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Problems with facial skin, how to solve them. Dermatologists explained why skin should be treated with emotions, not creams Problematic skin causes and treatment

Cosmetologists, as a rule, call oily skin prone to pimples and acne problematic. In patients suffering from acne, the formation of sebum significantly increases and its composition changes (the concentration of linoleic acid decreases). This leads to hyperkeratosis, and subsequently to clogging of pores and the appearance of closed and open comedones, or blackheads.

All of the above changes the skin texture not for the better, and also creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria and the formation of inflammatory elements.

So, the main characteristics of problem skin:

    enlarged pores;

    greasy shine;

    black dots;

  • acne scars.

The main skin problems are blackheads, oily shine, pimples, enlarged pores © iStock

Causes of problems

The number of sebaceous glands in the body of each person is determined genetically. But the intensity of the work of these glands can change throughout life. Skin problems can accompany you not only during adolescence, but also appear in your 30s and 40s.

What can cause them:

    hormonal imbalance;

    genetic predisposition;

    improperly selected care;

    insufficient skin cleansing;

    poor nutrition;

    environmental pollution;

What kind of skin may be problematic?


    It is distinguished by oily shine and enlarged pores in the T-zone.

    Characteristics: oily shine and enlarged pores all over the face.

  • Dehydrated problem

    It shows an oily sheen, enlarged pores, and comedones. Inflammatory rashes - all over the face or in certain areas. Plus redness, peeling, burning, a feeling of tightness that occurs during drug treatment and aggressive care.

The most important step in caring for problem skin is cleansing © iStock

How to care for problem skin

Perhaps the most important step in caring for oily skin is cleansing. Morning and evening, with special means.

One of the main problems for owners of oily acne-prone skin is disruption of the surface hydrolipid layer. As a result of aggressive care or treatment, the skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to avoid soaps and alcohol-containing cosmetics and choose products with a pH of 5.0–5.5 (that is, corresponding to the normal pH of the skin).

Products for problem skin should contain acids and components with anti-inflammatory and mattifying effects.


Trying to get rid of oily sheen, owners of problem skin cleanse their skin “to the point of squeaking” using aggressive products and thereby achieve the opposite effect - they disrupt the hydrolipid layer, causing new inflammation and dryness.

Choose mild products, such as those containing zinc. It regulates sebum production. The composition must also contain restorative components.

Invest in foams and tonics. Be careful with scrubs. If you have an acute phase of acne, it is better to avoid mechanical exfoliants; they can increase the inflammatory process. If acne is already behind you, use the scrub twice a week. Choose one that contains antibacterial and sebum-regulating components.

If you have enlarged pores, try using a Clarisonic cleanser. A brush attachment will suit you for washing and deep cleansing the pores on your face. Its bristles have different lengths and are located so as to most effectively remove oil and dirt that clog pores.

Scrubs are not always suitable for problem skin, but it really loves masks with clay © iStock


This important step in caring for oily skin is often ignored, mistakenly thinking that moisturizing will cause shine. Contrary to myths, oily skin can and should be moisturized to restore its hydrolipid mantle. Choose light textures - fluids and mousses.

Don't forget about the need to protect your already vulnerable skin from ultraviolet radiation. Both regular day cream and foundation should contain SPF.

Preventing skin problems

    Wash your face lukewarm water. Hot water dries out the skin and stimulates sebum production.

    Thoroughly take off your makeup every night. If you use oil or milk, wash off the products with water.

    For morning wash choose a soft gel with fruit acids, then apply toner and moisturizer.

    Exfoliants such as scrubs and peels should not contain too large abrasive particles, otherwise there is a risk of causing microdamage to the skin, which can then turn into inflammation.

    Before applying the cream refresh your skin with toner, it will visually narrow the pores. Tonic formulas often have a cumulative effect - after a month of regular use, you will definitely notice that your skin has become more even.

    During the day use matting wipes. As soon as you notice shine, blot your T-zone and chin.

    Foundations should be light and contain soothing and caring components.

Cosmetology procedures

Below is a list of the most effective methods used by cosmetologists to alleviate problem skin.

