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Why do you dream of a flood, water filling your home? The main interpretations of different dream books are why you dream of a flood. What does it mean if you dream of a flood?

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • Observing a flood from afar is a warning against an obsessive person.
  • It threatens your life, and you escape from it - to re-give birth to a completely new course of life or thoughts / dream image of baptism and fear associated with the moment of “rebirth” / you hope to avoid responsibility.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Flood in a dream

  • Seeing a city or village flooded with water in a dream foreshadows a disaster.
  • A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace.
  • People being carried away by floods dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness.
  • If you dreamed that a stormy stream of water was carrying you along with debris, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of something important to you.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • For seafarers and gentlemen involved in shipping, seeing a flood in a dream is a good sign, promising successful trade and a safe voyage; but for all others who do not belong to these categories, it is a bad dream, foreshadowing illness, a lost lawsuit, as well as the evil actions of enemies who sow slander at every step.
  • If you have a loved one, your opponent can suddenly snatch the object of your adoration from your arms like a mad stream.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Seeing a Flood in a dream

  • If you see how the water spills and covers more and more land, get ready for the vagaries of fate. It’s especially bad if a stream of water washes away you too - such a dream can portend illness, financial losses, or family troubles.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • If in a dream you see a city or village being flooded by dark, seething waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great misfortunes..
  • Seeing people being carried away by a flood foretells bereavement and deep hopelessness. - making life sad and useless.
  • Seeing vast spaces flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace, gained after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate.
  • If you dream that the stormy water of a flooded river is carrying you along with debris, this is a harbinger of illness or the suspension of something important to you.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Flood?

  • clean water - temporary delay in business, temporary interference;
  • cloudy and overwhelmed - a strange situation in a strange place;
  • surrounded by water - to be in luxury.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic Dream Book of Sivananda

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • For traders, such a dream predicts successful trading and a safe journey. However, for ordinary people it promises poor health and difficult circumstances.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • If in a dream you see water spilling and covering more and more land, then get ready for the vagaries of fate. It is especially bad if the flow of water washes away you, as it may mean that illness, financial losses, and family troubles await you. If you dream of a flood, flooding cities and villages with stormy streams, then in reality some kind of global disaster awaits you. To dream of people being washed away during a flood predicts bereavement and despair that will make life bleak and ruinous. A dream in which you see vast spaces flooded with clean water promises profit and peace after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fortune.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Flood?

  • Seeing - to panic, hopelessness.
  • If you find yourself in a flood, you may be overwhelmed by panic and group psychosis. Don't give in!

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Flood

  • To suffer from a flood in a dream means that in real life you are often overwhelmed by primary instincts that bring a lot of grief to you and your loved ones. Our advice to you: try not to focus on what your base instincts dictate to you, and in no case succumb to their elemental power. Try to direct your energy in a direction that is more peaceful and harmless to others. Watching a flood from the side - a dream means that soon something global will happen in your life that will overturn the previous order and destroy all your principles.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Seeing a Flood in a dream

  • your plans will be late

Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

Why do you dream about Flood?

  • Seeing a flood in a dream promises a change in your usual sexual lifestyle, which is associated with the emergence of a new sexual partner. There is a threat of changing your orientation, but only if something pushes you to such a decision, for example, if a representative of sexual minorities has his eye on you.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: V. Samokhvalov’s psychoanalytic dream book, Jung’s dream book, Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, dream book of Tarot symbols, Schiller-Shkolnik’s dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (short), old English dream book (Zedkiel’s dream book) , dream book of lucky omens, dream book of catch phrases, men's dream book, dream interpreter (1829), Miller's dream book, Italian dream book by Meneghetti, spiritual dream book, gypsy dream book, noble dream book by N. Grishina, Tsvetkov's dream book, Hasse's dream book, lunar dream book, new family dream book, dream book Longo, Nostradamus's dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, and others.

Sometimes in a dream you can see a manifestation of the power of nature - a flood or a flood, the stormy waters of which wash away everything in its path, leading to human casualties, capturing the dreamer. But the interpretation of dreams according to various dream books often makes it possible to understand that such night dreams have a positive meaning or warn the sleeper about certain events that can still be corrected.

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    General value

    Most dream books interpret the image of a flood as a warning about upcoming changes in a person’s life: the more extensive the disaster, the more tangible the changes will be.

    The flood in the room reflects the dreamer’s internal state; he does not feel safe even in his own home. Seeing a flood in a dream means unexpected profit. The railway is flooded - you should refuse to travel so as not to expose yourself to danger. Seeing a global flood in a dream means that in life there will be a difficult struggle with difficulties. But if the dreamer makes every effort, he will be able to defeat them.

