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Body temperature in adult dogs and puppies. How to measure a dog's temperature. What is the normal temperature in dogs, how to measure it, reasons for high or low temperature Normal temperature in dogs is average

Temperature is one of the main indicators of the well-being of both people and animals. Its increase or decrease indicates that something is wrong with the pet.

What temperature is considered normal for a dog? How to measure it at home, and what to do if it is very low or high?

The normal value is different for adults and small puppies. In dwarf breeds it may be slightly increased, and this will not be considered a deviation. The normal temperature in dogs is presented in the table, which contains average values ​​for different age and size groups.

Dogs have normal body temperature if it is within the range specified in the table. In addition, there are additionally permissible deviations for different situations. Temperature in a dog: the norm may increase under stress (up to 0.3⁰С), on hot days, after intense training, during estrus. In bitches before giving birth, on the contrary, it decreases by 0.5-2⁰С.

Important! Such changes do not indicate the presence of disease or illness.

There is an opinion that temperature can be determined by the nose, but this is a misconception. Sometimes the ears and groin feel hot to the touch when it's hot, but you can't rely on these signs alone.

How to measure a dog's temperature at home?

To take a measurement use a thermometer (mercury gives more accurate readings, but an electronic one shows the result faster). It is administered rectally (into the dog's anus). Here is an algorithm for how to measure a dog’s temperature correctly:

  1. Calm your pet, lay him on his side, stroke his belly. The dog should relax.
  2. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with greasy ointment (baby cream is usually used for this purpose).
  3. The animal's tail is raised, the thermometer is slowly inserted into the rectum (2-2.5 cm for large individuals, 1-1.5 cm for small ones).
  4. While the measurement is taking place, talk to your pet, stroke it, and treat it with your favorite treat.
  5. After completing the measurement (5 minutes for mercury thermometers, 30-40 seconds for electronic ones), carefully remove the thermometer, praise the animal, and write down the data obtained. Wash the thermometer and hands with warm soapy water, and if necessary, disinfect with an alcohol solution.

Thanks to this algorithm, you can easily find out the condition of your pet. Handle the dog carefully and calmly, do not frighten it.

Attention! The pet should know that measuring with a thermometer is a simple and painless procedure.

What to do if your pet has a fever or chills?

How to bring down the temperature?

If the indicator value is very high (above 40⁰C), the best solution would be to take the pet to a veterinary clinic. This indicator is especially dangerous for children, since metabolic processes in their bodies proceed much faster.

What to do if your dog has a fever, but veterinarian help is not available? If your pet has a high fever, follow these recommendations:

  • wet ears, groin and paw pads with cold water;
  • You can put a wet towel on your head;
  • move the dog to a cool place (on the tiles in the bathroom, on the balcony, etc.);
  • Give your pet cold fresh water;
  • mix three drugs in a syringe: No-Shpu, Analgin and Diphenhydramine (check the dosage with your doctor by phone, it is calculated by the weight of the animal) and inject this mixture intramuscularly into the dog.

How to reduce a dog's temperature and avoid severe dehydration? To do this, inject saline solution under the skin on the withers using a syringe (up to 50 ml for small dogs, up to 200 ml for large dogs).

If the measures taken are not enough, try to call a specialist at home or take your pet to a veterinary clinic. A high rate is a sign of a disease, it can be a symptom, or

Important! If you notice other symptoms (loose stools, change in the color or odor of urine, poor appetite, trembling in the body, etc.), be sure to tell your veterinarian about them.

How to raise the temperature?

If the indicator drops below 37-35⁰C, the pet needs to be warmed up. To do this, wrap the dog in a shawl or a warm woolen blanket, place a heating pad or a bottle of hot water on its back and stomach (be sure to wrap it in a towel). An indicator of 32-28⁰C is considered critical (in this case, the pet should be immediately taken to the clinic).

Temperature is an important indicator with which you can recognize the onset in time. But its increase does not always indicate the presence of a disease.

Attention! If your pet has a high fever or hypothermia, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Additionally, check out the video about what temperature a dog should have and how to measure it:

Just like in humans, body temperature is a very important indicator for determining the health of a pet. If any signs of illness appear - fatigue or refusal to eat, the first thing you need to do is determine whether your dog's temperature is normal. In this article we will tell you what exactly is considered normal in small and large breeds, as well as before birth and during the pet’s illness.

