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Symptoms of hysterical psychopathy in women. Hysteria - causes and methods of treatment

The structure of human consciousness is unique because of the complex and rich structure. Each temperament and personality type has its own characteristics. There are many interesting stereotypes in this area. According to most people, hysteria is characteristic of the fair sex. However, this is not the case. Let's find out what hysteria is and get acquainted with interesting facts about this personality disorder.

Hysteria is a neurotic disease with diverse clinical manifestations.

There are two main forms of hysteria: domestic and psychological type. Psychological hysteria is a complex disease that is included in the group of neuropsychiatric pathologies. This condition is characterized by symptoms such as tearfulness, migraine, convulsions and spasms, disturbances in the work of sensory centers, bouts of confusion and nausea.

According to statistics, approximately eight percent of the people inhabiting our planet are the owners of the diagnosis in question.

According to experts, one of the most severe forms of this pathology is the hysterical form of psychopathy. Clinical manifestations of this type of disease are hoarse crying with a transition to screaming and hysterical seizures. In most cases associated with this disease, the first signs of the disease appear in childhood. It should be noted that such behavior during attacks is not simulated. Having found the symptoms characteristic of hysteria in your child, you should immediately contact a neuropsychiatrist.

The everyday type of hysteria is characteristic of people with a certain temperament. It is important to note that such a manifestation of emotions is a kind of performance that is intended for a specific audience. Psychologists recommend not to succumb to such provocations and completely ignore them. It should be remembered that the duration of hysterical attacks depends on the degree of involvement in this process of the surrounding people. For a person in such a state, the reaction of the “spectators” is very important. Lack of reaction speeds up the end of the concert.

Household hysteria in children is one of the ways to manipulate their parents. When a baby cannot meet his needs and achieve his desired goal, he uses crying and tears as a tool to control the will of his parents. In adulthood, people who have not managed to get rid of such a trait of behavior begin to use hysteria to manipulate their partners.

Hysteria is a mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of a variety of functional, autonomic, motor, sensory and affective disorders.

The nature of the pathology

Just a few decades ago, hysteria was considered exclusively a female pathology. In the people, this disease has received such names as "hysterical neurosis" and "uterine rabies." A more in-depth study of the disease revealed that some signs of hysteria are also characteristic of the stronger sex. To date, hysteria is characterized as a complex mental disorder. Pathology can be complicated by affective and functional changes in the human behavior pattern. The emergence of pathology is facilitated by high self-hypnosis and the desire to constantly be in the center of attention of others.

According to experts, the disease in question is more typical for women. Psychologists talk about the importance of having the ability to distinguish the signs of the disease from the everyday form of manifestation. In the case of a mental illness, the patient needs immediate psychotherapeutic help. And in situations related to everyday manifestations, it is important to direct all efforts to change the personality of a person. In this case, the decisive role is assigned to those people in whose direction hysterical seizures are directed.

The everyday form of hysteria is formed on the basis of various disappointments and excessive self-esteem. In such a state, people experience a firm belief that the world revolves around them, and the purpose of those around them is to fulfill any whims. For people with a similar manner of behavior, such qualities as selfishness, exactingness and authority are characteristic. A specific character trait is a love for exaggerating the scale of problems. In order to get what they want, "hysterical people" use their tears and screams as a tool to manipulate others.

The purpose of the "concert" is to evoke a feeling of compassion in others. In some cases, not finding sympathy, a person may become embittered and begin to take out aggression on others.

This behavior can be compared to children's whims, when a child uses tears in order to achieve what he wants. Hysteria in psychology is a complex disease that has many different forms of manifestation. There are several forms of diseases that are accompanied by the formation of clinical signs characteristic of fictitious diseases.

One of these forms is "hysterical pregnancy", which is characterized by an increase in the abdomen in the absence of an embryo. In addition, there is "hysterical paralysis" and "hysterical loss of vision." The need to mention these pathologies is explained by the importance of demonstrating the danger of the disease.

