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Can you be friends with co-workers? pros and cons. What do people spend their lives on? We spend most of

“We get tired not because we work hard, but because we work poorly, we work unorganized, we work stupidly. We spend the best part of our lives at work. You need to learn how to work so that the work is easy and that it is a constant life school.

Editor's note. At the end of 1920, a prominent public figure, scientist and poet Alexei Kapitonovich Gastev began to create the Central Institute of Labor (CIT). In 1921, the 1st All-Russian Conference on the Scientific Organization of Labor was held.

The CIT concept covered the fields of engineering and technology, biology, psychophysiology, economics, history, and pedagogy.

The CIT created a system for the training of skilled workers, which became known as the "CIT training method". At its training bases in 170 cities, the CIT has trained more than half a million workers in acutely scarce professions.

Memo A.K. Gastev "How to work" was posted in the reception of the Council of People's Commissars.

Reminder: how to work

1. First, think through all the work thoroughly.Plan
2. Prepare all the necessary tools and fixtures.blank
3. Remove all unnecessary from the workplace, remove dirt.Purity
4. Place the tool in a strict order.Order
5. When working, look for a comfortable body position: watch your installation, sit down if possible; if you are standing, then spread your legs so that there is an economical support.Installation
6. Don't take the job hard, get into work gradually.Login to work
7. If you need to fit a lot, then first fit in, try half your strength, and then take it with might and main.
8. Don't work until you're completely tired. Take regular rest.Mode
9. Do not eat, drink or smoke while working. Do it during your work breaks.
10. No need to break away from work for another matter.
11. Work smoothly, work in fits, rashly spoils both work and your character.Excerpt
12. If the work does not go, do not worry: you need to take a break, calm down and get back to work.
13. It is useful in case of failure to interrupt the work, put things in order, tidy up the workplace, take a fancy to it and get back to work.
14. If the work is done successfully, do not try to show it, it is better to be patient.
15. In case of complete failure, look at the matter easier, try to restrain yourself and start working again.
16. Finished work and tidy up everything to the last nail, and clean the workplace.Once again cleanliness

A prominent Russian physiologist N.E. Vvedensky once said, “We get tired and exhausted not because we work hard, but because we work poorly, we work disorganized, we work stupidly.” In his book "How to work" A.K. Gastev rightly noted: “We spend the best part of our lives at work. One must learn how to work in such a way that the work is easy and that it is a constant life school.

Often, people do not even think about what their life is spent on. If you calculate, then those two hours after work that we spend watching TV turn into nine years in a lifetime! The Lifeguide edition has collected incredible facts about what the average modern person from planet Earth spends his time on.

A person sleeps for 25 years of his life.

With a normal daily sleep duration (from 7.5 to 8 hours), we spend about a third of our life, that is, almost 22 years (with a life expectancy of 70 years), we spend in a dream. For example: a horse needs three hours a day to sleep. Possum - 19 hours. A person needs 8 hours.

We spend 10.3 years at work.

The average person works 40 hours a week from age 20 to age 65.

48 days a person spends on sex .

Women spend 17 years of their lives trying to lose weight (the time they are on diets).

We have been watching TV for 9.1 years.

A person watches TV for almost half of his rest 2.8 hours a day.

One hour of TV broadcasting includes about 15 minutes of commercials.

1.1 years is spent on cleaning.

It takes 2.5 years to prepare food.

3.66 years, about 67 minutes a day people spend eating.

4.3 years we sit in transport.

And we travel far enough to get to the moon and back.

3 months we stand in traffic jams .

We spend 1.5 years in the bathroom.

3 - 6 months sitting on the toilet (men longer by 4 minutes each day).

70% of a person's life is spent on the phone, the Internet, TV and radio.