Dog body temperature

If a temperature of 36.6°C is considered normal for a person, then for a dog this figure is slightly higher. Normal body temperature in dogs is between 37.5°C and 38.5°C. In small puppies up to a year old, this is half a degree higher and can reach approximately 39°C.

But in the case of dogs, you always need to take into account the individual characteristics of the animal’s body and know what indicator is normal for your pet. To avoid confusion, you can try it on your pet several times, and do this when he is absolutely healthy, and then remember or write down the indicators.

Age, body weight, the period (for example, before or after childbirth) during which the measurement took place also affect the numbers on the thermometer. Thus, the normal temperature in dogs of small breeds (toy terrier, shih tzu, pekingese) is usually slightly higher than in large breeds (labrador, rottweiler, mastiff). It may also be overestimated in a situation where the pet is stressed, has recently played actively or has been in the sun in the heat of summer.

Puppies may have a fever because they are teething. This usually occurs between 3 and 9 months of age.

Changes in indicators may be harbingers of the dog's impending birth. As a rule, before birth in all breeds it decreases by 1°C, and sometimes even by 1.5°C, and then returns to normal. Usually it begins to fall a day, and sometimes even two days before the animal gives birth.

If a pet had contraindications to pregnancy, then such a process of the birth of puppies is called pathological childbirth. With the pathology of childbirth, the body temperature of dogs increases by 0.5-1°C.

In any case, it is worth clarifying that the animal's body temperature of 39 ° C is not an indicator of danger and it is not worth making hasty conclusions about the disease. But if the measurement result is very high, 40 ° C or more, and also with various accompanying symptoms: lethargy, apathy or loss of appetite, the dog must be shown to the doctor.

Methods for measuring a dog's temperature

Measurement in dogs of all breeds and sizes at home, as well as at the veterinarian, takes place using a conventional thermometer. The procedure is carried out rectally, so it is better to take an electronic thermometer, which measures the indicators in half a minute. Mercury may not be suitable, in a row the dog will be able to stand even for five minutes calmly with a foreign body in the anus. The thermometer for a dog must be individual!

Usually, pets of any breed tolerate the procedure easily, after a while the animal even stops noticing it, it is absolutely not painful and does not bring much inconvenience, so it is very easy to learn how to take measurements yourself at home.

How to measure a dog's temperature:

  1. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline, baby cream or Levomekol gel. After that, you need to reset the indicator on a mercury thermometer or reset the electronic one.
  2. You can insert a thermometer as a dog lying on its side, and one that just stands on its paws. The tail should be lifted up and gently insert the device to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, leaning against one of the walls of the rectum.
  3. To measure the temperature, the animal must lie or stand still, the first time the pet may be frightened, so it is better to talk to him affectionately, reassuringly. A pet can be taught a command, such as "Treat", so that she knows what procedure she will be doing.
    4. Next, the thermometer is pulled out, the indicators are noted, the device is washed after use with soap and wiped with alcohol.

There are also infrared thermometers that measure data through the ears of an animal, but their price is much higher than that of electronic or mercury ones.

Before childbirth, as well as after the birth of large and small breeds, thermometer readings can be taken every hour, and then recorded in order to know how the process is going.

What to do if the temperature is high or low

Changes in indicators, a decrease or increase in the dog’s temperature, should alert the owner. If there are accompanying symptoms: the animal refuses food and treats, it has diarrhea or vomiting, general weakness, then this may be a sign of illness. The pet needs to be taken to a doctor, consulted, tested and started on the prescribed treatment.

You can call a veterinarian to your home or take your pet yourself.

Here's what to consider if you're taking a sick animal to the doctor:

  1. If your pet's temperature is high: 40°C or higher, you need to apply a bottle or ice pack to her body, especially in hot weather;
  2. If the readings are below 36.5°C, then place a heating pad next to the animal to avoid hypothermia; you can turn on the heating in your car or open the windows in the heat.

As for how to bring down a dog’s temperature or raise it, it’s worth noting. You should not give any medications on your own before taking them, especially if you are expecting your pet to give birth. Only a specialist, a veterinarian, can make a correct diagnosis after examination. He will give treatment according to it, and any medications taken before the appointment will distort the test results.

A high temperature, over 40°C, or a drop in temperature in an animal of any breed can be caused by diseases such as plague, piroplasmosis, infection with worms, endothermite, allergies. Any trauma can raise it: extensive cuts, inflammation in bites from other dogs, abscesses. Some increase may be observed after vaccinations.

