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Aquarius zodiac sign full characteristics. The most suitable partners. Positive character traits

Aquarius (Latin: Aquarius) is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. The Aquarius period runs from approximately January 21 to February 19 (dates may vary depending on the year). An astrologer talks about the main features of people born during this period

Background information about the sign Aquarius

Ruling planet - Uranus and Saturn

Planet in exile - Sun

Element - Air

Symbol: a man with a jug of water

Aquarius character

Aquarians are bright, easy-going and friendly people who can drive you crazy with their stubbornness when some great idea pops into their head. Moreover, the greatness of the idea depends on the education and life experience of a particular Aquarius. This could be a truly grandiose revolutionary idea that can change the life of mankind, or it could be an epic invention of the bicycle.

Everyone loves Aquarius, although they don’t understand them. Aquarians need to be condescending towards the mediocre and boring people around them and at least sometimes speak their language. And those around them, in turn, do not need to demand from Aquarius that they comply with some frameworks and norms.

Aquarius man: characteristics of the sign

Aquarius men are the best representatives of the stronger sex: loyal friends, honest and selfless people. It’s a pleasure to deal with them in everyday situations, on vacation, at work. They are not petty, not flattering, not two-faced. Above all, they value friendship based on common ideals. They are ready to do anything for ideological comrades. They also treat other people in a friendly manner - as if they were lost brothers in ideals, to whom the truth has not yet been revealed (but will certainly be revealed).

Aquarius women are endowed with a magical charm. Their character is intricately intertwined with great kindness and extravagance. They may seem otherworldly. Unlike Pisces, who quietly live somewhere in their fantasies, Aquarians actively promote the ideals of goodness and light in life. They don’t always take the situation into account, which is why they have a reputation for being “eccentric” ladies.

Lifestyle and psychological portrait of Aquarius

Aquarians love new experiences and hate routine. They love to be surrounded by like-minded people and students, but if they don’t find anyone who is able to share their ideas, then they feel good alone - all humanity is brothers and sisters for them, and even when they are alone, they acutely feel their connection with the world .

It is believed that most often Aquarians can be found at various social events, group events, all kinds of volunteer, cultural and charitable events, or in the laboratory, where they invent something in the form of eccentric geniuses. Indeed, if you see an activist of some social movement or an eccentric scientist, most likely it is Aquarius. But in the general mass of people there are not so many public activists, and even fewer geniuses. An ordinary, ordinary Aquarius can most often be found among friends (or when he rushes to the aid of another friend), in nature, or among people who are passionate about what they love.

The house of Aquarius... but his house will be the way the household members arrange it for Aquarius - he himself is above everyday trifles.

Aquarius fearlessly meets changes, does not hold on to what is no longer relevant, does not try to return what is irretrievably lost. This person lives one day at a time and goes with the flow, adapting to circumstances. Aquarius solves problems as they arise; he loves when his soul is light and does not burden himself with far-fetched fears.

The representative of this zodiac sign is optimistic and does not complicate his life. Aquarius knows how to simplify the most complex tasks, and in this he resembles, but unlike the latter, he prefers to cope with his difficulties himself. Aquarius is not one of those people who believe that those around them owe them something, so they try not to bother them unless absolutely necessary.

Aquarius is a talented person. He can skillfully combine his main occupation with creativity, while having income on both sides. Throughout his life, this person acquires new knowledge, improves his skills and does not stop there. He succeeds in any job because he follows the development of new technologies and does not miss profitable opportunities.

Character Weaknesses

Aquarius is not the most responsible sign of the zodiac. He is punctual and attentive only when he is interested in something at the moment, but he is not interested in future prospects. Wanting to get everything at once, Aquarius does not want to waste time on long-term training, which will guarantee him stability and a decent standard of living in the future. He is not interested in investing energy in a business that requires initial costs, but then will pay for itself. Aquarius is a short-sighted person; he does not care about his future life, which he often regrets later.

Aquarius is prone to laziness; he does not approach problems thoroughly, preferring not to waste time, but to create comfort (domestic or psychological) for himself in the very near future. If he repairs something, he does it hastily; if his relationship with a loved one has reached a dead end, he may make a promise that is obviously impossible to fulfill, just to avoid conflict right now. He treats finances in exactly the same way - he spends a month's salary in a few days, and then thinks about who to borrow from in order to survive until the next one. Considering the fact that he rarely stays in one job for long, his income is unstable, and he chalks up what is happening to bad luck.

In personal life

Aquarius is amorous and acts according to the call of his heart. If he is very passionate about someone, then, regardless of the accompanying circumstances, he will do everything in order to be together with his chosen one. It is very good if there are no obstacles to this relationship, but if there are, Aquarius will go ahead, but will not miss the opportunity for personal happiness. There are no barriers to love for him; neither a different worldview with his beloved nor generally accepted moral standards will stop him. Aquarius more often than representatives of other zodiac signs falls into a love triangle, and the third angle, as a rule, turns out to be himself. The situation is complicated by the fact that he does not spend time getting to know his lover properly before committing his life to him. As a result, after a short period of time it may become clear that the established couple does not have a common language, time and other opportunities have been missed, and in the soul of Aquarius there is complete chaos and indignation.

For a happy life, Aquarius needs a more serious person, preferably older in age, or with unsuccessful experience of love relationships in the past. In such a situation, the lightness of character of the representative of the air element, his love of life and ability to sincerely admire his lover will be appreciated.

See the compatibility of Aquarius with other zodiac signs:

Aquarius man

Aquarius is a very extraordinary person, and even those people who have known him all their lives cannot say that they know him well. Outwardly, he looks sociable and positive, knows how to carry on any conversation, easily finds an approach to people, and often avoids conflict situations thanks to humor. However, his inner world is closed to everyone. Aquarius can hardly be called distrustful and suspicious, he is simply not the kind of man who likes to discuss his troubles and complain about life. Firstly, he does not want to show his weaknesses to anyone, and secondly, it seems to him that such conversations are not interesting to anyone. In fact, he often refuses the help of those to whom he is dear, which greatly upsets them, but Aquarius believes that he did the right thing by protecting them from his problems.

The Aquarius man seems to be attracted to danger. He often gets involved in dubious adventures, surrounds himself with suspicious individuals, and takes unnecessary risks. Aquarius ranks first in criminal tendencies, but this is purely about statistics. Not all representatives of this zodiac sign have such problems, but what really unites them is the solution to any issues in a strange, ornate way, and often bypassing the law.

Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman is unusually attractive to men, and this is not expressed in a flashy appearance or in coquetry. She is the earthly likeness of the fairy-tale Snow Queen - mysterious, elusive, with a sense of her own dignity, but somewhat cold. A representative of the air element knows how to charm the men she likes, and at the same time make the situation appear as if the initiative for rapprochement did not come from her. She will never seek the favor of a person who is not interested in her, and if reciprocity is evident, then no obstacles will force her to stop.

