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Effective drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma. Medicine for prostate adenoma in men - a list of anticholinergics, alpha blockers, herbal and hormonal

- a disease that is characterized by greatly increased size of this organ. This happens due to excessive growth of its tissues. There is currently no consensus on why this is happening. However, most representatives of the medical community accept the theory that hyperplasia occurs as a result of hormonal changes.

This opinion is due, firstly, to the discovery of a corresponding correlation, and, secondly, to the fact that this disease is more typical for men aged 45 years and older.

It is at this age that many begin to experience abnormalities in the production of hormones. This theory is also accepted because some therapeutic techniques based on it are workable.

Many people would like to believe that they can get rid of it without surgery.

Over the past decades, medicine has advanced significantly, and now, indeed, there are techniques that can bring an organ to its normal state without cutting out excess tissue.

But still, they are still far from perfect. Treatment with drugs does not help everyone and not always completely. Moreover, they should only be used as prescribed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that a suitable remedy can only be determined on the basis of a comprehensive examination.

Self-medication, in turn, not only will not help, it will give false hope. Because of this, a lot of time will be lost, which will lead to a deterioration in the body’s condition - complications.

In any case, the patient needs to see a doctor. Only he will be able to determine whether medication therapy can be tried or whether it is necessary to go to the surgical table as soon as possible.

Types of medications prescribed for hyperplasia

Over the past few decades, pharmaceutical companies have created many products that help reduce the size of the prostate. Some of them show good results in clinical trials. Three types of such drugs are currently used.

When taking appropriate medications, the muscles of the prostate gland relax. This, in turn, reduces the pressure in the urethra, allowing urine to pass through it more easily.

For hyperplasia, the following drugs are often used:

  • Testosterone propionate;
  • Methyltestosterone;
  • Sustanon;
  • Progesterone;
  • Oxyprogesterone.

The drugs listed are androgens. They, just like alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers, improve the functioning of the genitourinary system (in fact, they facilitate the process of urination), but also increase.

Recently, a remedy that shows high efficiency has become very popular. It is due to the fact that the active substance included in its composition normalizes platelet-vascular hemostasis. It also improves blood microcirculation. Taking it leads to the removal of swelling and a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the organ.

Suppositories and solution for injection Prostatilen

In addition, the drug improves the quality of the patient’s sperm. Studies show that after taking it, sperm have higher activity. This is very important, since adenoma mainly affects the sexual function of a man, and without the use of proper means, he may completely lose the opportunity to conceive a child.

Treatment with these and other drugs is usually performed in the early stages of pathology development. In such cases there is a very high probability that they will be effective. However, once the prostate reaches a certain size, their use is meaningless.

Products based on natural ingredients

There are also products on sale that are based on plants. They are actively used as an addition to other drugs.

Suppositories Tykveol

One of the most famous herbal medicines is. It is taken to treat problems that arise as a result of prostate enlargement. The effect of Tykveol is due to the fact that it contains various substances, as well as flavonoids, carotenoids and other substances necessary and beneficial to the body.

A benign disease has many treatment options. The main thing is that most of them can be used in the early stages of the disease.

Men who want to avoid acute situations associated with diarrhea should make the prevention of pathology the rules of their lives.


An enlarged prostate of a benign nature, which is called an adenoma, creates favorable conditions for inflammatory processes in this area and is often accompanied by them.

Compression of the ureter makes urination difficult. Urine, lingering in the bladder, provokes and makes possible its inflammation.

As the adenoma grows, it contributes to the appearance of stagnant processes. The prostate in the presence of an adenoma is more prone to prostatitis.

Signs of prostate adenoma:

  • The stream during urination has a low pressure and is intermittent.
  • Frequent urge to empty the bladder.
  • Interruption of night sleep due to the need to urinate.
  • Retention of some urine in the bladder during emptying. The more the process of prostate growth progresses, the greater the volume of urine is forced to be retained.
  • When urinating, there is a need to strain.
  • If the bladder overflows, then with an adenoma in the later stages of development, it may happen that the patient cannot hold it.

How to treat prostate adenoma in men?

To provide assistance with diagnosed prostate adenoma, there is a rich arsenal of modern treatment methods:

  • drug effects,
  • surgery,
  • minimally invasive methods,
  • traditional methods,
  • non-traditional methods of treatment,
  • impact on the adenoma using devices,
  • normalization of the condition of the gland through health measures:
    • diet,
    • special exercises,
    • massage,
    • rejection of bad habits.

