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Symptoms and treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis case history and clinical guidelines. Classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of chronic bronchitis Obstructive syndrome ICD code 10

For the convenience of recording patients and diseases, there is a special unified international system. Acute bronchitis, ICD code 10 in adults and children, is customary to prescribe certain symbols all over the world.

Acute bronchitis code for mcd 10 in children

All pathologies and diseases associated with organs that perform respiratory functions are assigned to class X according to ICD 10. Acute bronchitis code for ICD 10 in children has the code J 20. This code combination is assigned if patients diagnosed with acute bronchitis do not turned 15 years old.

In addition to the main designation, acute bronchitis, the ICD 10 code includes one additional digit, depending on the pathogen or cause of the disease and its form.

In children, the diagnosis is recorded as follows:

  • J0 - the disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms mycoplasmas. These microbes do not have their own cell membrane and penetrate into the cells of the respiratory system. The immune system does not recognize them and, due to the high rate of reproduction and movement, they cause acute inflammation of the bronchi.
  • J1 - inflammation of the bronchi in persons under 15 years of age, of various nature.
  • J2 - Bronchitis is caused by streptococcal bacteria.
  • J3 - the disease occurs when the bronchi are affected by enterovirus A or Coxsackie.
  • J4 - acute course of the disease associated with the parainfluenza virus;
  • J5 - bronchitis, the acute manifestation of which is caused by a syncytial virus.
  • J6, acute inflammatory bronchial disease associated with Rhinovirus;
  • J7 - the cause of the acute form of the disease is an ecovirus;
  • J8 - acute form of bronchitis is caused by other specified pathogens.
  • J9 - all other acute, unspecified types of bronchitis.

Acute forms of inflammation of the bronchi are very common in children from birth to 5-6 years. This is due to the peculiarity of the child's body and its immune defenses. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision.

Acute bronchitis, ICD code 10 in adults

Inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract in an acute form are more likely to affect the elderly than younger people. This is due to a weakened immune system and accumulated other ailments. Acute bronchitis code for microbial 10 in adults, doctors, after making a diagnosis by a doctor, indicate as J 20. Various types of acute bronchitis are coded by the specified combination of letters and numbers. This includes various all acute forms caused by various pathogens, including those occurring with complications:

  1. spasms in the bronchi;
  2. septic infections;
  3. purulent secretions;
  4. with tracheitis.

An additional symbol is added depending on the pathogen:

  • J0 is the causative agent of mycoplasma;
  • J1 - the cause of the Afanasiev-Pfeiffer stick;
  • J2 - causative agent of streptococcus;
  • J3 - causes enterovirus A;
  • J4 - causative agent of the parainfluenza virus;
  • J5 - causes damage to the syncytial virus;
  • J6 - cause of rhinovirus;
  • J7 - causes echovirus;
  • J8 - various specified causes;
  • J 9 - not specified bronchitis.

The acute form of inflammation is always accompanied by a cough. At the beginning of the disease, it is most often a non-productive cough. If treatment is started on time, then after 7-8 days the cough becomes wet or productive. By the end of the second week, it gradually subsides. To consolidate the results, it is necessary to continue treating acute bronchitis for at least seven more days after the main symptoms have subsided.

With this disease, the use of drugs that thin the sputum and facilitate its discharge is indicated. The question of the use of antibiotics for the treatment of acute bronchitis is taken by the doctor. Most often they are appointed if the process is accompanied by a high temperature. In acute bronchitis, treatment must be completed to the end, otherwise it may become chronic. Even if in the first days the medication is started on its own, in the following days a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Acute bronchitis code for ICb 10 j40

In addition to the above designations, acute bronchitis code for microbial 10 can also be written with other combinations of numbers and Latin letters. Acute bronchitis code for microbial 10 j 40 denotes both the acute course of the disease and similar varieties.

For example:

  • Catarrhal bronchitis, in symptoms and course, is similar to an acute form. Inflammation affects the mucous membranes without penetration into the tissues of the bronchi. It differs from the acute form by a large amount of sputum. Accompanies colds or occurs as a complication;
  • A form of bronchitis accompanied by inflammation of the trachea. Tracheitis is caused by the same viruses and bacteria as the acute course of bronchitis. It is treated with the same drugs as acute bronchial disease.
  • Tracheobronchitis occurs most often in an acute form. This pathology is not very often an independent disease. It is mainly a complication after whooping cough, SARS, acute respiratory infections. The cause may be staphylococci, pneumococci and other microbes. Requires immediate medical treatment to avoid serious complications, blockage of the bronchi.
  • Other unspecified forms and types of bronchitis. Asthmatic, allergic bronchitis and acute pathologies caused by chemicals were excluded from this section.

Acute bronchitis MCD code 10 84.0

All diseases associated with the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs belong to class X. Acute bronchitis, ICD code 10 84.0, is characterized by disorders in structures such as the alveoli. The process of respiration and gas exchange that occurs in the lungs and bronchi depends on them. Pathological phenomena are most often associated with the accumulation of harmful substances in the respiratory organs.

Characteristic signs of disorders in the alveoli are:

  • shortness of breath;
  • pain inside the chest;
  • scanty yellowish sputum;
  • respiratory failure;
  • bluish lip color;
  • sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • weight loss.

The correct diagnosis according to ICD J 84 helps to make fluoroscopy. It is necessary to treat this pathology. The treatment is quite complicated and is associated with saturation of the lung tissue with oxygen and washing them with saline.

The acute course most often has a low percentage of favorable outcomes. The disease is aggravated by various fungal, viral and other infectious lesions. Acute bronchitis, ICD code 10, also needs timely treatment. It must be agreed with the doctor.

Acute bronchitis code for microbial 10 treatment

Any disease begins with a diagnosis. In acute forms, it is put on the basis of the clinical picture, analyzes and x-ray. If the diagnosis of acute bronchitis is confirmed, ICD code 10, treatment is directed primarily to individual symptoms.

Since acute bronchitis at its onset is manifested by a dry type of cough, with sputum difficult to separate, the following medications are indicated:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Codelac neo;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Herbion.

