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1.1 Types of rehabilitation

2.3 Judicial practice in the social rehabilitation of disabled people


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Disabled people are a special category of the population, the number of which is constantly increasing. The world community considers the social protection of disabled people as a problem of paramount importance.

Disabled people belong to the most socially unprotected category of the population. They do not have the opportunity to get an education, they cannot be engaged in labor activity. Their income is well below average, and their health and social care needs are much higher. Most of them have no family and do not want to participate in public life.

Therefore, the state, while ensuring the social protection of disabled people, is called upon to create the necessary conditions for them to achieve the same standard of living as their fellow citizens, including in the field of income, education, employment, and participation in public life. The system of multidisciplinary complex rehabilitation as an independent field of scientific and practical activity is called upon to help restore the ability of disabled people to social functioning, an independent way of life. Changing the public attitude towards the problem of disability and the disabled, the development of a system of comprehensive social rehabilitation is one of the main and responsible tasks of modern state policy.

In our country, work on the development of individual rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities is just beginning to gain momentum, various models of rehabilitation institutions are being created, innovative technologies of social work with this category of the population are being introduced, and the rehabilitation industry is developing.

Restoring the ability of disabled people to social functioning, to create an independent lifestyle, social workers and social rehabilitators help them determine their social roles, social ties in society that contribute to their full development.

Currently, the rehabilitation process is the subject of research by specialists in many branches of scientific knowledge. Psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, educators, social psychologists, etc. reveal various aspects of this process, explore the mechanisms, stages, stages and factors of rehabilitation.

According to the UN, there are currently approximately 450 million people in the world with mental and physical disabilities. This is 1/10 of the inhabitants of our planet.

Also at present, data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the number of inhabitants in the world reaches 13%.

Disabled citizens in every country are the subject of concern of the state, which puts social policy at the forefront of its activities. The main concern of the state in relation to the elderly and the disabled is their material support (pensions, allowances, benefits, etc.). However, disabled citizens need not only material support. An important role is played by the provision of effective, physical, psychological, organizational and other assistance to them. disabled rehabilitation law

Relevance of the work: disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and opportunities, forms a social and economic policy for people with disabilities. Of course, the scale of disability depends on many factors, such as: the state of health of the nation, the development of the healthcare system, socio-economic development. In Russia, all of these factors have a pronounced negative trend, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society.

The purpose of this work: to consider the essence of the rehabilitation of the disabled.

The tasks include: Consider the concept and essence of the rehabilitation of disabled people; to study the types of rehabilitation and their significance; analyze the medical, professional and social rehabilitation of disabled people.

The object of the course work is "people with disabilities - people with disabilities..

The subject of the course work is the features of the organization and functioning of social protection in the Russian Federation and the legal protection of persons with disabilities.

When writing a term paper, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, and a number of others.

Chapter 1. The concept and essence of rehabilitation

The modern concept of rehabilitation includes bisocial patterns of restoring the health and working capacity of sick and disabled people in combination with the social and economic conditions that determine them. This problem is solved using an approach that involves a comprehensive assessment of the biological, personal and social aspects of solving the main problem.

The object of the rehabilitation process is a sick person.

The rehabilitation process goes through three stages:

I - restorative treatment.

II - the stage of resocialization, with the restoration of normal activities, as well as social skills.

III - the return of the rehabilitator to normal living conditions.

The main principles of rehabilitation are: early start, continuity, stages, individual approach, the complexity of the activities.

Rehabilitation continues treatment and precedes clinical examination and secondary prevention. Rehabilitation begins immediately after the diagnosis is made, often rehabilitation measures begin in intensive care units immediately after the operation.

The successes of civilization, scientific and technological progress, achievements in medicine, unfortunately, have not led to a decrease in infectious and non-infectious diseases among the world's population. On the contrary, the number of alcoholic, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders is growing, a group of so-called emeristic infections (AIDS, etc.) has appeared.

The reason for the above is the global impact on the human body of social, environmental, medical factors.

These include: insufficient, malnutrition; pollution of the atmosphere and the environment by technical factors; unjustified use of alcohol, drugs, smoking; unjustified use of medicines; stressful conditions.

All of the above factors are taken into account when carrying out rehabilitation activities.

The basis for carrying out rehabilitation measures is to take into account both the individual characteristics of the person being rehabilitated and his social status, the severity of life impairment and disability.

Restorative measures should be carried out taking into account the whole range of factors: biological, personal, professional and social, in relation to the role and place of man in the environment.

Rehabilitation in the narrow sense is understood as the restoration of impaired body functions or their compensation.

Rehabilitation has become one of the social problems, which involves not only doctors of various specialties, but also psychologists, teachers, lawyers, sociologists.

Rehabilitation as a separate medical discipline began to develop after the Second World War in connection with the problem of employment of a huge number of disabled people who remained in different countries as a result of hostilities.

In 1958, the first meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Rehabilitation was held, at which an attempt was made to create precise terminology and a decision was made to study the problem. In 1966, the XIX Assembly of WHO adopted a resolution on rehabilitation. It pointed to the importance of rehabilitation in reducing the physical, mental and social consequences of illness; attention was drawn to the need to develop rehabilitation services.

The essence of rehabilitation was determined by the following wording: "Rehabilitation is the restoration of the health of persons with limited physical and mental abilities in order to achieve maximum physical, mental, social and professional usefulness."

The United Nations has developed a special rehabilitation program that is being implemented by WHO, the International Labor Organization, UNESCO and the United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF.

In Russia, rehabilitation is defined as a system of state, socio-economic, medical, professional, pedagogical, psychological and other measures aimed at preventing the development of pathological processes leading to temporary or permanent disability, at the effective and early return of sick and disabled people to society and to socially useful work.

For modern medicine in Russia, rehabilitation is a natural process of development of the preventive direction. It completes the work of many links in the restoration of the patient's health to the initial level of morphological and functional norm at the time of the disease. The creation of groups or rehabilitation services in various fields of medicine makes it possible to clearly organize the entire process of therapeutic and restorative activities with maximum effect.

Rehabilitation departments and centers are a progressive form of healthcare development. Rehabilitation activities should be publicly available and of high quality.

Legal and general civil approaches to the implementation of rehabilitation activities are based on documents issued by national and international bodies on the organization of rehabilitation activities, such as:

1) Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (Orders of the General Assembly of the United Nations of December 20, 1993, Resolution No. 48/43);

2) Charter for the Third Millennium (adopted by the General Assembly for International Rehabilitation, London, September 9, 1999). These documents define the main provisions of the regulatory framework for rehabilitation activities in the Russian Federation.

The main provisions of the rehabilitation are regulated in the following legislative acts:

1) Law on social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation;

2) Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia of 1996, which approves the “exemplary regulation on an individual program for the rehabilitation of disabled people”;

3) Federal target program on social support and rehabilitation of the disabled.

At the level of the Russian Federation, rehabilitation activities are coordinated by the Ministry of Social Protection.

Coordinating councils for disabled people have been set up in the constituent entities of the Federation, and interdepartmental commissions on issues of rehabilitation have been set up in a number of regions. WHO defines rehabilitation as a set of activities designed to enable people with disabilities as a result of illness, injury and birth defects to adjust to the new conditions of life in the society in which they live.

Rehabilitation is the restoration of health, functional state and ability to work, disturbed by diseases, injuries or physical, chemical and social factors.

At each level of medical care, the doctor has certain methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the patient can be divided into three stages.

The first stage is clinical. At this stage, it is necessary to draw a line between treatment and rehabilitation proper. Treatment is aimed at elimination. Rehabilitation is aimed at achieving physical, labor, social adaptation of a person. Rehabilitation complements treatment.

Rehabilitation includes physiotherapeutic procedures, physiotherapy exercises, dietary nutrition, therapeutic protective regimen, as well as a regimen of physical activity. The activities are aimed at overcoming the fear associated with the treatment and nature of the disease, pain procedures.

The first stage of rehabilitation ends with the restoration of the function of the affected organ or sufficient compensation for lost functions. The second stage of rehabilitation is a sanatorium. At this stage, rehabilitation measures are aimed at normalizing the functions of the affected organs and systems, as well as restoring and normalizing the functions of other organs and systems, as well as eliminating deviations that remained during the period of residual effects. At the same time, attention is paid to the restoration and expansion of the physical activity of the patient.

The sanatorium stage is carried out in specialized sanatoriums or rehabilitation departments of hospitals or rehabilitation centers. In these institutions, optimal conditions are created for the complex rehabilitation of patients with the help of psychotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, drug therapy in combination with a therapeutic and protective motor regimen and dietary treatment.

Drug therapy is relegated to the background, diet, regimen, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and other methods of treatment are of primary importance.

The third stage of rehabilitation is called adaptation, or professional labor for workers. During this period, a complete recovery of the patient is achieved with the normalization of morphological and functional characteristics, providing full stable compensation for the functions lost during the disease, and complete adaptation to the conditions of existence, ensuring the physical, mental, social usefulness of patients, the restoration of professional skills and normal working capacity. According to the indications, professional orientation, vocational training, and rational employment are used. The completion of the third stage of rehabilitation is the restoration of all health parameters, which are a set of morphofunctional features that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

The essence of rehabilitation is as follows: rehabilitation is both a goal (restoration and preservation of personality status) and a process (having biopsychological and social mechanisms) and a method of approach to a person in need of rehabilitation.

