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Eye drops for dogs. Drops for cats and dogs “diamond eyes” - features of use, contraindications and reviews What drops can be given to a dog

A dog’s eyes are not only a mirror of a devoted soul, but also the most important indicator of a four-legged dog’s health. Are your dog's eyes watering or, worse, festering? Has your pet's vision started to fail? Or maybe she just needs to be “washed”? Eye drops will help us.

The modern pharmacological industry produces products of this kind - caring and therapeutic - in such an assortment that it’s easy to get confused. What types of eye drops are there for dogs? In what cases are one or the other useful?


What types of eye drops are there?

Depending on the indications, the following main types of eye drops are distinguished:

  • moisturizing effect (so-called artificial tears);
  • antiallergic action;
  • antibacterial action;
  • antiviral action;
  • antifungal action;
  • anti-inflammatory action (hormonal and non-hormonal);
  • against glaucoma;
  • against cataracts.

When choosing a product to help your dog’s eyes, be sure to remember the following:

  1. Despite the similarities between canine and human eye diseases, not all human eye drops are suitable for dogs. To avoid tragic mistakes, use only special drops for dogs when putting eye drops on your pet.
  2. It is absolutely clear that if cataracts, glaucoma and other serious diseases are suspected, the drops should be prescribed by a veterinarian. Neither the advice of friends, nor the advice of pet store sellers can be more authoritative than the recommendations of a specialist. Moreover, in case of a serious eye disease, the “mirror of the soul” cannot be cured with drops alone.
  3. It happens that on the packaging you see the faces of animals, and the bottle with the medicine is just a classic form of eye drops. Like, say, bubbles of Tobrex, Iris or Diamond drops.

This doesn't mean you're holding eye drops for dogs. Look at the picture below: here is an example of drops that are not put in the eyes! After all, these are eye drops (or lotion).

Literally translated, the inscription on the package reads: “stain remover for tears.” It is used in combination with other hygiene products for the care of the eyes of cats and dogs. The product is needed to remove various types of dirt and stains around (!) the eye area.

Description of eye products for four-legged friends

In a word, “rely on the veterinarian”... Absolutely right, the owner himself should have information (at least general) about the most popular eye drops for dogs. Diamond drops and Tobrex, Optimune and Iris - in what cases is each of these remedies used? Are these analogues or are they drugs with different effects? Let's figure it out.


What is good for a person is not always suitable for a dog. But Tobrex is a “human” medicine that, unlike, for example, albucid, which can cause severe allergies, can be administered to dogs.

Tobrex is a strong antibacterial drug. The spectrum of action of Tobrex covers Escherichia coli, diphtheria microbes, streptococci, staphylococci. It is used in the treatment of diseases in dogs such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc.

The advantages of Tobrex drops include high effectiveness and complete safety of the drug: the drops do not cause allergies. The downside is that this medicine is not cheap. One of the analogues of Tobrex is tobrin.

Diamond eyes

But “Diamond Eyes” are drops created specifically for four-legged animals. They are used for the symptomatic treatment of diseases accompanied by swelling of the eyes and eyelids, lacrimation, local irritation, itching, and redness.

By relieving allergic reactions, “Diamond Eyes” also have a preventive effect, acting as a barrier to various types of infections. The drug also prevents the development of unwanted degenerative age-related changes in the cornea and retina.

Diamond drops are suitable for daily use. The taurine, succinic acid and antiseptic chlordixin included in the composition make Diamond Eyes a suitable remedy for removing dried crusts that form in the corners of a dog’s eyes.

It should be remembered that “Diamond Eyes” is not a potent remedy and can only cure an unadvanced form of conjunctivitis.


Like Diamond Eyes, Iris is a veterinary drug. The active ingredient in Iris eye drops has an antibacterial effect for diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva.

The drug Iris is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of such eye diseases in four-legged pets as:

  • iridocyclitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • conjunctivitis, etc.

The drug is prescribed for eye injuries. Iris also helps in curing dogs from septic corneal ulcers.

Iris is often used to wash the eyes before instilling the same drops. This is done in order to remove accumulated suppuration, which becomes an obstacle to the penetration of the medicine.


