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That's why women break up with men - even those they love dearly. Why does a woman leave a man. Why does a man leave a woman, in whom and what is the reason? Can't be forced to love Do men leave a woman

Why does a man leave a woman who and what is the reason?

A man meets or lives a woman for a long time, but at some point, he leaves breaking off the relationship.

Why is this happening? What repels men?

After some time, these men find other women, marry them and live happily ever after.

In each specific case, of course, their circumstances, but there is something in common for those women who experience constant problems in order to keep a man, get married, save a marriage.

The love has gone.

What is love? Sensual attraction to a member of the opposite sex, sometimes of the same sex, caused and associated with the "hormonal fever" of the lover's body.

Falling in love is extinguished, most easily and quickly, by intense sex with the object of love. Falling in love is harder and more painful when the lover is rejected.

And a happy variant of a man-woman relationship, when falling in love turns into love.

A man leaves a woman when he falls in love, sometimes after the first sexual contact with a woman. Or rather, even, he does not leave, namely, he runs away, disappears, leaves the woman.

A man can also leave when he is finally convinced of the inaccessibility of the woman he is in love with: She does not love me!

If we talk about long-term relationships: family or love, a man leaves if the love has passed, but the feeling of love for the woman has not come.

Many men do not accept such a relationship with a woman: they need, if not love, then falling in love.

Although, as a rule, a man does not think about such subtleties - he perceives it simply, I'm sorry: She no longer arouses desire in me, but others arouse desire.

A man will NEVER leave a woman if he loves her, but when love, not without the help of a woman, leaves, he can leave.

If by that time, of course, he will still be able to do it: for living together with this woman often makes him a life appendage of this woman - this family, children, this way of life, and so on.

The man is bored.

A man loses all interest in this woman - he no longer needs her.

This can be like a conscious decision of a man: he analyzed the relationship and concluded that the woman does not satisfy his needs and does not correspond to his interests (in his understanding).

It may not be a conscious decision based only on feelings: I'm bored with her.

He found another.

A woman justifies herself by blaming a man for everything: He left me a "goat" because he found another!

Actually, there are two points here:

1) Since a man is a "goat" - he does not need a woman as such, but a comfortable female, then why does a woman need such a man? You need to rejoice that this goat found another garden.

2) If a man is not a goat, then who is to blame for the fact that relations with him were brought to such a state that he decided to stop them as soon as another woman appeared on the horizon?

Everything is very simple here: a woman corresponds to his interests - he will not get away from her ANYWHERE.

Does not match? - there will be immediately or later another woman who will correspond and satisfy the interests of this man.

And what difference does it make what these interests are: sexual, kitchen-economic, spiritual or psychological.

To reassure women, I’ll say right away that everything is interchangeable here: a man can be put in the place of a woman with the same success, and vice versa.

He doesn't want to be henpecked.

The eternal dispute “Who is the boss in the house !?”, Some couples have long decided this:

We do not need chief and subordinates - we each do our own thing in relationships and families, as well as possible - this is what we live.

Due to various circumstances, many couples not only do not want to live this way, but they cannot. Why?

Someone in a couple does not want to voluntarily and independently perform their functions as a man or as a woman, as a husband or as a wife. They need to be forced to do this - they need a master - the head of the family and their own head.

Well, if this is all by agreement of the parties: the husband commands - the wife obeys, or vice versa, but what if not? If there is no this consent and voluntariness?

A woman will not put up with a position of dependence and submission if she does not want it, and a man, even more so.

A man leaves because he does not want to be in the status of a subordinate, relative to a woman.

He can't be himself with this woman.

By the age of 18-20, each person is an already formed personality: each has its own not only qualities, properties, but also habits, stereotypes of thinking and behavior.

In long, close, intimate, PERSONAL relationships, men and women want to be themselves, if not always, then mostly.

A woman or a man constantly puts pressure on the “I” of their partner, while humiliating and insulting him, often without even noticing or understanding this. Everyone endures as much as they can. As soon as "patience will burst" - the person will leave.

A woman does not appreciate a man.

It does not play a special role: whether the woman really does not appreciate this man or just wants to show it to him.

A man, in the end, will begin to perceive it like this: I don’t represent anything valuable to you - don’t you need me? - goodbye, I went to look for the one who will appreciate me.

