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One-liners or short poems in English. Poems in English (with translation). Poems for children and about love

As you know, foreign languages ​​are easiest to learn in childhood. The poems we have collected in English for children will be a good helper in this process.

And don’t worry if you yourself are not familiar with foreign words. You can read these poems with your baby without any problems.

Each poem in English is written with translation. However, the translation is not exact, as they say word for word, but approximate. This is done to ensure that the rhyme is maintained.

In parentheses it is written in Russian letters how to pronounce certain words correctly. Thanks to this, any adult, even if he himself does not know a foreign language, will be able to pronounce all the words more or less correctly without any problems.

By the way, my six-year-old nephew is delighted with learning English on the computer. You can also try working with children, this is a very good investment in the child’s future. Now without this it’s difficult to get a good life in life) To register for the classes I’m talking about, follow this link.

You will find the poems just below on this page. We also recommend looking at this topic:

Friends, greetings.

I always say: English needs to be learned with interest. Everything should be simple, understandable, comfortable, and most importantly, interesting. And one of the easiest ways to learn a language is to learn poems for children in English.

So, let's go!

For beginners

Here I have collected the shortest and simplest poems. They are very easy to learn.

You can find even more poems, songs and other interesting and exciting materials on the English language for children on my favorite website LinguaLeo. Register for free and start your journey to the country “Oh, how interesting and educational everything is here!”

In general, in this excellent service you can find excellent online courses for schoolchildren of all ages: for example, English for little ones (suitable for primary school - 1st, 2nd grades), Grammar for Beginners (suitable for secondary school - 5th - 7th grades - depending on the program and goals), About yourself and loved ones in English (suitable for middle school children who want to improve their speaking skills) and others.

About the New Year

How to create a New Year's mood? Start learning poetry early. Get ready together for the arrival of the New Year and Santa Claus. I'm sure your child will like it.

New Year's Day, happy day!

We are happy and want to play.

We all dance, sing and shout:

“Welcome, New Year's Day!”

December is the best of all,

Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.

People see the New Year in,

When December ends, it will begin.

December is the best month of all.

Snowflakes are dancing, snowflakes are falling.

People celebrate New Year

When December ends, the New Year begins.

Something is about to happen.

When we have a big holiday.

New Year usually comes at midnight

And brings us gifts

So sweet and bright.

About animals

The simplest and most interesting activity for a child is to study animals. Combine these rhymes with some interesting game, and your child will remember the material much faster.

I'm a little turtle

I'm crawling so slow

And I drag my house

Wherever you go.

When I'm tired

I hide my head

My legs and tail

And I go to bed!

From the window of my house,

I saw a little mouse

Was she running? Was she jumping?

She was laughing? Above what?

Lady-bird, lady-bird,

Your house is on fire,

And your children are all gone.

And that's little Ann,

And she has crept under

The warming pan.

Ladybug, ladybug

Fly home.

Your house is on fire.

All your children have flown away

All but one.

Little Anne

She crawled under the heating pad.

A wise-old owl sat in an oak,

The more he heard, the less he spoke.

The less he spoke the more he heard,

Why aren’t everyone like that wise old bird?

A wise old owl sat on an oak tree.

The more she heard, the less she spoke.

The less she spoke, the more she listened.

Why are we all so different from the wise old owl?

Who's that ringing at my doorbell?

A little pussy-cat that isn’t very well.

Rub its little nose with a little mutton fat.

That’s the best cure for a little pussy-cat.

Who's that ringing at my door?

A kitten that is unwell.

Rub his nose with lamb fat,

This is the best medicine for a kitten.

About winter

Poems about winter are popular before the New Year. Especially if your school organizes competitions and gives kids prizes for reciting a poem.

My T-shirt is blue, my hat is pink.

My pants are yellow, my socks are green.

Tell me what do you think about this?

My jacket is purple, my shoes are white.

Tell me what do you think about?

My gloves are brown

My scarf is black.

Tell me what do you think about this?

Is she good or bad, what do you think?

Do you like the clothes I'm wearing?

Or do you think I look stupid?