In some cases, antibiotics can help treat acute bronchitis. Only a doctor can prescribe their use. He selects not only the drug, but also the dose. It depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. The main reasons for prescribing antibiotics are:

  • no improvement within three weeks;
  • heat;
  • yellow or green sputum with blood;
  • strong wheezing.

A good effect is given by fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins. Macrolides such as erythromycin are also used. If bronchitis is viral in nature, then antibiotics will not help. Here the patient is shown a home regimen, drinking plenty of water, conducting inhalations. Acute bronchitis, ICD code J 20, can be cured faster if official and traditional medicine is used.

Acute obstructive bronchitis, ICD code 10 in children

The occurrence of inflammation of various nature in childhood is associated primarily with the peculiarity of the development of the respiratory system. In addition, children are more prone to hypothermia, colds. Acute obstructive bronchitis, microbial code 10 in children, doctors indicate a combination of J 20.

This form occurs against the background of a cold or viral disease. It is characterized most often by an acute and sudden onset. It proceeds with blockage of the bronchi, the occurrence of edema, a rise in temperature. Mucus in children has a thicker consistency than in adults. Which causes an obstruction.

This form requires:

  1. In the room where the child is and sleeps, reduce the temperature to + 22 degrees, humidify the air, clean and wipe the dust.
  2. Increase the amount of fluid. It will thin the sputum and make it easier to cough up.
  3. Perform therapeutic massage.
  4. Take medications prescribed by your doctor.

An integrated approach to treatment leads to recovery in two to three weeks.

Acute bronchitis with an asthmatic component, ICD code 10

Acute bronchitis with an asthmatic component code for microbial 10 is often denoted by J 45.9. This form of the disease has similar symptoms to asthma. The difference from asthma is that there are no asthma attacks. Despite this, modern doctors regard this species as a pre-asthmatic condition.

The causes of the disease can be:

  • heredity;
  • infectious or viral pathogens, very often staphylococcus aureus causes pathology;
  • various allergens, dust, pollen, animal hair.

Preschool children and younger schoolchildren get sick most often. The frequency of diseases may be seasonal. Antispasmodics, vitamins, mucolytics are used for treatment. It is possible to prescribe antibiotics. A good effect is given by inhalation with a nebulizer.

Acute, chronic bronchitis ICb code 10

Acute, chronic bronchitis code for microbial 10 is prescribed as J 40. This includes bronchitis of an unspecified nature, both acute and chronic.

Regardless of the form, the disease is diagnosed on the basis of images, analyzes and the clinical picture. In some cases, sputum cultures are performed or bronchoscopy is prescribed. The chronic form very often arises from a poorly treated acute form. Acute bronchitis lasts 10-20 days.

You can talk about chronic bronchitis when a person has been sick for at least 90 days in 24 months. Bad habits, especially smoking, can influence the course of the disease. The incidence of disease is associated with cold and damp weather. In addition to the usual means, you need to strengthen the immune system and lead a healthy and proper lifestyle.

Acute bronchitis code, according to microbial 10 in adults and children, is prescribed in outpatient cards or in case histories without fail. This helps to analyze the effectiveness of treatment in different groups of patients. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

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Medical workers are well acquainted with the ICD reference book, that is, the International Classifier of Diseases. The document contains complete information about all diseases, their forms, diagnostic features, specific recommendations regarding treatment and prevention.

In 1999, the 10th revision of the handbook data was carried out, and the next one is planned for 2015.

ICD-10 consists of 3 volumes, all information is divided into 21 classes and 1-,2-,3- and 4-digit headings. A certain place in this classification is occupied by chronic bronchitis, which manifests itself in various forms and is accompanied by complications.

According to the ICD, chronic bronchitis differs from acute bronchitis in that the inflammatory process in the bronchial tree is progressive in nature and covers significant areas of the organ. Typically, such irreversible damage occurs after prolonged exposure to adverse factors (smoking, poor environment, infections).

The disease is characterized by a restructuring of the secretory apparatus of the bronchi, which leads to an increase in the volume and density of sputum, a decrease in the protective and cleansing functions of the organ. The patient suffers from a cough that may appear intermittently or be permanent. In accordance with the ICD criteria, the diagnosis of "chronic bronchitis" is made when an excessive productive (wet) cough lasts at least 3 months per year over the past 2 years.

Classification of the chronic form

In the CIS countries, there are two methods of classification, which are based on the absence or presence of bronchial obstruction (the gap between the walls of the bronchi narrows, which leads to a violation of their patency), in addition, the nature of the inflammatory process is taken into account.

In accordance with the data obtained, 4 main forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • non-obstructive;
  • obstructive;
  • purulent;
  • purulent-obstructive.

Obstructive bronchitis has a characteristic feature - the appearance of shortness of breath, while the inflammatory process affects large and small bronchi. And for the non-obstructive form, inflammation is localized only in large sections of the bronchi. Purulent chronic bronchitis is accompanied by general intoxication of the body, the presence of purulent sputum. Often, chronic forms turn into more severe diseases (asthma, cor pulmonale, emphysema, etc.).

Both obstructive and non-obstructive bronchitis in chronic form has 2 phases:

  • exacerbation;
  • remission (easing the symptoms of the disease for a while).

The duration of these periods depends on the patient's lifestyle, timely prevention, and the absence of bad habits.

Chronic lung diseases according to ICD-10

The ICD-10 reference book uses the term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The systematization of knowledge on this disease is based on centuries of medical experience and research by modern scientists. According to the document, chronic bronchitis is included under J40-J47.

Each individual form of the disease corresponds to a specific code:

  • catarrhal bronchitis with tracheitis is designated as J40. However, this category does not include forms of the disease caused by exposure to chemicals, as well as asthmatic and allergic;
  • code J41 is a simple chronic form. It is accompanied by a wet cough with purulent or mucopurulent sputum. Large sections of the bronchi are affected;
  • tracheobronchitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, that is, diseases not designated as chronic, are labeled J42;
  • Primary pulmonary emphysema is manifested by shortness of breath, not accompanied by cough. This is one of the common complications of COPD in the ICD-10 is listed under the number J43;
  • code J44 assigned to other COPDs. Chronic obstructive bronchitis has a pronounced symptom - wheezing, and the patient's condition is sharply aggravated;
  • Emphysema has the code J45;
  • J46 assigns asthmatic status to the patient;
  • J47 - bronchiectasis, which is characterized by an irreversible change in the bronchi with a suppurative process in them.