If a dog's disease is autoimmune in nature and is accompanied by dry eye mucosa, it is possible that an ophthalmologist veterinarian will recommend Optimun for your pet.

Although the more well-known form of release of this drug is ointment, it is also produced in drops. When choosing between instilling the drug and applying an ointment, we use the treatment method that is better tolerated by your dog. You can learn how to apply eye drops to four-legged pets in this video.

A contraindication for the use of Optimun is fungal diseases of the dog's eyes. The drug is quite expensive, so its cheaper analogue, Tsepravin, is often used.

And others

Some other drips used for dog eye hygiene and treatment:

Name of dropsDiseases for which the drug is used
  • conjunctivitis
  • rhinitis
  • blepharitis
  • keratitis
  • keratoconjunctivitis
  • conjunctivitis
  • allergic conjunctivitis
  • blepharitis
  • keratitis
  • bacterial diseases
  • conjunctivitis
  • eye cleansing with antifungal and antibacterial effects
  • infectious diseases
  • conjunctivitis
  • prevention of the development of infectious eye diseases after injuries
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When carrying out treatment or hygiene procedures, you need to remember the following:

  1. If the dog is healthy, it is not necessary to wash its eyes with “pharmaceutical” products. This can be done simply with boiled water or herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, etc.).
  2. If the rules require storing the drug in the refrigerator, warm it to room temperature before instillation by simply holding it in your hand.
  3. Do not use tea for eye hygiene - neither green nor black. This remedy, contrary to popular belief, may not help but harm the pet by drying out the mucous membrane of the eyes.

If you notice that your pet's eyes are abnormal, contact your veterinarian. Remember: some dog eye diseases can be transmitted to humans!

Video " Dog eye care"

Note to novice dog breeders: the Pro Animals channel has prepared video recommendations on how to care for the eyes of four-legged pets.

A dog’s eyes are not only a mirror of a devoted soul, but also the most important indicator of a four-legged dog’s health. Are your dog's eyes watering or, worse, festering? Has your pet's vision started to fail? Or maybe she just needs to be “washed”? Eye drops will help us.

The modern pharmacological industry produces products of this kind - caring and therapeutic - in such an assortment that it’s easy to get confused. What types of eye drops are there for dogs? In what cases are one or the other useful?


What types of eye drops are there?

Depending on the indications, the following main types of eye drops are distinguished:

  • moisturizing effect (so-called artificial tears);
  • antiallergic action;
  • antibacterial action;
  • antiviral action;
  • antifungal action;
  • anti-inflammatory action (hormonal and non-hormonal);
  • against glaucoma;
  • against cataracts.

When choosing a product to help your dog’s eyes, be sure to remember the following:

  1. Despite the similarities between canine and human eye diseases, not all human eye drops are suitable for dogs. To avoid tragic mistakes, use only special drops for dogs when putting eye drops on your pet.
  2. It is absolutely clear that if cataracts, glaucoma and other serious diseases are suspected, the drops should be prescribed by a veterinarian. Neither the advice of friends, nor the advice of pet store sellers can be more authoritative than the recommendations of a specialist. Moreover, in case of a serious eye disease, the “mirror of the soul” cannot be cured with drops alone.
  3. It happens that on the packaging you see the faces of animals, and the bottle with the medicine is just a classic form of eye drops. Like, say, bubbles of Tobrex, Iris or Diamond drops.

This doesn't mean you're holding eye drops for dogs. Look at the picture below: here is an example of drops that are not put in the eyes! After all, these are eye drops (or lotion).

Literally translated, the inscription on the package reads: “stain remover for tears.” It is used in combination with other hygiene products for the care of the eyes of cats and dogs. The product is needed to remove various types of dirt and stains around (!) the eye area.

Description of eye products for four-legged friends

In a word, “rely on the veterinarian”... Absolutely right, the owner himself should have information (at least general) about the most popular eye drops for dogs. Diamond drops and Tobrex, Optimune and Iris - in what cases is each of these remedies used? Are these analogues or are they drugs with different effects? Let's figure it out.


