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Eco Inform is a news agency. Why does a sweet taste appear in the mouth and what does it mean? If the sweet tastes too sweet

After eating sweet foods, a sweet taste remains in the mouth. And this is natural. But if such a taste appears for no apparent reason when eating regular food, constantly causing unpleasant taste sensations and general discomfort, it is impossible to do without finding out the reasons and subsequent treatment.


Eating sweets is not always the cause of a sweet taste in the mouth. This taste can also appear among lovers of spicy and salty foods. This is primarily a signal from the human body about a disturbance in carbohydrate metabolism. Diagnosis of such a disorder must be carried out in medical institutions.

The following factors can cause a feeling of sweetness in the mouth:

  • Binge eating, consumption of large quantities of meat and flour products.
  • Neurological disorders the central part of the nervous system, when a person is under constant tension without proper rest or has experienced severe stress.
  • Pesticide poisoning, which causes a flash of “sweet” attack in the mouth.
  • Man quit smoking, accordingly, the taste buds resume their work, the taste lasts longer and seems stronger than usual.
  • Pregnancy, since hormonal changes and restructuring occur in the body.

Excessive consumption of sweets, which cause a sweet taste in the mouth, is a common occurrence and should not raise suspicion. The body’s signal about some kind of malfunction or illness is a systematic feeling of sweetness in the mouth for no obvious reason.

Sweetness in the mouth can be a precursor to the following diseases:
  • Disorders in the digestive system, for example, gastritis or stomach ulcers. Gastric juice with high acidity enters the esophagus and oral cavity. This causes a disturbance in the sense of taste. At the same time, there is a sweet taste in the mouth, night sweats increase, and there may be belching and heartburn attacks.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses, tonsils. The causative agent of nasal diseases is a bacterium. The danger is that it is well adapted to the human internal environment. Infection with this bacterium contributes to the formation of pus in the sinuses, causes chest pain, makes breathing difficult, and leads to a feeling of sweetness in the mouth.
  • . Problems with the normal functioning of the pancreas lead to a decrease in insulin levels and the development of diabetes. Dry mouth, constant thirst, and sudden changes in weight may occur.
  • Development of caries,. Pathogenic microorganisms in diseases of the teeth and gums cause a sweet taste in the mouth, which can only be eliminated by eliminating dental problems.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. A person experiences thirst and hunger with normal nutrition. Without examination and treatment, diabetes may develop.
  • Obesity, which is a consequence of overeating. It is necessary to strictly adhere to food restrictions. Following a diet will reduce the sensation of a sweet taste in your mouth.

Sweet taste and nausea

It is not uncommon for a sweet taste to accompany nausea. A periodically appearing nauseating taste in the mouth is not the most pleasant feeling.

The combination of these two symptoms, causing discomfort in the oral cavity, is a reason to contact a medical institution for qualified advice to prevent more serious consequences.

Such signs indicate a disease or dysfunction of certain organs and systems. The reasons may be:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver and pancreas;
  • improper metabolism;
  • stomach diseases;
  • nervous tension;
  • sudden cessation of smoking;
  • binge eating.

Sweet taste after meals and in the morning

The appearance of a sweet taste in the mouth after eating causes anxiety in a person, because then the real taste of food is not felt. This is a signal from the body about a change in the functioning of the pancreas and the possible development of an inflammatory process.

Inflammatory processes both in the pancreas and in the gastrointestinal tract, the formation of purulent accumulations in the oral cavity cause a sweet taste after sleep. A healthy person does not feel any taste after sleep. To eliminate such a symptom and find out the cause, immediately consult a doctor, as this is a sign of a violation of the digestive function of the body. Delay in consulting a specialist leads to irreversible consequences in the future.

Poor health of teeth and gums give a similar reaction to the body. After the first such signs appear, you need to visit the dentist.

Sweet taste during pregnancy

When a new life develops in a woman’s body, this is not always accompanied by pleasant sensations. A change in a woman’s hormonal state leads to numerous unusual and unpleasant sensations in her body. Many women experience an unusual sweet taste. The reasons for this condition of a pregnant woman may be the following factors:

  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • restructuring of a woman’s body when carrying a child;
  • deviation from the metabolic order developed by the woman’s body;
  • exacerbation of oral diseases;
  • disease of the female digestive system.
Before visiting a doctor, a pregnant woman is advised to:
  • reduce sweets in your diet as much as possible;
  • moderately increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits to compensate for missing vitamins;
  • reduce the consumption of fatty foods to a minimum;
  • reduce consumption of foods high in starch;
  • increase non-burdensome physical activity to improve blood supply to internal organs - walking at a moderate pace in the fresh air, light gymnastics.
If the sweetness in the mouth of a pregnant woman does not go away on its own, a comprehensive examination in the clinic will help in establishing the true cause of this pathology.