The ICD Handbook is a guide for the doctor in prescribing adequate therapy. The main goal of therapeutic measures is to prevent further deterioration of the patient's condition, lengthen remission periods and reduce the rate of disease progression. Obstructive and non-obstructive bronchitis require different therapy, but great attention is paid to preventive measures.

When choosing drugs, the attending physician should pay attention to the patient's condition, his age, gender, social living conditions and the causes of the disease.

Many doctors believe that chronic obstructive bronchitis is an irreversible process. But you can live with the disease if you eat right, prevent infectious diseases and harden your body. Such conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of statistical data, which are given in the ICD-10 reference book.

What place among lung diseases does chronic bronchitis take according to ICD 10, what are the features of its course

Chronic bronchitis is assigned to a person if the inflammation of the bronchial mucosa does not go away for a long time. Chronic bronchitis according to ICD 10 is one of the diseases of the lungs, has some differences in the course, which are codes - J40-J42, J44.

These digital designations are designed for specialists, so that the doctor, at first glance at the code, can understand what disease he is dealing with.

Features of the disease

The main manifestation of chronic inflammation of the bronchi is cough.

Chronic bronchitis is diagnosed if a person has been coughing for three months. These episodes are summarized during the year, or if the disease lasts the specified time continuously. A similar picture should be maintained for two years in a row.

If these time intervals do not correspond to the conditions for making a diagnosis, then coughing episodes are classified as either acute or recurrent bronchitis.

Important: if temporal features were not taken into account, then any prolonged cough would be defined as chronic bronchitis, and a huge number of patients had this diagnosis.

Often situations of prolonged coughing are observed in people:

  • addicted to smoking;
  • who are forced to work under adverse working conditions, with highly polluted air.

How does chronic bronchitis develop?

  1. Inflammation exists in the lungs for such a long time that changes and rearrangements occur in the structure of the bronchi.
  2. Changes in the bronchi cause violations of air permeability.
  3. The discharge of secretions from the bronchi is difficult.
  4. Local pulmonary immunity is reduced.
  5. When an infection gets in, it becomes extremely difficult for the body to recover completely.
  6. The infection continues to develop and the inflammation spreads.
  7. If the development of the disease is not prevented by therapeutic measures, then the disease will be transformed into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease has more severe manifestations and its main problem is not only cough, but also the development of respiratory failure.

The photos and videos in this article will show how the disease is formed.


Chronic bronchitis code according to ICD 10 refers to the block of chronic respiratory diseases, among them there are several conditions that differ in clinical manifestations, they also have different codes in this medical reference book.

Table No. 1. Types of pathology and their designations:

Important: it is possible to cure chronic bronchitis, for this, patients must diligently follow the instructions of the attending physician.

Signs of illness

Chronic inflammation in the bronchi has certain signs of a course, they are described below.


Cough is the main symptom of most lung diseases. It invariably accompanies the disease and is a symptom that determines the disease.

Cough is divided according to its features:

  1. Moist cough- in which expectoration of sputum occurs. This is considered a protective element, in which the developed sputum is naturally evacuated from the bronchial tree, due to this, the lumen of the bronchi remains free and the patient's breathing is not difficult. It is very important that at the same time there is no bronchospasm, which does not allow normal coughing up of sputum.
  2. Dry cough it is otherwise called not productive, since it does not separate sputum and remove it from the body, since it is simply absent in the bronchi. Dry cough is rated by patients as painful. Often it happens in attacks, it is difficult for the patient to stop, it causes pain in the abdomen and chest. After an attack, the patient still coughs up a meager lump of mucus.

During chronic bronchitis, a wet cough predominates, as sputum is actively produced in the bronchi.

Cough itself is a reflex reaction that occurs in response to the excitation of numerous receptors located in the bronchial and tracheal mucosa. Impulses from the receptor apparatus rush to the brain, to a special cough center. The brain responds to impulses and causes the respiratory muscles to contract - this is how a cough occurs.

In the nature of cough, there is one problem - the uneven location of receptors in the tissues of the bronchi of various sizes:

  • a large number of receptors are located in the large bronchi and trachea;
  • there are practically no receptors in the small bronchi.

In such a situation, if inflammation occurs in small lung structures, then their complete blockage occurs quite quickly. Cough does not occur, even in the presence of sputum, the lungs do not provide air movement - bronchial obstruction develops.

Important: it is possible to determine that the cause of the problem is small bronchi during forced exhalation, if wheezing wheezes are heard, then their patency is impaired.


If chronic bronchitis resolves without bronchial obstruction, then shortness of breath does not occur.

It occurs in people in the following cases:

  • if an exacerbation occurs, the ICD code 10 is J44, the disease is active and the symptoms are rapidly growing;
  • if the inflammatory process takes a very long time, for more than one year, it can be considered a sluggish disease, patients in this case do not even notice the moment when the disease returned to them;
  • if a person is a smoker or there is a seasonal reaction to a change in the weather in the form of a cough;
  • when a person suffers from an obstructive form of the disease, then shortness of breath is formed from the very beginning;
  • it can occur along with a cough during physical exertion, even with ordinary bronchitis at the initial stage, with the further development of the disease, the syndrome increases - the symptoms develop in the patient even with minimal activity;
  • in severe cases, shortness of breath begins even at rest.

Sputum department

Important: if a person has difficult working conditions - severe air pollution, then the color of sputum will vary, for miners, sputum may be black.

The amount of sputum may vary depending on the stage of the disease and its type.

Table number 2. How actively sputum is produced in various conditions:

ICD coding for chronic bronchitis

Regardless of the conditions of occurrence, the code of chronic bronchitis according to ICD 10 is always located in the class of diseases of the respiratory system and the heading of chronic pathologies of the lower respiratory tract.

Items in this section also have divisions, in most cases specifying the morphological type of respiratory pathology. The etiological factor in this case matters only in clinical classifications.