What is good for a person is not always suitable for a dog. But Tobrex is a “human” medicine that, unlike, for example, albucid, which can cause severe allergies, can be administered to dogs.

Tobrex is a strong antibacterial drug. The spectrum of action of Tobrex covers Escherichia coli, diphtheria microbes, streptococci, staphylococci. It is used in the treatment of diseases in dogs such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc.

The advantages of Tobrex drops include high effectiveness and complete safety of the drug: the drops do not cause allergies. The downside is that this medicine is not cheap. One of the analogues of Tobrex is tobrin.

Diamond eyes

But “Diamond Eyes” are drops created specifically for four-legged animals. They are used for the symptomatic treatment of diseases accompanied by swelling of the eyes and eyelids, lacrimation, local irritation, itching, and redness.

By relieving allergic reactions, “Diamond Eyes” also have a preventive effect, acting as a barrier to various types of infections. The drug also prevents the development of unwanted degenerative age-related changes in the cornea and retina.

Diamond drops are suitable for daily use. The taurine, succinic acid and antiseptic chlordixin included in the composition make Diamond Eyes a suitable remedy for removing dried crusts that form in the corners of a dog’s eyes.

It should be remembered that “Diamond Eyes” is not a potent remedy and can only cure an unadvanced form of conjunctivitis.


Like Diamond Eyes, Iris is a veterinary drug. The active ingredient in Iris eye drops has an antibacterial effect for diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva.

The drug Iris is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of such eye diseases in four-legged pets as:

  • iridocyclitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • conjunctivitis, etc.

The drug is prescribed for eye injuries. Iris also helps in curing dogs from septic corneal ulcers.

Iris is often used to wash the eyes before instilling the same drops. This is done in order to remove accumulated suppuration, which becomes an obstacle to the penetration of the medicine.


If a dog's disease is autoimmune in nature and is accompanied by dry eye mucosa, it is possible that an ophthalmologist veterinarian will recommend Optimun for your pet.

Although the more well-known form of release of this drug is ointment, it is also produced in drops. When choosing between instilling the drug and applying an ointment, we use the treatment method that is better tolerated by your dog. You can learn how to apply eye drops to four-legged pets in this video.

A contraindication for the use of Optimun is fungal diseases of the dog's eyes. The drug is quite expensive, so its cheaper analogue, Tsepravin, is often used.

And others

Some other drips used for dog eye hygiene and treatment:

Name of dropsDiseases for which the drug is used
  • conjunctivitis
  • rhinitis
  • blepharitis
  • keratitis
  • keratoconjunctivitis
  • conjunctivitis
  • allergic conjunctivitis
  • blepharitis
  • keratitis
  • bacterial diseases
  • conjunctivitis
  • eye cleansing with antifungal and antibacterial effects
  • infectious diseases
  • conjunctivitis
  • prevention of the development of infectious eye diseases after injuries
Sorry, there are no surveys available at this time.

When carrying out treatment or hygiene procedures, you need to remember the following:

  1. If the dog is healthy, it is not necessary to wash its eyes with “pharmaceutical” products. This can be done simply with boiled water or herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, etc.).
  2. If the rules require storing the drug in the refrigerator, warm it to room temperature before instillation by simply holding it in your hand.
  3. Do not use tea for eye hygiene - neither green nor black. This remedy, contrary to popular belief, may not help but harm the pet by drying out the mucous membrane of the eyes.

If you notice that your pet's eyes are abnormal, contact your veterinarian. Remember: some dog eye diseases can be transmitted to humans!

Video " Dog eye care"

Note to novice dog breeders: the Pro Animals channel has prepared video recommendations on how to care for the eyes of four-legged pets.

In a dog, excessive discharge from the eyes may indicate a disease directly in the organ of vision or in entire systems. You can guess why your dog's eyes are watering at home. However, if the amount of discharge increases or it becomes yellowish in color, it is best to take your dog to an ophthalmologist to determine the exact cause.

What discharge from the eyes is considered normal?

Many dogs experience mucous accumulation in the inner corners of their eyes after sleep. They can be transparent with a grayish or slightly reddish tint.