Who should I contact?

The frequent occurrence of a sweet taste in the mouth is a reason to visit a doctor. Depending on the symptoms that appear, it is necessary to obtain qualified advice from a professional:
  • gastroenterologist for problems of the digestive organs;
  • nutritionist for obesity;
  • a therapist to diagnose the disease;
  • dentist for diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, gums;
  • neurologist for diseases of the nervous system;
  • endocrinologist for metabolic disorders;
  • ENT for diseases of the ear, nose and throat;
  • gynecologist during pregnancy.


If a feeling of sweetness appears in the oral cavity, it is recommended to:
  • analysis of the pancreas;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood sugar test;
  • check the metabolism in the human body;
  • fluorography;
  • radiography.

How to treat?

Each disease has its own distinctive symptoms. Only after a complete diagnosis of the body, based on tests and research, is a diagnosis established and treatment chosen.

Uniting in therapy gastrointestinal diseases– rational nutrition, adherence to specific diets. By selecting a diet for each type of disease, they achieve a decrease in blood sugar levels and adjust the functioning of the digestive system. Treatment of the disease leads to a decrease in the sweet taste in the mouth.

Correct habits developed by following the recommended diet can relieve not only the sweet taste in the mouth, but also many other problems.

Malfunctions in all nervous system as a result of fatigue, physical and moral overload, they disrupt the functioning of that part of the nervous system that is responsible for the sense of touch and taste. This causes a long-lasting sweet taste in the mouth. A proper rest makes it possible to restore the functioning of a person’s nervous system and get rid of the “sweet” symptom.

Drug treatment

After various studies on the factors that cause a sweet taste in the mouth, the doctor prescribes treatment to eliminate the causes of this unpleasant symptom. There are no medications that eliminate the sweet taste itself. To get rid of it, you need to get rid of the disease that provoked it:
  • in case of problems in gastrointestinal tract can be used as antibiotics(Doxycycline, Metronidazole, Amoxicillin), and antacids(Almagel, Almagel-A, Maalox);
  • for organ disease endocrine system- row ADH drugs(Pitressin, Desmopressin, Disipidine, Lipressin, Syntopressin);
  • in case of illness teeth and gums apply antibiotics (Metronidazole, Lincomycin, Clindamycin) and anti-inflammatory drugs(gels Asepta, Kholisal, Kamistad);
  • for inflammation of the nasal sinuses, medications are prescribed local exposure, both in drop and aerosol form, for the treatment of tonsils - antibiotics(Sanorin, Streptomycin, Furacilin).

Simultaneous use of a large number of medications increases the risk of complications.

Traditional medicine

The use of medicinal plants is widely used in folk medicine. To overcome various diseases and ailments, decoctions, infusions, teas, ointments, and inhalations are used both at the stage of a developing disease and for chronic diseases.

The unpleasant taste itself will help remove stomach tea. It contains the following herbs:

If a sweet taste appears in the mouth regardless of food intake, then the reason for this condition is a change in carbohydrate metabolism. When the body's production of insulin is disrupted, blood glucose levels rise, resulting in changes in taste sensations.

A regularly appearing sweet taste in the mouth is a symptom of pathological changes in the body, indicating diseases of the endocrine system or digestive organs.

Causes of taste disorder

The sweet taste in the mouth may come and go or be experienced regularly. It can be caused by an upset stomach and the onset of serious illnesses:

  • Increased activity in the body of opportunistic flora - Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacterium produces exotoxins in the active phase and endotoxins after the end of its life cycle. They cause pathological changes in the body, destroy white blood cells and red blood cells, disrupt the functioning of the urinary system, liver and intestines, and under their influence the taste in the mouth changes.
  • A sweet taste in the mouth may be a symptom of gastroreflux disease. The contents of the stomach spill into the esophagus, the disease is accompanied by chest pain and changes in taste sensations.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. Most often, nerve conduction disturbances occur after complications of a viral infection. Impulse conduction is disrupted, and the functioning of taste buds is disrupted.
  • Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system cause diabetes. During this disease, the processing of carbohydrates into energy is disrupted, blood glucose levels rise, and a sweet taste appears in the mouth.