So, the general content of rehabilitation, in particular, in relation to sick and disabled people, is as follows: functional restoration of the abilities of sick and disabled people, etc.; including: a) full restoration (restitution); b) compensation for limited or no recovery (for example, in case of inability to work with the right hand due to its injury, adaptation to work with the left hand); c) Adaptation to work (occupational therapy).

The objects of rehabilitation are, along with the sick and disabled, the following groups of people: pensioners and the elderly; bums; street and homeless children and teenagers; unemployed; migrants and refugees; people who find themselves in critical extreme situations; convicts and former convicts; alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.

1.1 Types of rehabilitation

One of the sections of the activity of the service of medical and social expertise is the development of individual programs for the rehabilitation of the Disabled. There are the following main types of rehabilitation of the disabled:

Medical rehabilitation is a type of rehabilitation aimed at restoring impaired functions or carrying out various therapeutic and corrective measures that adapt a disabled person to life and socially useful activities.

Psychological rehabilitation is a type of rehabilitation aimed at developing an active life position and a positive work attitude for a disabled person, mainly through psychotherapy.

Vocational rehabilitation includes a set of measures for vocational guidance, vocational training and retraining, selection of the appropriate profession, ensuring working conditions that meet the state of health, adapting the workplace to an existing defect, etc.

Social rehabilitation of the disabled is a system and process of restoring the ability to independent social and family activities. It includes social and environmental orientation and social adaptation. Social and environmental orientation is an individual selection of available types of social and family activities, and social adaptation determines the optimal modes of social and family activities in specific social and environmental conditions and the adaptation of a disabled person to them.

The implementation of the IRP is carried out by organizations, enterprises, institutions, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, institutions of the state service for the rehabilitation of the disabled, non-state rehabilitation institutions, educational institutions. When implementing the IRP, consistency, comprehensiveness and continuity in the implementation of rehabilitation measures, dynamic monitoring and control over the effectiveness of the measures taken are ensured. The evaluation of the results is carried out by special institutions of the state service of medical and social expertise during the next examination of a disabled person or in the order of his dynamic observation.

1.2 Importance of types of rehabilitation

Medical rehabilitation of the disabled.

The concept of "medical rehabilitation" is defined by Article 40 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation", as a set of medical and psychological measures aimed at the full or partial restoration of impaired and (or) compensation for the lost functions of the affected organ or body system, maintaining body functions in the process of completing an acutely developed pathological process or exacerbating a chronic pathological process in the body, as well as preventing, early diagnosis and correction of possible dysfunctions of damaged organs or body systems, preventing and reducing the degree of possible disability, improving the quality of life, maintaining the patient's working capacity and his social integration into society.

Medical rehabilitation is carried out in medical organizations and includes the complex use of natural healing factors, medicinal, non-drug therapy and other methods.

Article 9 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” includes such types of medical rehabilitation as restorative treatment, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, sanatorium treatment. The implementation of this area of ​​rehabilitation of the disabled provides for the use of technical means of rehabilitation by the disabled, incl. technical means of medical rehabilitation.

The state guarantees disabled people to carry out rehabilitation measures at the expense of the federal budget, receive technical means of rehabilitation and services provided for by the “Federal List of Rehabilitation Measures, Technical Means of Rehabilitation and Services Provided to the Disabled”, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r.

According to Article 9 of the Law, rehabilitation measures are aimed at eliminating the limitations of life activity caused by a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body function due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects.

Measures of medical rehabilitation are aimed at restoring, compensating for impaired or lost functions of the body that underlie the limitations of the life of a disabled person.

The formation of the medical section of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person is regulated by the current by-laws and the national standard of the Russian Federation “Services for the medical rehabilitation of disabled people. Basic provisions. GOST R 52877-2007.

Types of medical rehabilitation:

1. Reconstructive surgery is a service for the medical rehabilitation of the disabled, which consists in performing surgical operations to restore the structure (anatomical integrity) and functions (physiological independence) of the organs and systems of the individual.

2. Rehabilitation therapy is carried out in stages with alternation of outpatient and inpatient forms in institutions. Measures include medical, surgical, physical, psychological and other medical methods that are essential for a disabled person.

3. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment can be one of the stages of rehabilitation treatment (Article 40 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”) or have a general strengthening value.

Recommendations for sanatorium-and-spa treatment are included in the IPR if rehabilitation treatment in a sanatorium-resort complex is aimed at restoring and (or) compensating for impaired or lost body functions, eliminating or reducing the degree of disability.

4. Prosthetics and orthotics.

Prosthetics - restoration of functions or elimination of cosmetic defects of damaged organs or parts of the body with the help of prostheses; replacement of a partially or completely lost organ with an artificial equivalent (prosthesis) with maximum preservation of individual and functional abilities.

Orthotics - compensation for partially or completely lost functions of the musculoskeletal system with the help of additional external devices (orthoses) that ensure the performance of these functions.

Technical means of medical rehabilitation:

Article 11.1 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” defines the concept of “technical means of rehabilitation” - devices containing technical solutions, including special ones, used to compensate or eliminate persistent limitations of life and (or ) compensation for impaired or lost body functions.

The technical means of medical rehabilitation provided for by the Federal List include:

Prostheses, including endoprostheses, orthoses;

Prostheses of the eye cavity;

Anti-decubitus mattresses and pillows;

Medical thermometers and tonometers with speech output;

Hearing aids, incl. with liners of individual production;

Special means in case of violation of the excretion function (urine and colostomy bags, catheters, urine collection bags, stoma care products);

Absorbent underwear, diapers.

The need for technical means of medical rehabilitation must be confirmed by the conclusion of a medical specialist of a healthcare institution.

The provision of technical means of medical rehabilitation to disabled persons is carried out at the place of residence of the disabled person by an authorized body of the Government of the Russian Federation (Regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation) in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.04.2008 No. prostheses (except for dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products "if there is a corresponding recommendation in the IPR.

Social rehabilitation of the disabled.

Social rehabilitation of disabled people is a set of measures (rehabilitation services) aimed at eliminating or fully compensating for limitations on the life of a disabled person caused by a health disorder with a persistent disorder of his body functions, providing him with an optimal mode of social and family activities in specific social and environmental conditions.

The main goal of social rehabilitation is to restore the abilities of a disabled person for independent family, household and social activities, i.e. restoration of social status (restoration of a person as a person, including his physiological, physical, psychological and social functions).

In accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of 24.11. 1995 No. 181-FZ "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" and the national standards of the Russian Federation: GOST R 52143-2003, GOST R 52876-2007, GOST R 53059-2008, GOST R 53349-2009, GOST R 53872-2010, GOST R 53874-2010, social rehabilitation services for disabled people include:

Social and environmental rehabilitation services;

Services for socio-pedagogical rehabilitation;

Services for socio-psychological rehabilitation;

Socio-cultural rehabilitation services;

Services for social adaptation;

Physical culture and recreation activities and sports.

1. Social and environmental rehabilitation services include:

1.1. Personal safety training, which includes mastery of security measures, knowledge and skills in such activities as the use of gas, electrical appliances, bathroom, medicines, transport, etc.

1.2. Teaching social skills and social independence, which includes the development by disabled people of socially significant norms, values, stereotypes of behavior, the development of knowledge and skills that allow a disabled person to cook food, clean the room, enjoy civil rights, and participate in social activities.

1.3. Training in the use of technical (tiflotechnical and surdotechnical) means of communication, information and signaling.

1.4. Assistance in creating conditions for unhindered access to the entrance group of a residential building for people with disabilities moving around using a wheelchair or guide dog.

1.5. Territorial bodies of social protection of the population (USZN) provide advice on the arrangement and accessibility of residential premises (houses).

These services are provided to the disabled by the USZN, rehabilitation organizations - GKU SO KK, and to disabled children - by the USZN, rehabilitation centers (departments) for children and adolescents with disabilities.

2. Services for socio-pedagogical rehabilitation are aimed at mastering the relevant educational programs, knowledge, skills, behavioral stereotypes, value orientations, standards by disabled people, ensuring their full participation in generally accepted forms of social interaction, and include:

2.1. Formation of motivation for learning.

2.2. Teaching social communication.

2.3. Formation (correction) of professional plans and skills.

2.4 Life skills training.

2.5. Correctional pedagogical assistance.

2.6. Provision of technical means (tiflo-, deaf-, computer and other equipment, including the provision of services for translation into sign language). 2.7. Speech therapy assistance (correction of speech defects).

2.8. Education of children with hearing impairments, their parents and other stakeholders in sign language.

2.9. Teaching the skills of physical education and sports.

2.10. Training of parents of a disabled child in the basics of his rehabilitation at home is carried out by the USZN and rehabilitation centers (departments) for children and adolescents with disabilities.

3. Social and psychological rehabilitation services are aimed at restoring or developing various types of psychological activity and behavior, mental functions and qualities that allow a disabled person to successfully adapt in the environment and society, accept and perform appropriate social roles, and achieve a high level of self-realization. They include:

3.1. Socio-psychological counseling.

3.2.Psychological correction.

3.3.Psychological training.

3.4.Psychological help and support.

