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Workouts for pregnant women at home. Exercise during pregnancy

A healthy lifestyle is one of the unshakable rules if you are in an “interesting situation.”

Of course, sports are also considered an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, which even pregnant women should not give up. If you follow the rules and choose the right set of exercises, it will only benefit the pregnant woman!

The first trimester of pregnancy is a period when a woman still practically does not feel any physiological changes in her body and may well continue to play sports if it was part of her life.

And even if this was not the case, then you should think about including physical exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester in your daily routine, as they will keep you in shape and your muscles toned. As a result, it will be easier to withstand the increasing loads during pregnancy, and during childbirth too...

But there is one condition - exercises during pregnancy must be selected with caution, taking into account the “interesting position” of the woman, and also not overdo it with the degree of stress. And even if you experience morning sickness or nausea after eating, movement and an active lifestyle are the key to good health and a favorable pregnancy.

Exercises for pregnant women 1st trimester: what to consider?

As already noted, you need to be careful when selecting a set of exercises for exercise in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. So, physical education during pregnancy must meet the following requirements:

  • take into account the intensity of the load and the level of energy consumption by the body (the body should not be exhausted to the limit, since energy is also necessary for the growth and full development of the baby);
  • when performing exercises, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of falling (you need to select a special safe set of exercises for pregnant women);
  • It’s worth paying attention to exercises in water (today there are special offers on fitness for pregnant women).

If before pregnancy you, for example, three times a week, then you should not eliminate them completely, just replace them with healthier and safer options - training for pregnant women with a fitness ball, in water, etc.

If you didn’t exercise before pregnancy, make it a healthy habit now. Start with small loads, but let them be regular. Gradually increase the duration of your workouts to 30-40 minutes, spending 3-5 days a week.

If there is such a possibility, then it is better to conduct classes under the supervision of a highly qualified and competent trainer in these matters.

What other options or sports could there be for pregnant women in the first trimester...

Today it will not be difficult to choose an activity option that will combine benefits for the body and will also best suit the individual preferences of a pregnant woman. Among the most popular and frequently chosen options:

  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • swimming and water aerobics;
  • walks;
  • power training;
  • training on a stationary bicycle, etc.

Let's briefly consider the features of each of them.

Yoga for pregnant women in the 1st trimester: why should you give it preference?

Yoga is one of the most successful exercise options that pregnant women can choose for themselves. The basis of yoga is the balance of strength and energy in the body; moreover, regular yoga classes allow you to:

  • normalize blood pressure levels;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis and a number of other diseases;
  • allows you to create a balance between the physical and moral state of a woman;
  • promotes a surge of strength and energy.


When practicing yoga, you should avoid exercises such as:

  • back bridges;
  • any positions that require raising your feet above your head;
  • exercises where you need to lie on your back and even more so on your stomach;
  • positions where abdominal twisting is required.

The burning question is how long should a workout for pregnant women last? In the case of yoga, we can safely say that as long as you feel good. Avoid overheating or overstraining your muscles or feeling tired.

Ideally, a lesson lasting 30 minutes is quite enough; devoting 1, maximum two days a week to yoga is enough.

You can find out as much detail about yoga as possible.

Pilates is a great fitness routine for pregnant women in the first trimester!

Pilates is a great way to keep fit during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In addition, it will be an excellent prevention of pain in the lower back.

Special equipment is used for classes, as well as a special set of exercises is selected, designed to teach you how to “balance”. For classes to bring a tangible effect, it is advisable to devote at least one lesson per week to Pilates during the first trimester.

Gymnastics for pregnant women 1st trimester in pictures

Even if you are not a supporter of sports, especially during such an interesting period of your life, you should understand that exercise for pregnant women is the minimum necessary to maintain your own health, to which you should devote at least 15-20 minutes a day.

Do not forget that this is an extremely important period in the development of the fetus and any careless movements or increased loads can cause danger, so special attention should be paid to the selection of exercises.

Training for pregnant women should begin with the simplest exercises, and loads should be added gradually.

Exercise #1: Wall Slide

1. Lean against the wall so that your head, shoulders and lower back are directly touching the surface of the wall.

2. Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and place them along the wall, as shown in the picture.

3. Now your task is to move your hands “up and down” without taking your hands off the wall. Make sure that your shoulders are pressed against the wall, and your arms periodically return to the “right angle” position.