In addition to cosmetic care for problem skin, there are cosmetic procedures © iStock

Chemical peeling

It is usually used to smooth out skin microrelief (including post-acne correction). As a means of combating acne and post-acne, aqueous solutions or gels based on various acids are used:









Today this is one of the most effective methods. A safe method of regenerative medicine is based on the principles of autohemostimulation. Its essence is to isolate plasma from the patient’s blood and administer it by injection.

Platelet-rich plasma has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect.

Ozone therapy

An effective anti-inflammatory technique for acne. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in a course of 10–15 sessions. The result is a significant reduction in inflammation, lightening of post-inflammatory spots and prevention of new rashes.

The health of our skin directly depends on the general condition of the body. But one of the main causes of skin diseases is disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and especially the intestines. Let's figure out what problems with facial skin may arise due to the intestines.

How intestinal problems affect the skin

When intestinal function is disrupted, its contents, which must be removed from the body, begin to penetrate into the blood in small doses. This leads to autointoxication (poisoning with poisons). The body tries to cleanse the blood of toxins by releasing them through excretory systems, the most accessible of which is the skin. This is how problems with the skin of the face arise due to the intestines.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the following changes occur on the skin of the face:

  • dullness of the skin, increased fat content;
  • expansion of pores, which leads to the appearance of “blackheads”;
  • the spread of infection in the body causes pimples and acne;
  • red spots appear;
  • the skin becomes very dry;
  • Scars appear in place of acne.

Thus, we see that intestinal problems directly affect the condition of the skin. A lack of beneficial bacteria leads to disruption of the protective functions of the epidermis and causes the development of various infections and inflammations.

Dysbacteriosis and skin

Dysbacteriosis - an imbalance of intestinal microflora - is the most common cause of facial skin problems.

Our intestines are populated by many microbacteria. Among them there are beneficial (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria, bacteroides), harmful (staphylococci, streptococci) and “neutral”. With dysbacteriosis, the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, and harmful ones, on the contrary, increase. This leads to digestive upset, disruption of the absorption of beneficial vitamins and microelements, as well as fats.

It is worth noting that dysbiosis is rarely an independent disease. It often accompanies diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, and intestinal infections. In addition, quite often dysbiosis occurs as a result of taking antibiotics or changing the usual diet.

The main symptoms of dysbiosis:

Treatment of dysbiosis begins with restoration of normal intestinal microflora. For this purpose, prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics are prescribed:

  1. Prebiotics– these are substances that stimulate the proliferation of beneficial microbacteria in the intestines and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. Popular drugs: “Hilak Forte”, “Duphalak”, “Lactulose”, “Fervital”.
  2. Probiotics- these are “live bacteria” that inhabit the human body and are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. Popular drugs: “Bifiform”, “Linex”.
  3. Synbiotics– combination preparations that contain prebiotics and probiotics. Popular drugs: “Maxilak”, “Lactiale”, “Bifiliz”, “Bifidobak”.

Healthy foods for the intestines

If you have rashes on your face, you need to stop drinking alcohol, fatty, salty and sweet foods and enrich your diet with foods that are good for your intestines.

Here is a list of the most useful products that will help restore intestinal microflora and, therefore, improve skin condition:

  1. very rich in nutrients for the intestines. It contains large amounts of fiber, which normalizes cholesterol levels and promotes digestion. Bread made from rye flour is considered the healthiest. It lowers blood sugar levels and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Bran and grains. They contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which cleanse the body, reduce bloating, improve peristalsis and intestinal motility. Oatmeal is an ideal breakfast option for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. – a source of useful vitamins and minerals for our body. It contains large quantities of ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin and other elements. In addition, pumpkin contains a lot of fiber.
  4. Legumes. Lentils are a unique source of iron and zinc. In addition, it contains fiber. Lentils help remove toxins from the body and improve digestion. Other legumes with a high fiber content are also considered beneficial for the intestines: black beans, kidney beans.
  5. known for its cleansing properties. Carotene in carrots restores the intestinal mucosa and improves its functioning.
  6. Broccoli– a source of fiber and vitamins. Broccoli is not only beneficial for the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but is also a natural antioxidant, because it helps remove toxins and cleanse the body.
  7. Sea kale contains a large amount of iodine and iron, which remove harmful toxins and promote digestion
  8. . This product contains useful phytoncides. These substances destroy pathogenic bacteria in the intestines and stomach.
  9. Jerusalem artichoke Helps quickly cope with dysbacteriosis, normalizes microflora.
  10. Apricots And plums have a laxative effect and help remove waste and toxins from the body.
  11. – a source of useful vitamins (B1, B2, PP) and organic acids. Excellent helps in the fight against constipation.
  12. Green vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which removes excess cholesterol, bile acids and toxins, as well as beta-carotenes and iron.
  13. Flax seeds contain soluble and insoluble fiber. Used to lower blood cholesterol levels and as a natural laxative.
  14. (almonds, pistachios and others) contain a large amount of nutrients and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you still have questions about nutrition for severe rashes on the skin of the face, watch the video:



Remember: we are what we eat. Everything that enters our body affects the beauty and health of our facial skin. And if the intestines stop functioning normally, this will certainly affect the condition of the skin. Watch your diet, be healthy and beautiful!

  • Open comedones are the simplest and to treat them it is enough to improve facial care and carry out cleansing procedures.
  • Closed comedones are dissolved using special creams.
  • Acne is an infected comedone that requires special treatment. Let's look further into what.

Causes of problem skin

Problematic skin reflects the internal state of the body and can tell about all its disorders. One of the first such reasons is hormonal changes. This is especially noticeable during the period of increased production of male hormones by the body during the transition period in adolescents. Due to hormonal changes in boys and girls, increased secretion of sebum occurs in the exocrine gland. As a result of this, acne appears. Such acne is temporary and often does not require any treatment. But if during this period you do not take care of problem skin or squeeze out pimples ineptly, then you may be left with scars and blemishes on your face for the rest of your life.

Often, skin problems are caused by changes in metabolic processes. Acne appears on the faces of women who often go on diets, and age does not matter here. In such cases, not only proper care for problem skin is important, but also diet. Add foods with vitamin A to your daily diet. Details about proper nutrition for acne are written in the article:.

Diseases of the internal organs are often the cause of problem skin. Acne appears due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, poisoning, etc., in such cases, the pimple is treated after consulting a doctor.

Treatment and prevention

How to deal with problem skin? First of all, visit specialists. After determining the cause of your acne, treat it with medication if your doctor deems it necessary. After eliminating the disease, begin cleansing your face. You can handle prevention and cleansing yourself.

Creams, lotions and various washing gels are no less effective against acne. Before purchasing such drugs, it is a good idea to understand what type of acne the formations on problem skin are. If there are regular comedones on your face, then choose a cream that dissolves them, such products include.

It’s easy to get rid of blackheads on your face - be more attentive to your daily facial care. There are various washes on sale for problem skin that help against closed comedones.

The cleanser is easy to prepare at home; it removes impurities from the surface of the face and acts as a scrub.

  • Ground peas
  • Oat flour
  • Baby formula

Take one tablespoon of each ingredient and mix. Apply the soap to your face, rubbing into areas where blackheads accumulate. Upon completion of the procedure, wash with water.
Blackheads will help deal with open comedones. The website presents an effective mask for teenage acne.

Infected comedones begin to go away on their own after treatment of the body's problems. Doctors for such formations prescribe not only internal medications, but also external ones. Complex treatment is often prescribed. Only a specialist can select the correct treatment regimen. Purchased products, in the case of purulent acne, must contain an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory ingredients. These include, it contains the antibiotic erythromycin, zinc. Helps with purulent acne. Also at the end of the article you will find several masks for problem skin with these herbs. This will help you quickly get rid of a purulent pimple on your face.

Home Remedies

done with aloe 2 times a week, recommended for problem skin, eliminates acne, reduces oily shine and has antibacterial properties. Grind the aloe leaf, pour half a liter of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 25 minutes. Cool, strain and add four tablespoons of honey. Soak a cotton pad in honey and wipe your face, wash after 10 minutes.

An aloe mask with radish helps with skin problems such as acne, spider veins, pigment, and eliminates oily shine. It is recommended to use the composition twice a week. Grate the radish on a fine grater. Boil half a glass of water in a saucepan, add a tablespoon of sage herb, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Squeeze the juice from the aloe leaf. Combine one tablespoon of sage infusion, radish and aloe juice, mix everything. Wipe your face with the resulting mixture, rinse everything off after 10 - 15 minutes.