3.5. Psychoprophylactic work.

3.6 Personally oriented psychotherapy.

3.7. Social and psychological patronage of a disabled child and his family is carried out by the USZN and rehabilitation centers (departments) for children and adolescents with disabilities.

4. Services for socio-cultural rehabilitation are aimed at assisting a person with a disability in achieving and maintaining the optimal degree of participation in social relationships, the required level of cultural competence, the realization of cultural interests and requests. They include:

4.1. Training in recreation and leisure skills

4.2. Provision of educational-methodical, reference-information, periodicals and fiction, including those published (for the visually impaired and the blind) on disks, tape cassettes and in Braille.

4.3. Facilitating participation in festivals, excursions, rallies, exhibitions, etc.; in visiting theaters, cinemas, museums, exhibitions and other cultural events.

5. Services for social adaptation are aimed at the adaptation and active functioning of a disabled person in everyday life, the creation of a certain living environment adapted for a disabled person. They include:

5.1. Training in self-service.

5.2. Training in the use of auxiliary and technical means of rehabilitation.

5.3. Learning to move.

6. Physical culture and recreational activities and sports perform a rehabilitation role by developing the motor apparatus of the disabled, increasing their efficiency, meeting the need for communication, restoring the psychological status, self-realization when playing sports.

Physical culture and recreation activities include:

6.1. Informing and advising on adaptive physical education and sports.

6.2. Classes in adaptive physical culture and sports are carried out for children with disabilities - "DYuSSh", and for the disabled - GU KK "Physical and sports club for the disabled".

6.3. Facilitation of participation in organized and ongoing physical culture and sports events is provided by the governing bodies of physical culture and sports, physical culture and sports organizations for the disabled, public organizations of the disabled VOI, VOS, VOG.

The main trigger in the implementation of measures for the social rehabilitation of disabled people is an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (child with a disability), which serves as a conductor of social guarantees. Specific types of social rehabilitation services are provided by rehabilitation organizations (institutions) in accordance with the social rehabilitation program, which is part of the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (disabled child).

Vocational rehabilitation of the disabled.

In accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, professional rehabilitation of disabled people is a system and process of full or partial restoration of the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social and professional activities.

One of the main areas of rehabilitation of the disabled is vocational rehabilitation.

In accordance with clause 4.1 “GOST R 53873-2010 Rehabilitation of the disabled. Vocational rehabilitation services”, vocational rehabilitation - a set of services aimed at restoring the working capacity of a disabled person in working conditions accessible to him due to health reasons, at the maximum possible inclusion in labor activity, taking into account the body disorders and restrictions on labor activity of a disabled person in order to achieve competitiveness in the labor market, financial independence, self-sufficiency and integration into society.

Based on the results of the medical and social examination, each citizen recognized as a disabled person is formed an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person. Subject to the presence of a limited ability to work and (or) the ability to learn, the degree of limitation of which is established in accordance with the "Classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 12/23/2009 No. 1013n, during the formation of the IRP, vocational rehabilitation measures are planned, which may include: vocational guidance, vocational training and retraining, employment assistance, industrial adaptation.

In accordance with clause 5.1 “GOST R 53873-2010 Rehabilitation of the disabled. Vocational Rehabilitation Services” professional orientation - a system of services (medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic) that provides professional self-determination of a disabled person, taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual and the requirements of society. Professional orientation includes: professional informing, professional consulting, professional selection, professional selection, correction of professional plans.

Vocational education (training) involves the training of qualified workers and specialists of the appropriate level from among the disabled in the field of professional activity recommended by the IPR. The vocational education of disabled people is aimed at developing their social and professional competence, maintaining and strengthening their health and, on this basis, increasing their labor potential. Recommendations on vocational training and retraining are given to disabled children (after 14 years of age) and disabled people who have lost their profession or do not have it, as well as those who are not in demand (not competitive) in the territorial labor market.

In accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On Education”, the state guarantees the necessary conditions for disabled people to receive vocational education, including the creation of special vocational educational institutions for disabled people of various types and types or appropriate conditions in vocational educational institutions of a general type.

Assistance in finding a job is recommended for unemployed disabled people with limited ability to work 1, 2 degrees, as well as with 3 degrees if it is not contraindicated. Recommendations on working conditions available for health reasons are reflected in the IPR section “Recommendations on contraindicated and accessible conditions and types of work”.

"Contraindicated and available conditions and types of work."

Federal Law No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991 “On Employment in the Russian Federation” provides for additional employment guarantees for citizens who are in particular need of social protection and who experience difficulties in finding work.

Employment of persons with disabilities can be carried out under normal or specially created conditions, which are as follows:

Adaptation of premises, territories, furniture, equipment, etc. to the capabilities of the disabled person in accordance with the medical and technical requirements and the requirements of barrier-free architecture;

Adaptation of industrial buildings to the psychophysiological characteristics of a disabled person, which determine his performance;

Correction of the labor process, for example, the introduction of additional breaks, assistance in the performance of any labor operations by other employees, etc.;

The use of various organizational forms of labor activity (home-based, individual, part-time employment, with an hourly schedule, etc.).

Chapter Conclusions:

It follows that the problem of disability is very relevant in the modern world. Many rehabilitation programs have been created and are being developed to maintain the physical, social and psychological health of people with disabilities.

In our country, the development of the social sphere has acquired an important character. State policy is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the life and development of disabled people. A lot of legal documentation is issued to protect the rights and interests of people with disabilities.

In medical institutions, medical specialists develop those technologies that are most effective in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Recently, so-called innovative methods have been applied, which have a huge positive impact on people's health. For children, this is not only health promotion, but also a lot of positive emotions that have a beneficial effect on their general condition.

All of the above is the link in the social sphere, with the help of which a positive attitude of people towards the disabled and their participation in society will be improved.

Chapter 2. Medical, professional and social rehabilitation from the point of view of the law

2.1 Judicial practice in the medical rehabilitation of the disabled

Medical rehabilitation services for the disabled.

(GOST R 52877-2007).

Application area.

This standard applies to medical rehabilitation services for people with disabilities (including disabled children) provided by enterprises, institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as organizations), and establishes the main types and content of these services.

General provisions.

1. Services for the medical rehabilitation of disabled people are an integral part of a complex of medical, professional, social and other measures, the purpose of which is the fastest and most complete restoration of lost functions, personal and social status by a person, which is possible only when the entire complex of rehabilitation measures is carried out.

2. Medical rehabilitation services include all types of medical interventions aimed at:

Restoration of the functions of organs, systems and the body as a whole;

Prevention and elimination of consequences, complications and relapses of diseases;

Restoration of the general physical condition;

Development of motor, sensory and intellectual skills.

3. The effectiveness of medical rehabilitation services is characterized by an improvement in the functioning of organs and systems, as well as the expansion of the social activity of a disabled person, the emergence or restoration of the ability to self-service, communication, and return to professional activity.

4. Services for medical rehabilitation are the initial main link in the overall system of rehabilitation services.

5. The provision of medical rehabilitation services should be characterized by a preventive focus, i.e. carried out not only to improve or stabilize the functional state of the body, but also with a real threat of its weighting.

6. Planning and provision of services for the medical rehabilitation of disabled people is carried out in the following stages:

Examination of the disabled;

Establishing diagnosis;

Development of a list and plan for the implementation of medical measures;

Provision of medical rehabilitation services;

Monitoring (observation) of the progress of the implementation or provision of medical rehabilitation services;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation services.

7. Medical rehabilitation services are provided consistently and continuously.

8. Specific types, composition, volumes, forms, terms for the provision of services for the medical rehabilitation of disabled people are determined by rehabilitation organizations in accordance with the medical rehabilitation program, which is part of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person.

9. Disabled people are provided with a set of rehabilitation medical services that are optimal for them, aimed at restoring and compensating for impaired or lost body functions, the ability of a disabled person to perform certain types of activities.

10. The volume of rehabilitation medical measures (services) cannot be less than that established by the federal list of rehabilitation medical measures and services provided to a disabled person.

11. A disabled person has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of medical rehabilitation services.

12. A disabled person has the right to independently resolve issues of providing himself with specific means of medical rehabilitation.

13. The provision of services for the medical rehabilitation of disabled people is carried out under the following conditions, which have a significant impact on the quality of the services provided and contribute to improving the efficiency of the organization:

Availability and condition of documents in accordance with which the organization operates (hereinafter referred to as documents);

Terms of placement of the organization;

Staffing of the organization with specialists and the corresponding level of their qualification;

Special and personal technical equipment of the organization (equipment, devices, apparatus, technical means of rehabilitation) used in the rehabilitation process;

The state of information about the organization, the procedure and rules for the provision of rehabilitation services to disabled people - clients of the organization;

Availability of own and external systems (services) for quality control of services provided.

The main types and content of services for the medical rehabilitation of disabled people.

Medical rehabilitation services for people with disabilities include:

Rehabilitation therapy;

Reconstructive surgery;



Spa treatment;

Provision of disabled people with medicines;

Providing disabled people with technical means of medical rehabilitation;

Dynamic monitoring of the disabled.

Recovery therapy.

Rehabilitation therapy as a service for medical rehabilitation consists in the impact on the body of a disabled person in order to restore or compensate for his impaired functions, reduced as a result of illness or injury, secondary prevention of diseases and their complications, restoration or improvement of labor functions, or restoration of his capacity.

