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Treatment of viral enteritis in dogs at home. My treatment plan. Viral enteritis in dogs: types, symptoms, treatment Enteritis signs in dogs treatment

Hello, dear readers!

Enteritis is an inflammation in dogs of the small intestine, the section of intestine between the stomach and large intestine. Its function is to absorb nutrients from food. Enteritis causes atrophy of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and ultimately leads to disorder of the entire digestive system and heart disease. The disease belongs to the category of polyetiological ones - developing for many reasons. It can become chronic. Dogs of all breeds and all ages are susceptible to enteritis. This disease is especially difficult for dogs aged 2 to 9 months, and deaths are common among them.

Symptoms of enteritis appear in adult dogs on the 10th day; in puppies, the incubation period lasts 3 days. Characteristic symptoms are lethargy, drowsiness, diarrhea, vomiting, and a slight increase in temperature. The dog begins to lose weight, its muzzle becomes sharper, and its sides become hollow. Often, an energetic-looking dog with a good appetite, when pressure is applied to its sides and back, begins to arch its back and tuck its tail. If you touch an animal’s stomach, you can clearly see that it is in pain. It happens that the dog’s pulse weakens, there is heaviness in breathing, its limbs become cold, and the mucous membranes become pale and sometimes bluish in color.

Rumbling in the stomach with enteritis in a dog

Rumbling in the stomach is a symptom of a malfunction of the intestines. This may be irritation of its mucous membrane, excessive muscle activity, accumulation of gases (flatulence). Often all these reasons are present at the same time.

Gases can accumulate:

  • Due to eating a large amount of food at once.
  • Experiencing stress while eating food, which resulted in air entering the throat.
  • Due to the excess amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins in the animal’s food, which lead to its fermentation in the body.
  • Due to a disease of the small intestine - enteritis, leading to poor digestion and accumulation of food bolus in the large intestine. If a dog's stomach is rumbling and he is sleepy and lethargic, this indicates enteritis with a complication of the cardiovascular system.
  • For liver disease.
  • Pathologies of the pancreas and other glands of the digestive system.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • In case of poisoning.

Causes of enteritis in dogs

They are different:

The immune system protects dogs from viruses. Vaccines help develop immunity. They have a wide spectrum of action, including fighting enteritis. In Russia, domestic and imported dogs are available to breeders and owners of dogs.

The most famous foreign drugs:

  • NOBIVAK - Netherlands. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and lasts up to one year. Nobivak Puppy DR is used for puppies over 4 weeks of age; the vaccine does not inhibit the action of maternal antibodies. Nobivac DHPPI - for puppies from 10 weeks of age.
  • EURIKAN LR - France. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and lasts up to one year. Against parvovirus enteritis. Eurican DHPPI+2L for puppies 8 weeks of age.

Russian-made vaccines:

  • ASTERION DHPPIL. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and persists in puppies up to 8 months, in adult dogs up to 1.3 years;
  • GEXAKANIVAK, VLADIVAK. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 3 weeks and lasts up to a year;
  • BIOVAK, MULTIKAN-2. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and lasts up to one year;
  • MULTIKAN-4, MULTIKAN-6, MULTIKAN-7, MULTIKAN-8 - against parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis;

Vaccinations against enteritis in dogs

Vaccinations can be monovalent (against one disease) or polyvalent (against a number of diseases). When vaccinated, an individual is subjected to artificial infection. The goal is to develop immunity to a certain disease. It has been scientifically proven and confirmed by practice that once a dog has suffered enteritis or another disease caused by a virus, it becomes resistant to the disease for a certain period of time. Antibodies produced by the animal's immune system quickly kill viruses that enter the body and cause disease. If, after the guaranteed period, the animal still becomes infected with the virus, the disease will have a mild form, often asymptomatic.

Before using the vaccine, the animal must be prepared:

  1. The dog must take anthelmintic drugs at least 10 days in advance.
  2. A week before the procedure, the dog is either not taken out for a walk at all, or only walked with it for a short time in order to avoid infection with viruses or bacteria.
  3. A week before the procedure, you need to measure her temperature every day. A body temperature of 37.5-39°C is considered normal for animals. The dog must be healthy at the time of vaccination.

The dog is vaccinated for the first time at 1-1.5 months, then revaccination is carried out according to a certain scheme. The timing of repeated vaccinations is influenced by the degree of risk of infection of the animal. Vaccinations are performed by a veterinarian at a veterinary clinic, because... Vaccine preparations can cause allergies. can cause both mild discomfort and anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is first recommended to test the dog for allergies. As a rule, puppies tolerate vaccination well; in case of complications, a specialist will quickly provide assistance.

After vaccination:

  1. The dog’s physical activity should be gentle;
  2. Stressful situations should not be allowed;
  3. To avoid colds, you should avoid overcooling the animal.

How to treat enteritis in dogs

  1. This disease cannot be cured without immunoglobulin serum. The serum is selected depending on the type of enteritis pathogen.
  2. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the development of a bacterial infection and prevent complications.
  3. Saline solutions are used to restore the water-salt balance, which is disturbed due to incessant diarrhea and vomiting. Prescribed in small portions every 10 minutes.
  4. Droppers are used, which are very effective for dehydration.
  5. To absorb toxic substances released during the rotting of undigested food, enterosorbents (activated carbon, white clay, etc.) are used.
  6. Vitamin therapy.
  7. Enemas.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs at home

It consists of consistently following the veterinarian’s instructions, as well as providing the animal with a calm environment, proper nutrition, and disease prevention.