The Aquarius woman is not one of those who surrounds her loved ones with touching care. She does what she must, but does not sacrifice her personal interests. In her relationship with her husband and children, her first priority is establishing psychological contact, and only then the everyday side of life. The Aquarius woman is understanding, forgiving, and able to forgive people for their weaknesses. It’s nice to communicate with her, but she will keep the most intimate things to herself. Like the Aquarius man, she does not burden anyone with her problems regarding both her financial situation and her state of mind.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Aquarius is the most original and freedom-loving sign of the zodiac. The ruler of the Sun, Uranus, imposes certain characteristics on the functioning of the psyche of Aquarius. Basically it is impulsiveness, reluctance to plan, a thirst for enjoying the present moment without thinking about the future. In addition, Aquarius is the symbolic constellation of the 11th house. This house is responsible for friendship and alliances based on common interests. This means that Aquarius is an intellectual sign that uses its friendliness and curiosity for development. The zodiac sign belongs to the element of air, the influence of this element affects the mental makeup. The air sign strives for knowledge through diversity; unlike the earth element, it does not matter to him to cultivate his own garden, he wants to let the outside world pass through himself.

Unlike the element of water, he does not strive to escape from the outer world into the inner one; his innate extroversion makes him superficial in the eyes of water signs. and unlike fire signs, he does not seek to actively influence the public, although Aquarius can be an artist, because Uranus contributes to the creation of an original image. However, his goal is not to influence society, and having received fame, he is ready to easily give it up if something new captivates him. Aquarians are eternal wanderers, therefore they do not set a goal of creation; they can only come to the need for stability and constancy in adulthood. Their craving for constancy can become aggravated during the period of Saturn’s revolution at 29–30 years old, at this age Aquarians either start a family and become parents or, conversely, break off relationships and run away from obligations. It depends on the internal organization of the individual. Their next more serious crisis is at the stage of opposition of Uranus at the age of 41-42 years. During this period, Aquarius will want to settle down in one place, have their own house and garden and a permanent partner.

Characteristics of the Aquarius sign

The type of personality born under the sign of Aquarius depends on the influence of the planet Uranus. Uranus is a planet that can greatly influence consciousness. The influence of Uranus goes through the higher chakras; it has direct connections with the intellect and intuition. In its highest manifestation, Uranus purifies consciousness. Not all planets have such an influence, because, for example, the Moon includes instincts in a person, so Cancers are the most unconscious signs, but Venus includes sensory sensations, Taurus are motivated by sexual attraction and a thirst for pleasure. Uranus is the highest planet, its influence depends on the level of development of the planet:

  • at its highest level of manifestation it gives insight into spiritual experience, channeling and the ability to mystical states;
  • at the average level – high intelligence and clear mind, ability for exact sciences;
  • at a low level – impulsive, explosive character, flight from responsibility, change of place of residence.

Therefore, for Aquarius, it is important to develop the qualities of Uranus in themselves. The main recommendations are

  • cleansing the body of impurities;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • power control;
  • doing yoga or other wellness treatments.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aquarians have strong creative abilities because Neptune is exalted, meaning they can have very strong inspiration.

Impulsiveness is a direct consequence of creative nature. This quality allows a person to do what he feels. Aquarius will not think about their actions for a long time, weighing everything, like Libra or Capricorn.

Responsibility Aquarius does not conflict with their impulsiveness and inconstancy, because Saturn is in its abode in Aquarius. They can have fun or go on a spree, and the next day, as if nothing had happened, come to work on time.

Love of freedom Aquarius is manifested in the fact that he can easily drop everything and take off. They usually organize their lives so that responsibilities do not constrain them. Although there are also bright specimens that go out to take out the trash in slippers and return a year later. Such sudden disappearances are characteristic of Aquarius more than any other sign of the zodiac.

Independence For Aquarius, relationships are always more important. They are more focused on friendship and cooperation than emotional attachment.

Tendency to attachment disorder among representatives of the air element it is associated with their reluctance to depend. There is nothing worse for them to be constrained by feelings. Therefore, they simply break the attachment at the stage of its formation.

Fear of offending It manifests itself to one degree or another in all air signs. Aquarians assume in advance that other people are not strong enough and will not be able to bear the reluctance to deal with them. This trait results in their tendency to avoid unpleasant conversations, relationship difficulties, and breakups. They simply disappear from sight at the slightest difficulty in the relationship.

Favorite activities of Aquarius

Most of all, Aquarius is fascinated by their work, however, they also know how to relax. The sign is associated with the eleventh house, which is associated with social organizations and friendships. Therefore, more advanced Aquarians attend various trainings in their spare time, this can be either learning something useful or group therapy, because representatives of the sign like to discuss thoughts and feelings openly. And less advanced Aquarians see friends, go to clubs and various festivals. Aquarius is a party animal. When they are young, this is usually not noticeable because everyone hangs out, but as they get older, it doesn’t go away.

On a free day, Aquarius can also visit cultural places, for example:

  • concerts;
  • movie;
  • Exhibitions;
  • library.

But he won’t do anything, his curiosity and secret desire to find consistency in at least something makes him choose what is familiar to him. For example, if Aquarius watched the first part of the film, then he will watch all parts, if he read the first volume of the book, then he will read all the volumes. This is one of the ways to win the friendship of an Aquarius. Always be an unread book.

In addition, strong Neptune pushes him to visit creative places. Aquarius is one of the phenomenal signs that can absorb a huge amount of information and not get tired of it. However, unlike Pisces, he does not perceive this information emotionally. Aquarius can completely calmly watch a horror movie, using the tip of a pencil to show on the screen how the characters' makeup was done, while Pisces slowly slides under the chair in horror. Unlike Gemini, he doesn't remember anything. His memory is organized associatively, the necessary information pops up in his head at the moment when he needs it. An example is Jules Verne, who used his knowledge of the geography of countries to create adventure novels.

Aquarius man and Aquarius woman - differences

Human behavior is governed by two main personal planets - the Sun and the Moon. Men are more influenced by the Sun, so Aquarius men according to the horoscope will display the qualities of the sign more clearly. Aquarius women may be 50% under the rule of the Moon, but their character will certainly manifest itself in creativity, work, travel and relationships.

Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman goes through a whole evolution of her individuality. Her main internal choice is between responsibility and irresponsibility. The development of these qualities in an air sign woman greatly depends on her relationship with her mother and upbringing.