Restorative therapy is carried out in the following types in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person:

Drug therapy - the use of drugs to prevent the progression of the disease, its exacerbation and complications;

Physiotherapy - the use of physical natural and artificial factors in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities to correct the main pathophysiological changes, strengthen compensatory mechanisms, increase the reserve capacity of the body, restore physical performance;

Kinesiotherapy - the use of a complex of therapeutic measures, including active and passive gymnastics in order to restore functions in case of damage to the musculoskeletal system;

Psychotherapy - the use of a complex of therapeutic effects on the psyche, body and behavior of a disabled person by psychological methods that ensure the provision of professional psychological assistance to mitigate or eliminate mental, nervous and psychosomatic disorders of a disabled person;

Occupational therapy - the use of a system of methods for restoring various impaired functions of the body using certain types of labor activity;

Therapeutic physical training - physical exercises (gymnastic, sports and applied), walks;

Massage, manual therapy;

speech therapy help.

Reconstructive surgery.

Reconstructive surgery is a medical rehabilitation service for people with disabilities, which consists in performing surgical operations to restore the structure and functions of organs, prevent or reduce the consequences of congenital or acquired defects and thereby reduce disability, compensate for impaired functions reduced as a result of illness or injury, for secondary prevention of diseases and their complications, restoration or improvement of labor functions or restoration of the capacity of a disabled person.

Reconstructive surgery allows you to quickly restore the anatomical integrity and physiological viability of the abilities of disabled people using the methods of cosmetology, organ-restoring and organ-replacing surgery.

Reconstructive surgery services are provided in the following forms:

Reconstructive and reconstructive plastic surgery;

Organ and tissue transplant operations;

Endoprosthetics (integration into the structure of organs of internal prostheses that combine biological compatibility with tissues and adequate mechanical behavior).

The organizational and legal basis for the provision of medical rehabilitation services by means of reconstructive surgery, including the use of high-tech types of operations, is a joint order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The order defines a list of high-tech types of medical care, which includes a number of reconstructive surgeries, indicated, among other things, to disabled people to overcome life limitations, including such surgeries as:

Reconstructive plastic surgery after burns and complex combined injuries of the hand;

Prosthetics of arteries of the lower extremities;

Reconstructive plastic surgery for injuries and burns of the organs of vision;

Other operations.


Prosthetics is a process of replacing a partially or completely lost organ with an artificial equivalent (prosthesis), which serves to replace the missing part of the body or organ, with the maximum preservation of the individual characteristics and functional abilities of a person.

The composition of services for prosthetics and the procedure for their provision.

Prosthetic services are provided in the following forms:

Examination of a disabled person, assessment of his adaptability to new living conditions, analysis of his individual rehabilitation program.

An examination of a disabled person must be preceded by a survey. During the survey, they find out the cause and prescription of amputation or another type of operation, the course of the postoperative process, and complications. During repeated prosthetics, the assessment of the prosthesis by the disabled person, the length of stay in the prosthesis, the possibility of life without outside help, the extent to which the prosthesis compensates for lost functions, whether it satisfies the disabled person in terms of functional and aesthetic properties, as well as the wishes of the disabled person are clarified. A necessary condition for the examination is to determine the general condition of the disabled person;

Drawing up an act of the medical and technical commission;

Providing a disabled person with information about the design of the prosthesis, its functionality, etc.

When choosing a prosthesis, they find out the professional orientation of the disabled person, the way of life, specify the intensity of the intended work, its nature and the conditions in which the disabled person will have to work.

They also present options for the design of prostheses and offer the most optimal one, taking into account the individual characteristics of the disabled person, the nature of the defect.


Orthotics consists in compensating for partially or completely lost functions of the musculoskeletal system with the help of additional external devices (orthoses) that ensure the performance of these functions.

Sanatorium treatment of the disabled.

The referral of disabled people to sanatorium-and-spa treatment is carried out in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a particular disabled person and the results of a medical and social examination.

Provision of disabled people with medicines.

Providing disabled people with medicines is carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, individual programs for the rehabilitation of a disabled person.

Providing disabled people with technical means of medical rehabilitation.

Providing disabled people with technical means of medical rehabilitation (simulators, colostomy bags, urinals, devices for introducing food through a stoma and other technical means) is carried out in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program for each disabled person.

Dynamic monitoring of the disabled

Dynamic monitoring of disabled people consists in observing, studying, studying the course of the disease, assessing changes in the state of health and other parameters of disability.

The purpose of monitoring is to control the course of the rehabilitation process and evaluate its results.

2.2 Judicial practice in the vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities

Rehabilitation of the disabled. Services for the professional rehabilitation of disabled people (GOST R 53873-2010).

Application area.

This standard applies to vocational rehabilitation services for people with disabilities provided by rehabilitation enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as institutions) of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, and establishes the main types and content of these services.

General provisions.

Vocational rehabilitation services for people with disabilities, as set out in this standard, are an integral and essential part of the entire range of rehabilitation services and should be provided in parallel with other types of rehabilitation services.

Vocational rehabilitation services are carried out in accordance with the vocational rehabilitation measures provided for by the program for the vocational rehabilitation of a disabled person, and include:

professional orientation;

Vocational education and vocational training and (or) retraining;

Assistance in employment;

Manufacturing adaptation.

The development of a program for the vocational rehabilitation of a disabled person includes: conducting rehabilitation and expert diagnostics, assessing labor potential and labor prognosis, determining measures, technical means and services that allow a disabled person to restore or compensate for lost abilities to perform professional activities in accordance with existing violations of body functions, the structure of his disease and needs, the range of professional interests, the level of claims, social status and the real possibilities of the social and environmental infrastructure.

The implementation of services for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled people should be aimed at achieving the maximum effect with the minimum time spent on their implementation.

The implementation of vocational rehabilitation services is carried out in stages and continuously in institutions of the relevant profile. The content and duration of the rehabilitation process are determined by the need of the disabled person for each specific service. The process of vocational rehabilitation is considered completed when the disabled person has reached a professional level that is the maximum possible in accordance with his labor potential and close to the level preceding the occurrence of the restriction to work.

Planning and provision of services for the vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is carried out in the following stages:

Professional and labor diagnostics;

Assessment of labor potential and labor forecast;

Development of a list of vocational rehabilitation services and a plan for their implementation;

Provision of services;

Monitoring (observation) of the provision of rehabilitation services;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of services, which determines the extent to which the planned remediation impact has been achieved.

The volume of vocational rehabilitation services cannot be less than that established by the federal list of vocational rehabilitation services provided to a disabled person.

A disabled person has the right to refuse one or another type, form and scope of vocational rehabilitation services.

The main types and content of services for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled people.

Professional orientation of a disabled person - a system of services (medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic), providing professional self-determination of a disabled person, taking into account his psychophysiological state, individual characteristics of the individual and the requirements of society.

Professional orientation includes:


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The methodological basis for developing the problems of vocational training of people with disabilities was laid in the 40-80s. 20th century in the studies of G.M. Dulneva, V.P. Ermakova, S.L. Mirsky, E.P. Khokhlina, I.V. Zuckerman and others. During this period, obtaining vocational education was considered as the assimilation by students of a certain amount of technical and technological knowledge, labor methods, skills, general labor and general technical skills, and the possibility of successful inclusion of this group of persons in social skilled labor was directly determined by the achievement of the following educational goals:

  • 1. receiving professional education;
  • 2. the development of the personality of the student in general, and in particular the qualities that are professionally significant (the formation of industriousness and labor activity, discipline, accuracy and the ability to work in a team).

Based on the results of scientific and applied research in the 70-80s. 20th century labor training (pre-professional and vocational training) of various categories of students directly in general education special (correctional) schools of the 1L/Sh types has become widespread in the country, with graduates obtaining a certain set of professions. In addition, a network of urban and rural special (correctional) vocational schools and specialized departments was created that provide vocational training for persons with disabilities and oversee the issues of their rational employment (B.V. Belyavsky and others).

However, since 1992, these institutions and departments have ceased to be responsible for the employment of their graduates, and this function has been transferred to the employment service. The system of basic enterprises was also liquidated, where earlier high school students of special (correctional) schools / classes of I-VIII types underwent work practice and then, as a rule, were employed here. The liquidation of the educational and production enterprises of VOG and VOS deprived people with hearing and vision impairments of the opportunity to acquire a specialty in a gentle regime under the guidance of experienced mentors. This has led to the fact that the majority of graduates with sensory impairments began to find employment on their own, choosing mainly positions that do not require high professional skills.

An additional factor aggravating the situation was the transition to a market economy, which places increased demands on the labor activity and professionalism of production and service workers. Particularly important in the new conditions is such a quality as the professional mobility of a specialist, i.e. ability to quickly adapt to changing working conditions. The range of possible changes in this case turns out to be quite large: from the need to master a new technological operation without changing the workplace to the need to quickly and effectively master another profession. This makes it even more difficult for people with disabilities to find employment and self-employment.

