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What positions do Scorpio women like in bed? Scorpio - sex for inspiration. The best gift for the unapproachable Scorpio woman

Scorpio woman's sex life, intimate settings and favorite positions for satisfaction

A long night awaits you. Try to calculate your strength.
She may start with stimulating obscenities whispered into your ear. Even talking about sex brings her closer to orgasm. She will offer you to get a huge waterbed or a round bed on which you can comfortably sit in any position. She will be active in the bedroom. He will do everything to make the night unforgettable.
The Scorpio woman is a researcher, experimenter. No matter how experienced a lover you are, she will surprise you with her spontaneous actions. She wants you to enjoy sex as much as she does, and the pleasure a Scorpio woman receives is close to ecstatic. This sign is the sexiest in the zodiac.
Erotic, demanding, she expects from her partner the same ardor that she experiences herself, because she strives for complete satisfaction. She is not satisfied with the technical approach. The Scorpio woman follows her instincts. No manual will convince her that sex is just a set of physical exercises. She would rather go to bed with a bad lover than with a good book.
She is a balm for male pride. She always demonstrates her physical arousal, fueling her partner's passion. She likes to make love for a long time, so she restrains an overly impulsive man. She knows that eroticism is more than a purely physical act. The smallest details are important to her, and she will make her partner fully understand their significance.
She will appear in the bedroom wearing sheer panties or panties with a hole in the crotch for seduction and comfort. She can wear a French bra that exposes her nipples, or a black garter belt. A Scorpio woman can look like a true lady in public, but in an intimate setting she will dress and behave like a shameless whore. If a man interests her, she will pursue and charm him with fierce determination. She will never accept rejection.
During sexual intercourse, it is very important for her that the man controls the approach of orgasm. She will use all means to help him with this. Stock up on a special ointment that reduces the sensitivity of the penis and delays climax.
In my research, I have come across many Scorpio women using single-sided, double-sided and anal dildos. They also like scented oils, flavored moisturizers, and twelve-inch vibrators. The Scorpio woman decisively moves towards her goal - sexual pleasure.
If she's turned on, it won't be easy to satisfy her. She wants to get more from you than what you are willing to give and will find a way to unleash your full potential. Perhaps for this purpose she will insert a dildo or vibrator into your anus during the act and massage the prostate gland with them. You won't soon forget the sensations you experienced!
The need to dominate sometimes manifests itself in lesbian behavior with a man. I have had the opportunity to talk more than once with women born under this sign who liked to attach a dildo to their waist and “rape” their partner. One enterprising Scorpio woman told me that the first time she “stimulated” her lover’s anus was with the handle of a whip.
In search of more compliant and passive partners, the Scorpio woman turns to lesbian love. In such an act, this domineering creature uses a dildo or a position called “spooning”, in which she gains access to her partner’s genitals from behind. Most of her love games are similar to heterosexual ones. A Scorpio woman usually plays the role of a man not only during sexual intercourse, but also in other areas of communication.
Whatever method the Scorpio woman chooses, she will demand from her sexual partner that he fulfill her will, going beyond the usual love duties. For her, sex is a form of master-slave relationship, and she, of course, must always be the master!

The planet Mars gives Scorpio a huge sexual appetite. In all the pleasures and pleasures of love, Scorpios know no limits.


A woman born under the sign of Scorpio is very sexy. Only a man who is completely indifferent to sex will not react to the passion in her eyes, gestures and voice.

When she meets an attractive man, she knows how to make him stand out from the crowd, and this happens long before he even notices any other woman. There is no point in resisting him. There will be no choice left - an irresistible force acts on an extremely malleable object. Even if she is not very pretty, her big hypnotic eyes will suffocate the will to resist.
Her energy is enough for several women. She loves to work hard and have good fun. Whatever she does, she is prone to excess. It can be fascinating, but it is exhausting. With her you will never get bored, but you will want a calmer, balanced life.

She takes love seriously. Just like the man of this sign, she is the fruit of her own passions. But this doesn't always apply to sex; her passion for life exists independently of men. Therefore, they are not able to resist it; they strive to subjugate it. But even if they succeed, they are unlikely to be able to penetrate the secret depths of her hidden sensuality.

She is gifted with a sharp mind and remarkable intuition. Overly critical, she subjects potential lovers to extensive scrutiny before allowing them into her life. She peers deeply into other people, while remaining impenetrable to other people's views. Her true character is not easy to understand, and it may forever remain a secret to others.