Let's look at how hysteria becomes a barrier to the realization of personality in relationships with the opposite sex. According to experts, the real reason for the formation of hysteria is the fear of incest, which is expressed in the form of fear of sexual relations with close relatives. Experts say that there is a close relationship between hysteria and the Oedipus complex. A person is under the power of attraction and repulsion, since the other half has specific personality traits that are characteristic of one of the patient's parents. The same complex leads to the emergence of a “game for the public”, the task of which is to attract the attention of parents and throw out the accumulated negativity in the presence of a suitable audience.

Hysteria is characterized by great self-hypnosis and the desire to attract the attention of others.

Psychologists note that hysterical attacks occur only in the presence of spectators. People prone to hysteria constantly restrain their emotions, which sooner or later leads to their spontaneous outburst. Frequent repetitions of emotional outbursts contribute to the formation of a certain model of behavior. Female hysteria is one of the ways to achieve euphoria, thanks to the release of accumulated emotions.

Causes of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Hysteria is a multifactorial disease that develops under the influence of internal and external stimuli. An important role in the development of the disease is assigned to the emotional state of the individual and his temperament. An important component is the level of suggestibility, which determines the course of human thoughts.

According to researchers of psychological diseases, hysteria is the result of complex internal conflicts. The development of pathology contributes to the constant nervous tension that occurs against the background of the need to restrain emotions. Such pedagogical errors, which consist in teaching the containment of negative feelings and emotions, leads to the fact that the public contributes to the development of pathology. People with a weak will and emotional instability are not able to restrain their feelings for a long time. An emotional outburst leads to inappropriate behavior and other problems inherent in the disease.

Among the factors that provoke the formation of hysteria, experts distinguish:

  1. Prolonged physical and emotional stress.
  2. Unfavorable climate within the family or work team.
  3. Inability to meet the minimum necessities of life.
  4. The systematic use of mind-altering drugs, sleeping pills and alcoholic beverages.
  5. Narcissism.
  6. Excitable and schizoid form of psychopathy.

The main reason for the formation of hysterical personality disorder is mental immaturity. Infantile demeanor and the desire to remain young is a characteristic phenomenon for the modern world. Most people living in megacities are highly suggestible and impressionable, which leads to mild emotional excitability and mental instability. The above problems are the result of errors in the educational process, as well as false goals that are valued in modern society.

It is also worth mentioning the negative impact of stress factors. A person faces stress every day, trying to solve work issues and life problems. How a person copes with such obstacles depends on the strength of mental health.

Mass hysteria is a unique medical phenomenon that manifests itself in the form of a mental epidemic. At the heart of this phenomenon lies the increased suggestibility characteristic of many people. According to experts, mass psychosis manifests itself quite rarely and is characterized as a defeat of a group of people, which leads to a violation of the perception of the surrounding world. It is this phenomenon that experts use as evidence of the susceptibility of the human personality to the herd instinct.

Hysteria refers to an outdated medical diagnosis that corresponds to a number of mental disorders of moderate and mild severity.

Clinical picture

The presence of histrionic personality disorder is diagnosed based on the presence of symptoms such as tearfulness, vociferation, temporary paralysis, convulsions, loss of vision, episodes of confusion and increased libido. These symptoms are characteristic of many forms of personality disorder. It should be mentioned that today, the disease in question is divided into the following forms:

  • somatoform disorders;
  • hysterical personality disorder;
  • conversion type of pathology;
  • anxiety hysteria.

Symptoms of hysteria in women related to a personality disorder are manifested in the form of an increase in suggestibility, a tendency to fantasies and sudden changes in mood. This form of the disease is characterized by a pathological thirst for the attention of others and superficial judgments. Symptoms of the conversion form of pathology are manifested in the form of seizures, convulsions, tremors of the limbs and disturbances in the work of sensory feelings.

The dissociative type of disorder is characterized as selective amnesia, changes in worldview, labile emotionality and inappropriate behavior. All patients with hysteria are characterized by such personality changes as egocentrism, narcissism, pretense and thirst for public attention. An increase in suggestibility leads to drama and exaggeration of life's difficulties. Often, patients have disturbances in the perception of the world around them, disturbances in the functioning of the speech apparatus, and emotional vulnerability. The development of pathology contributes to a change in the psycho-emotional balance, which affects the sensitivity of the patient.