In scientific, theoretical and applied research at the beginning of the XXI century. The education of people with disabilities in a broad sense is a condition for the realization of the right to a decent life, which is inalienable for all social groups, and covers various types of educational activities throughout the life path. In a narrow sense, the education of this category of persons is considered as part of the education system aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual, taking into account the nature of disability, meeting broad cultural and educational needs, increasing functional literacy, professional competence, developing the ability to adapt, and also as part of the rehabilitation process and the process of social protection related to the realization of the right to education.

Researchers emphasize the complexity and ambiguity of the situation of real actions of state bodies within the designated problem field, which is characterized, on the one hand, by the presence

sufficiently developed legislation that protects the rights of a disabled person to development, education, social and labor integration, and on the other hand, the practical absence of mechanisms for their implementation (B.V. Belyavsky, T.V. Volosovets, N.N. Malofeev, E.M. Starobina , D.V. Zaitsev and others). Until now, in fact, the situation continues to be observed when the access of persons with disabilities to high-quality professional education is more declared by the state, not properly provided. As a result, people with disabilities are isolated from wide social contacts, the range of interpersonal interaction is limited, the level of education received is underestimated, which is not in demand in society, low

competitiveness of acquired professions, low wages, which do not allow to lead a decent life.

An effective solution to these problems, according to researchers, is possible in the direction of creating a holistic concept of continuous professional education for disabled people (E.M. Starobina), optimizing the combination of institutional and non-institutional models of their education (S.S. Lebedeva, E.A. Mironova), forms educational and socio-professional integration (N.N. Malofeev, V.D. Zaitsev, etc.), generalization and dissemination of foreign (E.A. Tarasenko) and domestic (regional) experience of vocational education of this category of students (Yu.Yu. Antropova, O. G. Zlobina, V. V. Korkunov, G. S. Ptushkin, etc.).

An analysis of foreign studies revealed that, for example, in the United States, starting from the 70s. In the 20th century, the problems of professional training of persons with disabilities are considered in close connection with the problems of their social integration (F. Djwaliby, W.A. Welsh, G.G. Walter). The slogans "Prepare for your future at school" and "Entering the real world" reflect the important role in the professional and social integration of appropriate career guidance activities both in the school period of study and later (W.D. Billingsley, J. Bondy-Wolkott ). At the same time, the level of initial (“starting”) training, which aims at different content and technologies of vocational training, is of particular importance (K. Andersson, J. Bergman).

In modern Germany, particular importance is attached to the variety of forms and areas of professional training for people with disabilities (E. Schulte). In Argentina, this group of students can get almost the same professions as healthy people, but their subsequent employment opportunities are very limited (A. Nervi). In Japan, the number of persons with disabilities employed in state-owned enterprises is gradually increasing from year to year, which makes the problem of training workers and employees directly at the enterprises where they will work (Sh. Tsuzuki) relevant. In general, researchers emphasize that in developed countries a person with any form and degree of disability is granted a real right to a full-fledged professional education and the development of professions and types of work that minimally restrict the interests of disabled people. If a person is unable to participate in productive labor due to his abilities, he is given the opportunity of employment at the level of his abilities and interests.

In Russian conditions at the beginning of the XXI century. professional education of persons with disabilities is considered as a combination of the following processes:

  • - professional orientation based on the development of professional needs, contributing to the awareness of professional choice, the values ​​of preferred professional activity, professional self-determination;
  • - arming with knowledge and skills that contribute to understanding the significance and meaning of professional activity, mastering a specific specialty or area of ​​professional activity;
  • - the development of adaptive mechanisms, indicating the need to secure a person in a particular workplace after mastering a certain specialty (S.S. Lebedeva).

In other words, the process of vocational education of persons with disabilities is a process of vocational rehabilitation in the unity of vocational guidance, vocational training, vocational adaptation and employment.

Currently, the country has different levels (vocational training, primary, secondary, higher and additional vocational education) and forms (full-time, part-time, external studies, home education) of vocational education for different categories of persons with disabilities, the choice of which should be determined by their individual psychophysical characteristics, the level of general education and rehabilitation potential. However, the forms of implementation of special educational services for vocational training largely do not meet the educational needs of persons with disabilities, and do not provide the necessary conditions for their successful rehabilitation and subsequent social and labor integration. Compared to European countries in Russia, the range of professions that can be mastered by persons with limited working capacity is sharply narrowed, and those that are traditionally offered in special (correctional) schools / classes of 1-/III types are not only not attractive to students, but also are not in demand in today's labor market.

As defined by the WHO Expert Committee, rehabilitation includes “all measures aimed at reducing the impact of disabling factors and conditions leading to physical and other defects, as well as enabling persons with disabilities to achieve social inclusion”. The purpose of rehabilitation is not only to train the disabled and people with disabilities to adapt to the environment, but also to intervene in their immediate environment and society as a whole to promote their social integration. In other sources, rehabilitation is seen as a process of returning lost opportunities, "restoring rights" and bringing to a state that ensures an independent life.

All of the above definitions are united by a shift in emphasis in solving the problems of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities towards expanding the scope of the rehabilitation process, where “the objects of rehabilitation impact are both the disabled and the healthy part of society, and the living environment common to both populations”, and “the protagonist of solving the problems of disability it is not the invalid himself who becomes disabled, but the whole society. Thus, it is emphasized that the main goal of rehabilitation is not compensation for impaired functions or life limitations, but “social integration of populations of non-disabled and disabled people”, while rehabilitation itself acts as the main tool for overcoming disability.

Z.I. Lavrentieva (2009) believes that recently society and innovative practices have set new meanings for rehabilitation.

Developing this provision, it is important to highlight the general logic of the deployment of the rehabilitation process, which does not depend on biological (type, severity of health restrictions) and social factors. In our opinion, the following stages are clearly visible in it:

  • 1. identification and qualification (diagnosis) of difficulties, barriers to life,
  • 2. designing an individual life (including educational) route,
  • 3. providing the necessary rehabilitation assistance / support (medical, psychological, pedagogical, social, legal, etc.),
  • 4. analysis of the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures, if necessary - their strengthening, adjustment of direction, etc.

Experience shows that the significance (and duration) of the third stage is especially great - the stage of providing various types of assistance (rehabilitation services - in modern terminology). They should be based on an interdisciplinary approach that allows integrating knowledge and numerous practices in the field of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, accumulated in different areas of the human sciences (medicine, psychology, pedagogy, law, sociology, etc.) and at the same time helping to highlight the specifics of each of the areas rehabilitation.

Thus, medical rehabilitation is aimed at restoring or compensating for lost or impaired functions, carrying out various therapeutic and corrective measures that adapt the disabled person to life and socially useful activities. Psychological rehabilitation is a system of special measures, due to which various types of mental activity, mental functions, qualities and formations are restored, allowing a disabled person to successfully adapt in the environment and society, accept and perform appropriate social roles, and achieve a high level of self-realization. This direction of rehabilitation includes measures for psychological counseling, psychotherapy, psychocorrection and social rehabilitation provides for work to prevent social deviations, as well as the active involvement of persons with disabilities in the system of social ties and relationships based on ensuring their success in various activities and reassessment of personal reserves, forces and opportunities. Pedagogical rehabilitation is aimed at providing conditions conducive to the formation of a positive attitude of persons with disabilities to educational activities, the acquisition of general educational skills, the development of cognitive activity; it includes the processes of obtaining general education, if necessary - various types of special or additional education, and vocational training.

Each of these components has its own specific forms, methods, content of the rehabilitation impact and, in various combinations with others, can be implemented at different age periods of a person’s life with

HIA. Thus, in the period of early childhood, measures of a predominantly medical orientation are priority, which are joined in the preschool period, and often become dominant in this and the subsequent school period, measures of a psychological and pedagogical orientation. At the stage of obtaining vocational education and the beginning of a career, they are supplemented by measures of a socio-pedagogical nature, which together provide vocational rehabilitation for persons with disabilities, etc.

Thus, the rehabilitation process can continue throughout life, while systemic links between different types of rehabilitation practices become obvious, reinforcing the results of each other and leading in the aggregate to the emergence of a certain synergistic effect.

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1. Give a detailed description of the psychological structure of the labor position in the profession of a violinist

The subject is musical activity, playing the violin.

Objective goals - playing an instrument for concerts, performances, etc.

Subjective goals - improving the skills of playing the instrument, building a career as a violinist, fame, popularity, fans.

Means and instruments of labor: an instrument (violin), sheet music, a library of specialized literature, a place that contributes to good sound and calm (where you can safely rehearse).

Specific working conditions: the place chosen for rehearsals should contribute to the good sound of music, on the other hand, not interfere with the people around (if it is at home, then there should be sound insulation), rehearsals should not fall too late or too early.

2. What are the features of the crisis of revision and correction of professional choice that takes place in the course of a person's professional development?

The professional development of a personality begins from the stage of option - the formation of professional intentions. At the age of 14-16, at the age of early youth, optants begin to professionally self-determine. By the age of 14, girls and boys have already formed versatile knowledge about the world of professions, they have an idea about the desired profession.

A specific professionally oriented plan is needed: whether to continue studies in a general education or vocational school. For someone, everything is decided, someone is forced to professionally decide. At the option stage, learning activities are re-evaluated: motivation changes depending on professional intentions.

Education in the upper grades acquires a professionally oriented character, while in vocational schools it has a distinct educational and professional orientation. There is every reason to believe that at the stage of option there is a change in the leading activity from educational and cognitive to educational and professional. The social situation of development is radically changing.