Exercise #2: Squats

1. Stand straight with your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and hands behind your head (position “a” in the figure).

2. Now we begin to squat slowly, without jerking movements, smoothly bending our knees until the thigh and shin are at an angle of 90 degrees to each other (position “b” in the figure).

3. Now you need to stay in this position for a while (20-30 seconds), and then slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise #3: Cat

1. Take the starting position by kneeling down and then placing your hands in front of you. At the same time, keep your back straight, and also make sure that you keep your neck level with your back (position “a” in the figure).

2. Now smoothly and gently bend your back, and lower your head between your shoulders, rounding your spine. Then we smoothly return to the starting position.

3. You need to move slowly, without pushing yourself forward or backward.

Exercise #4: clam

1. Starting position – lie down on your left side, bending your knees at an angle of 45 degrees relative to your body (position “a” in the figure).

2. The right leg should lie exactly on top of the left leg at the heels. Your task is, without moving your foot, you need to raise your right leg at the knee as high as you can, without helping yourself with your pelvis and without moving it from its original location (position “b” in the figure).

3. Take a short break and return your legs to the starting position. Make sure that neither your left leg nor your pelvis moves.

Exercise #5: Raises the hips

1. Lie face up - that is, on your back, with your feet resting on the floor, knees bent. Your arms can be “spread” to the sides (position “a” in the figure).

2. Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. We try to maintain this position for at least 1 minute, then smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise No. 6 – pelvic tilts

1. Starting position – kneel down and rest on your palms, placing them shoulder-width apart.

2. We relax the buttocks so that we feel a natural position in the lower back and abdomen, without a feeling of tension.

3. Now you need to pull your stomach towards your spine, while monitoring the depth and uniformity of your breathing. Then, without moving the hips, we move the pelvis.

Exercise No. 7 – pulling the “abdomen” while lying down

1. Lie down on the mat on your back – face up. We bend our knees, our feet stand flat on the surface of the mat (position “a” in the figure).

2. Inhale deeply, as if “through your stomach,” and you need to exhale as if your goal is to “free” your stomach and give it the opportunity to “touch your back.”

3. You need to hold in this position for 2-3 seconds, and then exhale and repeat the exercise again.

As an addition: exercises for pregnant women - useful tips

Sport is a useful component of a pregnant woman’s life, since it has the most beneficial effect on the body:

  • helps the body;
  • exclude ;
  • and the birth itself will be much easier and more successful if the body is prepared for it.

Gynecologists are unequivocally in favor of the presence of sports in the life of a pregnant woman, and advise:

  • do not try to increase the pace during exercises;
  • perform movements smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • do not jump, do not squat too vigorously, and do not bend and turn too sharply;
  • exclude exercises that require heavy lifting and any excessive stress.

To prevent sports from harming the favorable course of pregnancy, the expectant mother is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • take breaks between exercises, you should not do the entire complex “in one breath”, this is simply unacceptable and even harmful during pregnancy;
  • if during exercise or training you notice a deterioration in your condition, then you definitely need to sit down and rest;
  • If you experience nagging pain or red or brown discharge during or after exercise, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • completely eliminate sudden movements, regardless of the type of exercise performed;
  • It is better to choose a time for gymnastics when 2-2.5 hours have already passed after the last meal; you should not exercise on an empty stomach or immediately after a meal;
  • for sports, you should choose comfortable clothes that will not hinder your movements during exercise and allow your skin to breathe, that is, it should be clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • It’s worth starting classes with a 20-minute workout, gradually adding 1-2 minutes for each session, the optimal time for sports during pregnancy is 30 minutes;
  • It is better to exercise indoors where there is access to fresh air and ventilation;
  • If during or after training you feel any deterioration in your health, then you should reduce the intensity of your exercise.

Following these recommendations will allow you to monitor your health and stay in good health during the first trimester of pregnancy, taking care of both yourself and the unborn baby, who is growing and developing inside you every day.

What is needed in order to carry and give birth to a healthy child? In this regard, the recommendations of all gynecologists will be almost identical. Giving up bad habits, including exclusively healthy and healthy foods in the diet, as well as exercise are integral components of the life of expectant mothers.

