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Shiba Inu dog breed: how to care for a Japanese dwarf “smiley”. Japanese Spitz - Shiba Inu dog: description of the breed, character, reviews and differences from Akita Inu Shiba Inu description of the breed character

  • Height at withers: 40 cm for males, not less than 37 cm for females
  • Weight: for males 9-14 kg or more, for females 8-13 kg
  • Color: Red, sesame or sesame (zone), as well as black and tan and black and silver are recognized. Sand and white colors are considered undesirable.
  • Lifespan: up to 16 years old
  • Other names: Shiba, Shiba, Shiba Inu

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Reliable security guard
  • Small size
  • Not overly aggressive
  • Exotic appearance
  • Feels great outdoors
  • Wool has no smell
  • Tolerates loneliness well
  • A dog's intelligence and self-sufficiency require training.
  • Needs prolonged exercise and exercise
  • Enjoys hunting small animals
  • Can be pugnacious and intolerant of other dogs

Description of the breed

Shiba Inus are small, clean dogs. They enjoy deserved popularity not only in Japan, but also in the USA, Australia and European countries. Japanese monobreed exhibitions bring together up to 700 dogs of this breed in the rings. They are great for both city dwellers and those who need a companion and security guard for a country house.

Compactness, intelligence, and original appearance make the Shiba Inu an excellent dog for someone who not only wants to have a companion, but also emphasizes his taste and originality by choosing a breed. These dogs cannot be confused with other miniature breeds. They are strikingly different even from the small Spitz dogs with which they are related.

A characteristic fox head with triangular eyes and ears pointing forward, a compact body, a tail twisted into a tight ring - the appearance of a thoroughbred Shiba is unique and inimitable. These dogs only resemble the Japanese Akita, being a slightly smaller copy of it.

In addition to its appearance, the coat of the Shiba Inu is also unique. It feels like soft needles, raised above the body by a thick and dense undercoat.

Dogs of this breed are distrustful of strangers and do not like dogs. Their cultivation and education requires respect and perseverance, since they agree to obey only a worthy leader. Little Japanese hunters are also characterized by self-sufficiency and a certain detachment. They do not seek constant human companionship and cope well with their problems on their own. Friendship, not submission - this is the motto of such dogs.

Shiba Inu breed standard

The standard describes Shiba dogs as small game hunters and companion dogs. Their main characteristics are a strong build, well-developed muscles, compactness and pronounced sexual dimorphism. The ratio of body length to height at withers should be 11/10.

The Shiba's head has a wide skull and pronounced cheekbones. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, and there is also a small longitudinal groove. The bridge of the nose is straight, the muzzle is somewhat pointed. The eyes are triangular, dark, slightly slanted. Small dense ears point slightly forward. Scissor bite.

The Shiba's body is strong and balanced. The neck is strong, of medium height, well muscled. The back is straight both statically and dynamically. The powerful fluffy tail is set high and curled into a ring. When untwisted, it reaches the hock joint.

The limbs are parallel, with compact paws. The shoulder blades are moderately inclined, the elbows are pressed tightly to the body, the thighs are long and the shins are short. Paws with tightly clenched toes.

The coat is short, the guard hair is hard, raised above the body, and the undercoat is dense, soft and thick. All acceptable colors without white spotting.

The vices include


    Absence of sexual dimorphism, that is, males in the bitch type and females in the male type.

    Non-scissor bite. Especially under and undershot.

    floppy ears

    Short tail, docked or not curled over the back.

  • Cryptorchidism in males.
Shiba Inu colors

Preferred is bright red, the most saturated color with black pigmentation. The Japanese especially value dogs with the characteristic urajiro pattern, which is called podlas in Russian. He suggests that the throat, cheekbones, lower part of the neck and body and the inside of the limbs are colored lighter than the main background.

Red, sesame or sesame (zone), as well as black and tan and black and silver are recognized. In zonal colors, no more than half of the hair should be black. Depending on the amount of black in the wool, sesame, dark sesame and red sesame are distinguished.

Sandy and white colors found in the breed are considered undesirable.

Character and characteristics of the Shiba Inu

Japanese Shiba Inu dogs are a curiosity in our area, so there is very little information from owners who have experience in keeping them. Most of them claim that the temperament of Japanese dogs resembles domestic wolfhounds. They are proud, not inclined to make friends with other dogs, very attached to their family, but at the same time maintain an independent disposition and self-sufficiency.

This slightly contradicts the data on the prevalence and popularity of the Shiba around the world. Typically, the popularity rating includes dogs whose character allows them to easily adapt to new living conditions, as well as those that are easy to care for and maintain. Another thing is that data on ratings can only be found on breed websites where breeders are interested in selling their puppies.

The Shiba's hunting past leaves a noticeable imprint on her behavior. Without proper training, these dogs are very successful at hunting small game, chasing birds and cats. They are capable of starting a fight even with a larger and stronger opponent. Probably, you can often come across a recommendation to walk them only with a muzzle and on a leash. This is due to the fact that, deprived of proper walking and exercise, these dogs spend excess energy on sorting out relationships with other dogs and hunting, and are able to run away and wander around the surrounding area for a long time, easily obtaining food for themselves.

Interestingly, Shibs are very expressive dogs. Their facial expressions are very diverse and an attentive owner will be able to determine what his Shiba is trying to tell him. What is also amazing is the number of different sounds these dogs use to communicate. Dogs often use their rich arsenal to get their owner to forgive them for their antics. Of course, most often they succeed.

Small size, short hair and the absence of the habit of barking to no avail make it possible to keep the Shiba in any home. However, an apartment is only suitable as an option if the dog has the opportunity for long walks and exercise. A bored Shiba quickly destroys the owner's apartment, and punishing these dogs is as pointless as spitting on the sun.

The Shiba's need to communicate with humans is very small. And only very early socialization of puppies makes it possible to make them more “human” and to instill communication skills with their future owners. All this is on the conscience of the breeders, who must pay a lot of attention to small puppies if they want them to fit well into human families in the future.

But these dogs feel great outdoors in winter. In autumn, they acquire a dense, warm undercoat, which protects them even in the coldest season. Accustomed to living on the seashore, Shibas do not suffer as much from rain and high humidity as other outdoor dog breeds.

The seasonal shedding of these dogs is very abundant, and in addition, in the warmth of a city apartment, it will constantly lose hair. This should also be taken into account when choosing a Shiba as a companion or family dog. This breed is not hypoallergenic.

An enclosure for a Shiba must be constructed very thoroughly. It will need a foundation or floor of thick resin boards that can withstand digging and a strong mesh with a roof or fender to prevent escape. The freedom-loving and enterprising nature of these dogs creates a lot of problems for those owners who keep them without walking and exercise. Left to its own devices, the dog will find something to do and the owner is unlikely to like the consequences of this self-employment.

Feeding Shiba Inu

Japanese dogs are not adapted to the foods that their European relatives are fed. Accustomed to rice and fish, they often suffer from allergies from traditional diets. This applies to both natural products and prepared feeds.