Her highly emotional nature can become vindictive and destructive when disappointed. If she is betrayed, she will turn into the most dangerous enemy. She will stop at nothing to try to take revenge on someone who did not live up to her trust.

Jealousy is her main flaw. She believes that her lover should give her all his admiration; she looks for rivals and intrigue where they cannot even exist. If her partner talks to a pretty woman for a few minutes at a party, she thinks he's making a secret date and acts accordingly. She is not one of those who stands quietly in a corner, pretending to be furniture. She will unleash all her rage on the offender.

In a good mood, she treats her lover like a king. But if her mood changes (and it definitely changes), she will open his brains. Arguments with her will always be in high tones.

The Scorpio woman is deeply emotional, highly sensitive and passionately devoted to the one she loves. She is ready to make enormous sacrifices for the sake of the one to whom she is truly attached. She can be a faithful lover who will protect you in front of others, fight for you in the most difficult conditions. Don't back down or give up, otherwise her energy will turn against you.

This sign is more prone to extremes than others in the entire Zodiac. This is a dangerous woman, especially for weak-hearted men.


The Scorpio woman is inventive and loves experiments. No matter how educated you are about sex, some things will surprise you. She will do everything to make the night memorable. She wants you to enjoy sex as much as she does, and her pleasure approaches ecstasy. Erotic, demanding, she wants the same complete return of love from her partner. This is the sexiest sign of the Zodiac.

Her attention flatters male pride. She does not hide her physical arousal, and this, in turn, ignites the passion of her partner. She loves to make love for a long time and knows how to impose her desires on men who would otherwise be too hasty. She knows that eroticism is much more than just the physical act of love. It's the smallest details that matter, and she lets him know their importance.

She is demanding in the bedroom and few men are able to satisfy her needs. She is intolerant of those who are not suitable for her. On the other hand, it is very good for those who are simply subject to psychological prejudices, and can work a miracle with an impotent person if his impotence is of a psychological nature. This is not a manifestation of altruism on her part. In her mind, she does whatever is necessary to help him satisfy her.

She gets very upset if you don’t want to fulfill some of her plans. Women of this sign want to dominate their partner. In their pursuit of leadership, Scorpio women show a tendency towards lesbian relationships.

Whatever the technique, the Scorpio woman prefers to force her partner to do what she wants, going much further than usual. For her, sex is just one of the manifestations of the master-slave relationship, and Scorpio must always be the master.


A man born under the sign of Scorpio is guided by his sexual desire. He is passionate, emotional and unpredictable. His nature is to follow his desires and satisfy them, despite any obstacles. He won't think about the consequences.

Many women respond to his hypnotic sexuality. His character is equal parts charm and strength. He has a lot of energy, part of which he throws into space; he is surrounded by an energy field everywhere.

In matters of the heart, he does not understand the word “no.” He expects you to be willing to devote yourself completely to him and his needs. If you don't agree, he will mercilessly break up with you.

Making love with him can rise to great heights or descend to the most base acts. A woman who becomes the desired love partner of a Scorpio man can either count on a lot or fear a lot. Nothing will stop her man from achieving his goal, because he is a victim of his own passions. In a love game, he is capable of being a passionate partner, doing with pleasure everything that can excite her. If she doesn't like being courted and wooed, he will literally do anything, take any risk. He will take any step to convince her to give herself to him.

Scorpio never forgets kindness, does not forgive insults inflicted on him; if he is wounded, then his only goal becomes revenge. The motives for his actions are complex and mysterious, since part of his personality is hidden from prying eyes. He is emotionally unstable, despises weakness in others, but he likes people of a masochistic bent who sense his ability to be cruel.

Men born under this sign can be cunning, selfish and unprincipled. And these qualities also manifest themselves in their sexual adventures.

For a Scorpio man, sex is a game in which he has calculated all the options and has the maximum chance of success. He may enjoy the chase, but he's only really interested in the woman everyone wants. You can drive a Scorpio crazy with jealousy, but it's risky. The desire to dominate a woman, confidence in his ability to subjugate him to his will can lead him to cruelty.


A man born under the sign of Scorpio is distinguished by an extraordinary sexual temperament. However, sex for him is not an end in itself; it is no less important for him - and perhaps most important - to know the sexual behavior of women, their psychology and their weaknesses.

His sexual energy is inexhaustible. In bed, you can count on more than you expected. He has an excellent knowledge of female anatomy and has an active erotic imagination. No barriers hold him back, and no shyness hinders him. Each meeting should bring the maximum amount of pleasure.