Enteritis in dogs is contagious to humans

The disease is not transmitted to humans. The virus that affects dogs is transmitted only to members of the canine family - wolves, foxes, arctic foxes, and jackals. A dog cannot even infect a cat, since it is not a canine relative.

But a person can bring the enteritis virus into the house on shoes or clothes and unwittingly become a carrier of the disease. Dog owners are advised to comply with sanitary standards - upon arrival home, wash their hands, clean their clothes, and do not have contact with sick or suspicious animals.

Infectious enteritis in dogs

Infection occurs instantly - during sniffing or licking an infected animal, eating and drinking from the patient's bowl, as well as through combs and brushes. The infection can be brought on by a person's clothing or shoes. A dog cured of enteritis can infect others for a long time.

Infectious enteritis is divided into parvovirus and coronavirus.


Occurs more often. The causative agent is parvovirus. There are 3 types:

  1. Intestinal region. Characteristic symptoms are lethargy, a slight increase in temperature, the dog begins to lose weight, its muzzle becomes sharper, and its sides become hollow. Often, an energetic-looking dog with a good appetite, when pressed on its sides and back, begins to arch its back and tuck its tail. If you touch an animal's stomach, you will notice that it is in pain.
  2. Of cardio-vascular system. It occurs more often in dogs aged 2-9 weeks. Characterized by drowsiness, lethargy. There are no severe pains in the stomach, but there is rumbling. The animal refuses to drink and eat. As a rule, there is no diarrhea. Then the heart makes itself felt - the dog’s pulse weakens, heaviness in breathing appears, and the limbs become cold. The mucous membranes become pale and sometimes bluish in color. Many dogs, especially puppies, die from this complication of enteritis.
  3. Combined. It is observed in weak animals. More often these are puppies that are given birth to unvaccinated bitches.


The causative agent is an RNA virus from the category of coronaviruses. The hidden period lasts up to 7 days.

Spicy. It flows instantly. The dog suddenly weakens. The presence of a secondary infection is characteristic. Particularly dangerous for puppies and weakened dogs - many deaths. Adult, strong dogs usually recover.

In mild forms, the disease resolves spontaneously in adult dogs. The animal eats poorly and is lethargic. There is no temperature. After a few days the dog returns to normal.

Chronic. Occurs in animals that carry the virus or have low immunity.

Coronavirus enteritis in dogs treatment

Treatment involves:

  • The main drug in therapy is immunoglobulin serum.
  • Stimulation of immunity;
  • Vitamin therapy;
  • Taking antibiotics to prevent the development of bacterial infections and prevent complications;
  • A drip that effectively replenishes dehydration.
  • Antispasmodics, hemostatic and antiemetic drugs are used as symptomatic therapy;
  • The use of enterosorbents to absorb toxic substances released during the rotting of undigested food (activated carbon, white clay, etc.);
  • Diet food.

Hemorrhagic enteritis in dogs

It starts suddenly. Characterized by nausea, vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Diarrhea is profuse, bright bloody in color. Dogs have stomach pains, they look exhausted, they are feverish, and the animals refuse to eat. The disease can occur in dogs of any breed and age, but is more common in miniature breeds. For example, French poodle, Yorkshire terrier, Pekingese, miniature schnauzer, spaniel and others.

The exact cause of the disease has not yet been determined. Possible causes may include stress, nervous excitement, bacteria. It is possible that the problem lies in poor nutrition - eating unhealthy foods or sudden changes in food. The disease tends to become chronic.

Rotavirus enteritis of dogs

The causative agent is rotavirus. Hidden period up to 2-7 days. It belongs to the category of highly contagious diseases with an infectious viral etiology. As a rule, this is a type of intestinal infection. Other names for the disease are “intestinal flu”, “stomach flu”. The disease can occur in dogs of any breed. It occurs more often in puppies, miniature breeds, highly purebred individuals, dogs with low immunity, and stray animals.

Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs

An inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by the penetration and accumulation of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the gastric mucosa (infiltration). Penetration can also affect the submucosal and muscular layers of the stomach. The processes that cause this disease and their causes are still poorly understood. Presumably, the cause of the disease lies in a distorted immune response to certain food components.

Bacterial enteritis in dogs

Intestinal inflammation caused by bacteria. Bacterial enteritis includes:


It starts suddenly. The bacterial gram-negative rod is transmitted throughout the body. To determine the diagnosis, a culture of the stool of a sick animal is examined. Signs of the disease actively manifest themselves during stress or an underlying illness. Symptoms include diarrhea, refusal to eat, nausea, vomiting, and a lethargic appearance.


Enteritis caused by anaerobic gram-positive Escherichia coli, capable of forming spores. Five CI strains were studied. To determine the diagnosis, a culture of the stool of a sick animal is examined. The disease is characterized by hemorrhagic diarrhea with blood inclusions. During diarrhea, a large amount of extracellular fluid is released into the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in hypovolemic shock.

Anti-enteritis serum for dogs

The main panacea for this disease is immunoglobulin serum containing antibodies against enteritis viruses. It is a transparent yellowish liquid. The serum is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The therapeutic effect is to induce immunity to the enteritis virus in dogs. Serum is prescribed individually depending on the type of enteritis pathogen. It is used for both medicinal and preventive purposes.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

Prevention is of great importance in the fight against enteritis. They allow you to avoid the disease or alleviate its course and prevent complications. Prevention of this dangerous disease comes down to following a few simple rules:

  1. Feed correctly;
  2. During grafting;
  3. Give anthelmintic drugs;
  4. Isolate from contact with infected animals;
  5. If your animal shows even mild symptoms of the disease, immediately show it to a specialist.

