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A dog with a blue tongue: the chow chow as a mystery of nature. Chow Chow - a dog that licked the sky A dog with a purple tongue

When a Chow Chow dog yawns or licks his lips, people around him are surprised to discover that his tongue is blue. This is a genetic feature that is common among dogs only to her and the Shar Pei.

The researchers concluded that the chow chow is an intermediate link between the dog and the Asian bear, which has a black tongue. So there is a version that the distant ancestors of this breed are extinct polar wolves, which have a bright blue color.

Other scientists explain the blueness of the tongue due to low oxygen levels in the air. After all, the bear dog comes from the north. Like the polar bear, which also has a purple-tinged tongue.

What kind of dog is a chow chow?

The double name of the breed indicates its eastern origin. Chow Chows are considered one of the most ancient breeds, originating from short wolves that ran in abundance through the mountain valleys of China and Mongolia. It is believed that these dogs were originally used as hunting dogs, and only during the construction of the first Buddhist monasteries did the Chow Chow become a companion.

The monks took care of the breed and kept genealogical books. They even guessed why inbreeding was undesirable, and exchanged dogs with special ceremonies. And they really liked the blue tongues of their pets, so all puppies without this sign were mercilessly rejected.

Is it only the blue tongue that interests the breed?

The Chow Chow has a very thick coat with abundant undercoat. If you brush your pet weekly, you can get material for an excellent dog scarf or socks in six months.

Almost round, like a bear cub, ears and eyes deeply sunk in the fur give the animal a dissatisfied expression. The substantial front paws are so thick that they can be compared to the width of a fist. And the hind legs are almost straight due to the unusual shape of the hock joint. This gives the dog a charming, slightly awkward uniqueness to his gait.

Is it worth getting a chow chow?

An adult Chow Chow is a serious dog with a developed sense of duty towards the owner and his home. Leaving an apartment to such a dog is like entrusting security to a lion. An eternally gloomy appearance, distrust of strangers, and a low growl will scare away any intruder.

These dogs are very calm and inactive. City life, when you have to wait for the owner all day, does not bother them much. Usually they choose a point from which the entire apartment is visible, and lie down and watch what is happening.

However, Chow Chows are arrogant and stubborn, obeying only one person unquestioningly. They are difficult to train and will never follow commands that seem meaningless to them.

Cheerful bicycle chasing is not their style. When walking, the Chow Chow prefers leisurely walking. It won't get into the dewy grass and will avoid the dirt. A dog with a blue tongue is an excellent, albeit difficult-character, friend of man.

In this article I will look at the specifics of the Chow Chow breed, as well as some features of its care and maintenance. The name translates from Japanese as shaggy lion. In addition, they are often called the dog that licked the sky and there is a reason why it has a purple tongue. Can other breeds have a blue tongue?

The Chow Chow looks like a lion and a bear at the same time. At the withers it reaches 50 cm. The head of this breed is massive, the muzzle is short and very slightly pointed.

Over the course of a Chow Chow's life, the color of its tongue may change several times.

The wool is soft and pleasant to the touch.

The main distinguishing feature of the Chow Chow from other types of dogs is the unusual blue color of the tongue and mouth.

Why does the Chow Chow have a blue tongue?

  • Legend. Chinese folklore says that a long time ago, when God created the world and scattered stars across the sky, a piece of the blue sky accidentally broke off and fell to the ground. All living beings fled in different directions in fear and panic. And only a brave dog of this breed dared to approach the fragment and, after carefully examining it, lick it. Since then, the breed has acquired a noble blue color, a reminder of the courage and determination of their ancestor.
  • Scientific explanation. DNA tests confirm that this dog is an incredibly ancient breed. One of their hypotheses is that this dog is the product of selection between a small Asian bear and a dog, because, as is known, in bears it is black. Other researchers believe that sky-licking dogs evolved from long-extinct polar wolves, which have a distinct blue pigmentation. Which of them is right remains a mystery.

What does the tongue look like in purebred puppies?

It is noteworthy that dogs of this breed do not get a blue tongue from birth.

For the first month, the oral cavity of puppies is pink, and after that it begins to turn blue, and the older the individual, the more intense the color.

The color can be from blue-black to lilac-blue and can even change depending on the mood and general condition of the dog in the surrounding area. When the dog is worried or stressed, lightening is observed.

Chow chow puppies are born with pink tongues; the color begins to change only a month after birth.

Diseases can also leave some pink areas on it, which will disappear over time. In summer there is also a lighter shade.

The color of the tongue is closely related to the health of any dog.

If a one and a half month old puppy has weak pigmentation of an organ or its spotted color, then there is a possibility of the presence of some diseases. The color of the mouth is the most important sign of the purebred and purebred dog that licked the palate.

Can other breeds be blue?

What is considered a sign of purebred for a Chow Chow is called cyanosis in other dogs.

A change in the color of a dog’s tongue is an alarming sign for both the veterinarian and the animal’s owner. In the majority of cases, cyanosis indicates that the animal is sick . Signs of cyanosis include purple or bluish colors, trouble breathing with pronounced shortness of breath, and bluish discoloration of the paw pads.

