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Dream interpretation of a steamer on the river. Sea white steamship

An approaching ship in a dream is a sign of happy news that will bring you hopes for big changes, news of the gifts you will receive, and much more that will make you absolutely happy. A departing steamship in a dream is a symbol of failure, loss and disappointment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Seeing a Steamboat in a dream

If in a dream you see an approaching steamship, this portends that pleasant entertainment has been prepared for you by fate.

Seeing a steamer leaving means that you will experience slight losses and disappointments.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Meaning of Steamboat dreams

Seeing a beautiful snow-white river steamer means that in reality a passionate feeling awaits you, which will certainly develop into true love. The ship on which you travel, having fun and not thinking about anything, is indeed a harbinger of an easy and unclouded pastime, a pleasant holiday during the summer holiday season.

A sunken steamship foreshadows bankruptcy and disgrace, from which there is only one salvation, but it lies through many obstacles. Escaping from a shipwrecked ship far from the sea shores means that you should not deviate from the decision you once made - this is the only way to save you in a real emergency situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does Steamboat mean in a dream?

If in a dream you see an approaching steamship, this foretells pleasant entertainment in your leisure time. Seeing a steamer leaving means that minor losses and disappointments await you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of dream Steamboat

It is interpreted to mean a ship, but a steamship can additionally have an entertainment, pleasure, or vacation aspect. In the latter case, we are talking about a period of rest, relaxation (vacation) or about the love and life adventures of the sleeper.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Steamboat

If in a dream you saw an approaching steamship, it means that fate has prepared pleasant entertainment for you.

A departing steamship dreams of light losses and disappointments.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does the Steamboat predict in a dream?

A sign that some big deal will be associated with a lot of emotions.

The larger the size of the steamer, if too thick smoke or steam comes from the steamer pipe: this means that unnecessary emotions are bothering you.

Black smoke from the chimney: a sign that your irritation and negative feelings are threatening to damage your business.

A small steamboat with a large chimney: suggests that you are too worried about trifles or are wasting energy on some trifles. Perhaps it's time for you to stop shooting sparrows with a cannon and do something more serious.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing a beautiful snow-white river steamer means that in reality a passionate feeling awaits you, which will certainly develop into true love. The ship on which you travel, having fun and not thinking about anything, is indeed a harbinger of an easy and unclouded pastime, a pleasant holiday during the summer holiday season.

A sunken steamship foreshadows bankruptcy and disgrace, from which there is only one salvation, but it lies through many obstacles. Escaping from a shipwrecked ship far from the sea shores means that you should not deviate from the decision you once made - this is the only way to save you in a real emergency situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Sea

Seeing a calm sea on a beautiful sunny day foreshadows a cloudless existence in complete prosperity.

Stormy sea - to the insult that will be inflicted on you, deliberately choosing the most suitable moment for this.

Flying over the sea in a dream, as if on wings, foreshadows the fulfillment of a dream, but if you fall into the sea, in reality you will lose money or an expensive item.

Drowning in the sea - in real life you yourself will find yourself to be the culprit of many of your misfortunes.

Swimming in the sea means risking your health. Sailing the sea on a ship means that happy events await you in reality. If your ship is wrecked on the high seas, this is bad news.

To be left alone at sea, having managed to escape from a sunken ship - such a dream means that ruin and shame await you, and any requests from a friend for help will be met with indifferent silence.

Sailing the sea, taking a trip around the world on a small yacht, means in reality you will suffer significant financial losses.

Getting caught in a big storm at sea means that in reality you will show complete failure in business and you will simply be removed from them.

Drifting at sea in complete calm - in real life, indulge in an easy and completely harmless hobby.

Seeing a ship with bright lights sailing towards you on the open sea is a harbinger of prosperity in everything.

Colliding with an iceberg at sea portends in reality unexpected changes in circumstances caused by the need to postpone anticipated pleasure.

Seeing the distant light of a lighthouse from the sea portends that the path to real success will be open to you in the very near future.

Interpretation of dreams from

Loff's Dream Book

In particular, the question in which society you happened to be sailing on a ship in a dream is very important. As a rule, the journey is not fast, and one of the main conditions for its success is society. Did you enjoy it? Did any of the passengers stand out with their behavior? Was this person similar to someone from your circle?

Longo's Dream Interpretation

In our dreams, a steamboat can represent feelings and love relationships in dreams. If the ship you are on is moving along the river, it means that your feelings will strengthen, and those around you will approve of your union and support it in every possible way. The movement of the ship against the current suggests the opposite. If the ship is standing still, the dream indicates a stop in the development of the relationship, perhaps it has already exhausted itself.