"Good girls

If a girl was raised by a responsible, accepting and loving mother, in a family where her talents were revealed, and she had enough money and toys, then the girl has a chance to gain an attitude of family values. By nature, she does not have the ability to evaluate her own appearance or female attractiveness, so she will be guided by the assessments of other people. And the mother’s task is to give the girl confidence that she is beautiful and teach her the basics of fashion and style. Also, the mother will do her daughter a huge favor if she sends her to a music or art school as a child. After all, Aquarius’ creative energy is off the charts, and if it doesn’t find a way out, then they are constantly drawn to do something. The importance of maternal upbringing is due to the fact that it is the mother who forms lunar values: she gives instructions for creating a family, helps to form female self-esteem. Therefore, we can say with confidence that if an Aquarius girl grew up in a complete family and has a good relationship with her mother, then she will have the ability to be constancy and responsible.

"Bad Girls

If an Aquarius girl has a conflict with her mother, then most likely it will result in a struggle for freedom. Such girls can run away from home, start relationships with men early and work early. They develop character traits of the male type. They strive for independence, do not need a family, and defend free love. Such girls will be able to reconsider their views on life someday under the influence of a husband who will in some way replace their parent, who will accept and support them, and who will give them a second upbringing.

Aquarius man

The sign of Aquarius is beneficial for masculinity. Such men are formed either on the principle of planned development, that is, study, and then work, or on the principle of seeking adventure. In any case, they develop such qualities as courage, autonomy, independence and, for some, self-sufficiency.

It is worth knowing an important fact about how different an Aquarius man is from any other sign. Even the most responsible Aquarius man can be led astray in 5 minutes. They are incredibly susceptible to temptation. And if Aquarius claims that he has given up temptation, then most likely he is lying. But it is better to pretend that he is telling the truth. Being caught in a lie, especially if a woman demands promises and commitments, Aquarius men will begin to sharply defend their freedom. They can be faithful or responsible only because they themselves have decided so and firmly believe that this is not the desire of their partner, but their choice. If an Aquarius man begins to doubt that loyalty or constancy is expected of him, then he may go on a spree. Everyone's spree is different: someone goes to drink beer with friends, someone might meet a woman, another will go fishing. However, this is not just a vacation, for Aquarius it is a necessary rebellion against the system. Therefore, a woman should give Aquarius maximum freedom, which not all zodiac signs are ready for.

Features of the Aquarius sign by decade

Many are willing to argue that all Aquarians are frivolous, this is due to the fact that, according to the ten-day horoscope, they belong to one of three types: responsible, frivolous and spiritual.

First decade (21.01-1.02)

The most sublime and pure representative of the sign is Aquarius of the first decade; he is always on a spiritual quest. He can travel around the world to places of power, attend lectures by spiritual teachers, and attend schools of esotericism. If a representative of a sign, due to upbringing or developmental characteristics, has not had time to engage in spirituality, then he will still have his own philosophy. Representatives of the first decade are not afraid of work, this is due to their desire for independence.

Second decade (2.01-11.02)

Representatives of the second decade have the traits of Gemini, so they like to be friends with representatives of this zodiac sign. Their characteristics are related to the level of intellectual interests: at a low level they are sociable, love friendship and company, and also watch a lot of television. At a higher level, they love to read and are interested in psychology and science. Representatives of the sign are quite responsible.

Third decade (12.02-20.02)

Representatives of the sign are associated with the sign of Libra and they need a relationship with a partner, however, they often go on the run and this can seem extremely irresponsible to others. They can run away on trips, parties and even bad habits. But they do this not because of irresponsibility, but because of personal weakness. The combination of Libra and Aquarius makes the personality weak and avoidant. Only fire signs can withstand such “binges”.

Aquarius in love

There is an idea of ​​Aquarius as the most windy sign of the zodiac, since its ruler Uranus gives an impulsive character. However, this is not quite true. Aquarius is, at its core, a strict sign. After all, they paradoxically combine Uranus and Saturn, for which the constellation Aquarius is the night abode. That is, representatives of the sign can be both responsible and constant (the qualities of Saturn), and amorous or fickle. Two types of Aquarius can be distinguished: the first are more prone to responsibility and constancy in relationships, and the second are more inclined to seek complete freedom.

What type Aquarius belongs to depends generally on his lifestyle, which enhances his character qualities. If he lives according to a certain routine and is constantly busy, then he will show constancy in relationships. This type of Aquarius has a normal attitude towards marriage.

If Aquarius leads a lifestyle associated with moving, constantly hanging out, and being creative, then his search for freedom begins to go off scale. Especially in their youth, such Aquarians are fickle in love, they very often fall in love and quickly lose interest.

Another feature of the representatives of the sign is their liberal views on relationship formats. They can offer open relationships, trips to a swing club and various experiments related to intimacy. Although they will not insist if the partner is not ready. However, the dream of this sign is to meet an uninhibited partner who will be inspired by all his fantasies.

Aquarius – compatibility with other signs

A representative of the sign can be friends with anyone, but it is more difficult to create closer, loving relationships with him than with anyone else. This is the most quarrelsome of the zodiac signs.

Aquarius and the element of fire

Fire signs are interesting to air signs because they have something that he doesn’t have, self-confidence. For a successful relationship, representatives of the fire element must believe in his talents.


There is no motivating force in the union. Aries is usually inspired when he is shown that he is needed. It is difficult for Aquarius to stoop to this. A relationship is only possible if Aries decides to seduce Aquarius out of sporting interest.

Leo loves to fall in love with everything bright, swift and inaccessible, which is how Aquarius may seem to him. Perhaps Leo will want to hunt, and in the process of hunting he may develop a taste for it and become the patron of the air sign.


Communication between the signs of the zodiac begins on the basis of philosophy, mysticism or psychology and for a long time does not go beyond the formal. They may have intimacy and passion, but at the core there is always friendship and equality.

Aquarius and the element of air

Representatives of their native element constantly exchange new information; they can talk endlessly. Ease of communication does not allow them to go into distance.


Two Aquarius ─ this is good compatibility. After all, one is looking for an ideal, and the other understands what kind of ideal is needed. Perhaps this is one of the best long-term alliances in the air element.


Gemini is constantly in the cycle of events, this hypnotizes Aquarius, and he involuntarily gets drawn into these adventures.


Libra and Aquarius are a romantic adventure that lasts while Libra is captivated by Aquarius's creativity and intelligence. An alliance between them is possible if Aquarius is more constant than freedom-loving, and there is also a strong understanding between Libra and representatives of the third decade

Aquarius and the element of earth

Earth signs can guess the needs of air signs and give him care.


Capricorn has a craving for experimentation, so he is attracted to the innovator Aquarius, but both signs are not emotional, friendship and cooperation are possible between them. Even if Capricorn and Aquarius become lovers, at the first discovery of affection, they will scatter into corners.