He is not particularly interested in the technique of sex. He only wants to satisfy his uncontrollable needs. Before he has time to undress, he is ready for business. His excitement is transmitted to the woman. She will begin to choke with passion even before he takes possession of her.

His kisses are not gentle, but demanding and persistent. He needs to completely dominate the woman. If he hurts her, it will mean her submission to him. He is convinced that every woman dreams of being raped and physically defeated.

Driven by sexual attraction, he enjoys worshiping it. Scorpio strives to stretch out intimacy as much as possible in order to prolong the pleasure. They love to bring women to multiple—that is, multiple—orgasms. Usually using electrical stimulation.

The Scorpio man is prone to extravagant tendencies. He loves to experiment and his experiments are unforgettable.

His hidden desire for violence can become obvious and malicious. He may develop mental disorders if he feels that he is being neglected. Other people's pain causes him pleasure, and this explains his sadistic tendencies.


SCORPIO - ARIES: An extremely unstable combination. Aries loves innovations in sex, and Scorpio will gladly participate in them. But Aries is too freedom-loving for the jealous Scorpio. Both are selfish, dynamic and ambitious. There may be a strong mutual attraction, but their individualism will pull them in different directions. Short connection, uneven long-term relationship.

SCORPIO - TAURUS: Both have a desire to satisfy each other in bed. However, their differences will certainly come to light if they continue their relationship in daylight. Scorpio is the opponent of laziness, and he is tight-fisted. Taurus loves to spend the money they earn. Both are proud, stubborn and have a tendency to dominate. Their heightened sexuality allows them to count on a connection; marriage is very doubtful.

SCORPIO - GEMINI: Sexually they are close, but that's not all. A conscious attitude towards this is required. Gemini takes everything too easily for the assertive Scorpio. Scorpio is purposeful, Gemini is changeable and subject to fluctuations. Geminis have a sharp mind and are happy to demonstrate this at every opportunity. Scorpio regards such actions as a clear waste of time. Uneven relationship, difficult marriage.

SCORPIO - CANCER: These two water signs get along well with each other. The prognosis for sexual relations is positive. Scorpio's passion finds a responsive partner in Cancer. Physical compatibility helps reduce friction that arises due to jealousy that both suffer from. If, however, such outbreaks do occur, it is impossible to take the position of an outside observer in them. The most likely is a harmonious union of power and patronage. Good connection, great marriage.

SCORPIO - LEO: Both are extremely hot-tempered, and sharp disagreements can end in violence. Passion rules a lot in this union. They are physically attractive to each other, however, Scorpio does not give Leo the respect and attention that he needs. Leo's pride suffers, and in many situations Scorpio's jealous, possessive tendencies are put to the test. A pleasant relationship is possible, but a long-term union is unsuccessful.

SCORPIO - VIRGO: Their interests coincide in many areas, but this does not apply to the sexual sphere. They find it difficult to establish good relationships. Virgo can become picky. Scorpio is brutally frank. If Virgo manages to make the necessary adjustments to her behavior, something will probably work out. Spiritual intimacy for a while, and then Scorpio will begin looking for new sexual partners.

SCORPIO - LIBRA: Scorpio is too possessive and jealous of Libra. Libra is too lazy and sensitive for Scorpio. However, both are passionate, although Libra suffers from mood swings. They take a responsible approach to living together; problems are possible due to Libra's love for luxury, which Scorpio may not be able to provide. Frequent storms during communication. Marriage will not be completely calm either.

SCORPIO - SCORPIO: Sexually, they can light a fire even underwater. But they are too similar to each other. Both are decisive, both are possessive, jealous and have terrible characters. If they are different in some way, this leads to cracks and the bond evaporates. Their initial mutual attraction cannot last long outside the warm atmosphere of the bedroom. A long-term relationship, much less marriage, is not realistic.

SCORPIO - SAGITTARIUS: Don't give them expensive housewarming gifts. Scorpio loves his home, but Sagittarius always has a suitcase ready to hit the road. Sagittarius needs freedom. Scorpio is demanding and too possessive. Even the sense of humor characteristic of Sagittarius is not able to smooth out the rough edges in their relationship. Their mutual attraction is explained by sex and cannot last. For one night - yes, for life - no.

SCORPIO - CAPRICORN: Both are persistent, ambitious and a good match for each other sexually. No major problems are expected. Scorpio is more emotional, which harmonizes well with the restraint of Capricorn. Capricorn is impressed by the stability that Scorpio's desire for possession promises. Scorpio does not look for sentimentality in sex, and this suits Capricorn too. Prosperous relationship, reliable marriage.