An aloe mask with calendula has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and is great for problem skin. Add 1 tablespoon of dry calendula herb to boiling water (2 cups). Close the lid tightly and leave for an hour. Mix 1:1 aloe juice and calendula tincture. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and wipe your face, rinse everything off after 10 minutes.

Everyone dreams of perfect skin. However, very often our skin is faced with a number of factors that have an adverse effect on it. As a result, the skin becomes problematic. Today we will find out what care is needed for problematic skin and whether it is possible to get rid of it altogether. Every woman has encountered problems with her skin. These could be rashes, acne, scars, eczema and other skin manifestations. As you know, there are 4 skin types: normal, oily, dry and combination. Problematic skin is not on this list, however, it is no less common among both women and men. Let's figure out what problematic facial skin is and how to treat it?

How to determine if you have a problem skin type?

Many people attribute problems to skin such as slight flaking, sebaceous discharge, a feeling of tightness and even wrinkles. Yes, these factors can be the source of problematic skin, but it is worth understanding more serious manifestations.

What skin type is considered problematic? Absolutely any type of epidermis can become problematic - both dry and oily. This type is the surface of the skin on which there are imperfections such as:

    Inflammatory rashes - these can be pimples, acne or blackheads.

    Cuperosis - implies the appearance of a pronounced vascular network and stars

    Active pigmentation – the appearance of pigment spots in volume (more than 50% of the surface of the facial skin).

    Increased greasiness of the skin - the appearance of oily sheen in large volumes.

    Excessive dryness of the skin - the appearance of a large number of peelings and even open wounds.

    Redness and allergic manifestations.

    Eczema and dermatosis.

    Unhealthy complexion – excessively yellow, dull or pale skin tone.

    Early age-related manifestations - manifested in the form of aging skin and deep wrinkles.

    Fungus - for example, diseases such as lichen or favus.

Can skin type change over the years?

Girls often ask the question: “Is it possible to get rid of problem skin?” Yes, you can rid your skin of problems! Most often, the problematic type becomes oily or combination. To do this, it is necessary to determine the source of the problem, why new imperfections form on the skin, and begin actively working on them. Identifying the cause guarantees 95% success in the fight for healthy skin without a single flaw.

Causes of problem skin

You've probably already noticed that some girls have perfect skin without any imperfections, while others have regular rashes, dull skin tone and active pigmentation. Why does it happen that some people have perfect skin, while others have problem skin?

The main causes of problem skin are factors such as:

Hormonal imbalance - this occurs due to a surge or, conversely, a lack of hormones. Most often, such failures are observed during adolescence, as well as during pregnancy. Typically, girls with thyroid dysfunction and those taking special medications have problem skin.

Stress is the culprit of all body ailments. Stress is the first thing that affects our skin. A failure of the nervous system instantly sends a signal to the skin of the face, thereby causing many imperfections, including in the form of rashes. This problem is faced by those who are regularly depressed, in a state of irritation and nervous breakdown.

Temperature violation. Hypothermia or overheating can cause problem skin. For example, when hypothermia occurs, the skin most often faces a problem such as rosacea or inflammatory processes. But if you overheat and abuse the UV rays of the sun, you can get premature aging of the skin. Also, excess ultraviolet radiation affects dryness and flaking of the skin.

Medicines are also common medicines. Unfortunately, many drugs have side effects that affect the skin of our face. These medications include antibiotics, birth control, hormonal medications, and even aspirin.

Bad habits are one of the reasons that you manage yourself. Since childhood, we have been told about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco products. And this is not without reason. Nicotine and alcohol cause acne, pimples and significantly worsen skin tone and generally destroy the entire body from the inside.

Improper skin care. Incorrectly selected skincare products can play a cruel joke on the condition of the epidermis. Many women completely ignore the skin care process, replacing it with regular washing. Rashes can appear due to poorly cleansed skin, for example, if you do not wash off your makeup at night. And also due to the use of low-quality cosmetic products that violate storage rules and have expired.

Poor nutrition. One of the most common causes of problem skin. Improper diet, lack of vitamins and microelements, abuse of fatty, salty and spicy foods - all this affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Impaired stomach function can cause not only skin problems, but also a disease such as obesity.

