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The cat periodically vomits undigested food. Why does a cat burp after every meal: what to do if he burps foam? Problems with internal organs

A healthy and cheerful pet is the dream of every owner of a furry creature. However, animals often experience digestive problems in the form of nausea and vomiting. There are many reasons why a cat vomits: from basic overeating to a health- and life-threatening infectious disease. It is important for the owner to be able to recognize when a phenomenon such as vomiting has a dangerous tendency, and also to know how to provide first aid to the animal at home.

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Causes of vomiting

There are many reasons why a cat vomits food, but the main ones are:

  • Binge eating. Swallowing food too quickly and consuming large amounts of food often leads to regurgitation of food masses.
  • Formation of hairballs in the stomach leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting in the pet. Long-haired breeds are especially susceptible to the disease.
  • Lead to nausea and vomiting food associated with eating low-quality stale feed.
  • Animals eating hard parts of indoor plants- a common cause of regurgitation of food masses.
  • Entry of foreign objects into the digestive tract, bones leads to irritation of the stomach and the release of its contents out.
  • . Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting in the pet.
  • Inflammation and other pathologies of the pancreas lead to disruption of enzymatic processes during feed digestion and are often accompanied by vomiting.
  • Vomiting can be a symptom of such a dangerous condition for the animal as volvulus, intestinal obstruction,. Such situations require urgent intervention from a veterinarian, as they pose a threat to the pet’s life.
  • Often the cause of nausea and regular vomiting is pathology of the liver and gall bladder. In this case, the digestion of fatty foods is disrupted, which leads to regurgitation.
  • Poisoning with medications, pesticides- common reasons why a cat rejects food masses. This protective reflex helps reduce the concentration of a toxic substance in the animal’s body.
  • Often the reason why a cat burps is because it affects the digestive system. Worms may even be observed in the vomit, indicating intense helminth infestation.
  • Infectious diseases often accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, which indicates the development of a pathological process. , calcivirus, coronavirus infection - this is an incomplete list of viral reasons why a cat burps every day. In addition to nausea and vomiting, the animal will experience increased stress, lethargy, refusal to feed and other symptoms indicating the seriousness of the situation.

Systemic diseases accompanied by nausea and vomiting also include oncological pathologies, diseases of the nervous system (including stress), pathologies of the heart and kidneys.

To learn about the main reasons that cause vomiting in a pet and what to do about it, watch the video:

What does the composition of vomit tell you?

The variety of causes that lead to nausea and vomiting in cats makes them difficult to identify at first glance. However, the nature and composition of the vomit will help in diagnosing the disease. Therefore, if the owner detects vomiting in a pet, before starting cleaning, he should carefully examine the vomited mass.

Vomit color and other characteristic features What color and consistency indicate
Presence of white foam This condition indicates that the stomach is empty. The cause of vomiting in this case may be gastritis, a long-term starvation diet, or a psycho-emotional state (stress). Regular vomiting with white foam in an older cat may indicate the development of cancer. If a cat is vomiting white foam, what exactly should you do? Do not self-medicate, but show your pet to a veterinarian.
Yellow Indicates that bile has entered the stomach. This phenomenon is observed in diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and small intestine.
Green vomit This may happen when the pet has eaten a lot of green grass. However, this color of undigested food may also indicate a large reflux of bile into the stomach, which is an unfavorable symptom and is often observed in acute infectious diseases
Blood impurities Observed in case of injuries, foreign bodies, and stomach ulcers. At home, the owner can inspect the animal's mouth for the presence of foreign objects. If a cat is vomiting, you need to do the following: open the animal’s mouth, find the stuck object and remove it. In other cases, it is necessary to seek qualified veterinary help
Coffee-colored vomit It is an unfavorable symptom of diseases such as gastric bleeding, destruction of a malignant tumor. The chocolate color is the result of the effect of gastric juice on the blood. If, in addition to the dark brown color, there is a smell of feces, then intestinal obstruction can be suspected - a phenomenon dangerous to the life of the animal

When diagnosing the causes of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to pay attention not only to color, but also to the presence of mucus, undigested food particles, foreign impurities (worms, foreign objects), and the consistency of vomit. Thus, vomiting with mucus most often accompanies gastritis and helminthic infestations. On New Year's days, pets often gorge themselves on tinsel and rain, and these foreign objects are often found in the vomit.

Is the condition so dangerous?

Many owners are puzzled about what to do if their cat is vomiting and how to help him at home. Of course, you can try to alleviate the cat’s condition on your own, but only if the cause is known and it does not pose a threat to the health and life of the pet. For example, Often the cause of vomiting is toxicosis in pregnant cat in the first half of term.

As a rule, if vomiting is periodic from time to time, and there are no undigested particles in the vomit, no mucus, and the color is not alarming, then there is no reason to worry. Most veterinary specialists believe that vomiting in cats is a natural process of self-cleansing of the body. Feeding special food for removing hair, regularly giving your pet malt paste or tablets will help solve the problem.

If the cause of vomiting is worms, the owner must carry out unscheduled treatment of the animal for helminths.

However, if vomiting is frequent (several times a day or every day), accompanied by a change in color, or associated symptoms are present (fever, diarrhea, refusal to feed, lethargy, etc.), you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Help an animal

Owners are often lost and don’t know what to do. When a cat vomits, here's what to do at home:

1. First of all, you need to remove all food from your pet.

2. Water should be left if drinking it does not cause new attacks.

3. The owner should measure the cat’s body temperature and inspect the food to ensure its freshness.

4. If vomiting is frequent, care should be taken to prevent dehydration in the pet. To do this, it is necessary to provide the animal with unhindered access to clean water and not delay the visit to a specialist.

Do not use medications from a human first aid kit if you notice nausea and regurgitation of food in an animal. Only a veterinarian can recommend what to give your cat for vomiting. For example, in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, or solvents, it is prohibited to induce vomiting. If an animal swallows sharp objects, tinsel, or rain, use a syringe to pour in 5-6 ml of petroleum jelly and contact the clinic.

To learn what to do and how to help your cat if vomiting is caused by poisoning, watch this video:

In a specialized institution, when identifying the causes of vomiting, antiemetic drugs, for example, cerucal, antispasmodics, and detoxifying drugs, can be prescribed. If vomiting is caused by stomach diseases, the pet will be prescribed gastroprotectors that reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa. For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, hepatoprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

What to do if a cat vomits due to infectious diseases? In addition to vomiting, viral illnesses are often accompanied by diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. In a veterinary clinic, if there are signs of a lack of water in the body, the animal is prescribed intravenous injections of saline, Ringer's solution, and glucose.


In order to prevent nausea, regurgitation and vomiting in a pet, the ownerit is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • feed your pet only proven food;
  • avoid overfeeding, give food in small portions several times a day;
  • regularly carry out treatment for helminths;
  • prevent the formation of hairballs in the stomach by periodically using special food and pastes for removing hair, and regularly comb out your pet’s coat;
  • protect the animal from swallowing foreign objects;
  • regularly vaccinate your cat against infectious diseases;
  • Regularly conduct a routine examination with a specialist who will help identify pathologies of internal organs.

