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What do animals teach? "We're all a little dog." A dog trainer talks about what animals teach us. They are always happy to see their friend.

Contrary to popular belief that single people tend to own pets, most cats and dogs live in households of at least three people. As the main reason that prompted them to have pets, 26% of surveyed owners of dogs, cats, rats and hamsters named the love of animals, as well as the joy of having a faithful friend and taking care of him. The beneficial effect on the development of the child is also an important factor: it is cited as a key argument by 8% of pet owners. 19% insist on the exclusive “social role” of their pets, relieving their owners of loneliness. Another 34% found it difficult to give a specific answer to the question, saying that they simply could not imagine life without an animal in the house.

Love for animals or love for yourself?

“Over the last half century, the attitude towards pets in Russia, as well as throughout the world, has changed significantly,” says Irina Novozhilova, president of the Vita animal rights center. “If previously dogs lived in the family mainly because they guarded the house, and cats protected from rodents, now they are perceived as full members of the family. Among veterinarians, the term “companion animals” even appeared. Every year the demand for the services of animal psychologists increases, many books and specialized magazines are published: people want to understand what they feel and even think pets.

Today we show care in a completely different way than before: hairdressers, hotels and even tailor shops for dogs and cats appear in abundance around us, making their lives similar to ours. We happily play this game, without thinking - do the animals themselves need all this? Does such humanization benefit them? “When an owner feeds a dog or cat what he eats, dresses him up in clothes and puts him to bed, he seems to be replacing his failed relationship with another person,” says animal psychologist Elena Fedorovich. “By forcing our dog or parrot to live an almost human life, we care not so much about his true desires, but about our own needs, which for some reason we cannot satisfy,” continues Irina Novozhilova. “We are trying, for example, to make up for a lack of tenderness or a lack of self-confidence."

“An endlessly devoted dog”, “a sensitive, delicate cat” - we use many linguistic clichés when we talk about our pets.
“Discussing the smallest details of their life, character and habits often masks our narcissistic need to be the center of attention,” says psychoanalyst Anna Skavitina, “and is often found in people who find it difficult to talk about themselves.”

"I want a kitten!"

That's what the child says, and we get a kitten. Or a hamster. Or a puppy. Our main motive in this case: the child should grow up kind and responsible, and his own pet will become his assistant in this matter. Caring about the development of children's responsibility and independence, parents try to place the care of the newly acquired animal on the child’s shoulders. And they achieve the opposite result: it is really difficult for him to cope alone with regular and not always pleasant new responsibilities. He feels confused and comes to the conclusion that caring for someone who is weaker and smaller than you is burdensome. So, if we want our children to be responsible for those they have tamed, they need to be... taught this. You can start by taking care of your new friend together.

Useful addition

Attributing to our pets an amazing gift for healing our mental illnesses, we tend to exaggerate the psychotherapeutic abilities of pets. “Communicating with a dog or cat certainly helps us cope with situational stress and tension, but does not solve deep-seated psychological problems,” explains Elena Fedorovich. “By observing animals, we learn to understand without words, develop our intuition and observation skills - I think in First of all, this is precisely the positive effect of communicating with them.”

The phenomenon of the “pet” developed along with man’s desire to conquer nature. “Since ancient times, people have had an ambivalent attitude towards animals: on the one hand, many of them are a constant object of hunting, on the other hand, human society is interested in replenishing their population, and, therefore, it is necessary to establish relationships with them, and one’s own guilt before them - to bathe, - says anthropologist Artem Kozmin. - That is why today, as in ancient times, good hunters “talk” with those who should become their prey; in many tribes that live by hunting, the bones of a killed and eaten animal are buried with honors...
Perhaps our love for pets, in part, continues the tradition. By surrounding cats, dogs, horses with care and attention, we unconsciously atone for the mass murder of cows, pigs and sheep." In other words, attachment to domestic animals allows a person to relieve himself of the guilt for the extermination of animals whose meat we eat every day, in the fur and skin of which we dress.

“When communicating with pets, we are attracted by their uncritical attitude towards us,” believes Elena Fedorovich, “unconditional emotional acceptance and attentiveness to our actions and emotional states. Many skills that we acquire while living next to them help us communicate with others and deeper understand yourself." Animals do not literally heal us, but they teach us to accept and give our love, and not be afraid to express our feelings. In other words, our relationships with pets do not replace or imitate human relationships - they only serve as a useful and enriching addition to them.