All progressive gynecologists are of the same opinion that special exercises must be present in the daily schedule of a pregnant woman. In this case, the selection of loads is carried out depending on the duration of pregnancy, as well as on the general health of the expectant woman.

What exercises can you do in early pregnancy?

When planning physical education, pregnant women should learn several rules, namely:

  • gradualism;
  • gentle exercise regimen;
  • short duration of training.

The selection of a special complex for pregnant women is designed to teach her optimal relaxation and muscle contraction. In this case, special attention is paid to the group of muscles involved in childbirth.

It should be noted that during this period, active physical exercise is not recommended, since these periods are often associated with the likelihood of miscarriages. Abuse of intense exercise, or incorrectly calculated physical activity can cause detachment of the ovum or other pathologies in the female body. Women who have already had cases of premature termination of pregnancy for reasons beyond their control should especially take care.

Benefits of exercise in the 1st trimester

Daily physical exercise will allow a pregnant woman to systematically approach the organization of the birth process. Many experts note that physical exercise carried out in the early stages is a good preventive action for those who are awaiting motherhood.

The first trimester of the period of waiting for a child must necessarily contain breathing exercises, especially for women with insufficient physical fitness. The benefits of such activities are quite obvious: the expectant mother will be able to properly prepare for the process of childbirth, and will also learn to relieve stress and be able to get rid of extra pounds.

It is recommended to start the simplest activities, typical for the first three to four months, with breathing exercises:

  1. The woman lies face up on the mattress, placing her palms on her stomach to check it during exercise. When inhaling air through your nose, you need to make sure that the abdominal wall rises as much as possible. It is necessary to exhale through the mouth while simultaneously returning the peritoneum to its original position. You need to repeat inhalations and exhalations smoothly and without tension more than ten times.
  2. The body position is similar to the previous exercise, only the hands need to be placed on the hypochondrium. The air, as usual, is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth, while controlling the chest cavity, which should rise as much as possible. Repeat the exercise about 10 - 15 times.
  3. To practice, you need to take a lying position, place your hands on the back of your head. Breathe rapidly - like after a fast run, with your mouth constantly open. This ability to breathe will be necessary for a woman in labor during childbirth in the period between contractions. The better she does this, the more oxygen her baby will receive.

After breathing exercises, you can proceed directly to physical exercises performed from the main stance. To do this, you need to stand up straight with your heels closed and toes pointed apart, with your arms hanging down freely.

  1. After inhaling, spread your arms to the sides and forward, then back, bending your torso slightly. As you exhale, smoothly return to the starting position.
  2. Raise your arms up while inhaling. As you exhale, carefully squat down, moving your arms back and to the sides. Another breath should be taken, straightening the body, and the exhalation should occur simultaneously with the return to the main position.
  3. Place your hands on the back of your head. Leaning forward slightly, exhale, while stretching your arms slightly forward; then bend your back to relax your lower back. Returning to the main body position is done while inhaling.
  4. From the main stance, turn your head and torso first to the left, then to the right. The hands are in a relaxed position.
  5. Lie face up on the floor, place your arms along your body. Alternately lift each leg separately.

Each of these exercises must be repeated 3 to 4 times.

By devoting literally 15-20 minutes a day to yourself, you can easily carry and give birth to a healthy child without losing your attractiveness.

When pregnancy proceeds normally, the mother’s body calmly adapts to the baby. New conditions of existence accompanying the development of the fetus are perceived by the female constitution with the least loss. With the onset of pregnancy, the organs of a healthy woman continue to function normally, but the load becomes greater. Especially a girl’s pregnancy can have a bad effect on the condition of her legs. While maintaining your health, do not forget about physical education. Scientists have long agreed that pregnant women who performed special exercises entered labor easier and faster. Fewer complications were also observed in the postpartum period.

Gynecologists believe that playing sports will not harm pregnant women, in moderate doses and in the absence of complications during pregnancy.

You cannot practice if:

  • There was a threat of miscarriage.
  • The doctor revealed a weak cervix.
  • Abdominal and back pain (feeling of heaviness).
  • The days of supposed menstruation have arrived.

The exercises will be of particular benefit to girls engaged in intellectual work. Due to their profession, they do not move enough during the day. An expectant mother performing special exercises strengthens the nervous system, develops muscles, and improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

You can attend classes in a group or work individually at home. If the lady chooses the latter, it is recommended to visit a doctor who teaches physical therapy on time.