Pet owners need to understand what causes vomiting in cats. This will help determine the severity of the problem. And if a cat is found vomiting, the owner should also have an idea of ​​what to do in such a situation in order to provide the necessary assistance to the pet in a timely manner.

Kittens require special care. They have the same health problems as all young children. What to do if your kitten vomits after eating? He needs to be closely monitored and his diet must contain high-quality food. It is important that your furry friend eats on time and does not refuse to eat, is active and feels good.

What to do if vomiting occurs?

If your kitten is vomiting and this happens for a long time, you need to try to calm down and understand the causes of the attack. If the kitten does not vomit often, does not have a high or low temperature, does not have bowel movements, and is not weak, you can treat it at home. To do this, you need to keep the baby on a starvation diet and not feed him for twelve hours. Every hour and a half, the kitten should drink clean water once. In order to give it something to drink, you need to take a syringe, remove the needle and take a portion of water and give it to the kitten.

After a fasting diet, if the kitten shows a desire to eat and feels much better, you can calmly give him food. The food must be fresh. You need to start with small portions. It can be boiled chicken or broth, rice water. You can give medicinal food. For some time, the animal is prohibited from eating fatty, smoked, and spicy foods. Immediately after recovery, the baby should not be overloaded with food, as the body is still weak.

If a kitten feels sick after eating, vomits, and this condition lasts for a long time, this indicates serious problems with the pet’s health. In this case, you cannot delay it; you must immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment. The situation may not be simple.

Vomiting in small kittens, their cause

With various diseases, the cat’s body reacts by vomiting, thereby indicating its problem..

  1. There may be causes of vomiting in kittens if the cat feeds it with its own milk. It is possible that she may have eaten something or that she became ill and medications were prescribed. The fact is that the kitten still has a weak immune system, so it is quite possible that he is vomiting precisely because of this.
  2. Vaccination may provoke a gag reflex.
  3. Poisoning from household chemicals.
  4. Another reason for vomiting may be the transition to self-feeding. Then vomiting is associated with a sudden transition to a new food.
  5. The cause may be introduced worms or a viral infection.
  6. If the food is of poor quality, salted or smoked, fried or fatty.
  7. The baby is vomiting due to hair getting into the stomach. This can happen if the kitten has been actively licking its fur.
  8. The kitten is vomiting due to overeating, or he swallowed too large a piece of food.
  9. Vomiting can be caused by a foreign object entering the stomach of a curious animal.
  10. If the baby vomits yellow discharge in the form of liquid, we can safely say that bile has entered the stomach. This symptom indicates the presence of diseases in the stomach.
  11. A white foamy appearance of vomit may occur when eating rough food or if the kitten is infected with an infectious disease.

Why does a kitten vomit undigested food?

If a cat vomits undigested food and this often happens repeatedly, an examination by a specialist is necessary. Vomiting in animals is a protective reaction of the body. It appears due to contraction of the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm. At this point, the food that has been eaten is forced out through the esophagus area. The undigested type of food should alert you if there is blood discharge in it.

Often the cause of vomiting in an animal after eating may be simple overeating or if food is absorbed too quickly. The kitten has a stomach that is not so large in size; it cannot accommodate large food. For this reason, vomiting occurs.

Sometimes the cause of frequent vomiting is low-quality, low-quality dry food. If it contains insufficient nutrients and other incomplete proteins (by-products) predominate, added concentrates and preservatives. In this case, the kitten vomits because it is trying to get rid of a poor-quality product by vomiting. In order for the body to cleanse itself faster, the baby may develop bowel dysfunction. Food for a kitten should always be of high quality and nutritious.

The appearance of vomiting may be a symptom of an inflammatory process in the intestines. Unfortunately, diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, and colitis are also familiar to cats.

In order for your kitten to grow up healthy, you need attention and care. To find out the cause of the disease, you need to contact a veterinarian. He will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Pet furballs are susceptible to a variety of diseases and problems. The owner can only monitor the behavior all the time in order to see deviations in time and begin treatment. But it is simply impossible not to notice some diseases, and these include vomiting of undigested food in a cat. Some owners ignore the symptom, believing that the pet is simply going through hard times, and soon everything will go away on its own - and in vain! The cat needs to be shown to specialists, because the reasons can be very serious and lead to death.

Why does a cat vomit after eating? Causes

There can be many of them, some of them should not cause concern, especially if they appear once. When a symptom recurs regularly, the problem turns out to be deeper and a diagnosis is needed.

This is interesting! Vomiting may be caused by a change in diet. Even high-quality food after natural products must be introduced gradually. Don't put your cat on a vegetarian diet - she needs a lot of protein.

Diagnosis of the disease

So, you don’t know why your cat vomits after eating food, in which case, consult a doctor. The veterinarian will examine the pet; it is very important to talk about all the symptoms and the nature of the vomit, because this will allow you to better see the clinical picture. It would be a mistake to take antipyretic and other medications before visiting the clinic. In this case, the doctor may mistakenly diagnose the cause, so it is worth reporting the medications you took.

The animal will have to undergo tests: blood and feces. It is often possible to obtain the vomit itself, which is examined for the presence of mucus and blood. It is important to start diagnosis on time, since every day counts: some diseases accompanied by vomiting can lead to death in a couple of days, others even earlier.

Cat treatment

There is no need to give your pet any medications, because vomiting is not a disease itself, but only a symptom of a dozen problems. It is impossible to determine the cause at home; if you prescribe the wrong drug yourself, your health condition can only worsen. You cannot ignore vomiting, thinking that the poisoning will go away on its own: this will be a mistake, because poor-quality food is not always the cause; stomach problems can be more alarming.

The whole process should be accompanied by the intake of healthy food, products that restore water-salt balance, and vitamins. It would also be useful to have a gentle daily routine, excluding contact with other animals and exposure to the cold.

Note! The best food is mice, as their fur contains sulfur, which is necessary for fluffy fur. You should not give your cat dog food; it is not able to meet its protein needs.

Some owners ignore the symptom, believing that the pet is simply going through hard times, and soon everything will go away on its own - and in vain.

It is rare that a pet owner has not at least once encountered the fact that his beloved cat vomits undigested food after eating. Often, owners ignore such deviations, hoping that everything will go away on its own. Is it worth risking your pet's life? Vomiting can be triggered by various factors - from banal overeating to serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is dangerous to ignore the problem. It is better to carefully observe your pet - he may need help.

The gag reflex occurs as a result of contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, as a result of which the eaten food is pushed out through the esophagus. It consists of undigested pieces mixed with gastric juice. Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body. Occurring once, it does not cause concern. A periodically recurring gag reflex requires an examination.