The causes of hysterical behavior include internal and external factors.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of hysteria is necessary in cases where such a condition becomes an integral part of the human personality. During the examination, the doctor uses a differential technique in order to exclude the possibility of developing epileptic seizures. The main difference between an epileptic seizure is the randomness of movements, the lack of self-preservation instinct and clouding of consciousness. During hysterical attacks, the patient does not have such signs as spontaneous urination and defecation. Experts note that at the end of the hysteria, a person can continue the activity that he was passionate about before the crisis. It is the above signs that make it possible to distinguish epilepsy from hysteria.

Therapy of the pathology under consideration is carried out by specialists from the field of psychiatry. The treatment strategy is determined based on the patient's condition. Throughout the process of therapy, the patient should feel the care and attention of their loved ones. The complex treatment includes various psychotherapeutic techniques, autogenic training and general strengthening physiotherapy. In the case of a severe form of the disorder, psychotropic drugs and suggestion methods are used.


Hysteria is a complex mental disorder that is formed against the background of prolonged mental stress and emotional instability. Manifestations of hysteria can be caused both by the influence of the disease, and be a specific character trait.

A girl's hysteria is an unpleasant phenomenon, which has broken many relationships, sometimes very strong ones, built on mutual love. A woman can be smart, attractive in appearance, sexy and have a lot of other positive qualities, but if she is hysterical, then this negates all of the above qualities.

How to counteract female tantrums? To answer this question, let's try to figure out why the girl is hysterical?

Tantrums or demeanor?

Relationships between couples are different. Men often complain that a girl is prone to tantrums. But is this really so, because often excessive touchiness, susceptibility, and emotionality are mistaken for hysteria. Maybe you offended your beloved and did not consider it necessary to apologize or gave reason to doubt your love and fidelity. Try to understand the cause-and-effect relationships, and then you will most likely be able to put an end to tantrums once and for all.

Every young man tries to understand his girlfriend and find out why she is constantly crying, arranging scenes of jealousy, tormenting herself with suspicions. The consequence of a tantrum can be scattered and damaged things, broken dishes and even fights, accompanied by injuries.

However, many infantile young ladies simply like, as they say, to tickle the nerves of themselves and those around them, and when there really is a reason for hysteria, men are no longer sure of the sincerity of a violent outburst of feelings. Such behavior not only spoils the nerves of others, and not only to a loved one, but also causes serious harm to the girl's psyche.

Over time, every normal man begins to ask himself logical questions: “Why is she constantly hysterical?”, “Will this ever end?”, “Why should I live with such a hysterical girl and spoil my nerves?”, And if he does not find answers , decides to part with her girlfriend, no matter how strong the feelings are.

Causes of tantrums in girls

There are many motives for inappropriate behavior. The most common reason is dissatisfaction with one's life: position in society, financial instability, difficult relationships with superiors or colleagues.

Being in a state of quarrel with parents, friends, a girl who cannot control her emotions will definitely throw them out in communication with her lover.

Perhaps the manifestation of hysteria is associated with health problems. For example, girls suffering from diseases in the field of endocrinology are often subject to sudden mood swings. The most banal reason is critical days.

The upbringing of a girl is of great importance. If in her own family a girl was forced to observe regular tantrums in her mother, then nothing will convince her that such manifestations are not the norm. Subconsciously, she adopts the inappropriate behavior of a loved one on herself and copies it in her own relationships.

She simply does not suspect that it is possible to behave differently and that most problems can be solved calmly, without shouting and tantrums. If harmonious relations reigned in the family, filled with respect and love for each other, then the girl is unlikely to behave aggressively.

Dissatisfaction with one's appearance. It seems to the lady that she is not quite attractive, her hair, her skin is not as good as she would like.

Many girls just like to create problems, use hysteria as a tool to manipulate their partner. This behavior gives them an illusory sense of control over the situation. Just as a capricious spoiled girl stamps her feet, rolls on the floor, screaming and crying, demanding to get what she wants, for example, a new expensive doll, so an adult woman solves problems in a relationship with a loved one in such a cynical way.