For Taurus, Aquarius is a tasty morsel, because he is interesting and mysterious, however, the discrepancy in values, one way or another, will manifest itself. Taurus professes the values ​​of Venus and wants to start a family, this scares Aquarius.


Virgo can learn something new and change her approach to work thanks to the air sign; she listens to him with pleasure. But both partners are cold in their feelings and always remain friends more than lovers.

Aquarius and the element of water

Aquarius may be frightened by the values ​​of feelings defended by representatives of the water element, but he is attracted to the mysterious water signs.


Aquarius and Pisces are united by a strong Neptune, which means that their rapprochement can go faster when doing creative work together, as well as when attending concerts. If one of the partners is engaged in creativity, then rapprochement will go faster if the other is his fan.

Cancers can attract Aquarians with their quiet and meditative attitude. However, the relationship between signs can be very passive and both want to be pursued.


The couple is united by strong Uranus, which means that they will rebel against the norms together. They are more interested in being secret lovers than being an official couple.

Professional inclinations of Aquarius

Since Uranus and Saturn are the higher planets associated with rational activity, the work of Aquarius is directly related to the combination of the principle of these planets: Saturn - accuracy and responsibility, and Uranus - foresight and innovation.

Professions for the Aquarius sign

  • Pilot, flight attendant
    Aviation is considered the domain of Uranus, so representatives of the sign can safely go to the Aviation Academy. The air sign is one of those signs that will enjoy moving around.
  • Tailor
    Representatives of the air sign are very suitable for designing clothes.
  • Civil Engineer
    Building design is an activity where precision and an original approach can be applied - the strong qualities of the sign.
  • Stock market broker
    The ability to predict is a strong quality of Uranus; working on the stock exchange will help you develop this ability and earn money.
  • Scientist
    If a representative of the sign graduated from a university with excellent marks, then he can continue to go into science.
  • Surveyor
    Accurate measurements and the latest equipment are areas in demand in construction.
  • Geologist
    The romantic profession associated with the discovery of new deposits allows you to combine constant change and precise measurements.
  • Programmer
    If Aquarius wants to become a programmer, then most likely he will succeed, however, this profession is more suitable for the 2nd decade.
  • Organizer of events: weddings or trainings
    Aquarius is associated with the 11th house, which governs the activities of groups; a representative of the sign can gather friendly evenings.
  • Writer
    Neptune is exalted in the sign, which gives a strong surge of inspiration, which is why a genius may well be born under the sign of Aquarius, however, according to statistics only in the 1st and 2nd decades (Ivan Krylov, Byron, Lewis Carroll)
  • Composer
    Nowadays, the profession is as in demand as in the old days; representatives of the sign, born in the first decade, confirmed that Aquarius has a genius ability for music (Mozart, Schubert, Kitaro).
  • Artist
    It should be noted that the classical style is not suitable for Aquarius; he should study innovative trends in art, because he is a conductor of new trends. An example is one of the most famous impressionists - Manet.
  • Astrologer
    Astrology can be both a hobby and a profession for representatives of the sign, because this science is based on Uranus.
  • Dancer
    Rich imagination can add charm to dance.

To understand the character and calling of Aquarius, you must first of all believe in them and support them in those days when they want to create their own business, without thinking that changing jobs is an attempt to escape from responsibility.

Areas of activity

The main areas for Aquarius are associated with the qualities of Uranus, these are forecasts and discoveries, originality, as well as with the qualities of the 11th house - friendly parties.

Top 5 areas of activity for the Aquarius sign:

  1. Aviation;
  2. Engineering;
  3. Public relations;
  4. Creation;
  5. Astrology, esoterics.

Professions for Aquarius according to the Chinese calendar

The Chinese horoscope will show who is better to be a pilot and who is better to be a writer.

Rat She is cautious by nature, so it is better for her to be a civil engineer, cutter, or tailor.

Bull loves traveling, the profession of a geologist or archaeologist would suit him.

Tiger could become a pilot, and the woman could become a flight attendant.

Rabbit It’s better to take up drawing or master industrial design.

to the dragon A profession involving manual labor is suitable: furniture assembler, surveyor.

Snake has Jupiter in Cancer, which indicates a strong attachment to the earth, so they can be excellent gardeners and florists.

Horse under the sign of Aquarius she is sociable, let her work as a manager or PR specialist.

Sheep I could become a musician and work in an orchestra.

Monkey under the sign of Aquarius, she combines constancy and sociability; a career as a manager, analyst, auditor, or broker will suit her.

From Rooster will turn out to be a wedding planner.

Aquarius of the year Dogs could work in trade, Jupiter in Scorpio gives him a craving for financial fraud, so he is a born businessman.

Aquarius of the year Pigs could become an astrologer or a writer of mystical literature.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Aquarius full characteristics - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Unity. Light. Love.

Horoscope for zodiac sign

Previously ruled by Saturn, currently, as astrologers believe, by Uranus.

Among the Sumerians it was one of the deified constellations, representing their god An, who shed the waters of immortality on the earth.

The Greek mathematician Ptolemy, who lived in Egypt, named this constellation Aquarius. Early civilizations associated Aquarius with the rainy season. The symbol of curved lines is believed to have originated in Egypt, representing a flow of water, possibly the flow of the Nile.

Philanthropy, independence, originality. The symbol of those born under the sign of brotherhood is the water carrier, which generously shares life-giving moisture with people. A friend of Aquarius can be confident in his loyalty. Being a permanent sign, he is distinguished by an eccentric temperament, determination, and stubbornness.

It seems to him that people do not understand his ideas, and he feels offended, as a result he quarrels and behaves defiantly. Rejects those who have not reached his intellectual level.

He is not a snob, but he hates cheap imitation and flattery. Gains confidence from communicating with others. It's never lonely. The group instinct leads him to people if they themselves do not go to him. Aquarius starts friendships with people of both sexes and does not stop them even after marriage.

Loves nature, but prefers to be in comfort. Loves material goods, but is not greedy. He is more interested in sports as a spectator. Interests lie in the spiritual area. He has a developed intellect and prefers spiritually deep communication.

Aquarius women tend to exaggerate their difficulties. However, they are forgiven for this - they are very attractive. The deliberate calm of Aquarius is deceptive. He takes his work seriously, and because of this he is anxious, nervous and often feels completely overwhelmed. He works better in a team or in conditions where the work is aimed at achieving high goals. In work of this kind, his excellent memory, intuition, knowledge, love of freedom and humanity will be revealed. His charm, attention and empathy earn him the respect and trust of others.