Proper nutrition

If you have problem skin, be sure to include in your diet:

    Clean water. Be sure to drink enough fluids, ideally up to 2 liters per day. Avoid dehydration!

    Olive oil. It contains a large amount of vitamin E, which is responsible for youthful skin. It also contains vitamin A, which is responsible for elasticity, tone and hydration.

    Natural green tea. Catechin contained in tea has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps fight skin rashes.

    Nuts. Nuts are good for the whole body, as they are a source of selenium, which has a huge impact on the health of epidermal cells. It is selenium that protects the skin from acne. In addition, nuts contain a large amount of Omega-3, which is responsible for the velvety, smoothness and tenderness of the skin.

    Fish and meat. Essential sources of protein in the fight for perfect skin. Due to the large amount of protein in their composition, it is fish and meat that normalize the functioning of the body, protecting it from many diseases.

Care products for problem skin types

Basic care for problem skin consists of three stages:



    Moisturizing or nourishing the skin.

Those with oily, problem skin should pay close attention to the cleansing stage. Washing is necessary for this type; it cannot be replaced by using micellar water alone. Here it is better to use a gel for problem skin containing antibacterial additives. It will not only effectively clean the surface of dirt, but also reduce inflammation. Like any cleanser, this gel is applied to damp skin, distributed over it with massage movements and removed with cool water.

Girls with problem skin should pay attention to such a product as. It promotes extra-deep cleansing, simultaneously performing not only the role of a cleansing gel, but also a scrub. Has an antibacterial effect and soothes the skin.

The second stage of cleansing is skin toning. It is necessary in order to improve blood microcirculation, as well as for oxygen access to skin cells. Using tonic will provide your skin with smoothness, elasticity and freshness. After each wash, we wash away not only impurities, but also the protective layer that covers the surface of the skin. The toner restores the hydrolipid film, thereby maintaining the protective layer. For girls with problem skin, it is best to choose tonics and lotions containing salicylic acid. It is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against acne and pimples. Do not use oil-based formulations.

The tonic must be applied to previously cleansed skin. It is important to remember that toning lotion is not a makeup remover!

Pay attention to such a tool as. It contains iris extract, rice protein, lavender oil. Contains no parabens or silicones. The tonic effectively cleanses the skin and has a calming effect.

The third stage is moisturizing and nourishing the skin. For daytime and evening care, you need to choose creams aimed at solving different problems. Day cream is always aimed at protecting the skin from natural factors, including aggressive external influences and UV rays. Day cream moisturizes the skin, removes the feeling of tightness, itching, gives the face radiance and a healthy appearance. The night cream is designed specifically to restore cells after the stress that the skin has experienced throughout the day. This cream has a denser texture and perfectly nourishes the skin at night, restoring it.

For problem skin, you should choose creams that have an antibacterial effect.

Owners of such skin should pay attention to. It effectively relieves inflammation, dries them out and eliminates acne. Due to its composition, the active components of which are squalane and phospholipids, the cream restores the lipid layer, penetrating deep into the skin. The product reliably fights factors that affect the formation of acne and other problems.

We looked at three stages of daily care for problem skin. But it is important to remember that there is an additional stage in the fight against imperfections. It includes special cleansing masks aimed at combating epidermal problems.

The cleansing mask performs the following functions:

    cleansing and narrowing pores;

    normalization of the sebaceous glands;

    matting of the skin;

    reduction of all inflammatory processes on the epidermis;

    giving the skin an even tone and structure.

Apply the cleansing mask to clean facial skin and leave for 15-20 minutes. You can remove it with warm or cool water. For problem skin, it is recommended to use the mask no more than 2-3 times a week. After use, be sure to use a toner to soothe the skin, as well as a moisturizer or nourishing cream.

We advise you to pay attention to. Due to the fact that it contains green clay, the mask contains a large number of microelements. It effectively copes with the problem of rashes, dries out pimples, fights acne and cleanses pores. A big advantage for problem skin is its mattifying effect.

Problem skin is not a diagnosis! Proper nutrition, hygiene and proper care will lead you to the ideal state of the epidermis. Take care of your health and beauty, take care of yourself, both inside and out. And then your skin will thank you with beauty and youth for many years to come!