Minimally invasive methods

  • prostate arteries - manipulation is performed by endovascular surgeons. The essence of the method is to block the arteries that supply blood to the enlarged prostate. Thus, they ensure that the prostate decreases in size.
  • Laser treatment – ​​holmium laser is used for resection. A new method using laser has appeared quite recently. Laser radiation passes through certain crystals and is directed in a beam to the prostate. Water in the adenoma tissues evaporates and coagulates, and the blood vessels are sealed. The method is called green laser because the beam turns green after passing through the crystals.
  • – exposure of adenoma cells to cold. The procedure is carried out under ultrasound supervision. Several hollow tubes are inserted into the perineal area, through which liquid nitrogen is supplied to the adenoma tissue. Under the influence of very low temperatures, the adenoma tissue is destroyed. The method can be used if the pathology has not reached large sizes.
  • Microwave therapy – a shock is passed through a special probe inserted into the ureter at the level of the prostate. The current level is controlled by a computer and created by a generator. The prostate tissue warms up to 44 degrees. This gives the effect of disintegration of hyperplastic tissues. The urinary tract is protected from overheating during the procedure.
  • Ultrasound treatment - using an endoscope, equipment capable of sending high-intensity ultrasound is delivered through the ureter. Under the influence of focused ultrasound, adenoma tissue heats up and can be destroyed.
  • Urethral stents are a way to alleviate the manifestations of adenoma by expanding the urethral area by installing a special cylinder with a frame in its walls into its lumen. Polymer materials are used to make stents.
  • Balloon dilatation is a method that also helps to improve the ability of the ureter to drain urine. The catheter inserts a balloon into the urethra, which opens in a narrow place and expands the area compressed by the adenoma.

Laser therapy cost

Treatment of prostate adenoma with the laser method (laser vaporization) in clinics costs from 55 thousand rubles.

This amount does not take into account:

  • tests,
  • cost of materials for the procedure - laser light guides,
  • anesthesia,
  • hospital stay.

Consultation with a specialist – three thousand rubles.


In the early stages, treatment of prostate adenoma with drugs can be quite effective. The drugs can slow down the growth of adenoma tissue and even stop the process.

The doctor decides whether it is advisable to carry out drug therapy, taking into account the stage of development of the adenoma, the presence of other diseases, and the possibility of surgical intervention.

The patient also participates in the choice of treatment methods. Some methods are effective, but have complications, including erectile dysfunction. Other methods are less effective, but they also have fewer consequences. The drugs must be taken for a long time, and they have contraindications and side effects.

List of medications

Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are used in different directions, among them there are two large groups:

  1. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors– this type of drugs can help reduce benign tissue. This is due to the fact that they act by inhibiting the ability of testosterone to take on the form when it causes prostate enlargement. These include:
    • dutasteride,
    • finasteride.
  2. Alpha blockers– this group of drugs helps to relax the muscles of the prostate and bladder, which makes urination easier for the patient. This:
    • silodosin,
    • segetis,
    • doxazosin,
    • cardura,
    • terazosin,
    • cornam,
    • tamsulosin,
    • dalfaz,
    • alfuzosin,
    • omnic,
    • flosin,
    • adenorm,
    • lokren,
    • focusin,

Other drugs may also be used for drug therapy:

  • To eliminate erectile dysfunction, the drug tadalafil can be prescribed.
  • If a bacterial infection is connected to the problem of adenoma enlargement, then antibiotics are used:
    • cephalosporins,
    • gentamicin.
  • For the treatment of prostate adenoma, suppositories occupy a special place. Their advantage over tablet drugs is that the necessary substances directly reach the prostate. The same effect occurs when using microenemas, only they are based on water, and the conductor of medicinal substances in suppositories is fats and oils. Depending on the active substances, suppositories are divided into the following groups:
    • antispasmodic, for example:
      • papaverine,
      • buscopan;
    • antiseptic containing substances:
      • rifampicin,
      • lomefloxacin,
      • norfloxacin
      • vitamins,
    • anti-inflammatory suppositories for prostate adenoma, these can be:
      • dikloberl,


Patients respond positively to the action of a group of drugs that inhibit 5-alpha reductase. Half of the patients managed without surgery after using medications of this type. The tablets were prescribed to patients with non-advanced prostate adenoma.

Patients who took finasteride in the initial stages of prostate adenoma noted that the progression of the disease was blunted, and a decrease in prostate volume was noticed. It is also indicated that while taking the drug, sexual desire decreases. After discontinuation of treatment, the function resumed.

Patients note that drugs of the alpha-blocker group effectively relax muscle spasms, and urination is noticeably easier. The prescription of medications of this type is made taking into account the patient’s blood pressure readings.