Diet for enteritis in dogs

With this disease, it is important that the dog does not eat heavy food. Porridges that envelop the walls of the stomach, for example, oatmeal, are suitable. If your dog has no appetite, you should not force feed him. On the contrary, it is beneficial for the animal to fast during the first day. When the dog gets better, the appetite will come. We need to try to get her to drink more water. Decoctions of herbs with astringent and enveloping properties are also useful at this time.

Good luck everyone, see you in the next article.

Viral enteritis is a group of infectious diseases in which the intestines become inflamed. In most cases, the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs are affected. Viral enteritis is one of the five most common diseases of dogs. No breed predisposition to viral enteritis in dogs has been identified. The most severe diseases are suffered by dogs of the following breeds: Doberman; whippet; East European Shepherd.

The article combines: coronavirus enteritis of dogs; rotavirus enteritis of dogs; canine parvovirus enteritis. The diseases have common routes of infection, similar symptoms and treatment methods. Most often, puppies between 2 and 12 weeks of age suffer from viral enteritis. However, diseases affect animals of any age. In some cases, all three infections are recorded.

At the beginning of the disease, the animal moves little and refuses to eat. After 8 - 10 hours, diarrhea begins. With coronavirus enteritis, the stool is liquid, yellowish in color, mixed with mucus. The intestines are emptied 4 - 5 times a day. The animal drinks a lot of water, the stomach is tense. The temperature usually ranges from 38.5 to 19.5 degrees.

With rotavirus enteritis, the stool is liquid and dark yellow. The intestines are emptied 6 - 8 times a day. The temperature rises to 39.5 - 39.8 degrees. Sometimes vomiting begins.

With parvovirus enteritis in dogs, on the first day of illness, the intestines empty their bowels every 20 to 40 minutes. Feces with a pungent odor, fly out in a stream, in dogs of medium breeds at a distance of one meter (sometimes further) from the animal. The stools are watery, brown or green in color. Skin-like flakes, pieces, and tubes are visible in the stool. Vomiting occurs every 20 - 30 minutes.

On the second day of illness, the intestines empty every hour to an hour and a half. Vomiting occurs after about two hours.

Shortness of breath begins. The animal tries to sit down with its front legs spread wide. When severely exhausted, animals lie on their sides.

At the onset of the disease, the temperature rises to 40 degrees. After 8 - 12 hours it drops to 37.5 degrees and below.

The pathogenicity of viruses, and, consequently, the strength of the manifestation of signs of disease in different regions differs.

Enteritis in dogs - causes and course

The diseases are caused by viruses of the coronaviridae, reovaviridae (rotavirus genus) and parvoviridae families. The pathogens die instantly when exposed to sunlight and persist in feces for several days at a temperature of about 0 degrees.

The source of infection is sick animals. In cities, viruses are carried by stray dogs.

Viruses are shed in feces and vomit.

At the beginning of the disease, the animal moves little and refuses to eat.

Infection occurs when sick animals sniff their saliva or feces, through the consumption of contaminated water, or less often food.

Once in the body, viruses tolerate the action of gastric juice well. The period from infection to the onset of the disease is called incubation. For viral enteritis it ranges from 1 to 5 days. During this time, viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the intestines and (partially) the stomach. By multiplying, pathogens destroy membrane cells. The stomach and intestines swell. Feed digestion is disrupted and nutrients are not absorbed.

Vomiting occurs, most often with foam. Swelling of the stomach compresses the receptors in the mucous membrane and increases vomiting.

The main changes occur in the intestines. The intestines become inflamed, the mucous membrane is destroyed, and with parvovirus enteritis it peels off and comes out in pieces in the feces. With rota and coronavirus enteritis, the intestines are destroyed much less.

Inflammation of the stomach causes vomiting, damage to the intestines leads to diarrhea. As a result of the breakdown of a large volume of cells, toxins are released that disrupt the functioning of the walls of blood vessels. Fluid from the blood moves first into the intestinal walls, then into its cavity. The volume of intestinal contents increases. The emptying reflex is activated.

In places where the intestines are destroyed, microbes actively multiply, releasing a significant amount of toxins.

With diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid. Blood viscosity increases; To deliver nutrients and oxygen, the heart is forced to work harder.

In addition, rota and parvoviruses migrate from the stomach and intestines into the blood and are carried into the heart.

They penetrate the cells of the heart muscle (myocardium) and destroy it.

The body responds by producing antibodies to viruses. On the 5th - 6th day from the onset of illness, the amount of antibodies in the blood is sufficient to bind viruses. However, by this point, the overwhelming majority of pathogens are in the intestinal cells (in the case of rota and parvovirus enetritis, also in the myocardium). Cells of the immune system, macrophages, are sent to areas affected by viruses. However, the speed of response of the body’s defenses significantly lags behind the development of diseases.

Death occurs on the second - fifth or seventh - twelfth day. When treatment is provided, the mortality rate from rotavirus enteritis is less than 5%, coronavirus - 10%, parvovirus - more than 80%.

Mortality on the seventh to twelfth day is associated with high stress on dogs during and after recovery.

Enteritis in dogs - treatment

The course of viral enteritis in dogs is very different. However, there are several areas in the treatment of diseases:

  • destruction of the enteritis virus;
  • restoration of lost fluid volume;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • restoration of the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • restoration of normal heart function.

In the first days of illness, most medications are administered intravenously. Due to the large loss of fluid, medications administered subcutaneously and sometimes intramuscularly are not absorbed. Therefore, they have no effect.