Video “How to measure the temperature of a four-legged friend”

This video clearly shows how the procedure for measuring a pet’s indicators occurs (video author: me and my tail).

Owners and breeders of large breeds of dogs know how important it is for the pet to be healthy (according to the generally accepted rules, large dogs are considered height at the withers exceeds 60 centimeters and weight exceeds 26 kilograms).

Body temperature in such animals is an important indicator of condition. If you suspect a deterioration in the well-being of your pet or his body, the first thing to do is before seeking help from a specialist.

Important! Extremely dangerous for dogs is 1-2 degrees gradually, systematically. And below 36 degrees it can even be life-threatening.

Normally, a dog's body temperature can increase by 0.3-0.5 degrees for short periods of time.

Normal body temperature indicators for large breed dogs may be associated with the characteristics of each specific breed:

  • Deerhound – from 37.5°C to 39°C;
  • Labrador – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • French bulldog – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • greyhound – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • mastiff – from 37.5°C to 39.3°C;
  • Alabai – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • Great Dane – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • Shepherd – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • setter – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • pointing dog – from 37.5°C to 39°C;
  • Laika – from 38.5°C to 39.4°C;
  • Dalmatian – from 37.5°C to 38.5°C;
  • – from 38°C to 38.5°C;
  • retriever – from 38°C to 39°C;
  • wolfhound – from 37.5°C to 38°C;
  • sentry – from 37.5°C to 38.5°C;
  • Saint Bernard – from 38.5°C to 39°C;
  • Malamute – from 38°C to 38.5°C.

By lowering the temperature with antipyretics, you will improve your pet’s well-being for a short time, but this may make diagnosis somewhat difficult.

If at home you are unable to bring the animal’s body temperature to the required values, and you do not observe any visible reasons, urgently consult, and perhaps make an appointment with your pet at the veterinarian to determine the specific reasons for changes in temperature indicators and prescribe an adequate course.

An unreasonable increase in the temperature of an animal’s body temperature may indicate the presence of complex, non-noticeable diseases. Timely treatment will help your pet continue a happy, healthy and fulfilling life next to you.

In contact with

Our four-legged friends can get sick too. And the main indicator of their well-being is body temperature. Its deviation in one direction or another is a clear sign of ill health, which in no case should be ignored.

When the temperature is normal

Normal temperature in dogs is from 37.5 to 39.5-39°C. But there are nuances that must be taken into account when measuring it. Thus, a puppy’s body temperature can be 39-39.5 °C. Such “warming” is necessary for young animals for better thermoregulation, or in case they have to wait a long time for their mother in the cold. Temperature readings differ between dogs of different breeds and different weight categories. The smaller the dog, the higher its body temperature. You should also be aware that the temperature may rise briefly:

  • after heavy loads
  • during heat
  • in very hot weather
  • from nervous tension

Knowledgeable people can accurately determine when a dog begins to whelp. To do this, you need to regularly measure your rectal temperature. As soon as its indicators drop to 36.9 - 36.5 degrees, you can be sure: the dog will bear offspring in the next 24 hours. At the same time, if the temperature before childbirth becomes high (above 39.5), this indicates a strong inflammatory process. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to avoid big troubles.

When measuring, do no harm

Measuring the temperature of your beloved pet is not so difficult. A mercury thermometer or its electronic equivalent is suitable for this. An electronic device is used most often: with it the procedure is faster and calmer. But the usual temperature meter is no worse. The main thing is to use it correctly.

To measure your dog's temperature, you must:

  • make sure the thermometer is set to zero
  • Lubricate the tip of the device with Vaseline
  • put the dog on its side
  • raise your tail
  • carefully insert the thermometer into the anus 1.5-2 cm
  • hold a mercury thermometer for up to five minutes, an electronic one - until a beep
  • take out the thermometer and record the result
  • wash the thermometer thoroughly and wipe it with alcohol

It is very important not to be nervous when measuring temperature: negative emotions can be transferred to the dog and the result will become inaccurate. It is better to cheer up the pet, gently talk to him, stroke him. He must feel that nothing terrible is happening. After the procedure, treat your dog with some treat, if, of course, health allows.

What does temperature tell you?

If the dog is seriously diagnosed, temperature measurements should be carried out daily - morning and evening. It is important not to forget to write down the indicators in a notebook: they will help the doctor in diagnosing and drawing up a treatment regimen.