This is one side of a woman's demonstration of her relationship to a man: You are nobody and your name is nothing, where and who would you be now if it weren't for me?

Second: what does a woman count on when she does not respect in her partner either a man, or a person, or a partner, or a husband, or a lover?

That he will change and become another, whom she respects and begins to appreciate?

It doesn’t happen like that, because “Bachili the eyes, what they bathed, now zhte, want to move!” - the personality is basically unchanged: You don't like it, so why have a relationship with it? To cover, bullying her, their complexes and vices?


I will not describe in detail, I will just remind you of an anecdote:

— Dear, what is variety?

- Dear - this is when Masha, Ira, Luda.

- I understood. This is when Petya, Kolya, Zhenya.

- Beloved, do not confuse variety with prostitution.

Men look at female infidelity in a completely different way. And if women are more inclined to forgive infidelity, then not every man will forgive female infidelity. And if he forgives in words, then he will always have a reason either to reproach once again or to collect his things and leave.

Don't make a man a girlfriend.

Do not call him for any reason. You don't have to go into detail all day long. Men see the world differently. Stop complaining all the time. Remember your best friend is your pillow.

The woman stopped taking care of herself.

At the beginning of a relationship, we try to look better than we really are. After a while, we get tired of holding the bar high. There are two options - do not overestimate the bar high, or if you want to save the relationship, keep it. Remember that a man fell in love with you made up, neat with manicure and pedicure. Of course, years later, the figure can change, the hair turns gray, and he is not getting any younger. But you must "spoil" equally.

The woman earns more.

Today, a woman can be much more successful in work and in business than a man. Remember, not all famous actresses are married to wealthy businessmen. And often their husbands are simple economists or engineers. Don't focus on your career achievements. A man is most often a leader by nature - this will hurt his pride. And sooner or later, it will become difficult for him to be near you. Remember, a successful life is not only a career.

A woman uses a man as a "wallet".

Use a man as a wallet? In that case, don't cry that he's gone. Those relationships where a woman seeks only profit will not last long either. A man wants to be loved, not used. Better learn to be self-sufficient.


If a woman constantly lies, then sooner or later this will undermine her credibility. Trust is the bridge on which long-term relationships are built.


One of the most annoying female character traits. A man sometimes wants to be alone. Do not bother him, offer help, give advice. It's pretty annoying. A person needs to be alone sometimes. Solve your problems. Reflect on the situation. If you want to offer your help, do it delicately. From obsessive flies want to brush aside. Leave him alone for a while, take care of yourself.

The woman doesn't know how to cook.

Not every man, having come from work, will stand at the stove. Buy a recipe book. Please loved ones. Learn how to cook borscht and fry pies.


You should not demonstrate to a man that you can do everything yourself. Otherwise, you will have to do everything yourself.

Your ex was better than you.

Some women who are literally obsessed with their past life: they live more in it than in the present.

What kind of man will like it when you repeatedly hear and observe from a woman: But with him, but with him, and so on and so forth?

Intrusiveness and obsession of a woman.

Can get a constant clarification: Do you love me? Are you good with me? Or phone calls and messages.

Boasting a man and his demonstration.

Expose, especially at the beginning of a relationship, a man as an acquired thing and boast of its presence. Is a man supposed to like it?

Boredom and perfectionism.

Most men do not like punctuality on the verge of perfectionism, and even the perfectionism of a woman, most men don't like it: It's better to be late than it comes second by second and demands it from a man.

Sexual coldness or, conversely, passion and tirelessness.

For most men, a woman's excessive sexual activity is, well, how shall I put it... It's unnatural.

Unreasonable demands.

For example: You should stop smoking! So what if it's not that easy.

The ease of accessibility of a woman in relationships with men, including this man.

Excessive care and guardianship.

Men leave the family after the birth of a child.

It would seem that everything is fine. Man and woman love each other. They have a common favorite child. And the man suddenly leaves. What happened?

Remember. Nature prepared a woman for nine months for the birth of a child. You've been learning to take care of him for nine months now. For a man, a small squealing lump appeared in the world, which does not allow him to sleep, eat, live, completely took away the attention of his beloved wife. Yes, my wife has changed a lot. Not made up, tortured, not getting enough sleep.

Remember. Men are the same children. They may perceive the child as a rival. Here you will need all your female cunning, endurance and tolerance. It is necessary to involve the husband in the care of the child. Learn to love this little troublemaker. Over time, your man will learn to be the best dad in the world. And the child will become much calmer. Problems will remain, but your man will remain with you.