The destruction of the virus is achieved in several ways. The main one is the use of serums and immunoglobulins containing antibodies to pathogens. In most cases, serums and immunoglobulins with antibodies to pathogens of several diseases are used. Serums and immunoglobulins cannot be administered intravenously.

Infection occurs when sick animals sniff their saliva or feces.

The second way is the use of immune stimulants. Catozal, Erbisol and other drugs are used.

Restoring the lost volume of fluid is achieved by intravenous administration of solutions of salts and glucose. Solutions of disol, trisol, quartosol and the like are used. The choice of solution and dose depend on the condition of the animal and the amount of loss.

Glucase is administered only in the form of a 5% solution. 40% glucose solution is a diuretic.

Removal of toxins from the body is achieved by using special solutions. Hydrolysine and similar drugs are used. Since the detoxification of toxins occurs in the liver, drugs are used to support its function. Glutargin, thiatriazoline and similar drugs are used. Some immune boosters, such as polyoxidonium and lycopid, bind and remove toxins.

Maintaining immunity is achieved by using special medications. Depending on the stage of the disease and the degree of manifestation of symptoms, ribotan, vegetarian, galavit and the like are used. The main effect of these drugs is stimulation of the immune system.

Restoration of the functioning of the stomach and intestines is possible no earlier than the second day of illness. Metoclopramide (Cerucal) is widely used to stop vomiting. However, the main problem is damage to the intestines, which are normally populated by microbes. Antibiotics, such as amoxicillin (amoxiclav), are prescribed to inhibit the development of microbes. Enveloping and astringent drugs are given internally (oak bark extract, flax seed, enterosgel, etc.) At the same time, medications are prescribed that restore the composition of microbes in the intestines (probiotics). Bioprotectin, bactoneotime, lactobacterin and the like are widely used. A strict diet is prescribed. For 2 - 3 days, the animal is given rice decoctions and soft oatmeal. Meat is added gradually, starting from the eighth day.

Restoring normal heart function depends on the condition of the animal. Sometimes they are limited to the use of drugs that improve myocardial nutrition. Riboxin, Mildronate, Prestarium and the like are used. Sometimes there is a need for the drugs capoten, cordiamine, sulfocamphocaine and similar ones.

To preserve the life of the animal, it is extremely important to avoid physical activity. The walking and training regimen is agreed upon with the veterinarian 4 to 5 weeks after recovery.

Enteritis virus - features

Rotaviruses also infect cats.

Cats with weak immune systems can also become infected from people.

If your animal refuses food or develops diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will be able to select the necessary treatment.

Viral enteritis is an inflammatory process caused by a pathogen - a virus. The causative agents of the disease can be viral infections such as enterovirus, rotavirus, ECHO or Coxsackie virus. Enteric viruses are similar to many tissues of the human body, as a result of which the central nervous system, mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, eyes (conjunctivitis), liver, heart and muscles can be involved in the process. The infection can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, and you can also become infected from a carrier of the virus. The pathological process as a result of a viral infection can involve both the small intestine and the large intestine and stomach, which can cause the development of enterocolitis or gastroenteritis.

With viral enteritis, infection occurs with etiotropic viruses, in which the mucous membrane of the small intestine is isolated. The patient shows signs of intoxication and the digestion process is disrupted. In most cases, viral infection affects the stomach or colon; a separate type of viral enteritis is rare. The virus enters the body and infects the intestines. Pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating into the mucous membrane, begin to actively multiply. As a result of their vital activity, the epithelial cells die and the villi are rejected. Violation leads to malfunction of the small intestine. The food taken, especially rich in carbohydrates, ceases to be absorbed, the absorption process of any liquid mass is disrupted, the osmotic pressure in the intestines rises, and diarrhea develops.

Viral enteritis is acute; most often the disease occurs in the form of gastroenteritis (involving the stomach) or enterocolitis (involving the large intestine). Viral enteritis is an anthroponotic infection, that is, it circulates only among people. Animals can develop coronavirus enteritis, which is not dangerous to humans.


The period of clinical manifestation of viral enteritis varies from 1 to 5 days from the moment of infection or contact with a sick person. The disease is expressed by symptoms similar to those of other intestinal infections.

The pathology is expressed:

  • hyperemia, fever up to 38 degrees for 3 days;
  • weakness, feeling of fatigue and apathy, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, signs of intoxication;
  • dehydration;
  • abdominal pain, spastic nature;
  • signs of ARVI. A runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, and a feeling of weakness appear.

Vomiting is most often observed only in the first days of infection. Moderate pain in the upper abdomen and rumbling in the intestines often appear. The stool becomes watery. They may contain impurities of blood or pus, which indicates a complicated course of the disease.

Dehydration is manifested by a dry tongue, the patient has a pale appearance and sunken eyes. Large losses of chlorides lead to muscle spasms and cramps. A decrease in blood pressure and the development of collapse are possible.

There are also possible cases of an erased form of the disease or virus carriage without a pronounced clinical picture.

With different types of the disease, symptoms specific to this form may be recorded:

  • adenoviral infection is accompanied by parallel enlargement of the lymph nodes. The patient may feel fever and signs of intoxication;
  • Rotovirus enteritis is expressed by high fever and vomiting. The incidence of this type becomes more frequent during the cold season. Experts say that 90% of children by the age of 4 experience such an infection at least once;
  • enterovirus infection manifests itself as damage to the nervous system. Cases of meningitis and encephalitis are recorded. Characteristic signs of the disease are headaches, nausea, vomiting, convulsions and loss of consciousness;
  • Coronavirus infection of the small intestine is rare. It is expressed by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract with the development of rhinitis, laryngitis, and sometimes bronchitis. This type of disease mainly occurs in children in the form of short-term epidemic outbreaks.