Almost every person has at least once encountered the problem of a red, inflamed rash appearing on their face. This trouble especially often happens to teenagers during puberty. Adults reassure them, saying that problems with facial skin are just a temporary phenomenon, and that in a couple of years everything will pass, and the skin will become smooth and clean again. However, over the years, not everyone’s facial skin problems go away. For some, inflammation goes away without a trace, while others, having suffered with rashes throughout their youth, then suffer for the rest of their lives with acne scars.

Acne, or acne, occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged. The sebaceous glands secrete sebum, but since the pores are closed, “plugs” of dirt and oil gradually form in them. This, in turn, leads to the proliferation of bacteria in the sebaceous glands, and subsequently to the appearance of pimples and blackheads. How to get rid of acne at home .

Clogged pores are not the only cause of acne. This disease can be caused by problems of the gastrointestinal tract, a weakening of the endocrine system, an infection that has entered the body, and even a lack of vitamins and microelements in the spring season. It is very important that you eat right.

Causes of facial skin problems.

If pimples or acne always appear on the same areas of the face, then you should know that this may indicate problems with certain organs. For example, rashes on the forehead indicate that something is wrong with the stomach. I had to deal with this problem when I was a teenager. Having then undergone a series of tests, and having spent a fair amount of time visiting specialists, I was diagnosed with gastroduodenitis. Which, in fact, provoked the appearance of acne on my face.

Acne on the chin is a sign of hormonal imbalance or infection of the genitourinary system.

The systematic appearance of a rash on the cheeks is a consequence of problems with the intestines. Rashes on the temples mean a malfunction of the liver or gall bladder.

If the rash constantly, over a long period of time, appears in the same area, then the relevant organs need to be examined. You may have opisthorchiasis or giardiasis. Be sure to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist and have duodenal intubation done.

And of course, in case of severe and extensive inflammation on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist.

As a rule, the doctor must prescribe medication, but in any case, if you have problems with your facial skin, you should take proper care of your skin. Treatments include cleansing, exfoliation and disinfection. The skin must be thoroughly cleaned of accumulations of fat and dirt. It is a fairly common belief that people with facial skin problems should wash their faces with hot water and antibacterial soap. In fact, hot water will only strengthen the work of the sebaceous glands, so it is strictly forbidden to use it. Aggressive cleansers are also not suitable, as they cause irritation and excessive dryness of the skin. You need to wash your face with mild baby soap or cosmetic foam. After washing, you need to treat your face with a special tonic for problematic facial skin - it will help eliminate bacteria, inflammation, and dry out the skin a little. It also doesn't hurt to use an antibacterial cream or gel.

Supportive treatments for problematic facial skin

Exfoliating treatments should be done a couple of times a week. For exfoliation, special products are used - peelings. They can be chemical or mechanical, that is, scrubs. Chemical peeling helps remove dead cells using the acids it contains (fruit acids, alpha hydroxy acids, etc.). Both chemical and mechanical peeling are beneficial for problematic skin, since the removal of dead skin particles helps the pores open, allowing sebum to be removed from the body much better.

When I was young, I wouldn’t say that there was a huge assortment of cleansers for problematic facial skin on store shelves. I have tried many products from the available range, but I cannot say that they have helped me ideally. My only remedies were homemade scrubs that I made myself.

First scrub. I took 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and ground it in a coffee grinder. Then cream or milk was added to the resulting flour until a paste formed. Stir the mixture and apply it to your damp face. I massaged my face with soft and massaging movements of my fingers and washed it off with warm water. To be honest, the result was amazing. All redness and irritation disappeared, and the skin was well moisturized.

Second. In addition to this scrub, I also had my most favorite, effective and completely easy to prepare white cabbage scrub. Grind 1 leaf of white cabbage into a pulp and add crushed flax seeds to it. Then you should wait about 15 minutes for the mixture to swell a little and give juice. Then apply everything to your face and gently massage your facial skin for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat your face dry with a soft towel. I would like to note that cabbage leaves are excellent at drawing out pustular abscesses, which is why it is so effective for inflamed acne.

Third. Another no less effective and useful scrub for problematic facial skin is a scrub made from natural strawberries. Mash 3-4 fresh strawberries into a paste and add 1 tbsp to it. rice flour. Mix and apply to damp face. Massage your face for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm water. Strawberries are a powerful natural antiseptic and help in healing small wounds in the pores of the face.