    You should pay attention to the details:

    • Muddy water portends imminent problems in sexual relationships.
    • Water, on the surface of which there is an abundance of debris floating, suggests that someone is gossiping behind the dreamer’s back, putting him in a bad light.
    • If a flood occurred in an apartment or a raging natural disaster broke into your home, then you should expect scandals with your other half and other problems in the family.
    • Floundering in the water is a bad sign; a person will either get sick or face financial difficulties.
    • To be surrounded by water on all sides means to expect wealth and longevity.
    • Flooding your neighbors in a dream means quarreling with them in reality.
    • If you dreamed of a flooded home, apartment or house, the dreamer is on the verge of financial collapse; you should be careful, but prepare for the worst.
    • Seeing a flood on the street in a dream means experiencing a real explosion of emotions in reality. The dream warns of the need to restrain your feelings and remain calm.
    • A flood in the bathroom suggests that it is necessary to spend the money earned more rationally, otherwise the dreamer will face financial ruin. His position is already unstable.
    • Water is approaching - the dreamer’s family or he himself is in danger of a hidden danger.

    The meaning of a dream often depends on what kind of water is approaching. It may be cloudy or clear.

    Muddy water is a bad sign; the changes taking place will not bring joy to the sleeper, but clean water promises either successful changes or a painless solution to the problems that have arisen.

    Miller's Dream Book

    According to this interpreter, the image of a flood is not scary for the dreamer; it portends positive changes, farewell to the past, and a transition to a new stage of life’s journey. Seeing a tsunami in a dream is a bad sign; one of your loved ones may get into trouble: an accident, disaster, fire. To analyze the dream more accurately, you should pay attention to the details: if the wave completely covers a relative, then he will be able to escape with virtually no harm. But the tsunami, sweeping away everything in its path and not giving anyone a chance of salvation, symbolizes the upcoming trials that the dreamer will have to face.

    If water carries people away in night dreams, they disappear from the dreamer’s field of vision, then something similar will happen in reality: death or other force majeure circumstances will separate a person from the people dear to him, making his life lonely and useless.

    To see a mudflow or a river overflowing its banks, according to Miller’s dream book, means facing difficulties, possibly natural disasters or catastrophes. Seeing a flooded city or a flood in a village in a dream means expecting unpleasant events in reality in the future. You should avoid unnecessary risks, behave carefully, and take care of your health - this will prevent dangerous consequences.

    If the dreamer is engaged in business or trade, then seeing a big wave in a dream is a good sign; in real life, success in business and the implementation of his plans await him.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    According to this source, a flood in a dream is a symbol of the fact that a dark streak has come in the dreamer’s life: the larger the flood, the more problems.

    See in a dream flood - expect a series of failures, troubles, joyless days in the near future. But if in the vision the sea waves are small and gentle, then solving problems will be easy and painless.

    You shouldn’t be afraid of dreams or fall into despair after reading a frightening interpretation; they only warn you of the need to be more careful.

    Why do you dream of a flood - interpretations of famous dream books.

    Yuri Longo

    According to the interpretation, the flood that appeared in night vision carries a negative meaning. Such dreams can be seen by people who in life rely not on common sense and logic, but on instincts, which is why they often make mistakes. The vision warns: do not blindly trust your inner essence.

    Watching the flood from the outside means expecting global changes in life soon.

    Interpretation according to Freud

    According to Freud, a flood represents discord in the family or major problems at work. The dream warns of upcoming problems in life, advises you to pull yourself together, not fall into despair and try to solve the problem.

    The scale of life's troubles is directly reflected in the size of the flows - the larger they are, the worse the problems await the dreamer.

    Interpretation from various sources

    Flood and flood have other interpretations, which differ in different dream books:

    Dream Interpretation Interpretation
    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation Pure water streams - minor life difficulties will be resolved by themselves.

    Dirty water predicts that a whole series of problems will befall the sleeper, the solution of which will take away his strength and energy.

    Small Veles dream book Flood dreams of travel. If the waters are clean, then a minor obstacle awaits the sleeper, and muddy streams are a bad symbol, there will be trouble
    Erotic dream book Seeing a flood means changing your sexual partner
    Modern dream book It is better to refuse a serious purchase or financial investment. If the water does not reach the dreamer, then future troubles will resolve themselves
    Wanderer's Dream Book Drowning in muddy water is an unpleasant change in life. Drowning but not drowning means unexpected wealth. Watching the flood from a distance - there is an overly intrusive person next to the sleeping person
    Ancient Russian dream book Financial difficulties and related problems lie ahead
    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea The dream warns of possible danger and advises to be careful. A stream in the distance means meeting a bad person is possible. A flood is dangerous for a sleeper - there is a dark streak ahead of life, suffering, difficulties, defeats
    Family dream book Flooding is an unfavorable image; if water floods a home, then serious problems have emerged in family life. Troubled waters indicate problems in the intimate sphere; perhaps the dreamer has a rival. Drowning in clear water is a sign of illness; in muddy water is a protracted and life-threatening condition.