Attention! An increase or decrease in temperature is not always a pathology. When normal indicators change, it is important to evaluate the situation as a whole. Analyze whether the dog was stressed, whether there was any serious physical activity, what it ate the day before, and how much time it spent in a stuffy room. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate the causes to bring the pet’s condition back to normal.

Action algorithm

When faced with problems with temperature, many pet owners go from one extreme to another. Some try to find answers to questions on the Internet and on forums, others ask friends for advice. Sometimes, after such treatment, the temperature can actually be normalized, but the disease does not go away and begins to progress over time, reducing the chances of recovery. Therefore, the first thing to do if you suspect a disease is to contact qualified veterinarians. The doctor will prescribe the correct treatment regimen, which will reduce the risk of complications and effectively solve the problem.

If it is not possible to promptly come to the clinic, in any case it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian over the phone.

At high temperatures (below 40°C) you can:

  • give small amounts of cool water to drink
  • apply a towel moistened with water to the sides and back
  • wrap the ice in a towel and apply to the paws and back of the head
  • ventilate the room, avoiding drafts
  • place containers of cold water on the floor

When the temperature goes beyond 40°C, you need to act quickly. Urgently go to the veterinary clinic, where the dog can be helped.

If the temperature is 1-1.5°C below normal at home, you can apply the following measures:

  • periodically give warm drinks
  • make warm compresses to the sides and back
  • apply heating pads to your paws.

If the temperature drops below 37°C, you need to urgently contact the clinic without wasting precious time.

Important! Do not treat your dog with human medications: they can be harmful.

If, at a high or low temperature, a dog behaves as if nothing had happened, enjoys life, and moves actively, it is possible that it is absolutely healthy. You just need to understand what could provoke this imbalance and try to eliminate the cause. But just in case, it’s better to play it safe and show your beloved pet to a doctor to rule out the disease. After all, the best medicine, as we know, is prevention.

Body is one of the most important indicators of the health status of our pets. Even minor deviations from the physiological norm signal systemic functional failures, the development of diseases, infections, and inflammation. Temperature readings in most cases help to find out what the dog is sick with and determine the complexity of the situation.

To monitor the condition of their dogs, owners must regularly measure and monitor their pet’s temperature and know what is normal and what is abnormal. Having determined that the dog’s temperature is elevated or below the physiological norm, you can immediately take appropriate measures to normalize its condition. Let's look at how to correctly measure a dog's temperature and what signs can be used to determine fever without the use of special devices.

Throughout their lives, dogs are susceptible to a wide variety of pathologies and diseases. One of the indicators of general malaise, a sign of many diseases and infections, is a change in body temperature up or down. Therefore, dog breeders must know exactly what the normal body temperature of a pet should be.

Important! Temperature indicators may have slight deviations from the physiological norm in dogs of different breeds and age groups. In addition, during the day the temperature may vary slightly.

Normally, the general body temperature of a healthy dog ​​averages 37.6-38.6 degrees. A puppy’s temperature readings are higher than those of young, adult pets – 38.8-39.1.

The body temperature of animals, as already noted, also depends on the time of day, breed, age, size, and weight. Therefore, they may differ slightly.

So, the older and larger the dog, the lower his temperature will be (37.5-38.3). For puppies, representatives of miniature, small decorative breeds (Yorkies, pugs, quinines, Italian greyhounds), temperature indicators vary from 38.2 to 38.8-39 degrees.

Important! A change in temperature of one or two degrees should be regarded by dog ​​breeders as an alarming signal that should not be ignored.

A short-term slight increase in temperature is noted:

  • after rest, sleep;
  • suffered, emotional shock, excitement;
  • physical activity, heavy loads;
  • active outdoor games;
  • after staying in a hot, stuffy room, after walking in the sun.

In bitches, the temperature rises by several degrees during estrus, especially during the period of rutting and sexual desire. Changes in indicators in females are also noted at, several days, hours before.

Read also: The puppy is afraid to walk outside! Causes and methods of overcoming phobias

To know what your dog's normal temperature should be, measure it twice a day (morning, evening) for seven days, recording the readings.

When to take your dog's temperature

Even if the dog is active, energetic, and feels normal, veterinarians recommend periodically taking control measurements for preventive purposes.

Despite the fact that this procedure is unpleasant for animals, your pet needs to be accustomed to it from an early age. After the procedure, be sure to reward the dog with a treat and a gentle tone.