About autumn

Thematic poems about autumn create a special atmosphere. Most often they are asked at school, so here is a selection of interesting and not difficult poems.

Autumn is coming

I see the birds flying south

And the days are gray and cool.

Do the birds look down at me and see

That I'm going to school?

Leaves are floating

Some are red and

The wind goes "swish"

through the air;

When you look back

there are no leaves there.

The leaves are swaying

fall down slowly;

Some of them are red

and some are brown.

The wind blows "shhh"

in the air;

When you look back

There are no more leaves.

Little leaves are slowly falling

Red and yellow, orange and brown,

Spinning, spinning around,

Falling quietly to the ground.

Little leaves are slowly falling

And a carpet appears on the ground.

Then “shhh” the wind appears, howling,

And raises the leaves in a dance into the sky.

Are these poems suitable for the reading competition? Certainly. They are clear and moderate in complexity.

By the way, it was recently published a new guide for additional English lessons with primary school children . It is suitable for both lessons with a tutor and home lessons with a child. Having briefly studied it, I can recommend it. Fun, exciting and useful!

But how do you remember all this?

Here are some tips.

  • Poems must be translated. When the child clearly understands what these unfamiliar words mean, it will be easier for him.
  • Look for audio poems where you can immediately put the correct pronunciation.
  • The child should be interested. He won’t teach because he “has to” or because you wanted to. Try to make the learning process an interesting game. I wrote a lot about this on the blog.
  • Use modern methods of memory development for yourself and your children, for example, using a special service Brainapps . I wrote about his cool capabilities and Milana’s and my successes.

With this I say goodbye.

In the meantime, I’m preparing new useful materials for you, you can subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss anything.

See you soon!


Hello my beloved readers.

Do you know what was the first thing my daughter learned in English? It was bedtime poem. Every night before she goes to bed, she says goodbye to all her toys, and then, when she gets into bed, she reads a rhyme where she says “good night” in rhyme to her parents and the toys she sleeps with. Incredibly, it gives her great pleasure!

So today I decided to help you with it, showing you the most interesting and useful way that I know. I have interesting poems for children in English for you.

Ready to learn how to teach them most effectively?

  • Look for poems with translation . These are those who study a language for several years in a row and do not need translation. They are already accustomed to thinking in foreign vocabulary. But at the initial stage, your kids need to understand what they are learning. Therefore, look for poems with translation to make the learning process much easier.
  • Learn and teach correct pronunciation. Even if your little one doesn't have obvious pronunciation problems, you still need to listen to how to pronounce words correctly. Pay very close attention to how he speaks. There is no need for something wrong to be driven into his head, which he will then have to get rid of for a long time and persistently. But he tried so hard and taught exactly that way!
  • Interest is paramount. I repeat this like a prayer every day: the child should be interested! Learn everything in a playful way. For example, if you are learning poems about animals, then find pictures of said animals and have your little one point them out while reading. Or depicts an animal. Anything - as long as it arouses his interest and sparkle in his eyes!
  • Never force. This point is a continuation of the previous one, but still... never force or torture your children. If the child doesn’t like something, look for another method. He's being capricious for a reason. I can tell you from my own experience of working with children: if you find the right approach and teaching method (and for them) - everyone will like English.

Now let's move closer to the topic - our rhymes! By the way, I give the translation literal, not literary, so that the correspondence of the translated words in Russian and English is clearer. Voiceover of each verse below it.

So, with the help of such a great method, it is very easy for children to memorize numbers. See for yourself:

One two,
I love you.
Three four,
Touch the floor.
Five six,
Mix and mix.
Seven eight,
This is cool.
Nine ten,
Let's play again!

To make it much more interesting to learn this verse, come up with a movement for each word: let the child show the numbers on his fingers, on the phrase "I love you"- shows a heart, etc.

Poems about family will help you quickly master the vocabulary of relatives:

Good night mom,
Good night dad,
Kiss your little son.
Good night sister,
Good night brother,
Good night everybody!

It is very easy to teach the names of the seasons of the year in this way. And if you combine vocabulary about autumn and words on the topic of color, you can kill 2 birds with one stone!

Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white,
Spring is green,
Summer is bright!

