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What to do if your feet are constantly cold, even when warm. Icy feet - cause and remedies Why feet are always cold

Each of us must have noticed that our grandmothers put woolen socks or felt boots on their feet even in the summer. People say that with age the blood does not warm up. But what to do if even a young, completely healthy person’s legs get cold? The reasons can be very different.

Causes of constantly cold feet in healthy people

If a person’s feet are constantly cold, at any time of the year, you need to look for factors that influence cooling. Our limbs are responsible for the temperature of the whole body. Therefore, if they are cold, a person feels constant discomfort. According to statistics, feet are more likely to freeze in people after 40 years of age, when blood circulation is gradually impaired and the nervous system begins to act up. The female body is naturally built in such a way that the reproductive organs should not overheat, so their temperature periodically decreases.
Let us highlight the main causes of cold feet that are not related to diseases:
  • Low body weight . Thin people have freezing feet more often than thick people. Fat is responsible for maintaining heat in the body. Therefore, when it is deficient, the feet freeze first.
  • Frostbite . If a person has ever had frostbite on his feet, then his limbs will freeze for a long time. If you suffer from severe frostbite, the coldness of your feet may persist throughout your life. Read also -.
  • Smoking . Oddly enough, smokers' feet often get cold, which is associated with vascular spasm when consuming cigarettes. What other harm does smoking cause?
  • Avitaminosis . Lack of vitamins, in particular iron, is also a cause of cooling of the lower extremities. Iron is responsible for the presence of hemoglobin in the body and for blood circulation.
  • Stressful situations (see also - ). During stress, vasoconstriction is observed. Blood is poorly distributed to the legs, as a result of which they begin to freeze.
  • Habit of dressing warmly . Some people are so afraid of getting sick that they constantly wrap themselves up even in the warm season. My feet get used to it and get cold without warm socks.
  • Diet . If a person is starving, he does not receive enough energy resources, as a result of which he begins to freeze. First of all, the cold is felt in the extremities.
  • The habit of sitting with your legs crossed . In a person with his legs tucked in, the normal blood flow is blocked, resulting in cold limbs.
In addition, limbs freeze in people suffering from certain diseases.

Symptoms of diseases that cause cold feet

Cooling of the lower extremities is most often observed in diseases associated with spasm or narrowing of blood vessels. In this state, blood circulation is disrupted, a lack of energy and weakness occurs in the body, and the legs are cold. Let's consider the main diseases in which cooling of the extremities occurs:

Hypertension. When blood pressure decreases, blood flow in the periphery worsens. As pressure increases, vasospasm occurs, which also reduces blood flow. In both cases, blood circulation is disrupted and the feet become cold.

Vegetovascular dystonia. The disease today often occurs in people aged 20 to 30 years. A person becomes weather sensitive. When temperature changes occur, vasodilation is delayed and blood flow worsens.

For diabetes. The patient's blood vessels become fragile and are susceptible to thrombosis. Again, the blood flow to the legs is disrupted, as a result the limbs are constantly cooled. A complication in diabetics can be “diabetic foot”, which entails the occurrence of gangrene with further amputation of the limbs.

Venous stagnation, causing thrombosis. This is a disease that is often treated with surgery. The limbs not only become cold, but also swell, accompanied by severe pain.

Anemia. Hemoglobin decreases, oxygen reaches the tissues poorly, resulting in a lack of heat in the body. If you want to know what else is dangerous about anemia,...

Raynaud's disease or syndrome. The disease is accompanied by spasm of small arteries as a consequence of vascular neurosis. My feet get very cold even at high temperatures and I can’t stand cold water at all.

Intermittent claudication. People who smoke suffer. The inner lining of the arteries becomes inflamed, their lumen narrows. Severe obstruction of blood flow causes cooling and severe pain in the legs when walking. The consequences of such an illness are serious. Tissue death occurs. As a result, the toes or the entire limb up to the thigh are amputated. More details about the violation -.

Hypothyroidism. The disease is associated with improper functioning of the thyroid gland and is typical for people over 40 years of age. There is rapid fatigue, overwork, and cooling of the legs, mainly at night due to lack of energy. Other symptoms -.

Diathesis in childhood. It turns out that if a baby often has an allergic reaction, the person may subsequently suffer from cold hands and feet throughout his life.