Main features: sociability, devotion. The dog is ready to fulfill a certain role in the family. For example, a watchman or a nanny.

The owner's character. Various reasons lead to people getting a dog. Those who take this step may be open, emotional or reserved people, but all of them are united by an increased need for warm, emotional relationships. Dog owners especially value in their pets their ability to be faithful, not dependent on any external circumstances.

What dogs teach us. Be aware of the situation before starting a relationship. The dog is an attentive observer, surprisingly sensitive to the most varied emotions and intentions of people. Once in a new team, the dog needs some time to understand how the roles are distributed here, who is the leader, who is the breadwinner, who will play and walk with it. And only after being oriented in the system of relations between people, the dog establishes its own special relationship with each member of the team individually. Her tact and ability to connect with people based on their individual characteristics and preferences is truly something to learn from.


Main features: independence and ability to keep a distance. The cat is unobtrusive in communication, she carefully doses the signs of her love and decides for herself what to do.

The owner's character. The common stereotype that attributes the traits of a loner dreamer to a cat lover is not so far from the truth. To live in harmony with her, the owner must respect her territory and the rhythm of life, and this presupposes in him a tendency to think rather than to act.

What cats teach us. Live and let live. The cat knows what it wants and unerringly chooses what really suits it best. That is why many tend to consider her cold and selfish. But this is not true: a cat is a very sensitive creature, and its attachment to its owner, although not as obvious as that of a dog, makes it a loyal friend, ready to support and reassure - mainly through gentle touches. Thus, the cat gives us an excellent lesson in how we can maintain a balance between our own interests and the needs of others.


Main feature: curiosity.
In search of food and new impressions, this little creature is ready to explore the most remote corners of human habitation. Rats are easy to train, distinguish people by smell and unmistakably recognize the owner among them.

The owner's character. Rats have original natures: as a rule, they like the fact that these rodents do not require special care, and due to their inquisitive nature, they adapt well to any situation. These qualities make the rat an excellent companion: you can carry it with you all the time, take it on trips and show it to others. In addition, rats are often chosen by people who lack tactile sensations in everyday life: their miniature pets not only love to crawl on the arms, shoulders and head of the owner, but also get great pleasure from it.

What rats teach us. Acceptance of a loved one despite the resistance of others: ancient stereotypes that attribute a lot of negative qualities to rats are still quite strong, and a person who dares to own this animal will have to affirm his feelings for him, despite the condemnation and misunderstanding of others. In addition, despite a certain unpretentiousness, the rat still needs to comply with certain norms (for example, its cage should always be clean), which teaches a person to be responsible and respectful in respecting the interests of others - however, in a rather mild and unburdensome form.


Main feature: Zen behavior. Secluded and calm in their sealed aquarium, they show us a peace of mind that is worth learning.

The owner's character. In this case, it is hardly appropriate to talk about the owner in the traditional sense of the word. Even an inveterate aquarist, most likely, would not think of sharing his experiences with his veiled tails, who are unlikely to be able to distinguish his hand, which daily gives them food, from any other. The one who keeps fish is rather contemplative and reserved. Fish that do not require emotions from their owner or active participation in their life will become ideal companions for such a person. In addition, fish are often owned by people who are accustomed to controlling everything.

What do aquarium fish teach us? Relax. It has long been noted that aquarium fish are an excellent object for meditation. In the harsh conditions of a big city, many of us have simply lost the ability to rest our soul and body, while an aquarium helps us restore this invaluable skill. In addition, it allows us to organically combine admiration for the unpredictability and beauty of wild nature with the natural desire for peace, comfort and safety: an aquarium is a real ocean in miniature, but on this ocean there are never tsunamis or storms.

We propose to talk about the useful qualities that animals have, and which each of us was good to learn from them.

1. Learn from a woodpecker how to focus

Some of you may be thinking, well, what kind of stupid bird chatters all day? But in vain. When a woodpecker knocks on a tree, he does it very successfully and, most importantly, consciously.

In order to continue hollowing out a hollow, the woodpecker selects one point on the tree, which it begins to hollow. The bird focuses on hitting the same place until it gets to the worms and never gives up its goal before getting the desired result.