Reasons why a cat vomits after eating:

  • Overeating or eating food too quickly. Cats living together in the same house experience competition, where each one tries to eat as much as possible during feeding. At the same time, large pieces are greedily swallowed. The stomach is not able to accommodate them and rejects them back.
  • Poor quality food. The enzymatic pathways of representatives of the cat family are designed in such a way that they require high-grade protein in large quantities. If there is a lack of it in the feed, nutrients are not absorbed, and the animal gets rid of food through vomiting. This explains why a cat vomits after eating economy class dry food. Most cheap foods contain no more than 3% meat. The protein deficiency is compensated by added by-products. They, as well as all kinds of additives and preservatives included in cheap food, can cause vomiting.
  • Poisoning. In this case, the body seeks to get rid of low-quality food. Vomiting is often accompanied by diarrhea to speed up bowel cleansing.
  • The presence of infectious diseases, disruption of the digestive tract in the form of intestinal inflammation, pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis.

The cat is vomiting - what to do?

There is no need to panic if the cat’s vomiting after eating occurs only once, and the animal’s condition does not cause alarm – the nose is cold, the mood is cheerful, the eyes are sparkling. This means that his health is fine and the problem was most likely caused by overeating.

If there is repeated vomiting, especially if there are impurities of blood and mucus in the rejected masses, or if the cat’s well-being deteriorates, it is necessary to show the pet to a veterinarian. If it is not possible to do this immediately, first aid must be provided to the animal. It consists of providing a starvation diet and a limited amount of water. After the vomiting stops, the cat is given easily digestible food in small portions every 2 hours - pieces of boiled chicken, baby meat puree, cottage cheese. After two days, if there is no vomiting, they switch to a normal diet.

When a cat periodically vomits after eating, what should you do in this situation? This cannot be done without medical help. There is a high risk of dehydration and loss of nutrients. Frequent vomiting may be a sign of serious gastrointestinal problems or the presence of an infectious disease.

Periodically repeated vomiting in a cat after eating can serve as a signal about the need to take anthelmintic drugs. For preventive purposes, they are given every 3–4 months.

If vomiting persists, the animal should be examined at a clinic to ensure timely treatment if necessary. Procrastination, inattention and irresponsibility of owners often cost the life of their pet.

When to see a doctor

The reasons why a cat may vomit undigested food are quite serious. The degree of danger of this symptom for the pet’s health is determined by the frequency of attacks, the content of vomit and general well-being. Signs such as rapid deterioration of the condition and refusal to eat should alert you. It is better to immediately take the animal to the clinic or call a veterinarian at home.

Emergency medical care is required in cases where:

  • Vomiting continues for more than a day.
  • The cat vomits after each feeding or independently of it several times a day.
  • Vomit, along with pieces of undigested food, contains blood, mucus, bile, and other impurities not related to the food consumed.
  • Loss of appetite. A particularly alarming symptom is when the animal refuses not only food, but also water.
  • Restless behavior of the pet, desire for privacy, drooling, tearfulness.

The reasons for this condition of the cat can only be determined through a professional examination by a veterinarian. After conducting the necessary examination, he will establish a diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan.

How to cure a cat

The owner’s hopes that everything will go away on its own are often not justified. Missing time increases the chances of losing your pet. You should not self-medicate. It is impossible to find out the reason why a cat vomits after eating at home. Some drugs, used unjustifiably, only worsen the animal's condition. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Vomiting in a cat caused by infection is especially dangerous. It is not always possible to make a diagnosis in time. If left untreated, the pet may die within a few days. After receiving the results of laboratory tests, the necessary medicine is selected in the form of immunoglobulins and special serums.

The life and health of a cat depends entirely on how caring and responsible the owner is. It is necessary to closely monitor the well-being of your pet, noticing and immediately responding to any symptoms of disease, including the cat’s vomiting of undigested food. This is the only way to ensure a long life for a pet that will respond with mutual love and devotion.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian, who will answer them as soon as possible in the comment box below.

    Greetings! outbred cat is 8 years old, neutered, eats dry monge, lives only in an apartment, has vaccinations. never gets sick, tested negative for coronavirus. I vomited after sleeping last night. after a while again. then again early in the morning twice. vomit contains undigested food or only liquid. He drinks water normally, is not lethargic, but is hungry - he really asks for food. The stool was normal yesterday, but today there is nothing. The other cat is completely normal. there was nothing to poison yourself with. in 3 hours it will be 24 hours since the incident began. We don’t give him food yet, we just fed him coal through a syringe - it didn’t make him sick. if you give food, it comes back almost immediately. the wet one comes out after 20 minutes. The cats have no food aggression - dry food is always freely available, so they don’t overeat in a race. help me please

  • Hello, my cat is 4.6 years old. I have been vomiting undigested food for 3-4 days now. My appetite is good, I've lost a little weight. The coat is dull, active and playful. There is no opportunity to visit the veterinary clinic in the next 3-4 days. But about 2 hours after eating, the cat vomits. I changed the food, everything repeats itself. They are very worried about her.

  • Vika 21:09 | 31 Mar. 2019

    Good day! My cat is 9-10 months old, a week ago he weighed 4kg 100g, now he weighs 3.5. Over the past 4 days he has been vomiting once a day, either water or leftover food. For the last 2 days he has become less active, and his appetite has completely disappeared, he drinks only water, and has stopped purring. He usually slept with us and now he has stopped. Tell me what's going on

    • Daria is a veterinarian 22:21 | 31 Mar. 2019

      Hello! How to do what? Let's run to the veterinary clinic! The animal needs to be given IV drips to avoid dehydration. You cannot force feed, and you will have to maintain the animal’s strength through IVs. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics and perform tests. Rule out poisoning and infectious disease (especially if the pet is not vaccinated)

      The cat is 7 years old, domestic. Today she vomits after every meal, about 1 minute later. The nose is cold, active. What could it be, please tell me. We'll only get to the clinic tomorrow. I'm so worried about her.

      Hello! So, don’t feed him yet, just give him water. Definitely going to the clinic tomorrow. First of all, rule out a foreign body in the stomach (maybe a toy was eaten by a pet, maybe threads, film, something else). Then rule out gastritis and ulcers on the mucous membrane. Helminthiasis or infection is unlikely to lead to such rapid vomiting, and the vomiting would not be “tied” to the intake of food. You definitely need to get examined.

  • Irina 10:51 | 29 Mar. 2019

    Good afternoon
    The cat is 10 years old, angora. Sometimes vomits from excess fur. Today is day 3 of vomiting undigested dry food. Sometimes, when there is nothing left to vomit, a yellow or white liquid comes out. But the cat is not lethargic, he is cheerful. He refuses hair removal paste. The worms were driven out in the summer (he doesn’t go outside). Should I see a doctor or limit my food intake for now and get rid of the worms?