Cooling the extremities is the first signal to contact a specialist. Diseases and consequences of this condition can be very different.

Why are your feet cold? (video)

In a short video from the “Live Healthy” program, Elena Malysheva and other experts talk about the reasons for cold feet, what diseases and defects accompany this condition. Examples based on the experience of real people.

Everyone has probably noticed that small children try to take off their socks every time and run around barefoot. Parents, on the contrary, wrap their children up to protect them from illness. It is not right! A healthy child is much warmer than an adult, since the blood vessels are still healthy and the blood flow is not impaired.

If at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees Celsius the baby's legs become cool, this indicates that small limbs are trying to retain heat throughout the body. Children who run barefoot at normal air temperatures will be less cold in the future and less likely to get sick.

In newborn babies, while heat exchange is not stable, both rapid cooling and overheating can be observed. This is considered normal at this age.

If, at the age of five or seven, you notice that the child’s legs periodically become cold, this is already a signal of the presence of one or another disease.

The main diseases associated with cold extremities in a child:
  • Vegetovascular dystonia . It’s sad, but many children experience a disruption in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, and subsequently the entire body as a whole. As a result, vasospasm occurs, blood flow deteriorates and the legs become cold. In children, the disease most often goes away with age.
  • Weak immunity and anemia . In modern environmental conditions, children's health leaves much to be desired. Against the background of low immunity, hemoglobin decreases, weakness appears, and the limbs periodically become cold. We recommend reading the article -.
  • Heat . Paradoxically, children with fever sometimes have cold feet. Moreover, the disease occurs for no apparent reason. There is no need to sound the alarm right away. The baby's temperature may rise due to overheating, teething, allergies, or reactions to vaccinations. The baby's feet are cooled, protecting the entire body from overheating.
If the temperature is above 39 degrees and does not subside, this may be a symptom white fever . This is exactly the condition when your hands and feet are cold and your temperature goes through the roof. The baby’s body begins to receive excess heat, the limbs resist, and the thermal regime stabilizes.

The baby needs help to cope with this condition. It is recommended to give your child more water. Dress him in warm clothes to make him sweat. The temperature will drop.

All mothers know that for a baby a temperature of 37 degrees is normal. If it’s higher, don’t think about what it is. Contact your pediatrician immediately!

Cold feet during pregnancy

Dear ladies who are in an interesting position feel many changes in their bodies. Cooling of the feet is no exception, mainly in the early stages of pregnancy. This is primarily due to changes in hormonal levels, as a result of which the function of the thyroid gland is temporarily disrupted. This is the main cause of cold extremities.

Our body contains the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for blood vessels in the periphery. An increase in its amount in a pregnant woman causes an imbalance in temperature. As a result, your feet can either become cold or overheat.

If a woman’s feet are constantly freezing, this is most likely due to impaired blood circulation. Expectant mothers suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia quite often due to low stress resistance during this period.

Fluctuations in blood pressure during pregnancy, mainly in the later stages, also lead to cooling of the legs due to vasospasm.

Cold feet with sweating

If a person's feet sweat, they are more susceptible to cooling due to increased humidity. Sweaty feet can occur due to diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, vascular diseases, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, infections, and flat feet. Sweating of the extremities is also observed in pregnant women, during menopause, and in adolescents. If you wear synthetic socks or tights, sweating is inevitable.

To get rid of the disease, you should contact a specialist to prescribe treatment. First of all, products that provoke sweat are excluded from the diet: tea, coffee, soda, alcohol, pork, salt, seasonings, milk, red meat, legumes.

It is necessary to maintain daily hygiene using antiperspirants and foot creams. If there is severe sweating, the doctor will prescribe medications in the form of tablets, capsules and special ointments. Having gotten rid of excessive sweating, the limbs stop freezing.

If sweating feet is a symptom of one of the diseases listed above, you will have to initially treat the underlying disease.

What to do if your feet are cold? Treatment and prevention

Cooling of the lower extremities in warm weather is quite easy to tolerate. But in winter it is suffering. No matter what kind of shoes you have, your feet get cold very quickly, which does not allow a person to feel comfortable outside. What to do?

First, make up your mind and get tested. If you have any serious illness, you will be prescribed a course of medication depending on the type of illness.