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A modern earthling spends on watching TV, talking on the phone and working at a computer almost half of all the time that he is in a state of wakefulness. The average adult does not sleep 16.5 hours a day, and it takes him up to 45% of this time to communicate with technology, that is, with a life expectancy of 60 years, excluding childhood, we spend about 20 years communicating with gadgets! By the way, the most TV-watching nation is the Japanese. The average Japanese spends at the "box" 9 hours a day!

We laugh 290,000 times in our lives.

177,000 km we walk (you can circumnavigate the Earth 4 times).

A person spends 90% of his time indoors.

5,460 liters of alcohol a person consumes in a lifetime.

400,000 times he gives off gases.

This is about 14 times a day.

14 days of your life is spent kissing.

1 year women decide what to wear.

And men spend the same amount of time staring at women.

Women spend 8 years shopping.

For 1.5 years, women devote time to their hair.

That's 14,000 hours of cleaning, washing, drying, cutting, straightening, etc.

5 years old office worker sits at the table.

For 2 years, an office worker has been negotiating.

2,000,000 times a person swears on average in a lifetime.

And so much he will swear.

2000 dreams a person sees in a year.

He forgets 80% of them.

12,000 cups of coffee a person drinks in a lifetime.

That's 1.6 cups a day.

We consume 21 kg of tea in our lifetime.

A person spends 6.5% of his life on repairing his home and things.

We spend 10% of our lives in treatment, i.e. for visiting doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, sanatoriums, etc.

We have a hangover 60 days a year.

We spend most of our lives at work. And there is no getting away from this, because the well-being of us and our family depends on how we work. But this does not mean at all that you need to work hard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A good rest, ultimately, affects the productivity of work. Statuses about work brighten up your work day. They will help maintain your morale and mood throughout the working week.

We have made for you a good selection of cool statuses about work. Now on your page in contact you will always have the latest status.

I love going to work! And from work! But these 8 hours between walking are just infuriating!

Damn, I want a job like Santa Claus ... Day through 364

Get up, bunny, it's time for you to work!" - "I'm a fish today, I have no legs, and I'm not going anywhere !!!

We all love our job! We can sit and watch how it accumulates, accumulates, accumulates ...

The best thing about Thursday is waiting for Friday

I really want to get a pay raise...

Horses die from work, and I must be an immortal pony!

We are not afraid of work, we do not run away from work. There is no work - we go to bed ... There is work - we sleep further ..

Where is the cat who cried this salary to me?

I think my boss looks at me and thinks - "this device can work faster!"

I don't want to look for a job! She's not looking for me. In the end, you must have at least a drop of pride ...

Looking for a job!!! I forgot where it is...

All big things need to be ... debugged by Monday.

Before lunch you want to eat, after dinner you want to sleep ... and you always get the feeling that you are not paid enough ...

I wrote my resume... I printed it out... I re-read it... I burst into tears... It's a pity to send such a person to work

WHO is looking for a job two in five, salary 75000-100000, vacation 52 days ......, call, we will look together !!))

The first hour at work: "I want to spaaaaaaat ....." The second hour at work: "I want to EAT!!!" The third hour at work: "I want to die ..." - and so every day ...

Summary: "Quit drinking and smoking, retired from all registered sites - ready to work." I worked hard today, and realized that today is Friday, only when at 4 o'clock with a cry of "Who is the last - that sucker!" director escaped...

A decent salary is when you already need to receive the next one, but you haven’t spent the previous one yet.

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry!!! Just no time... I work... Ishachu!!!

I have such an interesting job that I even get paid by work ...

Even an engineer doesn't work without a plan...

Doing bullshit at work develops hearing, peripheral vision, reaction and vigilance in general ...

All the work is done by those who have not yet learned not to work!

There is such a profession - to sit at work ...

A person is never as close to perfection as when filling out a job application form.

You can't earn all the money, but you can drink it

I've been afraid since Friday that Monday is coming soon ***

Cold, slushy and disgusting... But this is not the most offensive... The most offensive is when you leave for work in the morning, all sleepy, sleepy, angry, turn around before leaving to see if everything is in order, and you see, how your cat sleeps on the bed, cozying up under a warm blanket...