  • Irina 01:08 | 26 Mar. 2019

    Hello, Dasha! My cat is 3.5 years old. About 1.5 years ago he vomited for the first time. It began to repeat itself at intervals of 1-2 times a month. The mood and behavior did not change, he was affectionate, sociable, 10-15 minutes after vomiting he again went to the bowls to eat and everything was fine. Then the attacks began to become more frequent - 2-3 times a week. I took her to the vet last summer. They donated blood and did an ultrasound. The doctor said everything was normal and prescribed de-nol to “try just in case.” We drank for a week. Nothing much has changed. Sometimes it doesn’t vomit for a week, and then every day, for several days in a row, then again for several days everything is fine. We get vaccinated according to schedule, we also get rid of worms. I feed super premium and holistic. There is nothing in the vomit except food - no blood, no mucus. He drinks normally, pees normally, his stool is normal, he is in a good mood, friendly, ready to play when offered... lately he has been vomiting literally a minute after eating, before at least 15-20 minutes passed... he vomits mainly after wet food, very rarely after dry food . I haven’t tried to feed him canned food at all, because he lies down next to the bowl and is sad :), I interpret this as he asks) I would take him to the veterinarian again, but every trip we take is terrible stress for him. He even pees and poops out of fear: (I understand that it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on the description. Maybe you can recommend qualified, good visiting doctors? Or suggest something else to us? Thank you!

  • Natalia 09:25 | 10 Mar. 2019

    The cat vomits frequently, there is no blood or bile. We feed with purina ONE. Scottish cat 3.5 years old. Sometimes he vomits even on an empty stomach. Sometimes he stops asking for food, sometimes he asks, but not as actively as before. I know the advice about going to the doctor, but I literally don’t have the time. We tried to keep him hungry for some time (then he vomits foam), sometimes he eats normally, accompanied by pankeratin. The amount of food has been reduced, we give less than usual, but more often. In general, we panic. What could be the reason? Among the changes in behavior - I began to walk on the street less (we live in the village), although I used to love it and it seems that there is increased salivation (saliva does not drip, but when I lick my lips, I somehow begin to slurp excessively, which was not observed before). About a week and a half continues. The first time it started, he vomited hair, but now it’s gone.

  • Elena 14:53 | 28 Feb. 2019

    Good afternoon I have a 4.5 year old cat, she was spayed 2 years ago. More than a month ago, the cat vomited, went to the veterinary clinic, the body temperature was normal, they took an X-ray with contrast and passed a general blood test. A foreign body was excluded. The analysis (as the doctor said) is generally normal, the only thing is “ESR-60”. At the same time, antibiotics were injected. then they prescribed Tsekloferon and injected it. They prescribed phasmulgel and omez, and these drugs started vomiting again. Expelled. The only thing: she constantly drinks water (she also goes to the toilet in small quantities all the time) and she has an appetite, asks to eat, but cannot eat, she licks the jelly a little and that’s it (perfect food for sensitive digestion and for sterilized cats, as well as Royal Canin pate). I went back to the doctor and was told to force feed her (the cat became completely lethargic, lost a lot of weight, sat down on her hind legs, and hid). I started feeding her half a teaspoon through a syringe every 3-4 hours. (at the same time they injected Tsirukal with no-shpa) Stool appeared (after about 8 hours), stool as usual. She started asking for food again and fed her. She began to hide again and didn’t bother me during the night. and in the morning I vomited again. The vomit is liquid and yellow in color. Diagnosis: suspicion of gastritis or some kind of infection. This is how they explained it to me. If possible, please answer what to do and how. Thank you in advance.

  • Elya 10:27 | 17 Feb. 2019

    Hello! The cat vomits after eating, but not immediately. Repeats often, once every 3 days. We went to the doctor for vaccination, he felt the stomach and her, he said everything was fine, give food in small parts. I did just that, but it feels like she’s saving everything up and then giving it all away at once. The last time I found a white worm in my vomit, I gave 1 ton of anthelmintic, is it worth repeating after 10 days?! Or change doctor?! And go to someone else.

  • Christina 03:58 | 04 Feb. 2019

    Hello, sterilized fold-eared cat 1.8. A few days ago I vomited from soft food 6-7 hours after I ate it and had diarrhea, I decided not to feed soft food for a couple of days, I was on water and dry food. Everything returned to normal, I decided to give half a pack of soft food after 4 days, the situation repeated itself in the same time period. Wormed in the summer.
    What could this be? please tell me

  • Hello. Scottish cat, 2 years old, neutered, such a problem, he likes to chew slippers, not the first time, nausea, vomiting, but everything always worked out. During the New Year's holidays, we didn't notice whether it was the slippers again or the New Year's tinsel, maybe he was poisoned, we don't really know. There was vomiting for 2 days, while residual food also came out and there was no diarrhea naturally. But he drank water himself, no. He was rather weak, on the 3rd day in the morning he ate liquid food Perfect Fit for a sensitive stomach, drank milk and water, became active at lunchtime, I came home from work to check,
    he vomited 2 times. In the evening he again asked to eat and was given the same food, and after a while he vomited again, but this time with undigested food. We don’t know what to do, please help

  • Good afternoon. Please tell me what we should do. We have a Bengal girl. 7th month. Progesterone on 12/12/18 and scheduled vaccinations on 12/25. Yesterday she started burping up undigested, brown food. The chair is normal. He drinks well too. Active. She gave me a quarter of coal for the night. And in the morning I vomited again. Super premium food. Savarra and N&D dry. Royal Canin pate for kittens. Raw beef every other day. They didn't give me anything new. What could it be? At the vet clinic it’s understandable, but my husband is on shift and I’m still with a small child

  • Hello. The cat is vomiting large puddles of liquid and food. The first time she vomited was on New Year’s Day, the entire bedding was drenched, at first they thought that she peed herself, then that she simply drank a lot of water, which is why she vomited so much. Tonight she vomited again a large puddle of liquid, orangeish, mixed with food, the puddles are just healthy, and this despite the fact that she did not drink the water - I removed the water in the evening, she did not drink during the day. Lately she has been eating worse, I thought that she was being picky and competing with her second pet, and she had been drinking very rarely for a long time - once recently she drank water, I thought it was because of competition, because... she drank a lot! (competes with the bird, doesn’t eat bird food, tries to steal water from the bird, so I sing them and put away the water so that they don’t drink from the same bowl) The cat had gastritis not so long ago from dry proplane, she was treated with pumpkin and Liv52 - on the advice of doctors, they fed him baby food. Is it really gastritis again? What diseases cause such large puddles of burp? Moreover, the cat often asks to eat, but does not eat or eats reluctantly. We feed gourmet pate in jars. We don’t know the exact age of the cat, the vets said it’s middle age. Will changing your diet help?

  • Please tell me, a cat, 3 years old, not sterilized, began to vomit food, plus she has loose stools. We alternate feeding with Purina One dry food and Sheba wet food, the diet was not changed, and no new food was given. It looks like it started out of nowhere. Yesterday we didn’t feed her, today we gave her wet food, and 2 hours after eating she vomited it. The stool is better today, but still soft. What can be done?

  • Hello! I have two kittens, a boy and a girl, 6.5 months old. (brother and sister). I sterilized a boy two days ago. I came out of anesthesia well, went to the toilet, played, ate/drank afterward. day as usual. On the second day he started vomiting. first I ate in the morning, vomited after a couple of hours, and then almost immediately after eating (after 20 minutes maximum). Moreover, it is clear that he is hungry, goes to bowls of food, and searches. I tried giving him wet food, same thing. I also noticed small convulsions, or rather it’s like trembling throughout the body, but not constant, but like attacks (I don’t know how to explain correctly, it’s a pity I can’t add a video).
    the girl ate the same thing, everything is fine with her.
    I live in China and, alas, I don’t speak Chinese, it’s difficult to communicate with a veterinarian through a translator. Now it’s night for us, I’ll go to the clinic in the morning, but I ask you, tell me what it could be? What should the veterinarian pay attention to? what analyzes are needed? etc.?

