always surrounded by a lot of communication, entertainment, and in general, you feel very comfortable in company;

    11) to see or hold one cob of corn in your hands - this means that you will soon receive a very interesting offer, and it can be both at work and in your personal life. All you need is to be careful, don’t miss your chance;

    12) seeing, eating or sorting corn grains - such a sign always promises finances. However, in this case, profit can literally come from heaven, and this money may not be related to work at all. This could be a gift, winning a lottery, an inheritance from a relative you don’t know well, or any other unexpected way to get rich;

    13) if you saw boiled corn in a dream, this is a symbol of success in love affairs. For a lonely person, such a dream promises a quick meeting of his soulmate; for people who already have a couple, this dream will only improve them, give them more harmony and understanding than they had before;

    14) to see this culture in a dream in the form of a large number of cobs on one strong stem is a sign that you have very loyal friends next to you, whom you can count on in any situation. For more mature, family people, such a dream symbolizes home and harmony in a strong, happy family;

    15) if you see yourself in a green field of young corn, this is a sign of great luck in your personal life. You will finally meet a person with whom you will feel very happy and comfortable.

    Why do you dream about corn according to Miller’s dream book?

    American psychologist Gustav Miller believes that the appearance of peeled ears of corn in a dream promises the dreamer success and many joyful moments in real life.

    If you collect this culture in a dream, this means that you will be sincerely happy with the success of your family or friends;

    If you are walking through a thriving corn field, this is a good sign for someone who is involved in farming. Such a dream promises family harmony and a wonderful harvest;

    If a young man saw this cultivated plant in a dream, this means that in real life he will meet and meet new friends;

    Seeing beaten, crushed cereal - to troubles, misfortunes and losses;

    A grain of corn thrown into freshly plowed ground is a sign that you are being patronized by some very influential person and constant success awaits you;

    Seeing the first corn sprouts means wealth and fame;

    Seeing corn grain that was poured into a manger is a good sign that promises you excellent prospects; your cherished plans will soon come true;

    Seeing popcorn in a dream is a symbol that you are under the protection of a serious and influential person who trusts you infinitely;

    Eating green corn and eating it is a sign of harmony in friendly relations.

    Why do you dream about corn according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

    Evgeniy Tsvetkov believes that a dream in which corn appeared to you may be a warning sign. Such a dream may mean that your ill-wishers are not asleep and are always trying to trap you.

    If a married woman dreams of a child serving her corn, then in real life she will meet a new love. She will no longer want to be with her husband, she will think about divorce, since her admirer will be very dear to her.

    Why do you dream of corn according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim

    This dream book interprets a dream with corn as an opportunity to obtain a good income for the dreamer’s family only through firmness of position and consistency.

    If an ear of corn in a dream turns out to be somehow dried out and too hard, this means that the dreamer will be greatly hampered by its severity and strictness on the path to success and prosperity.

    Why do you dream about corn according to the dream book from A to Z

    Seeing a corn field in a dream is a symbol of a very profitable and profitable, but at the same time, risky business that can cause you great stress;

    Picking ears of corn in a dream is a sign that you will find a way to spend your time interestingly and pleasantly, which will help you have great fun amid the humility of work;

    Ripe corn means a good income, unripe corn means health problems and illness;

    If a woman dreams of boiling ears of corn, this is a sign that in real life she will soon meet a new admirer;

    Corn oil in a dream is a symbol of hot passion; if you cook with it, it means that you will experience strong feelings for your soulmate.

    Why do you dream of corn according to the modern dream book?

    Seeing yourself walking through a ripening corn field and observing beautiful, golden ears of corn is a good sign. In reality, it promises you many joyful events, success in business and personal life, and improved well-being;

    If you see yourself on the beach and buy boiled corn, it means it’s time to take a break from work and go on vacation;

    Cornflakes symbolize your tendency to exaggerate, which brings you troubles over and over again in everyday life.

    Why do you dream about corn according to the English dream book?

    This dream book directly interprets the image of corn in a dream as a symbol of the male genital organ. If at the same time this cereal has a bright yellow color, or the dreamer sees himself greedily eating corn, this means that he will have complete harmony and mutual understanding in intimate relationships.