The hardest job is looking busy when you're not.

Do you feel bored and tired at work? Getting bored? Work has lost all meaning?.... The main thing is to take pi * duley in time! Pi * duly. And you are active again!

Work, work, go to Fedot, from Fedot to his brother, and to me their salary

Just think about this number!

70% of our success is our environment.

This is something to keep in mind when another childhood friend tries to whine about how hard life has become. Or when your parents shake your head when you live your life, not theirs. What to think about when it becomes clear that the child seems to have contacted the wrong company from idleness or from the fact that he was left with no other options. You always need to understand what global changes a simple change in the company can lead to - to give to a sports club, transfer to another school or somewhere else.

70% is a lot.

This is very important and should not be ignored. And it is worth working hard on this moment in your life.

The environment is such a thing that pulls you out by itself.

You can hardly move, change almost nothing in life consciously, on your own, and life will still change.

Because the attitudes in the head will be slowly transformed, new ideas and desires will appear other than before. The focus will shift to other targets. I wrote about this effect in my post “How the 100 Day Environment Helps You Reach Out and Increase Capacity”.

Petr Osipov (video below) has just such a “theory of rivers”. The fact that when you are in the context you need, in the river you need, you can even try to swim in the other direction, and the river will still drag you along with it.

“Any immersion in a team changes the interests, tastes, views of a person, even if he was a stable personality. You can change in the shortest possible time, and if you are looking for these changes, you need new friends, a new team.

A support group is a good way to deal with any addiction. The beneficial effects of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other similar groups are based on this.

You need to use friendship realizing its powerful influence and look for friends who you really want to be like. Never be close friends with those whose way of life and views you do not like, only with those whom you would like to reach out to.

Andrew Parabellum:

“I have said many times that if you bring together a dozen people with whom we spend most of our time, and share all their achievements, successes and problems equally, you can predict with great accuracy that this is exactly where you are. you will most likely be very, very soon.

If they haven't already."

I really like Petr Osipov (Business Youth) and especially what he has come to lately.

There was a cool video about the strength of the environment from him. Finally, someone so clearly put everything on the shelves about how it works.

Here is a quote from this video, which you can (and should) watch below:

“There are only 2 ways to develop:

The first method is similar to barge haulers on the Volga who drag the huge ship of development behind them, who make a lot of effort, rely on their strength, their willpower to take a step forward. The problem with this strategy is that, relying on personal strength, willpower, it ends very quickly, it is not enough for a long time.

And there is a second way of development, which does not involve a large amount of personal effort., but which assumes to be in the context that develops you. Imagine that you are in a certain river, and you have to swim from point A to point B. That is, if you are now in the wrong river, and the river flows in the opposite direction than you need, then you need to apply an additional 200 -300-1000% effort to cross a river.

If you are in the current that leads you in the direction you need, then you need to make NO effort at all to swim towards your goals. You can even swim in the opposite direction. All the same, the general current of the river you are in is stronger than your personal effort.”

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We spend most of our lives at work and, of course, amazing, funny and strange situations happen there. Someone worked hard and said the wrong thing at all, and some clients make the entire staff happy. In every organization, regardless of the type of activity, there is a place for humor and all sorts of curiosities. Netizens shared funny stories that happened to them at work. We have completely preserved the original spelling in order to fully convey all the emotions that the author experienced.

I work as a criminalist. It is very convenient to store all the photos on the phone, despite the fact that sometimes there is just the most incredible tin there, starting with naked photos of old women and ending with photos with dismemberment in all details. The phone was recently stolen. Didn't worry at all. Two days later, they returned it, throwing it in the mailbox. They returned with a note. They apologized. When the phone is turned on, my address is displayed and the advice is to go to the Hobby album.