    • How is the cat feeling now? Are the symptoms recurring or have they stopped? If it is a one-time treatment, then most likely it is a reaction to the drugs that were administered (maybe intolerance to the antibiotic). If it continues, then an examination is needed. Take a general and biochemical blood test, ultrasound. Was the cat injured? Couldn't hit your head anywhere? Is coordination impaired?

      Yesterday he was fine all day, but he ate almost nothing. In the evening I ate more and vomited again.
      there were no injuries. Apart from vomiting, nothing seems to bother him. he plays, runs, goes to the toilet, everything is as usual.

      We went to the vet yesterday, took a swab from the anus, measured his temperature, tested his blood, looked for an ulcer - there was nothing, all tests were normal. They gave us something and gave us three injections. I don’t know what exactly it is, everything is in Chinese, the translator can’t translate the names of the drugs :(
      for the convulsions, they said that it could be inflammation of the nerve, we would need to take vitamin B. They sent us home and told us not to feed or drink, but to come again in the morning. It’s morning now, I woke up and again I see three puddles of vomit. just like greenish water :(

      Well, if it’s greenish, then you need to check your liver. Isn't the cat burping bile? Not giving water is cruel. Moreover, there was vomiting. Just in small portions, but often, so as not to cause a new attack of vomiting. I don’t know what medications to recommend, because... the assortment in that country is not familiar to me. Wait for the blood results (I hope they do biochemical)

  • Hello. The cat is 5 years old, very picky about food, eats only dry happy cat ente (the felinologist selected it based on the composition, as the cat was previously on Now Natural food and did not go to the toilet well, after changing the food to happy cat, the cat’s stool has been fine for 3 years now) good, but he started vomiting often, sometimes for a month everything is ok, and then every other day he may vomit once a day with undigested food right after eating, drinks and eats normally. That is, then he can come back to eat again an hour later and everything is fine, he feels the same good, active, I give malt paste, sometimes he vomits fur, but this is immediately visible, but the food often jumps off... and as soon as I get ready to go to the vet with him, everything immediately becomes ok and he stops vomiting, and then again, all the same I’ll take you to the vet, but what could it be (besides gastrointestinal and liver diseases?)

  • Hello. My cat vomits periodically after eating. I feed her dry royale + liquid whiskey. Usually she vomits after a quick absorption, but the second night I noticed that she was vomiting after a small amount of food. I don’t know what to do. I also give her Dreammis treat for cats The nose is normal, it behaves as usual, it goes to the toilet. I am very worried. There are no signs of worms in the vomit. Now I ate, vomited again, and after 10 minutes I went and crunched the food. Do you recommend anything?

    • Hello! You mix food from different “classes”: cheap and more or less good. + violation of the diet due to giving treats. You won't find any signs of worms in your vomit. They are not in the stomach (if they are already vomiting with worms, then the degree of damage is enormous. You need to take the animal to an in-person appointment for examination to exclude/confirm gastritis/pancreatitis. Drive the worms, adjust and balance the diet (remove whiskey and treats). If gastritis If confirmed, drug treatment will be required.

      The fact is that we don’t have good veterinarians, and even more so they don’t do any examinations, they don’t have anything like that. If only just to reduce her. I haven’t wormed her for a long time. Can you tell me which pill is better to give and can I give it now? I want to For now, I should feed her baby food, but I don’t know what kind and can I give her dry royal with it? I’m very worried, because 2 years ago I almost lost her from a helminthic infestation, I’ll never forget that night, she’s been there for a very long time she dragged on and the morning never came to fly to the vet. Plus she just had a break, but I haven’t let her out into the street in 5 years and never let her out. I want to sterilize her.

      That’s when they prescribed Milbemax for us, and I’ll buy it. I stopped giving her treats and everything became fine, she goes to the toilet normally. I give her food more often and less. On the first day she drank a lot of water, I don’t know why. Can veterinarians determine gastritis? without diagnostics (ultrasound, tests, etc.)?

      In advance - they can. Using palpation, but this is a presumptive diagnosis, not final. Drinking water is good, let him drink. Restores water balance. But it is better to add rehydron or Vetom 1.1 to the water. Show it to the doctors. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then treatment will be selected. Let's eat softer food now, which is better absorbed. You can give Almagel A, Omez/Omeprazole, but this is not the only thing that is necessary for gastritis. But if it’s the pancreas, then there are completely different drugs. Please understand, I cannot guess and prescribe therapy without seeing the animal and the examination results.

  • Hello! For a couple of weeks the cat was vomiting frequently, we went to the veterinarian and they said the reason was food in bulk. I gave her pancreatin for some time, but now I have stopped. Today the cat vomited again, but apparently because she ate a lot. How to prevent stomach problems by changing your diet? Should I give the pills again? Worms?

  • Good afternoon. Situation:

    cat 1.5 years old. vaccinated

    5 days ago I started having loose stools. 1-2 times a day.
    behavior, well-being, eating/drinking as usual in a healthy cat. We feed only HEALS for the senses. gastrointestinal tract Other foods are not suitable. The last time after castration, they wanted to switch him to food for sterile cats (in the end they got pancreatitis).
    Overall a healthy cat, except for the diarrhea.
    I started giving pancreatin. According to the old treatment regimen.
    All the same. Then I gave him malt paste (it’s very fluffy), and after half a day he vomited a clump of fur.
    After 2 days the diarrhea stopped. But for a day now there is no stool at all. And again he vomited undigested food. Just the whole thing. I decided to remove food for the day. If it doesn't help, run to the doctor?

  • Good afternoon. Please tell me, the cat ate foam rubber on September 28th at night, on September 29th early in the morning she vomited with pieces of this foam rubber, it was also in the toilet. That day and the next day, the cat hardly ate the food, but simply chewed it up. They took her to the veterinarian, she didn’t find anything, she just said that her throat was swollen, they gave her an injection for the swelling, after 5-6 hours she fed her, she vomited again, the volume was very large, it seemed that the entire volume of food for the day was almost not digested. He hasn't gone to the toilet for the second day. What to do? They prescribed Vaseline oil, but they gave no results twice.