Following the lead of a hysterical girl, you risk turning your life into hell. Do not flatter yourself and console yourself with the thought: "All girls are like that." This is not so, look around, do all your friends live with hysterics? Of course not.

Is it possible to change a woman, to wean her from the desire to throw a tantrum with or without? Of course, but before you take decisive action, you need to answer yourself the question: do you need such a problematic young lady.

If you really love your chosen one and don’t want the relationship to break up, fight for your happiness, solve the problem together, look for the origins of inappropriate behavior, and if you can’t cope on your own, take your beloved by the hand and go with her to a psychologist.

How to stop a girl from throwing tantrums

The best way to prevent a tantrum is to suppress its premises in the bud. If you notice a change in the girl's behavior and feel the approach of a scandal, drop all your affairs. No matter how important they are, the relationship with your loved one is more important.

Try to talk, find out what is bothering your beloved, if you can help her with something. Perhaps earlier you showed tactlessness, uttered words that seemed offensive to her. Hug, kiss, just sit next to your woman, perhaps this is exactly what she needs at the moment the most. Calm down the anxious girl, promise that everything will be fine with you, and you will make every effort to do so.

Sometimes it can be very useful to act as a vest. Give your friend the opportunity to talk, cry, let off steam. Let her complain about the people who offended her (boss, girlfriend, neighbor). If she understands that you are her reliable support, protected, strong rear, a real man, capable of clearing the clouds over her head with a confident hand, then she will stop hysteria.

Knowing the cause of a nervous breakdown, you can come to a compromise and stop the tantrum. But the worst thing you can do is not pay attention, keep silent and ignore the scandal, “sit out” somewhere in a secluded place. Understand that a tantrum is like a snowball, and if steps are not taken to eliminate it, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Let the girl be a little capricious, advise her to describe all the “troubles”, for example, in an Internet diary. When the bad mood passes and the problems are forgotten, together you can laugh at the far-fetched reasons for the tantrum.

If talking does not help, you can film the girl during the tantrum on a video camera, and then show the recording. Let her admire how she looks at this moment and draw the appropriate conclusions.

If a girl calls you and becomes hysterical, in no case do not talk to her in raised tones, do not adopt her demeanor. Communicate softly, calmly, as much as your endurance allows you. Tell her that such serious problems should not be solved over the phone. Advise him to wait for your arrival home, and so that the waiting time is not tedious, let him take a bath and sleep. Perhaps this will work, and at the time of your arrival home, the lady will be calm and reasonable, then you can talk.

If you have come to a joint decision, then do not deviate from it, otherwise you risk returning to the past, and everything will start all over again.

Advise the girl to find a hobby for herself, this will distract her and set her in a positive way. Give her the opportunity to prove herself in some other area besides your relationship. For example, enroll her in a driving course.

Remember that a man must control himself, keep calm, because it is easier to bring one person to life than to calm two. Sometimes, however, the method called “knocking out with a wedge” turns out to be effective, but it should be used only in extreme cases, and there is no guarantee that it will work.

You tried all possible methods to re-educate the girl, but nothing worked out for you. This option cannot be ruled out either. Then you need to take drastic measures and cut, as they say, on the living. Hysteria is an extremely tough attitude towards people, and if the lady does not realize this, then she deserves the appropriate behavior. Not every man is capable of self-sacrifice, and perhaps you endured for a long time.

Maybe the girl just doesn't love you and doesn't value your union? So is it worth putting up with such an attitude, living in a state of constant fear that at any moment a gentle, affectionate girl will turn into a fury, not only alone, but also in the presence of other people.

Or hysterical are typical for women to a much greater extent than for men. The word "hysteria" itself comes from the Greek "womb". The disease has various manifestations and is accompanied by neurological, mental, and in some cases somatic disorders. The most predisposed to this disease are people with an "artistic type" of personality. According to scientists, female hysteria is associated with high levels of estrogen in the blood. Most often, this conversion disorder manifests itself in an unhealthy constant desire to draw attention to yourself.