If cooling is not associated with illness, then in cold weather you will need to take a number of measures:

  • Special warming insoles are placed in shoes. This is also true for pregnant women.
  • Mustard or red pepper is poured into socks.
  • Daily hardening. Train yourself to walk barefoot from time to time. In winter, take a contrast shower.
  • Foot massage. Rub the feet using alcohol tincture or warming ointment.
  • Do more fitness and dancing.
  • It is necessary to maintain a drinking regime, at least two liters per day.
  • It is better to give up bad habits.
  • Ladies love to sit beautifully: cross-legged. You should not do this, the blood flow worsens and takes a long time to recover.
  • Boost your immunity with vitamins.
  • Use Mikulin's healing method , which is recognized by medicine and is aimed at the overall health of the whole body. This includes: fasting, separate meals, and a whole range of gymnastic exercises.


In folk medicine, foot massage is recommended for the prevention and treatment of cold feet. This includes: stroking, sharp tapping, kneading. For massage, use any fatty cream or special massage oil.

How are emotional stress, tight shoes, lack of nutrients in the body, and bad habits related to each other? All this can cause your legs to become cold or numb. If your limbs are constantly cold, you should visit a doctor. Why? Read about all this below.

Cold feet: how to identify the cause

If you begin to notice that your feet are cold even in warm rooms, you should analyze your life for the following factors:

1. Sedentary lifestyle. If your daily route is “Home – work – shop – home”, it is worth diversifying it. For example, walking, running, roller skating, skiing, skating - without them, the body will not receive the load it is supposed to, and the heart will one day not be able to cope with providing the entire body with normal blood flow. The first reason that your feet get cold is leading a sedentary lifestyle.

2. Impaired physical health. Varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis and other diseases, even with proper treatment, can cause a condition in which the legs not only become cold, but also go numb.

3. Emotional fatigue. Constant overstrain at work, the loss of loved ones, and increased excitability lead to the fact that an overworked heart has to choose which parts of the body to supply with oxygen first. It cares less about the legs than, for example, about the brain. And this is another reason why your feet get cold.

4. Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and drugs disrupt the functioning of the whole body in general and blood vessels in particular. This leads to cold feet even in warm weather.

5. Vitamin deficiency. For example, your limbs may freeze because your body does not receive the amount of a particular substance it needs. This is mainly caused by iron deficiency anemia.

6. Wrong choice of shoes. Narrow “boats” and light ankle boots on a cold day will lead to your feet not only getting tired, but also getting cold.

My feet are getting cold

Feet become cold or numb: how to overcome the “enemy”?

Do the unpleasant sensations associated with freezing feet prompt you to try certain remedies recommended by friends and acquaintances? Take your time to experiment with your health! See your doctor. You definitely need to find out why your feet are getting cold.

Remember! Whatever the reason that your feet are cold constantly or periodically, only a specialist can determine it

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe an examination or consultation with other specialists, write a referral for tests, and then tell you how and with what help to solve the problem of freezing extremities. Before visiting (and after), try:

Move more;

Wear comfortable shoes according to the season;

Supplement your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits;

Use contrast baths or showers daily;

Use a warming foot cream before bed.

Self-medication at home is a dangerous habit, so if you have unpleasant symptoms that persist for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 13 minutes


As a rule, we pay little attention to the “chilliness” of our feet and hands. As a last resort, we wear warmer boots outside and warm socks in the apartment. And few people think about why, even at night in bed, their feet remain “icy” - and until they warm up, sleep does not come.

Why do extremities get cold, and what symptoms can be considered alarming?

The main reasons for always freezing hands and feet - which of us is more likely to have cold hands and feet?

When your feet and hands are cold from drafts in the apartment, hypothermia or wet shoes, this is normal. The problem is resolved quickly and does not require close examination.

Video: Why are your hands and feet cold, and what to do?

But if your limbs remain cold even in a warm room, and you are so used to it that you don’t even pay attention, You should still pay attention to the problem and find the cause.

When to see a doctor if you have constantly cold hands and feet – don’t miss the disease!

If cold extremities are not a one-time phenomenon (or associated with specific reasons), but permanent, you should listen to your body. Under such a seemingly innocent symptom, one of the diseases described above may be hidden.