Intestinal viral diseases, as a result of toxic effects on the body as a whole, can cause pathology of the muscles and heart. The development of myositis, myocarditis, endocarditis with the corresponding clinical picture is likely.


The viral agent is transmitted from a sick person (or carrier) to a healthy person with a reduced immune system. The causative agents of viral enteritis are enteroviruses, adenoviruses, rotaviruses, noroviruses, and coronoviruses. The pathology can be transmitted by shaking hands, by coughing and sneezing, by consuming contaminated food and water, by personal contact, as a result of poor hygiene, from a pregnant woman to her fetus. The likelihood of airborne droplet transmission of a viral disease has not been established.

Viruses are resistant to various external factors and are capable of maintaining virulence for many years, especially in the aquatic environment. Young children are especially susceptible to viral enteritis, but they tolerate the disease more easily than adult patients.

ICD code – 10

According to ICD-10, viral and other specified intestinal infections are determined by code A 08. Rotoviral enteritis is determined by code A 08.0, acute gastroenteropathy caused by Norovirus - A 08.1, adenoviral enteritis - A 08.2, other viral enteritis - A 08.3. Viral intestinal infections of an unspecified nature are defined by code A 08.4.

Treatment methods

Treatment is carried out based on the diagnosis. A gastroenterologist deals with treatment and diagnosis. The doctor studies the clinical picture of the disease, taking into account the epidemiological situation in a particular region, educational institution or other places that the patient regularly visits. The patient's skin and tongue are examined. The skin of an infected person becomes pale and loses its elasticity. There is a white coating on the tongue. When affected by adenovirus, enlarged lymph nodes are noticeable.

Laboratory tests are ordered to identify physiological changes indicating infection and inflammation. Characteristics of viral enteritis are the presence of leukocytosis and an increase in ESR, the presence of undigested fiber and neutral fats in the feces (determined using a copogram), a decrease in bifido-lacto-elements in the intestinal flora.

The causative agent of a viral disease is determined using a virological study. To accurately determine the presence of virus carriage or ordinary acute pathology, a PCR study is performed, which detects DNA, RNA of the virus, or allows antibodies to be increased by 4 times.

It is also important to carry out differential diagnosis, which makes it possible to exclude toxic and acute respiratory infections, influenza, rubella, measles, tuberculous and meningococcal meningitis and other diseases with identical symptoms.

Treatment is aimed at detoxification and symptom management. Mild forms of the disease are treated at home. When there is a severe course of the disease, accompanied by dehydration, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting, in the infectious diseases department.

Rehydration method

The basis of treatment is rehydration. The procedure is carried out orally in a volume of about 1 liter per day. The procedure can be carried out taking into account the age and body weight of the patient, as well as taking into account the severity of dehydration. The drugs Regidroen, Citroglucosolan, Glucosolan are used. In severe cases, intravenous administration of saline solutions is performed.

Drug treatment

The treatment course includes drugs with antidiarrheal effects. Smecta is most often used. Loperamide (in the absence of fever and abdominal pain) and sorbents (Polyphepan, Polysorb) are also used.

Absorbents are used to remove microbes from the body, as well as immunomodulating medications that help increase the body's defenses. At high temperatures with severe headaches and muscle pain, therapy with analgesics and antipyretic drugs is used.

An important component of the treatment course are enzymes (Creon) and probiotics. This therapy is used during the recovery phase and helps restore disturbed intestinal microflora.

Therapeutic diet

The patient is prescribed a special diet with the exception of hot, sour, spicy foods, foods rich in carbohydrates and foods containing fiber. The use of milk and dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables is prohibited.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies complement the course of therapy, promoting the rapid restoration of damaged areas of the mucosa; before using alternative medicine methods, consultation with a doctor is necessary.


5 grams of tansy pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave until cool. You need to drink 1 tbsp. l. 6 times a day.

Bird cherry

10 g of bird cherry fruits are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. The decoction is taken half an hour before meals, 100 ml. Fresh bird cherry berries can also be used as an aid.


Prepare a decoction of dry peel (20 g) or pomegranate seeds (50 g). The crusts (grains) are poured with water (200 ml) and boiled for 30 minutes over low heat, filtered and drunk 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.


0.25 g of the substance is dissolved in 200 ml of water. Take 100 ml 30 minutes before meals three times a day. It is allowed to repeat four 10-day courses with breaks of 5 days.

Viral enteritis in children

Viral enteritis in children can develop under the influence of certain predisposing factors. Pathology manifests itself in cases of vitamin deficiency, hypothermia, decreased immunity as a result of an infection, or consumption of foods rich in fiber.

The disease in children is mainly detected by pain during bowel movements. The frequency of stools during an acute period can reach up to 20 times a day. Children experience increased gas formation, rumbling in the peritoneum, and pain. Palpation allows you to detect pain in the navel area. The child experiences thunder-like syndrome, sleep disturbances, dry skin and mucous membranes, lack of appetite, and neurological disorders. There are acute and chronic courses of the disease in children. Depending on the course of the disease, the clinical picture of the disease may vary. In the acute type, local symptoms predominate; in the chronic type, general symptoms predominate.

The baby may experience symptoms characteristic of metabolic disorders and functional changes in certain organ systems. Differential diagnosis in children is carried out to confirm or exclude malabsorption syndrome, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, celiac disease, food allergy. When diagnosing, the doctor should pay attention to intolerance to certain foods, especially milk, as well as a history of intestinal infections.