Patients with low blood pressure should not take them. Products made on the basis of tamsulosin have proven themselves as drugs that do not cause a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Good results are demonstrated by the combined use of medications from these two groups. Together they act on the two main causes of deterioration in urinary excretion.

Prices for drugs

Approximate cost of medicines:

Drug name Number of capsules or tablets Cost, rub.
Omnic 10 From 390
Tamsulosin 30 450 ÷ 550
Focusin 30 456 ÷ 508
Ceftriaxone for injection 1 bottle 26.4
Finasteride 30 230
Diclofenac suppositories 10 62

How to cure the prostate using traditional methods

Herbal infusions and other folk recipes are often successfully used to alleviate the condition of adenoma.

Suitable folk medicines that cause effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • supplementing the diet with vitamins and minerals,
  • antispasmodic,
  • painkiller,
  • calming the nervous system,
  • decongestants.

Modern surgical techniques

Modern methods that are less traumatic have emerged as an alternative to open surgery to remove the prostate.

  • Transurethral resection is performed by inserting a resectoscope through the ureter. Monitoring of manipulations with the prostate is created. A loop-shaped instrument selects excess tissue that belongs to the adenoma. The cut parts of the adenoma enter the bladder. Using a special device, these shavings are removed from the organ.
  • Transurethral incision is a variant of endoscopic surgery. The manipulation is similar to the previous description and is performed using a resectoscope, but this involves not selecting the overgrown prostate tissue, but dissecting it at the point of contact with the bladder.


  • The Vitafon device creates microvibrations that, acting on tissues, fight congestion and relieve swelling. These effects are very beneficial for prostate adenoma, so treatment with the device is popular among patients. This method should not be used without consulting a specialist.
  • Electrical stimulator ESRV-01 - the nozzle is inserted into the rectum. Promotes the regulation of processes through the restoration of reflexes.
  • A device from Kirlena - the nozzle is inserted into the anus. The device acts on the prostate through the rectum. It is recommended to carry out daily procedures lasting half an hour for a month.


In the early stages of adenoma, massage is indicated. Accordingly, it is not recommended in the later stages of prostate adenoma development. The prostate is massaged using physiological capabilities to contact it.

  • The transrectal technique is performed using a method similar to palpation when making a diagnosis. The only goal is to stretch the prostate through the wall of the rectum in order to eliminate the possibility of congestion in it.
  • Another way is on bougie. The patient lies on his side with his legs bent. A bougie is injected through the ureter and massage movements are performed in the prostate for one and a half minutes. Both types of procedures can be used if there is a doctor’s recommendation.

Unconventional methods of treatment

Various methods are used to reduce adenoma or improve the quality of life with it:

  • Magnet treatment– acts anti-inflammatory and improves blood circulation.
  • Fasting– the body sharpens internal reserves. It is necessary to consult a specialist.
  • Ayurveda Methods– application of the laws of nature in all areas of life. The method has a harmonizing effect, improves the health of the body, and not a separate organ.
  • Yoga can help with adenoma, because special exercises will relieve the symptoms of stagnation, which is very useful for this disease.

Physical exercise

It is unacceptable to create conditions that promote stagnation in the prostate area. Therefore, it is useful to perform special exercises that improve blood circulation and load the body with feasible physical activities.

Exercises can be done while undergoing medication treatment. The complex should be discussed with your doctor. It can be composed of dynamic and static exercises.


Prostate adenoma responds well to the correct selection of nutrition. Presumably, prostate growth is associated with hormonal changes that occur in old age. The level of testosterone production can be somewhat regulated through diet.

The diet should also take into account factors when selecting a menu to prevent:

  • constipation,
  • obesity,
  • kidney problems.

You should limit your use:

  • animal fats,
  • red meat,
  • canned foods,
  • spicy, salty foods;
  • products containing harmful additives.

It is necessary to enrich the diet:

  • foods containing fiber
  • fruits and vegetables are shown,
  • products that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids,
  • and those that contain zinc, such as raw pumpkin seeds.

For adenoma of 1-2 degrees of development, there is no need for surgical treatment. It is possible to reduce the volume of benign formation and stop its development with the help of a course of drug therapy.

Medicines for the treatment of prostate adenoma in men are aimed at reducing the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, improving blood supply and restoring the basic functions of the genitourinary system.

Drug therapy for prostate adenoma

Drug treatment of prostate adenoma is included in the course of mandatory therapy when diagnosing the pathology at an early stage of development. Hyperplasia manifests itself in the rapid growth of prostate tissue, which leads to deterioration in the functioning of internal organs. Over time, problems with urination and potency are observed.