The most susceptible to the disease are young women with a tendency to self-hypnosis or suggestion from others. Most often, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in ostentatious, demonstrative, often theatrical behavior. The desire to always be in the center of attention is accompanied by screams, sobs, and in the most difficult cases, clouding of consciousness. Other common symptoms:

  • Bad sleep;
  • Disharmony in sexual relations;
  • Heartache;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Depressive state;
  • Convulsive seizures (in rare cases).

The sharp increase in such violations in modern women, many researchers associate with changes in the role of women in the family and society as a whole. Inconsistency with gender purpose leads to a distortion of behavior and the manifestation of common symptoms of hysteria in women.

Lit .: Big Medical Encyclopedia, 1956

The pathological need for attention is one of the main common features of patients suffering from hysteria. The clear predominance of emotions over reason, even in not the most critical or dangerous situations, when it is more natural, may be due to the following reasons:

  • psychological trauma;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Mental tension and stress;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Decreased immunity after illness;
  • Alcohol or drugs.

Much less often, the causes of the disease may be disturbances in the functioning of certain organs or a decrease in the sensitivity of the extremities. So in some cases, there is a complete or partial loss of sensitivity of the hands, feet, back in the zone of the belt, up to the development of blindness and deafness.

Which doctor will help get rid of the disease?

A frivolous attitude to behavioral disorders, an attempt to assure oneself that this is due only to a bad mood or fatigue is fraught with the development of the disease. If the symptoms have a pronounced manifestation, you should seek advice from doctors such as:

To accurately diagnose the disorder, experts first ask a series of questions. Based on the answers to them, doctors make further decisions. Most often, the doctor asks:

  1. How long ago did the disturbances that create discomfort begin?
  2. Is there a desire to receive recognition from others and attempts to be in the center of attention by any means?
  3. Is there a painful concern and dissatisfaction with one's appearance?
  4. Are you suggestible? How often do you become the object of manipulation by relatives, friends, work colleagues?
  5. How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?
  6. How often and for what reasons do you find yourself in stressful situations?

It is important to tell the doctor about the peculiarities of life and the possible causes of the disease as sincerely and impartially as possible. An attempt at self-hypnosis and self-justification of one's inadequate behavior with external, supposedly good reasons can lead to an incorrect diagnosis. As a result, incorrect or ineffective therapy may be prescribed.

Any woman loves to be in the center of male attention. Quite often, she tries to attract him with the help of tantrums. One of the most common female characters is the hysterical one. It is much more common in women than in men. The reason for their condition, they consider others around, who bring their behavior to hysterics.

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Photo gallery: Hysterical character in women

Such women are characterized by a vivid manifestation of their emotions. They do not accept a quiet and calm romance. To understand this feature of character is possible only in the process of communication. It may not appear immediately. Necessarily in a relationship with a hysterical nature, there must be anguish and emotionality.

Causes of Nervousness

There are several reasons for the emergence of hysterical features of character. They need to be defined in order to deal with this problem. Hysteria may be the result of congenital features.

In this case, the brain cannot fully control the behavior and adequately cope with some situations. Stress, uncontrolled intake of certain medications have an impact on the development of hysteria. Also, the reason for this character is considered to be poor upbringing, when there was no refusal in anything throughout life. Of great importance is the age of 4-7 years in raising a daughter. It plays a very significant role in later life and in relationships with men. In psychology, this period is called the oedipal period. The relationship with the father is especially important. The first man in a girl's life is her dad. Much depends on his attentiveness and behavior. It is very important that he supports the emerging femininity, but does not focus on some intimate issues. Sometimes fathers themselves cause many problems for girls. Unconsciously, they can transfer their unfulfilled sexual desire to the child. Inadequate behavior, expressed in indulging all desires and being spoiled, can have a negative effect. Especially if it is connected with indifference to his wife and mother of the child. Sometimes in later life a woman compares all her young people with her father. This is absolutely not worth doing, especially out loud. It is worth appreciating individuality, there are no similar people.