You set sail from the shore on a steamship in a dream - you will find yourself a new pair. Moored to the shore - you will break up with your current partner. The collision of steamships is dreamed of as a sign of fierce rivalry. The outcome of this accident is important. If you watch all this in a dream from the shore, then in reality you are only a spectator of someone else’s happiness or unhappiness in love.

If in a dream you are standing on the shore, see a ship leaving the pier and think that you will board the next one or the same one on the way back, then in reality you are going to wait until your chosen one or chosen one is fed up with the current relationship (without you), and then your time will come. Think about whether there will be a lot of people on the pier by that time, who will push you back again.

English Dream Interpretation

The image of a steamship evokes real horror for some due to their great dislike for the open sea and pitching, while others consider traveling by water as a romantic and pleasant vacation. Sailing on a boat in a dream means new love, the dream book is sure. The steamboat, which became a second home in a dream, foreshadows new love and erotic adventures that are about to come.

Steam from the ship's chimney symbolizes the accumulated emotions inside the dreamer. The thicker and blacker it is, the more negativity can spill out at the most inopportune moment. A steamboat that smokes in a dream, and you are forced to be in a cloud of smoke, warns against conflicts and excessive nervousness. Nervousness must be overcome in order to remain in a normal emotional background.

A sea voyage on the deck of a white liner can be interpreted literally: an entertaining journey ahead, a long-awaited vacation. A dream about a shipwreck warns against rash decisions that will lead to great condemnation from society and real shame.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a beautiful snow-white river steamer means that in reality a passionate feeling awaits you, which will certainly develop into true love. The ship on which you travel, having fun and not thinking about anything, is indeed a harbinger of an easy and unclouded pastime, a pleasant holiday during the summer holiday season.

A sunken steamship foreshadows bankruptcy and disgrace, from which there is only one salvation, but it lies through many obstacles. Escaping from a shipwrecked ship far from the sea shores means that you should not deviate from the decision you once made - this is the only way to save you in a real emergency situation.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

A steamboat in a dream is a sign that some big business will be associated with a lot of emotions.

The larger the size of the steamer, if too thick smoke or steam comes from the steamer pipe: this means that unnecessary emotions are bothering you. Black smoke from the chimney: a sign that your irritation and negative feelings are threatening to damage your business. A small steamboat with a large chimney: suggests that you are too worried about trifles or are wasting energy on some trifles. Perhaps it's time for you to stop shooting sparrows with a cannon and do something more serious.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

A steamboat is an image of the affinity of movement, moving towards or away from a goal. If a person travels, this signifies his desire to change his life situation, his belief that he is on the right path. If the subject dreams that he is the captain of this ship, then this is a reflection of his desire to control his situation himself and keep his course. If the ship is drifting, then this is an expression of the fear of living without goals. If the ship sails away and the subject is late for it, this is a sign of fear of missing out on some opportunity (the train has left).

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

To see a steamer - such a dream means that you have to go on a journey. Hearing its beep means that you will find out unexpectedly that you are about to travel. Dreaming of a sailing ship means that you will take up new things; sailing - complete the old ones. If you didn’t have time to sit on it, it means that if you are slow, you risk missing out on a great chance. Jumping from a steamship into the water is a dream about a rash act.

Family Dream Book

An approaching ship in a dream is a sign of happy news that will bring you hopes for big changes, news of the gifts you will receive, and much more that will make you absolutely happy.

A departing steamship in a dream is a symbol of failure, loss and disappointment.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A steamship is interpreted to mean a ship, but a steamship can additionally have an entertainment, pleasure, or vacation aspect. In the latter case, we are talking about a period of rest, relaxation (vacation) or about the love and life adventures of the sleeper.

Miller's Dream Book

If the ship is sailing towards you, expect pleasant guests, a lot of entertainment and a great time. A moving ship means minor troubles, annoyance, disappointment.

Vanga's Dream Book

Sailing on a ship - you will be deprived of the help of a loved one. To take a boat to the shore means to achieve your goal and overcome life’s obstacles.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

Steamboat - sudden love; being on board is a date; to see a collapse - loss of position, collapse of all plans, divorce.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

A steamer is news that can be both good and annoying.

Freud's Dream Book

Steamboat - for a romantic adventure on the water (in the water).

Dream Interpretation – Technology

Horoscope for Today

Why do you dream about Steamboat?

Loff's Dream Book

At first glance, a river steamer and an ocean (sea) ship should have similar interpretations in dreams, however, their main difference is that a steamboat moving along the river can have only four directions (downstream, against it, towards the shore and away from shore), and also stand still with the anchor lowered. As for the sea liner, its freedom is practically unlimited.

In addition, a river, as a rule, does not pose such a danger to a steamship traveling along it as does the sea or ocean, where everything is unsteady and unknown. Therefore, in a dream, you should understand exactly what ship you are on, where and why you are moving, and if you are standing still, then why.

