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I dreamed of a baby boy. Interpretation of the dream of a little boy, a boy in Miller's dream book

Children are an integral part of everyday life. Even without having a child of his own, a person sees children on the street, in stores or deals with them at work. Therefore, a dream about a child is not uncommon, and sometimes it is simply a product of the experiences of the previous day, but the features of the dream always carry great significance. Why does a small child dream?

In almost all its manifestations, dreams with small children are a good sign. But let's take a closer look at why a small child dreams. And what does this dream mean for men and women.

Small child - interpretation of sleep in Vanga’s dream book

The meaning of sleep for a girl

  • Nursing a baby or fiddling with a small child - such a dream is very favorable for a young girl. He foretells her the affection of people and the caring attitude of relatives;
  • A dream in which a girl changes the baby’s underwear is a sign that her parents and immediate relatives love her and fulfill all her wishes and whims;
  • A crying baby promises her little pleasant worries in reality; laughing - small sorrows;
  • Walking with the baby on the street - soon the girl will have a short trip or a fun party with friends.
Bathing a small child means getting rid of emotional distress.

The meaning of sleep for a young man

  • If a young man dreams that he is bathing a toddler in a dream, in reality he will experience a significant improvement in his financial situation;
  • Nursing a baby or playing with him - the young man will have a pleasant, unexpected meeting with interesting people;
  • If in a dream a small child smiles - the young man is in for a pleasant time;
  • A dream in which a baby bursts into tears predicts minor annoying disturbances for the young man;
  • Dreaming of walking with a baby means achieving significant results in work or study.

The meaning of sleep for a married woman

  • Seeing a small child in a dream is a good sign for a married woman, predicting the love of her husband and close relatives;
  • A laughing toddler foreshadows her pleasant troubles and promises the arrival of unexpected but dear guests;
  • A crying child - a pleasant break will appear in her daily routine;
  • For a woman with children, the dream in which she is caring for a child has no meaning, since it is a carbon copy. She simply relives in her sleep what is her daily duty.

The meaning of sleep for a man

Seeing a small child in a dream is a good sign for a man, which foreshadows the help of a friend in a difficult life situation.

Small child - interpretation of sleep in Miller’s dream book

  • Seeing a crying child in a dream is a sign that you should be more careful about your health;
  • A laughing, healthy, rosy-cheeked toddler in a dream - to mutual love and strong friendship;
  • A small child walking alone means a desire to lead an isolated lifestyle;
  • Taking care of a small child in a dream - for a woman this is a sign that the person she endlessly trusts can betray her;
  • To see many beautiful, smart children in a dream means prosperity and success await you;
  • Messing around and playing with small children will help you achieve your goals in business and in your personal life.

Small child - interpretation of sleep in Aesop’s dream book

  • Seeing a small child in a dream - this may be a reflection of your internal state of tension and anxiety about an unresolved problem;
  • Seeing a crying child in a dream means your expectations may not be met;
  • If in a dream you are rocking a cradle with a baby, you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve the desired goal;
  • Feeding a small child in a dream - a task that causes a lot of trouble will end with the best outcome for you;
  • Punishing a baby in a dream means you will have to do work that you will not like.

Holding a child in your arms - interpretation of sleep in various dream books

Often a person trying to unravel a dream asks the question - why am I dreaming of a small child whom I am holding in my arms? Indeed, the interpretation of such a dream is slightly different from the general interpretation of dreams with young children.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • If you hold a child in your arms in a dream, a surprise awaits you soon. If the baby is healthy and beautiful, it will be a pleasant surprise. If the little one is unkempt, expect trouble;
  • If the child you are holding is sick - troubles await you soon;
  • If you are rocking a crying child, you will have to work hard to achieve the desired goal;
Holding a stranger’s child in your arms is a sign that you will be responsible for other people’s mistakes.

Big dream book

  • Holding a baby in your arms is a favorable sign, but you need to pay attention to the details of the dream and the general emotions of what you saw. If you feel tenderness for your child, little pleasant chores await you; if you experience hostility, unforeseen difficulties will not keep you waiting.