My co-worker is a weird guy. Every half an hour or an hour, he needs to get up from his chair and from the table, go out into the corridor and dance, sing and do a warm-up there for 10-15 minutes. And then with renewed vigor returns to work, as if nothing had happened. I thought he was weird, but when, after such a method, his productivity tripled and he got a promotion, I wondered if I was living the right way at all .. Asked for it. Now together we jump in the corridor and sing with stupid voices. Works awesome!

I am a student and work part time as a waitress. I worked and studied for 2 weeks in a row without days off, I arrived late, left early and in one of the shifts I approached the guest with the words “Good evening, my name is Daria, today I will be your order” ...

I work as a teacher at a school. There are several students with Ural surnames starting with "-s". Everything would be fine, but almost every roll call turns into a pun: “There are no cool ones, there are no gray ones, there are no lame ones.”

2 weeks ago I got a job as a cashier in a supermarket. Today another buyer came for cigarettes, shows his passport - born in 2000. I immediately said that it’s too early for him, I won’t sell anything, they say, come back in a couple of years. The guy looked at me, neighed and said: “now it’s 2018″ ... I haven’t been so ashamed for a long time, well, who knew that people born in 2000. now there are more than 13.

I work in a children's store. The most favorite thing in my work is to see how 40-50-year-old brutal men walk around the store and sing along: "... now I'm Cheburashka ...".

While the boss was busy with something, having closed in the office, I calmly pretended to myself that I was working. In fact, I played the game on the Internet. Suddenly the office door opens, I quickly close the game, but everything freezes and the boss sees what I'm really doing ... He comes up to me, but instead of screaming, he opens my account in the game, looks at this shame, says: "Well, sucker" , closes the game and leaves.

At work, we draw up an IPR (individual development plan), read the instructions. And since it was already after the working day, the eyes were already in a pile. And instead of the phrase "Act like a tactician," I read "Act like a basin." For about three minutes I tried to realize how the basin works.

There is a woman at work who answers everything: “Now what?” Sometimes you go and ask her: “Love, are you going to dinner?”, And she tells you: “So what now?”. So they fired her, she looked at her boss and her signature. Brilliant woman, impenetrable.

When I'm worried, I often confuse letters in words, and here for the first time I was entrusted with a very important project that I had been dreaming about for so long. I send the main letter and already when I sent it, I noticed that I had written “I justify your prejudice”, I’m sitting, I’m afraid that they will fire me, they will think that I’m illiterate, and then the answer comes: “I don’t hesitate” and the smiley that the tongue shows.

I work in an electrical and lighting store. We sell a lamp to a married couple. Asking to connect. Something went wrong. Boom! Smoke! stink! From this noise, a crazed rat runs out into the trading floor. Jumps on the man. He yells, she hits his leg and runs away. A man sits with his ass on the counter and yells foolishness. His wife laughs with the rest of the store employees. Funny.

Late evening, my wife has already gone to bed, I am waiting for an important document from my subordinate. Then an SMS comes from him: “Chief, I'm sorry, there is no access to the computer!” - and sends a photo in which two little cats are cutely curled up on a working laptop. Have a cat and a dog. Completely justified in my opinion!

I work in a kindergarten, I decided to perfume myself with new perfumes with the smell of coconut, a boy comes up and seriously says: “You understand that now I won’t leave you anywhere.” So he followed me all evening. Where are the grown men...

I used to work in a pet salon. One day madam comes and says: "Cut my cat." To questions - how, she answered only: "The main thing is that Busik likes it." They cut their hair. When she saw her pet, she threw a scandal and promised to bring her to court for bullying her animal, although the haircut was the most common. She yelled for a long time, until it occurred to one of us to say: “But Busik, in fact, likes it.” Madame fell silent, smiled, thanked her and left.

I travel a lot in Russia for work. The navigator is broken. I stop on the highway to ask the roadside traders for directions: “Tell me, am I going to Nizhnekamsk right?”. The man replies sadly: “I don’t know. If I were you, I wouldn't go there."