Inflammatory processes accompanying the pathology cause infection of the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys.

Honey medications prescribed for benign hyperplasia help cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. At an early stage, competent and adequate therapy helps to achieve sustainable remission. If a patient has been diagnosed with advanced prostate adenoma, the goal of the course of treatment is to reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Before deciding to prescribe drug therapy, the attending physician determines the main symptoms of the disease. Basically, the course of treatment comes down to prescribing medications aimed at combating the following symptoms:

  • Reducing the size of a benign prostate tumor.
  • Providing the male body with all nutrients and vitamins. A multivitamin complex and zinc supplements are required.
  • Improved blood supply.
  • Normalization of urine drainage.
  • Improved erectile function.
Depending on the factors that caused the development of hyperplasia, antibacterial drugs and antipyretics are prescribed. When determining the course of treatment, the presence of allergic reactions and the patient’s individual intolerance to the active components of the drugs are taken into account.

The pharmacological properties of some drugs are associated with inhibition of renal function, which can aggravate the condition of a patient with hyperplasia. The effect of some medications is neutralized by taking other medications. Only the attending physician can select the optimal course of treatment. Self-medication is dangerous!

Use of α-blockers - adrenergic blockers

The action of blocker medications is aimed at relaxing the bladder muscles, relieving spasms, which helps normalize urination. The drugs have proven themselves well in the initial stages of adenoma.

The effect of adrenergic blockers differs from the effect of conventional diuretics. The latter often irritate the bladder mucosa and cause inflammation.

  • Cardura
  • Gitrine
  • Uroxatral
  • Flomax
  • Doxazosin
  • Alfuzosin
  • Terazosin
  • Silodosin
  • Segetis
  • Cornam
  • Tamsulosin
  • Dalfaz
  • Flosin
  • Adenorm
  • Lokren
  • Focusin
  • Setazine
  • Magurol
  • Dalfaz Retard

The action of some of these medications is aggressive. If you experience discomfort or a burning sensation when urinating, you will need to change the drug or change the dose.

Taking 5-α reductase inhibitors

Inhibitors are the most promising drugs for the reason that they not only relieve symptoms, but also help reduce the volume of the prostate gland, belonging to the class of antitumor drugs. The only drawback is the need to take pills for a long time until the patient feels better. The course of therapy lasts at least six months.

The therapeutic effect of inhibitors is associated with the following effects:

  • The level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, the hormone responsible for the growth of prostate tissue, decreases.
  • Approximately 3 months after starting to take the drugs, the patient feels significant improvements in well-being, and the unpleasant symptoms of the disease decrease.
Despite the positive effect of treatment, long-term use of drugs leads to the development of side effects. The patient's erectile dysfunction worsens and potency decreases. Symptoms are temporary. After finishing taking the medications, potency and erectile function are completely restored and improved.

List of 5-α reductase inhibitor drugs:

  • Dutasteride
  • Alfinal
  • Proscar
  • Finasteride
  • Avodart
  • Penester
  • Zerlon
  • Finast

When choosing 5-α-reductase inhibitors as drug therapy, the patient must be prepared for long-term continuous treatment.

Androgens for BPH

Androgens are male sex hormones produced in the male body by the testicles. Once in the blood and tissues, steroids promote the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

With increased production of the hormone, increased proliferation of prostate tissue is observed.

The goal of drug therapy is to block the increased production of androgens. For this purpose, drugs of three groups are prescribed that interfere with synthesis at the level:

  • Testicles.
  • Prostate gland.
Steroidal antiandrogens are classified into a separate group. While taking hormonal therapy, there is a significant decrease in the volume of the prostate gland. Lack of medication, a large number of undesirable negative consequences and complications.

The use of non-hormonal antiandrogen drugs is not as effective, but helps reduce unpleasant symptoms.

The course of therapy includes the following drugs:

  • Methyltestosterone
  • Sutstanon
  • Testobromlecite

There are herbal analogues of antiandrogenic drugs that allow you to do without hormonal therapy.

Combination drugs for prostate hyperplasia

Combined medications for prostate adenoma, broad spectrum of action. The effect of taking the drugs is greater than with monotherapy. For this reason, combination drugs in the treatment of prostate adenoma are the most popular.