Universal dream book

  • A dream in which you hold a baby in your arms is interpreted as very positive. An unexpected pleasant surprise awaits you.
Why does a pregnant woman dream of a small child in her arms? – the dream will tell her the gender of the unborn baby. If in a dream she holds a boy in her arms, a son will be born, if a girl, a daughter is worth waiting for.

In general, seeing a baby in a dream is a very good sign, even if it cries loudly. The dreamer will soon experience a miracle, great luck, an incredible coincidence of circumstances that will save the most seemingly hopeless situation. If the dreamer is the parent of a child, then such an event will radically change his life for the better.

  • Seeing a child who has been swaddled tightly by someone is a very abrupt development of the situation, an unexpected turn in life.
  • For a sick person to see a laughing, cute baby - to a speedy recovery and return to normal life. If the child is dirty, thin or unhappy in some way, there may be a short-term deterioration in the condition, aggravation of symptoms, but for a short period of time, after which recovery will follow.

Interpretation of a dream with a little boy

The gender of the child is of great importance in interpreting dreams with young children.

If a girl dreams of a boy

For a girl to nurse a little boy in a dream is a great surprise; perhaps someone is preparing a surprise for you. But it won't necessarily be pleasant. If the baby is sociable, walks, smiles, you will soon have a short trip on which you will meet interesting people.

  • Seeing a male child walking alone is an insult. If at the same time he is far enough away, then you still have not realized your offense, and most likely it is too late.
  • For a girl to lose her child in a dream means a big gain, a successful purchase or a major gift. Finding a child later will be of no use to the surprise, although it will bring a lot of joy.
Having a child unexpectedly means great joy and prosperity in the family.

Seeing a boy in a dream for a guy

Why does a little child dream about a boy? For a young person to be in childhood and play with peers is a desire to feel happiness, to bring back something that was lost. Perhaps the dreamer had a big fight with loved ones and wants to regain their affection.

  • Being surrounded by boys is arrogance and excessive narcissism, which will bring its negative results. You should be more courteous with colleagues and friends.
  • Finding a little boy who has lost his parents is not a very good sign; it promises quick losses or unexpected expenses. If at the same time the child asks for help, a close friend will deceive you, who will be the cause of the waste.
  • Seeing a scared or crying boy means anxiety and stress at work. The dreamer should avoid quarrels with his superiors.

For woman

Seeing your son as a very small child in a dream speaks of imminent pleasant chores that will take a lot of time. Perhaps your favorite guests will come to you and stay for several days. If your son falls ill with something in a dream, the meeting will be easy and relaxed.
  • A crawling baby in a dream means a new pet. If you already have an animal in the house, then soon you will need to take a second one. If you see a stray kitten or puppy on the street, take it without hesitation, it will bring you a lot of joy.
  • For a woman, seeing a happy child accompanied by her parents means longing for childhood and her parents. It's worth visiting them.

For a man

For a married man, seeing a boy unknown to him speaks of an imminent small business trip, which will turn out to be very inopportune. Do not refuse the offer - the trip will bring you new knowledge.

  • Seeing a lot of children playing means a happy and active old age, doing what you love and family mutual assistance.
  • For a man to meet himself in childhood means great confusion and dissatisfaction with his life.
  • If the dreamer does not have children, but they appear in a dream, this means fear of marriage and responsibility. Seeing their mother means feeling guilty before others.

Interpretation for a child

For a teenager, seeing a peer or a small child calling him somewhere means excessive naivety and forgetfulness. Suddenly becoming a parent - the dreamer will still take his head in hand and become diligent in his studies, which will bear fruit.

Why is the little girl dreaming?

For a girl

Why does a little child dream about a girl? For a girl to see a little girl in her dream - to disappointment in herself and her hobbies. Don't despair - this is temporary.

  • A beautiful, healthy girl who is busy with something - dancing, reciting a poem - means hidden acting abilities that the girl is embarrassed to admit. You should take this seriously, otherwise you may miss the moment.
  • A crying, sick or dead girl speaks of the dreamer’s excessive jealousy. A higher sense of ownership interferes with others.

For a guy

  • For a young man, a girl in a dream is a good sign; it promises financial well-being and comfort in the family.
  • However if a girl runs away, it won't do anything good, most likely the dreamer greatly offended someone, which he will later regret.