The exercises are shown to be done systematically; the room needs to be ventilated before starting. For convenience, buy sportswear and an exercise mat. The movements are performed in a calm rhythm, breathing is deep and measured. While charging, do not forget about your heart rate. If your heart rate exceeds 80 beats per minute, stop exercising immediately. Therapeutic gymnastics should not leave you feeling physically exhausted. After the exercises, it is advisable to take your favorite position and lie down (sit) for a while. The article provides time-tested exercises for legs during pregnancy.

The expectant mother often experiences poor circulation in her legs. Unpleasant complications include swelling of the legs, severe cramps, and varicose veins.

If a woman is predisposed to swelling, it is recommended to perform unloading for the legs several times a day. You will need to lie down and stretch your legs an order of magnitude higher than your head. We lie down and unload. Approximate time - quarter of an hour. The swimming pool effectively combats swelling. Pregnant women love water, which gives a feeling of flight and weightlessness; strengthening ligaments becomes a pleasant bonus.

Exercises to combat swelling:

  1. Walking.
  2. Classes in the pool.
  3. Yoga.
  4. Rolling the feet from heel to toe. Execution time – 2 minutes.
  5. Exercise "Cat". Get on all fours, inhaling, arch your back, lower your stomach; exhaling – round your back, pull your head down. Repeat 3 times.
  6. Exercise "Circle". Those who like to lie on the sofa will like it. We lie on our backs and slowly raise our legs. Not high, 30 degrees. Pull the toe forward, rotate it clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Number of rotations – 7 – 10. Repeat a similar complex for the second leg. The minimum number of rotations is 4-6. Draw “circles” during pregnancy, swelling will begin to recede.
  7. A new technique performed without getting up from the couch. Raise your leg 50-60 degrees. To avoid getting a cramp, pull the sock towards you. When the stand is ready, draw circles in the air clockwise. Five circles - one leg, five circles - the second. Approximate execution time is 2-3 minutes.

Remember! Classes are useless if the expectant mother consumes excess fluid, eats improperly, or stays in the heat or stuffiness for a long time.

Keeping slim

Pregnant women produce a special hormone - relaxin. It weakens joints and ligaments. Nature prepares a woman's body for childbirth. The expectant mother wants to maintain her stateliness and grace. Unfortunately, excess weight and pregnancy are perceived as one whole. A vulnerable place for gaining extra pounds is your legs. Specially selected exercises will help in this important matter:

  • The stance is straight, the feet are shoulder-width apart. There is a chair behind the back. Hands hold the back of the chair, legs squat halfway. Minimum number of squats. Feet stand together. Leaning on a chair, we lean forward. Do 4-6 approaches.
  • The starting pose is the same. Raise your arms up, put your foot forward, on your toes. The second leg swings up and down. We change legs and repeat the technique. Three times are enough for the right and left legs.

Back view

Women do not like to wear baggy clothes in the last months of pregnancy. I want to remain sexy and desirable. Here are some tips for beautifully shaped legs and buttocks:

The simple exercises described work for the future. Firstly, they help the expectant mother maintain her appetizing shape. Secondly, after birth, the crumbs contribute to the speedy recovery of the body. If there are no contraindications, feel free to perform exercises for pregnant women.

Getting ready for childbirth

Women have long been frightened by the unbearable suffering of women in labor. It is known that human beings do not experience childbirth without pain. But it’s possible to give birth without pain. Groups of pregnant women gather in sports complexes to achieve their goal. Women who have taken a meaningful approach to the birth of their offspring no longer suffer during the birth process.

The body must be prepared for a painless birth before conception. It is necessary to take into account the slower pace with the onset of pregnancy. Overwork is excluded.

Let's talk about how to stretch your thigh muscles:

  • The initial pose is on your toes. Squat down, standing on your toes. Hands on knees, legs spread to the sides (as possible), back straight. We settled in and stood for a while. It happens that it is difficult for pregnant women to maintain balance. It is not forbidden to hold onto a support with your hand.
  • The initial pose is to sit cross-legged (feet together, knees apart). Hands fix ankles. Bend over so that your forearms touch your shins, your elbows rest on your knees, pushing them further apart to the sides. Perform two exercises five times.