Both diabetes and indigestion - all these disorders are the result of a disorder of the pancreas. It is this organ that is responsible for the production of insulin, a peptide hormone that contains amino acids.

Pathology of the pancreas indicates the development of pancreatitis.

Information about pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a group of syndromes associated with inflammation of the pancreas.

In addition to changing the taste in the mouth, it causes the following symptoms:

  • pain that can be localized in the pit of the stomach or have a girdling nature;
  • belching, nausea, vomiting, the appearance of which is not associated with meals;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • disturbance of taste sensations.

The mucous membrane in the mouth becomes inflamed and stomatitis appears. Those suffering from the disease change their skin color and obstructive jaundice may occur.

What to do if the sweet taste in your mouth does not go away

If a sweet taste in your mouth appears regularly, especially in the morning, on an empty stomach, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The body often signals to us about the changes that are occurring in it. However, it is not always possible to understand what exactly this or that symptom indicates. This is not surprising, because sometimes the signs of a pathological process are in no way related to pain or fever, as in many diseases. You need to listen to any changes - the occurrence of unusual sensations should also alert you, for example, the appearance of a sweet taste in the mouth.

Reasons for appearance

A sweet taste in the mouth may appear if the diet is dominated by foods with a high concentration of glucose. This is natural, and to eliminate the sensation it is enough to reduce your consumption of sweets. However, if the taste has nothing to do with excessive consumption of candy, you should definitely visit a doctor and get examined, and not try to make a diagnosis based on answers on the forum. The taste in the mouth can be sweet and sour or bittersweet. Bitterness may indicate liver disease.

Experts often say about sweets that they appeared as a result of:

  • Overeating;
  • Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Dental problems;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract of an inflammatory nature;
  • Conditions associated with disruption of the nervous system;
  • Chronic stress;
  • To give up smoking.

Binge eating

Even if you prefer savory foods, but do not limit yourself in their consumption, the body receives more calories every day than it can digest. As a result of disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism, a decrease in insulin production may occur, which will not be enough to process all available glucose. Unprocessed ones will accumulate in the blood and enter saliva, which is why a sweet taste will be felt in the mouth. Overeating causes digestive disorders, which are accompanied by heaviness in the stomach and shortness of breath.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The appearance of a sweet taste, accompanied by nausea, may indicate various gastrointestinal diseases. If you eat improperly, an additional symptom may be the formation of a gray coating on the tongue.

Gastritis and ulcers, in which there is increased acidity of gastric juice, can also be a cause. The contents of the stomach, entering the esophagus and then into the oral cavity, lead to the appearance of a sweetish taste. Such disorders are often accompanied by belching and painful sensations in the upper chest.

A taste that appears along with pain in the stomach after waking up may indicate a pathology of the pancreas: a decrease in the number of cells producing insulin, leading to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, is observed in chronic pancreas.

Dental problems

A strange taste in the mouth also indicates various pathological processes in the teeth. This occurs due to the proliferation of bacteria or due to the production of pus. Common causes include caries, periodontitis, and stomatitis.

Thyroid diseases

If you regularly experience a sweetish taste in your mouth, it is recommended to promptly take a blood sugar test. This is especially important for older people who are overweight and have metabolic disorders. A feeling of sweetness in the mouth may indicate development. Additionally, the clinical picture includes: dry mouth, constant thirst, itching, sudden changes in body weight (both weight loss and weight gain), hyperhidrosis. The person becomes lethargic and experiences frequent mood swings.

Inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract

The formation of pus in the sinuses, in the area of ​​the tonsils, in the alveoli can also be manifested by the appearance of a sweetish, unpleasant taste in the mouth. It occurs due to the proliferation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which leads to severe infectious diseases.

Pathologies of the nervous system

A malfunction of the central nervous system, as well as the peripheral nerves that regulate the functioning of taste buds, can lead to various changes in sensations: from incorrect perception and the appearance of a taste uncharacteristic of the food consumed, to the complete disappearance of taste. This means that both sweet and bitter tastes may appear.

Damage to the nerve that regulates taste can be caused by a viral infection. To identify it, you need to take a blood test. If an infection is detected, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to eliminate it.

Prolonged stress conditions

There is also a connection with nervous disorders leading to disturbances in taste perception.

Important! Prolonged overexertion, accompanied by the release of stress hormones into the blood, causes a malfunction of the nervous system.