Also, dog breeds that have certain structural features are predisposed to excessive tearing. Discharge from the eyes can be observed throughout the day from an early age. These are the breeds:

  • with drooping eyelids (basset hound, sharpei, spaniel, mastiff, cane corso, etc.)
  • with bulging eyes (Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Chihuahua, Pugs, etc.)
  • with a brachycephalic muzzle structure (bulldogs, pugs, Pekingese, griffins, boxers, etc.)
  • with long hair on the head (Yorkshire terrier, Shih Tzu lapdog, poodle, etc.)

Older dogs develop a cloudy cornea as a result of a lack of tear fluid. This process is accompanied by mucopurulent discharge in the eyelash area and chronic conjunctivitis.

When should you be wary?

Excessive discharge from the eyes is not normal. Purulent discharge is yellow or greenish in color.

Possible causes of purulent discharge from the eyes in dogs:

  • viral infection (canine distemper, adenovirus);
  • improperly growing eyelashes;
  • chronic conjunctivitis.

Excessive mucous discharge is noted with:

  • contact allergies (dust, pollen, etc.);
  • food allergies;
  • dust getting into the eye;
  • injuries;
  • keratitis;
  • acute conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outer mucous membrane of the eye). It is one of the most common lesions of the eye area, however, it rarely manifests itself as an independent disease.

In case of eye diseases, in addition to discharge, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • narrow palpebral fissure;
  • frequent blinking;
  • the dog rubs his eyelids with his paws;
  • redness;
  • edema.

When should you perform eye hygiene and how often?

  • the dog needs to clean its eyes as discharge accumulates in the corner of the eye (of any nature - mucous or with suppuration);
  • eye treatment is carried out before using medicinal ointments or drops. As a rule, an interval of at least 4-6 hours must be maintained between the use of such medications;
  • if chemicals come into contact with the eyes.

How to wash your dog's eyes?


Before catching your pet and starting the procedure, prepare in advance:

  • solutions that will be needed
  • cotton pads or gauze pads,
  • ointment or drops prescribed by your doctor.

As a rule, preventive eye treatment does not cause pain or discomfort in the dog, so they behave calmly and patiently wait for the end of the event.

Washing procedure

Some medicinal drops may sting, so subsequent treatments will require some skill from the owner.

  • You will have to fix the dog's head yourself or ask someone to help. If the dog is small, it is most convenient to wrap it in a towel or blanket so that one head sticks out. This way, the dog will not receive any injuries and will not be able to make sudden movements, thereby preventing eye hygiene.
  • The dog's eyes are rubbed from the outer corner to the inner. Lightly moisten a cotton pad in the prepared treatment solution and, without pressing, wipe the eye. If you were unable to collect all the discharge the first time, you must use a new cotton swab or napkin for the next treatment! The second eye is also wiped with a separate clean cloth.
  • If there are dried crusts of pus on the eyes, they must first be soaked. To do this, gently dab the eye area with a cotton pad generously soaked in the prepared solution and after a while wipe the eyelashes and eyelids with a new damp cloth, removing crusts.
  • If the eye needs to be rinsed directly, you will need a sterile syringe without a needle with a volume of 5 to 20 ml (depending on the degree of contamination). The syringe is filled with a solution for rinsing in advance. Next, the dog’s eyelids need to be gently pulled apart with two fingers. The solution is applied to the upper outer corner of the eye from a syringe (without a needle!). After completing the procedure, the eyes can be blotted with a slightly damp cloth or cotton pad.

How to apply eye drops or ointment to a dog?

Eye drops or ointments are prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes. Before using such drugs, the dog's eyes must be washed.

  • To apply eye drops, you need to spread the dog’s eyelids with two fingers and drop the required amount of medicine from a sterile pipette into the upper outer corner of the eye. Next, you can make a couple of blinking movements with your fingers, closing and opening your eyelids so that the drops are distributed evenly.
  • To apply eye ointment, use your thumb to slightly pull down the dog’s lower eyelid and squeeze the required amount of ointment from the sterile tube spout directly onto the mucous membrane. And just as when applying drops, make several blinking movements with your eyelids.