If acute symptoms appear in a child, first aid must be provided. The patient is asked to take activated charcoal (or another sorbent) and is given plenty of fluids to drink to prevent dehydration. If there is vomiting, the child should be given a drink in a slightly cooled state, in small sips.

Treatment of viral enteritis in children is carried out comprehensively. A special diet containing large amounts of proteins and fats is prescribed. It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates. It is necessary to exclude milk and foods rich in fiber from the diet.

It is necessary to monitor the nature and frequency of stool, its consistency, color, smell, and the presence of impurities of pus or blood in it. You cannot self-medicate, use antibiotics and cleansing enemas arbitrarily, without a doctor’s instructions. It is not allowed to force feed a child, in the absence of appetite and in the presence of vomiting.

For viral enteritis, children are prescribed sorbents that remove pathogenic particles from the body, and enzymatic preparations are also used. It is recommended to use probiotics (after stopping the acute phase) and vitamins (for children - for a course of about 2 weeks).

Treatment of newborns and children up to 12 months, children with weak immunity, as well as with other diseases up to 3 years with an average level of severity of enteritis is carried out only in a hospital setting, under the supervision of a doctor.


The prognosis of the disease is generally favorable, with the exception of severe cases of dehydration, when deep damage to the cardiovascular system and kidneys is possible.


An important preventive measure is compliance with personal hygiene requirements. You should wash your hands frequently, especially after using the toilet, working with soil, or walking outside. Vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits should be washed well before using them in food. You should only drink boiled water, since filtering against viruses does not help.

During the epidemic, it is recommended not to attend social events. Activities that promote health and immunity are useful. When someone in the family is sick, they need to be given individual dishes and a separate room. Viral enteritis cannot be prevented by vaccination, since there are no vaccinations against the disease.

Viral enteritis is often called the disease of dirty hands. Maintaining personal hygiene and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid this type of infection.

Viral enteritis is a little-known disease, but very dangerous, because mortality as a result occurs very often. In the USSR, the first infection occurred back in the 80s. Due to the novelty and lack of immunity, many dogs died. Animals are at risk from two to nine months, and those that survive suffer negative health consequences. Interestingly, this disease does not pose a threat to humans and other animal species. And among dogs, the disease spreads instantly: through any liquid medium, be it saliva, urine, feces, vomit, etc. In other words, by letting your dog play with others on the playground, you are taking a big risk. Even if you isolate your dog, you can bring a virus from the street that will not affect you in any way. The carrier of the infection cannot always be determined: after all, the virus is transmitted when the disease is still in its infancy and has not had time to manifest itself.

First symptoms
Apathy, fever, strange behavior - a seemingly healthy dog ​​reacts inappropriately to touches on the back or sides. Pressing your tail, arching your back - these are sure signs that it’s time to run to the hospital. This is followed by loss of appetite, possible nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea with a rotten smell. The dog is clearly suffering from stomach pain, so it is uncomfortable for her to lie down; she suffers from a lack of moisture. Death can occur even a couple of days after infection. This most often occurs when an unvaccinated dog produces offspring. Such puppies are especially vulnerable.

There is a cardiac variation of the disease: babies up to nine weeks are at risk. Symptoms: apathy, constant sleep, rumbling in the stomach, lack of appetite (but at least the dog can drink). Further symptoms of heart failure appear - weak breathing, faded mucous membranes, slow pulse, cool paws.

If you even for a second suspect something is wrong, run to the hospital! You need to undergo tests, and the doctor prescribes treatment according to individual indicators. Most often, immunostimulants and serums, salted solutions are prescribed to prevent dehydration. Animals are prescribed vitamin C, glucose and solutions that cover the dog’s needs for the most essential substances. This considerable list includes antibiotics, as well as drugs to restore cardiac activity. Bed rest is recommended, no force feeding and no arbitrariness or self-prescription of medications!

Coronavirus enteritis- the disease is milder, the symptoms are milder (the dog can drink, vomiting may not occur, the temperature remains the same, the virus does not affect the heart). The incubation period is from two to five days, but the course of the disease can be either mild or severe. The older the dog, the easier it is for it to tolerate enteritis, and if it is mild, there are even cases of spontaneous recovery. But relying on a lucky break in such matters is at least unreasonable.

After illness

When the virus is cured, the dog’s immunity is still very weak and it definitely needs a special diet to restore the gastrointestinal tract. Give liquid and soft food, cereals, broths. Also, some doctors prescribe food from veterinary lines. Diet: five or six times a day, food should be slightly warm.

Even if you did everything on time and correctly, unfortunately, sometimes your pet may be left with lameness - temporary or for life. Puppies usually grow up to be slightly underdeveloped, with a weak heart, infertility, and liver and gall bladder disease. With due attention to all the nuances, these consequences can be eliminated, the only question is time. Enterovirus in dogs is like chickenpox in people: once you have had it, you can hardly be afraid anymore.

The way to avoid infection is vaccination.
It is done for the first time at the age of 1.5 - 2 months, then at three months the “adult” formulation is vaccinated, then after another three weeks revaccination, at six months and subsequently every year.

When you bring a puppy into your home, it is a great joy and responsibility. In fact, such an acquisition can be compared to the birth of a child. In developed countries, before buying a dog, you will have to get a paid consultation with a canine specialist, who will find out how much time you are willing to devote to raising it, and whether you have the opportunity to feed and treat your pet properly. The second point is the most critical. Veterinary services today are very expensive.