When choosing foods to feed your Shiba, give preference to rice and fish. The use of beef and lamb is allowed, but it is better to avoid chicken.

If you decide to feed your Shiba ready-made food, read the label carefully. Often the brand name does not reflect its composition, and “salmon and rice” food may contain chicken meat and offal, as well as wheat and corn. Be sure to offer your dog a ready-made grain-free diet. Such diets are now available from a variety of food manufacturers, and perhaps one of them will suit your dog.

If you prefer natural feeding, you will have to stock up on rice. You can offer your dog buckwheat and oatmeal, but you just need to add them to the diet separately and monitor the dog’s reaction. Various types of meat, except chicken, are suitable as a source of protein. It is important to add fatty acids contained in fish to your Shiba’s diet – salmon oil or krill oil, fish oil. They will help the dog receive all the vitamins and nutrients it is accustomed to, contained in the rice and fish diet that is offered to it in its homeland.

All new foods should be introduced into the diet one at a time with a two-week waiting period. If they do not cause allergies, then you can continue to feed them.

A competent breeder will definitely share his feeding secrets with new owners. And they will be more useful than any general recommendations. For the first time, the puppy will be given its usual diet, following which you can raise a healthy dog ​​without any problems. In the future, changes in products should take place with close attention to the dog’s health.

Shiba Inu puppies

Shiba Inu puppies are distinguished by self-sufficiency and determination at an early age. It is recommended to begin their socialization with other animals and humans as early as possible. Immediately after birth, babies need to be regularly taken out of the nest, held in their arms, and their paws massaged so that they get used to touching. These simple exercises significantly increase the level of socialization of animals. You need to start classes from the second or third day of life.

It is good if puppies grow up in a large family, where in addition to their mother there are other dogs of different sizes and appearance, cats. Imprinting occurs at an early age - the dog quickly and forever remembers its surroundings and later compares everything with these impressions, identifying friends and strangers. This is especially important for the Shiba, given its hunting background.

Character begins to appear in puppies by two to three weeks. The first signs of future dominant dogs can be noticed during the period when the puppies are developing thermoregulation. As soon as they stop freezing, they each begin to sleep separately. Some puppies at this age continue to sleep together, while others crawl away and each occupy their own small territory. It is they who will become the most independent and difficult to learn in the future.

It is also important not to delay your first walks. This applies to both apartment dogs and those that live in yards. The conservatism characteristic of many oriental breeds often becomes the reason that it will be very difficult to breed a dog already at 6 months. She will be frightened by unfamiliar objects, cars, banners and it will be impossible to correct this. And the most unpleasant thing is that in this case it is difficult to assess what in the dog’s insecure behavior is acquired due to insufficient socialization, and what is hereditary.

Shiba Inu training

Shiba training is an exciting activity for those who already have experience interacting with either domestic wolfhounds or other serious oriental breeds. These dogs are distrustful of people from childhood and need constant human contact in order to grow into a socially acceptable city dog.

Of course, those who dream of a small decorative dog that would fit well into the rhythm of life of a working person should not get a Shiba. Entrepreneurship, mobility, and pronounced hunting instincts make this dog unsuitable for permanent living in an apartment with half-hour trips to the toilet.

When choosing a place for a Shiba in a house or apartment, it is important to understand that the dog must control the territory entrusted to it. Quiet, cozy places for sound sleep are not for these dogs. The same goes for choosing a location for a booth or enclosure.

The first classes begin the day after the puppy arrives in your home. He is taught a name and a call. By calling the name, the puppy is offered food, seeking an approach. Shibas do not have a special appetite, so they often do not come to the bowl if they are not hungry. Do not leave the bowl in free access, and repeat the exercise after half an hour. After two or three days, the puppy will remember the name and will come to the call inside the apartment.

Every Shiba needs personal space. The use of cages is very convenient for city apartments. It is installed in a convenient place without drafts and left open. To imitate a hole, it is good to cover the top of the cage with a blanket. Usually dogs willingly sleep in such cages. At first, toys and chews are placed, closing the dog for 3-4 minutes and gradually increasing the time it spends in the cage. If the dog does not want to be in the crate, you need to consider moving it to a more comfortable place or identifying what influenced the negative emotions associated with it. The optimal place is where she usually goes to sleep. You should not force your puppy into a crate. If you have to do this, it is better to lure him there with a treat or food. You cannot punish a puppy for an offense if he managed to run to the cage to hide - this is his, inviolable territory.

Shiba obedience classes begin at 4 months. It is important to select a trainer so that he has experience working with different breeds and demonstrates during classes a flexibility of approach and the ability to assess the situation and apply non-standard methods to it. Otherwise, it will not be possible to train a smart and stubborn Shiba. These dogs perceive punishment as the owner’s weakness. This is a road to nowhere.

History of the breed

In Japan, there are six national breeds that are similar in origin. The Japanese came up with a collective term for them - Nippon Inu. All of them descended from the ancient Spitz dogs that existed on the islands 3,000 years ago, but the direct ancestors of the Shiba are considered to be the Chow Chow and Kishu. The Shiba originated in the coastal highlands, where it hunted small game and birds.

Archaeologists associate the appearance of dogs on the Japanese islands with the arrival of the Ainu people here. The first archaeological finds on the islands date back to the 8th-6th centuries BC.

The third century BC was marked by the arrival of Korean settlers, who were accompanied by husky-type dogs with pointed ears and a tail wrapped in a ring. Ceramic figurines depicting these dogs were found by archaeologists on different islands. For a long time, the population of island huskies developed in isolation.

In 1862 the situation changed. The opening of ports led to the appearance of foreign dogs, as well as the removal of local aborigines from the country. From 1898 to 1912, English hunting breeds began to appear in Japan - setters and pointers. The smallest of them crossed with hunting shibas, which led to a sharp decrease in the number of purebred Japanese dogs. In 1928, the question of preserving the original Japanese lines first arose; the appearance of the first Shiba standards became important for breeding work. This happened in 1934. In 1937, the breed was recognized as a natural monument and received special status as a national treasure.

To restore indigenous Japanese breeds, dogs from the Sanshu and Mikawa areas were used. They were very different in size and type. The Shiba Inu was restored by Dr. Saito from the smallest aboriginal dogs. The work used dogs, which could be roughly divided into three types.

    Shin-shu. Originally from Nagano, red in color with rough, prickly hair and soft undercoat.

    San-in. Originally from the northwestern regions of Japan. Larger dogs are black and white.

    Mino. Originally from Gifu Prefecture. Small dark red dogs with excellent pigmentation.

After the war, breeding work with domestic breeds was restored only in 1948.

There are three Japanese organizations involved in breeding Shiba. Each of them maintains its own stud book, issues its own pedigrees and holds exhibitions. NIPPO, organized in 1928, the Japanese Kennel Club - in 1949, and the Shibaho special breed club, created in 1959

The first Shiba was shown in Europe at a Danish exhibition in 1969. The breed standard was approved by the FCI in 1982. The first Sibs came to Britain in 1987, and in 1992 these dogs were first shown at Crufts.