You should consult a doctor if, in addition to chilly hands and feet, you periodically or constantly notice...

  • Dizziness and fatigue.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Rapid heartbeat, heart pain.
  • Obvious pallor of the skin.
  • Pressure changes and headaches.
  • Flashes of hot and cold.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Numbness and tingling in various parts of the body.
  • Sudden weight gain (loss).
  • Lethargy and depression.
  • Constant swelling of the face.
  • Memory loss.
  • Feeling of aching and aching pain.
  • And etc.

Remember that self-medication is unacceptable! Only an examination by a specialist will help to accurately identify the cause and select the necessary treatment.

Trying to find the cause on your own can aggravate the problem (a disease detected at an early stage is much easier to treat).

How to warm chilly limbs if there is no disease, but your feet and hands are cold - 8 best ways

If the problem of regular freezing of extremities is familiar to you, then First of all, contact a specialist and find out the reason.

You can warm your hands and feet at home in the following ways:

  1. Massage with essential oil. Oils with ginger, cinnamon or black pepper extract are recommended (these components help dilate blood vessels). Massage should be carried out until the feet are completely warm.
  2. Bath with sea salt. Add also a couple of spoons of milk and 2-3 drops of rosemary oil. After the bath, massage your feet with cream and put on cotton socks.
  3. After a bath, put dry mustard plasters on your feet in cotton socks. You can use a warming light ointment.
  4. Do the bicycle exercise. In the “lying on your back” position, raise your legs up and “pedal” for 5-6 minutes. Then massage your feet - 2 minutes of massage for each.
  5. Contrast baths. A great way to warm your feet and strengthen your body. The procedure should become regular. It increases vascular tone and is a good help for people suffering from “chilliness”. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 20-30 minutes before bedtime. In one basin the water is 30-35 degrees, in the other - 12-15. Immerse your feet in warm water for 3-5 minutes, then in cold water for 10 seconds, then in warm water again, etc. Repeat 5-6 times. Then dry your feet and put on socks. Remember about contraindications (one of them is varicose veins).
  6. Ground red pepper. It should be poured into socks and worn until your feet are warm. It does not cause skin burns when dry, and slight skin irritation is insignificant.
  7. Alcohol compress. After the bath, we put on cotton socks, moisten their lower part with vodka, and put on wool socks on top. The warming effect is quite fast.
  8. Nuts or balls. We squeeze them tightly in our chilled palms and roll them with rotational movements for 2-4 minutes. Next, lower the nuts to the floor and roll them with your feet for 4-5 minutes.
  • , your diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
  • Load up on kiwi, blackcurrant and oranges: Vitamin C helps regulate blood clotting. Seeds and nuts help strengthen the walls of capillaries. Prunes, yolks and homemade apples are a source of iron.
  • Eat less and more often. After eating, your body expends energy to digest food, so your body temperature drops slightly immediately after eating.
  • Play sports and quit bad habits : It is important to strengthen blood vessels.
  • Replace coffee with hot tea made with infusions of herbs and berries. Tea with ginger is extremely useful for blood vessels and as a warming agent from the inside.
  • Choose the right shoes. Feet should not sweat or become hypothermic. Also, their shoes should not be tight: tight shoes sharply impair blood circulation in the legs.
  • Swap tight jeans for roomier clothes. Tight garments on the lower half of the body slow down blood circulation in the legs (as well as tight turtleneck sleeves - in the hands).
  • Constantly stretch your legs and arms if you have a sedentary job. Squats, walking, light gymnastics - exercises will help “disperse the blood” and speed up its passage through the vessels.
  • If possible, visit the Russian bathhouse more often.
  1. Place frozen feet and hands under hot water.
  2. Warm up with alcohol (note - it does not warm, but only temporarily dilates the blood vessels, and the heat transfer increases greatly).
  3. Cross your legs over your legs. Give up this habit categorically. Blood circulation in this position is disrupted after 10 minutes.

Video: Remedy for chilly hands and feet at home

The site website provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. If alarming symptoms occur, consult a specialist!

Feet are cold - reasons and how to deal with it. The cardiovascular system in men and women is structured the same, but it functions differently. This is due not only to primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but also to the predominance of different hormones: estrogen - female, androgen - male. The nature of blood flow is also affected by the level of metabolism, the amount of fat and muscle tissue.