Often, the attending physician prescribes a complex of drugs, Sonorid Duo, which has proven itself well. The effect of the drug is as follows:

  • Removing the inflammatory process.
  • Stopping the growth of hyperplasia.
  • Reducing tumor volume.
  • Alleviation of the clinical picture and reduction of symptoms of the disease.
The modern medicine for prostate adenoma in men, Sonorid Duo, has its disadvantages and contraindications. Long-term use of Sonorid Duo is contraindicated in the following cases:
  • Kidney disorders. It is prohibited to prescribe the drug to patients diagnosed with renal failure or stone disease.
  • Hypertension.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Problems in the functioning of the bladder caused by pathogenic bacteria.
Taking complex medications leads to unwanted side effects: chronic headaches, fainting, allergic reactions, tachycardia and rhinitis. Analogues of Sonorid Duo: Epigalin, Flosin, Adenorm, Avodart and others.

Herbal remedies for prostate adenoma

Pharmacology for BPH is not limited to the use of exclusively synthetic drugs. Herbal preparations are widely used. List of effective herbal remedies:
  • Adenostop
  • Peponen
  • Prostagut Forte
  • Tykveol
  • Speman
  • Gentos
  • Afala
  • Prostabin
  • Permixon
  • Trianol
Herbal preparations for the treatment of BPH have virtually no side effects and have a mild effect on the tissue of the prostate gland and bladder. The effectiveness of the drugs is especially noticeable in the early stages of the disease, when primary signs of hyperplasia are detected.

The most effective medicine for prostate adenoma of plant origin, according to many experts, is Adenostop. The drug helps reduce tumor volume. Adenostop has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect and can be used in monotherapy.

How to avoid harm when taking medications

Experience with drug treatment shows that the best medicine is the drug prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account several factors:
  • Minimal side effects.
  • No contraindications for the patient.
  • Necessary therapeutic effect.
Qualified prescription of therapy helps to avoid many complications, especially with long-term use of the drug:
  • Allergy to components - individual intolerance to the active substance included in the drug, can cause anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and result in death.
  • The danger of using synthetic drugs - in fact, all drugs prescribed for BPH accumulate in the body and cause side effects. Some specialists continue to prescribe medications that were well proven in their time, but are obsolete in our time.
    If unpleasant symptoms appear: headache, problems with the kidneys and liver, you should change the course of therapy, asking the urologist to prescribe other modern medications for the treatment of prostate adenoma with the least side effects.
  • Long-term course of drug treatment - in order to achieve stable remission, medications will have to be taken for a long period. Before starting a course of therapy, you should find out about the likely consequences and prescribe adequate drug support for the body.
    If the drug negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is simultaneously recommended to take medications that protect the intestinal microflora, etc.

Before choosing a medication, it is a good idea to read the instructions for use and find out about possible disadvantages. Feedback on taking medications can provide additional information.

Prescribing a course of therapy is a joint task between the doctor and the patient. Do not be afraid to say that the prescribed drug is not suitable in order to find a safe analogue.

You can reduce the likelihood of negative consequences by carefully following the recommendations for use. Some of the advice will be given by a urologist, others are in the instructions for use.

Some Russian drugs are covered by the drug benefit program. You can get medications for free, or by paying a certain percentage of its full cost. As a rule, the program does not apply to foreign medicines.

Drug therapy effectively combats benign hyperplasia in the early stages, and is also prescribed in the preoperative period to reduce the volume of the prostate gland. Self-medication is dangerous and leads to complications!

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. This is a common condition that affects many men. At any pharmacy you can choose the necessary drug intended to treat this disease. But you should not take medications without first consulting a doctor. All medications vary in their effect on the body. Prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis should be treated according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

In what cases is drug treatment prescribed?

Many medications for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma are prescribed as primary therapy or as auxiliary components in the complex treatment of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specific symptoms of the disease and the general state of the patient’s immune system.

Main indications for drug treatment:

  • impossibility of surgical intervention;
  • re-development of the disease;
  • absence of kidney pathology.

It is important to remember that drug therapy is possible only in the earliest stages of the disease, when kidney function has not yet been impaired.

Main groups of drugs

Symptoms of prostate adenoma should never be ignored. The sooner treatment begins, the higher the chances of a full recovery. When the first signs of pain when urinating appear, you should immediately contact a urologist, who will prescribe all the necessary examinations to determine the cause of this condition.

Advanced chronic prostatitis can turn into a cancerous tumor. In this case, drug treatment will no longer help. Surgery will be required.

All medications used by doctors to treat chronic prostatitis are divided into 3 large groups:

  • Preparations with androgens. Androgens are the active ingredient in most medications for prostatitis. Increases detrusor tone, as a result of which the process of urination is normalized.
  • Preparations with progesterones. These are antiandrogens. Used for the treatment and pain relief of prostate adenoma. Experts recommend combining the use of such drugs with special prostate massage, electro- and phonophoresis.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are produced on the basis of medicinal herbs. They do not have a lasting positive effect in the treatment of adenoma, but have an excellent antiseptic effect. These preparations usually include herbs such as sage, chamomile, dill and nettle.