For woman

  • A girl in a dream is the personification of the woman herself; the younger the girl looks, the more capricious and intolerable the dreamer. If a child cries, it means someone else’s failure and gloating.
  • A girl on a carousel means thoughtless spending.

For a man

Seeing a dream involving a female child means the dreamer’s soft-willed nature, reluctance to make responsible decisions and frivolity.

However, if the girl is the dreamer’s daughter, then such a dream, on the contrary, speaks of the man’s sober mind and prudence.

For a child

A child’s dream about an unfamiliar girl speaks of his loneliness and desire to make friends.

Sometimes we really want to feel as carefree again as we did in childhood. And someone may see children or themselves in a child’s guise in dreams. What will the dream book tell us: a child is a boy in his night dreams - is this a favorable sign?

For most peoples of the world, a boy in a dream means that some good events will happen in the near future: good news will come, cash receipts will increase, and the dreamer’s social position will strengthen. However, a more detailed interpretation will depend on the plot of the dream and the specific details of the vision. Remember exactly how you happened to see a boy in a dream.

  • You might have dreamed about the birth of a child.
  • Was it a newborn or an older child?
  • Do you like the image of the child that was present in your dream?
  • Was the baby alone or were there twins in your dream?
  • Maybe you yourself were a boy in a dream?
  • Or in your vision did you adopt a baby?
  • When exactly, on what day did a boy appear to you in a dream?

Having managed to remember these details, you will be able to more accurately interpret why you are dreaming about the boy and right now. The birth of a child in a dream in the most general sense means upcoming changes. I dreamed of a little boy, a newborn - to good development of business, career and official affairs, financial stability.

If a woman had a dream that she was giving birth to a boy not within the hospital walls, but in her own home, this foreshadows love and mutual understanding in the home and family prosperity. Why do you dream about a boy who was born to another woman? This vision promises good news and meeting useful people.

True, as the Big Dream Book says, a boy whose birth was dreamed of by a woman planning to have children may portend the conception and birth of a male child. To give birth in a dream when a pregnant woman delivers a boy means that in reality you will receive important news from a person with whom you have not had contact for a long time.

Little children - big successes

the male gender is associated with the continuation of the family line and family business. Therefore, even if a newborn is born, this is a favorable sign: you may have to worry about some aspects in your career or business, but success will not pass you by.

A girl who wants to get married dreams of a baby to suggest that in order to get what she wants, she must act carefully, gradually, very cleverly and in no case go ahead. If a person in a creative profession dreams of a baby, this promises the “birth” and embodiment of a new idea.

If in a dream you saw a baby suckling its mother’s breast, then in reality you are acting correctly in organizing your affairs and financial processes. But if a baby is dreamed of by a person who cannot have children (elderly, young or lonely at the moment), this portends that fate will make him responsible for someone else's fate.

Seeing a little boy in your arms in a dream reflects how you will handle things in the near future. Rocking a cute little bottle in your arms means you will have to work hard for the sake of your well-being, but these worries will be within your reach. To see that the baby in your arms is sick - for the successful implementation of your plans you need maximum caution and prudence.

Why do you dream about an older boy? The gypsy dream book writes that if you dream of a boy of a conscious age, then you will have to work hard to achieve material well-being. A boy playing in a dream symbolizes an offer to change jobs. You dream of pugnacious boys - among your friends there may be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”; it is better to be vigilant.

If you like the boy you dreamed about, then in reality problems will bypass you, says the Islamic Dream Book. When an adult woman or man dreams of a boy and a girl, such a vision promises serious troubles around the house. But the results of such work will please you.

A girl sees in a dream a boy she likes - it’s worth remembering what exactly happened in the dream. If in your dreams the boy you like asked you out on a date, perhaps the dream anticipates real events.

If an adult girl dreamed that she became a boy, then perhaps she was already “sick” of conversations that it was time for her to get married. And a man who saw himself as a child in his night dreams, according to the interpretation of the Psychological Dream Book, either needs rest, or simply does not want to grow up.

Male twins dream of doubling (if twins) or even tripling (if triplets) good omens. A business project or creative idea will not only be brilliantly implemented, but in the process you will be able to receive the support of family and friends. If the twins in the dream are unhealthy, there will be noticeable but surmountable obstacles in the implementation of plans.