The name of the breed translates as small dog. Breed experts often give a more refined translation, calling the Shiba “a small dog from the bushy forest.”

In Japan, Akita Inu, Kai, Kishu, Hokkaido and Shikoku are also classified as natural monument breeds. Thus, almost every major Japanese island has its own unique breed. The seventh breed, which at one time belonged to this category, was called Kosi. It is currently lost.

In Japan, dwarf forms of the Shiba are found. THEIR height ranges from 19 to 30 cm. However, they are not recognized by the standard.

The White Shiba is recognized by the national Sibaho Club. These dogs are very rare.

Prices for Shiba Inu puppies

Shiba is a rare, expensive breed. The cheapest, non-show Shiba puppies cost around 700-800 euros, while dogs without faults usually sell for 1000-1500 euros and more. The most expensive are aboriginal dogs exported from Japan. In this case, the cost of a puppy can reach 5,000 euros. Shiba litters are quite large, and their temperament is complex, so the expected dynamics are a gradual decrease in prices.

The Shiba Inu (or Shiba Inu) was bred to help the hunter: it was used to scare away small game and birds, and also took part in hunting wild boar. Like five other breeds - (large), Kishu, Hokkaido, Kai, Shikoku (medium), Shiba (small) is a native of Japan. The breed is distinguished by its explosive character, small pointed ears and feline agility. Today it is used as a companion dog.

Shiba Inu photo


  • Adaptation level (4/5):
    • adaptability to living in an apartment (5/5)
    • suitable for novice owner (4/5)
    • sensitivity level (3/5)
    • Tolerance of loneliness (5/5)
    • cold tolerance (4/5)
    • heat tolerance (3/5)
  • Friendliness (3/5):
    • attachment to family (4/5)
    • love for children (3/5)
    • friendliness to other dogs (3/5)
    • attitude towards strangers (3/5)
  • Health and care (3/5):
    • degree of shedding (4/5)
    • drooling (1/5)
    • ease of care (4/5)
    • general health (3/5)
    • tendency to be overweight (2/5)
    • size (2/5)
  • Learning ability (4/5):
    • ease of training (2/5)
    • intelligence (4/5)
    • tendency to use teeth (4/5)
    • hunting instinct (3/5)
    • tendency to howl and bark (4/5)
    • travel potential(4/5)
  • Training Needs (3/5):
    • energy (4/5)
    • intensity (2/5)
    • need for physical activity (3/5)
    • playfulness (3/5)

Main parameters:

  1. Group: companion dogs.
  2. Height at withers: 33 - 43 cm.
  3. Weight: 8 - 11 kg.
  4. Life expectancy: 12 - 16 years.


With pointy ears, slanted eyes and a curved tail, the breed originates in Japan and has a fox-like appearance and a plush toy-like appearance. But this is not a toy at all. The Shiba Inu is the smallest and oldest of the six Spitz-type dogs that were bred in Japan.
The Shiba Inu has a bold and rather warlike character. The Japanese use three words to describe the breed's mental traits: bold, good-natured and observant. The symbiosis of such interesting qualities gives the world a breed with a unique character.
The Shiba Inu is a small and athletic dog. His movements are light and agile, like those of a ninja warrior. He has innate vigilance and insight.
“Magnificent,” say those who have had the honor of meeting the Shiba and falling in love with this breed. The Shiba Inu looks at the world with an imperturbable grandeur and a sense of self-worth that is often perceived as stubbornness.
Independence and desire for independence make the Shiba Inu a difficult breed to train. Socialization is a process that helps teach puppies and adults how to be friendly and socialize properly. To instill good manners in your Shiba Inu, training should begin from puppyhood.
It is important to understand the free-thinking nature of the Shiba Inu, and then you will not be disappointed. The Shiba Inu is quite intelligent, but is not always willing to do what you want. Properly motivate your pet. The Shiba Inu will gladly fulfill any of your tasks and instructions if he considers it his idea. To achieve the best results, it is important to work with a trainer who understands the breed's personality and desire for independence.

Another feature of the breed was a heightened sense of ownership. The Shiba Inu guards its property: toys, food and territory. Timely socialization will help smooth out this trait, but in the presence of dogs or children, it is better to remove his toys and treats, leaving no reason for quarrels.

The Shiba Inu is a good choice for a family: he is loyal, devoted and gets along well with children if he is properly trained and well socialized, and the children interact with him kindly and respectfully.
The Shiba Inu is famous for its intolerant attitude towards dogs and animals. Males are especially aggressive when they meet equally intact and independent males. Shiba Inu should not be left off-leash, because the innate instinct of the hunter fuels the temptation to give chase. There is a high probability that the dog will start chasing a cat, squirrel or chipmunk.
The Shiba Inu is an excellent watchdog: the dog is suspicious of strangers and will warn you if it notices anything unusual.
An active life outside the home is important for the Shiba. Every day he needs intense exercise: walking around the neighborhood, jogging, cycling. The dog should always be close to the owner.

It is best to keep a dog in a house with a well-fenced area (Shiba Inu is prone to running away), where the dog can frolic. Due to the desire to hunt and possible aggression towards their own kind, the Shiba should always be on a leash outside the home.
Shiba Inu is a good companion. The Shiba's independent character may be unacceptable to some, but many will be fascinated by his fearlessness and devotion. Fans of the breed note that being a Shiba owner is more of a lifestyle choice than just a dog breeder.


  1. Despite the fact that the Shiba sheds heavily twice a year, caring for him is quite simple.
  2. The Shiba Inu is an intelligent breed with a high degree of trainability. But whether he wants to follow your commands is another question. Inexperienced owners or people who lack self-confidence may have problems raising and training their Shiba, which will lead to disappointment in the breed.
  3. The Shiba Inu is a small dog, but he needs a lot of space for noisy play. A free-range house in a well-fenced area can provide him with the necessary space.
  4. Shibas can be aggressive towards other dogs, and they love to hunt small animals, which they perceive as prey.
  5. Shiba Inus are jealous of property and carefully guard their food, toys and territory.
  6. To be calm about the health of your pet, do not purchase a puppy from nurseries with a dubious reputation or from a pet store. Choose a breeder who breeds dogs responsibly. Make sure that the parents do not have genetic diseases that are inherited, and that the puppies are temperamental and cheerful.


The homeland of the Shiba Inu is Japan, it was bred on a par with such breeds as Akita, Shikoku, Kai, Hokkaido, Kishu and is the smallest of them. The Shiba Inu was irreplaceable on the hunt. His duties included flushing away game and birds, helping hunters.
There are several versions of how the Shiba Inu acquired its name, one of which is that “Shiba” means “bush.” The breed was named after its ability to pursue game in impenetrable bushland. Another theory says that the bright red color of the Shiba is very similar to the autumn leaves of trees and shrubs. The third version says that the archaic essence of the word “Shiba” refers to the modest parameters of the breed.