Encoding options:

  • J40 - an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which for a number of reasons cannot be considered acute, but it is also difficult to attribute it to chronic (allergic obstructive inflammations, pathologies caused by chemicals and asthmatic forms of the disease are excluded from the category);
  • J41 - under this code is a simple bronchitis, as well as a disease of a mucous and purulent nature (the category is divided into both types of the pathological process and includes a mixed version of the disease);
  • J42 - a form of pathology of an unspecified nature;
  • J44 - other types of obstructive pathology of the respiratory system with a protracted course.

Separately in ICD 10 chronic bronchitis has the code J45.9 in case of asthma. The diagnosis of asthma is made by exclusion in the presence of several attacks of obstruction during the year, which are tied to the same factor and are stopped by bronchial dilating drugs.

Features of the disease

Unlike ordinary acute or obstructive bronchitis, this type of inflammatory process is not always associated with an infectious agent. Risk factors for the disease are bad habits, work in hazardous industries, living in unsatisfactory social conditions.

There are mild, moderate and severe forms of pathology, which is not reflected in the international classification of diseases. The severity of the process is set depending on the violation of breathing and morphological changes in the bronchi and alveoli.

Chronic bronchitis in the ICD 10 is established without an exact indication of the etiological factor, since it affects the treatment to a lesser extent.

The drugs used in all forms are the same, but in the case of a specific cause of inflammation, its effect on the body should be limited as much as possible. For example, quit smoking or change jobs associated with the ingress of small particles of dust, sand and other substances into the bronchi.


Excludes: cystic fibrosis (E84.-)

Note. Bronchitis not specified as acute or chronic in persons under 15 years of age may be considered acute in nature and should be classified under J20.-.


  • Bronchitis:
    • NOS
    • catarrhal
    • tracheitis NOS
  • Tracheobronchitis NOS

Excludes: bronchitis:

  • allergic NOS (J45.0)
  • asthmatic NOS (J45.9)
  • chemical induced (acute) (J68.0)

Excludes: chronic bronchitis:

  • NOS (J42)
  • obstructive (J44.-)

Included: Chronic:

  • bronchitis NOS
  • tracheitis
  • tracheobronchitis

Excludes: chronic:

  • asthmatic bronchitis (J44.-)
  • bronchitis:
    • simple and mucopurulent (J41.-)
    • with airway obstruction (J44.-)
  • emphysematous bronchitis (J44.-)
  • obstructive pulmonary disease NOS (J44.9)


  • emphysema:
    • compensatory (J98.3)
    • caused by chemicals, gases, fumes and vapors (J68.4)
    • interstitial (J98.2)
      • newborn (P25.0)
    • mediastinal (J98.2)
    • surgical (subcutaneous) (T81.8)
    • traumatic subcutaneous (T79.7)
    • with chronic (obstructive) bronchitis (J44.-)
  • emphysematous (obstructive) bronchitis (J44.-)

Included: chronic:

  • bronchitis:
    • asthmatic (obstructive)
    • emphysematous
    • With:
      • blockage of the airways
      • emphysema
  • obstructive(th):
    • asthma
    • bronchitis
    • tracheobronchitis


  • asthma (J45.-)
  • asthmatic bronchitis NOS (J45.9)
  • bronchiectasis (J47)
  • chronic:
    • tracheitis (J42)
    • tracheobronchitis (J42)
  • emphysema (J43.-)


  • acute severe asthma (J46)
  • chronic asthmatic (obstructive) bronchitis (J44.-)
  • chronic obstructive asthma (J44.-)
  • eosinophilic asthma (J82)
  • lung diseases caused by external agents (J60-J70)
  • status asthmaticus (J46)

Acute severe asthma


  • congenital bronchiectasis (Q33.4)
  • tuberculous bronchiectasis (current disease) (A15-A16)

In Russia International Classification of Diseases 10th revision ( ICD-10) is adopted as a single regulatory document for accounting for morbidity, reasons for the population to apply to medical institutions of all departments, and causes of death.

Medicine is constantly looking for new ways to cure various diseases, preventive measures to prevent them, and also tries to do everything possible so that people live long. There are a lot of pathologies in the world, therefore, to facilitate doctors, a special taxonomy was created, which is called the ICD - International Classification of Diseases.

Obstructive bronchitis according to ICD 10 is an inflammation of the respiratory system, which is accompanied by spasm of the bronchi and narrowing of the tubules. Most often, the elderly and young children suffer from pathology, because. they have a reduced immune system and susceptibility to various bacterial diseases.

With normal therapy, the prognosis for life is favorable, however, in some cases, the disease can end in death. To get rid of obstructive bronchitis, doctors prescribe standard treatment, which includes:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibacterial medicines;
  • glucocorticosteroid drugs.

When the disease is still at an early stage, it is possible to start using folk recipes in parallel with medicines. It can be the reception of decoctions, herbs, tinctures.

It is also important to be completely calm, so you need to observe bed rest, diet, drink a lot. Be sure to need walks in the fresh air and regular airing.

Obstructive bronchitis ICD 10 is divided into acute and chronic phases. The acute phase is characterized by the fact that the symptoms are very strong, but recovery occurs quickly - in a month. The chronic type is accompanied by periodic relapses with a deterioration in the patient's health.

Depending on the nature of the pathology, the acute phase is also divided into two types:

  • Infectious. It occurs due to the penetration of an infectious source into the human body.
  • The chemical type occurs when formaldehyde and acetone vapors enter the respiratory tract.
  • The mixed type is accompanied by the appearance in the body of two of the above species at once.

If the pathology appeared as a complication after a disease of the respiratory system, then such a process is secondary and is treated much harder. The nature of inflammation in bronchitis can also be divided into purulent and catarrhal.

The disease can proceed in different ways, therefore, obstructive and non-obstructive types are distinguished. In the second case, the disease is not accompanied by problems with lung ventilation, so the outcome for the patient's life is favorable.

ICD code 10 acute bronchitis

Acute obstructive bronchitis is the ICD code 10 - j 20.0, which contains 10 exact diagnoses that differ in the type of pathogen.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis ICD code 10 j 44.0, while excluding the appearance of the disease after the flu.