Most often, hysteria occurs in women who have had problems with their father in their lives. At some point, he betrayed or rejected her love. Men very often do not live up to the expectations of their children. They are not faithful and may leave the family, work hard or die early. Trust in men is destroyed at a very early stage. All processes occur unconsciously and cannot be independently controlled. The woman begins to be torn between intense love for her father and hatred for him.

A prerequisite for hysteria is the presence of an audience. There must be people on whom this behavior is designed. Alone, there is no point in showing your hysteria.

Hysterical women are unusually dependent on their desires. This can lead to illogical inerational actions. She doesn't care what the consequences of her actions are. It is capable of achieving some goals for any recklessness.

All manifestations of a hysterical character can be divided into two main groups. They can be quiet or loud. In the first case, there are no screams, but there is resentment in the eyes, silence, and everything is aimed at influencing the conscience of the person who is nearby. Directly with such a woman, a man feels extremely uncomfortable, he will definitely understand her condition and mood. In this state, she is able to use physical force and offensive expressions.

In both cases, these actions will continue until they attract due attention. The person for whom this is all intended must necessarily begin to calm down and leave all his affairs aside. It is very difficult for men to be with a woman who has a tantrum. The most correct way to experience it is a silent and calm behavior. You can try to hug her or calm her down. You should be prepared that a woman does not control herself and is able to throw any nearby object. If this happens all the time and the other half does not want to change, then it is better to just leave. Sometimes a man, in order to bring a woman to her senses, gives her a slap in the face. This method is very rarely effective. Most often it leads to the opposite result.

Hysterical natures are highly suggestible. This quite often leads to serious and deep disappointments. They are also dissatisfied with their lives, everything is always wrong for them. Even if loved ones try to please her as much as possible, this will not cause joy at all. On the contrary, she will begin to think and look for what she lacks. It very often seems to her that nothing good and joyful should be expected from life.

Sexuality of "hysterics"

Hysterical women are sexy enough. Behind the mask of the femme fatale, they hide their numerous complexes. Such women have a lot of fears. They are especially concerned about their age. Already at the age of 25, they begin to think about old age. 30 years for them is practically the end of life. It is very difficult for them to perceive themselves. A woman with a hysterical character has absolutely no idea how to live with cellulite, wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Hysteria is an unconscious process, but gradually a woman can understand all the positive aspects of this condition and become dependent on it.

A smart woman necessarily understands her hysterical state and tries to cope with it in every possible way.

First you need to calm down a bit and stop, maybe even be alone. You need to find a safe outlet for your negative emotions. It can be sports, career development or hard physical work. It is possible to change profession and do business in which a woman will constantly be in the spotlight. You need to be able to relax and not set unattainable goals. If hysteria is combined with talent, this can be an excellent basis for achieving significant heights. Those around her are obliged to help and support her. A woman must objectively assess why she needs men. It is important to realize that each person is individual and should not be changed to fit your ideals.

If you can’t cope with systeria on your own, you can turn to modern methods of treatment offered by our medicine. It can be methods of psychotherapy, sometimes even hypnosis. Perhaps the use of medications or sometimes even prescribed occupational therapy. The most correct and effective treatment can be prescribed by a psychoanalyst. But women suffering from a hysterical character very rarely turn to him.

It is worth remembering that hysteria can lead to real physical illnesses. It causes headaches, spasms, loss of sensation and even blindness. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a hysterical nature, it is necessary to begin serious work on oneself.

When it comes to hysteria, often people point out that it is characteristic of women. However, this opinion is erroneous. Women are just more likely than men to show hysterical qualities that have reasons. How can a man deal with female hysteria? In what way does it manifest itself?

Hysteria is attributed to women only because they allow themselves to manifest it often and in public. However, there are also men who do not hide their hysterical qualities.

Hysteria was previously attributed exclusively to women, since in the old days only men were engaged in all sciences and research. And every person tends to look for the causes of problems in others, but not in himself! Men had more freedom in their manifestations, attributing hysteria exclusively to the female sex, which was under pressure and in slavery to the male.

Only over time it was determined that hysteria is inherent in both sexes. However, in this article we will talk about female hysteria as a more frequent occurrence than male. Let's try to analyze this phenomenon so that the male sex has leverage over women when they fall into hysterics.