Adopting a male child - such a dream has two quite different interpretations. Adopting a boy means that you are literally a magnet for good luck and good deeds. According to the second version, adopting a boy means a quick and desired change of place of residence.

The adoptive parent of the child in your dream was someone else - in business it is worth building a strategy based on tough competition. If you see yourself in your night dreams as a child who was adopted by wealthy people, you will have a respectable patron who will provide serious support in your business.

"Weekend" dream

In dreams about children, it is also important when they come to you. The most “talking” visions are considered to be dreams from Monday to Tuesday and from Saturday to Sunday. If a male child had a dream at the beginning of the week, try to remember all the details. A vision on the night from Monday to Tuesday can tell you how your life will develop in the near future. The power of all visions with a plus sign increases at this time. And you need to correctly determine what should be done first, and what things can wait. If the dream was not the most positive, you need to properly distribute your strength to achieve what you want in reality.

Did the vision with the boy come to you on the night from Saturday to Sunday? Mobilize your inner strength, because the development of events - even very good ones - can be rapid, and you need to be prepared for this. What is said in a dream this night can also carry a very important meaning for the sleeper. If after the dream you had over the weekend you are not left with the best impression, do not be upset: perhaps your body is simply telling you that you need to rest.

For many, young children evoke tenderness and only positive emotions. Therefore, dreams in which they appeared most often leave a pleasant impression. To obtain accurate information, it is worth considering what the boy looked like, what he did and other equally important details. In addition, to interpret dreams, it is important to take into account the events that happen to you in real life.

Why does a little boy dream?

A child playing in a dream is a symbol that you can cope with the existing problem without anyone’s help. If you rocked a little boy, it means that in real life you have great patience and can easily implement your plans. If in a dream you had to kiss a little boy, it means that what awaits you ahead in work and family relationships. For a man, a dream in which he saw himself as a little boy foreshadows the coming of a moment in life that will radically change his life. If you dream of a small child, a boy who is crying, it means that you will soon repent of something. This can also be considered a warning that someone around you underestimates you and often believes in rumors. Seeing a child running towards a meeting means you can find your purpose in life.

A dream in which a little boy was held in his arms predicts troubles and various experiences that will be associated with positive events. If you picked up a stranger, a stray child, this is a symbol that you are a self-sufficient person who can defend his point of view. Seeing a little boy die in his arms This means that you should expect the fulfillment of your cherished desire. If in a dream you had to feed a little boy, it means that in the future your financial situation will be stable, and happiness will come to your family. Night dreams in which an unfamiliar boy turns out to be your son predict disappointment in a love relationship, which can lead to distrust of the opposite sex.

For a woman to see a little boy in a dream, it means that in reality she should learn to control her emotions. If a child laughs merrily, this is a symbol of a new romantic relationship. One of the dream books contains information that dreams about a little boy foretell success in work and business. If you dreamed of a little boy, then you may find out something unexpected for you or receive some kind of surprise.

A boy seen in a dream, in accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, can mean completely different events in real life. In general, one thing can be said, this dream speaks of the favor of fate, financial well-being and success.

If in a dream you saw the birth of a boy, then, as the dream book interprets, perhaps you have a unique chance to radically change something in your life and start all over again.

Giving birth to a boy in a dream often means an improvement in life circumstances. Sometimes a dream indicates that you may actually have a baby soon. If a bride has such a dream before the wedding, then she should beware of the slander and envy of her friends.

This is especially noted in Miller’s dream book; a boy dreamed of by a young girl warns that she should take care of her reputation. In addition, a dream can also mean receiving an inheritance, unexpected financial assistance, or simply good news.

If you had to give birth to a boy in a dream or you saw from the outside how a son was born, the dream book warns that complete success and material well-being awaits you.

For both women and men, it is considered a good sign to give birth to a boy in a dream. The dream book promises an excellent perspective, original ideas and grandiose projects. However, this prognosis will be positive only if the child in the dream is beautiful and healthy.

Sometimes it is not entirely clear why men dream about a little boy. The dream book states that the man has met his own self. This is the side of the personality that does not want to become an adult.

A child - a boy - seen in a dream is a sign that portends prosperity and success in life. If there were several children, then this most likely means troublesome and time-consuming work that you will soon have to do.