Obstructive bronchitis in children according to the description of ICD 10 occurs rapidly and is very similar in symptoms to a cold.

Nature of occurrence

Obstructive bronchitis can appear under the influence of a variety of factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • exposure to toxic and irritating components;
  • allergic reaction.

Antigens, viruses and microorganisms, when they penetrate into a person, are perceived by the body as foreign substances that must be disposed of. Therefore, the active production of antibodies begins in the body, designed to identify and destroy foreign bodies that have got there. Lymphocytes and macrophages actively bind to harmful particles, engulf them, digest them, and then produce memory cells so that the immune system remembers them. The whole process is accompanied by inflammation, sometimes even with a rise in temperature.

In order for the immune cells to quickly find the focus of the disease, an increase in blood circulation begins, including to the bronchial mucosa. A large number of biologically active substances begin to be synthesized. From the influx of blood, the mucosa begins to expand and acquires a red tint. There is a secretion of mucous secretion from the tissues that line the internal cavity of the bronchi.

This provokes the appearance of a first dry cough, which eventually begins to turn into a wet one. This is because the amount of mucus secreted increases. If pathogenic bacteria enter the trachea, the disease turns into tracheobronchitis, which has the ICD code j20.


All pathologies of the respiratory system, and acute obstructive bronchitis have a similar set of symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • dizziness or headache;
  • cough;
  • the appearance of a runny nose;
  • wheezing, accompanied by noise and whistling;
  • myalgia;
  • temperature increase.

When there is poor patency of the bronchi, the following symptoms occur:

  • dyspnea;
  • breathing problems;
  • the appearance of a blue tint on the skin (cyanosis);
  • incessant dry cough with periodic expiration;
  • fine bubbling rales;
  • discharge of sputum or mucus from the nose with a lot of pus;
  • whistling breath.

This disease is most active in the autumn-spring period, when all ailments begin to worsen. Newborn children suffer the most from it. At the last stage, the following symptoms appear:

  • severe paroxysmal cough that occurs on inspiration;
  • pain that occurs behind the sternum, at the site of the diaphragm;
  • hard breathing with pronounced wheezing;
  • sputum may contain impurities of blood and pus.


To detect obstructive bronchitis according to ICD 10, the doctor must prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • General inspection. The attending physician should listen to the lungs, feel the throat.
  • X-ray. On x-ray, the disease appears as dark spots.
  • Biochemical and general blood test.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Check for external respiration.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • immunological methods.
  • Microscopic analysis of sputum, as well as checking it for bacterial flora (bakposev).

If there is a suspicion that the patient begins tracheobronchitis, then a number of additional studies are supplemented:

  • Ultrasound examination of the respiratory system.
  • Spirometry.


Treatment of obstructive bronchitis should be complex and based on the nature of the disease. The conservative path of therapy includes:

  • Taking medications. Based on the results of the tests and the type of bacterial pathogen, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  • Antiviral medicines (if the culprits of the disease are viral particles); antiallergic drugs (if it is allergic); anti-inflammatory, to stop the focus of inflammation; expectorants, for better sputum discharge; mucolytic drugs.
  • folk methods.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.

Inpatient treatment is indicated if the patient is at risk of developing ancillary disease or complications.

As an aid, folk recipes will come in handy that will help you recover faster. For treatment, you can use:

  • Improving blood circulation compresses that are applied to the bronchial area.
  • Rubbing with warming and mucus-improving oils and gels. Badger fat, fir oil, turpentine ointment can act as such agents.
  • Taking herbal preparations, which can have a variety of effects on the body.
  • Useful massage treatments.
  • Inhalation with a nebulizer.
  • Aeroionotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Gymnastics.

Prevention of obstructive bronchitis ICD 10

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • develop a proper nutrition system;
  • taking multivitamin complexes;
  • constant physical activity;
  • hardening;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

If you ignore the treatment or do not follow it properly, then the acute phase flows into the chronic. One of the dangerous consequences can be bronchial asthma. The elderly and young children may develop acute renal or respiratory failure. To learn more about acute obstructive bronchitis according to ICD 10:

Regardless of the conditions of occurrence, the code of chronic bronchitis according to ICD 10 is always located in the class of diseases of the respiratory system and the heading of chronic pathologies of the lower respiratory tract.

Items in this section also have divisions, in most cases specifying the morphological type of respiratory pathology. The etiological factor in this case matters only in clinical classifications.

Encoding options:

  • J40 - an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which for a number of reasons cannot be considered acute, but it is also difficult to attribute it to chronic (allergic obstructive inflammations, pathologies caused by chemicals and asthmatic forms of the disease are excluded from the category);
  • J41 - under this code is a simple bronchitis, as well as a disease of a mucous and purulent nature (the category is divided into both types of the pathological process and includes a mixed version of the disease);
  • J42 - a form of pathology of an unspecified nature;
  • J44 - other types of obstructive pathology of the respiratory system with a protracted course.

Separately in ICD 10 chronic bronchitis has the code J45.9 in case of asthma. The diagnosis of asthma is made by exclusion in the presence of several attacks of obstruction during the year, which are tied to the same factor and are stopped by bronchial dilating drugs.

Features of the disease

Unlike ordinary acute or obstructive bronchitis, this type of inflammatory process is not always associated with an infectious agent. Risk factors for the disease are bad habits, work in hazardous industries, living in unsatisfactory social conditions.

There are mild, moderate and severe forms of pathology, which is not reflected in the international classification of diseases. The severity of the process is set depending on the violation of breathing and morphological changes in the bronchi and alveoli.

Chronic bronchitis in the ICD 10 is established without an exact indication of the etiological factor, since it affects the treatment to a lesser extent.

The drugs used in all forms are the same, but in the case of a specific cause of inflammation, its effect on the body should be limited as much as possible. For example, quit smoking or change jobs associated with the ingress of small particles of dust, sand and other substances into the bronchi.