Blue tongue color is often found in animals living in the far north

Cyanosis is not an autonomous disease, but a symptom. The condition of the mucous membranes directly depends on the oxygen entering the blood. If an animal’s body does not receive the amount of O₂ it needs, this can lead to tangible consequences, even death. In addition, genetic diseases, congenital heart defects, a variety of respiratory diseases and certain chemicals can cause blueness.

Do you like dogs with long hair? Are you attracted to fluffy “bear cubs” who are cute, funny and powerful at the same time? Then the Chow Chow dog breed is what you need. This dog will never go unnoticed, its external characteristics are very striking. Chow chows are compared to both a bear and a lion - they are really just as furry and strong.

History of the breed

The Chow Chow is a very ancient breed; there is evidence that these dogs have lived for more than two thousand years. Scientists studying DNA suggest that their ancestors were wolves. Perhaps chow chows really originated from northern wolves, lived in cold regions, and then migrated to China. It was in this country that the main development of the breed took place. The life path of the Chow Chow was difficult, since only the nobility had dogs as guards and shepherds, and commoners perceived them as a source of food and warm fur. In North Korea, chow chow is still eaten and considered a delicacy.

During the formation of the breed, the ancestors of the Chow Chow were Spitz, Tibetan Mastiffs and Great Danes. For the purity of the breed, thanks must be given to the Buddhist monks, they were engaged in selection and preservation of the data obtained. There is an interesting myth that says that chow chows were guides for monks between the worlds of people and spirits during astral travel and prayers.
For a long time, the breed was known only in Asia; Marco Polo brought the chow chow to Europe from his trip to Tibet. At the beginning of the 19th century, dogs appeared in England and quickly gained recognition and became popular.

A purebred Chow Chow must have five mandatory traits; they show the quality of the breed. This is a very thick coat with a lush and dense undercoat, a black or dark blue tongue, a fluffy and curved tail, straight hind legs (the knee and hock joints are at an angle of 90 degrees), small ears perpendicular to the head.

The chow chow's blue tongue comes from wolves - this is what researchers of the breed think. Many centuries ago, wolves lived on Earth, who also had a blue tongue; they were probably the ancestors of the chow chow. There is also a legend that when God created the sky, a chow-chow dog stood nearby and licked its edge and its tongue became colored. By the way, puppies have a pink tongue, it changes color over time.

Among owners and breeders, Chow Chows are considered capable dogs, although according to the rating of smart breeds, these animals occupy 77th place out of 80. The study revealed low learning and training abilities. But the Chow Chow has a reputation for being very clean dogs.

Also in the United States of America, the meeting of a person and a Chow Chow dog is not an insured event, since it is believed that these animals are capable of aggression.

Breed standard

The height at the withers of the Chow Chow dog is 45-57 cm, the body is compact and strong. The back is straight, wide, powerful, the chest is well developed, the paws are straight, the hind joints are connected at right angles. Due to the structural features of the limbs, the paws move parallel and forward; the characteristic gait of the Chow Chow is called stilted. The head is massive, there is a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The muzzle itself is short, wide, very slightly pointed or blunt. The eyes are oval, small, deep-set. The ears are small, stand perpendicular and slightly tilted forward, creating a “visor”. The tongue, gums and palate are dark blue or purple.

Dogs of the Chow Chow breed can be black, red, red, blue, cinnamon, and cream. The color is always monochromatic; the standard does not allow spotting, stripes, or multi-colors. The coat stands up, there is a dense undercoat, the pile can be long or short. Chow chows are not cut; dogs are combed and combed if desired.

Purpose and character

Previously, Chow Chows were used as guard, guard or herding dogs, but nowadays they are bred more for decorative purposes or as a companion. The character of dogs depends greatly on gender. Males are considered calm and calm, while females are more active, inquisitive, and cunning. With outward composure, the Chow Chow does not tolerate strangers on its territory and is quite capable of aggression; it can get into fights with other dogs.

Representatives of the breed, although strong and powerful, love to be lazy. Physical activity is especially difficult for those individuals who live in warm countries - they are too hot. You should not encourage your pet’s desire for an imposing lifestyle; excess weight, hypotension, and obesity can significantly shorten the animal’s lifespan and spoil its character. Interestingly, chow chows copy the behavior of their owner, so lead an active lifestyle and your dog will be physically developed and healthy.

In the heat, you need to take measures to cool your pet, leave it in the shade, cool, as heat stroke is possible. Eyes require special attention and care; daily eye and eyelid hygiene is mandatory. Puppies require careful coat care while they are covered with fluff and during the period of change from fluff to wool. If an adult dog is regularly brushed with a special brush, it will not leave its hair everywhere even during the molting period.

As you know, the Chow Chow is one of the most ancient and mysterious breeds: dog experts are sure that dogs of this variety were found more than three thousand years ago! Evidence is a Chinese figurine dating back to the Han Dynasty, which is 206–220 BC. And all this time, lovers of the breed were wondering: why does the Chow Chow have a blue tongue?