It is these factors that lead to women getting cold much more often than men. Most often, it is the feet that suffer from the cold. What to do about this problem can be said for sure after the cause of freezing feet has been established, and there are several of them. However, most often these are still problems with the vascular system.

Constantly freezing feet It worries women more than men, and most often in winter. Why do your feet get cold? Because the legs have the least muscle mass and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which help conserve heat. In addition, women have a different hormonal composition and a different distribution of energy in the body, which is more used to maintain the functions of internal organs. In this case, peripheral vessels and capillaries remain neglected.

If cold feet interfere with your life, contact a vascular surgeon. Based on the examinations, he will be able to give you further recommendations. It is even more necessary to start an examination if there are also symptoms such as drowsiness, general fatigue, lethargy, weight gain, swelling, changes in veins.

The combination of symptoms may indicate serious diseases: diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia, deterioration of the thyroid gland, excessive activity of the autonomic nervous system, problems with connective tissue, nervous disorders, anemia.

What to do if your feet are constantly cold?

- change your diet. Increase the amount of foods rich in iron and vitamin C in your diet, which helps improve capillary permeability and vascular elasticity. To do this, eat kiwi, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, and drink rosehip infusion. Eat foods with vitamin P, which prevents the vitamin from oxidizing and improves blood circulation: nuts, pumpkin seeds.

— people whose feet are constantly cold should always dress according to the weather. If the body is well protected from the cold, then the internal organs do not become overcooled, which means they will not have to take heat from the legs. That is, first of all, you need to think about the functionality of clothes and shoes, and not about their beauty.

— in the cold season, you need to wear spacious shoes so that there is an air gap between the shoe and the foot. Tight shoes with narrow toes will prevent blood from moving freely through the blood vessels.

— it is advisable to use warm insoles, preferably woolen ones with thermal insulation. Dry them regularly after wearing.

— in cold weather, do not neglect woolen leggings under trousers and warm socks.

- You can purchase heat-resistant socks, which are offered for tourists involved in winter outdoor activities.

- move more. Even when you just have to stand at a bus stop, walk, stamp your feet, jump.

- do not smoke in the cold, as this reduces peripheral blood circulation.

— don’t go out into the cold hungry, as the lack of calories prevents energy production.

My feet are cold. How to deal with it

The smaller mass of muscle tissue in women, compared to men, does not allow them to produce the required amount of heat. Even with a slight change in air temperature, blood from the skin rushes to the internal organs to maintain reproductive function. First, the toes and hands get cold, then the feet and hands; it is not uncommon for women to feel cold extremities - this is the norm. Men react less sensitively to temperature changes and sometimes don’t even notice them. But constantly freezing feet and hands indicate disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system. Often, such disorders can be eliminated with proper nutrition, light self-massage, physical exercise and yoga. Cold feet can also be caused by diseases: diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroid gland. Therefore, if you often feel cold, you should consult a doctor.

Low or high blood pressure can also cause cold hands and feet. In a healthy person, blood pressure should be within normal limits at rest and increase during exercise. It is worth noting that women are more likely than men to have low blood pressure, as scientists note: 59% versus 43%. Often in women, low blood pressure causes fainting; the brain does not receive enough oxygen contained in the blood. But lower blood pressure also has its advantages: generally, the absence of heart disease and a longer life expectancy. Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs due to the “obstruction” of blood vessels, the passages are greatly narrowed and the blood puts more pressure on the walls of the vessels.

One of the causes of hypertension is cholesterol. This disease is difficult to treat, but you can prevent its occurrence by changing your lifestyle. It’s worth starting with nutrition: fatty acids contained in fish reduce cholesterol; fruits and vegetables - supply the body with antioxidants that prevent blockage of blood vessels. The combination of coffee and cigarettes is very dangerous for hypertension; caffeine and nicotine strongly constrict blood vessels. But alcohol, on the contrary, dilates blood vessels; a glass of good red wine will not hurt.