Recurrent obstructive bronchitis is repeated exacerbations of bronchial obstruction that occur several times in one season, usually against the background of an existing infection. Simply put, cured acute obstructive bronchitis can flare up again after a person gets sick with a common cold. Similar outbreaks of exacerbation that occur several times in a short period of time are commonly called relapses.

ICD-10 code J44 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J44.0 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute respiratory infection of the lower respiratory tract J44.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with exacerbation, unspecified J44.8 Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J44.9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease disease unspecified J41 Chronic simple and mucopurulent bronchitis

What causes recurrent obstructive bronchitis?

Provocateurs of relapses of obstructive bronchitis are acute respiratory viral infections. Most often, such a disease is characteristic of children, and of an early age. In the medical field, recurrent obstructive bronchitis is called a harbinger of bronchial asthma.

This is explained by the fact that children subject to frequent obstruction of the bronchial tree are most prone to the development of further attacks of bronchial asthma.

How does recurrent obstructive bronchitis proceed?

As mentioned above, relapses are called repeated outbreaks of a recent illness. In the case of obstructive bronchitis, relapses can occur within the first two years. The impetus for relapse is an infectious lesion of the body, it is also SARS.

Against the background of the main symptoms of SARS: slight or subfebrile body temperature, redness of the throat, enlarged tonsils, discharge from the nose, coughing turning into a strong dry cough. General weakness of the body, lack of appetite. Within a few days, the signs of SARS decrease, and the cough becomes wet, the discharge of mucous or mucopurulent sputum intensifies.

Coarse rales are heard in the lungs, single, dry or wet, small or large bubbles, with a changing quantitative and qualitative indicator before and after coughing.

For recurrent conditions, it is important to observe during periods of remission, recovery of the body after a disease. It should be noted that after the subsidence of the acute phase of recurrent obstructive bronchitis during remission, the so-called "increased readiness to cough" is observed. An example is a situation in which a breath of fresh frosty air or other provoking factor causes a strong attack of coughing.

How to recognize recurrent obstructive bronchitis?

The most informative methods are considered to be a chest x-ray, in which you can clearly see a greatly enlarged pulmonary pattern. The clarity of the lung pattern is more pronounced during the period of exacerbation, but even in the state of remission, its increase differs significantly from the norm.

In the acute period, bronchoscopy is well informative. With its help, it is possible to timely detect the spread of catarrhal or catarrhal-purulent endobronchitis.

Bronchography is also indicative, in which a contrast agent is injected into the bronchi and, according to its progress, the patency of the bronchial tree is observed. Recurrent obstructive bronchitis gives a picture of very slow or partial filling of the bronchi, or a visible narrowing of the bronchial lumen, which indicates the presence of bronchospasms.

In clinical and biochemical analyzes of blood and urine, no special changes characterizing the analyzed disease are detected.

Differential Diagnosis

When making an accurate diagnosis, in young children, a detailed differential diagnosis should be carried out in order to exclude bronchial asthma. The diagnosis of "bronchial asthma" will be made if:

  • Exacerbation of obstruction more than three times in a row in a calendar year.
  • Aggravated allergic history or the presence of any severe allergic reaction.
  • Eosinophilia (presence of eosinophils in the peripheral blood).
  • The absence of elevated temperature during an attack of obstruction.
  • Positive allergological indicators in the blood.

Who to contact?


What is the treatment for recurrent obstructive bronchitis?

The algorithm for the treatment of acute obstructive bronchitis is also used to treat relapses of this disease. There are no separate, specially designed treatment regimens for relapses. To exclude subsequent repetitions of the disease, it is necessary to carry out constant and targeted prevention.

For the period of treatment, the necessary regimen of rest, nutrition and breathing is provided. For inhaled air, indicators of the general temperature are required, it should be within +18 - +20 degrees and humidity not lower than 60%. Warm and humid air helps to relieve bronchospasm, thin sputum and alleviate the condition in general.

The main task in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis is to relieve bronchial congestion. With this task, drugs of such groups as mucolytics and bronchodilators, consistently applied, according to certain schemes, cope well. For young children, most often, such drugs are prescribed in the form of inhalations.

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed only according to indications. It can be from 3 to 7 days.

A good therapeutic effect is provided by physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises, massage exercises aimed at improving blood circulation and ventilation of the lungs.

In difficult situations, when repetitions of obstruction occur frequently, treatment can be delayed up to three months or more. The treatment includes drugs used for mild bronchial asthma.

Special individual schemes and doses of drugs are prescribed, depending on the degree of complexity of the form of the disease, the age of the child and the presence of concomitant diseases.

More about treatment

Treatment of bronchitis Physiotherapy for bronchitis Obstructive bronchitis: treatment with folk remedies Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults Antibiotics for bronchitis Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults: when prescribed, names How to treat? Phagocef Cebanex

What is the prognosis for recurrent obstructive bronchitis?

The children's organism simply outgrows many diseases. Obstructive bronchitis is one of these diseases.

Children are under dispensary observation for 2-3 years after the first attack of the disease and are removed from it if there were no relapses during the observation period. From all this it follows that recurrent obstructive bronchitis has a favorable prognosis for a complete cure.

Bronchitis in children

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi of various etiologies (infectious, allergic, chemical, physical, etc.). The term "bronchitis" covers lesions of the bronchi of any caliber: small bronchioles - bronchiolitis, trachea - tracheitis or tracheobronchitis.

ICD-10 code

Bronchitis, unspecified. both acute and chronic, has the code J40. In children under 15 years of age, it may be considered acute in nature and should be classified under J20. Recurrent bronchitis and recurrent obstructive bronchitis are included in the ICD-10 under the code J40.0-J43.0.

See also: acute bronchitis

ICD-10 code J20 Acute bronchitis J20.0 Acute bronchitis caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae J20.1 Acute bronchitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae [Afanasiev-Pfeiffer rod] J20.2 Acute bronchitis caused by streptococcus J20.3 Acute bronchitis caused by Coxsackie virus J20 .4 Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus J20.5 Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus J20.6 Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus J20.7 Acute bronchitis due to echovirus J20.8 Acute bronchitis due to other specified agents J20.9 Acute bronchitis, unspecified J41.0 Chronic simple bronchitis

Epidemiology of bronchitis

Bronchitis continues to occupy one of the first places in the structure of bronchopulmonary diseases in pediatrics. It is known that children who often suffer from acute infectious respiratory diseases are at risk for the development of acute bronchitis, the formation of recurrent bronchitis, including obstructive forms, and chronic pulmonary pathology. The most common form of complications of SARS is bronchitis. especially in young children (the age peak of incidence is observed in children 1 year - 3 years). The incidence of acute bronchitis is 75-250 cases per 1000 children per year.