Falling in love in a person causes a surge in hormonal levels. And when you satisfy your emotional and sexual desire, falling in love passes. For men, this sometimes happens overnight. I saw, caught fire, got the object of desire in bed, cooled down (that is, the hormonal surge faded), and began a new search. Left girls feel worse. They have an unsatisfied emotional and high hormonal background. Put a big fat dot on this person. Cry plenty, your soul will feel better. Believe me, it's better not to share your problems with your friends. Over time, the hormonal surge will fade away in you. In order not to get into such a situation, turn on your brains. Living with feelings is good, but living with rational feelings is even better.


It also happens that a man is looking for a more profitable party for himself. Another girl may have an apartment, a car, rich parents, and so on. Do not worry. These are insecure men. You can't rely on them for life. It will be much worse if he leaves after thirty years of marriage with the words: "I found what I was looking for all my life." Release such men boldly and do not prove anything.

Development restriction

You have been dating not for the first day and not for the first month, and maybe even a year. In the process of life, a person develops, changes. Accordingly, his claims to life and to the person who is nearby also change. He may want to see in you not only a wonderful housewife, but also a socialite who will adequately shade him at social receptions.

They became a heavy ballast that pulls back. Don't cling to the past. Do not stop a man in his development. Don't become a burden. Develop alongside him. Support his endeavors.


There are drastic changes in a person's life. Change of residence, a man is forced to leave to work in another city or country. Not all relationships stand the test of distance. A man can immediately decide to end the relationship, especially if your relationship is not formalized.

In a relationship with a man, nothing should be too much and too little.

The common thing that unites all the reasons for the departure of a man from a woman is that in her or in her behavior, there is something that is too much or, conversely, not enough for this man.individual lessons I will help you:

Realize what exactly you do not accept in yourself, for which you cannot forgive yourself and for what reasons.

To understand exactly how self-rejection affects you, your life, how the people around you perceive your experiences and behavior, why some people (perhaps) reject you, and you turn into a victim.

Reduce neuropsychic stress, anxiety and gain an internal resource to work on overcoming internal discomfort.

To comprehend, work through and let go of the psychological trauma of childhood.

Learn effective methods of forgiveness and self-acceptance, getting rid of the emotional burden of the past.

By improving your well-being, you will become much happier and more successful.

Improve (or restore) relationships with loved ones.

Get a huge boost of energy to solve other personal problems.

Breakups are common in today's world. Some don't even know why from women. But there are psychological reasons for this. After all, nothing just happens in the world. There are also early signs of an imminent separation.

The most common reason

It often happens that feelings between lovers subsided, which was the end of the relationship. It also happens that one of the partners simply did not feel anything for the person. You should not think why from loving women, because it is possible that such a person did not have any love at all. He simply felt in love, but not love. When the feeling passed, it is logical that the man offered to leave. This is normal, but you should beware of such situations. They are harmful to the psychological state of the girl.

7 popular reasons to quit

Such a responsible decision cannot appear just like that. It is likely that the girl made some mistakes. Perhaps she did not do it on purpose, but the result of such behavior makes people leave. Why men leave women 7 reasons:

  • Changes. When people begin to live with each other, they get used to a certain state of affairs. However, not every couple understands that a person changes throughout life. Also, the girl may think that this is the final stage of the relationship and she no longer needs to take care of herself. This is one of the reasons why men leave women. Such behavior repels not only the soulmate, but also other people, if they saw it.
  • The man faced depreciation. Everyone wants to know the value of their actions. For a man, praise and support is important. If this is not enough for him, then his feelings begin to cool. According to statistics, husbands are most afraid of silence and devaluation.
  • Lady dissatisfaction. This can be expressed in absolutely everything: everyday life, joint hobbies, entertainment, and so on. The girl is unhappy with almost everything that her man does. This problem is the fault of both partners, and it must be addressed.
  • Capriciousness. In today's society, girls are raised like princesses. However, this is a gross mistake on the part of the parents. After all, no one wants to endure daily whims, and over time they become unbearable.
  • Indifference. The writer Weller said: "Every husband preferred one day an unexpected stab in the back from a girl than her constant silence." There is truth in this phrase: the representatives of the stronger sex cannot experience the indifference of their lady of the heart.
  • Selfishness. Such a character trait is disgusting to almost every person. It is especially insulting when a beloved girl puts her interests above that of a man.
  • Constant scandals. This is a popular answer to the question: why do men leave the women they love. With this state of affairs, the representative of the stronger sex will quickly break off relations, strong nerves are more important to him. Plus, it's hard to be under pressure.