  • Natalia 18:00 | 26 Sep. 2018

    Good evening, an Oriental cat for 3 years, wormed with fenpraz 4 days ago... since about July with a gradual increase, especially in the last three days, one of the meals after two hours comes out of the eaten heals id, vomiting of undigested food, good stool, urine lately with blood , we were treated with baytril, we continue treatment, the ultrasound said that there is inflammation of the stomach, well, like you were vomiting... This worries me, I feed it by soaking the heals, so that I eat more slowly, I feed it 4 times by the hour.. According to the analysis, omelase is less than 500, so in the food I add Creon m. capsules pcs. 20, but I see that it does not help the absorption of food. How to help a girl get rid of at least one problem, get rid of vomiting, although so far her mood and appetite are normal, but I really don’t like it ((

  • Katya 10:24 | 22 Sep. 2018

    Good afternoon. On Wednesday 19.09 we sterilized the cat, we are 8 months old, the next day the cat ran, ate, went to the toilet without problems, on Friday morning she started vomiting, first the food came out, at lunch she vomited food again, put the food away, then she vomited bile a couple of times, and in the evening it burst into white foam. The cat vomited 6 times a day, with intervals of 3 hours. At 11 pm there was vomiting, it was good all night, at 4 am I gave a spoonful of liquid Proplan, the cat ate it with pleasure, then at 8.30 I gave it another spoonful, she ate the purr again and at 10.00 we were vomiting again, what should we do? We go to the toilet, we have an appetite, but it’s vomiting.

  • Hello! 1.5 days ago, a canal cat received Advantage flea drops on the withers, did everything according to the instructions, but he managed to turn around and licked off part of the drug. All subsequent meals boiled down to regurgitation: food and white foam. Yesterday I ate baby cottage cheese and baby meat mashed potatoes, everything was fine. Today, when I did it myself, everything was also fine. Now I gave a few small pieces of boiled sausage from my hands, jumped off again. The instructions for flea drops say that the drug is eliminated in 1 to 4 days. Please rate, the situation from the point of view of a specialist. Could such a reaction be a continuation of poisoning by drops? I’m very worried about the cat. Age 2 years. I wouldn’t want to go to a veterinary clinic, he’s a very sensitive resident here. Thanks in advance.

    • Hello! It looks a lot like poisoning. If the cat reached out and licked it, it means they didn’t do it according to the instructions. It must be applied to the area where the tongue cannot reach. It was necessary to immediately give coal to the animal, right away, so that all the toxins would settle on it. Give more water so that the concentration of poison becomes less by increasing the volume of liquid. If you overdose, you may even need to see a doctor urgently (drips will be required, detoxification therapy). If you are not afraid to take risks, then give charcoal now (3-4 times a day, an hour before or after feeding). Watch the animal. Look at the mucous membranes (so that they do not become anemic - pale, or, conversely, excessively filled with blood - cyanotic). Is there any significant drooling? Is your stomach painless?

      Good night, Daria. A few days ago we took a cat into the house, bought it at the market, and since then the problems began. The first day he was constipated and he could not go to the toilet because of pain, he constantly meowed. We injected him with Microlax, and he went to the toilet, but the bowel movements were of different shapes and different colors. After that I went to the toilet several times with diarrhea. Since yesterday he has been throwing up after almost every meal, but he is vomiting a clear liquid that looks like drool. The kitten is 1.5 - 2 months old, very active, no fever (cold nose). And just yesterday they were poisoning worms. We don’t want to take him to the veterinarian, we were told that after taking the medicine for worms, 10 days should pass and then we can come. I hope you will help us, otherwise we don’t know what to do.

      Hello! Let's figure it out first: do you NOT WANT to go to the veterinarian, or did someone tell you something stupid, that you need to go 10 days after deworming? The animal MUST be shown! It is necessary to examine the blood for general and biochemical tests, ultrasound, gastroenteroscopy. Exclude gastritis, enteritis and other inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Feed what? Have you tried balancing your diet and adding plant fiber? First of all, you need to deal with the food in order to normalize the stool

  • Hello! I have a purebred, smooth-haired cat, 7 years old. Spayed 5 years ago. I feed only 1st Choice dry food for sterilized cats for weight control. Last summer, problems with the hair began: it began to mat, as if dandruff had appeared. I cut the tangles, brushed the fur, everything seemed to go away. But now the fur has started to roll off again. Maybe some vitamins are missing or the food needs to be changed? Please tell me.

  • Hello! cat 3 years old, Scottish, sterilized.
    I feed only Farmina series and sometimes give liquid whiskey (half a pack a day). After the last evening dacha, half a bag of liquid pouch, vomiting began at night, which has been going on for a day. First, all the indigestible mass came out, then everything else... periodically he drinks water, then licks himself, and after each action, after a minute he starts vomiting again. Vomit without any impurities, i.e. transparent (as after drinking water) and with white foam.
    During the day, I didn’t notice, the cat ate dry food and immediately it all started again. He drinks water and everything comes out right away in a minute.
    Now I have removed all the food and water.
    The cat was dewormed 2 months ago (end of April)
    Last July I vaccinated her (defensor and felocel)
    It seems like there shouldn’t be worms, an infection, .. I don’t think so either... there is no fever and no diarrhea, .. and the stomach, as I understand it, is inflamed.
    Please tell me how to avoid unnecessary stress for the cat, i.e. so as not to bring it to the veterinary hospital, can I restore it myself at home??? What drugs should be used in treatment?

    Thank you in advance!!!

  • Good afternoon The cat is a mongrel, domestic, not vaccinated, 3 years old. Sterilized in February of this year. After sterilization, we started feeding him dry food “Pro Plan for sterilized cats” with turkey. In April, I decided to diversify her diet, changed the taste of the food, and bought 500g. with a rabbit, she ate it successfully. Then I returned to the “turkey”. After several days of taking it, she vomited undigested food. And I decided for myself that there was no need to “play” with food flavors like that anymore. But then she began to notice that she was vomiting once a week, then twice a week. On Friday (05/18/18) there was a chair and a very active cat, there was contact with the street (she ran out into the street and spent about 30 minutes there, when I went out to pick her up, she was sitting next to a pregnant street cat). In the evening after eating, vomiting of undigested food. I removed the food for the night and left only water. On Saturday (05/19/18) in the morning she asked to eat, I gave her food and she vomited again. After which we immediately went to the doctor. They passed a general blood test, which did not show any abnormalities; They did an ultrasound - there were no deviations, everything was fine; At the clinic they gave me injections: Cefazolin, antiemetic, Ringer's solution. The doctor prescribed wet food Pro Plan Delicate and Pro Plan E/N. At home we continue antibiotic therapy, Cerucal and Phosphalugel. After the appointment at the clinic and the manipulations performed, the cat is very lethargic and eats very poorly. Tell me, please, what can it be?

    • Hello! Gastritis can also be suspected, but you claim that ultrasound and tests are normal. It would be nice to do a gastroenteroscopy. Did you do a biochemical blood test? What are the test results (can you write numbers and indicators)? Have you been worming for a long time? Didn't you measure your body temperature? What about the chair? Does it only vomit after eating? No vomiting on an empty stomach?

      Hello, Daria! They only did a general clinical blood test. I can’t write down the test results, because... I received an answer over the phone. The worms were removed around February, 3-4 weeks before sterilization. The body temperature was slightly elevated, 39.9, the cat was freezing. The cat refused wet food. Eats About the Delicate plan.
      The third day we continue treatment, the stool is very loose, there is no vomiting. On the first day of treatment, a lot of long, stagnant grass came out. I’ve been worried about her loose stools for three days now, but maybe this is due to the effect of phosphalugel and cefazolin?