SCORPIO - AQUARIUS: Scorpio is irritated by Aquarius' mood swings. Aquarius is involved in numerous social activities outside the home, where all Scorpio's interests are concentrated. Scorpio cannot subjugate Aquarius, who values ​​freedom very much. Aquarius is extremely sociable. Scorpio is the opposite. To Scorpio, the impractical plans of Aquarius seem meaningless. Acrobatics in bed will not keep this couple together. Let everyone go their own way.

SCORPIO - PISCES: This couple is characterized by a strong mutual attraction. Pisces is willing to rely on Scorpio to compensate for their indecision, and will gladly accept Scorpio's desire for dominance. Their sex life must be amazing. Pisces are inventive. Scorpio is persistent. Both the relationship and the marriage are successful.

This human type has only one innermost heart secret. It may not take a lifetime to see it. People born under this sign are extremely complex and simple at the same time. Love for Scorpio is a mystical experience. He is able to feel so deeply into the object of his research (or the object of his love, which is the same thing) that he has an overwhelming feeling that his connection with his loved one will not end with death. He wants to feel love with every fiber of his soul and, when it comes to sex, also experience complete ecstasy and sizzling passion. Scorpio trusts his instinct and his first impression, so love is possible for him only at first sight.

The secret of his love is to study a person from head to toe. Moreover, he must penetrate into the very corners of his partner’s soul. And even after he merges in love ecstasy with his loved one, he still continues to suspect that there remains something that is not yet accessible to his investigative mind. Be careful when deciding to join your destiny with Scorpio. He demands more and more confirmation of love, which often turns out to be excessive. Patience and understanding are not easy for him. If he notices signs of indecision on the part of his partner, this is perceived almost as a betrayal. Scorpios are also known to be jealous.


She seems cold and self-possessed, but in fact passions are simply seething in her soul. She is endowed with the gift of special magnetism, and in combination with the willfulness of her nature, this creates an explosive mixture. Scorpio women perfectly master the art of playing the role of mysterious beauties, and her potential victim will lie awake at night, tormented and burning with passion. They are not the kind of women who are conquered, they themselves look for a lover according to their taste. Like an X-ray, their sharp gaze shines through the candidate for love and unmistakably determines what to expect from this particular representative of the strong half of humanity. Meeting a passionate Scorpio woman is always an unforgettable event in life, even if the acquaintance is limited to one night.

But you won’t envy the man she truly loves. She will not take her eyes off him, she will literally guard his every move until he takes some wrong step - and this is only a matter of time - and then may the Lord have mercy! She will torment and torment him mercilessly, which is quite consistent with her logic: her revenge pursues a specific goal. Thank God, not all female Scorpios are like the female praying mantis, who eagerly devours her mating partner after an act of love. There are also wonderful, kind-hearted Scorpio women in the world; they cherish their partner, provided that he is a decent and reliable person. And yet, when communicating with a Scorpio woman, some sixth sense tells you that she is not to be trifled with; it is better not to tease the geese. She is a strong woman, a pronounced individualist, carrying within herself a subtle and elusive principle and looking for an equal mate.

Celebrities born under the sign of Scorpio: Demi Moore, Sonia Kirchberger, Vanessa Mai, Jodie Foster, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts.

Sexual horoscope - Scorpio


First of all, the definition of “master of aerobatics in love” is probably applicable to a man of this type, with whom it is extremely difficult to deal with. The palette of his flirting is simply immense. An angel who soars through the bustle of the world, a poltergeist who gives us goosebumps, a priest who performs a sacrifice—these are his favorite roles. Needless to say, what flirting with this demonic character is like. You will think more than once before you decide to step onto the edge of the fire-breathing crater of this volcano, because it is precisely this absolutely exceptional atmosphere of anticipation of future upheavals that the Scorpio man is able to create in some mysterious way. There is nothing to even dream about the opportunity to have fun with light flirting. However, there are always enough thrill-seekers who venture into this experience in the hope that they will be able to frolic to their heart’s content and “not get their paws wet.” As a rule, warnings do not reach such people, but so much the worse for them.

However, we must not lose sight of the other side of the coin: anyone who has never flirted with Scorpio (let alone ended up in bed with him) does not know what sex and real passion are. Since, like no other, the desire of men of this type most strongly inflames the forbidden fruit, their onslaught on the candidate for sex that they like is simply stunning. Even sophisticated ladies feel uneasy from their boring gaze; no cosmetic creams or other tricks can save them. Only if Scorpio himself manages to finally shake off the numbness from the love experiences he has experienced can he experience a new passion. But this rarely happens, because he is a slave to his gloomy way of thinking. But not every meeting in life has a deep meaning.