The incidence of bronchitis is seasonal: more often they get sick in the cold season. Obstructive forms of bronchitis are more often observed in spring and autumn, i.e. during periods of peak MS and parainfluenza infection. Mycoplasmal bronchitis - at the end of summer and autumn, adenovirus - every 3-5 years.

Causes of bronchitis in children

Acute bronchitis often develops against the background of SARS. Inflammation of the bronchial mucosa is observed more often with PC viral, parainfluenza. adenovirus, rhinovirus infection and influenza.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of bronchitis caused by atypical pathogens - mycoplasma (Mycoplasma pneumonia) and chlamydial (Chlamidia trachomatis, Chlamydia pneumonia) infections (7-30%).

What causes bronchitis in children?

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

Acute bronchitis (simple) develops in the first days of SARS (1-3 days of illness). The main general symptoms of a viral infection are characteristic (subfebrile temperature, moderate toxicosis, etc.), there are no clinical signs of obstruction. Features of the course of bronchitis depend on the etiology: in most respiratory viral infections, the condition returns to normal starting from 2 days, with adenovirus infection, high temperatures persist for up to 5-8 days.

Acute obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by a syndrome of bronchial obstruction, more often in young children on the 2-3rd day of ARVI, with a repeated episode - from the first day of ARVI and develops gradually. Acute obstructive bronchitis occurs against the background of PC viral and parainfluenza type 3 infections, in 20% of cases - with ARVI of another viral etiology. In older children, the obstructive nature of bronchitis is noted with mycoplasmal and chlamydial etiology.

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

Where does it hurt?

Chest pain

What worries?

Cough Wheezing in the lungs

Classification of bronchitis

The prevailing majority of children with bronchitis have an obstructive syndrome (50-80%), and therefore in the classification of bronchopulmonary diseases of children in 1995, acute obstructive and recurrent obstructive bronchitis were included.

The following classification of bronchitis is distinguished:

  • Acute bronchitis (simple): bronchitis that occurs without signs of bronchial obstruction.
  • Acute obstructive bronchitis, bronchiolitis: acute bronchitis occurring with bronchial obstruction syndrome. For obstructive bronchitis, wheezing is characteristic, for bronchiolitis - respiratory failure and small bubbling wet rales in the lungs.
  • Acute obliterating bronchiolitis: bronchitis with obliteration of bronchioles and alveoli, has a viral or immunopathological nature, severe course.
  • Recurrent bronchitis: bronchitis without obstruction, episodes occurring for 2 weeks or more with a frequency of 2-3 times a year for 1-2 years against the background of SARS.
  • Recurrent obstructive bronchitis: obstructive bronchitis with recurring episodes of bronchial obstruction against the background of SARS in young children. Attacks are not paroxysmal in nature and are not associated with exposure to non-infectious allergens.
  • Chronic bronchitis: chronic inflammation of the bronchi, occurring with repeated exacerbations.

Diagnosis of bronchitis in children

The diagnosis of bronchitis is established on the basis of its clinical picture (for example, the presence of an obstructive syndrome) and in the absence of signs of damage to the lung tissue (no infiltrative or focal shadows on the radiograph). Often, bronchitis is combined with pneumonia, in which case it is diagnosed with a significant addition to the clinical picture of the disease. Unlike pneumonia, bronchitis in ARVI is always diffuse in nature and usually evenly affects the bronchi of both lungs. With the predominance of local bronchitis changes in any part of the lung, the appropriate definitions are used: basal bronchitis, unilateral bronchitis, bronchitis of the afferent bronchus, etc.

Diagnosis of bronchitis in children

What needs to be examined?


How to investigate?

Bronchoscopy X-ray of the lungs Examination of the bronchi and trachea

What tests are needed?

Sputum analysis Complete blood count Urinalysis

Who to contact?

Pulmonologist Pediatrician

Treatment of bronchitis in children

The proposed protocols for the treatment of acute bronchitis include the necessary and sufficient prescriptions.

Simple acute viral bronchitis: home treatment.

Plentiful warm drink (100 ml / kg per day), chest massage, with a wet cough - drainage.

Antibacterial therapy is indicated only if the elevated temperature persists for more than 3 days (amoxicillin, macrolides, etc.).

Treatment of bronchitis in children

More about treatment

Antibiotics for bronchitis Treatment of bronchitis Physiotherapy for bronchitis Obstructive bronchitis: treatment with folk remedies What to treat? Ledum marsh shoots Tavanik Phagocef Cebanex Cebopim

Chronic bronchitis (ICB code 10 - J42) is still a very common disease in our time. And one of the most, perhaps, common in the field of respiratory diseases. Chronic bronchitis is a consequence of acute bronchitis. It is the acute form, constantly repeated, that leads to the chronic form. In order not to suffer from this disease, it is important to prevent the recurrence of acute bronchitis.

What is chronic bronchitis?

In simple terms, it is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. As a result of inflammation, a large amount of sputum (mucus) is released. The person's breath is affected. It's broken. If excess sputum is not excreted, then bronchial ventilation is disturbed. Mucus literally floods the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, and they cannot perform their function, the function of expulsion. Although, due to an insufficient amount of mucus, the active activity of the cilia is also disturbed.

There are two forms of chronic bronchitis - primary (independent inflammation of the bronchi) and secondary (the bronchi are affected by infection in infectious diseases). The reason is the defeat of a virus or bacteria. Perhaps the impact of various physical (or chemical) stimuli. Bronchitis and dust are caused. They are called - dust bronchitis.

The nature of sputum is also different: just mucous or mucopurulent; putrefactive; may be accompanied by hemorrhage; croupous.