It is mandatory for dogs to have their temperature measured in the following cases:

  • for sudden weight loss:
  • in case of a sudden decrease in activity;
  • unnatural, inappropriate behavior;
  • if the dog had contact with stray, infected animals;
  • refusal to feed, decreased appetite, indigestion;
  • before and after , .

Measure the temperature if the dog constantly sleeps, is reluctant to go for a walk, looks lethargic, and apathetic. Causes for concern are: increased thirst, profuse mucous, mucous-catarrhal discharge from the eyes, nose, pallor, cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

These and other symptoms that are not typical for a healthy dog ​​may indicate the development of systemic pathologies and diseases of various etiologies.

Healthy dogs should also have their temperature taken throughout pregnancy, before giving birth, and for several days after the birth of the offspring. The day before giving birth, the bitches’ temperature drops by about 0.5-1 degrees.

How to correctly measure a dog's temperature at home

To measure and find out your dog’s temperature, purchase a regular mercury or digital thermometer from a veterinary pharmacy. To facilitate the procedure, you will also need Vaseline or vegetable oil.

Advice! Using a regular thermometer, the procedure takes 5-6 minutes, and when using a digital thermometer, it takes no more than a minute. In addition, electronic devices provide a more accurate picture. Contact thermometers are also commercially available.

Body temperature is measured rectally. Before the procedure, calm the dog down in a gentle tone. Don't shout or use physical force. Since the dog can break free during measurement, it is more convenient to carry out the procedure with an assistant who will properly fix the dog in the desired position.

We perform actions in the following sequence:

  • Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline and oil. Calm the animal. The procedure takes place in as calm an environment as possible. The animal should not be scared or excited, as this will affect the indicators and they may be distorted.
  • Lay the dog gently on its side, move its tail up and to the side. You can measure your pet's temperature while standing.
  • Slowly insert the thermometer into the anus 2-2.5 cm.
  • Constantly reassure the dog, make sure that it does not make sudden movements.

Read also: Bisko dog food

After five minutes, remove and record the obtained readings. Hold digital until a beep appears. Reward the dog with a treat, praise the pet, wipe the thermometer with alcohol and put it in a protective case, put it away. Please note that the thermometer should only belong to your pet!

How to find out temperature without a thermometer

If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, you can determine the temperature without a thermometer. Any changes or deviations from the norm will affect the condition and behavior of your dog. In addition, there are certain points on the animal’s body that can be used to determine whether the dog has a fever.

You can find out your dog’s body temperature without a digital mercury thermometer:

  • along the nose, ears;
  • condition of mucous membranes, gums;
  • behavior
  • appearance;
  • skin condition.

Without a thermometer, you can determine your dog's temperature by looking at his nose. In extreme heat, the pet's nose will be warm and hot to the touch. White stains, dry crusts, and scabs are noticeable on the lobe. Healthy dogs have a moist, clean nose, and the color of the earlobe is not changed. There should be no discharge from the nostrils. But do not forget that a dry dog ​​nose does not always indicate a high temperature. For example, a warm earlobe can be after sleep, active games, or a walk in warm weather.

Touch the back of your hand to your armpits and groin area. With hyperthermia, if the dog has a fever, these areas will be hot to the touch. The skin is stretched and slightly swollen.

If the fever is due to infection, palpate regional lymph nodes. They will be hot, painful, and enlarged due to inflammation.

Look at your pet's gums. If the dog has a fever, the mucous membranes will be pale, anemic or, conversely, hyperemic. At high temperatures, gums are often swollen, dry, warm, bright orange, scarlet in color. A healthy dog's mucous membranes are moist and pale pink. There should be no sores or ulcerations on their surface.

Touch the dogs' ears and paws. There are many blood vessels running through these areas, so if your dog has a fever, they will be hot.

In a dog, not only the general, but also the local temperature increases when the inflammatory process is localized in any organ or part of the body. For example, the skin may be hot in the area of ​​the wound, if the auricle or paws are damaged. But you shouldn’t relax, since inflammation develops quickly without treatment, and the local temperature often provokes fever and fever.

Other signs of fever in dogs

Fever in dogs always manifests itself as an increase in temperature by several degrees. Note that elevated temperature is a kind of protective reaction of the body. When it increases, a certain part of the brain is activated, which is responsible for thermoregulation and most pathogenic agents die instantly due to high temperature.