2. Learn from the fish the ability to swim against the current

Few people know, but fish always swim against the current. Its goal is simple - to let as much water, food and oxygen pass by as possible.

Some people would also do well to take up this habit and start moving forward, leaving their usual comfort zone. As the experience of many successful businessmen shows, sometimes ideas that are not accepted by society later turn out to be among the most successful and worthwhile. The main thing is not to be afraid to challenge your point of view in time and not to abandon the work you started at the beginning of the journey.

3. Learn from a dog - to be able to enjoy life for nothing

In fact, of course, dogs have many more useful qualities that it would be nice for humans to learn. But the ability to enjoy every day and have fun just like that is perhaps one of the main things that I would like to learn from them.

Life becomes much simpler and happier when we stop expecting sky-high heights from it and let go of everything that gnaws at us. Only the person who knows how and is not afraid to take small breaks for himself, regardless of the number of accumulated tasks, can be truly happy. Life is Beautiful. Isn't this a reason to forget about your worries for at least a couple of hours a day and just try to be yourself a little?

4. Learn from a cat - always know your worth

Anyone who has a cat probably knows that the cat is the main animal in the house. It is not he who lives with you, it is you who came to his house. Cats know how to assert themselves and not allow themselves to be insulted or treated in a way they don't like.

It is perhaps difficult to find another animal as self-sufficient and independent as a cat. Cats never do anything they don’t like, don’t pay attention to other people’s opinions, and, of course, don’t allow themselves to be insulted.

5. Learn from everyone - live in the present

There are no bad days, there are only bad moods that we provoke ourselves into. Be that as it may, no one would like to live less, so learn from animals the ability to appreciate every day you live.

Just as in every walk in the yard, which is familiar to the smallest detail, the dog finds something interesting, learn to see the meaning in every day you live. And if something suddenly goes wrong in your life, just remember the animals, and perhaps then you will immediately see that you can find something interesting in your daily routine, you just need to put a little effort into it.

For those who follow the Eastern calendar, the coming 2018 is the Year of the Dog. But seriously, what do we know about our four-legged friend? Why is a dog a man's friend, and not a horse, for example, or a cow?

I feel sorry for Mumu...

Svetlana Lazebnaya, AiF-Yug: Do dogs have intelligence, do they know human emotions?

Svetlana Kondratyeva. Photo: From personal archive

Svetlana Kondratieva: Dogs undoubtedly have intelligence - you can read about this in the relevant literature on zoology. As for emotions, from a biological point of view, there are none. But talk to any dog ​​lover with many years of experience, and you will learn a lot of interesting, funny, and sad things about the life of a pet. Including manners that allow one to doubt the correctness of biologists. Sometimes it seems to me that dogs are much more decent and kinder than people. And emotionally subtler than many.

Does the character and intelligence of a dog depend on the breed or lack thereof? They say that mongrels are much smarter than their purebred counterparts.

No. Mongrels have a better immune system. And the smartest dogs are hunting, herding, and service dogs. Because they have a “job”, they have been bred for centuries and raised to be human. The character of a dog depends on the character of the owner. Dogs generally try to be like the people from their “family”. We had so many of them - each one copied specifically one family member. And it was very funny. He puts his feet up in the same way, sighs, smiles, coughs, moves his eyebrows...

But sometimes you come across examples that baffle you. I remember Gray, the Scottish Collie from my childhood. I was walking to my friend, he ran up and walked next to me. I stayed with a friend for an hour. I go out, and there he is under the gate. Waited me! So they came home together. Untidy, but beautiful, we decided to leave it. Then he went to accompany his mother to work and climbed into an uncle’s car with the intention of going with him anywhere. I lived with him for a week, and then moved in with his friend. Jack, Richie, Buddy... He lived a little with different people, responded to any nickname. Many times he was left for good. He did not want. This is such a traveler dog. Where does the habit of nomadism come from? Did the first owner invest this passion?

- In literature, cinema, and in art in general, the theme of dogs is constantly present.

- “White Bim Black Ear”, “Mumu”, “Kashtanka”, “Hachiko”... Dostoevsky dedicated an essay to dogs. This is no coincidence. It’s just that in relation to dogs, the best human qualities are manifested: love and affection. Or the worst are indifference and cruelty.