At the same time, the collision of the desired future and the real present is inevitable, which takes on the character of a crisis of educational and professional orientation. High school students who continued their studies in grades 10-11 clearly experience this crisis at the age of 16-17, before completing school education. The core of the crisis is the need to choose a way to receive vocational education or training.

It should be emphasized that at this age, as a rule, the option of continuing education is chosen, focused on a specific professional field, and not on a specific profession. The experience of the crisis, the reflection of one's capabilities lead to the correction of professional intentions. Adjustments are also made to the “I-concept” that has taken shape by this age. 2. At the stage of vocational education, many pupils and students experience disappointment in their profession.

There is dissatisfaction with individual subjects, there are doubts about the correctness of the professional choice, interest in learning is falling. There is a crisis of professional choice. As a rule, it is clearly manifested in the first and last years of vocational training. With rare exceptions, this crisis is overcome by changing educational motivation to social and professional. The professional orientation of academic disciplines, which is growing from year to year, reduces dissatisfaction.

Thus, the crisis of revision and correction of professional choice at this stage does not reach the critical phase, when conflict is inevitable. The sluggish nature of this crisis can be noted. But the change in the social situation of development and the restructuring of the leading educational and cognitive activity into a professionally oriented one make it possible to single it out as an independent normative crisis of the professional development of the individual.

3. After the completion of vocational education, the stage of professional adaptation begins. Young professionals are starting to work independently. The professional situation of development is radically changing: a new team of different ages, a different hierarchical system of production relations, new socio-professional values, a different social role and, of course, a fundamentally new type of leading activity.

Already when choosing a profession, the young man had a certain idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future work. In a professional educational institution, it was significantly enriched. And now the time has come for the real performance of professional functions. The first weeks, months of work cause great difficulties. But they do not become a factor in the emergence of crisis phenomena. The main reason is psychological, which is a consequence of the discrepancy between real professional life and formed ideas and expectations.

The discrepancy between professional activity and expectations causes a crisis of professional expectations. The experience of this crisis is expressed in dissatisfaction with the organization of labor, its content, job responsibilities, industrial relations, working conditions and wages. There are two options for resolving the crisis: constructive: intensifying professional efforts to quickly adapt and gain work experience; destructive: dismissal, change of specialty; inadequate, low-quality, unproductive performance of professional functions.

3. What factors characterize the professional activities of people with disabilities. What are your suggestions for psychological support for the labor rehabilitation of such people

All people with disabilities should have access to activities and means to restore their abilities for independent household, social and professional activities, including information on self-service technologies and adaptation tools.

Any person with disabilities, every family that has a disabled person in its composition, should receive rehabilitation services necessary to optimize the mental, physical and functional state in order to develop the ability of a person with disabilities to lead an independent lifestyle like any other citizen.

People with disabilities should be given a central role in the process of designing individual assistance and rehabilitation programs, and associations of people with disabilities should have adequate resources to share responsibility for planning rehabilitation programs and independent living on a national scale.

Community based rehabilitation should be widely disseminated nationally and internationally as the most appropriate, effective and supportive approach in rehabilitation services in many countries.

In the third millennium, the task of all nations should be the evolution of society towards the protection of the rights of people with disabilities by maintaining their empowerment and including them in all aspects of society

Every person with a disability and every family with a disabled person should receive the necessary rehabilitation services sufficient to achieve an optimal physical, mental and functional level, enabling the disabled person to manage their own lives independently and lead an independent lifestyle like any other member of society. .

People with disabilities should play a central role in the design of individual assistance and rehabilitation programs, and in the same way, associations of disabled people should have adequate resources to share responsibility for planning rehabilitation programs and independent living on a national scale.


professional choice violinist limited

1. Andreeva G.M. Social psychology: Textbook for universities. - M.: Aspen - Press, 1999. - 376 p.

2. Grishina N.V. Psychology of conflict. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 464 p.

3. Klimov E.A. Introduction to the psychology of work: Textbook for universities. - M.: Culture and sport, Unity, 1998. - 350s.

4. Morozov A.V. Business psychology. Course of lectures: Textbook for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Union, 2002. - 576 p.

5. Ryzhichka I. Some problems of social psychology: TRANS. from Czech. / Ed. and foreword by Yu.A. Sherkovina. - M.: Progress, 1981. - 215 p.

6. Strelkov Yu.K. Engineering and Professional Psychology: Textbook for Higher Students. textbook establishments. - M.: Academy Publishing Center; Higher School, 2001. - 360 p.

7. Scott D.G. Conflicts. Ways to overcome them. - Kyiv.: Vneshtorgizdat, 1991. - 189 p.

Posted on www.allbest.ru

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  • Number of underemployed workers in enterprises and organizations by sectors of the economy (December 1998)
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  • 4.10.3. Organization of employment services
  • 4.10.4. Unemployment benefit
  • 4.10.5. The system of control over working conditions at enterprises
  • 4.10.6. Training, retraining and advanced training of employed and unemployed citizens
  • 4.10.7. Employment and vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities
  • Concepts and terms
  • Questions and tasks
  • Literature
  • Content
  • B.D. Breev, N.N. Pilipenko, L.T. Stolyarenko, L.P. Khrapylina, G.G. Shishkova, J.T. Toshchenko, E.B. Breeva, O.E. Voronovskaya
  • 4.10.7. Employment and vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities

    One of the areas of social policy in the labor market is the social protection of persons with disabilities - the disabled. A disabled person in our country is a person who has a disability due to a health disorder, leading to a complete or partial loss of the ability to carry out self-service, training, work, movement, communication, and control over one's behavior.

    As of January 1, 1998, the number of disabled pensioners registered with the RF social protection authorities amounted to 8.9 million people and increased by 56.8% compared to 1994. At the same time, more than half of those recognized as disabled for the first time are of working age. And this means that for some of them there is a problem of employment and income from work. However, at present, the number of employed disabled people has significantly decreased, and the problem of their employment and professional rehabilitation has become more acute. The proportion of working disabled people in the total number of disabled people decreased from 16.6% to 13.3% from 1992 to 1998. As of January 1, 1998, the number of employed persons with disabilities was 1,184 thousand.

    The decline in the employment of disabled people is due to both the general economic and financial problems of enterprises and the specifics of disabled employment. The number of jobs at enterprises employing disabled people, which, as a rule, were created in auxiliary workshops of large, most often defense enterprises, has sharply decreased. Recently, these enterprises have found themselves in a state of crisis, employers, under any pretext, seek to refuse to hire people suffering from any health problems. Even preferential taxation and other measures do not stimulate employers.

    As a result, there is a high level of unemployment among the disabled compared to other categories of the unemployed. Among the disabled, it increased on average by almost 3 times, namely: as of 01.01.1994 - 15.5%, 01.01.1996 - 48.5%, 01.01.1997 - 48.6%. During 1997, about 40% of unemployed disabled people were employed; Disabled people make up more than 3% of the total number of officially registered unemployed, of which 89% are assigned unemployment benefits.

    In this regard, one of the most important state guarantees for social protection for these citizens is the promotion of their employment.

    The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” (November 1995) defines a system of state-guaranteed measures aimed at creating conditions that provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens to participate in public, economic, political, social and other spheres of life, and also their rights and rights, duties and responsibilities of employers to ensure employment and working conditions for disabled people.

    The Law on Social Protection of the Disabled provides additional employment guarantees, which, thanks to special measures, make it possible to increase their level of protection in the labor market and include:

    Carrying out a preferential financial and credit policy that contributes to the creation and effective functioning of specialized enterprises that use the labor of disabled people;

    Establishment of a quota of special jobs for the disabled;

    Reservation of certain types of work and professions that are most suitable for the employment of disabled people;

    Stimulating the creation of additional jobs for the disabled;

    Creation of working conditions for the disabled in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program.

    In many regions of the Russian Federation, work with people with disabilities is carried out within the framework of the developed Rehabilitation and employment programs for the disabled, providing for medical, social, professional rehabilitation of disabled people and a set of measures to promote employment. In the implementation of this program, carrying out various forms of work with the disabled, providing them with effective targeted social assistance, employment centers, social protection, healthcare, education, public organizations of the disabled, and employers participate and actively cooperate.

    To reduce the level of unemployment among the disabled, the employment service conducts special work in the following areas: career guidance and psychological support for the unemployed and unemployed disabled; training at specialized training places in specialties in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program; attraction of disabled people to participate in public works; assistance in organizing self-employment; promotion of employment of disabled people at ordinary and specialized enterprises, etc.

    Local and federal authorities are creating a network of rehabilitation institutions of the state service for the rehabilitation of disabled people, and also contribute to the development of non-governmental institutions and funds specializing in various areas of rehabilitation activities based on individual programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people.

    Individual rehabilitation program for the disabled is a central element of the rehabilitation system, since it is a complex of rehabilitation measures, including certain types, forms, volumes, terms and procedures for the implementation of medical, professional and other rehabilitation measures to restore impaired or lost body functions, as well as the ability to perform certain types of activities.

    An individual rehabilitation program is advisory in nature for disabled people, they have the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, but at the same time it is mandatory for the relevant authorities, as well as certain organizations, institutions, services.