    • His motto is “I know.”
    • Best paired with: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
    • Average compatibility with: Aries, Cancer, Virgo
    • Least compatible with: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn

Children's horoscope

Those born under the sign of Aquarius are similar to children whose air sign is Gemini. And everything that is written about Gemini, for the most part, also applies to Aquarius. They have the same active mind that needs constant intellectual food. When solving a problem or exploring a problem, these children, in addition to the beaten track, want to try everything possible, including their own original methods, to achieve the goal. Aquarians easily and quietly absorb any knowledge, facts, information. It seems that knowledge itself is born in them and they are not able to explain it. Unlike Gemini, Aquarius is quite persistent in achieving their goal. If Aquarius is interested in something, he will see it through to the end and give it up if interest is lost.

Aquarians rarely have problems with studies. True, they have a curious feature: they can learn lessons and generally acquire new knowledge only in complete solitude. Therefore, it is advisable that your child has, if not a room, then at least a fairly secluded corner in the house. Sometimes it seems that a child has a bad memory. This is not true, your child perfectly remembers what interests him. If he is not interested, he will show amazing forgetfulness. These children are capable of the arts. A broad liberal arts education suits them. But they are also capable of exact sciences. Most people born under this sign have literary or scientific talent, therefore, with appropriate training and knowledge, they make good journalists and scientists. In general, they can express themselves in any creative activity.

The Aquarius child is extremely shy and timid. It's hard to believe, but it's true: he can grow into a sociable adult who will often be the life of the party.

Unfortunately, these children are most often indifferent to sports. Parents should make an effort to ensure that their child still spends enough time doing physical activity in the fresh air. Mountain air is especially beneficial.

If a child spends all his free time reading books or daydreaming about who knows what, this will have a bad effect on his health, and he may grow up frail and weak. Traditional fairy tales leave him indifferent. He is generally indifferent to traditions. Miracles attract his attention, especially if it happens on other planets. His favorite reading is science fiction literature.

The overall vitality of Aquarius is very moderate. He has a tendency to the following diseases: anemia, anemia, poisoning, ankle problems, varicose veins and, of course, nervous diseases, like all air signs. Parents should ensure that their child’s food contains enough iron and vitamins.

Quarrels and conflicts in the family between adults have an extremely harmful effect on the child. The proximity of mentally unbalanced or nervous people is harmful.

It may seem that Aquarius is not emotionally involved if adults are quarreling next to him, but in fact this has a destructive effect on his nervous system. Parents should also make sure that the child does not end up in the company of unbalanced peers who have a bad influence on his state of mind. Mental fatigue can lead to nervous tension, headaches, indigestion, and insomnia. The best remedy against this is a calm environment and exercise in the fresh air, away from the noisy city.

During school and adolescence, your Aquarius baby may sometimes cause you concern with his unusual and even extravagant behavior. He may suddenly begin to dress in strange clothes and behave strangely. Don't take this desire of his to heart. In adolescence and especially adolescence, Aquarians love to shock others. Don’t feed them bread, but let them surprise or outrage someone. If the effect is achieved, Aquarius is pleased, although in fact there was no serious platform behind his behavior. Sometimes his behavior is tactless. Tell him about it. Aquarians listen to the opinion of the one they like, and for the sake of peace and tranquility they are ready to make concessions.

Aquarians usually don't have problems with friends. Peers are drawn to them because they are interesting. Aquarians themselves are sometimes characterized by extreme ethical assessments. It would be nice to enlighten Aquarius that people are not divided only into good and bad, they are much more complex.

What is contraindicated for an Aquarius child?

Disharmonious environment: quarrels, conflicts, proximity of unbalanced people. Don't quarrel with him if he shows stubbornness or anger. Leave him alone, after a while he will forget about it. Don't react too violently to his extravagant antics, it's not serious, he just wants to be different from others.

What does an Aquarius child need?

In mental food. In the fresh air, playing sports. In a separate space where he will have enough privacy, which he loves so much. Make sure there is enough iron and vitamins in his diet.

Temperament and character

There are weak and strong Aquarians. In general, this is a combination of an angel and a devil.

They hate theatricality, they don’t want to produce effect, they don’t want to be impressive, but they don’t mind shocking. They want to do something nice, but mostly for themselves. They are alien to conventions in relation to themselves, but old-fashioned in family matters. They don’t want to be like anyone, they don’t want everyone to love them, they want to be free from the burden of the material world, but they strive for power, position, prestige.

They are curious, they are attracted to everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves at anything. They are contemplative of life, but can also be generous in spirit. There may be something subtle, gentle, smooth about Aquarius.

They fluctuate between instincts and reason. They can be almost strangers to their own emotions.

Many are religious, mystical, understand nature, vegetarians, full of good intentions towards everyone, they do not know hatred. They are polite, simple, some are trusting, sometimes too much. They are undiscerning, a little naive, they lack a sense of remorse, guilt, others, on the contrary, restrain their sensitivity, seclude themselves on every mistake, focus their intuition on the future, and achieve the highest goals. They want to be not only equal, but also superior, they resist if they are told what to do or restrained, they can become jealous, unfriendly, insensitive, imprudent, putting forward the slogan: “do as I say, and not as I do.”

Taste for clothes is varied and contradictory. Women prefer originality to everything. Some can create a seductive effect in the absence of jewelry or embellishment through subtle color selection. Some take originality to the point of extravagance and eccentricity, looking for something rare, unique, even shocking and even scandalous; there are also trendy ones.

Sexual characteristics

Aquarians are excited by everything new, so they look for new interesting people, want to touch and hold with different bodies. They are stimulated by variety in sex. Partners, but for them this is not sexual immorality, but Aquarius life. The sign of Aquarius contains an internal conflict, because... he is a permanent sign, he wants to strengthen his status quo, on the other hand, he craves change. Therefore, they often come into conflict in various relationships. They hesitate about getting married, and don't get married as much as possible.

Their attraction to humanity as a whole is very great, but they still choose one as their spouse for life. Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is the first to try to free itself from social and parental instructions; they enjoy resistance and rebellion.

Positive features

Aquarius is a kind, gentle sign, ready to help. They are especially pleased when people turn to them for advice and they are one of the best advisers. They are modest and rarely try to gain an advantage over their comrades.

In love they are very faithful and spiritually devoted, but they are always a little reserved and do not like to show their emotions.

Uranus is a powerful friend of Aquarius and often influences his choice of profession; in general, Aquarius is a positive sign, 80% of famous people were born under this sign. So happy are those who communicate with him, who were born under this sign because... Aquarius instills hope and courage in them.

Because Aquarius rules the house of friendship - he is a master of personal relationships, his devotion knows no bounds.