During the life of a Chow Chow, the color of the tongue can change several times: from rich black to light lilac-blue. The color will depend on the dog’s health, his morale, or even the weather! The tongue becomes lighter in the heat or if the dog is experiencing severe anxiety.

According to science...

Despite the fact that the Chow Chow breed has been known for so long, scientists cannot explain why the tongue of these dogs is purple. Of course, there are certain versions and legends. For example, some are sure that the distant relatives of the chow chow were rare polar wolves, which became extinct several thousand years ago, and these dogs owe the color of their tongue precisely to these distant ancestors.

The Chow Chow breed is often credited with being related to bears: the appearance of the dogs is to blame for this, they very much resemble small fluffy bear cubs. Many dog ​​experts think that the Chow is a cross between Samoyeds and bears or Elkhounds, Keyhounds or even Pomeranians. In the Chinese province of Canton, the Chow Chow is simply called “black tongue”, wolf dog or bear dog.

In addition, in China there are two varieties of Chow Chow: purebred and “bastard” Chow, which is a meat type of dog. “Bastards” are distinguished by a more pointed head shape, and their tongues are spotted - in purebreds this is a serious defect of the breed.

It is also possible that the homeland of the Chow Chow is not China at all: some are sure that the dogs got there on trade caravans from Mongolia. Chows, in turn, came to Mongolia from Siberia, and even before that they lived in the Arctic. This version seems quite plausible: animals living in harsh climates with low oxygen levels can adapt to their environment. In modern times, blue tongues indicate an acute lack of oxygen, and therefore this phenomenon can be explained by mutational features.

How are the puppies?

It is noteworthy that Chow Chow puppies are born with ordinary pink tongues; the color begins to change only a month after birth. Every year the pigmentation becomes more intense. When choosing a puppy, breeders advise paying attention to the tongue.

As a rule, puppies look for a new home after one and a half months, and if by this time the tongue has not acquired the desired color or there are spots on it, it is better to refuse the purchase. Pigmentation problems may indicate not only a breed defect, but also health problems.

If you believe the legends

There are a lot of legends and tales in China, and the mysterious breed with a purple tongue is also not ignored. According to one of the “versions”, the color of the chow-chow’s tongue was due to its... Courage!

According to legend, during the creation of the world, God first created the earth and populated it with numerous animals, and then began to “decorate” the sky. While the Creator was distributing the stars across the heavens, one of the pieces of the sky broke off and fell to the ground. All living creatures were frightened and tried to hide, and only the chow-chow dog dared to approach a piece of heaven and lick it. This is how the brave dog’s tongue acquired a heavenly hue.

Of course, the Chow Chow from this legend is very similar to its modern relatives: dogs of this breed are distinguished by their curiosity, persistence and confidence. It can be assumed that a true Chow Chow will not be afraid of something that will cause many other animals to seek shelter.

Chow-chow: the dog that licked the sky...

A charming bear cub with lush shaggy hair, intelligent eyes and a bluish tongue - this is exactly how the dog, whose breed has the unusual name “Chow Chow,” is perceived. What features are characteristic of it? We will be happy to tell you about this in this article.

A mysterious visitor from the arid steppes of northern China...

Chow chow has ancient origins. On a bas-relief dating back to 150 BC, the Chinese painted an image of a hunting dog resembling a chow chow. In the 18th-19th centuries, after Marco Polo brought the first description of the breed to Europe, only secular and highly respected individuals were the owners of such a dog.

Nowadays, anyone can buy a Chow Chow dog. But this pleasure is not cheap. But if you still decide to get yourself such a sweet friend, you need to take into account all his features.

Such a proud and independent chow-chow

After purchasing such a dog, it may seem to you that it is completely uncontrollable, and sometimes even aggressive. This is not surprising, because it is in her nature to be the leader of the pack. But only over time, as trust arises between you, will you truly be able to say that the Chow Chow is a calm dog with a very bright personality.

How to care for a chow chow?

Chows themselves are very neat dogs. But if the weather outside is wet and rainy, dirty paws cannot be avoided. Therefore, dogs of this breed from puppyhood must be taught to wash their paws after such walks, because it is almost impossible to do this in adulthood.

By the way, about walks. The Chow Chow is not a dog that will need to be walked long distances on a daily basis. A few circles around your house will be enough.

Due to their lush fur, Chow Chows do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, at a time when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees, it is necessary to choose the coolest possible place for the dog, protected from drafts. But winter is the ideal time of year for the Chow Chow.

Dogs of this breed are patient with children, but not if the chow chow is openly offended and tormented. Therefore, if you have a child, you will need to talk to him in advance about how to behave with this dog.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that Chows are big, bright individualists who sometimes find it difficult to find a common language with others. But if you are firmly convinced that you could become a true friend for such a dog, and are ready to open your soul to it - feel free to choose a chow-chow!..