Celebrities born under the sign of Scorpio: Leonardo DiCaprio, Alain Delon, Eros Ramazzotti, Prince Charles, Boris Becker.


Scorpios instinctively guess where their partner's erogenous zones are, but they tend to keep their own preferences a secret. They believe that the partner must feel for himself what he wants. Partners devoid of imagination are quickly given a settlement. Anyone who knows the secrets of the inexplicable pleasure that eroticism contains will experience with Scorpio the miracle of complete dissolution in each other.

Scorpio's erogenous zones are the buttocks and the area below, down to the anus and rectum. Scorpios value an active partner, they are for equality in bed. Classic sexual positions can captivate them only for a short time. When dealing with a Scorpio, you must be prepared to be as creative as possible to make intimacy truly an unforgettable experience for both of you! If you offer Scorpio a sophisticated game as foreplay combined with unconventional sexual techniques, then he will be at the height of bliss. Among Scorpios there are also individuals with masochistic tendencies expressed to one degree or another, because tyranny and pleasure for this sign are adjacent concepts.


You physically feel some currents vibrating in the air, giving rise to a premonition of something extraordinary, grandiose, when you first agree on a date with Scorpio. Go to an opera performance together - it will give you a surge of emotions. You will feel the passion speak within you. "Carmen" is what you need. The interweaving of motives of love, torment, and death will certainly impress Scorpio - and you will not regret it, no matter how far-reaching plans you associate with your gentleman.

Don’t flatter yourself: it will never happen with Scorpio, it’s completely out of character. Try to win his complete trust, and to do this, turn to him with the following request: “Share your secret with me - you give the impression of a person who has known a lot.” You can almost guarantee that by doing so you will move the conversation in the right direction by clearly showing your interlocutor that you are actually interested in him. While talking, run your hand over your cheeks, neck, thighs, and ruffle your hair a little. This will make Scorpio want physical contact. Purposefully increase your efforts so that in the end, when you meet eyes, it is almost physically felt that the premonition of a thunderstorm hangs in the air. If you cope with this task during the first meeting, you can guarantee that you won’t have to wait long for the next call from Scorpio.

Sexual horoscope - Scorpio


No other sign makes such a clear distinction between love and sex as Scorpio. And even if he flatters his pride by claiming to be completely impenetrable to the views of others, you will very soon be able to easily tell whether he really has serious intentions or whether he is simply determined to receive carnal pleasure. In this sense, the first night of love is very indicative. His animal instincts are extremely strong and require satisfaction from time to time. Nevertheless, the bar is very high even if the desired object is chosen for just one night. And if the victim does not correspond to his scale (and Scorpio sees this instantly), he behaves adequately to the situation: extremely harshly, striving exclusively for possession.

If, on the contrary, his feeling is really deep, he is unrecognizable: gentle and sweet, never in a hurry with the first date.

Before he gains complete power over his partner’s body, it is important for him to study his soul. Scorpio is a good analyst who can read your thoughts, including your sexual desires. Nothing human is alien to him, and Scorpio also willingly adapts to his partner, although at the same time he does not lose sight of his own interests. He takes on the role of a leader and often acts as an active seducer. He himself determines the climax of your romance, when you finally merge in love ecstasy, and methodically goes towards his goal.

The first night of love with Scorpio is a bright event that never goes away. He is looking for equals who can share his passion. Don't miss the opportunity to gain such a unique experience. Of course, it requires strong nerves.


You will need extraordinary skill to attract this individualist with a mysterious, gloomy soul. An important factor in a relationship with Scorpio is having common children. He feels enormous responsibility towards them, and sometimes this is the only thing that forces him to save his family.

If you have chosen a Scorpio as your life partner, it is safe to say that you take gender relations seriously. Obviously, it has long been no secret to you that his demands are characterized by maximalism and you will not have the right to look at anyone, because Scorpio’s jealousy is the talk of the town. After all, to be honest, Scorpio himself cannot believe that they can only love him alone. That’s why it’s so important to win his complete trust and surround him with constant attention and love. He must know that he can rely on his partner so that he can find a common language with him. It should be noted that Scorpio himself often considers it unnecessary to adhere to such a strict code of marital fidelity.

Sexual horoscope - Scorpio



Scorpio needs a partner who, with some instinct, guesses all his needs. Although Aries can be gentle, with their fiery temperament it is very difficult to pay attention to the little things. Even if at first these two find each other very sexy and unconventional, they soon cool down.