All these drugs can be used in complex drug treatment of prostate adenoma and during the postoperative recovery period.

The best medicines for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Only if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations is effective treatment possible without surgery.

To speed up recovery, medication should be combined with some physiotherapeutic procedures. For this purpose, prostate massage and electrophoresis are used.

Typically, medications for the treatment of prostatitis are produced in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • injections;
  • instillation.

Rectal suppositories

Suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis are considered the most effective remedy. They have a wide spectrum of action. In this case, the candles directly affect the affected area. Most commonly prescribed drugs:

  • Ichthyol candles. Helps improve microcirculation in the prostate gland. They have a good antiseptic and analgesic effect. They are often used in combination with tablets and electrophoresis. They have an unpleasant odor, but this does not have a negative effect on the skin. There are no contraindications to the use of such candles.
  • Suppositories with propolis. Used to relieve pain during urination. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are considered the most budget option among all known suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis. Often used for preventive purposes. Do not cause any adverse reactions.
  • "Prostatilen." Indomethacin-based suppositories. Relieves swelling and other signs of inflammation. In this case, the function of the prostate gland normalizes over time.
  • "Diclofenac". These suppositories are used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. However, this drug has a number of contraindications, so it is not suitable for all patients.

Before choosing suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis, you should definitely consult a doctor. Some drugs have contraindications and side effects, so they must be used with great caution.


All tablets for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma are divided into several groups. The necessary medicine is prescribed by a urologist. Self-medication in this case can only worsen the situation. For complex therapy, the following drugs are used:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. These include drugs such as Vitaprost and Cernilton. Prescribed mainly for the acute form of prostate adenoma to eliminate pain when urinating. The drugs promote a speedy recovery and prevent the acute form from becoming chronic.
  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed if the adenoma was caused by an infectious process, and when taking tests, bacteria were found that provoked the development of the disease. Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate antibiotic. The most famous drug is Amoxiclav.
  • From the group of cephalosporins, Levorin and Gentamicin are prescribed.
  • Antispasmodics. Designed to relax muscles. The drugs relieve spasms well and improve blood circulation. The most commonly prescribed drugs are No-shpu, Tamsulosin and Silodosin.
  • Alpha adrenergic blockers. They have a relaxing effect on muscle muscles. By reducing spasm, the process of urination is normalized. It must be remembered that drugs in this group significantly reduce blood pressure, so they are not suitable for all men. The most famous medications are Omnik, Focusin, Lokren and Adenorm.
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Medicines in this group prevent the development of the disease and help reduce the size of the adenoma. These drugs work by inhibiting the production of hormones that cause prostate hyperplasia. This drug treatment is quite effective and in most cases helps to avoid surgery. Symptoms of adenoma disappear after 3 months of such therapy. Medicines in this group are used in the treatment of large adenomas. The most famous drugs are Avodart, Prosteride and Finasteride TEVA.
  • Hormonal drugs. The use of certain hormonal drugs for the treatment of adenoma is necessary to regulate the processes of proliferation of the glandular epithelium of the prostate. In some cases, testosterone synthesis is also blocked, but it also happens that it is necessary to compensate for the lack of male hormones in the body. These medications are not suitable for everyone because they have many side effects. Hormones can also be prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories and injections. The dosage form is selected for each patient individually. The most commonly used drugs are Raveron, Prostatilen and Sustanon.
  • Homeopathic remedy Afala. The medicine is intended to improve the function of the genitourinary system. As a result of therapy, the symptoms of the disease and dysuric phenomena disappear. The drug is effective in the initial stages of development of prostate adenoma. Sometimes used to prevent complications. The dosage and duration of treatment should be determined only by the attending physician.

All these drugs are freely available. They can be bought at any pharmacy. But before starting treatment, you need to undergo an examination and consult with your doctor about the best combination of medications for the treatment of prostatitis or adenoma.


There are some remedies for the treatment of prostate adenoma in the form of injections. They significantly strengthen the immune system. The most famous drugs are Pyrogenal, Levamisole, Tactivin and Metiduracil. These drugs help stimulate tissue regeneration processes.

Injections are used for conservative treatment and prevention of the disease. They create additional protection for the prostate gland from pathogenic viruses. The dosage is determined only by the doctor, since unwanted side effects may occur.


The instillation method involves introducing the drug directly into the affected area.