If the doctor has prescribed several drugs, then before each use of different drops it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 15-20 minutes.

What to wash with?

How can you clean a dog’s eyes if they are festering, as well as for hygienic purposes? At home, the following solutions are suitable for washing your dog's eyes:

Sterile saline sodium chloride solution 0.9%

In small ampoules its cost is 25-30 rubles. You can purchase a bottle with a volume of 100 ml or more, provided that sterility is maintained during use. The price of a bottle is from 30 to 50 rubles.


Ready solution. It is a good antiseptic and is used to wash the dog’s eyes both in the treatment and prevention of inflammation of various types. A ready-made solution for eye treatment can be purchased at a pharmacy to order.

Pills .
You can prepare an aqueous solution in a ratio of 1:5000 (this is exactly the concentration that is needed) at home. To do this, one tablet of furatsilin (20 mg) is diluted in 100 ml of sterile warm or hot distilled water. The solution is considered ready when the active substance is completely dissolved and nothing settles at the bottom.

The cost of one package of furatsilin tablets ranges from 50 to 80 rubles.

Chlorhexidine solution

Pharmacies sell a solution with a concentration of 0.05%. Dogs can have their eyes washed with a 0.01% chlorhexidine solution. To prepare the required concentration, take 4 ml of 0.05% chlorhexidine solution into a sterile 20 ml syringe and dilute to 20 ml with sterile saline.

Cost 20 rubles.

You can brew chamomile flowers to treat your eyes.

It is more convenient to purchase dry chamomile in special filter bags. Place 1 sachet in a glass of hot water and leave for 15-20 minutes. The solution can be used after cooling it first.

The cost of one package is about 60 rubles.

Black tea

This is one of the most popular and always available eye cleansers. A weak brew, prepared the day before the intended use, is better suited, that is, it is not recommended to use freshly brewed tea.

Special solutions for treating pet eyes

There are also special solutions for treating eyes specifically for animals, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores.

Eye solutions and lotions Ofto-Lavas

They are designed for daily dog ​​eye hygiene. They remove crusts, purulent and mucous secretions well.

A 60 ml bottle costs about 325 rubles.

Diamond eyes

These are drops for the prevention of eye diseases. Can be used to treat the eyes (drop a small amount of solution onto a cotton swab) or instill directly into the eyes.

They are also used for minor redness of the mucous membranes of the organ of vision. The drug contains chlorhexidine bigluconate, so you should not use these drops after washing your dog's eyes with a diluted solution of chlorhexidine.

The cost of one bottle is 140 rubles.

Oftal solution

Beaphar Animal Eye Wash Solution is suitable for dogs with light hair because... In addition to its hygienic effect, it prevents the appearance of dark tear streaks.

This product is available in the form of drops and costs 400 rubles.

Sterile eye solution “Chamomile”

It is a ready-made decoction of chamomile flowers in 10 ml bottles, 3 bottles in one package.

Packaging price – 85 rubles.

Tear stain remover lotion

To clean the hair around the eyes for light-colored dogs, it is recommended to use cleansing wipes or Tear stain remover lotion from the company 8 in 1. This product is used exclusively for hygienic purposes.

A jar of napkins (90 pieces) costs about 250 rubles, a bottle of lotion 230 rubles.

If purulent discharge from the eyes begins in a puppy, then the development of a viral infection can be suspected, which requires immediate general treatment. Therefore, before rinsing your puppy’s eyes, observe his condition and, if possible, measure his temperature. If vomiting, diarrhea and fever occur, you should immediately contact the clinic.

A little about eye drops and ointments

Eye drops or ointments are prescribed to dogs for specific diseases or damage to the organ of vision. The active substances in their basis have a therapeutic effect, and they cannot be used for prophylactic purposes. It should be remembered that the eye is a rather delicate organ, so self-medication can be dangerous.