Autumn leaves are falling down
I'm falling down, falling down,
Autumn leaves are falling down
Yellow, red, orange and brown!

No sunshine, lots of rain,
No warm days, snow again!
No bugs, no bees,
No leaves on the trees.
you must remember
It's November!

Time your training to coincide with appropriate holidays. For example, learn something about the New Year shortly before the holiday. Tell them that in order to receive a gift from Grandfather Frost on New Year's Eve, you will need to recite a poem. Believe me, you won’t even notice how quickly your “child” will run to learn the rhyme.

On the theme of the holidays, I have prepared poems for you about Christmas and New Year:

One two Three,
It's a Christmas tree!
Three two one,
Christmas is fun!

Time for fun
Let's go outside and play right now!

If your child loves to listen (and tell!) not only rhymes, but also much more, then this audio English course exactly for you! Based on the positive reviews of many caring mothers, I can confidently recommend it to you (it rhymes :)). With it, your children will be able to easily memorize new words and at the same time will do it with pleasure.

Well, let's take a break from thematic poems and try something different.

I see green, I see yellow!.
I see this funny boy.
I see white, I see black.
I see this and this and that!
I see pink. I see brown.
I get up and sit down.
I see red, I see blue.
I see you, you and you.

To learn body parts, play a game using the following verse. Let the child name the word and show what this word means on himself.

Touch your eyes
Touch your nose
Touch your mouth
Touch your toes
Touch your ears
Touch your hair
Touch your teeth
Sit on the chair...

Well, are you already eager to start working with your kids?
I really hope this tutorial helps you speed up your learning process. I will also be glad if you share the results and your experience in the comments.

And so that you don’t miss anything interesting, I created a subscription for English goodies. This way, you can stay up to date with the latest news from the world of learning this beautiful language.

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The English language is very melodic and pleasant to the ear, and therefore learning it can easily be called an exciting activity. But if you are a beginner, and there is still a very, very long time to reach the pinnacle of mastery, over time, learning English may cease to bring joy, and lessons - or rather, self-learning - will become less interesting and productive. To prevent this risk, there is an effective method that is suitable in all respects for both children and adults. It's about learning English through English poetry - that's where the truly diverse vocabulary comes in!

Learning poetry in English is not easy, but at the same time it has several advantages:

  • You will immediately learn many new words, which, thanks to the presence of rhyme, are not difficult to remember and master;
  • You see how sentences are formed - knowing each word separately will help you less in life than being able to express a thought in English words;
  • You get acquainted with creativity in English - in particular, the work of famous American and British poets who gave the world poems in english, have become famous everywhere.

Poems by poets

If you decide to look for poetry in English to learn it faster, most likely you will look for them on the Internet or in the library. In both cases, it is the poems of famous poets that are the first that come to your hand.

By using beautiful poetry in English in teaching, the most effective way is to replenish your literary stock, and at the same time remember for yourself the existing grammatical rules and constructions. Even if the verse does not differ in special sizes, it will be of great service in learning the language, and the learning process itself will bring absolute pleasure.

However, when starting to study English poetry, be sure to understand an important point - learning poetry in English will be easier for an adult than for a child. The main reason for this is more developed intellectual abilities and memory. Therefore, if a small child is taking English lessons, you should not try to learn the language through poems by famous poets. For this case, short children's poems, which we will discuss later in the article, will be effective.

As for the poems, which are the creation of real British poets, you can find individual nuances in them. First, remember that poems use a predominantly artistic style - and mastering it will be useful for scientific purposes. If you are learning a language for daily conversational use, use this option, but at the same time think about more suitable ones.

Another nuance that is important to know when taking on English poetry is that in poems, authors can use abbreviations of words, so be prepared for the fact that you will not understand every word immediately, as well as the meaning of individual sentences.

To be convinced of the beauty of English poetry, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the work of several poets known for their poems. We offer their poems in English with translation try to check for yourself whether you understand the meaning of the poem correctly.

Poem by Lord Byron

Among the most popular representatives of English poetry is Byron. The famous "Sun of the Sleepless" is a perfect example of melodic poetry with deep meaning. The poem was written at the end of 1814, and then completely set to music.