This must be done in order to get rid of pathogenic bacteria as much as possible, which provoke further development of infection in the prostate gland and urethra. The drugs in this case are antiseptic drugs, Cycloferon and some ozonated solutions.

The procedure is performed only by a doctor. He selects a solution and inserts a catheter directly into the urethra. Next, manipulations are performed that help keep the solution inside. Such instillations continue for up to 3 months.

Herbal medicine in the fight against prostatitis

Complex treatment of prostatitis involves the use of certain herbal remedies. Among them are “Prostamol Uno” and “Likoprofit”. They consist of natural complexes that tend to accumulate in the tissues of the prostate gland. As a result of treatment, the symptoms of inflammation are eliminated and the body's protective functions are strengthened. Cells are protected from damage by harmful free radicals, which prevents the rapid growth of pathological tissues.

Urination is normalized and pain symptoms are reduced. The components of such products enhance the flow of incoming urine, and also improve the general well-being of people with prostatitis.

Treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis is a rather serious task. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, it is easier to cure a disease in the initial stages of its development than to treat chronic prostatitis with a large number of its complications.

Before choosing any drug for treatment, you should always consult your doctor. He will prescribe all the necessary examinations and help you choose the most correct treatment regimen. Only after passing all the tests and examination by a urologist can the necessary treatment regimen be prescribed. The doctor takes into account all the patient’s complaints, assesses his general condition, examines the prostate gland, and takes blood for analysis. Based on the results of the examination, complex drug therapy in combination with physiotherapy is prescribed.

There are many medications for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, but self-medication in this case is unacceptable. You cannot go to a pharmacy and choose a drug for yourself. Many medications have strict contraindications for use. Some of them can cause serious adverse reactions and worsen the situation. Therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of medication for prostatitis, prescribing dosage and determining the duration of treatment to an experienced doctor.

The disease, which affects most men in old age, significantly reduces their quality of life. Modern treatment is aimed at alleviating symptoms and reducing the volume of the organ. This can be achieved through drug treatment.

The disease is commonly called prostate adenoma. It refers to benign neoplasms and represents excessive growth of organ tissue with the subsequent formation of a tumor in it.

The prostate is located near the urethra, growing, it compresses it, which makes urination difficult. More often, the pathology occurs in the male population after 50 years. During this period, hormonal changes begin in the body, testosterone levels decrease.


Drug treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist, after a thorough diagnosis. Most often, drugs are used in the first stages of glandular adenoma, when urine is well excreted from the body.

Alpha-1 blockers

Drugs in this group are based on active ingredients that block special receptors located in the prostate area and the urinary tract. Medicines lower the pressure in the canal, reducing the pressure of urine. This makes urination easier.

Most commonly prescribed drugs:

    Alfuzosin. The medicine is used to reduce the functional symptoms of prostate pathology in cases where surgical intervention is not possible. The active substance blocks receptors, eliminates spasms, and reduces the tone of the muscles of the veins and arteries.

    Possible side effects in the form of headache, tinnitus, drowsiness, tachycardia, dry mouth, diarrhea, skin rashes, swelling. The drug is administered orally at a dose of 2.5 mg 2-3 times a day. Available in the form of film-coated tablets. The average price is 2000 rubles.

    Doxazosin. Prescribed for arterial hypertension, prostate adenoma. The active component blocks special receptors, reduces muscle tone, reduces the concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol in the plasma, reduces the tone of smooth muscle particles and resistance in the canal.

    Side effects include dizziness, general weakness, rhinitis, nausea, and chest pain. Patients with arterial hypertension sometimes complain of tachycardia, angina, and arrhythmia. Isolated cases of nosebleeds, increased appetite, constipation, and urinary incontinence were recorded.

    Use orally once a day, regardless of food intake. Dosage 2-4 mg. Available in tablets of 2 and 4 mg. The cost of 30 tablets of 4 mg is 250 rubles.

    Terazosin. Prescribed for arterial hypertension, prostate adenoma. The main substance blocks peripheral receptors, dilates arterioles and venules, and has a hypotensive effect. The drug helps normalize urine excretion.

    After the first dose of the drug, orthostatic hypotension may occur, so treatment should begin with a minimum dose of 1 mg. Other side effects may include drowsiness, blurred vision, nasal congestion, nausea, and decreased potency.

    Used internally before bedtime. The initial dose of 1 mg is gradually increased to 2-10 mg per day. The effect of therapy appears after 2 weeks, and is consolidated after 4-6 weeks. Available in tablets of 1, 2, 5, 10 mg. The cost of 20 tablets of 2 mg from Kornam is 290 rubles.