What is female hysteria?

Speaking of hysteria, people point to the negative aspects of this phenomenon. It seems that a person shows the bad qualities of his character when he starts to hysteria. However, hysteria has many reasons for its manifestation. What is female hysteria? This is inadequate, uncontrollable, explosive behavior, accompanied by screams, tears, crying and imbalance.

Psychologists note that female hysteria is not controlled at the moment of its culmination. However, even at the stage of its development and formation, it is possible to calm a woman at any time, returning her to benevolent feelings.

Women's hysteria should not be judged exclusively badly. Like any phenomenon, female hysteria has its own reasons for manifestation. Some thus splash out, impotence and experiences, becoming sincere. Others try to say something, because in other cases they remain unheard. Still others strive to achieve their goal through screaming and crying.

Depending on the reasons for the manifestation of female hysteria, one can speak of this phenomenon as something good or bad. However, people clearly judge the manifestations of the female side. If hysterical, it means “fool”, “hysterical”, “insane”. If she is hysterical, then she is sawing, she has lost her mind. Men speak especially insultingly about female hysteria. Psychologists characterize this as a male inability to cope with the problem. And in order to subconsciously justify themselves, they make women guilty.

It is better to offend another person by making him sick than to admit your own misunderstanding of the situation and correct it. This trend dates back to ancient times, when hysteria was only begun to be considered as a phenomenon. In those days, women were treated with disdain. Today, this trend continues and is expressed in the fact that men simply do not want to understand the nature of female behavior.

What is female hysteria? In the everyday sense of the word, this is an emotional outburst, which is aimed at sorting out relationships through a showdown, screaming or throwing objects. If we talk about the clinical manifestation of hysteria, then we are talking about people of the hysteroid type (they can be both women and men). These faces from childhood are emotional, impulsive and have a developed imagination.

Causes of female hysteria

To understand how to deal with female hysteria, you should consider the causes of its occurrence. There are a lot of reasons, so not every hysteria can be called negative behavior. In some cases, only through hysteria can a woman show herself as a sincere person.

It is customary to treat female hysteria as a way to attract attention. In fact, theatrical hysteria comes through with falsehood and insincerity. Often this form of hysteria is used in work or in show business. In the circle of close people, where female hysteria often manifests itself, such behavior is of a different nature.

The physiological causes of hysteria include a special type of nervous system, which makes a person a representative of the hysteroid type. This diagnosis can be made by a specialist who should be contacted if a woman starts tantrums regularly and without good reason, while she is not able to stop and it is impossible to calm her down.

If the specialist identifies the physiological causes of hysteria, then a special course of treatment will be prescribed. This will allow loved ones to save their strength and nerves in a situation that they simply cannot cope with on their own.

The second reason for female hysteria is called hormonal changes that occur in the following situations:

  • Climax.
  • Menstruation.
  • Malaise.
  • Pregnancy.

In such situations, women begin to show such qualities:

  1. Touchiness.
  2. Vulnerability.
  3. Depression.
  4. Anxiety.
  5. Frequent mood swings.

The third reason for female hysteria can be called constant stress and emotional stress. A woman endures and suppresses her emotions for a long time. In this case, the tantrum that she throws when she can no longer keep everything in herself can be called the last stage of despair, a cry from the heart. A woman in such a situation seeks solace, because she is not able to cope with an emotional problem in other ways.

Often hysteria is a consequence of fatigue. Strong and strong-willed women shoulder a lot of problems and worries. And when they do not see a positive result from their efforts, they explode. They tried so hard, but their labors were in vain. This provokes female hysteria.

It should indicate the female hysteria, which is used as a manipulation. Usually the woman remains calm, but screams loudly to make the target feel guilty. Such a tantrum can be seen in young children who begin to beat in it when parents refuse to buy toys or sweets for them. This cause of hysteria is manipulative. If the “victim” (man, parents) succumbs to her, then the woman (or child) will henceforth resort to hysteria when she wants to achieve what she wants.

In some cases, hysteria is a way of emotional discharge. This happens in people who are used to restraining their emotions. Having no way out, emotions accumulate, and then pour out on others in the form of screams and tears.