A comfortable white motor ship sailing along the river is dreamed of as the embodiment of the dreamer’s dream of a calm and serene life. If you can determine whether this ship is moving with the current or not, this will indicate to you the accompanying, favorable or, on the contrary, hindering circumstances. If you cannot determine the flow of the river, pay attention to the other details of your dream, since, apparently, they are more important.

In particular, the question in which society you happened to be sailing on a ship in a dream is very important.

Steamboat, steamboat, Steam locomotive, whistle, steam engine

Steamboat in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita:

Steamboat - a profitable trip

Interpretation in Miller's Dream Book Sleep Steamer:

  • Seeing a steamer leaving means that you will experience slight losses and disappointments.
  • If in a dream you see an approaching steamship, this portends that pleasant entertainment has been prepared for you by fate.
  • Why do you dream about Steamboat? The newest dream book?

  • To a romantic adventure on the water (in the water).
  • IN Family dream book, if you dream of a Steamboat:

  • A departing steamship dreams of light losses and disappointments.
  • If in a dream you saw an approaching steamship, it means that fate has prepared pleasant entertainment for you.
  • If you dream about a Steamboat? IN Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • drive;
  • hope if you sail on it (see SHIP).
  • Interpretation of the dream Steamboat Noble dream book:

  • He drops anchor - some kind of embassy to you.
  • What happens to him symbolizes the dreamer himself, the life situation in which he finds himself.
  • A ship leaving into the distance - worries and sorrows remain with you, but hopes will sail away.
  • Small – small joys.
  • He walks by - saying goodbye to a friend or the environment in general.
  • Traveling to distant countries means consoling loved ones.
  • To leave it is to achieve the goal.
  • Seeing a big one near the shore means success in business.
  • To ride on it, to be on it - a change in relationships; road.
  • A ship or steamship is a symbol of hope.
  • Shipwreck - tears.
  • Seeing a Steamboat in a dream Gypsy dream book:

  • Unexpected news from afar.
  • What does it mean to see a Steamboat in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • profitable trip.
  • What does a Steamboat mean in a dream? Dream Book of the Wanderer?

  • Steamboat - interpreted to mean a ship, but a steamship can additionally have an entertainment, pleasure, or vacation aspect. In the latter case, we are talking about a period of rest, relaxation (vacation) or about the love and life adventures of the sleeper.
  • The dream book explains why the ship is dreamed of. A symbol in a dream foreshadows joyful meetings, exciting undertakings, and entertainment. A number of stories warn of losses or unpleasant situations that can be avoided.

    On deck

    Why do you dream that you were lucky enough to sail on a steamboat? The birthday book literally interprets the dream book. What you see in a dream promises a long journey or a romantic adventure related to water. And only the prediction addressed to those born in autumn reminds of the price of the issue.

    If you happened to be sailing on a boat in a dream, in reality you will be overcome by sudden love or receive an unexpected invitation to a romantic date.

    When you happen to float in clouds of smoke from a steamship chimney, the interpreter warns that in reality emotions can completely inappropriately get out of control. The thicker and blacker the steam, the more negativity threatens to spill out.

    If in a dream a sailing ship is carried away to distant lands, the dream book believes that in reality you are inclined to indulge in pipe dreams.

    View from the shore

    An explanation of why you dream of seeing a steamer from the shore can be found in Miller’s dream book. If he approaches the pier, pleasure and entertainment are floating towards you.

    When you happen to see a steamer leaving, the dream promises a minor loss that will not upset the sleeper too much.

    The gypsy prediction states that if a ship passes by in a dream, in reality important news awaits you.


    If you dreamed of a white steamship, there is an exciting acquaintance ahead that will mark the beginning of a serious relationship. For those who are already married, the interpretation promises a certain event that will enliven family life and strengthen feelings.

    What you dream of about a pleasant journey on the deck of a white steamship can be understood literally: a joyful, carefree period is approaching.

    If you dreamed of a white steamship, the dream book promises a romantic meeting that will give you an easy and joyful, non-binding relationship. The connection will last a surprisingly long time.

    Giants and Lilliputians

    A large steamship in a dream foreshadows great deeds that the sleeper will have to accomplish in reality.

    Also, a large steamer is a harbinger of a storm of emotions caused by an idea that has gripped the dreamer. You have to experience a full range of feelings: excitement, the spirit of competition, the joy of ups and the fear of downs.

    If you dreamed of a small steamboat with a disproportionately large pipe, perhaps you are too worried about trifles or are wasting your potential on trifles. Isn't it time to stop shooting sparrows with a cannon and do something serious?


    Dreaming about a steamship sinking often serves as a harbinger of a shameful defeat. At the same time, the dream interpreter assures that the path to salvation still exists. It is individual and the only correct one for each dreamer.