Women in a dream about giving birth to a boy, in some cases, dream of a future pregnancy. Often such dreams become a signal of conception. But whether the child will be of this particular gender, interpretations of the dream book differ.

Some argue that if a woman dreams of a male baby, then he should be expected. Especially if such a dream visited a young girl who has not yet thought about children. She will definitely have children and at the same time from great true love. Others argue that in reality the opposite will happen.

Why do young men dream of seeing a boy in their dreams? The dream promises a new and very deep feeling that can turn your whole life around. But to find out the time when this will happen, you should remember in more detail the details of the dream, for example, the time of year and check the predictions of the dream book.

Seeing a child, a boy 5-10 years old, very smart and quick-witted, is considered a very good sign. Especially if you were able to ask him a question about your life in a dream. Everything he answered is the absolute truth. But, if his answer turned out to be unclear and incomprehensible, then most likely you are confused in the relationship.

A woman dreams of a newborn boy as a sign of the appearance of a new admirer, especially if only his head is visible. For a man, this dream means unexpected help from a friend. But, if he sees himself in this form, then this may indicate that in the future the man will lead a riotous lifestyle.

If at night you had a dream in which there were a girl and a boy, and you were their parent, then in most cases this means that in reality you have difficult relationships with people who have influence on your life. The dream book says that for childless people, such a dream can symbolize Guardian Angels who brought important news.

Sometimes giving birth to a boy in a dream means unforeseen big troubles. But if a friend gave birth to a child, then the dream books promise good news. If your daughter gave birth to it, her future promises to be prosperous and happy.

You definitely need to know why you dream of a difficult birth; a boy born as a result of it indicates difficulties in business. If in a dream you are present at someone else’s birth, then you will have to take an active part in the affairs of other people.

Why do you dream about a boy you like? According to the dream book, the dream only brings positive changes in life.

Dreams about small children are an auspicious sign. But, in this case, you need to remember all the features of sleep.

For example, if you dream of an infant, then the dream book warns that in real life there is a possibility that a loved one will deceive you.

If a young woman dreams of a baby boy in her arms, then she should be prepared for others to judge her for the dissolute lifestyle she leads.

Prosperity in any endeavor - this is what dreams of breastfeeding a boy mean. Taking a baby for a walk in a dream can mean an imminent romantic trip or a profitable business trip.

A single woman should fear for her good name if she dreams of a baby boy.

A small child boy promises the sleeping person the fulfillment of his deepest desires. According to the interpretation of the dream book, playing with him in a dream means achieving success at work or finding the meaning of life.

In a dream, women may see a child in their arms. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a man in your life, with whom you have to nurse like a baby. Protect and care for him, love and cherish him like a little child.

Sometimes, what you dream about being pregnant with a boy actually does not convey very positive information. So if in a dream you are pregnant and a male baby is about to be born, this may mean that the marriage will not be happy.

Why else do you see a boy in a dream?

Gemini boys are a dream for everyone who will experience prosperity at work and in business in the near future. True, if in a dream they suddenly get sick, then the dream book notes that there may be some difficulties in achieving the goal.

In a dream, giving birth to twin boys - the interpretation of the dream book is still the same, only the profit and prosperity awaiting you will be doubly great.

Giving birth to twin boys in a dream means a stable position in any business, this applies to both business and love. Happiness and trust await in family life. You will gain confidence in the future and will forever forget what worry is.

Twin boys symbolize the balance and serenity of real life. The birth of twins to a man in a dream speaks of his loneliness, sadness, and some kind of alienation. The dream warns of alcohol abuse.

If in a dream you saw the birth of a child, the boy in this case promises the emergence of new plans that you will successfully turn into reality. For pregnant women, the dream book promises a safe and easy birth.

It won’t hurt you to remember your reputation; this is exactly what it means to dream that a boy was born to someone else before the wedding. Perhaps the time has finally come to start restoring it, otherwise you will not see success.

Children, a boy and a girl, are always a symbol of the future. Pregnant women can use this dream to determine the gender of their unborn child. According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a sign of joy. Cheerful children often mean a future pleasant acquaintance or the arrival of guests.

Giving birth to a boy and a girl without complications is a joy. Whereas difficult childbirth signals great difficulties on the path to happiness.