Pores can also expand under the influence of steam, so it is useful to arrange steam baths for the face about 1-4 times a month. For very oily skin, the procedure should last at least twenty minutes. You can add honey to a container of boiling water - it will have an additional healing effect. After this procedure, you need to wash your face with your usual cleanser and wipe with ice. Do not press the ice cube too hard on your skin. Immediately after the steam bath, wipe the most problematic areas (usually the T-zone) with a mixture of salt and soda. To avoid redness of the skin, after all these steps you can apply a mask of acidic products, for example, kefir or sour milk. How to get rid of blackheads .

Masks and compresses for problematic facial skin.

Clay-based mask cleanses problem skin well and does not clog pores. Take 2 tbsp. blue clay and add 3-4 tsp to it. fresh lemon juice. Mix the mixture and apply an even and dense layer to a cleansed face. Leave the mask for 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. It is useful to do this mask 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months. Then you alternate with another mask, and after 2-3 months you return to the clay mask.

A mask of fresh strawberries and sour cream will perfectly cleanse, disinfect and moisturize problematic facial skin. For it you need to take 3-4 medium-sized fresh strawberries, mash them into a paste, add 2 tbsp. sour cream or cream. Mix the mixture and apply to the face. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

An anti-inflammatory mask for problem skin can be prepared from dandelions. Take fresh dandelion leaves, wash them and finely chop them. Add 1 raw egg white to them, mix and apply to the face. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes, and then remove it with a swab dipped in sour milk or kefir. Then rinse your face with warm water.

For pustular and inflammatory abscesses on the face, a compress of chamomile decoction helps. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. And it should be prepared like this: 2 tbsp. Brew dried chamomile flowers in 1.5 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. Before use, strain the infusion and warm it up a little. Dip a small towel or cloth napkin into the broth, squeeze it lightly and apply it to your face. Keep the compress for 15-20 minutes, periodically dip it again into the broth and wring out the fabric. After the procedure, the skin of the face should be rinsed with cool water. It is useful to do this compress at night, but then you should not rinse your face with water.

What diet should you follow if you have problem skin?

The condition of the skin directly depends on the diet. If you are bothered by periodic rashes, then you shouldn’t indulge yourself in chocolate or citrus fruits. Smoked and pickled foods should also be excluded. Of course, no one is saying that you should forget about smoked fish or chocolates forever. You can eat something like this sometimes, but systematically eating forbidden foods leads to skin problems. In addition, it would be a good idea to limit your consumption of milk, cocoa and coffee, as well as sugar.

Makeup secrets for problem skin.

Pimples and blackheads go away not immediately after starting treatment. For women who have already started taking medications, following a diet and carrying out skin care procedures, but have not yet gotten rid of reddish spots on their face, decorative cosmetics will help.

It is worth noting that decorative cosmetics can only be used that are suitable for oily skin. It usually contains much less fatty components, but its composition often includes antibacterial additives.

After washing and cleansing, apply day cream or mousse for oily problem skin to your skin. Treat all areas of inflammation with a masking pencil. You can purchase a pencil with an additional therapeutic effect - many cosmetics manufacturers produce such camouflage pencils and foundation creams. After you have covered all problem areas, you need to apply foundation. It is not necessary to use powder, but if you still need to, it is best to use loose antiseptic powder for oily skin instead of compact powder. Remember the main thing: you should not leave makeup on for too long, because this leads to even more clogged pores.

Girls with problem skin should not wear too bright make-up. You should not use lilac, bluish and violet tones in makeup, as they will only emphasize inflammation. The color palette should be warm and neutral. It is better not to use blush at all, especially if the rash appears on the cheeks.

The right makeup will help hide acne, but will not get rid of the problem. Remember that acne is a disease and it can and should be treated.
Be healthy and beautiful!

Don’t be lazy and leave all the necessary facial care procedures for “later”. By devoting 15-20 minutes a day to your face every day, you will be able to achieve the desired results. But every time you look in the mirror, you will not be upset, but, on the contrary, smile at your reflection. Many will agree with me that problem skin does not bring beauty to our face, but if you correctly understand the features of caring for it, it will only make you happy.

Remember, perfection exists in our lives and your skin is no exception!

Evgenia Tsvetkova