The constant, good-natured Taurus can provide Scorpio with a reliable rear, but very quickly ceases to remain a mystery to him. Although Scorpio is very impressed by the sensual energy and caring nature of Taurus, they are as opposite as day and night. Often such a meeting ends in bitter disappointment for both.


Both are sharp-tongued and love to criticize everything. In the controversy, which at times becomes heated, Gemini is forced to give in. They feel that they are powerless against Scorpio. And Gemini finds some loophole to slip away, however, if Scorpio gets his victim there, he will mercilessly stick his sting in.


The kinship of their souls is truly limitless, and a deep feeling can very quickly grow from the timid shoots of love. Since both are jealous, they approach their relationships on the principle of “either all or nothing.” It is often said about them that they are head over heels in love with each other and not a party goes by without this couple secluded under some plausible pretext.


They immediately feel the cosmic energy that lies within them. They are attracted to each other by some unknown force, and then either they are thrown in different directions by a sharp blow, or one of them is carried away and swirled by a powerful whirlwind of the influence of the other. The meeting was truly amazing in every way! After all, two extraordinary representatives from different worlds came face to face, and this circumstance, at least in terms of eroticism, promises something!


The perceptive Virgo immediately senses that Scorpio requires a special approach, so she approaches him with caution. At the same time, the sexual energy with which Scorpio is charged turns Virgo on and releases the sexual energy dormant in her.


When the enraged Scorpio ties the beautiful Libra with chains to the bed, they will think for a minute whether they made the right choice. However, Scorpio's love play presupposes a soul mate and is completely captivating.


Or a bottomless gloomy abyss - or the complete dissolution of partners in each other: there is no third option. These, implicated in maximalism taken to the extreme, know no boundaries. The power of conviction of the miracle of love is so great that you cease to feel fear of fate. But as soon as one person abuses the trust of another, the threat of a violent confrontation immediately begins to loom.


The Scorpio lifestyle suits the tastes of the unconventional Sagittarius. He inspires him, there is no trace of any feeling of constraint. Carnal attraction is certainly present, which cannot be said about true spiritual intimacy. Sagittarius can easily put up with this problem, but not Scorpio.


The impermeability of Capricorn forces Scorpio to tensely make all sorts of guesses. What is hidden behind this facade - passion, romance or timidity? At the same time, we must not forget that Capricorn is cold by nature, and Scorpio is hot. Despite this. Capricorn and Scorpio cannot live without each other.


Aquarius has a weakness for the Kama Sutra, while Scorpio trusts his sensory experience. What one finds erotic, another simply finds amusing. Scorpio makes fun of Aquarius, who, for his part, cannot afford to give up magic spells.


Pisces are attracted by the formidable depths of the sea, where the sorcerer Scorpio lies in wait for them. He wants to accompany Pisces in their dangerous voyage and experience the entire possible range of movements of the human soul - from enlightenment to the abyss of sin. The religious atmosphere has a strong stimulating effect on both.

Jasmine Rachlitz

Scorpio Woman This is a real fatal beauty, whose sexuality attracts men like a magnet. The neck itself turns after her gait to appreciate the beauty of her swaying hips. She does not have an obedient character, and will not stand at the stove stirring your pasta. She has a masculine mentality, so most often you can find her in the entrepreneurs' club, playing bridge or in a strip bar. Her ambitions are extremely high. She never gives up and never loses confidence. He may engage in self-criticism, but not for long, because he believes that a bad mood affects skin color.

Girls born from October 23 to November 22, rather secretive natures. All feelings are experienced deeply in the soul, they never admit their failure. Earning her trust can be difficult. Be smart, self-sufficient, unobtrusively help her achieve her goals and then you can win her attention. Before finally letting you in, she will give you a series of psychological tests to make sure that you are not crazy. Outwardly, a Scorpio woman may look unapproachable and in character resemble a bachelor, but in reality, she wants a long-term relationship with one partner.

Paradoxically, being in a relationship with you and burning with love for you from the bottom of her heart, she may not pass by the opportunity to experience the caresses of another man. Scorpio knows how to separate love and sex. Her zone of sensuality is much wider than that of other women. For her, the bedroom is a place for a sex marathon. If you can't keep up with her pace, you won't last long with her. She is an experimenter in the broadest sense of the word. She may invite another girl to your bed and frantically make love to her herself, giving you the opportunity to watch. He might give you a blowjob while you're driving, or he might buy you a strap-on and invite you to be a woman.