The Second World War was a tragedy for the Shiba Inu, and most of the dogs that survived the bombings became seriously ill in the post-war years. At the end of the war, the Shiba were brought from the outback and a breeding program was created. The surviving part of the population was crossed in order to obtain the desired characteristics that modern Shiba Inu possess.

The Japanese Kennel Club was founded in 1948. The breed standard adopted by the Japanese Kennel Club and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale was developed by Nihon Ken Hozonkai.
The first Shiba Inu was brought to the United States by a family of employees in 1954, but before the 1970s there are few documents about the breed. The first litter appeared in America in 1979. In 1993, the Shiba Inu was recognized as a separate group by the American Kennel Club, and in 1997 it acquired the status of an independent breed.

Photo of a Shiba Inu puppy


A properly raised Shiba Inu is good-natured, observant and courageous. The Dog is self-confident, has a strong will and has its own understanding of the world and the essence of things.

Shiba is loyal and affectionate with his family members, but he is very suspicious of strangers.
Shiba Inu does not want to share its property with anyone. He tends to protect her, sometimes in a rather harsh manner. Often quarrels with dogs, especially males. Without hesitation, he begins to chase small animals, which he considers prey.

The breed is intelligent, but training a Shiba is different from training a Golden Retriever. While the Golden is happy to come at your first call, the Shiba Inu will think about whether he needs it or not. Many consider this to be stubbornness, but there is a more positive characteristic - free-thinking.

The Shiba's temperament is influenced by several factors: heredity, upbringing and timely socialization. Puppies with good inclinations show curiosity, they play and are always ready to communicate and engage in activities with people. Choose a puppy who is happy to interact with littermates and does not seek privacy.
To properly assess your pet's potential, meet at least one of the parents. The easiest way is to look at your mother to make sure that she has a good character and you feel comfortable around her. Seeing the parents' siblings and other relatives is also helpful in assessing what the puppy will be like when he grows up.


You should not purchase a puppy from unverified sellers. There is a risk of discovering various genetic diseases that were passed on to the pet from its parents. Check all documents and certificates carefully.

If treated properly, the dog usually grows up healthy, but each breed is prone to its own set of diseases. It is necessary to know about them in order to prevent the development of the disease and avoid serious consequences if problems with your pet’s health arise.

  1. Allergies: food, are treated by identifying the allergen product and removing it from the pet’s diet; contact, caused by reactions to hard bedding, flea powders, dog washes, and various home care products; inhalation, occurs from the presence of pollen, dust and mold in the air. Treatment for allergies usually involves diet, medications, and environmental changes.
  2. Chylothorax: accumulation of fluid behind the sternum. Accompanied by difficulty breathing, cough, apathy and loss of appetite. Chylothorax can cause complications. During treatment, fluid is pumped out, a diet with a low proportion of fat in foods is prescribed, and in emergency situations, surgery is performed.
  3. Glaucoma: high level of pressure in the eyes. There are two types: primary - a hereditary disease, and secondary - caused by a drop in the volume of fluid in the eye and is a consequence of other eye diseases. Symptoms include vision loss and pain. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian and depends on the species. Glaucoma can be treated with eye drops or surgery.
  4. Cancer: Signs that your dog is developing the disease include abnormally swollen sores, sores that won't heal, a variety of bleeding, and trouble breathing or bowel movements. Treatment for cancer usually involves surgery, chemotherapy, and medications.
  5. Epilepsy: a neurological disease that is inherited, leading to various types of seizures. The attacks cause atypical behavior: desperate running, as if a dog is being chased, staggering, aloofness and a desire for solitude. Seizures are painful to watch, but the long-term prognosis for those affected by idiopathic epilepsy is usually good. Remember that attacks can be caused by other reasons: improper metabolism, infections affecting brain activity, tumors, poisoning, skull injuries and much more.
  6. Dislocationpatella (knee joint): slipping of the femur from the joint capsule of the knee, causing severe pain. Sometimes leads to disability, but often dogs adapt well and live with this disease.
  7. Hypothyroidism: dysfunction of the thyroid gland. It can cause diseases such as epilepsy, baldness, obesity, apathy, pigmentation disorders and other types of skin diseases. Treatment with medications is recommended and a diet is prescribed.
  8. Progressiveretinal atrophy (PRA): PRA is a family of eye diseases that involves gradual thinning of the retina. At first, the dog loses the ability to see in the dark; as the disease progresses, vision disappears in the daytime. Many dogs adapt to decreased or complete loss of vision and feel calm as long as their surroundings remain the same.
  9. Dysplasiahip joint: an inherited disease, expressed by a violation of the tightness of the connection of the femoral bones in the pelvic joints, which causes pain and lameness. The disease may be asymptomatic. Over time, your dog may develop arthritis. X-rays of the hip joints are the only way to detect the disease. Dogs with this disease should not be allowed to crossbreed. If you decide to buy a puppy, have the breeder provide documents confirming that the producers do not have problems with the hip joints.
  10. Spinning(chasing tail): a behavioral feature that is not fully understood by specialists. Begins at approximately 5-6 months of age. The dog is obsessed with the idea of ​​grabbing its own tail, and it can “run circles” for hours. The dog loses the desire to drink and eat. The owner's attempts to stop the unwanted behavior fail. Sometimes the dog squeals and tries to grab the tail. Research into the problem has shown that spinning may be a type of seizure. Treatment with phenobarbital, in combination with other medications, helps stop spinning.


Timely socialization will guarantee that the puppy will grow up to be a comprehensively developed adult, because the Shiba is observed to be excessively suspicious of strangers and belligerent in relations with dogs. Shiba chases small animals that run away from him, thereby triggering the hunting instinct. This is the reason why your dog should always be on a leash when you go outside your yard with him.

One of the quirky character traits of the Shiba Inu is its dislike of being restrained, despite the fact that this is necessary for the safety of the animal itself. The dog hates the collar and does not like to walk on a leash. Getting used to a leash for dogs of this breed will take a fair amount of time and require the owner’s patience, but it is vital. Enrollment in a puppy obedience school is recommended.

Working with an experienced dog handler who is familiar with the intricacies of character and knows the specifics of the breed will be useful not only for developing obedience, but also for stimulating socialization skills. Do not despair if your Shiba Inu is a difficult and stubborn student - this is innate. Take this quality for granted.

But toilet training is relatively easy for the breed. Once a Shiba Inu understands the concept of where he should go, he will go there whenever he can. Tray training will ensure that there are no “unpleasant incidents” in the house.

A dog carrier is a place for your Shiba to take a nap. Develop the habit of carrying in your Shiba from puppyhood, this will help the dog calmly accept the “confinement” if necessary: ​​when moving or hospitalization. But do not leave your pet in a cage for a long time. This is not a prison cell, and the dog should not sit in the crate for long, except during periods of sleep. Shiba Inus were not born to spend time locked in a box or enclosure.