One should not exclude the cause of hysteria as a habit. A person from childhood is accustomed to hysteria. If at the same time he always gets his own, then this model is fixed and becomes a strategy of behavior in a situation where the desired is not achieved.

Hysteria is inherent in active and purposeful people, but who are squeezed within the framework of everyday life and monotony. When a person cannot show his full potential, he begins to get bored, indignant, indignant. Soon this turns into a hysteria directed at the one who became the culprit of the person's unfulfillment.

Not the last reason for female hysteria (as well as male) can be the fear that has accumulated in a person. If a person experiences a lot and experiences pain, then soon this manifests itself in the form of hysteria, during which he does not control himself.

How to deal with female hysteria?

Women's hysteria is often directed at men. Communicating with other women, hysterical behavior becomes rare. At work, unpleasant consequences can also arise if a woman allows herself to hysteria. Only in the circle of close people can a lady relax and show her food. Often, hysteria is directed at men, who may have a natural question: how to deal with female hysteria?

It seems to men that female hysteria arises from scratch. Actually it is not. By ignoring the behavior of a woman, a man aggravates the situation even more. A loved one can calm down, but she will remember for a long time how her partner ignored her “cry of the soul” when she needed his support and attention.

Any word or situation can trigger a tantrum. This is due to the internal causes of the woman herself. In a moment of hysteria, she ceases to control herself:

  1. Her face turns red.
  2. Starts crying, sharp gestures.
  3. She starts screaming.

Demanding reasonable arguments and actions from a woman at the moment is a pointless exercise. She needs understanding and help, which should come from the one to whom the tantrum is directed.

In a state of hysteria, a woman conveys a state of pain. If a man requires logical explanations, then most likely he will not receive them. She does not think with her head, but "screams with her soul", expressing her emotions. A man can calm a woman down only by showing emotions: sympathy, love, understanding. If in such a situation a man leaves, ignores, pretends that nothing is happening, then the situation will aggravate even more. A woman will be deeply offended by a man, which will not contribute to their reconciliation.

What to do if your beloved is hysterical? You should be attentive to her words. Usually a woman directly states what worries her. Based on the reasons for her hysteria, you should calmly take actions that will help calm her down:

  • If a woman cries, you should hug and stroke her.
  • If a woman is scared, you should let her know that you will help and decide everything.
  • If a woman demands something, then a clear answer should be given: will you fulfill what she wants from you, or not? Often, the manipulative hysteria does not stop, so in this case it is permissible to leave, to ignore.

Women sometimes want to be heard. This often happens when a man considers women stupid, their opinion unreasonable, actions reckless, etc. Neglecting the desires of a woman, a man himself provokes a tantrum in her as the only way to loudly declare his desires and, perhaps, be heard. If a man is not able to hear his woman on ordinary days, then let him prepare for tantrums.

Physiological causes of female hysteria should not be excluded:

  • If a woman is sick, then you should take her to a specialist who will treat her.
  • If a woman is not satisfied with sex life, then she should be satisfied.
  • If a woman sleeps little, eats, rests, then she should provide all this. Having slept well and rested, she will save her loved ones from her tantrums.
  • If a woman has hormonal disruptions, then you should contact a gynecologist for help.

In no case should you respond to hysteria with aggression. This will only further inflame the conflict that has already arisen between a man and a woman.


This is the responsibility of both women and men. Hysteria is a consequence, not a cause for the development of conflicts. If both partners understand that their hysterical clashes are destructive to the relationship, then this will help not to get divorced, not to quarrel and not to spoil their feelings for each other. The result depends on both.

It should not be ruled out that hysteria is the only manifestation of a woman that society still allows. Men would also be hysterical if they were not taught to restrain their emotions and express their negative feelings in more aggressive ways (fights, sports, etc.). Hysteria is still a feminine behavior rather than a masculine one.

Hysterical behavior should not be treated as exclusively a bad manifestation. A woman always has reasons why she is hysterical. The exception is people who are simply mentally ill. But psychiatrists, not men, should already be fighting their hysteria.