Family life She is a little burdened, because of this, scandals can arise, dishes through the windows, borscht on your head, but this does not mean that everything is bad and she wants a divorce. This is how she has fun so that your marriage does not become a routine. With the advent of children she becomes calmer.
A Scorpio woman will be happy with Cancer. They are both sensual, there is complete mutual understanding and sexual compatibility between them, they try not to give each other reasons for jealousy.

With Aries, misunderstandings arise in relationships due to the active nature of both partners. Good as lovers, but not as husband and wife.

Taurus evokes only sexual desire in a Scorpio woman. They are too different in everyday life, so a harmonious marriage will not work.

Gemini is too changeable for the purposeful Scorpio. They will have a lot to talk about, but she can't constantly be in limbo, not knowing what to expect next. As lovers they are compatible, but nothing more.

An active Leo and a passionate Scorpio woman can literally eat each other without choking. Both want to shine and be leaders. Nobody wants to give in to anyone, even in the bedroom.

Virgo is sluggish for Scorpio, especially in bed. They have something to do together, but it is more of a collaboration.

With Libra, she will not be bored in sex, because there is a strong attraction to each other. But due to her jealous nature, frequent clashes are possible. Marriage is possible, although not very calm.

There is total compatibility in sex with your Scorpio sign. Passion plays a key role here. When they are satisfied with physical contact, it will not be possible to create spiritual contact due to the same temperaments.

Sagittarius is a one-night stand for her, because he is always on the go and always looking for freedom, and it shows a sense of ownership.

Capricorn can become a reliable life partner precisely because of its stable character. They are also sexually compatible, which doubles the chances of living together into old age.

Aquarius, like Sagittarius, is a free-thinking, loitering creature who cannot be controlled, and therefore cannot make a worthy match for a Scorpio woman. Except in the bedroom.

Pisces are a little indecisive and therefore an alliance with a powerful woman is an incredible happiness for them, which completely satisfies both. The marriage is successful because both strive to make the union pleasant by making every effort.

Famous Scorpio women:

Politicians: Hilary Clinton, Indira Gandhi, Condoleezza Rice. actresses and TV presenters Stars: Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Winona Ryder, Whoopi Goldberg, Vivien Leigh (“Gone with the Wind”), Jodie Foster (“Silence of the Lambs”), Peta Wilson (“Her Name was Nikita”), Jamie Lee Curtis (“True Lies”) , Lyudmila Gurchenko, Rina Zelenaya, Yana Churikova, Ksenia Sobchak, female athletes: Nadia Comăneci (gymnast), Oksana Baiul (skater), singers: Björk, Vanessa May, Vika Tsyganova, Lolita Milyavskaya, Marina Khlebnikova, writers Stars: Margaret Mitchell (“Gone with the Wind”), Astrid Lindgren (“Baby and Carlson”), Victoria Tokareva (“Gentlemen of Fortune”), scientist Maria Sklodowska-Curie, dancers, ballerinas: Maya Plisetskaya, Ilze Liepa, directors: Kira Muratova, Alla Surikova (“The Man from Boulevard des Capuchins”)

People born under the sign of Scorpio are inherently quite strong individuals. They are almost always smart, intellectual and emotional. Being under the protection of the element Water, this sign stores all experiences within itself. Scorpios tend to exaggerate problems.

This zodiac sign always stands its ground, it is a little stubborn and selfish. However, the water sign knows how to endure defeats and losses with dignity. At first glance, it may seem that Scorpio is weak and defenseless. But this is not true at all. The water sign only misleads others, disguising itself in this way.

Compatibility in love relationships

Scorpio's love can arise suddenly and passionately. However, this does not mean that everyone will know about it at once. Scorpios are not used to showing off their feelings. A water man will conquer his woman for a long time and persistently. For her sake, he is capable of crazy actions and expensive gifts. Such a sign almost always conquers a girl immediately; he captivates her in his net.

The Scorpio lady is a passionate and jealous person in love. She can drive a man in love with her crazy. The love of such a woman has no boundaries. But there is another side to the coin - she hates just as much. The deceived woman of the Water element is capable of many things, she should be feared. Such a lady can even destroy the life of her former chosen one if he betrays her.

Marriage and family life

Scorpios strive to burden themselves with family ties. Often these signs marry at a fairly early age. This is already a fairly deliberate and serious decision. Some Scorpios search for their chosen one for a long time, approaching the issue especially carefully.