Why do you dream of a beloved boy born after several girls? The dream book says only one thing - great happiness awaits you soon. If in a dream you gave birth to him right at home, then you can forget about the lack of funds.

Many dream books interpret a dream in which a baby boy appeared as a readiness for change. This is a symbol of new duties and responsibilities. Women often have such a dream if they really dream about a child.

Beware that you may be drawn into a dirty business - this is what dreams of two boys fighting mean. An aggressive child who offended your son in a dream - get ready for trouble and the treachery of friends.

If a boy cries in a dream, reconsider your financial investments. Some difficulties may await you. If in a dream you beat a child, then in reality try to restrain your feelings. Sometimes inaction can be better than any action.

In a dream, holding a boy in your arms that someone threw to you means unexpected profit. Holding a sick child means possible problems, betrayal, depression.

For those who will soon become parents - a little boy in their arms to determine the sex of the child. If a woman holds him, a girl will be born, a man - the dream book says, expect a male baby.

Someone else's dead boy in a dream means problems and disappointments in reality. Very often, a baby in a dream symbolizes some business or undertaking. Seeing him dead means in the dream book that your project has no prospects.

Many men wonder why they dream of pregnancy and the birth of a boy. This dream can mean a transition to a new stage in life and is an omen of major changes. Having given birth to a child in a dream, the dream book gives hope that a brilliant idea will soon come to you.

A newborn baby boy seen at night is a new business or idea related to money. Such a dream is always favorable, but only on condition that the child is healthy and clean. Otherwise, the dream book recommends preparing for sorrows and difficulties.

If there is a small child in the house, then the dream of a boy peeing means nothing. It is only daytime worries that are transferred into night dreams. If you don’t have a child, this may mean that undertakings will bring too much trouble and will take up energy and time.

If a young girl dreams of a boy she likes, it means that she thinks a lot about him. If he gives flowers, the dream book predicts that you will soon be invited to a date.

To see a dream in which there is a handsome boy is a sign of a new romantic acquaintance for young women. A very beautiful child with a smart facial expression in a dream is a sign of rapid prosperity and the acquisition of material and spiritual values.


  • I dreamed that I came home from another country, and my ex-boyfriend returned my son to me (I don’t have children), he’s so kind, his name is Sasha, I love him very much, and he’s ready to do anything just to be with me. And so he and I are leaving for the city, to where I was happy, to the house where I spent the best year of my life...

Dream Interpretation Child, baby, boy If this is an infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy reaching maturity is good news. Seeing a healthy baby in a dream means happiness and relief from problems. Seeing a sick baby means trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries. If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will be able to deeply repent of your sins. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Boy If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives. A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite. Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage. A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action. To see a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Boy Boy (known or unknown): the individual himself, when he was a boy, a given period of his life or part of his personality. The archetype of the developing Self with immaturity, but the potential for further development. Development of the Animus archetype (bad or hyperactive boy). Psychoanalytic dream book

Sleep Boy Boy. If you dreamed of a little boy, then a surprise or unexpected news awaits you. For a pregnant woman, such a dream indicates that she will have a rapid birth. If in a dream you played with a boy, then a bright period begins in your life, very fruitful in spiritual terms and stable in material terms. Creative people who see such a dream will experience a surge of inspiration. If you dreamed of a crying boy, then you will have to show care and attention towards your family, and especially towards your loved one. If you dreamed of an unfamiliar boy, but in the dream you perceive him as your son, then you will be disappointed in love and distrustful of members of the opposite sex. Big dream book

Dreaming Boy Gypsies say that seeing a little boy in a dream is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life. If the boy is older and entering adolescence: this is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards. Gypsy dream book

Interpretation of a dream Boy Boy: joy, fun for a woman: money and more property to see boys fighting: friends will get you involved in a dirty business student: happy plans Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Boy BOY - fussing, boredom; the undeveloped infantile part of a man’s personality in the form of weakness, doubt, and lack of self-confidence. In women's dreams - additionally: feelings for their son, fears, worries and anxieties about him. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Boy For men: The dream is very favorable, it promises the fulfillment of your desires. Playing with a boy in a dream means finding meaning in life and achieving success in work. If you see yourself as a little boy, the dream foretells peace in the family.