These exercises perfectly develop the joints of the knees and hips and strengthen the muscle tone of the legs. The positions are useful for childbirth; in the described positions, the diametrical size of the pelvic bone becomes maximum. Expectant mothers, be sure to set aside time for such important and necessary things.

Pregnancy is the most delightful period of life for every woman. When will two more hearts beat together in one body and even the inexorably creeping upward will bring joy? So that you don’t have to spend many months restoring your figure and health after giving birth, it is much easier and more effective to take care of your baby from the very beginning of pregnancy. maintaining your physical fitness, thereby healing not only yourself, but also strengthening the health of the unborn baby.

Of course, when talking about exercise during pregnancy, we are not talking about strength training or long, tiring workouts. But if a woman has previously been actively involved in sports, you should not give up useful exercises during an interesting situation, you just need to review their list taking into account pregnancy. And vice versa, if the expectant mother’s physical activity was previously reduced only to going to the store and shifting from foot to foot while waiting for the elevator, it’s time to change such a lazy lifestyle for the sake of the health of the unborn baby.

Why do you need exercises during pregnancy in the 1st trimester?

Thanks to reasonable physical activity throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother is guaranteed:

  • easier pregnancy and childbirth compared to sedentary pregnant women;
  • minimizing feelings of chronic fatigue and joylessness of life due to the fact that any physical activity is directly related to the production of hormones of happiness and joy;
  • reduction of manifestations or its complete disappearance;
  • reducing the risk of oxygen starvation () in the baby, since during well-organized physical activity the blood of the pregnant woman is saturated with oxygen;
  • return to prenatal shape in the shortest possible time after the birth of the child.

However, in society there is a number of persistent stereotypes and misconceptions about exercise during pregnancy.

Myth 1. In the first trimester, any sports training is absolutely contraindicated for a pregnant woman.

This is wrong. In the absence of contraindications, physical exercise in the 1st trimester is useful, as it prepares the pregnant woman’s body for upcoming serious stress, trains her heart and lungs, and maintains the necessary muscle tone.

Myth 2. At the very beginning of pregnancy, while the belly is not yet visible, you don’t have to limit yourself in sports.

The belly, of course, has not yet rounded, but the woman is already pregnant. This means that she is responsible for the life that has arisen in her. Therefore, any physical activity in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be agreed with your doctor. In any case, you will most likely have to give up professional sports during pregnancy and completely eliminate traumatic, strength exercises, abdominal exercises, and cardio exercises.

Myth 3. Yoga and stretching exercises are ideal for pregnant women.

There are a huge number of types of yoga, as well as types of stretching exercises. Among them there are indeed special complexes for women in an “interesting” position, which can be performed already from the first trimester of pregnancy. But most ordinary yoga asanas are contraindicated for pregnant women, as are many stretching exercises: they can lead to injury to the pregnant woman and the threat of miscarriage. So you should be more careful when selecting exercises, and it is better to be guided by the opinion of the instructor or coach

Myth 4. The more exercise, the better.

The ideal is to perform a daily set of exercises that include breathing exercises, light stretching exercises and physical therapy. But for women who did not engage in sports before pregnancy, it will be enough to exercise every other day for half an hour, and the optimal types of physical activity for them will be daily walking and swimming.

Contraindications to exercise in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

  • any infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • increased body temperature over 37 degrees;
  • chronic kidney and heart diseases;
  • severe toxicosis requiring hospital treatment;
  • severe anemia (low);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • or history;
  • any intensity.

What physical exercises can you do during pregnancy?

It is best if the physical activity of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester includes:

  1. Daily walks in the fresh air at a calm pace for at least half an hour.
  2. Swimming in the pool several times a week, and if possible, doing water aerobics.
  3. If you feel well and have no contraindications, dancing classes (especially oriental belly dancing for pregnant women) and Pilates under the supervision of an instructor are recommended.
  4. Daily breathing exercises.
  5. Fitball exercises.
  6. Sets of stretching exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, pelvis, legs, and chest.