At the same time, each owner receives basic information about the need for vaccination and the symptoms of the most dangerous diseases. One of these is enteritis. In dogs, it is very difficult and often leads to the death of the animal. Therefore, the sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chances of recovery.

General information

Every owner cannot be a veterinarian. But it's not that difficult to recognize. The clinical picture is very bright. This is an infectious disease, or rather a whole group that causes intestinal inflammation. Almost all important organs are affected.

Vaccination is the only measure to protect your pet’s body. No breed predisposition has been identified; any animal can get sick. Therefore, if the breeder convinces that he did not vaccinate because these dogs do not get sick, it is better to look for another one. They are simply trying to deceive you. Most often, this disease affects puppies and older dogs. But susceptibility to infection remains at any age.

Two forms of the disease

Only an experienced veterinarian can distinguish them from each other, and even then only if he has enough time. Most often, animals are brought to the clinic in serious condition, since enteritis in dogs often develops rapidly. It also happens that animals are diagnosed with both forms at the same time, but this phenomenon is quite rare. In different cases, the symptoms can be either identical or diametrically opposed. So, what forms are we talking about?

  1. In 93% of cases, the disease is caused by parvovirus. That's why it bears the appropriate name. Treatment for parvovirus enteritis in dogs should begin as early as possible, as the disease quickly leads to dehydration and death. In 80% of cases, the disease occurs with intestinal damage. The animal becomes lethargic. Of course, there can be a lot of reasons, but such a symptom should alert the owner. The cardiac form is observed in 20% of cases. The pathogen penetrates the myocardium and causes disruption of the heart and lungs.
  2. Coronavirus enteritis. In dogs, in this case, the tops are affected. There is an acute form of the disease in which the animal does not eat or drink, it has vomiting and diarrhea, and the stool is bright yellow. The mild form is accompanied by slight lethargy. In principle, you can do without treatment. The right diet will allow the body to devote all its strength to fight the virus and win.

How the disease develops and progresses

Since its nature is viral, infection requires contact with the carrier. The incubation period can last one day or a week. All this time, the dog can walk on the site and communicate with other members of its family. Water and food can also become a source of infection. Viruses perfectly tolerate the effects of gastric juice. It is not for nothing that the period from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms is called incubation. During this time, viruses successfully penetrate the mucosa. The active proliferation of pathogenic microflora begins, which entails the destruction of the cells of the intestinal lining.

All animals get sick. Half of the adults die. For puppies this figure is even higher and is approximately 90%. At the first signs of illness, you need to contact a good clinic and begin effective treatment.


The cardiac form is not very common, and coronavirus enteritis less often affects animals that were born to dogs with good immunity. Or it occurs in such a mild form that one can assume a banal intestinal disorder. The most dangerous is parvovirus enteritis.

In dogs, it develops so rapidly that sometimes owners don’t even have time to do anything. When leaving for work, they note that the pet is not very active, and in the evening they find the animal half dead from dehydration due to profuse vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms of enteritis in dogs can arise and progress at lightning speed, in which case you will most likely lose your pet. But let's look at everything in order:

  • At the very beginning of the disease, the animal refuses to play. Within 24 hours, diarrhea begins. The stool is liquid and yellow in color. The temperature can rise to 40 degrees or, conversely, drop to 19.5 ° C. Sometimes vomiting begins. Such symptoms are characteristic of coronavirus enteritis.
  • On the second day, the skin loses its elasticity.
  • On the first day of illness, bowel movements occur every 20-40 minutes. The stool is greenish and watery. Vomiting occurs every 30 minutes.
  • Symptoms of enteritis in a dog will only progress. On the second day, vomiting and diarrhea are observed at intervals of one to two hours.
  • Shortness of breath begins.
  • Within 12 hours the pet’s condition rapidly deteriorates.

The owner must understand well that there is no time to hesitate now. If there is a veterinary ambulance in the city, you can call it. Otherwise, you will have to take the dog to the clinic yourself. It is best if you have a veterinarian who takes care of your pet from the very first visit. In this case, he knows the entire vaccination schedule, health status and previous diseases. This is very important for quick diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Physiological changes

Signs of enteritis in a dog are a consequence of the processes that are currently taking place inside the body. You cannot try to influence only the symptoms, that is, block vomiting and diarrhea with the help of special means like Cerucal and Imodium. Swelling of the stomach causes compression of the receptors, so vomiting will only intensify.

But the main changes occur in the intestines. The intestines become inflamed, the mucous membranes are destroyed and come out in pieces along with the feces. This is typical for parvovirus enteritis. Inflammation of the stomach leads to vomiting, intestines - to diarrhea. A large number of cells disintegrate, which causes the release of toxins. This disrupts the functioning of blood vessels. Dehydration of the body also increases because fluid moves into the intestinal cells, which only activates the bowel movement reflex. Blood viscosity increases and the heart begins to work overload.

Immune response

Of course, the body tries to fight. But viral enteritis in a dog that has not previously been vaccinated is too severe. The body responds by producing antibodies. For 5-6 days, enough of them accumulate in the blood to bind viruses. But most of the pathogens at this time are in the intestines and myocardium. Dehydration and lack of nutrition complete the picture. The disease develops faster than the body's defenses work. Without therapy, death occurs on days 2-5 or 7-12.

And today there are breeders who refuse to vaccinate puppies, arguing that vaccines are dangerous. But is it worth talking about how many dogs die if vaccination is ignored? Yes, there is a certain risk, but it is not that great.