    An individual rehabilitation program underlies the provision of many vital services for disabled people - general and special education, creation of working conditions and rest at work, recognition of disabled people as unemployed and their employment.

    Employment of persons with disabilities involves their professional rehabilitation and employment.

    Vocational rehabilitation of a disabled person is a multidisciplinary complex for restoring his ability to work in favorable working conditions for his state of health:

    At the same workplace or a new one in the same specialty;

    Vocational training taking into account previous professional skills or training in a new specialty;

    The adaptation of a disabled person to such labor activity, which would not significantly affect his material support, but was considered as humanitarian assistance.

    Vocational rehabilitation of the disabled includes: examination of potential professional suitability, vocational guidance, vocational training, employment.

    The potential professional suitability of a disabled person is a set of such abilities to perform certain professional activities that can be realized in specific conditions.

    The potential professional suitability of a disabled person is determined, on the one hand, by his psychophysiological and socio-economic status, and, on the other hand, by the ability of society to create conditions for a disabled person to receive general and vocational education and provide him with a job.

    An examination of the potential professional suitability of a disabled person is a comprehensive assessment of the limitations of a disabled person, as well as the identification of factors that cause these limitations, and the determination of measures that contribute to their compensation or replacement. The examination should be carried out on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the psycho-physiological data of a person, his personal attitudes towards work (training), professional characteristics of vacant jobs (training) places.

    Depending on the degree of disability, persons are distinguished:

    Unable to perform any type of labor activity;

    whose residual ability to work does not provide them with economic independence;

    Their labor activity provides them with economic independence, but is limited to a certain range of professions and working conditions, beyond which there is an increased risk of adverse outcomes and health problems.

    Vocational guidance for people with disabilities involves a reasonable choice of a profession that best suits their individual capabilities, interests, personality traits, as well as the most effective forms of training and further employment in the chosen profession. If for a healthy person vocational guidance means in the future the achievement of high productivity of his work, successful professional activity, then in relation to a disabled person, it primarily provides for his adaptation to work with minimal tension of the functional systems of the body.

    The main principle in the work on vocational guidance of persons with disabilities is to appeal to their personality through the establishment of partnerships with them. On the one hand, professional self-determination is of great importance when choosing a profession, and therefore an active position of a person in solving this particular life problem should not only be encouraged, but also formed with the help of psycho-corrective measures.

    On the other hand, attention should be paid to the formation and maintenance of positive labor motivation, to make adjustments to self-esteem, taking into account the real capabilities of a person. To do this, it is necessary to resort to a joint discussion of the positive and negative aspects of the decision. Sometimes, as an exception, you can allow a person to use the "trial and error" method in order to practically convince him of the correctness of this or that advice or recommendation.

    Professional training at various levels and additional education of disabled people, as well as other citizens, is carried out on the conditions determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on education.

    For disabled people who need special conditions for vocational training, special (federal, regional, municipal) educational institutions of various types and types can be created.

    Disabled persons are provided with special conditions in accordance with individual rehabilitation programs for the period of their education, which consist of the following: adaptation of premises, furniture, equipment, etc. to the requirements of barrier-free architecture; adaptation of training programs to the psychophysical characteristics of the disabled; pedagogical adjustment of the educational process; the introduction of various forms of education, including individual.

    Vocational training of disabled people in special educational institutions is carried out in accordance with state educational standards on the basis of curricula adapted for teaching this category of students. It seems unacceptable to introduce special standards, as is currently observed, for disabled people with preserved intelligence.

    Employment of persons with disabilities implies the presence of a workplace potentially suitable for them for health reasons, corresponding to personality traits, professional training, etc.

    For the disabled, jobs are used at general enterprises, i.e. designed for healthy workers, as well as specialized jobs both at specialized enterprises and at enterprises with specially created working conditions (special working conditions, part-time employment, preferential rationing and wages, etc.).

    Of the total number of working disabled people in 1998, 78% were employed in general enterprises and only 22% in enterprises with special jobs, employment in which continues to decline due to the difficult economic and financial situation of these enterprises.

    In addition to specialized enterprises and enterprises of a general type, disabled people have the opportunity to work at the enterprises of public organizations of the disabled- All-Russian Society of the Disabled, All-Russian Society of the Deaf, All-Russian Society of the Blind. Thus, 18 thousand people work at 68 educational and production enterprises of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf, including more than 60% of the hearing impaired. Despite economic and financial difficulties, it is through these enterprises that it is possible to maintain the employment of people with disabilities.

    Special workplace for the disabled requires additional measures for the organization of work, including the adaptation of the main and auxiliary equipment, technical and organizational equipment, additional equipment and the provision of disabled people with assistive devices that take into account their individual capabilities.

    In addition, those working at this workplace are given the opportunity to apply a flexible individual work schedule (no more than two, one shift and no night shifts), production rates are reduced in accordance with the level of a person’s ability to work, and an additional rest break is provided. If the state of health worsens, an individual mode of work is established: the break is temporarily lengthened, the start and end times of work are changed.

    At a special workplace, a disabled person is also given the opportunity to plan the release of products in accordance with his psychophysiological capabilities, taking into account the reduced working capacity of the worker and with an emphasis on rhythmic workload.

    The minimum number of special jobs is set by local authorities for each enterprise individually, taking into account the situation in the regional labor market.

    If jobs are created at the expense of employers, local governments provide them with tax incentives, reduced utility rates or other forms of assistance that encourage other employers to do the same.

    For the disabled, whose health condition does not allow them to work in enterprises of a general type or in specially created jobs, specialized enterprises are created. These enterprises have significant benefits: tax; credit; for renting premises and other aspects of their activities.


    1. An independent, extensive and multi-profile system of social protection of the economically active population is being formed in Russia.

    2. Among the priority areas of social protection of employees, an important place is occupied by the organization of employment assistance services, support for the well-being of the employed and the unemployed, maintaining health, and improving skills.

    3. To date, only some prerequisites for a system of social protection of workers, adequate to a market economy, have been created: an employment promotion service has been organized and operates; measures are being taken to recreate a rehabilitation system for disabled people who want to work, and a system for monitoring working conditions at enterprises; attempts are being made to organize a system of advanced training and retraining based on new principles of adaptive learning; special social funds were formed - social insurance, employment, etc.

    4. For the transition period, fundamental changes in the entire system of social protection of workers and each link separately are important; its adaptation to new economic relations; definition of a new role, rights and obligations of the main subjects of the labor market - employees, employers, the state and those institutions that perform the functions of social protection of the population; identification of the main types and forms of social protection as independent subsystems; determination of the main principles and sources of funding; formation of infrastructure of social protection.

    · Occupational Therapy

    · Professional education

    · Employment

    Occupational Therapy- one of the methods of medical rehabilitation of sick and disabled people, which in its essence has not only a medical, but also a pronounced social orientation. It includes various types of physical exercises containing elements of household and professional activities. The main goal of occupational therapy is the restoration and development of impaired functions, the formation of compensatory skills for self-service, housekeeping, needlework, and performance of labor operations. Occupational therapy is carried out in combination with other methods of restorative therapy and rehabilitation, fixing the effect of their impact.

    Occupational therapy, individually justified and rationally selected, acts as a therapeutic factor, contributing to physical and intellectual development, correction of motor functions and normalization of general physiological parameters of the body. In the process of occupational therapy, the personality is formed, psychological complexes are overcome, new interpersonal relationships are formed; a person is involved in collective activities, as a result of which the level of his adaptation in society increases.

    Requirements for the organization of occupational therapy:

    Ensuring the diversity of labor processes and their gradual complication,

    Maintain interest in work

    psychological comfort,

    Constant supervision by the attending physician and labor instructor.

    When organizing occupational therapy, it is necessary to take into account a number of clinical, physiological and social criteria: the nosology of the disease, the nature of functional disorders, the state of the intellectual-mnestic sphere, the level of development or preservation of professional and labor skills, working and living conditions.

    Taking into account the specified criteria, occupational therapy can play the role of general strengthening therapy, restorative (functional) therapy, industrial (professional) occupational therapy.

    Occupational therapy is used in individual and group forms. It is organized in stationary medical institutions, boarding schools, social service centers, rehabilitation centers and is carried out directly on the ground (for example, in hospital departments) or in specially created labor workshops or specialized workshops. It is possible to organize occupational therapy at home.

    Industrial occupational therapy can be considered not only as the final stage of medical rehabilitation, but also as one of the forms of social and labor rehabilitation of sick and disabled people. It is carried out in the conditions of specialized industrial enterprises or specialized workshops of ordinary enterprises. At the same time, the main tasks of rehabilitation are the development of labor skills, labor reorientation, training and education of a new profession.

    After the Second World War in Great Britain, Canada and a number of other countries, occupational therapy(translated from English as “therapy with daily activities”) as a method of social and labor rehabilitation. At its core, occupational therapy combines such traditional methods of social rehabilitation for our country as employment therapy and occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is a broader concept than occupational therapy, and includes all types of activity in the scope of its activities. It involves carrying out individually selected activities to restore social skills, the ability to independently organize one's life, leisure, and promote active forms of life.