How to do exercises correctly for pregnant women

  • all exercises are performed at a calm pace, without overload;
  • muscle strengthening exercises alternate with relaxation exercises;
  • any stress on the abs, exercises such as “bicycle” or “birch tree” are excluded;
  • squats and bends are not done completely, but halfway;
  • Stretching exercises are done very carefully, because due to the riot of hormones in
  • In a pregnant woman’s body, her ligaments and tendons are easily injured;
  • strength loads (for example, exercises with dumbbells and on machines) are excluded altogether in the first trimester, in contrast to the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

A set of exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

  1. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing, legs slightly apart, back straight, arms freely lowered. On the count from 1 to 5, take a deep breath. On the count from 1 to 7, exhale slowly. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. Walking in place for 1 minute alternates with walking on your toes for 30 seconds.
  3. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing, legs slightly apart, arms straightened to the sides. At the same time, while inhaling, raise your right arm and left leg, and while exhaling, lower them. Avoid sudden movements. Repeat 5 times, alternating arms and legs.
  4. Half squats with straight arms pulled back – 5 times.
  5. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing, legs slightly apart, hands clasped behind your back. As you inhale, bend back slightly, pulling in your buttocks. As you exhale, stand up straight, taking the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.
  6. Half bend forward with straightening your arms in front of you – 5 repetitions.
  7. Position at the beginning of the exercise: standing or sitting with a straight back, hands connected with palms in front of you at chest level. As you inhale, press your palms against each other with force to tighten your chest muscles. As you exhale, relax your arms and chest muscles, without separating your palms. Repeat 7-8 times.
  8. Position at the beginning of the exercise: sitting on the floor, legs wide apart, hands on the belt. As you exhale, touch the toe of your right foot with your left hand. As you inhale, sit up straight, taking the starting position. The same with the right hand and left leg. Repeat 7-8 times, alternating legs and arms.
  9. Position at the beginning of the exercise: on all fours, head down. As you exhale, bend at the waist, rounding your back like a cat. Stay in this position for a count of 1 to 3. While inhaling, take the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.
  10. Position at the beginning of the exercise: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor. As you exhale, raise your pelvis, resting your feet on the floor, hold in this position for a count of 1 to 3. As you inhale, lower your pelvis, taking the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.

Can be done several exercises on a fitball:

  • sit on the ball and do circular rotations with your pelvis in different directions;
  • sit on the floor and hold the ball between your legs, then alternately squeeze the ball with your feet with light force, then release the pressure;
  • lie on your stomach on the ball, resting your feet on the floor, and ride it from your chest to your lower abdomen (until your stomach stands out).

At the end of the complex, it is recommended to perform easy stretching exercise and relaxation. Sit on your knees, resting your buttocks on your heels. Stretch your arms forward and try to touch your forehead to the floor. Stretch forward slightly and relax. Repeat several times.

There is a common expression that characterizes especially well need for physical activity during pregnancy: it is better to sit than to lie down; it is better to stand than sit; It's better to walk than to stand.

Moderate and well-organized sports activity during pregnancy in the absence of contraindications has never harmed anyone.

Don't want to do a set of exercises? Swim! Don't want to swim? Do breathing exercises! And this is not yours? Then walk more or dance. Find for yourself that form of physical activity during pregnancy that will be enjoyable for you and beneficial for your body.

  • Do not overheat while playing sports - this worsens the condition of the fetus.
  • Drink plenty of fluids during exercise to stimulate your metabolism and enhance the removal of toxins from your body.
  • Physical activity is best tolerated a couple of hours after eating (optimally after breakfast).
  • Do not overdo it! Remember that your shortness of breath is a symptom that your unborn baby is not getting enough oxygen.
  • Take into account how you feel and at the slightest sign of pain in the lower abdomen or discomfort, stop doing the exercise and replace it with another one in the future.
  • Don't overwork yourself! 15 minutes a day is enough for physical activity in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Avoid physical activity on days that would be critical if you were not pregnant. According to medical research, it is at this time that the threat of miscarriage increases sharply.
  • Do not neglect breathing exercises and relaxation exercises - every pregnant woman needs to master these skills.

Yoga video for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

We invite you to watch a video of a yoga exercise course for pregnant women in the first trimester, which will help you maintain good health and prepare your body for subsequent trimesters and childbirth. It is safe for all pregnant women who have no contraindications.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again: pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life. But it should not occur exclusively in a horizontal position with longing in the eyes.

Physical education at this time is encouraged and helps prepare for childbirth. Share your experience How your level of physical activity during pregnancy affected the process of childbirth and recovery after the birth of the child.