A girl can combine several of these qualities, then her beloved will certainly leave her. It's the popular ones who walk away from good women. However, it happens that the culprit of the breakup does something else.

Communication problems

When partners do not say something good during a conversation with each other, and the phrases have a negative connotation, this means that the relationship does not have long to live. After all, this state of affairs seems to be a very heavy burden that the husband bears. This situation weighs on him. This is due to the fact that the couple does not try to feed on positive emotions from friends, relatives and acquaintances. People believe that relationships are the only source of communication. However, it cannot last so long, because a person needs to communicate with other people. If a spouse is concerned about why men leave good women, then she needs to consider the presence of communication in the marriage or relationship. In this case, it will be very difficult to restore the union.

Problematic convergence

It is common for every person to share experiences and emotions. Men are no exception, as it seems to some girls at first glance. He really needs to listen to the girl, without emotional contact, the guys consider their chosen ones inanimate. It is especially important to support your partner. If a girl once ridiculed the emotionality of a man, then he will hasten to close forever. Gradually, he will get tired of being with an inaccessible lady in terms of feelings, and the relationship will go to the bottom. This applies not only to family, but even to ordinary contacts with friends. No one wants to communicate with an insensitive and cynical person. For happiness and harmony in life, understanding and empathy are necessary.

Different outlooks on life and goals

Most girls pay too little attention to such a factor as a mismatch of personal goals. Relationships can survive adversity, quarrels, conflicts, but they are not able to withstand two different people. Because of different views on life in the world, many excellent unions break up. This is one of the most important reasons why men leave women. However, it will seem to someone that this is a trifle and everything can be experienced and a compromise can be found. In reality, this would be unrealistic. What are the different life goals?

  • At home. A girl can be very economical, but a guy spends his money all the time. Such a situation will irritate both partners, because such behavior of a man will be very wild for the spouse. Gradually, discontent will develop into scandals and quarrels, which can lead to a breakdown in relations.
  • In outlook. For one of the partners, entertainment may be the most important thing in life, and for the second, family. Then they will be in conflict all the time, because the priorities are not at all suitable for each other.
  • In religion. One of the partners may be Orthodox, and the other a Catholic or even an atheist. In this case, there will be constant conflicts in order to impose their views on life.

In such cases, the couple is guaranteed to have quarrels if they are not able to understand and accept each other. It is far not all leave women silently. The most important thing in such situations is understanding.

The domineering character of a woman

According to psychologists, there is a type of girls who love to take care of, patronize and give instructions and commands to their husband. However, not every owner of the stronger sex accepts this alignment of events. Because a man by his nature loves to dominate, and if his woman starts doing this, he will feel inferior. These types of girls are very repulsive to guys and destroy families. Also, a lady may think that she will be able to change her husband. However, in reality this is an impossible task. After all, a person can change only at his own request, and no one should force him to do this. Otherwise, the couple will simply break up, even if they have children.

Breakup due to lack of independence

A girl may begin to believe that she cannot do almost all things without her soulmate. Such dependence puts a lot of pressure on a man. In a relationship, people should be independent of each other. If a girl begins to impose herself very strongly and show that she cannot live without a man, then such a marriage will fall apart. After all, every person loves and appreciates freedom, and if it is limited, he develops disgust and rejection of the current situation. Often a man himself does not understand what happened, but simply leaves his lady.

Rare problems

It happens that conflicts in relationships begin due to psychological disorders of one of the partners. If this is observed, then you need to contact a specialist. Problems that a person may encounter, and then leave:

  • In part, this disease is the fault of man. You can get out of it only when a person wants it. Otherwise, it will be an apathetic guy or girl, with whom you don’t even want to communicate, because he doesn’t care about conversations. It is definitely necessary to support a person in such a state. However, depression can be one of the reasons for parting.
  • Fraud and betrayal. A girl can be easy to communicate and flirt, it will not cost her anything to chat with some guy. A man can be upset by such behavior, because of which he will soon offer to leave.
  • The woman is an emotional vampire. In life, there are people who find it very difficult without real and lively emotions. They are constantly trying to start a conflict in order to recharge a kind of energy. If a man fell into the trap of such a woman, then it will be very difficult for him morally. Because of this, even a seemingly strong union can fall apart very quickly.