Sun of the Sleepless!

Sun of the sleepless! melancholy star!

(Sleepless sun, sad star),

Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far!

(How tearfully your beam always flickers),

That show's the darkness thou canst not dispel,

(How the darkness is even darker with him)

How like art thou to joy remember’d well!

(How similar it is to the joy of former days)!

So gleams the past, the light of other days,

(This is how the past shines for us in the night of life),

Which shines, but warms not with its powerless rays;

(But the powerless rays no longer warm us),

A nightbeam Sorrow watcheth to behold,

(The star of the past is so visible to me in grief),

Distinct, but distant - clear - but, oh how cold!

(Visible, but distant - light, but cold)!

English poetry of Charlotte Brontë

Her own style and special melody can be traced in the work of Charlotte Bronte. The British poet and novelist is often found in English textbooks today, because her poems are ideally suited for mastering foreign vocabulary. Try reading the following poem aloud and figure out what its sentences are about:

LIFE, believe, is not a dream

(Believe that life is not a game of dreams)

So dark as sages say;

(Not a fairy tale dark forest).

Oft a little morning rain

(How often is there a light rain in the morning)

Foretells a pleasant day.

(Promises us a day of miracles)!

Sometimes there are clouds of gloom,

(Let the sky look gloomy) -

But these are transient all;

(Clouds will fly by);

If the shower will make the roses bloom,

(And the shower of roses will revive),

O why lament its fall?

(Slightly faded).

Rapidly, merrily,

(Crazy, irrevocable),

Life's sunny hours flit by,

(days of life are passing);

Gratefully, cheerfully,

(Cheerful, pleasant),

Enjoy them as they fly!

(They will leave us).

What though Death at times steps in

(So ​​what if death is always there)

And calls our Best away?

(follows life)?

What though sorrow seems to win,

(After all, trouble seems terrible),

O'er hope, a heavy sway?

(When there is no hope).

Yet hope again elastic springs,

(Hope in spite of difficulties)

Unconquered, though she fell;

(Every moment holds us);

Still buoyant are her golden wings,

(She is the wing of calm)

Still strong to bear us well.

(And a spring of fresh strength).

Manfully, fearlessly,

(Even if many are difficult)

The day of trial bear,

(We will meet obstacles here)

For gloriously, victoriously,

(But nice and wonderful)

Can courage quell despair!

(Years of life await us)!

Short poems

Now that you already have an idea of ​​real British poems, it’s time to decide where to start studying poems in english with small children. Agree, the above poems were difficult even for your perception - so there is no doubt that a child beginner would not be able to cope with such a volume of information. In this regard, the best option is to gradually master short poems that use the simplest words and phrases. Often, in books that imply independent study of a foreign language, those poems are specially published where the words are easy to pronounce and, in principle, light and frequently encountered - this will make it easier for the child to understand the meaning of the given poem.

Analyze not large sizes poems in english which are offered below. Will you be able to quickly understand the meaning of the poem on your own - or will you need additional help with this?

Snow on the ground.

(Snow on the ground).

Snow on the tree.

(Snow on the trees).

Snow on the house.

(Snow on the house).

(Snow on me)!

Just a few words mentioned in the poem, without extra effort and without much difficulty, formed melodic sentences in a rhyming version!

And here is another version of a short poem in English for memorization:

The leaves are falling

(Leaves are falling)

(In sequence).

(Summer is over)

School's begun.

(School has started).

The proposed version of the poem is light and exciting. This is an ideal option for learning English in primary school!

Using the same principle, you can compose or find many more poems. A complete meaning, accessible to understanding, can consist of only four lines of a poem. If the child does not have any difficulties with quatrains, you can gradually begin to write longer poems:

(On a summer day)

Has rain or sun,

(It may rain or shine).

(But anyway),

(It's fun).

To stand in the rain

(Standing in the rain)

That's pouring down

(Which is pouring from the sky),

(Or lie in the sun)

That paints me brown.


The more poems you and your child can master, the more vocabulary and previously unknown words will remain in memory. Therefore, do not stop there - periodically learn new ones poems in english- both short ones for children and more professional ones from real poets.