As a rule, after severe stress, taste disturbances disappear within a few days on their own. The symptoms are similar to those discussed above: inadequate perception of taste may develop or the ability to distinguish taste may completely disappear. To get rid of the sweetish taste in this case, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. You can do this and get rid of other symptoms of overwork by seeking advice from.

Quitting nicotine

A sweetish taste in the mouth is often noted by people who have smoked for a long period of time and then decide to give up the habit. The occurrence of this sensation is due to the fact that taste buds work differently in people who smoke. If they are not very sensitive in a person who smokes, then after the person quits the addiction, they become much more susceptible.

Also, a sweetish taste can appear due to pesticide poisoning.

A sweet taste in the mouth during pregnancy may be associated with the development of gestational diabetes. Possible causes and triggering factors include:

  • Late pregnancy;
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • Excess body weight of a woman;
  • Large fruit;
  • Polyhydramnios;
  • Pathological processes during previous pregnancies.

As a rule, after childbirth, all indicators return to normal, but treatment begins in any case as soon as a deviation from the norm is detected.

The following dangerous consequences are possible with gestational diabetes:

  • Disruption of the urinary system, which leads to edema;
  • Arterial growth;
  • Deterioration of blood circulation, including cerebral circulation;
  • Late .

How to treat?

It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. If they are absent, and only a sweet taste in the mouth bothers you, then with a high degree of probability the problem lies in poor nutrition and nervous strain. If additional symptoms are present, a thorough diagnosis is necessary.

Important! You should consult a therapist or dentist for advice.

It is also mandatory to take a blood test for sugar and this will make it possible to assess the condition of the pancreas and evaluate the metabolism in the body.

In addition to laboratory tests, instrumental diagnostics are also carried out: FGS, ultrasound, radiography.

Pathological processes affecting the stomach may require serious treatment. To treat an ulcer, diet alone will not be enough. Additionally, medications must be administered. In cases where the ulcer is caused by increased bacterial activity, in addition to healing and anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial drugs are also prescribed.

The changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman also affect the condition of the baby, so measures must be taken immediately. To avoid hospital treatment, at the initial stage, exclude all sweets and fatty foods and moderately increase physical activity.

It is mandatory to take a blood test for sugar and this will make it possible to assess the condition of the pancreas and evaluate the metabolism in the body

In cases where the causes of a sweet taste in the mouth are not related to the general condition of the body, experts recommend the following actions to eliminate the taste:

  • Changing your diet. You should reduce the amount of foods high in sugar, give up soda and processed foods. Thanks to this, it will be possible to reduce blood glucose levels and reduce the load on the digestive system.
  • Maintain oral hygiene. It is advisable to rinse your teeth after every meal and visit the dentist regularly to prevent the development of caries and other dental diseases.

We usually associate a sweet taste in the mouth with something pleasant - candy, chocolate or a bun with jam, but what should we do if such a taste in the mouth occurs constantly and is in no way related to food intake? A sweet taste can not only “spoil” the taste of your favorite dishes, but also signal serious health problems, for example, an increase in blood sugar levels or the development of a purulent infection in the body.

Causes of a sweet taste in the mouth

If your diet contains a lot of high-calorie, glucose-containing foods, you shouldn’t be surprised at the sweet taste that “settles” in your mouth. It is enough to reduce the amount of sweets you eat and the taste will gradually disappear. But if you are not a fan of sweets, and a cloying taste regularly appears after eating, in the morning on an empty stomach, or is present constantly, you cannot do without a comprehensive examination and treatment.

A sweet taste in the mouth can occur due to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, a disruption in the functioning of taste buds, or the presence of a purulent-inflammatory process in the body.

The most common causes of a sweet taste in the mouth:

  • Binge eating– even if your diet is dominated not by sweets, but by “heavy” meat or flour dishes, the amount of carbohydrates you receive daily greatly exceeds the recommended amount and can cause a sweetish taste in your mouth. Overeating is characterized by digestive problems, heaviness in the stomach and shortness of breath that occurs after eating, excess weight and decreased mobility.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract- gastritis and ulcers with high acidity, in which the acidic contents of the stomach enter the esophagus and oral cavity, can cause a sweet taste in the mouth, usually such diseases are accompanied by heartburn, pain in the upper chest and belching. If a sweet taste in the mouth appears only after sleep and is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the stomach, it is necessary to exclude pathology of the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis causes a decrease in the number of cells that produce insulin, and the concentration of glucose in the blood increases, even if the patient's diet remains the same.
  • Dental diseases– periodontitis, caries, stomatitis and other pathologies of the teeth and gums can also cause a sweetish taste in the mouth; an unpleasant taste appears due to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity or the development of a purulent process.
  • Endocrine diseases– if a sweet taste has settled in your mouth and it is impossible to get rid of it, you need to urgently check your blood for sugar. Unfortunately, most older people suffering from excess weight, metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition to the sweet taste, with developing diabetes mellitus, the patient is worried about increased thirst, itchy skin, weight loss or unexpected weight gain, weakness, sweating, and sudden changes in mood.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract- if pus accumulates in the nasal sinuses, in the lacunae of the tonsils or in the alveoli, the patient may develop a cloying, very unpleasant taste in the mouth. The cause of its appearance is most often colonies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a rather dangerous microorganism that causes severe infectious diseases.
  • Neurological disorders– pathologies of the central nervous system or peripheral nerves “responsible” for the taste buds on the tongue can cause the complete disappearance of taste sensations, their distortion or the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth - sweet, bitter or sour.
  • Chronic stress– constant nervous overstrain, the release of stress hormones into the blood and lack of proper rest, even for a short period of time, can cause a nervous disorder in a person, one of the symptoms of which will be a violation of taste perception. Tired of living in constant tension, a person may lose the taste of food, not experience pleasure even from his favorite dishes, or suffer from a constant sweet, bitter or sour taste in the mouth. Moreover, you can get rid of the unpleasant taste only together with other symptoms of nervous fatigue - after proper rest or treatment by a neurologist.
  • To give up smoking– experienced smokers who decide to get rid of a bad habit may also encounter a problem such as a sweet taste in the mouth. Its presence is explained by the fact that a smoker’s taste buds work several times worse than those of people who do not abuse nicotine. After quitting smoking, taste buds become much more receptive and the sweet taste can remain in the mouth much longer and be felt much stronger.

What to do

If a sweet taste in the mouth is the only problem that bothers you, most likely it is caused by poor diet or chronic fatigue. But if a sweetish taste is just one of many unpleasant symptoms, you cannot do without serious examination and treatment, since the cause of this condition can be diabetes mellitus and severe diseases of the digestive system.

If you are often bothered by a sweet taste in your mouth, you should:

  • visit a therapist and get examined;
  • take a blood test for sugar and a biochemical blood test, which allows you to assess the condition of the pancreas and metabolism in the body;
  • visit the dentist and rule out oral diseases;
  • visit an endocrinologist.

In case of full physical health and a disturbing sweet taste, we can recommend:

  • change your diet - reducing foods containing a lot of carbohydrates, carbonated drinks and processed foods will be useful for any disease and for any condition of the body, this will help reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood and “unload” the digestive system;
  • maintain oral hygiene - if you rinse your mouth after every meal and brush your teeth for at least 5 minutes 2 times a day, this will help not only get rid of bad breath, but also the unpleasant taste;
  • rest more and use relaxation techniques - full sleep, walks in the fresh air and any relaxation method that suits you - from breathing exercises and yoga to listening to your favorite music and watching a good movie, will help reduce stress and restore the body without the use of medications;
  • mouth rinses - you can quickly get rid of any unpleasant taste by rinsing your mouth with infusion of chamomile, sage or soda-salt solution;
  • Eating citrus fruits and seasonings more often - a slice of lemon, grapefruit or orange will help refresh the mouth and get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste. Cinnamon sticks, coffee beans or mint leaves have a more long-lasting effect.

A sweet taste in the mouth can occur for various reasons. If it is caused by recent consumption of any sweets (sweets, chocolate, cakes, etc.), then this is normal. Otherwise, this will most likely indicate the presence of some kind of disorder in the body, a disease that occurs in a latent form.