These are the rarest problems that a young or adult couple may encounter. It is necessary to solve them very urgently, because they can lead to irreversible consequences. If ignored, then the second half will quickly leave.

The girl is not sexually satisfied

It is one of the most important factors in a relationship and is simply a physiological need. A man cannot be with a girl who is not sexually available for a long time. This is a significant factor why men leave women with children. Because of this problem, he will start looking for options on the side. This situation can result in very frequent betrayals and even parting. If a girl has such a problem, then she needs to consult a psychiatrist.

Breakups are initiated by both men and women. More than once in my articles I have discussed the question of why a man leaves, what mistakes a woman makes in relations with him and how she can keep him.

Today we'll talk about why does a woman leave a man and parse 5 main reasons.

Broken firewood

Men are interested in building relationships, but in particular, this implies their awareness that a woman
to a greater extent sets the direction for these relations and is responsible for their “quality”. Probably, we need to talk less about this, because. The result is obvious and it is reflected in the thinking of men: “So, a woman is responsible for everything?! Great! There are no complaints against me."

We spoiled men with our desire to think and do everything for two. Therefore, it is now so difficult for us to restore this balance, to “get through” to a loved one, to call on him to help us develop and strengthen relationships.

Despite all these difficulties, there is a chance to involve a man in matters of the heart, but more on that later. Next, we will consider main reasons Togo, Why does a woman leave a man.

Treason. For most women, cheating is the most categorical reason for breaking up a relationship. If a man understands and realizes the importance of fidelity for her in their couple, his main task (if he really does not want to lose this woman and cherishes her) is not to succumb to temptations and be faithful to his beloved.

If something does not suit him intimately in their union, all issues must be discussed openly, offering their own options for solving them and looking for them together.

Physical violence. Unfortunately, not all women find the strength to “refuse” such a format of relationships in which they play the role of a victim of a tyrant and despot. But one of the reasons why a woman leaves a man, nevertheless, is the fact that the man raised his hand to the woman. It shouldn't be otherwise, because your life is the most valuable thing you have. You can’t put it at risk, sometimes you just don’t have time to protect yourself.

Suppression. In addition to physical violence on the part of a man, there is also the suppression of a woman in a psycho-emotional sense. This is humiliation, depreciation of her words, sarcasm and other offensive statements and actions. This, in a way, is also a kind of tyranny, and for most women this is unacceptable, which is quite adequate and correct.

Fatigue and lack of perspective. It's not even about the fact that the woman is tired of cooking and washing, it's about emotional exhaustion, which was the result of hard efforts and efforts to improve relationships in a couple. Very often a woman leaves a man when she feels distant and powerless to change anything. She can no longer and does not want to do something for both of them and for two. If there is no return, not everyone will put up with the further collapse of hopes, desires and expectations.

This also includes the fatigue of a woman from the lack of initiative of a man in life: lack of work, goals, hobbies, aspirations to equip life around. A woman will endure to the last, but there is a limit to everything.

Relationships need to be developed. And it is important for a woman to have a reason to be proud of her man.

Another man. The result of the fact that a woman has ceased to fight to save the relationship (not without the “help” of a man) may be the emergence of a new object of sympathy in her life. Perhaps she will see the striking differences between them and make a choice not in favor of the current partner.

… take a break from reading the article and watch this video

How to influence a man

The most common female question is what are the ways to influence a man so that he at least somehow tries for a relationship. Indeed, this topic is very complex and ambiguous, but even here I managed to derive some patterns for solving this problem, based on the results obtained in the course of personal work with women.

First what needs to be done is to get the man's opinion. Do not rush to put forward your demands and requests, find out from the man what he thinks and feels:

« You and I haven't talked to each other so often lately, spent time together... Perhaps you could feel dissatisfaction on my part. I think they may be unfounded, and it would be best for me to get your opinion on what is going on between us. Can you say that we are missing something? Sex, romance, intimacy? Or some general plans and goals? - Share with me, you probably can say something sensible about this ...».