Dehydration of the body can also lead to unpleasant changes and affect blood pressure, so you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. In summer - juices, and in winter - green tea. What to do? Cold, stress and overwork are the first things to deal with. Try to dress according to the weather so that you are warm but light. Cold or excessive heat will disrupt the body's thermoregulation. Valerian root, motherwort, mint and lemon balm - decoctions of these herbs will help relieve stress. Give your body time to recover, sleep and rest more, at least 8-9 hours a day. Your daily diet should include foods containing vitamins and minerals that strengthen and support the vascular system.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - found in lemons, kiwi, rose hips, oranges, black currants. It regulates blood clotting, tissue repair and synthesizes collagen.
  • Vitamin P (bioflavonoids) - found in large quantities in nuts and pumpkin seeds. Taken together with vitamin C, it prevents the oxidation of the latter; together they effectively strengthen the walls of capillaries. Another benefit of vitamin P is the reduction of bruising.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - bread, eggs, liver, beef and cereals are rich in it. Vitamin PP regulates protein metabolism and nervous activity.
  • Chili peppers or hot red peppers are great for stimulating blood flow.
  • Sprouted wheat grains, seeds, nuts and whole grain bread are rich in vitamin E, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Garlic can be consumed in any form. It lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots.
  • Ginger can normalize blood circulation. Add it to tea, when preparing soups, stews or fish. Don’t forget about physical activity; if your feet often get cold, walk more. Try to spend at least 30 minutes doing yoga or fitness every day.

Feet are constantly cold: folk recipes

1. Warming cream. Mix two of the following possible ingredients: red pepper extract, cocoa butter, camphor, rosemary and sesame. Add My feet are constantly cold: what should I do with baby cream or Vaseline? Apply warming cream to washed and dried feet.

2. Warming tincture. Take 2 tsp. ground red pepper and add a glass of vodka. Leave for 10 days, strain. Lubricate your feet with the tincture before going to bed. However, compositions with red pepper should be used with caution, as it can lead to allergic reactions and irritation.

If your feet are already frozen:
- take a warm bath, increasing the temperature, starting from 20-25 degrees and up to 40-42 degrees.

— apply an alcohol compress to the area of ​​the feet. You can also make an unusual compress by soaking the soles of thin socks in alcohol or vodka and putting them on your feet, heated in hot water, and putting warm woolen socks on top.

- Massage your entire feet and legs, massaging with your hands, a massage roller or a dry brush. When massaging, make movements from bottom to top.

- warm yourself up from the inside by drinking hot milk, a cup of hot tea with honey and lemon, a drink with ginger or cinnamon.

— make a warming herbal tea that will improve blood circulation. Take 1 tsp. sage, chamomile, mint, valerian root, bay leaf, 2 cloves, a piece of ginger, a pinch of coriander, a little ground pepper and pour a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for an hour and drink like tea.

If your feet are cold - three ways to warm up

1. Exercise improves blood circulation. Just 10-15 minutes of fiery dancing to your favorite music will warm you better than any blanket.

2. Rubbing legs and arms. As soon as you feel the cold coming, gently begin to rub the cold areas with a terry towel. Before this, you can take a warm bath.

3. Self-massage using oils is excellent for dilating blood vessels and relieving stress.

The feet contain nerve endings for almost every internal organ, and the feet contain many blood vessels. The physical health and psychological well-being of a person depend on the condition of the legs. If your feet are constantly cold, you need to find out the cause of this disease and undergo appropriate treatment. Hypothermia of the lower extremities has a negative impact on well-being, but if your feet are constantly freezing even in favorable conditions (warm), you need to look for problems in the body that caused such trouble.

Why sometimes your feet get cold - reasons

The main reason for constant freezing of the feet, even in warm or hot weather, is poor circulation. Women are most often affected by this problem. The physiological characteristics of the female body perceive sudden temperature changes as a threat to the reproductive organs. As a result, circulation in the extremities is impaired due to blood flow to the pelvic area.

But, of course, men’s feet get cold too. This happens due to a lack of muscle and fat tissue in the legs. On the feet and calves, muscle tissue is found in a minimal volume, fatty tissue is completely absent.

Blood pressure affects freezing of the legs. People suffering from low or high blood pressure often complain of cold feet. This reason is serious. First of all, the problem of freezing feet (often even hands) in this case is solved by correct and high-quality treatment of the causes of high blood pressure.

Varicose veins are another serious cause of cold feet. In this case, it is also necessary not only to warm the limbs, but to treat the veins.

When this happens, a lot of unpleasant symptoms arise, including freezing feet.