      And we were in two different clinics and no one knows anything. They offered to take 2 tests for 2500 rubles. for the presence of “terrible” infections.
      Irina, almost 2 months have passed, has your cat’s health returned to normal?

  • Hello, my 15 year old cat has been vomiting very often, for quite some time now. At first it was wool and food. Afterwards, he began to feel even more nauseous several times a day and he stopped eating, only drinking water. I went to the vet and they gave us three injections for three days (unfortunately I don’t remember what kind of injections they were, but the vet said that they help the cat develop a desire to eat) After all this, the cat seemed to be gone, he was thin when he didn’t eat, he started eating, but didn’t get better . We thought that everything had passed, but a month passed and the same thing started again, the cat eats in small proportions, still as thin. Vomits up water and food, sometimes there are small lumps of yellowish hair. I decided that the food was the fault and stopped feeding her with this food (they fed her with kitiket). I decided to give him whiskey, and at first I liked it, but then I started wanting it again. We already decided to cook the chicken and ate it for two or three days again and it was bad. The cat is not neutered.

  • Good afternoon! My problem is this: the cat never vomited... and then with the arrival of spring it started. I didn’t change the food, only its subtype (Friskis: for pets), once I took Friskis for sterilized ones and the cat started vomiting. I changed it back, nothing hasn't changed. She doesn't vomit several times a day, but every other day... I thought she was spitting out fur. I also noticed a lot of undigested food, no mucus, nothing. Just wet food.
    The cat started asking for greens. They gave me sprouted oats. It seemed to have stopped, but this morning I found vomit again. I have an appetite, I’m moderately lazy. He sleeps normally, he’s in a playful mood. What’s wrong?

  • Hello! I wanted to switch my cat (Sphynx) to a holistic cat - I mixed Hills and Orijen. For three days everything was fine, I ate even with more pleasure than usual, but on the fourth I vomited first with digested food, and in the morning, when I ate again, I vomited immediately. Is it from food? Thanks for the answer

  • Last week I left for work. I left the cat with my sister. The sister fed the cat Kitiket or whiskey. She also says she gave milk a couple of times (when she drank it herself).
    This morning I woke up to the cat meowing once again. So she will be at home for three days.
    Drinks only running water. I feed her purina (dry food) mostly.
    And today I noticed vomiting
    The first time it was yellow with pieces of undigested food. Since the vomit was dried, I think it was 9-10 hours.
    2nd Time she vomited up water and food that she had just eaten, there were a lot of unchewed pieces (the food was round about 5 mm in dry form) there were about 12.
    At the moment I have removed the food and don’t know what to do next!

  • Good afternoon About a week and a half ago, the cat began vomiting, lethargy and refusing to eat, we went to the clinic, based on the results of the examination (X-rays, blood tests), they discovered gastritis, and were treated (injections, IVs). The tests were retaken, everything is fine, my immunity is slightly reduced due to the coronavirus infection. Prescribed drugs to boost immunity. For several days everything was fine and then the vomiting started again. What could it be? Could it be gastritis again or perhaps this is how a coronavirus infection manifests itself?

  • Yaroslav 23:48 | 21 Mar. 2018

    Good night. The cat has been vomiting for 24 hours at intervals of 2-3 hours, first with white foam and now with bile. The cat is British, the veterinarian gave him injections and said to wait until tomorrow. But the cat continues to periodically vomit bile. WHAT TO DO???
    The cat is bonfired

  • Katya 13:54 | 18 Mar. 2018

    Hello, tell me, what can happen to the cat? When she eats food or any other food, she vomits undigested food, you give her a little, she doesn’t burp normally if you put her in a crock, and as usual she eats as much as she needs, then the whole apartment is splattered, you give her a little, then everything is fine I just lost weight and screams constantly but surely from hunger

  • Lily_A 22:27 | 16 Mar. 2018

    Hello! The cat is 2 years old, an ordinary Siberian. For a long time now I have been regularly (several times a week) vomiting undigested food. We constantly give malt paste. We thought it was because of the food (they gave Proplan for sensitive digestion and Royal Canin), now we switched to holistic Go, also for sensitive digestion. For the first 2 months everything was great, then I started vomiting periodically again. Despite the fact that the cat apparently feels wonderful (jumps around the apartment, bites from under the covers and tears up the wallpaper). They wormed him about 3 months ago, but not very successfully (the three of us couldn’t get either a tablet into his mouth or a suspension, so half of it ended up not in the cat, but on the cat). Before this time there had been more successful attempts to deworm, but he still vomited. Tell me, please, what can it be?

  • Vlada 22:45 | 12 Mar. 2018

    Good afternoon Our cat has been vomiting for over a month now. We spent more than a week undergoing therapeutic procedures in a veterinary hospital. Due to her bad character, we cannot give her an examination, so the doctor said that we treat her according to the description of the symptoms. They injected me with antibiotics, gave me anthelmintic, and vitamins. But the vomiting still continued after eating two hours. We decided to give mezim and cerucal with meals. The cat's general condition has improved, she wants to eat all the time, goes to the toilet and pees and poops. But vomiting sometimes happens a couple of times or even three times a day. Either from hunger, or I don’t know what. He refuses to eat dry food, so we switched to boiled shredded chicken with buckwheat. Please tell me what other food can be given to a cat in this condition? What else can you do? Maybe we should insist that the cat be given anesthesia and examined?

    Dasha is a veterinarian 20:26 | 26 Feb. 2018

    Hello! Whiskas, friskas, kitiket are not animal food, but cheap “stuffing” for the stomach, which does more harm. Switch either to completely natural food (without added oil, salt and spices) or to good quality food. Cheap food and improper feeding can provoke the development of gastritis, hence vomiting (especially immediately after eating undigested food or on an empty stomach with foam). Change the diet before the animal develops a chronic disease

    Ivan 08:03 | 13 Sep. 2018

    Daria, good afternoon, you said above that you can feed your cat natural food. Can you tell me which one is the best available? So, regarding the feed - either this is nonsense like Whiskas (as you confirmed), or elite feed, but very expensive...

    Dasha - veterinarian 11:20 | 13 Sep. 2018

    Anna 08:19 | 19 Feb. 2018

    Good afternoon, my cat is 10 years old and sometimes regurgitates undigested food. 2 months ago there was belching and for 2 days the cat did not eat well. After a week, I started eating a lot of weed and threw up my hair tie. He eats well, but is very picky. I feed 2 cans of shesir and dry hills for urticaria (I used to have frequent cystitis), the veterinarian advised me to give it for prevention (I have a boy, neutered). I wanted to feed only Heels, the canned food makes him lethargic and in no mood. We go to the vet only in certain cases, he is wild and they examine him for sedatives... we took a blood test (when there was gum in the stomach), it showed a mild infection, most likely (that's what the vet said) of the urinary system... I ordered a special sand to take the urine and give it , see if there is microbial disease or diabetes mellitus. Tell me, how informative is stool analysis? Worming with stronghold every 3 months according to instructions. Thanks a lot.