Most often, dogs are prescribed the following eye drops, gels or ointments:

  • Tsiprovet– veterinary eye drops that contain an antibiotic. It is used for conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes of the organ of vision, viral infections and infections caused by eye trauma. Dogs are prescribed 1-2 drops of the drug into the affected eye 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks. The cost of one bottle is 130 rubles.
  • Tobrex– antibiotic eye drops. Indications for use are inflammatory and infectious processes. 1-2 drops of the drug are instilled into the affected eye 2-3 times a day for a week. The price of the drops is 188 rubles (analogue Tobropt, price 134 rubles).
  • Tetracycline eye ointment- an ointment that contains an antibiotic. Used for inflammatory and infectious diseases and injuries. A strip of 0.5-1 cm (depending on the size of the dog) of tetracycline ointment is applied to the lower eyelid 2-3 times a day, 7-14 days. The cost of one tube of ointment is 50 rubles.
  • Solcoseryl eye gel has a restorative, healing effect. It is used in eye injuries, as well as in conjunction with other medicinal drugs for various inflammations to speed up the healing process. 1 drop of gel is applied 2-3 times a day for a week. The cost of one tube is 230 rubles.

In some cases, even the most attentive owners are not able to protect their pets from injuries or diseases, including the eyes. Most often, eye problems are recorded in hunting dogs. Damage may occur during hunting or as a result of a conflict with another representative of the breed.

Types of eye damage in dogs

It also happens that an eye injury in a dog may go unnoticed, although it can lead to serious consequences.

In the worst case scenario, the pet may completely lose its organ of vision. Damage and its causes are varied, which will be discussed below.

Mechanical injury

The cause of a mechanical injury may be a skirmish with another dog, an unsuccessful encounter with a cat, or the pet may simply stumble upon a branch or sharp object. The severity of the damage also varies.

The most dangerous situation is an injury to a dog’s eye with a sharp object, when the cornea is damaged and various bacteria and microbes penetrate into the wound and, as a result of their vital activity, can provoke complete loss of vision.

It is worth paying attention if the dog begins to squint or has completely closed its eye, purulent or bloody discharge occurs from the corners, and the pet does not allow itself to be examined, prevents the opening of the eyelid, and is clearly in pain - it is necessary to promptly show the animal to a veterinarian-ophthalmologist. There is a chance to prevent vision loss, but surgery may be required.

With traumatic injuries from blunt objects, the danger is lower, but nevertheless high.

Damage may be internal and invisible. Blunt trauma to a dog's eye can cause retinal rupture or detachment, internal hemorrhage, and swelling of the optic nerve. So if there is a suspicion of injury, it is better to show the animal to the doctor, it will be easier to avoid complications.

Redness of the eyes

The causes of redness vary. Perhaps a foreign object has gotten under the third eyelid, scratching the cornea and causing irritation. The foreign body should be removed and the animal should be shown to a doctor to ensure that it has been completely removed and there is no risk of developing other problems.

It is especially important to take a closer look at the nature of the redness, if it looks more like a pinkish film - there is a risk that the pet has developed the so-called pannus - clouding of the surface layer of the cornea. If you do not see a doctor in time, there is a risk of vision loss.

By the way, another cause of redness and irritation of the organs of vision may be an inversion of the lower eyelid, which is not an injury, but significantly interferes with the comfortable existence of the pet. The eyelashes of the rolled eyelid scratch the cornea, causing irritation and increased tearing. The issue is resolved surgically.

It could also be caused by high blood pressure or an allergic reaction.

Purulent discharge

If first clear and then purulent discharge is detected, accompanied by swelling of the eyelid, this is a sign of conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelid. In the case of thick, cloudy discharge, the cause is most likely an infection, although the development of the disease may be associated with injury. For example, with the entry of a foreign body.

It happens that conjunctivitis develops as a concomitant disease as a result of a general decrease in immunity. Despite the fact that conjunctivitis is not so difficult to cure, the dog should be shown to a doctor in order not only to make a correct diagnosis, but also to find out and eliminate the cause of the disease.

Eyeball prolapse

In some cases, an eye injury in a dog can provoke a very unpleasant consequence - apple loss. A similar situation often happens with representatives of brachycephalic breeds (Pekingese, bulldogs, pugs, etc.) A peculiarity of representatives of such breeds is a flattened muzzle and bulging eyes.