Hormonal disorders, menopause, and diabetes are also often accompanied by people’s complaints of constantly freezing feet or separately feet or toes.

Excessive sweating is also sometimes the cause of cold feet due to constant humidity. Sweating occurs against the background of vascular diseases, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, flat feet, pregnancy. Feet also sweat when wearing synthetic socks and tights.

A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, and poor nutrition make a huge contribution to the deterioration of the vascular system, which leads to the same complaints - feet are constantly cold even when warm.

Unbalanced nutrition and diets can also trigger the development of the problem. Lack of nutrients has a bad effect on the overall health of the body, including the limbs.

Symptoms of poor circulation:

  • swelling of the limbs;
  • prominent veins;
  • pain in the legs even with minimal exertion;
  • leg cramps;
  • numbness of the limbs.

What to do to prevent your feet from freezing

To get rid of the symptom of freezing feet, it is necessary to eliminate the disease that causes this trouble, or train the blood vessels in the absence of an obvious disease, or change your lifestyle.

In the complex treatment of low or high blood pressure, other diseases affecting blood flow, and lifestyle adjustments, simple exercises can be used to improve blood circulation. This is stretching and bending the toes, rotating the feet, walking on the toes, on the outside and inside of the foot, on the heels. In three minutes of such exercises, you can perfectly warm up your legs and ensure a larger flow of blood to them.

Or baths (showers are more convenient) will make the blood vessels work better. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. The temperature is changed every 40 seconds.

Vascular training has a good effect on blood flow. Walking barefoot is a good way to train your blood vessels. Walk barefoot wherever possible. But of course, take precautions! Women should not forget about cystitis (the floor should not be too cold). Baths, swimming pools, beaches, unfortunately, are not the best places to walk barefoot.

Shoes have a significant influence on proper blood flow. Shoes that compress the foot will impede blood flow, which will lead to a feeling of coldness in the feet.

Using these methods, you can achieve a state in which your feet stop constantly freezing.

Quick help

If your feet are constantly cold and freezing, then in order to warm them up, you need to increase blood circulation as quickly as possible.

Tips for improving blood circulation in the extremities:

  • a mustard adhesive plaster applied to the feet will quickly disperse the blood;
  • insoles inserted into shoes with a heating effect;
  • heating pads in the form of a boot or rug;
  • rubbing feet with pepper cream;
  • wearing wool socks.

These measures will help you feel better, but they will not eliminate the causes of cold feet.

How to treat constantly cold feet

Recipes for Warming Your Extremities

  • Alcohol compress

Place your feet in a bowl of warm water. The feet should be completely in the water. At the same time, pour warm alcohol or vodka, or even cologne, into a separate container and place clean, warm socks made of natural fabric into it. After a 5-minute water procedure, put these socks on your limbs, having previously wrung them out. Put woolen socks on top of them and lie down under the blanket. Your feet will warm up very quickly.

  • Apple cider vinegar rub

If the legs often go numb and cold in men and women, then such an excellent folk remedy will help (such treatment is not suitable for children). Rubbing your feet with this remedy helps improve blood circulation and reduce vascular spasm. In addition, the use of apple cider vinegar is a good preventive measure against the formation of blood clots. Distribute undiluted vinegar over the entire length of the limb. Wait five minutes (time for the vinegar to absorb), wrap your feet in warmth, and lie down for about fifteen minutes.

  • Baths with essential oils

Add 15 drops of pine needle or eucalyptus oil to 1.5 or 2 liters of water heated to 38 degrees. Keep your feet in the bath for 10 minutes. The procedure can be used daily for two weeks. For prevention, once every 4 days on an ongoing basis.

  • Massage

Massage your feet several times a week using essential pine oil. Stroke, knead, pat your legs and feet, fingers.

  • Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition plays an important role in proper blood circulation. Remove fatty, smoked foods, store-bought processed foods, and preservatives from your diet. Enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat. Take a course using garlic and lemon or garlic and honey. There are many recipes that help cleanse blood vessels.

Taking various herbal remedies will also help to establish normal blood circulation.

  • Preventive herbal collection

2 parts knotweed, 1 part horsetail, 1 part St. John's wort. 1 tbsp. Pour 250g of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave for 15 minutes. Strain, drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.