    Good afternoon, we have been suffering for six months now:(. I took the cat for examination, they took urine and blood. They said that there was an infection and his kidney parameters were slightly impaired (not critical). They put him on a urine diet with wet food for 2 months. Hills ate exactly 3 weeks, then, when the packaging was changed, apparently the formula changed and the cat refused to eat. Although he played, the stool was ok. We switched to Royal Canin. The cat eats it with pleasure, but at the same time drinks a lot and vomits. Doesn't play, sits near plates and watches when he is given food. His stomach is seething. During the examination, they did NOT look at the stomach (all examinations were under sedation), they said to cure cystitis first. The cat pees normally, 3 times a day. The general blood test is normal. Everyone is very tired of his screams , when he asks for food. We don’t have Purina, only Heels and Royals...

    Natalia 18:40 | 07 Feb. 2018

    Hello! Could digestive problems arise due to large gaps between meals in a kitten of 3-5 months (about 5-6 hours during the day). Nutrition from birth: mother - mother + baby whale royal pate - dry royal food + wet royal for kittens

  • Natalia 21:34 | 03 Feb. 2018

    Kitten is 5 months old. Periodically, every three days for two weeks now, he has been vomiting either immediately after eating food or on an empty stomach with foam. Active, it doesn’t bother him, he was wormed twice in November and on January 15th with Prazitel according to the instructions. We got vaccinated last Saturday for the first time. The doctor examined me, told me to drink almagel, I drank it, but the vomiting did not go away. Could this be a food intolerance? We immediately ate the Royal Baby Whale, and since December the Royal Whale has been dry and wet.

  • Alena 04:33 | 03 Feb. 2018

    Hello! The cat is 2 years old. Recently there were problems with digestion, as a result there was severe inflammation under the tail, we went to the veterinarian, got injections, they told us to stop feeding Friscas and switch to the pro plan for sensitive animals. I bought two types, with chicken and with fish. They had been giving me chicken for 2-3 weeks, everything was fine, but one day I tried giving fish-flavored food. And as soon as he ate, the problems started again: the cat vomits, doesn’t eat anything, drinks only water, is lethargic, already so thin... and once he vomited blood. We ran to the veterinarian, they gave me injections again, they said we’ll see if it continues like this, I’m afraid something serious will happen. I think this is poisoning... or just a coincidence? I also think that of course we fed him incorrectly... with cheap food, and now we are suffering and worried... they also told me to give him chamomile. I also give him chamomile and started Enterosgel...now he seems to be eating chicken food a little at a time. But I vomited again.. I guess we need to stop feeding altogether for now? Please tell me, maybe you can tell us something?? How to proceed?? I'm so sorry for the cat...

  • Hello. Maine Coon cat, 1.5 years old. Not neutered. Wormed. Vomited up brown vomit with blood. This didn't happen before. He eats mostly dry Royal Canin, meat, and chicken liver. He was playful all day, ate and drank normally, but little by little. I went to the tray. Recently he had lost weight, but he began to “walk”, they thought it was because of this. What could it be?

Bloody, yellowish, with food particles, vomiting in a cat with bile or mucus is a clear sign that something is wrong with the pet’s body. On the other hand, cats can easily induce vomiting themselves in order to free themselves from the feeling of heaviness in the peritoneum. The owner’s task is to be able to distinguish pathology from the natural desire to empty the stomach and to know the possible causes of vomiting in cats in order to seek help in time.

Vomiting is often a symptom of some disease. It is hardly possible to list them all, since the urge to vomit in a cat may occur, for example. Vomiting accompanies most viral infections, gastrointestinal diseases (food, medications, pesticides, etc.). As a rule, in such cases, frequent vomiting in a cat is associated with other symptoms: cough, apathy, atypical discharge,. Your pet needs to be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Excessive vomiting in a cat after eating, when the food has not even had time to be digested, may indicate that the food was swallowed too quickly, followed by deliberate regurgitation. This is usually what cats that live in a crowded environment do: they eat quickly (before others take it away), hide, regurgitate and eat food in a calm environment. Such pets should be fed in modest portions several times a day, the food should be crushed. However, the causes of vomiting in cats immediately after eating can be much more serious: intestinal obstruction, digestive dysfunction, etc. Therefore, if other symptoms are observed or the cat vomits more than once, it is wiser to consult a doctor.

Vomiting hair once in a cat is normal. In the process of caring for its fur coat, the pet swallows a certain amount of hairs, which then gather into a lump that can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and even block the intestinal lumen. Therefore, a smart cat itself gets rid of dangerous contents by regurgitating its fur. In this case, the reason why the cat is vomiting is insufficient care. In order not to harm your pet’s health, you should comb out the fur coat more often, especially during the molting period. To make it easier for your cat to get rid of the lump, you need to give her a spoonful of Vaseline oil.

Some cats are prone to vomiting. Many pets do not tolerate long trips well - then vomiting is provoked by motion sickness. Your veterinarian will tell you how to treat vomiting in a cat in such cases. As a rule, mild plant-based sedatives are used. If a trip is planned, feeding is stopped eight hours in advance. The same applies to stressful situations, for example, or rearranging furniture - it is wiser to give the cat a fasting day.

Vomit with various impurities

Often, vomit is not just food, but something of uncertain color and consistency. In most cases, such vomiting signals a serious problem, so a visit to the doctor should take place as soon as possible. In order for the doctor to quickly understand why the cat is vomiting, the owner must provide him with accurate information:

  • time of the first urge and first vomiting;
  • frequency, number of masses;
  • consistency;
  • whether the cat’s appetite is preserved, whether the cat drinks water;
  • when was the last time your pet ate;
  • are there any other symptoms;
  • whether the cat could have swallowed something spoiled or inedible;
  • whether the cat suffers from a chronic disease;
  • Have you been vaccinated?

YELLOW VOMITING IN A CAT- a sign that bile has entered the stomach, which normally should not be there. The delicate walls of the stomach are instantly irritated due to bile entering the mucous membrane, which leads to vomiting. Sometimes vomit is colored yellowish when fed with industrial diets, but there is a difference - if there is bile in the vomit, the color is bright, rich, and when stained with one of the components of the food, the vomit is grayish-yellow. Repeated vomiting of bile in a cat most likely signals chronic disease of the gallbladder, liver or intestines. The cause may be difficulties with digestion - fatty or stale food, overfeeding with eggs, quickly swallowing large pieces.

If THE CAT HAS GREEN VOMIT, a large amount of bile or intestinal contents has entered the stomach. Sometimes green vomit is a symptom of a severe infection. In any case, your pet needs to be taken to the vet immediately. However, if your pet has recently eaten even a small amount of dried or fresh grass, greenish vomit is normal.

VOMITING WITH MUCUUS IN A CAT- an alarming symptom. Mucus is present in vomit for intestinal diseases and some viruses. The reason may be, then, as a rule, mucus is also found in the feces.

Constant VOMITING IN A CAT AFTER EATING maybe gastrointestinal diseases, infections. You can ignore only one-time vomiting, and only if there are no other symptoms of illness. If vomiting recurs regularly and/or the owner notices that the cat is losing its appetite, is less active and generally feels unwell, contact a veterinarian.