It is recommended to feed your dog 2-3 times a day, rather than pouring all the food into a bowl at once. The amount of food depends on the physique, age and activity of the animal. You should remember about proper nutrition and special diets that veterinarians prescribe for certain diseases. If the dog is exposed to additional physical activity during training, the portion should be increased.

Try to prevent excess weight gain by controlling the amount and nutritional value of food. But you can’t leave your dog hungry either. Looking at your pet from top to bottom, you should clearly see the waist. Place your hands on his back with your thumbs on his spine. It’s good if you feel the ribs, but if you remove your hands, you don’t see them. If you notice your dog is overweight, increase the amount of training and reduce the portion size.

It is important to understand what largely determines the quality and duration of her life. Recommendations and comments from dog breeders on specialized websites and forums make you seriously think about the issue of feeding your pet. Choosing good food and following certain rules will allow your dog to live a long and happy life!

Shiba Inu photo

Color and care

The Shiba Inu has a luxurious two-layer fur coat that gives him the appearance of a teddy bear. The guard hair consists of straight and coarse wool, and the undercoat is very dense and soft. Shiba sheds moderately, but twice a year is quite heavy. This is the period when a “wool blizzard” appears in your home, covering clothes and furniture.

The Shiba Inu's color ranges from orange-red to creamy white. Shiba Inus are often found with sesame coloring - black tips of hair on a rich red background. White markings are allowed on the tip of the tail and on the front and hind legs.

The Shiba Inu is easy to care for. This is a clean dog that practically does not smell. It needs to be brushed to remove dead hair, and the coat needs to be oiled weekly during the shedding period. The breed needs bathing, but not more than once every four months, because water will dry out your pet’s skin and coat.

Your pet's teeth should be brushed 2-3 times a week. This will prevent the accumulation of bacteria and the formation of tartar. And daily brushing will protect against gum inflammation and bad breath.

Trim nails only when necessary. This is usually done one to three times a month. If you can hear your dog unintentionally scratching the floor with them, then it’s time for a haircut. Neat and well-groomed claws avoid accidental scratches during play or greetings.

Puppies often become offended when they are brushed, paws touched, or their mouths and ears examined, so try to make this process more pleasant with praise in the form of treats. In the future, the pet will even become more obedient thanks to such procedures.

In addition to all this, you should periodically check the dog’s entire body for various wounds, infections and inflammations. Carefully inspect the mouth, eyes, ears, nose and paws. This will help you immediately identify potential health problems and prevent them, avoiding consequences. Your pet's ears should not smell like wax or manure, and your pet's eyes should not be red and tired. If any symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a veterinarian, otherwise serious complications may arise.

Communication with children and other animals

The Shiba Inu will be a good dog for a family if it is properly raised from an early age, receives special training and timely socialization. He is friendly with children who are friendly and treat the dog with respect.

Training and the proper level of socialization will allow the Shiba Inu to live with other animals, but will not be an absolute guarantee of success. He may remain belligerent in relation to his relatives, and will pursue animals, perceiving them as prey. Leash training your Shiba is a sure way to control your Shiba Inu's interactions with other animals.

Try to explain to your child that you need to treat the dog gently and with extreme care, in particular, do not pull its tail. Prevent conflict situations and monitor the animal’s mood during play. Do not allow children to touch your pet while it is eating or sleeping. And never leave your child and dog alone.


With the help of a list of breeding organizations, buying puppies will become much easier. Also in kennel clubs you can get additional information about this breed and learn the dog’s characteristics from the owners themselves.

Height at withers



The Shiba Inu is the most popular and smallest of the six native Japanese breeds. Translation from Japanese is “little dog.” The character for this breed is pronounced "Shiba-inu" or "Shiba-ken", often pronounced "Shiba-inu". This is what this dog is sometimes called.

These are curious and intelligent animals that feel great in city apartments and have a positive trait - cleanliness.

Shiba Inus require careful attention; they need an owner-companion with a strong character. These dogs love to communicate, and with the right approach to training, they are ready to become a loyal friend.

History of the Shiba Inu breed

Dogs similar in appearance to the Shiba Inu lived in Japan more than three thousand years ago. This is evidenced by ceramic figurines found by archaeologists, as well as genetic studies.
After the massive import of hunting dogs to Japan from England, the appearance of the Shiba Inu began to change, and there were fewer and fewer purebred individuals.
1936 is the year the Shiba Inu was recognized as a separate breed. A group of enthusiasts made every effort to preserve the exterior. And now this breed is one of the most beloved in Japan.

Appearance of the breed

The Shiba Inu has a characteristic, memorable appearance, which makes this breed easy to recognize.

FCI breed standard

According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) standard, the basic requirements for the appearance of the breed are as follows:

  • Height at the withers: females – 37 cm, males – 40 cm, allowing deviations in one direction or another of 1.5 cm;
  • Weight: females – 7 – 9 kg, males – 10 – 13 kg.

An important criterion is proportionality; the ratio of the height at the withers to the length of the body should be 10:11

The Japanese "Club for the Protection and Preservation of Japanese Dogs" (NIPPO) emphasizes the presence of sexual dimorphism in the breed, external differences depending on the sex of the animal. Even a large female should be feminine, and a small male should have stronger bones and powerful muscles.

Appearance Features

The Shiba Inu is a medium-sized dog with a strong, proportionate build and noble appearance. The back is wide and strong, the paws are powerful, the thick tail lies on the back, forming a ring. The head is wide with a pointed muzzle, triangular-shaped ears, almond-shaped eyes, brown in color.

The coat of this dog is special, it is located in three layers: the top layer with the coarsest and longest hair, the middle layer of hair is less long, and the undercoat is soft and short. The length of the hair is the same on all parts of the body with the exception of the muzzle, where the hair is somewhat shorter, the hair is adjacent to the body along all surfaces except the fluffy tail.

Such different Shiba Inu. Photo: Shiba Inu Hawaii Coat color:

  • Black or red with reddish or whitish spots.
  • Zonal, that is, with a paler color at the base of the hairs and black color at the tips. This color is usually called sesame, and it can be of different types:
    • Red sesame – red hair with black ends.
    • Sesame is a mixture of white and black hair.
    • Black sesame – with a predominance of black over white.
  • Light sand and almost white colors are undesirable for the breed.
  • Bright red - this is the type of Shiba Inu you most often saw; this color is preferred.

The main differences between the Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu

Sometimes the Shiba Inu is confused with the Akita Inu. Despite some similarities in appearance of these Japanese breeds, they are independent.

Photo: Marie annick Parisot In addition to height, which in Akita reaches 70 cm, dogs also differ in character:
  • The Akita Inu is a calm and respectable dog, behaves “like an adult,” while the Shiba Inu remains a puppy into adulthood;
  • Akita is an extremely unobtrusive and affectionate dog, the Shiba Inu is an owner and often shows this with a belligerent attitude towards things and people;
  • The Akita is more of a guard dog, the Shiba is a hunting dog.