Who is God?

- Is there “cross-pollination”? Does the animal influence the owner?

There are times when you might think that because that's what it looks like. My daughter, for example, trained her pet, the dachshund Vasily, to greet her with a howl from school. And then the two of them started giving “concerts.” The husband can’t stand it: “Enough songs! Intermission!" And they really sing a duet, they have fun... But seriously, there is no cross-pollination. After all, a person gets a puppy, not a dog gets a baby. But the truth is that animals discipline us. You need to get up early and in any weather to walk the dog, and so on.

There is a meme on the Internet. The dog thinks: “The owner feeds me, gives me water, walks me. So he is God." The cat thinks: “The owner feeds me, waters me, cleans the litter box, takes care of me. So, I am God." According to your observations, is this true?

According to my observations (and I have had and still have dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, and fish), animals think about things that we cannot guess. And only by their behavior can we come up with and try to guess their “thoughts”. If you express the answer to the question as a percentage, who am I more - a dog person or a cat person - I will answer that it is 90 to 10. In favor of dogs. According to my observations, it is the dog that treats its owner... Yes, like God, regardless of his mood, character, appearance, sobriety. Dogs do everything that their owner orders. While cats are eternally “on their own” and do as they themselves want. But only. I think that people are “divided” into cat lovers and dog lovers precisely because both an “idol worshiper” and an “anarchist” live in each of us. The one who has the most number, figuratively speaking, chooses his friend. For me, a very important quality is devotion to loved ones, maybe that’s why I’m more of a dog person. But anarchy is not alien to me either, and I repeat, I rated it at 10%.

To exaggerate... One psychologist put forward a thesis. Like, depending on the position from which we approach life, we can be conditionally divided into cats and dogs. A person who has more of a cat in him attributes successes to himself, and failures to a coincidence of circumstances. And the one who has more dog in him is the opposite?

What an interesting question... I imagine the psychology of a real cat, I have several of them. “I am valuable, I have something to love, so only good things happen to me.” Dog... Most likely it is. She attributes failures to herself, and good things to coincidence. “I depend on the mercy of the master (fate), if something good happens, it’s an accident.” A dog is very dependent, while a cat has something to internally rely on for its self-esteem. But the dog is responsible, sacrificial, and capable of heroic deeds. I don’t think it’s correct to transfer the qualities of animals to people. The problem in our society is not whether we have more or fewer cat people.

Immoral glamor

What do you think about dog fashion? A man pays crazy money for an elite puppy. But the puppy is homeless. He won’t take it - it’s not prestigious...

Fashion is usually associated with money, not development principles. A whole industry has emerged with special dog hairdressing salons, fitness centers and even restaurants. I'm not even talking about designer lines of clothing and jewelry. Animal fashion is very bad! If today corgis are suddenly fashionable, and yesterday shepherd dogs were still in fashion, then what should we do now with a shepherd dog that has become unfashionable? Hide? Put to sleep? Beat? Cut her limbs like a corgi? Dye wool? What does a canine fashionista want? Love, devotion, self-fidelity or recognition of others, fellow fashionistas? They choose a friend for friendship, not for show. I feel very sorry for the glamorous dogs. Very often, for their owners, they are a glamorous accessory, and not a living being.

This year, Russia adopted a law on keeping pets. Including with the goal of reducing the number of stray cats and dogs that are simply thrown into the street. The initiative is good, will it pay off?

I don’t know whether this particular law will justify itself. Judging by the implementation of many other useful laws, it can be assumed that it will remain to work only on paper, in the form of orders, orders, decrees, instructions. And homeless animals will remain unhappy and useless to anyone. Stray and homeless, they can be a source of dangerous diseases. They pose a threat. Of course, the problem should not remain unresolved. We need to start by cultivating a good attitude towards our smaller brothers in the family. For example, from reading the same “Kashtanka” to a child. A morally educated person will never do anything bad to an animal. But that is another story.