Chronic bronchitis can cause complications:

  • asthmatic syndrome;
  • focal pneumonia; From this article you can learn what to do when a cough after pneumonia does not go away.
  • peribronchitis;
  • emphysema.

Causes and risk factors

The development of chronic bronchitis is facilitated by foci of chronic infection, diseases of the nose, nasopharynx, adnexal cavities

Recurrent acute bronchitis leads to chronic bronchitis. So the best prevention in this case will be a quick cure for the acute form of the disease.

Prevention of secondary bronchitis: therapeutic exercises, hardening (of great importance), taking general tonics. These remedies include: pantocrine, ginseng, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, apilac, vitamins.

The development of chronic bronchitis is promoted by smoking, dustiness, air pollution, alcohol abuse. Diseases of the nose, nasopharynx, adnexal cavities can also be the cause. Contribute to re-infection foci of chronic infection. This disease can be caused by a weak immune system.

The very first signs

With exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, the cough increases, sputum purulence increases, fever is possible

The first, most important symptom is a cough. It can be "dry" or "wet", that is, with or without phlegm. There is pain in the chest. Most often, the temperature rises. The absence of temperature is a sign of a weak immune system.

With a simple form of bronchitis, the ventilation of the bronchi is not disturbed. Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are wheezing, as ventilation is impaired. With exacerbations, the cough intensifies, purulent sputum increases, fever is possible.
Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is usually not in doubt.

The four main symptoms are cough, sputum, shortness of breath, deterioration in general condition. However, when establishing the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude other diseases of the respiratory system.

Treatment Methods

Bed rest, humidified air and a ventilated room are the main conditions for the treatment of bronchitis

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease. General measures in various forms are the prohibition of smoking, the elimination of substances that irritate the respiratory tract; treatment of a runny nose, if any, of the throat; use of physiotherapy and expectorants. Additionally, antibiotics are prescribed for purulent bronchitis, and bronchospasmolytics and glucocorticoids (steroid hormones) for obstructive bronchitis.

What are the symptoms of untreated bronchitis, indicated in this article.

How bronchitis is treated with pine buds is indicated in the article.

What antibiotics for acute bronchitis should be taken is indicated in the article here: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/kak-vylechit-bronxit-antibiotikami.html

Hospitalization is required only in very serious condition.

At high temperatures, bed rest is necessary. In other cases, you can do without bed rest, but it is worth observing more or less strict rest. The air in the room needs to be humidified. Now let's talk specifically about the methods of treatment.

Medication treatment

Strong antibiotics for bronchitis are used only in severe or advanced form, tk. First of all, the immune system suffers from their use. Appointed only by a doctor individually.

Here it is necessary to remember that there are natural antibiotics. Propolis is one of them. Adults suffer from chronic bronchitis more often and alcohol tincture can be used: 40 drops should be diluted with water. Take this solution 3 times a day. In this proportion, propolis should be taken for the first three days, then the dosage is reduced to 10-15 drops. You can use its water extract: 1 tsp. 4-6 times a day. Treatment with propolis (as well as herbs) is long-term, up to a month. Calendula flowers also belong to natural antibiotics. Recall that other
effective drugs:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid. Do not neglect such a simple tool in our time. It should be taken strictly after meals, three times a day. It reduces chest pain, reduces fever, eliminates fever. Works like a decoction of raspberries.
  • Expectorants. Here you need to decide what you like best - herbs or ready-made pharmacy forms. Pharmacists offer a huge selection, these are various syrups: marshmallow, licorice root, primrose flowers, etc. Doctor MOM syrups and ointments are very effective. They are exclusively plant-based. There are also ready-made preparations, such as bromhexine, ambrobene, gedelix, fervex. All of them are effective, but pay special attention to contraindications. This article lists expectorant cough syrups for children.
  • Effective in obstructive bronchitis lycorine hydrochloride. The drug has a bronchodilatory effect, well dilutes sputum. But he has contraindications.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of chronic bronchitis folk remedies in adults are used:

What herbs are still used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis? Calamus marsh, Marshmallow officinalis and anise. Black elderberry (used for fever), common heather, spring adonis. This is medicinal sweet clover, medicinal lungwort, tricolor violet.

And one more remedy, if there are no contraindications, available to everyone is milk. Nothing cleanses the bronchi and lungs like milk. But in case of illness, you need to drink it with soda and oil (even better - fat, lard). If bronchitis is accompanied by a cough, effective grandmother's cough recipes, such as figs with milk, milk with soda, and homemade cough drops, will help.

The first recommendation for bronchitis is to drink plenty of water! It's great if it's berry juice. Cranberries, viburnum, raspberries, sea buckthorn, lingonberries are very effective. Chamomile tea, just tea with lemon (freshly brewed). The drink must be warm! Cold, even at room temperature, is unacceptable.

Physiotherapy is a necessary part of treatment. But you can start physiotherapy not earlier than the temperature subsides. What is it about him? Everyone knows and affordable mustard plasters, banks. Compresses on the chest will also help. They must be warm. Maybe on the back. It is advisable to use inhalations with medicinal herbs. Rubbing with suet, badger fat, pharmaceutical rubbing. A light rubbing massage is useful.

You can do “dry” inhalation”: drop 4-5 drops of essential oil (pine, spruce, juniper, eucalyptus, etc.) into a hot frying pan.

The role of nutrition. In chronic bronchitis, nutrition should be easy! The presence of a large number of vitamins is invaluable, especially vitamin "C". Not fatty chicken broth is useful. This cannot be neglected.

Note: if at the very beginning of treatment you take a laxative (hay leaf, buckthorn bark), i.e. cleanse the body, it will be easier for him to cope with the disease. The body's defenses will become stronger.

Important: remedies that restore the immune system cannot be used in the acute stage! These include: apilac, pollen, immunal, ginseng, eleutherococcus, etc. You will take this during the recovery period.


Read more about the correct treatment of chronic bronchitis in this video:

To summarize: you can cure chronic bronchitis! The main thing is not to give up and not leave treatment. Don't let the sickness come back. It is very important to individually choose a medicine that is right for you. Weigh the pros and cons". And don't forget about prevention.