It is important to formulate the thought clearly, correctly, extolling a man, and not causing him a sense of shame - the last you will achieve nothing but alienation and another scandal.

Second step is to emotionally involve a man in a relationship - to please him, surprise and please. This will make him want to respond in kind, even if not immediately. The main thing is that after that you try to improve, and not spoil the relationship between you. Try to give your relationship what you think it lacks, and do it without expecting an immediate "repayment" for good deeds.

Try to maintain perfect harmony, say, for 2-4 weeks and you will see how your husband will begin to react to this in a way that is pleasant for you.

Third what should be done next is to reduce your initiative and take care of your own interests. Such a contrast in the behavior of a woman (after sweet salty) always encourages a man to somehow activate his forces and find time to pay attention to a woman.

But this should not look like a challenge or a provocation - be still kind and cheerful, but mind your own business - a man should see your passion for something (language courses, dancing or another hobby) or communication with someone ( new girlfriend, colleague, boss), even if this "character" is fictional.

As soon as he begins to show interest and attention to what is happening to you, tell him what you would like to receive from him:

« Dear, I see that you want to somehow spend time together, I feel that you have become so attentive and gentle, I am pleased. I will support any initiative and will gladly go with you somewhere. Therefore, you can safely invite me on a date with an interesting continuation ...».

Even if the beginning of these words has little to do with you, it is a certain element of suggestion. Use this opportunity (date, dinner, gift) to speak up (only now), but start with praise - that's what fourth step:

« You know, lately so much tenderness, passion, respect and understanding for each other has reappeared between us that I can’t even believe how recently I experienced unpleasant feelings ...(Here the man will ask for more details, the main thing is to pause after these words).

It seemed to me that only I needed to improve relations with you ... But I was mistaken, which I am very glad about. Let's always treat each other this way. Your attention makes me happy, I will be glad to continue to receive pleasant surprises, compliments, romantic evenings from you ... You know exactly how to please me, you are great! Thank you!».

The strategic chain is as follows: first we find out what a man thinks, then we “please him” to cause delight, after which we move away a little, showing some independence and passion for some business, and lastly, we “unwind” any slightest step forward from his side in our favor (so that the man eventually showed a reciprocal step towards rapprochement in the form of a gift, dinner, going to the cinema / restaurant / club), where we tell him about what worried us and what we would like in the future.

Believe me, this tactic works 90%. For the remaining 10%, it is most reasonable to first work out problems in the family with a specialist, for example, within the framework, because the problem is much deeper and more serious than it might seem at first glance, if it cannot be “corrected” by the 4 steps described above.

According to statistics, it is the man who most often decides to leave the family and end the relationship. Why is this happening? There are real reasons for this and superficial reasons, which are often confused with the first. Let's try to understand what the so-called stronger sex is guided by when they leave the woman they once loved.

Why does a man leave a woman

There is really only one answer here. A man does not need responsibility. All other arguments, accusations of women, the search for some "deep reasons and motivations" - for the most part, far-fetched idle talk. Nature arranged it so that it is not typical for men to be faithful and pull a family on themselves.

As my teacher in developmental psychology used to say: “Men have an elementary task - SORRY, put it in and left. And then you educate." No matter how cynical it may sound, but in the end everything turns out that way. A man tries to spread his seed to as many women as possible. What happens next is not up to him. It turns out that a woman for a man is an object that is necessary to meet basic needs and just a comfortable home environment.

You say it's too one-sided? Maybe. But I will answer you: no real man will leave a woman if he has ideas about responsibility for others. Why is there a list of other reasons allegedly leading to a breakup? They appear because of attempts to justify disgusting behavior. Both the men themselves and the women who have been abandoned are justified. What are the excuses, let's see further.

Why men leave, according to psychologists

As you might guess, psychologists love to look for deep and complex reasons for people's behavior in order to somehow justify education and profession. Here we'll see what exactly did they reveal in their unconscious attempts to justify outright womanizers who just left to look for a new, to put it mildly, girlfriend.

1. "The woman has ceased to amaze"

Wonderful logic. That is, according to men, a woman should be like a clown in a circus: all in sparkles, with surprises, constantly come up with something new and be sure to appear every week in a unique role. A man, seeing how his woman just somehow pulls relationships on her own, and even serves the whole family with children, gradually gets bored, dreams of new achievements, of diversity ... After all, there are so many women nearby who are almost ready for stand up, or draw attention to yourself. Loneliness is not a joy.