It begins with a visit to the doctor, examination and diagnosis. A very important point is the type and course of the disease. With a mild form of coronavirus enteritis, only puppies and weakened animals need treatment. They will be prescribed a special diet, antibiotics and immunostimulants, as well as vitamins. This diagnosis has the most favorable prognosis. Usually, within a few days the pet will feel better, and the doctor will allow you to complete the course at home. By the way, many people are interested in where dogs should be treated. Enteritis is insidious. But a lot depends on the clinical picture. In severe cases, it is best to leave your pet in a hospital, under 24-hour medical supervision.

Main directions in treatment

The course of viral enteritis in dogs can vary greatly. Despite this, there are several directions in treatment that modern veterinarians adhere to.

  • Destruction of viruses. This is achieved through serums that contain antibodies.
  • Restoring lost fluid. Even if you go to the clinic immediately when symptoms appear, your dog can become dehydrated within a few hours. Not to mention if vomiting and diarrhea began at night, and the trip was postponed until the morning.
  • Removing toxins from the body.
  • Maintaining immunity.
  • Restoration of the stomach and intestines, heart.

Each of these areas is one of the components of the overall effective scheme. It is for this reason that only a competent doctor should prescribe a course.

Features of therapy for the intestinal form of parvovirus enteritis

In general, the therapy has something in common with the treatment of acute forms of coronavirus. Let's look at the main activities:

  • In the first three days, doctors actively use immunoglobulin and hyperimmune serums.
  • To avoid dehydration, a 5% solution of glucose and Reopoliglucin is used.
  • Immunostimulants - "Cycloferon", "Fosprenil" - are prescribed until the symptoms of enteritis subside. Treatment of dogs must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor; the names of the drugs are provided for informational purposes only.
  • If serious damage to the intestines is obvious, then antibiotics must be prescribed. This is required to suppress secondary microflora.
  • Drugs to support the heart - Mildronate, Sulfocamphocaine.

Additionally, the doctor selects an individual diet. Since it will take quite a long time to treat enteritis in a dog, a plan for visiting the clinic is being developed. It may be more convenient to leave your pet for a day hospital. And at home, the doctor schedules procedures for every day.

Features of treatment for cardiac disease

It is less common, and it is not always possible to correctly diagnose the disease at the initial stage, which affects the effectiveness of therapy. Do not forget that treating enteritis in dogs at home, without constant monitoring and doctor’s prescriptions, very rarely leads to positive results. Most likely, your pet will die.

In the cardiac form, rapid intravenous administration of solutions is dangerous. Long, slow infusions are recommended. Up to round-the-clock administration. The rest of the treatment will be the same as described above. But there are some differences. If a dog has had this form of the disease, it needs lifelong maintenance therapy.

Treatment with traditional methods

Based on what is described above, you can understand how serious this disease is and how unpleasant the symptoms accompanying enteritis are. Treating dogs at home, without special training and knowledge, in most cases leads to the death of the animal. You should not resort to the advice of friends and give your dog vodka. She will not recover from this, but you will deal a noticeable blow to the liver and intestines, which need protection.

Even with adequate therapy, the chance of death of the animal is high. And in case of delay or incorrect actions, the likelihood of the pet’s survival is sharply reduced. Treatment with traditional methods is allowed only for mild cases of the disease and after consultation with a veterinarian.

Memo to the owner

Even before the first symptoms appear, you should not force feed the animal. If, with a mild form, the pet retains its appetite, then it should be dietary food. It is best not to give anything other than water without consulting a veterinarian.

After the crisis has passed, food must be introduced extremely carefully. The intestine is now a continuous wound. Rough, fatty food will cause severe pain and will not be digested. As a result, you will be set back in your treatment and will have to return to your veterinarian for help. After enteritis, the intestines take a long time to recover. The dog may continue to vomit. Therefore, we need a competent program to restore the body and the constant use of probiotics.


When your pet shows interest in food, you should offer him a light broth. It can be chicken or beef. It is better if it is cooked a second time. Now it is very important to provide gentle nutrition and not to overfeed the dog, even if it asks for more. The intestines are still too weak to experience another shock.

Boiled rice porridge in water will also be useful. It envelops the intestines and stimulates the growth of a new protective layer. After two days, you can give chopped meat, and then cottage cheese and kefir. All food should be fresh and warm. You need to increase the number of servings gradually. After about 2-3 weeks, you can return to your normal diet.


Even a mild course of the disease does not mean that the body will fully recover. A full range of treatment measures also does not guarantee the absence of consequences. Let's consider only the most common complications, which the attending physician will definitely warn you about:

  • Lameness. It may be temporary or remain for life.
  • A puppy who has been ill will not be able to catch up with his peers. He will forever be delayed in growth and development.
  • About two weeks after recovery, polyps may begin to form in the mouth. They need to be removed.
  • Bitches often remain infertile.
  • Heart failure most often remains for life.


A terrible and serious disease can be prevented in only one way. This is vaccination. Good nutrition and optimal conditions, timely walks - none of the above guarantees even minimal protection against the virus. The dog's immune system is unable to cope with it.

Puppies need to be vaccinated starting from 3-4 months of age. Before this, it is not recommended to take your pet to a walking area where other animals are. Experienced dog breeders say that during this period you need to wash the floors more often. After visiting the street, you must remove your shoes and wash your hands with soap. Today, veterinary clinics offer a wide selection of imported vaccines of good quality. There are not many complications from vaccinations. The likelihood of their development is much less than the risk of developing enteritis. An adult dog must be vaccinated every year as the immune response weakens.