“If you can start your day without caffeine, if you can always be cheerful and ignore aches and pains, if you can refrain from complaining and not bore people with your problems, if you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for this, if you can understand your loved one when he does not have enough time for you, if you can ignore the accusations from your loved one when everything goes wrong through no fault of yours, if you can calmly take criticism, if you can treat your poor friend the same as your rich friend, if you can do without lies and deceit, if you can deal with stress without drugs, if you can relax without drinking, if you can sleep without pills, if you If you can sincerely say that you have no prejudice against skin color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or politics, then you have reached the level of development of your dog." Winston Churchill

It would seem that everything is obvious in the relationship between a person and pets. We are in charge, we take responsibility, we care, we train, we educate, we punish for wrongdoing. But I challenge you to look at this relationship from a new angle and think about what we can learn from our pets.

It’s difficult for me to compete with Churchill in eloquence, but still I was able to compile a list of the 10 most important, in my opinion, things that we can learn from our pets.

1. Unconditional love

Unfortunately, in the modern world, unconditional love, devoid of any reciprocal benefits, is not such a common occurrence. The animal loves you, despite the size of your salary, your ability to look good or cook delicious borscht. It just loves you. The most famous examples are White Bim Black Ear and Hachiko.

2. Responsibility

“We are forever responsible for those we have tamed” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The point, of course, is not so much about adopting a sense of responsibility from animals (although, say, animal mothers do not abandon their cubs, unlike some human ones), but rather about the sense of responsibility that develops thanks to them. We learn to be disciplined, manage our time better, and take control of our own lives. A striking example here is a book that I recently read and recommend to everyone - “A Street Cat Named Bob.” About a street musician and drug addict who one day meets a stray sick cat, nurses it, and how caring for the cat helps him return his own life to normal.

3. Optimism

Do you feel that your life is a series of identical days and there is no reason for joy in it? Learn love of life from your pets! They jump with happiness simply because you came home from work, because seeing your loved one is not a reason for joy? Are you not happy with all the wonders and variety of leisure options that modern society offers? Your animals are immensely happy to play with the same ball or old dirty toy. There are many simple and yet funny things in life, and to remember how to enjoy the little things, just watch your pets!

4. Ability to cope with loss

Of course, the loss of a loved one is not the same as the death of an animal, even the most beloved. Still, this experience can help us understand the cyclical nature of life, and provides an example of how we can cope with the loss of someone who meant a lot to us. This also teaches children a good lesson, in a sense preparing them for the fact that death is an inevitable part of life.

5. Patience

Having an animal in the house requires a lot of patience. In a sense, this may be preparation for the future child. You will have to come to terms with the fact that fur will appear on your perfectly clean floors at cosmic speed, an animal returning from a walk can gallop from the door straight to the sofa along with all the dirt on its paws, it will demand breakfast at 5 am or sleep on your bed , trying in every possible way to take up more space and push you out of there. And in all these situations, as well as a hundred others that are simply inevitable, you will have to come to terms with it, react calmly and systematically educate.

6. Devotion and fidelity

“If you pick up a hungry dog ​​and give it a luxurious life, it will never bite you. This is the main difference between a dog and a person.” Mark Twain. In addition to the unconditional love that has already been mentioned, animals are also incredibly loyal, and this is something we can also learn from them.

7. Sociability and communication skills

Having an animal automatically expands your social circle and adds topics and reasons for conversation. After all, if your dog runs in the yard to meet the dog of a seemingly unapproachable handsome neighbor, then you definitely have a reason to do the same. But even with less obvious options, you have plenty of opportunities - exhibitions, owner clubs, online forums and communities where you will be incredibly welcome simply because you are also a lover of rats / cats / annelids, which means, by definition, you cannot be bad person =)

8. The ability to forgive insults

Let's admit, we are not always ideal owners. It happens that we are too lazy to get up early in the morning on a weekend and go for a walk, sometimes we have to stay late in the evenings, and our pets have to get bored at home alone, and even hungry, sometimes we have to make the animals unpleasant and even painful, for example, by performing some kind of hygiene procedures. But how long does it take for your pets to be offended by you? As a rule, even if an animal shows offense, it does not last very long. After all, one of the main qualities of animals is the ability to forgive and forget.

9. Be content with little

Animals, as a rule, have a rather monotonous diet, they do not attach importance to the cost of a food bowl or a leash, it does not matter to them whether the sofa is old or new, as long as it is comfortable to lie on it, etc. The ability to be happy regardless of material things and not rowing more than is really necessary for life is another important quality that we can to some extent adopt from our four-legged friends.