2. "A woman is constantly loaded with problems"

Also a "brilliant" reason. The “poor man” is forced to constantly listen to how a “doing nothing” woman or wife will invent new problems for herself. And then what are relationships for? What is a family for? Is it not for people to solve problems together? What men see as an attempt to burden them usually turns out to be a request for help. Unfortunately, they don't understand it. It's much easier to go to someone else who supposedly has no problems. BYE.

3. "Disrespect for a man by a woman"

There are women who openly behave in a boorish way. They insult, belittle a man, they constantly saw him because of low earnings or insolvency in bed. But this is rather an exception. Usually men painfully perceive any, even the most minimal reproach. Still, they are very gentle, in no case can they be compared with other men, ask him to try to earn more, to spend more time with the child. And then the precious spouse or boyfriend will run away from shame and resentment.

4. "Selfishness on the part of a woman"

Psychologists urge women not to be selfish. In practice, this means that you need to constantly jump around a hubby or a boy who, for example, does not dare to propose. It is necessary to forget about your own life, devote all the time to it, forgive all its jambs. After all, he is the center of the world with us, and a woman is only a servant next to him. And she must fully concentrate on it, satisfy desires and needs. God forbid, if she even for a minute thinks about her desires.

5. "A man feels unwanted"

Again, due to their natural vulnerability and gentleness, men are sensitive to all situations when they are even a little neglected. Moreover, a man believes that he is not needed, even if a woman is simply able to do without him in some men's affairs. For example, screw in a light bulb or change a wheel on a car. And it doesn't matter that you usually don't ask a man to do it. He still believes that you need to wait for him, because only he has hands.

6. "Women's infidelity or constant infidelity"

Yes, it happens. It's stupid to deny it. For some women, a single man is not enough. Although sometimes female infidelity becomes a way of revenge after some kind of resentment. But, in my opinion, this still does not justify women. Changed, so it's your own fault. There is no need to blame the man here. Perhaps one of the few objective reasons forcing a man to leave and end the relationship.

7. "Utilitarian attitude towards a man"

Men don't like being used without permission. You can't argue with that. He can be the main earner in the family, you can ask him for money or an expensive gift. But you don't have to look. If you are unhappy that your husband does not earn enough, although in fact the earnings are above average, it is better to find yourself another. But do not saw him, do not reproach, do not threaten and do not blackmail him with your female advantages. Still won't help. A man will only want to leave even more.

8. "Financial inequality in a couple"

This is a situation where a woman earns more. The man is very hurt. How is it, he is still the stronger sex here, the earner and maintainer of the family, and it is not he who makes the main contribution to the family budget. It looks a little funny, but men often have strange complexes, including this one. It's still hard to understand though. If you, as a woman, don't mind inequality, what's the problem? Maybe you should immediately explain to him that you are accepting the situation.

9. "Blackmail and ultimatums from a woman"

Men who are morally unstable, not ready to take responsibility for a long time do not propose a wedding or do not dare to consciously have children. Women in such a situation can act in a cunning way or "clumsily" on the forehead. The first case is to achieve what you want from a man through clever manipulations. The second option is to issue an ultimatum. For example, "we either get married or we break up." That's just ultimatums men do not like. They should think that they made the decision themselves, even if you led them to it imperceptibly. Therefore, be sure that if you put a man before the fact, he will most likely choose to break up.

10. "Different cultural stereotypes"

Finally, a man can leave simply because he did not get along with a woman in character. For example, he is such a cultural touchy, and a woman grew up in an industrial area among rude hard workers. She also had a father who was not the most distant mind, and even, let's say, he liked to drink to the bottle. It is foolish to expect that an intellectual and a “clear tomboy” will be able to get together for a long time and create a strong union. There are cases and vice versa: when a man is used to rudeness, and his woman blushes from a swear word. As long as he uses it, everything is fine. Lost interest - wait for parting.

Summing up

You may find this harsh and cynical. It was not my intention to show that men are weak, irresponsible, stupid ... I just wanted to offer you the idea that the woman is not always to blame. And, believe me, if a man loves you, none of these points will become a reinforced concrete reason for him to leave you. Perhaps he will not endure only betrayal and a very, very disrespectful attitude. And the man who just uses you will always find a reason to quit.