If such a situation occurs, the main thing is not to panic. The best option is to put the apple back in place as carefully as possible and, to save your pet’s vision, immediately take him to an ophthalmologist or surgeon. Apply a damp gauze bandage and do not allow it to dry until the animal reaches the doctor.


Sometimes it happens that one eye becomes enlarged, and occasionally both. This is also a reason to sound the alarm, grab the animal in your arms and rush to the veterinarian.

The cause of this phenomenon is highly likely to be an increase in intracranial or intraocular pressure. The latter happens due to inflammatory processes, lens dislocation, and even kidney failure.

In this situation, the doctor will measure the pressure, examine the fundus of the eye, and most likely conduct a blood test. Based on the test results, the cause of the increase in pressure will be determined.


If a red swelling appears, do not panic; in most cases it will not be a tumor or adenoma. Most likely, this is an inversion of the lacrimal gland or lower eyelid that needs to be realigned.

Otherwise, there is a risk of developing “dry eye syndrome,” which will then have to be treated for the rest of your pet’s life. There are also very unpleasant consequences that can develop: corneal ulcer, keratitis or conjunctivitis.

First aid

If a dog has an eye injury, treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian, and it is better to do this as soon as possible. But first aid must be provided until the pet is delivered to the clinic.

It is necessary to prevent the animal from scratching the damaged organ on the way to the veterinary clinic. If possible, use a specialized collar or simply hold the dog by the paws when trying to scratch.

If a dog does not allow its eyes to be opened, you should not force it open, even to administer anesthesia. Otherwise, you can only injure him more; such a task should be left to a specialist.

As an exception, if it is not possible to immediately show your pet to a doctor, you need to instill eye drops for the dog, these are antibiotics (Tsiprovet, Gentamicin, Torbex). The dose must be calculated according to the instructions for the drugs based on the body weight and size of the dog.


Any treatment should be carried out only after examination by a veterinarian, examination and a clear diagnosis. In particular, if a dog has an inflamed eye, the doctor will tell you how to treat it; you should not self-medicate.

Examination by a specialist

The first thing to do is, if possible, carefully deliver the animal to a clinic where you can entrust your dog.

Ideally, show the dog to an ophthalmologist. However, such specialists of a narrow profile do not work in all clinics, so in some situations you can turn to surgeons or general practitioners.

The examination may include full general tests to detect infections and a mandatory examination. You may need to measure intraocular pressure, and even prescribe surgery.

It is important to identify the problem based on the results of tests and examination and make the correct diagnosis. The owner must strictly follow all recommendations received.

Eye drops

Sometimes it is enough to instill eye drops in case of an eye injury in a pet; this also applies to inflammatory diseases such as conjunctivitis.

Owners can get confused because they don’t always know how to put drops in their dog’s eyes. You need to follow some simple recommendations.

First, you need to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid infection, which will aggravate the inflammation process. Then carefully clean off pus and secretions, and also rinse the area around the eyes.

As a rule, dogs do not like such procedures and can behave very nervously, but under no circumstances should you scold them or raise your voice. Calming intonations, some encouragement, and affection will help you cope with the animal and make the procedure as painless and comfortable as possible from a psychological point of view. Although large dogs should wear a muzzle to avoid injury to the owner.

Drops for eye injuries are instilled in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage and doctor's prescription.


There is no one hundred percent guarantee that a pet will never be injured, but loving owners are responsible for it and must make efforts to minimize such risks.

It is important to choose the right places for walking with your animal, to avoid abandoned construction sites and overgrown paths in park areas.

Hunters need to choose the right breed of dog, since much depends on what animal is being hunted and what is required from the dog.

During play, you should follow safety precautions when working with an animal and not expose it to unnecessary risk of injury.

It is also worth excluding contacts with unfamiliar and especially stray dogs as much as possible. It is necessary to limit possible meetings with felines (unless this is the dog’s best friend). Otherwise, your pet may suffer from sharp claws.


Watch our video on how to properly care for your pet's eyes.