    Tamsulosin. Used for the treatment of dysuric disorders in benign prostate pathology. Blocks specific receptors without causing a decrease in blood pressure. Side effects often include dizziness, infrequently problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headache, ejaculation disorders, and rhinitis.

    Quite rarely, patients complain of fainting, swelling, dermatitis, and nosebleeds. It is administered orally after breakfast at a dosage of 0.4 mg once a day. The drug is swallowed whole. Available in capsules of 0.4 mg each. The cost of 30 capsules is on average 400 rubles.

    Adrenergic blockers quite quickly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but they are unable to stop the pathological process of prostate growth. The drugs are not used for severe forms of difficulty urinating or for frequent infections in the urinary system.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors

Medicines are prescribed by a specialist to slow down the tumor process in the gland. The active substance reduces the production of dihydrotestosterone. This hormone influences the stimulation of the growth of gland tissue.

Effective drugs:

    Dutasteride. The medicine is prescribed for organ adenoma both as monotherapy and as a combination method. Its main component inhibits the activity of substances responsible for converting the hormone into dihydrotestosterone. Side effects are quite rare; allergic reactions, swelling, loss of body hair, and depression are possible.

    The medicine is administered orally and does not depend on nutrition. The capsule is swallowed whole to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane. The dosage is one capsule per day.

    The patient may feel improvement quite quickly, but consolidation of the effect requires taking the drug for 6 months. One capsule contains 500 mcg of dutasteride. The cost of 30 capsules of a drug called Avodart is 1900 rubles.

    Finasteride. The drug is prescribed to reduce the size of the prostate with a benign tumor. This increases the rate of urine outflow. The active substance reduces the biosynthesis of dihydrotestosterone.

    Side effects include disorders of the reproductive system. The medicine is taken orally, one tablet per day. The minimum course of treatment is at least 6 months.

    Continuous use for 3 months will reduce the volume of the gland, after 4 months the rate of urine flow will increase, and 7 months after starting to take the drug, the general symptoms of the disease will decrease. The cost of 28 coated tablets of 5 mg each called Proscar is 650 rubles.

The drugs will show their effectiveness only after several months of use. In some cases, improvement occurs six months after the start of treatment. Medicines have proven themselves in the fight against large tumors.

Based on plant substances

Drugs in this group can be used as an auxiliary treatment. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. Then the course of treatment will go in the right direction.

Popular drugs:

    Speman. Consists of a combination of substances of plant origin. It is designed for the symptomatic treatment of glandular adenoma and improvement of sperm motility. Side effects are associated with individual intolerance. Allergic reactions are possible.

    The dosage is 2 tablets three times a day. Speman's intake is gradually reduced. The course of treatment is described in more detail in the instructions for a long period.

    The tablet contains such plant components as jatryshkin tubers, seeds of astercanthus, lettuce, velvet beans, suvarnavang, argyrea roots, tribulus fruits, leptadenia stems, parmelia thallus. The average cost of a package of 100 tablets is 270 rubles.

    Gentos. The drug is used to relieve the symptoms of prostate diseases and bladder diseases. An acceptable side effect is increased salivation. If other symptoms occur, immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary. For the treatment of prostate adenoma, the dosage is 1 tablet or 10 drops three times a day.

    Duration of therapy is 3 months. After this, the dosage is reduced to a tablet 1-2 times a day, depending on the patient’s feelings. Gentos should be taken between meals. The drops or tablet should dissolve in the mouth on their own.

    The main substances are Canadian aspen, sabal, spotted hemlock, potassium iodide, iron picrate. The cost of 40 tablets is 550 rubles.

    Afala. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of urological diseases, including adenoma in the first stages of development. Active substances reduce inflammation and swelling of the prostate, normalize the condition of the gland, and reduce the volume of residual urine.

    If the rules of administration and dosage were followed, no side effects were observed. The drug is taken twice a day - after sleep and before bed. Two tablets are dissolved per dose.

    You should not take liquid or food while the drug is in your mouth. The course of treatment is 16 weeks. If recommended by a doctor, the course of therapy can be repeated after 1-4 months. The average cost of 100 tablets is 350 rubles.

Prostate massage will help supplement treatment with herbal medications. Drug therapy has its side effects, but they are more gentle compared to surgery. Therefore, most men prefer drug treatment.


If the patient has a gland blocked at the neck of the bladder, alpha blockers help. When the prostate is severely enlarged, inhibitors are most often prescribed.

A combination of the considered drugs from different groups is possible. The effect of this course of therapy is more noticeable.

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