Congratulations in verse

Probably, in life, absolutely every person sooner or later faces the need to congratulate someone close to them on an important holiday. And it’s good if this is a person living in your country - composing and presenting a beautiful congratulation in this case is not difficult at all.

However, there are increasingly situations when you need to congratulate a person “abroad” on an important date. If one of your relatives and friends lives in an English-speaking country, be prepared to congratulate him not in Russian, but in his “native” English language - and it is imperative to prepare for this in advance.

Any person, be it a relative, colleague, partner, client, will be pleased to receive English congratulations. This is an original way to emphasize your predisposition and strengthen trusting relationships. And given that English is the most widespread and popular language in the world, knowing and being able to write congratulations in English is doubly necessary. Besides, what if not congratulations in English are an ideal way to demonstrate your knowledge and success in learning the language!

You can decide for yourself whether this congratulation will be in prose or in poetic form. However, we guarantee that a poetic congratulation will create a double sensation - after all, this requires twice as much time and effort. Your relatives or friends will definitely appreciate such a gesture.

We bring to your attention several common congratulations in English in poetic form. For example, a beautiful and pleasant birthday greeting:

Birthday girl, today’s your day!

(Birthday girl, today is your day)!

Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!

(Time to eat cake, sing songs and play).

There are so many ways to have birthday fun.

(There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday).

Here’s hoping you get to do every one!

(I hope you try them all)!

Another version of a creative poetic congratulation in English is given below:

Have an amazing birthday!

(May your birthday be amazing)

Have a wonderful life every day,

(May life seem beautiful every day)

May you have plans of success

(And all things are shrouded in amazing success),

And try to avoid making a mess.

(You avoid unnecessary polemics).

Save problems with the “cold” reaction,

(Look at all problems calmly)

Take from love hot satisfaction.

(And enjoy the passion of love).

May all dreams really come true!

(Let all your dreams come true with dignity)!

All the best! Happy Birthday to you!

(Best wishes on your birthday, Se lja Vi)!

Why do you need to know English poems?

So, we have convinced you that English poems exist in a wide variety of versions and can have a wide variety of purposes. Poems themselves are an integral part of the culture of every country and in any language. Using the poetic form, you can creatively express emotions and feelings; in addition, poems are always full of verbal variety. And rhyme, which is the main feature in any poem, helps to remember words and stable expressions in the best possible way. In the English language, both beginners and those who have been mastering the language for a long time use the poetic form for development. The more poems you learn, the more words remain in your memory - and in combination with various other words they can acquire new meanings and meanings.

It doesn’t matter at all at what age you start learning the language, but it is recommended to start studying as early as childhood. From an early age you will be able to remember more information, although at first it will be difficult. Therefore, if your child has started learning English, offer him as many interesting exercises as possible. Small children's poems can be an excellent basis for effective practice.

Finally, let us give once again the main reasons why poetry in English is not only possible, but also necessary to study:

  • All learned poems are, to one degree or another, stored in long-term memory, which gives positive results in replenishing vocabulary;
  • Every traditional poem contains patterns of English sentence construction. The language is unique in that it has a clear order of use of the members of a sentence. Thus, you learn not only vocabulary in poetry, but also master grammar;
  • By studying poems in a foreign language, you help your memory develop and learn associative thinking. Poems in Russian are not always easy to come by, and for convenience we use associations, matching words with certain pictures “in our head.” The same thing happens in English speech - this will certainly have a positive effect on your intellectual abilities.

Finally, learning English in poetic form is always interesting and fun! Many poems are humorous and positive in content. Such poems will help improve and establish an emotional mood, charge everyone with optimism, and therefore will do their positive work in promoting linguistics. In schools and higher educational institutions, they also always practice the method of learning the language through the study of poems, allowing students to independently choose a poem to their liking.

Learning poetry in English is not difficult at all. Find some simple poems right now and try to learn a few - just imagine with what pride you will be telling your first English verse to your family and friends! We wish you success in your endeavors. And then - more: try to compose your own poem in English.

» Poems in English with translation