Eye diseases can not only significantly worsen a dog’s life, but also lead to complete loss of vision, which will become a huge stress for the pet and, of course, affect its life expectancy. That is why at the first signs of illness, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Today we will talk about how not to miss the first symptoms of the disease, and also try to understand how to properly treat an animal with Tobrex or Optimune - eye drops and ointments for dogs.

How to tell if your dog has eye problems

First of all, let's try to determine what the main symptoms of eye diseases may be. So, the very first alarming sign of ill health is eye discharge. Such a symptom can indicate not only eye problems, but also more dangerous viral infections. In addition, excessive tearing can also indicate the presence of some kind of eye damage.

The second important cause for concern for a dog owner may be a change in the structure of the eye. Thus, the appearance of various white spots, swelling or inflammation of tissues can serve as the first symptoms of serious problems, the treatment of which will require a lot of time and effort.

Another important symptom is photophobia. The dog may begin to hide from the light, both in the apartment and on the street. When light hits the membrane of the eye, tears may appear and the dog will begin to whine. If you notice such a change, you should immediately take your dog to a doctor for examination.

Eye diseases and their treatment

Modern veterinary medicine includes a huge number of eye diseases. Today we will talk about the three most common of them.


An eyesore or leukoma is a scar on a dog's cornea that can be left by surgery or an eye disease. A thorn occurs due to the fact that the body covers any damage with ordinary connective tissue, which forms a white formation. A dog's thorn can be of several types.

Firstly, the thorn can be located in the center of the eye, covering the pupil and significantly impairing vision. In addition, the thorn can completely block the eye, practically depriving the dog of vision. Secondly: leukoma can take one of three forms: a spot, a cloud, or a thorn itself.

The occurrence of a cataract is directly related to the development of a number of diseases in the dog, such as: inflammation or erosion of the cornea, a sharp change in intraocular pressure. You can see what the thorn looks like in the photo.

From the video “Eye diseases and their treatment” you can get some useful tips.

The success of leukoma treatment is associated with the accuracy and speed of determining the causes of its occurrence. Typically, veterinarians use special eye drops and ointments, such as Tobrex or Optimune.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the connective membranes of the eye, a dangerous disease, but easily treatable. It is dangerous because in the follicular form it very often becomes chronic, capable of even causing loss of vision. There are three forms of conjunctivitis.

  • Catarrhal conjunctivitis, characterized by the fact that the connective tissues of the eye become red and swollen, profuse discharge and tears appear. It is dangerous because the acute form very quickly turns into a chronic form, which is difficult to treat.
  • Purulent conjunctivitis is characterized by the presence of a large amount of thick purulent discharge.
  • Follicular - characterized by the presence of small dark red formations. The follicular form of conjunctivitis is dangerous because it very often occurs in a chronic form, with a large number of exacerbations of the disease, which are difficult to treat.

There are several causes of conjunctivitis. These are, first of all, various microorganisms.

To treat this disease, veterinarians can make various antibiotic ointments and drops, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Tobrex - antibiotic eye drops are very often used. Tobrex drops are a medicine that can be found in a regular pharmacy. Unlike many other drugs, Tobrex drops do not cause allergies.

Tobrex drops are very good in the fight against various microorganisms that can cause conjunctivitis. It has been noted that Tobrex drops are highly effective in combating inflammatory diseases.

When treating conjunctivitis, it is important to establish the cause and treat after examination and as prescribed by a doctor, since, for example, Tobradex drops, unlike Tobrex, can be harmful under certain conditions.


Cataracts, or clouding of the lens, are another common canine ailment. The most common cause of cataracts, in addition to age, is heredity. In addition, various eye diseases can also cause cataracts.

The main sign of cataracts is clouding of the eye and decreased transparency. Unfortunately, cataracts are a disease that cannot be treated without surgery. You can see what a cataract looks like in the photo.


It is much easier to prevent a disease from occurring than to treat it later. In order to prevent the development of dangerous eye diseases in a dog, you need to do the following: examine the animal’s eyes every morning. Also, take your pet to a veterinarian for a checkup. Don't forget to vaccinate your pet every year.

Video “Signs of Cataracts”

From the video “Signs of Cataracts” you will learn a lot of useful things.