10. Attention to the human condition and the ability to correspond to it

Many pet owners notice that their pets sense their mood and behave accordingly. If a person is upset or something hurts, the animal feels it and tries, to the best of its ability, to support its beloved owner. This sense of empathy and tact would be useful for many people to adopt.

In addition to the objective reasons “against” (allergies or living conditions), they also mention the need to accustom the animal to order, take it to the veterinarian, etc. At the same time, we don’t think about the fact that a cat or a dog can teach us important things, without which it is impossible to imagine a happy life!

1. Kindness

Remember the words: “Because, because kindness is the most important and dearest of all, the most trusting and strictest in this world.” When a small kitten is sitting in your arms, it is almost impossible to remain indifferent. We soften, we want to stroke him, and good, tender feelings awaken in our souls. The kitten clings to us and purrs. At such moments, something awakens in the soul even of stern men, let alone children.

2. Sincerity

An animal does not know how to lie, dodge, or hide its attitude. Everything that it feels is reflected in its appearance: in its gaze, in its posture. If you offended him, for example, shouted, you will immediately see fear or grief. Show affection or call with a friendly intonation - and now they look at you with hope, delight, adoration. We humans often hide what we feel, put on “masks,” and prefer to restrain our emotional impulses. We should definitely learn the ability to be sincere from animals!

3. Friendship

“A dog is a faithful friend” is a hackneyed phrase, but it’s true. She, unlike the “reasonable man,” will not betray or abandon, will not go over to another owner. It is important for animals that you, his beloved household members, are nearby.

4. Responsibility

We are responsible for those we have tamed - remember? We learn to take care of those who need it, to be attentive. Of course, sometimes laziness takes over: we are too lazy to go out with the dog for a walk, change the litter in the cat’s tray, put food in a bowl... But the understanding is that no one else will do this but us, and if we don’t do it, then the animal will feel bad , makes us switch our focus from our own affairs to our smaller brothers.

Cats and dogs are the most developed animals we keep at home. They are teachers of the highest category, because “training” takes place without a single word. Only behavior, only actions, only views and, of course, feelings. Our pets make us and our children better.

5. Correct daily routine

Watch your cat or dog. Everything in their daily routine is clear: eating, toileting, washing, sleeping, playing. They do everything thoroughly, slowly, enjoying the process. If an animal wants to sleep, it sleeps. If he wants to eat, he eats. We want to sleep, but we don’t sleep, because things haven’t been done yet, we want to eat, but we don’t eat - we need to watch our figure. What if at least some of the “needs” are changed to “I want”? Is this really impossible? Pay attention not only to your business and worries, but also to your needs.

6. Healthy lifestyle

Do you have a dog? You need to go for a walk (preferably several times a day)! Fresh air, active movements or at least walking - all this is now with you. As a result, you start the day with physical activity and end it the same way. Nowadays, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle (sometimes since childhood!). The appearance of a dog in the house will force you to quit bad habits and become a more active person. Well, after a walk with a faithful friend, you feel not only an increase in physical strength, but also a surge of good mood.

7. Sensitivity

Did you come home from work irritated and angry, or maybe sad and tired? Animals feel everything. They can either step aside so as not to get in your way when you're not in the mood, or come to the rescue by coming up and snuggling as a sign of support. Sometimes you think: “But it’s true - everyone understands, they just can’t say it.” We often show indifference to our neighbors, not noticing their condition and mood, we react more to the signals of our own stomach than to the emotional signals of a child or spouse. Let's learn sensitivity from dogs!

8. Joy from simple things

From early childhood, we always want something: a glass of juice, candy, a car, new shoes, a game console, a computer, a fancy foreign car, a mansion... Of course, it’s not harmful to want, but sometimes we want obvious excesses. Animals enjoy the simplest things: food, your affectionate look or gesture, the opportunity to go for a walk. How little, it turns out, is needed for happiness!

9. Selfless love

Animals accept our friendship and give selfless love in return, simply because we exist (by the way, just like children). We come home, they greet us, showing love with all their appearance. Seething emotions are expressed by squeals and pleading eyes. We are loved for “just like that.” Why do we, people, love each other?