Negative traits

The main threat to the success of Aquarius is their tendency to waste their abilities on trying to take a prominent position in society; they talk a lot about the future, but their ideas do not always become reality. Because of their desire to do whatever they want, regardless of the consequences or other people's opinions, people will judge them by their appearance and will not be able to see their sincerity and other virtues, a wise Aquarius will do well if he understands that he is more likely to achieve his goals, if he acts within conventional limits, even if it is a temporary compromise, he is in danger of becoming superficial, he demands from people an extraordinary combination of virtues, especially in the intellectual field, but if he does not find this, then he can lower his demands and be "together with everyone." They shouldn't do this: it would be better for them to move on and find new, smarter friends.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, they need to look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Gemini and Libra. All three are air signs, their relationships are fragile and changeable. Gemini offers intellectual stimulation and fun camaraderie, while Libra offers balance and harmony.

After 29.5 years they are more interested in practical earthly life, and then they are often compatible with the signs of Virgo and Aries. Virgo's keen mind and ability to work tirelessly can help Aquarius enter the realm of practicality. Aries offers Aquarius fiery ambition and serves as a good example of his Self.

After 41.5 years, Aquarius acquires a positive direction in his personal life and work, and he is ready to join high society. At this time, he is very compatible with his opposite sign - Leo, who has also already begun to go in this direction. If previous relationships between Aquarius and Leo were unsuccessful, our matured Aquarians can try again, because... by this time they have become more diplomatic and know what can and cannot be expected from Leo.

Fidelity Score

Aquarius is very faithful in all areas of human relationships. This is a permanent sign and these people feel best when they see familiar faces and places around them.

In his youth, Aquarius is a devoted and trusting friend; he usually carries his friendship into old age.

What about marriage? Well, first try to force him to marry at all. But when he finally gets married, he is faithful to the end, in his own way, maybe not always romantically, but always consistently, calmly and a little reserved.

There are always many guests in her house who are attracted by the intelligence, charm, and sociability of the hostess. However, this does not mean that she is also diverse in intimate relationships. Being a good wife, skillfully running the house, she transfers her love for regularity and order to the bedroom. Seduced by her external charm, the man strives for her in search of new sensations. But after intimacy, only the flickering of candles and freshly ironed sheets remain in her memory. She is not familiar with violent eroticism, and she doesn’t need it, since she sees the joy of life in a cheerful company and interesting communication. And although her desire to please makes her husband jealous, he can be calm - she will remain faithful to him. Aquarius is an excellent partner for a man with a weak temperament, looking not so much for sex as for peace and attention.

For a temperamental woman, this is most likely “not a gift.” His sexual sphere is small and is located somewhere in the outskirts of his soul. Erotic claims are minimal and he makes do with rare relationships in which he is attracted not so much by physical pleasure as by the very fact of owning a beautiful woman. Her temperament and experience are completely indifferent to him. In many ways, his sexual behavior is determined by conversations with friends and books. During intimacy, he calmly and willingly submits to the woman, because he is simply not ready for another role. In marriage, he does not allow infidelity, since his head is full of work and family matters. Despite this, his wife cannot be called happy, since he gives her very little sensual pleasure. However, he is quite suitable for women with a sluggish temperament, since in the rest of his life he is an interesting and gifted person, a faithful comrade and assistant.

Aquarius does not have a specific appearance; the following characteristics cannot be attributed to him absolutely. The face is an elongated triangle, pointed towards the bottom, a prominent forehead, large, quick eyes, often beautiful, with a lively interested expression, transparent skin, easily susceptible to rashes and pimples. Subtle facial features. Ideally, the face of an angel with a lively youthful expression, a soft voice, clear speech, a slender, fragile, graceful body, a frank, persistent handshake. The overall impression is lightness and grace.

Aquarius is a difficult patient, they quickly get bored with treatment, and after a day or two they abandon it. They expect amazing success and are prone to radical means, constantly transitioning from fasting to overeating, from rest to vigorous activity. Their illnesses are unexpected and severe, often aggravated by insomnia.

Weak points are calves and ankles, which are easily broken and sprained. Blood metabolism may be disrupted. They often feel sick in the heat, have increased acidity, sclerosis, digestive tract problems, and serious infections.

Preventive measures: vitamins, fresh air, not too sedentary lifestyle. Frequent blood tests force them to do what is good for them. Outdoor games and walks with friends are useful for a change of scenery.

Gastronomic horoscope

The sign is multifaceted. Progressive and independent. They live by those commandments that they consider to be the highest. They show an example of humanity, help, mercy in everything and to everyone, which is what brings them down. Thinking about others, AQUARIUS often forgets about himself, and his imbalance can lead to nervous breakdowns. It is prone to blood circulation disorders, so sodium chloride, magnesium phosphate, as well as iron and calcium are needed in the daily diet.

Recommendations. Avoid canned food and any “chemicals”, as well as butter, soft drinks, cakes and pastries. It is better to reduce the amount of bread, pasta and rice. Replace sugar with honey and salt with aromatic herbs. Avoid strong alcoholic drinks and nicotine. AQUARIUS is recommended to follow a vegetarian diet. Pomegranates and apples are very useful fruits.

Aquarius: complete characteristics of the zodiac sign

To give the most complete description of the Zodiac sign, it is necessary to determine the degree of influence of the ruling planets, main elements, crosses and hemispheres on it. These factors are used to determine the overall characteristics of the horoscope.

Ruling planet of Aquarius – Saturn, Uranus

Saturn, as the main ruler of Aquarius, grounds him, lowering Aquarius fantasies from the world of dreams to the sinful earth. The Saturian influence is also expressed in the influx of pessimistic mood, which Aquarius tries to hide. Fortunately, his temporary gloom does not last long, and he quickly returns to the world of fun and cheerfulness, although the inner sadness remains, felt almost imperceptibly. At the same time, Saturn endows Aquarius with inner strength and endurance, which is especially expressed in work.

On an intuitive level, spiritually developed Aquarius, under the influence of its second, no less powerful ruler Uranus, has a higher knowledge of the world. He is inextricably linked with the Cosmos and from there he draws his original and sometimes unpredictable ideas. Uranian developed Aquarius is a genius balancing on the brink of madness. With the best development of Saturn, he is a self-possessed, cautious pragmatist.

Usually the first half of Aquarius’s life is ruled by Uranus, with its feigned eccentricity, stubbornness, and love of freedom. From the age of 30, Saturn replaces him, and Aquarius turns from a court jester into a royal sage. But here, coming to the fore, Saturn can cut down at the root any ideas born in the brain of Aquarius, subjecting them to analysis and rejecting them as empty fantasies.