Shiba Inu character

The Shiba Inu can be described as an independent and obstinate, but at the same time loyal and playful breed. Sometimes dogs of this breed are called “catdogs” and this has its reasons.

Photo: Julie In addition to the cat's independence and love of freedom, which is manifested by difficulty in accustoming to a collar and leash, Shiba Inu are distinguished by their cleanliness and quick training to the walking regime. Even when kept in an enclosure, they keep their appearance clean on their own.

The dog loves to explore everything new and in the most unusual places. For example, it can slip under the sofa or somehow miraculously fit on a bookshelf, like a real cat.

The animal is not noisy, barks only for business. The Shiba Inu is distinguished by its agility: it can jump over a fence and climb a tree.

Another cat trait is cunning and intelligence. With rapid learning and knowledge of many commands, a dog with improper upbringing will carry them out only when it wants to, and will “hear” only what it wants. And their stubbornness is sometimes limitless: if a Shiba Inu doesn’t want to go somewhere, she will resist and scream like a small capricious child.

Photo: Chibifish But like a real dog, she is a devoted and faithful friend.

Why a Shiba Inu might not be right for you

You should not get a Shiba if:

  • A person cannot devote enough time to her;
  • Cannot provide regular physical activity;
  • Does not know how to fight back and say “no”;
  • There are other animals or small children at home - these dogs can be possessive and can be jealous of both things and people.

If regular training is impossible, the Shiba Inu can throw out its energy on various “pranks”: chewing wallpaper, destroying small things, turning large objects into many small ones.

The decision to get a Shiba Inu dog should be a conscious one. You should also not buy a puppy “as a gift”; the person to whom you present it may simply not be ready for such responsibility.

Who is the Shiba Inu best suited for?

A Shiba Inu will become a loyal and well-mannered friend for you if you:

  • A person with a strong-willed and decisive character;
  • Lead an active lifestyle;
  • You already had a dog or you are responsible for raising animals;
  • If you have older children, dogs are very affectionate, but you should take the previous points into account.

How to buy a Shiba Inu puppy

There are several ways to purchase a puppy:

  • From the official breeder of the breed in the kennel club;
  • According to an ad on the Internet;
  • At the poultry market, hand-held.

The only right decision would be to purchase a puppy from an official breeder with registration in the club and pedigree

The choice of breeder should also be approached consciously. There should not be many litters during the year; a large number of puppies increases the risk of various canine infections, and the puppies will not be given proper attention and care.

Photo: ChikoBirdyhof The breeder must guarantee that you can return the puppy for any reason, and sell it at least 8 weeks old. Puppies are sold only after two doses of anti-worm medication and the first puppy vaccination at 4-6 weeks of age. This data is entered into the veterinary passport and secured with the official seals of the veterinary clinic.

Buying a Shiba Inu with Pedigree

If you want to purchase a dog with a pedigree, you should contact the kennel club in which the puppy is officially registered. The club will also confirm the authenticity of the dog’s origin through a special NIPPO database.

Male or female

The character of a male dog is different from that of a female dog: males are more playful and sociable, while females are calmer and require less attention than males.
For novice owners, a female Shiba Inu breed is more suitable: the female has a softer character and is more gentle. This does not cancel educational measures, but you should generally be stricter with the male dog.
It should be taken into account that at the time of heat, the female becomes more aggressive, and males, sensing a female in heat, can lose their heads and break off the leash.

Photo: tadayoshi527 After mating, the character of both the male and the female may change somewhat. Under the influence of hormones, animals will require regular mating. Without them, dogs can be more aggressive and disobedient.
Also, the lack of regular matings and pregnancies with childbirth can negatively affect the health of the animal. Therefore, the owner should decide for himself even before purchasing: whether he will put the dog into breeding production or sterilize it.

Choosing a puppy

The immediate selection of a puppy from the litter is carried out after assessing the entire litter. Puppies should have good contact with each other during play and boldly approach people. The puppy's temperament should not be aggressive or excessively shy.

Photo: Julie You can buy a puppy either “for fun” or for visiting exhibitions and competitions.

Regardless of the purpose of purchase, a Shiba Inu puppy must:

  • be active and playful
  • have clean eyes, ears and tail,
  • meet the basic standards of the breed,
  • not be afraid of people and other dogs,
  • don't be angry or cowardly.

For this breed, manifestations of aggressiveness and cowardice indicate problems in education in the future.

The show dog must comply with FCI standard No. 257 dated 02/09/2017, which can be found on the official website of the International Canine Federation.

In order for your Shiba Inu to feel comfortable, you need to take into account some features of keeping the breed.

Place of detention

Dogs of this breed are positioned as perfectly suitable for living in an apartment, in an enclosure, and in the yard. This can become so if you follow the main rules:

The Shiba Inu is a very sociable and active dog, so in order to maintain order in the apartment, you should provide the dog with regular, sometimes exhausting, physical activity.

Photo: Sal A huge amount of energy sometimes becomes a not entirely pleasant surprise for people who take a puppy into their apartment. In the absence of physical fatigue, the “destructive properties” of the Shiba Inu can be second only to the destructive nature of the husky. The presence of many interesting things delights the Shiba; she wants to study everything and try it out. She does this not because of her harmful character, she just wants to play.

What a Shiba Inu can turn your apartment into out of boredom (video)

If you follow the main rules of keeping a dog: physical activity and education, such situations can be avoided. Also, staying in the apartment should be made safe: hide wires and small objects.

The pet should have a personal bed, a separate place for eating, and height-adjustable bowls for food and water.

Yard and aviary maintenance

At a minimum, the dog should have a place to sleep and rest, for example, a kennel with a bed inside. It is undesirable to put such an active dog on a chain; this can lead to unnecessary aggression on the part of the animal.

The Shiba Inu should receive adequate exercise and proper education.

Aviary keeping, like yard keeping, is allowed under one condition: the dog must receive a sufficient amount of communication and exercise. The fences of the enclosure must be strong, cleanliness and compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules in the place where the dog is kept is mandatory.

Features of dog care

Photo: Robert Paske Coarse coat needs care: the dog should be washed as needed, but the coat, and especially the undercoat, should be combed with a special comb brush every week.
The weekly toilet also includes: cleaning ears and teeth, trimming nails. Bathing is only indicated if the dog is very dirty.

Shiba Inu Health and Diseases

The average life expectancy is from 13 to 16 years.
Shiba Inus are prone to hereditary joint diseases and allergies. These problems can be avoided with regular grooming and proper feeding, and an annual examination by a veterinarian.

How to feed a Shiba Inu

Since this dog was bred on sea islands, the Shiba Inu's native food is seafood, and the food we are used to can cause allergies. Therefore, it is recommended to select individual ready-made food containing one type of protein, but not beef or soy.