    Occupational therapy includes the following areas:

    Productive activity - professional activity, paid and social work, study, parental responsibilities, caring for loved ones, etc.;

    Self-service - problems of personal hygiene, dressing, cooking and eating;

    Leisure - physical education and sports, music, art, needlework, gardening, games, entertainment;

    play (children's games are considered an important activity for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the productive activities of adults). According to the observations of E. I. Kholostova, occupational therapy allows:

    Increase independence in daily activities and related self-care skills (eg, money management, meal planning, food preparation);

    To develop acceptable skills for the independent functioning of the individual, problem solving and life situation management;

    Provide facilities and adaptive equipment to compensate for lack of function;

    To slow down or prevent the degenerative effects of aging or functional difficulties;

    Cope with the changes and losses that come with old age (find resources in the social environment; recognize and overcome depression);

    Along the way, teach the necessary skills to those who care for the sick.

    Being interdisciplinary, occupational therapy requires the combined efforts of specialists of different profiles and different departments.

    The main goal of vocational rehabilitation is to enable a sick or disabled person to get or keep a suitable job and thereby contribute to his social integration, the achievement of material independence or an increase in income and the possibility of self-reliance. The rights of disabled people to vocational rehabilitation are enshrined in a number of regulatory documents, the main of which are:

    Law of February 19, 1991 "On Employment in the Russian Federation" (with subsequent amendments and additions);

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended on 13.01.96

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 1993 “On measures for professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people”;

    Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of September 28, 1993 “On the list of priority professions for workers and employees, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive in regional labor markets”;

    Order of the Federal Employment Service of Russia dated February 28, 1994 “On Approval of the Temporary Regulations on Specialized Units for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of the Disabled”.

    A study of the needs of disabled people in various types of rehabilitation in Moscow, conducted by TSIETIN, showed that 62.6% of disabled people are in need of some form of professional rehabilitation. The need for vocational rehabilitation is especially high among disabled people of young and middle age - respectively 82.8 and 78.7% of the number of disabled people of these age groups.

    There are three components to the development of a vocational rehabilitation program.

    Assessment of the type and degree of disability, including the ability to learn.

    Evaluation of the "professional and labor" component of the rehabilitation program, including the determination of the characteristics of the integral reaction of the body of a disabled person to labor activity, the assessment of their significance for labor activity and the possibility of its continuation, the determination of the possibility of adaptation to work by maintaining an adequate state, the development of a strategy for labor activity.

    Assessment of the general and professional educational status of a disabled person, including a comprehensive analysis of social characteristics associated with educational activities, the main characteristics of educational activities, as well as determining the compliance of the requirements for a disabled person in the learning process with his professionally significant physiological, psychophysiological and psychological qualities and determining the development in the learning process of professionally important sensory, motor and thinking skills.

    Vocational education is one of the main, most problematic areas of vocational rehabilitation , the initial stage of which is professional orientation. career guidance solves the problem of informing and consulting disabled people in order to choose a profession, mode and working conditions, training opportunities. Orientation is carried out in the field of professions and the modern labor market, existing educational institutions and professional retraining centers intended for persons with disabilities, in order to achieve optimal professional self-determination of a person.

    Career guidance for people with disabilities provides for an integrated approach, taking into account medical, psychological and social aspects. An integral part of career guidance is the availability of data characterizing professional activity. Such material is contained in the descriptions of professions - professiograms. They include information about the forms of vocational training, a description of the workplace, content and working conditions, a description of a person in the labor process (positive and negative aspects in work, difficulties, degree of responsibility, an element of creativity, psycho-physiological qualities and medical contraindications, positive and negative consequences of work for a person), socio-economic characteristics of the profession.

    It is important to take into account not only indications, but also contraindications to professional activity and, ultimately, professional suitability. professional fit one whose psycho-physiological capabilities and abilities correspond to a certain profession is considered. In order to assess professional suitability, psychophysiological diagnostics is carried out. Then, with the help of psychological and functional tests, the types of work for which the subject is considered professionally suitable are selected.

    When studying the professional interest and inclinations of a person, it should be taken into account that many disabled people, especially those with childhood disabilities, do not adequately assess their capabilities when choosing a future profession. Explanatory work, correction of individual professional plans and claims are carried out, psychological support is provided. The final decision in choosing a profession, educational institution, place of work remains with the disabled person. Any form of influence on his motivation and decision in the sphere of self-determination by hiding or changing information is not allowed.

    After choosing a future profession, a list of possible measures to assist in acquiring it is planned. The real difficulties of the process of mastering the profession and employment and possible ways to overcome them are discussed. At present, the employment authorities, which are responsible for vocational rehabilitation, including vocational guidance and vocational training for disabled people, pay great attention to the development of a differentiated and flexible approach to solving issues of labor expertise, which makes it possible to use the professional residual working capacity of sick and disabled people.

    At vocational training as the next method of rehabilitation, a complex task should be solved, in the solution of which the mastery of special knowledge, skills and abilities will be combined with the formation of abilities for socio-psychological adaptation. In a market economy, it is necessary that the vocational education of persons with disabilities include training in competitive and prestigious professions, the basics of entrepreneurial activity, which will serve to ensure equal opportunities for persons with disabilities in terms of employment.

    Professional education provides a system and process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of recommended professional activity.

    Vocational education provides the sick and disabled with the following opportunities:

    Acquire a skilled profession if they did not previously have one;

    Acquire another specialty if, due to illness or disability, work in the former specialty becomes impossible or unproductive;

    To improve the existing qualifications for the work performed.

    When deciding on retraining, it must be borne in mind that the main indications and contraindications for learning a new profession are the same as when choosing a profession for the first time.

    For retraining, a profession is chosen taking into account not only the possibility of the disabled person performing production operations, but also the maximum use of his knowledge and skills related to the old profession, taking into account his personal interests.

    There are three main ways to get a new profession:

    Independent retraining (a disabled person pays for training himself);

    Free retraining through the employment service. Disabled people of groups III and II have the right to this, group I - with a work recommendation;

    Search for a job that does not require retraining or on-the-job training.

    Vocational training is carried out with or without interruption from work.

    One of the important conditions for successful labor rehabilitation of disabled people is their general education. The presence of secondary and higher education significantly increases the competitiveness of people with disabilities. Obtaining vocational education by a disabled person does not yet guarantee his employment, but it increases the chances of a profitable job, makes him competitive in the labor market.

    Employment. Labor device sick and disabled - the final stage of rehabilitation. It is an assessment of the validity of an expert opinion on the ability to work, a career guidance decision, the effectiveness of the process of previous training and all rehabilitation measures.

    For young people with disabilities who have insufficient social experience, it is important to help them develop and form such social skills that increase the likelihood of employment: job search in their specialty, the ability to write a professional resume, interact with representatives of official structures, make search phone calls, the ability to use Internet resources .

    The employment of a disabled person is carried out both in the conditions of ordinary production (the so-called "protected" jobs), and in the conditions of specially created enterprises. The latter differ from ordinary enterprises in the conditions of financing, the mode of work and rest, and the norms of production tasks.

    It is important for specialists involved in the employment of people with disabilities to have a database of existing vacancies in the workplace, for which it is necessary to actively search for potential jobs, maintain constant contact with business leaders.

    When employing a disabled person, it is important not only to provide for the adaptation of the workplace to its functional capabilities, but also to help him in psychological and physiological adaptation to new working conditions and the workforce.

    Organization of home work within the framework of a specialized enterprise, it is allowed only for persons who have the necessary living conditions, as well as practical skills in a particular job or profession (or can be trained in these skills). The specific type of work for homeworkers is selected taking into account their professional skills and state of health. The enterprise provides the disabled person with the necessary equipment, tools, raw materials and materials for free use and ensures the sale of finished products.

    A large reserve in regulating the labor market of disabled people is their self-employment and the organization of their own business. Subsidies and assistance are legally guaranteed for disabled people who organize their own small business. However, work with disabled people on teaching entrepreneurial skills, providing professional assistance and psychological support has not yet brought a tangible effect.

    In relation to persons with disabilities, the concept "rational labor arrangement". This means that the place of work is potentially adequate for a disabled person in terms of his state of health, psychophysiological characteristics, personal motives and professional training. A workplace for a disabled person must also comply with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards and have socio-economic equivalence with a similar job previously performed (in the event of a change) or a similar job performed by a healthy employee (in the case of initial entry into the labor market).

    At the present stage, with the introduction of computer technology into the practice of institutions and organizations, it became necessary not only to characterize functional disorders, but also to develop qualitative and quantitative characteristics of functional disorders, defined uniform unified criteria, which could be used by both expert doctors and employees of various rehabilitation services, who for the most part do not and should not have a medical education.

    The main component of the developed technology for the formation of an individual program for the social rehabilitation of a disabled person is a comprehensive expert system for determining the potential capabilities and needs of a disabled person in combination with a vocational guide. The computer program "Professional Handbook" is designed to automate an expert assessment of the accessibility of the professions included in the handbook for a disabled person, taking into account his potential professional capabilities and his inherent psychological qualities. The directory was created as an integral part of the software and information system for providing vocational rehabilitation and employment promotion for people with disabilities (which also includes a data bank on people with disabilities in the region, an expert system for assessing the potential professional opportunities of people with disabilities for health reasons, a bank of jobs for employment of people with disabilities and a bank of training places for referral of disabled people for training and retraining), i.e. software and information system, which forms the basis of a single information space for the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people, primarily to address the issue of their professional rehabilitation.