Positive character qualities

With a positive Saturn in Aquarius, such traits as idealism, constancy, self-confidence, desire to study, a penchant for mysticism, and restraint will be developed. He will feel comfortable in any company, he will be interested in literally everything.

A harmonious Aquarius from Uranus will receive nobility, philanthropy, affection, calmness, and loyalty. He will be a friendly person with a sweet smile that everyone will want to be friends with.

Negative character traits

An afflicted Saturn during the birth of Aquarius will make him distrustful, overly jealous and complex. A split consciousness and dependence on the opinions of other people will cause indignation in him. People will not understand his brilliant ideas, perceiving them as stupid and unrealistic. He will tell himself: “I’m worthless, I don’t know anything, I don’t understand” - and this will make him prone to depression.

If Uranus is damaged, Aquarius will suffer from a difficult internal struggle between love for people and hatred, envy of them. He will strive to be friends, but it will turn out poorly for him.

Leading element – ​​Air

The air element indicates a high degree of contact, frivolity and instability. In astrology, air signs are personified with the mind, but here the mind stands as the concept of the lower manifestation of wisdom.

Aquarius, being the sign of the permanent cross, is endowed with all changeable qualities to a lesser extent. His Air is communication, mobility, liveliness. He easily adapts to people and circumstances.

Emotionally, Aquarians are superficial, they lack emotional depth, they become attached to people, but do not always show it outwardly. Caring for loved ones comes first for Aquarius; he can sacrifice his interests for the interests of his family.

The trine sign Air speaks of a sanguine temperament. These are people with lively energy, agile, with a quick reaction to events. Cheerful Aquarians easily adapt to the failures and tricks of life. They are productive at work only when the task captures all their interest.

Leading cross – Constant (fixed)

In human character, a fixed cross takes the form of constancy in judgment, stability of views, and a firm credo in life.

In the airy, constantly transforming Aquarius, a constant cross indicates inertia. It is difficult to initiate such a person into other types of activities, especially if there is no personal interest in this. This is stubbornness, but at the same time, endurance. Therefore, if Aquarius nevertheless takes on some business, he brings it to its logical conclusion.

Leading hemispheres – eastern / northern

The eastern hemisphere is the zone of the individualist. A person moves through life in the direction from the inner “I” to the world. He tries to influence others without allowing them to step outside his comfort zone. Aquarius, being in the eastern hemisphere, is inclined to make independent decisions, even if they seem ridiculous and wrong to others. He is independent and unpredictable.

The north of the eastern hemisphere is a closed environment where a person is turned to his inner world. He is interested in his personal life, his family and achievements. The outside world plays a secondary role, as a decoration for this inner life.

Aquarius - characteristics of the sign

Sign period: (January 21 - February 19)

Sign property: stable, constant

A representative of the Aquarius sign can surprise his friends with his extravagance and crazy antics like no other. This person is freedom-loving and curious, which does not allow him to stay in one place for a long time. Characteristics of Aquarius shows that he is obsessively friendly, but does not always have sufficient tact, which becomes an obstacle in communicating with others. Aquarius always strives for new adventures without focusing on one thing. Of all the signs, Aquarius can be characterized as the most unpredictable.

Aquarius man - characteristics

The characteristics of Aquarius men indicate their excessive concentration on themselves, as well as the fact that they prefer easy, relaxed relationships. A man born under the sign of Aquarius is a great friend. In difficult times, he will always be there and help, no matter what the cost. However, when it comes to a woman, he easily changes one partner after another, as soon as the stage of romantic courtship ends and interest cools down.

The Aquarius man is usually a creative person, open to everything beautiful. This person is quite talented and can remain in the shadows only due to his inability to obey the harsh rules of the modern show business system.

When choosing a life partner, Aquarius will stop when he meets a sensitive nature, who knows how to support her lover in difficult life moments, but who meekly retreats when her man wants to be alone or simply unwind. Perhaps not everyone wants to build relationships in this way, but Aquarius is also not a completely ordinary person.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man gives an idea that it is unusual for him to pay much attention to any material aspirations. He is indifferent to the financial side of life, so he is quite calm about money and can leave his savings safe and sound for a long time.

In relationships with women, Aquarius experiences neither jealousy nor a sense of possessiveness; he believes that there should be mutual interest between lovers. Ladies should remember that Aquarius loves here and now, and you should not count on constancy next to him. In general, the Aquarius man should be perceived as he is, since any attempts to change his rebellious nature will lead to the rapid flight of this airy man.

Aquarius woman – characteristics

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius is an absolute manifestation of outrageousness in its original form. Not every man will dare to accompany such a lady, since those who are especially conservative will have to blush because of her extravagant actions. This lady is one of the few who likes to combine incompatible things, both in clothes and in behavior. Having met her at a social event, you may be surprised to find bright sneakers with studs peeking out from under the train of an evening dress, and this is far from the limit of the capabilities of a real Aquarius.

Be that as it may, the main value of the Aquarius woman is her freedom. This lady will not exchange freedom for any feelings, even if she is promised lifelong stability and strong family ties. It is quite possible that this will even frighten her, since she is used to being her own mistress and is not ready to submit to even the most beautiful man.

Characteristics of an Aquarius woman indicates that she is an incredibly interesting conversationalist, and it is unlikely that anyone can refuse her company, even if it is very short and fleeting.

The professional activity of a woman born under the sign of Aquarius cannot be associated with strict discipline. The creative field is a wonderful area for developing her talents.

In search of the ideal man, this lady will choose someone who is quite calm about her irrepressible need for constant movement, communication with friends, combined with rejection of any type of control from her partner. Simply put, she will go wherever she wants, at any time of the day. However, we are not talking about betrayal here; this trait of the Aquarius woman rather speaks of an obsessive desire for the constant development of events and the search for adventure. Her chosen one must treat this with understanding, otherwise the relationship will end before it even begins.

People whose birth numbers fall between January 20 and February 18 are classified as Aquarius in astrology. The constellation Aquarius patronizes amazing people with original thinking and pleasant character.

Planet and element

The patronizing planet of Aquarius is Uranus. In astrology, this celestial body is responsible for renewal, drastic changes and transformation. The planet gives its wards a thirst for knowledge, ingenuity and the ability to make correct, but not understandable, decisions. For those whose birth numbers fall during the Aquarius period, Uranus often brings many useful acquaintances and favorable situations. But in order to use the gifts of fate for their own benefit, the sign must act quickly and decisively. The planet requires fearlessness and lightning-fast reactions.

The planet ruling Aquarius can negatively influence representatives of the sign. Uranus makes the sign irresponsible, inconsistent, reckless and too shocking. Another planet of this zodiac sign is Saturn. The combination of the influence of these celestial bodies makes the sign contradictory. Thanks to Saturn, representatives of this astrological period, if they have a specific goal, can get rid of their carelessness and become extremely disciplined.