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ICD-10 code

R43 Impaired sense of smell and taste

Causes of sweet taste in mouth

The cause of a sweet taste can be a wide variety of disorders, including:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases: due to digestive disorders, a constant feeling of sweetness occurs in the mouth. Most often, people with GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease face this problem. This disorder provokes the movement of gastric hydrochloric acid upward, as a result of which it penetrates the esophagus. As a result, a disturbance in the sense of taste occurs, and pain in the chest is also observed;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common causative agent of various diseases, including nasal diseases. Under the influence of these bacteria, the sense of taste is disrupted and the functioning of the receptors is disrupted. As a result of this infection in the nose, congestion, chest pain, and breathing problems occur - as a result, a disorder of the taste buds occurs;
  • a sweet taste may occur as a result of quitting smoking;
  • intoxication with chemicals (such as phosgene or pesticides);
  • liver pathologies or problems with the functioning of the pancreas;
  • metabolic disorders (including carbohydrates) resulting from excessive consumption of sweets;
  • stress and nervous overstrain, diseases of the trigeminal and facial nerves - in case of such disorders, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination by a neurologist;
  • diabetes mellitus, in which a sweet taste is felt due to a lack of insulin;
  • dental diseases.

Symptoms of a sweet taste in the mouth

Typically, a sweet taste occurs due to a metabolic disorder that develops due to poor nutrition - for example, in the case of overeating. When this symptom appears, other signs of a disorder also appear that can be tracked independently - you need to carefully examine the tongue. If there is a plaque on it, the color of which changes from gray to darker shades, it is likely that the problem is a violation of the diet. This examination should be carried out in the morning, immediately after sleep.

Sweet sour taste in mouth

A sweet-sour taste in the mouth may be a sign of impaired glucose tolerance, prediabetes, or diabetes mellitus. In addition, the following symptoms are observed with this disease:

  • Frequent urination, persistent feeling of thirst, as well as copious urine output;
  • Constant feeling of hunger; in addition, the patient may suffer from obesity or rapidly lose weight;
  • A general feeling of weakness, visual disturbances (the appearance of the so-called “veil before the eyes”);
  • Problems with blood circulation - tingling in the lower extremities, numbness.

It should be noted that in some cases, the development of diabetes occurs asymptomatically, manifesting itself only by a feeling of sweetness in the mouth.

Sweet taste in mouth in the morning

The most common cause of sweetness in the mouth in the morning is a violation of digestive function, as well as pancreatitis. In addition, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest. Since the endocrine part of the pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin, if its functions are disrupted, the production of this hormone decreases or completely stops. As a result, the process of breaking down glucose stops, which leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. Also, due to reflux, the sweet taste in the mouth is complemented by a sour taste with an unpleasant taste.

Dry mouth along with a sweet taste is usually a sign that a person has developed pancreatitis. A bitter sweet taste in the mouth

The bitter-sweet taste that appears in the mouth is usually a symptom of the development of pathology of one of the internal organs - the intestines, pancreas or stomach, as well as the liver and biliary tract (dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder, acute or chronic cholecystitis).

Sweet taste in mouth and nausea

A feeling of nausea along with a sweet taste can be a symptom of many different diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the problem is poor nutrition, an additional symptom is the presence of a grayish coating on the tongue. If nausea and sweetness in the mouth arise as a result of stress, then this symptom disappears on its own after about 3 days.

If this problem persists for more than 4-5 days, you should consult a gastroenterologist, as this may be a sign of a serious illness.

Sweet taste in mouth during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a lot in a woman’s body changes, and taste sensations are no exception, since the functions of many body systems undergo functional restructuring or some organic pathologies develop. Typically, a sweet taste in the mouth during pregnancy is a sign of the development of gestational diabetes. Since the pancreas is not able to cope with the load, the level of sugar in the urine, blood, and saliva increases, which leads to the appearance of sweetness in the oral cavity. Gestational diabetes may be caused by the following factors:

  • pregnancy at a late age;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • the pregnant woman is overweight;
  • malformations were observed in previous pregnancies;
  • the fruit is too large;
  • pancreatitis or polyhydramnios.

Complications and consequences

If the cause of the sweet taste is a disease of the internal organs, then without appropriate treatment it can develop into a chronic form. Often this symptom becomes a harbinger of the development of diabetes mellitus.

Pregnant women may experience gestational diabetes, which also has its own complications:

  • Problems with the function of the urinary system, resulting in swelling;
  • Blood pressure increases;
  • Cerebral blood flow is impaired;
  • Late toxicosis develops.

Diagnosis of sweet taste in the mouth

If you constantly feel a sweet taste in your mouth, you should consult an endocrinologist as soon as possible, who will conduct an examination and find out the accompanying symptoms in order to diagnose the cause of the unpleasant taste.

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To make a correct diagnosis, laboratory tests are required: a blood test for sugar levels, as well as a biochemical analysis, which makes it possible to determine the state of the pancreas, and in addition makes it possible to assess the state of metabolism in the body.