The family life of two Scorpios often resembles an Italian TV series. Two temperamental, possessive signs do not let each other get bored in marriage. Quarrels in such an alliance arise often and pass with all the passion inherent in Scorpios. When the scandals subside, water signs live in perfect harmony for some time.

A Scorpio husband always protects his wife from various problems. Often such a man takes care of all material matters himself, leaving household chores to the woman. However, the offended spouse will reveal to you all the negative sides of his character. He will not restrain himself in insults.

The Scorpio wife in such a marriage is often the head of the family. She demands from her husband a full account of everything, from spending money to returning late from work. This is often what causes quarrels in the family. The spouses fight for the leadership position mercilessly. In some couples this drags on for many years.

Friendship between Scorpios

Being friends with a Scorpio is not easy, but it is possible. Serious and unshakable natures, they often scare people away with their mere appearance. It seems to others that this person is selfish and arrogant. However, even with close communication it becomes clear that this is not so. The person who manages to overcome the coldness of a Scorpio will become a close and faithful friend for him for many years.

Having few friends, the water sign values ​​them. He will always help in difficult situations and help out in trouble. But Scorpio's friends never know what to expect from this sign tomorrow. A water sign is unpredictable. He is a man of mood. Today your friend is joyful and happy, but tomorrow he is overcome by gloomy and sad thoughts.

Two Scorpios can become great friends if they make concessions. After all, they, like no one else, are able to understand each other and forgive all the little flaws of their violent character.

Scorpio compatibility in bed

A couple of Scorpios in bed means a sleepless night. Nobody loves sex and experimentation more than these zodiac signs. To make love with a Scorpio, you need to stock up on strength and patience. He will never leave you unsatisfied. This sign is a passionate and unrestrained lover. Before going to bed, the water sign builds a whole plan, which it strictly follows.

You have to be careful with Scorpio. If sex with a partner begins to bore him, then the water sign can find a replacement for him. Women who are cold in bed should not even try to have a Scorpio lover. Firstly, you will not be able to satisfy him, and secondly, you will get bored of him very quickly.

Scorpio compatibility at work

The sign under the element of water is an excellent worker. He is responsible, serious, demanding and executive. Scorpio devotes himself entirely to his work. Not finishing a task or quitting halfway is not about him.

However, a tandem of two representatives of this sign is not an easy matter. With such a couple, everyone around them is constantly in the line of fire. Two born leaders with hot temperaments do not know how to share power. Passions are always boiling around them, they compete and constantly prove their superiority.

It is very difficult for water signs to get along in one team. Not only they suffer from this, but also those around them. Business projects and company affairs in such a situation are also under attack. After all, it is not clear what is in the head of the unpredictable Scorpio. This sign cannot come to terms with the role of the second.

It is possible for such a couple to work together only with one condition: one must give in. But not all representatives of the Water element will do this.

Compatibility percentage

The compatibility of a pair of Scorpios is very good. Such a union has every chance of a long and happy life together. If two representatives of water decide to unite, then, basically, they stay together, no matter what. No one says that it’s easy and cloudless for the two of them. Their life is full of passions, quarrels and resentments. But it is also filled with care, love and devotion.

Compatibility in love for two Scorpios is 80%, in marriage – 95%, in friendship – 85%.

Negative moments in the union

The union of two Scorpios, no matter how desirable it may be, already carries negative energy. And it's not that people are not suitable for each other. It’s just that the nature of these signs is such that they can’t live any other way.

Scorpios are like vampires. They "feed" from their partner. And a couple of these signs live from “mutual feeding”. They feel good together, but there comes a time when the spouses simply need to quarrel. Moreover, they can come up with problems for themselves, even if there are none.

Scorpio men are terrible owners. They do not want to share their wife with anyone. Parents, friends and even children often suffer from this. Such a spouse tirelessly demands attention to himself. He is used to always being in first place.

Scorpio women are jealous and impulsive. They can overthink themselves over trifles and thereby annoy their husband. Such a wife is used to living in abundance. Therefore, the husband will always be required to provide material well-being for the family.

Another negative in a relationship could be an attempt by one of the spouses to cheat. It may remain just an attempt, or it may become a test for the whole family.

Necessary conditions for a good relationship

Two Scorpios are one of the pretty good unions. Seeing their reflection in their partner, these signs are capable of analyzing their actions. They have a lot in common, but, unfortunately, not only good things. For such a marriage to succeed, it is necessary to constantly find a compromise and make concessions.

Scorpios are unable to live without passions. Their life will always be emotional and full of adventure. Such a couple needs to learn to cope with themselves, to control themselves. Water signs need trust in their partner.