Suitable nutrition

Natural feeding may include varieties of fish containing healthy fats - salmon or tuna, meat products - duck or lamb, as the main source of protein and fat. There should be only one type of protein food, and the fish or meat themselves should be thermally processed - this will reduce the risk of developing allergies. It is necessary to gradually transfer an animal from one type of food to another. Crumbly rice porridge is suitable as a source of carbohydrates.
Vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber should be included in the diet. Low-fat fermented milk products are also useful if they are well tolerated by animals.
If necessary, therapeutic and preventive food against allergies is used, in which the protein molecule is broken down into smaller components.

The number of feedings per day for a dog after 8 - 12 months is double.

Feeding the puppies

Before buying a puppy, you need to find out from the breeder what he ate before sale and what his mother ate.

The puppy is fed 4-5 times a day at the age of 2-3 months, the portion gradually increases, and by the age of 6 months the number of feedings is reduced to three.
The basis of a small dog’s diet is ready-made fish food for puppies, low-fat fermented milk products, provided they are tolerated, raw and cooked vegetables and fruits (zucchini, pumpkin, apples) and rice.
It is necessary to give your puppy specialized supplements rich in fatty acids and calcium for proper skeletal formation.

The main rule in feeding a dog of any age is not to experiment with the diet if it suits the animal, and do not feed the dog food from the table.
At the first manifestations of an allergy: itching, hair loss especially in the areas of the withers, neck, ears or chest, eating disorders - you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Provided that the puppy tolerates the food well, a similar diet is continued after reaching 6 - 8 months, changing the volume of portions and their number per day.

Raising and training Shiba Inu

Raising a dog plays a very important role in the development of temperament; it is important to accustom the dog to social life from puppyhood. The owner must combine an unquestioning leader and a reliable partner. Such a relationship will contribute to the achievement of obedience and success in training.

The Shiba Inu's tendency to train can be rated 5 points out of 10. But regular training will help in properly raising the dog.

The most important thing is to provide your Shiba Inu with enough physical activity.

Photo: Ryan Scott

The following types of activities and training are suitable for this breed:

  • - overcoming obstacles;
  • canine freestyle - obedience exercises performed to music;
  • coursing - running after a mechanical hare;
  • bike joring - a dog pulls a bicycle;
  • canicross - a dog pulls a running athlete.

Shiba Inu should be trained to be trained from puppyhood. The dog must be calm about the leash, collar and muzzle, and follow a minimum set of commands:

  • the ability to approach the owner on the command “Come to me”;
  • the ability to walk near the owner - the command “Near”;
  • the ability to be in the place indicated by the owner - the “Place” command;
  • the ability to sit down, lie down and stop using the commands “Sit”, “Lie down” and “Stand”;
  • the ability to stop actions on the command “Fu”.

For better results, it is advisable to complete a basic training course (BTC) under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. Training should begin when the dog is two to three months old.

The Shiba Inu is a unique breed of dog, it can become a wonderful friend for you who will give you a good mood every day.
In addition, the popularity of the breed is increasing thanks to the media.

Popular "Doge" Meme Shiba Inus are very charismatic, which is why they have become the subject of popular internet memes such as "Doge", "It's a fiasco, bro!". Dog owners create blogs for them on social networks, constantly posting cute and funny videos and photos with their participation.

The video that gave rise to the famous "It's a fiasco, bro"

In 2004, a Shiba Inu led rescuers to her owners' house, which was damaged by an earthquake. This story of a devoted pet became the basis for the feature film “The Story of Marie and Three Puppies.”

Many people buy a dog just because they want a “meme dog.” This approach to choosing a pet breed is unacceptable. It should be remembered that in addition to the “cute appearance”, a dog is, first of all, a living creature with its own character, needs and characteristics. The Shiba Inu is not a toy.

The Shiba Inu breed (the name Shiba Inu may also occur) is found everywhere in Japan. It is safe to say that this is one of the most popular dog breeds in this country. Looking at Shiba Inu puppies, it is impossible to believe that this breed was once created for hunting. But the fact remains: Shiba Inu dogs successfully hunted deer, wild boars and even bears, not to mention smaller animals.

Shiba Inu - Japanese dog breed

Based on archaeological data, this breed is about 2400 years old. In Japan, Shiba Inu dogs were mainly farmers' helpers and were not as rare or a curiosity as they are today. At the beginning of the twentieth century, social movements sounded an alarm bell because the breed of these amazing dogs began to disappear. Fortunately, Shiba Inu dogs were saved and now they can appear in every home.

The hunting method of these dogs, by the way, was the reason for their small size. The Shiba Inu breed was required to have high speed and endurance in order to overcome numerous forested areas and hills. In these wild conditions, the sight and sense of smell of this breed developed very well. Japanese hunters practically did not train these dogs, so they acquired a certain independence and the ability to make the right decisions in any unclear situation.

By the way, the Shiba Inu breed in Japanese means “small dog of the bush forest,” which confirms the opinion of historians about its purpose at that time.

The Shiba Inu dog has an average height of about 34-40 cm and a weight of about 7-11 kg. Despite its small size, it is well built and has a well-developed muscle corset. The head of the Shiba Inu is similar to the head of a fox. The paws are wide and stable, while the tail, as a rule, has the shape of a ring. The color of these breeds can be very different: brown, white, black, brindle, etc.

Character of the breed

Shiba Inu puppies have an unusual character from birth. With all their intelligence, resourcefulness and with all their love for their owner, they can easily exist without him, which, in fact, is what they often strive to show.

A dog of this variety is smart, but at the same time willful, that is, it will not be an ideal servant and assistant for its owner, since the orders must coincide with its desire too. If Shiba Inu plays a prank, she will make every effort to pity the owner and prevent him from punishing her. The inevitable punishment is quickly forgotten, so you always have to wait for a repetition of the excess.

The Shiba Inu dog sometimes does not like to be petted and may not allow itself to be petted. Collar and leash are not welcome. Shiba Inu puppies must be taught from a very early age to human affection and touch, otherwise this will not be possible at a later age. This breed performs well as a watchdog and protector. She will become your reliable friend on a trip, hike or fishing trip. The Shiba Inu dog is a terrible owner, he loves his things and his place very much. They can be kept both in a private house and in an apartment, but you need to remember that they are extremely curious and playful, so no one can guarantee the safety of your favorite doll. Among other things, Shiba Inu is unpretentious, that is, it does not require constant coat care. Usually three brushings per week are enough, of course, if it is not a seasonal shedding period.

Disadvantages of the breed

Let's also consider the disadvantages of the Shiba Inu Breed. Sometimes there is even a hostile attitude of the dog towards strangers and other dogs. So don't expect an easy and relaxing walk. It's also worth noting that these dogs love their property. What does this mean? If they fall in love with a certain thing in your house or a specific place, they will not let anyone near them. Such issues need to be addressed at a very early age of the Shiba Inu puppy. Sometimes, by the way, dogs of this breed show aggression and belligerence, so constant training and full control over the animal is necessary.

In return, you will receive a very brave four-legged friend, since it is known that in ancient times, Japanese breeders carefully checked Shiba Inu puppies and weeded out cowardly specimens. We repeat that despite its small size, this breed is not decorative and is not suitable for sitting on your lap in front of the fireplace. To summarize all of the above, it is worth noting that the Shiba Inu breed is more suitable for those who already have experience in dog breeding and training.