The dominant element of Aquarius is Air. It gives birth to the desire to create, think and invent in the representatives of the sign. The element pushes Aquarius to fight the imperfections, if not of the whole world, then at least of those close to them. An air sign requires space, both literally and figuratively. For normal well-being, Aquarius needs to be in large rooms with good ventilation. The governing element does not tolerate psychological pressure, so representatives of the sign do not like to obey authorities or rules.

The element makes people born in the month of Aquarius easy and pleasant to communicate with, witty, personable and generous. The sign, like Air, penetrates wherever it needs to and adapts to any conditions. The governing element gives the talent of an orator, the ability to persuade and persuade.

Many people find the Aquarius sign to be emotionally cold and distant. The air element makes him this way, not allowing him to fully open up even to close people. Representatives of the sign have a somewhat superficial character and attitude towards life, and the dominant element is also to blame for this. Another disadvantage of Aquarius is that sometimes their mood changes like the direction of the wind.

The element of Air influences the correct choice of place of residence for representatives of the sign. Astrologers believe that this should be an open area with a good view. It would be good if the apartment was on the upper floors, with large windows and a minimum of furniture.

The lucky numbers for those born in the month of Aquarius are 2.4, 8, 9, 11 and 13. Numbers that are multiples of 4 also bring good luck.

Character traits

A detailed description of the representatives of the sign makes it clear that Aquarius can be completely different and exhibit qualities that would seem incompatible for one person:

  • sociability and curiosity;
  • extraordinary thinking and behavior;
  • unwillingness to take responsibility;
  • rejection of many generally accepted norms and rules;
  • desire for independence;
  • the desire to stand out from the crowd.

Those whose birth dates are included in the astrological month of Aquarius have their own point of view on all issues. The sign loves to discuss and defend its opinion, but at the same time respects other people's views on life. He does not recognize authorities, opposes norms, rules and traditions. The constellation Aquarius has given the world many rebels and revolutionaries. People around them sometimes cannot understand a representative of this zodiac sign: they can argue simply out of love for art.

People whose birth numbers are in the Aquarius period have a good sense of other people. They will always find the right words to console or reassure. The sign does not use its knowledge of human psychology for selfish purposes; it is abhorrent to manipulate people. Therefore, he will not allow himself to be led by the nose. Aquarius remembers all the insults caused to him, but will not stoop to revenge.

A person born in this astrological month often feels lonely in a crowd. Thanks to his sociability, Aquarius is always surrounded by people, but few of them are able to understand him. Because of this, it is often believed that representatives of the sign have a strange character, that they are not of this world. In some ways, this opinion is true: Aquarians have too progressive thinking and a view aimed at the future.

Despite the dreaminess and enthusiasm of the Zodiac sign, the astrological characteristic suggests that Aquarius is a realist. He adequately perceives reality and understands when to temporarily stop fighting for his ideals.

The element of Air gives its wards the ability to quickly absorb knowledge. Representatives of this period do not have a very good memory, so they love all kinds of lists and diaries. Aquarius is attracted to riddles and secrets; he has excellent intuition, which more than once suggests the correct solution to complex problems. People born in this month are very attentive. Any detail in the situation or behavior of another person will not escape them.

The characteristics of people born in the month of Aquarius also contain negative qualities. One of them follows from the merits of the sign. If he indulges in extravagance and breaks away from the real world, he can easily fall into an exalted state. In this case, Aquarius begins to believe in supernatural phenomena and becomes interested in magic or extrasensory perception.

The desire to get rid of obligations and responsibilities sometimes leads people whose birth dates fall within the Aquarius period to partial isolation from society and a deterioration in relationships with loved ones. Astrologers claim that some representatives of the sign can be braggarts who tell everyone about their plans to conquer the world, but do nothing about it. This zodiac sign needs to constantly educate itself and improve its character.

Appearance and health

People whose birth dates fall in the month of Aquarius have an easily excitable nervous system. Sometimes a sign can get nervous even because of a minor incident. This has a negative impact on overall well-being. In particularly acute cases, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to avoid the development of psychosomatic diseases. Representatives of this astrological period need to relieve mental stress in time and devote enough time to physical activity.

The health characteristics of Aquarius indicate that its vulnerable areas are the kidneys, immunity, digestive organs and nervous system.

The air element makes Aquarius attractive in appearance. People born in this astrological month have expressive eyes, most often of light shades. The facial features are large and regular, the height is above average, the physique is proportional, but with age, excess weight may appear.

Professions, career, business

The sign of Aquarius is quite demanding when it comes to choosing a field to realize their abilities. The professional characteristics of people of this astrological period emphasize that the ability to freely create and generate new ideas is no less important for them than the material side. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not afraid to change their place of work or even their type of activity.

Aquarius is not afraid to go against the system and use unusual methods to get results. That is why people born in this astrological month are able to take a project, company or scientific industry far ahead. Inventors, pioneers and geniuses were born under this zodiac sign, far ahead of their time. Therefore, Aquarius works best in those areas where something can be changed, improved or updated.

This zodiac sign interacts well with people, so professions related to pedagogy, psychology and sociology are suitable for him. Aquarius can become a good journalist, writer or musician. Usually he is generously gifted with creative talents, but frequent changes of interests do not allow the representative of the sign to achieve real success.

Astrologers believe that the somewhat detached and inconsistent nature of Aquarius prevents him from achieving great heights in his career or his own business. Money is not so important for representatives of this zodiac sign, so they often give up one line of business and switch to another. For psychological comfort, people born in the month of Aquarius will need a small amount of money to ensure a modest lifestyle.

Friendship, love, family

The representative of the sign has a lot of acquaintances, because he likes to get to know new people and understand their characters. Aquarius has few real friends, since few manage to keep his interest and attention for many years. If a sign is disappointed in someone, then he will not give a second chance to restore the relationship.

Aquarians value independence most of all in life. For the sake of maintaining freedom of action, this zodiac sign is capable of sacrificing love, career and the trust of loved ones. Finding himself in a situation where his independence is threatened, Aquarius will make every effort to become free again.

In a love relationship, it is important for Aquarius to maintain the same social circle and familiar lifestyle. This zodiac sign will not tolerate jealousy, suspicions of betrayal and total control. No matter how strong his love, freedom of action will still be a priority. The advantage of a relationship with an Aquarius is that he will not allow his feelings to be swallowed up by routine or boredom.

People with this zodiac sign get married quite late. The characteristics of Aquarius indicate that family will not be the most important thing in life for him. He will try to distribute his time between work, family, friends and hobbies. A representative of this sign will be glad if his partner also does not get hung up on domestic problems.