It is worth noting here that they are generally unpretentious and will not become a headache for the owner. The personal space should be large enough for the pet to feel comfortable. The bedding can be any non-artificial fabric, which can then be washed well and easily.

Place the pet’s “house” at some elevation, where the optimal cool temperature will remain, without humid air or, conversely, a dry climate. Since the Shiba Inu dog loves to sharpen its teeth, you should put several of its favorite things, for example, rubber toys and bones, near its rookery. Shiba Inu, despite their playful disposition, really appreciate orderliness and silence in the house, this also needs to be remembered.

The Shiba Inu breed is prone to diseases

Most of all, dogs of this breed suffer from hereditary diseases. The hip joint may be susceptible to destruction. Sometimes my vision begins to fail. By the way, the Shiba Inu dog lives from 14 to 21 years.

Shiba Inu puppy price

In general, on the Russian market the price for one Shiba Inu puppy (or as it is sometimes called Shiba Inu) varies depending on the locality and pedigree of the pet, so it is extremely difficult to give exact prices. But basically the price for a Shiba Inu puppy ranges from 30,000 rubles to 70,000 rubles. You can purchase this faithful watchman and friend at special breeding centers or livestock clubs in your city. Pay close attention to private advertisements, as cases of deception and forgery are not uncommon.

In this article, we told you about Shiba Inu dogs, and also analyzed the character and dealt with the prices of Shiba Inu. And only you can decide whether you should buy a Shiba Inu puppy or not.

Dimensions:Height male 35–43 cm, female 33–41 cm, male weight 8–11 kg, female 6.8–9 kg
Character:Fearless, vigilant, loyal
Where used:Hunter, guard
Lives:12-15 years

The Shiba Inu is one of the most ancient native varieties of Japanese dogs. Today, many dog ​​breeders confuse them with huskies, although these breeds have significant differences. In this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the description of the standard and character of dogs, learn about the history of the appearance of the breed, as well as the features of its maintenance.

Origin story

Today, there are many unexplored aspects in the history of the origin of the Shiba Inu (or Shiba Inu) dog breed. In general, there is very little information regarding the origin of pets. What is known for certain is that this breed of dog is very ancient. Several years ago, archaeologists discovered the remains of an animal about two and a half thousand years old.

In Japan, the Shiba Inu dog breed was found mainly in the Sanin region, then it was used for hunting small prey. The literal translation of the name Shiba Inu from Japanese means “small dog.” As the results of not so many studies show, the ancestors of the Shiba Inu are the Kishu and Chow Chow dog breeds (the author of the video is Kennel Akulova Gora - Akulova Gora kennel).

Since the Shiba Inu is a native variety, it is initially independent of humans. This breed was commonly found in rural areas of Japan, but their numbers declined sharply in the early 1900s. A few decades later, in 1928, local breeders began to take measures to restore the Shiba Inu breed. A few more years later, in 1934, this dog breed was recognized as a national treasure of the country and received the first official standard.

During the war, the number of Shiba Inu dogs became significantly smaller; currently this breed is considered one of the most popular among Japanese breeders. In appearance, the Shiba Inu is similar to the Akita Inu, but in size the former are almost half the size.

For a long time, Shiba Inus were used for hunting - they were excellent partners of Japanese hunters not only for small game. Shiba Inu packs took part in catching deer, wild boar, and also bears. Since the mid-1930s, breeders have been working to improve the variety. Information regarding the description of characteristics is given below.

Breed characteristics

Let's move on to a description of the standard, features and character of the Japanese Shiba Inu dog breed. Let's start with a description of the standard and appearance.

Appearance and standard

According to the standard, the Shiba Inu is a small animal with a proportionate build. The Shiba Inu has a fairly strong bone structure and well-developed muscles. This variety is also characterized by a strong constitution.

When walking, the pet's movements are quite fast, free and beautiful. As for size, the height of males on average ranges from 38.5 to 41.5 cm, females - from 35.5 to 38.5 cm.

The weight characteristics are as follows:

  • The weight of a male Shiba Sinu ranges from 9 to 14 kg;
  • The weight of a female Shiba Sinu varies around 8-13 kg.

The skull is characterized by a wide skull with pronounced cheekbones. The transition from the head to the muzzle of the Shiba Shin is clearly marked, while the description of the standard implies the presence of a small longitudinal groove. The dog's face is slightly pointed, with a straight back of the nose. It should also be noted that the color of the nose should be black.

The lips fit closely to the jaw, the teeth themselves are very strong. As the standard data show, the eyes of pets of this species are relatively small, triangular in shape, slightly slanted. Eye color should be dark brown, shade allowed.

As for the ears, they are small in size and triangular in shape. The ears are always erect; if they droop, this is regarded as a defect. The ears are firm to the touch; their tips may point slightly forward. The neck is strong and powerful, quite strong and proportional to the skull and body (video author - dkimenidk).

The body itself is characterized by a straight and strong back, as well as a powerful lower back. The tail of representatives of the Shiba Inu breed is set high, strong in appearance, curled into a ball, and if straightened, it will reach the hock joint.

Let's move on to the paws. The Shiba Inu's forelimbs have slightly sloping shoulder blades, which are pressed tightly to the body by the elbows. If you look at them from the front, they will look straight. As for the hind legs, they are characterized by long thighs. The pads on the paws are elastic and durable.

The final aspect of the standard is wool. The Shiba Inu is characterized by a dense, thick, but not long coat. The coat itself is hard to the touch, but the undercoat is very soft and dense. The thick fur on the tail makes it appear large.


Now let's move on to the character of animals. The character of such pets is peculiar. The dog is quite smart and quick-witted, respects and loves its owner, but if necessary, it can let him know that he absolutely does not need him in order to live normally.

As reviews show, a Shiba always understands what a person wants from her, but if his desires do not correspond to the dog’s views, then he will do everything to do it his own way. For example, if you catch your pet being hooligan, he will try to appease you in every possible way. The dog may whine desperately, grunt and squeal, and also croak.

Another character feature is the animal’s rich facial expressions. When a pet does a mischief, he will squirm on his back, tumble and do everything to make the stern expression disappear from the owner’s face. It should also be noted the stubborn nature of dogs of this breed and the difficulties in training.

The character of a Shiba is such that he may not understand why he is being punished. This is confirmed by reviews from owners. More precisely, if the dog is sure that it is right, then it will perceive its punishment as a one-time defeat and after a while it can again do what it received the punishment for. This is the character of the animal.

Conditions for keeping at home


First of all, it should be noted that you cannot bathe animals, or rather, this can only be done in exceptional cases. Caring for the coat is simple - you just need to brush it from time to time. The dog will shed several times a year. If necessary, the animal needs to brush its teeth and ears, and trim its claws several times a month. Also on the paws, between the pads, the hair should be trimmed (video author - KseniyaRessy).