    Other interpretations

    The dream in which the flood occurred is ambiguous, so the interpretation depends on many nuances and details. Various options are possible:

    • A water pipe break in the house means gossip.
    • Water streams from the basement of the house break into the street - a family secret will become known to an ill-wisher.
    • A volcano spewing water instead of lava means problems in a relationship with a loved one.
    • Actively fighting waves or tsunamis means that in life a person will have to show restraint and exert strength to deal with the difficulties that have befallen him. Such a dream warns that the time has come for active action. If a stream of water carries a person forward, not giving him the opportunity to get out, then such a dream says that with such passive behavior, unpleasant consequences are inevitable, one must fight the circumstances.

Natural disasters - hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and floods - have always frightened people, which is not surprising, because they have no control over the weather and are unable to withstand natural disasters. Dreams in which a person sees flooded city streets or a rolling ocean wave are extremely frightening and unpleasant. Why do you dream of a flood, and isn’t such a dream a warning of impending disaster?

Dreams in which a person sees flooded city streets or a rolling ocean wave are extremely frightening and unpleasant.

Most dream books interpret night dreams in which there is a flood or tsunami in different ways, but almost everyone agrees that such dreams are not particularly favorable.

  1. If a person dreamed that he witnessed a flood, then perhaps in real life he is overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions that do not allow him to concentrate on his usual activities. You should try to distract yourself from difficult thoughts, especially if they interfere with work or relationships with a loved one.
  2. Seeing a flood from afar may mean that there is a person next to the dreamer who is drawing energy and vitality from him. It is necessary to identify such an ill-wisher and avoid communication with him in the future.
  3. Watching a flood in a dream and not experiencing fear or panic means that the dreamer knows how to analyze his actions and is trying to deal with his own shortcomings.
  4. For representatives of the fair sex, dreams of a flood serve as a signal that they have a rival who is making every effort to take away her loved one. After such a dream, women should take a closer look at their own friends or husband’s co-workers.

For a man, a dream about a flood may be a sign that he will receive a promotion at work or a position that he has long dreamed of.

Flood in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream of a flood in the city, on the street, in the house?

Depending on what happens in the dream, night dreams with natural disasters can have different meanings.

  • If you dream that a huge wave has hit the city, washing away trees and cars in its path, then such a dream serves as a warning that you will have to cope with unexpected difficulties at work. In the near future, it is advisable to refrain from risky projects and adventures.
  • Flooded streets in a dream can be a sign that a flood may actually happen and you should prepare for it.
  • If you dreamed that a dark, seething wave of water was approaching a village, then in reality the dreamer may experience unrealistic dreams and unreciprocal love.
  • To see in a dream how a large wave sweeps away people who are unable to withstand the elements means possible loss or material damage. You should be careful when signing valuable documents and review contracts carefully.
  • Did you have a nightmare in which water floods your own home? The dreamer needs to devote more time to family and loved ones. Most likely, such a dream warns of possible family conflicts or lack of mutual understanding with children.
  • For a person who sees in a dream that water has flooded his house and that it, along with furniture and household items, is being swept away by the wave, then this is a favorable sign that promises good luck in financial matters.
  • If a girl dreams that her apartment is flooded by her neighbors, then among her fans there is a boyfriend who is committed to a serious relationship, and perhaps they will propose marriage to her.

Flooded streets in a dream may be a sign that a flood may actually happen

A dream in which a person sees gardens, fields or valleys flooded with water is considered favorable and promises well-being and a calm family life.

Escaping from a flood in a dream

Dreams with a flood or large waves, a tsunami can be frightening, but night dreams in which the dreamer finds himself in the center of a flood or trying to escape from the water approaching him are doubly more terrible and unpleasant.

  • Running away from a flood in a dream means unexpected obstacles that may interfere with the realization of your goal. Such a dream warns that you will have to take active and decisive action to achieve success in your intended business.
  • If a person dreams that he is caught in a seething whirlpool and, despite all efforts, cannot swim out, then this is a warning that someone is trying to interfere with his plans.
  • A dream in which the dreamer is carried by a stormy stream of water, and he does not even try to fight for his life, means that in reality he is too passive and this prevents him from achieving the desired result at work or in a love relationship.
  • A dream in which a person is floundering in a stream of water, and someone nearby is trying to help him get out, promises that in real life he will be given a helping hand or will be helped in solving a difficult problem.
  • Saving other people from a flood means that loved ones are suffering from the dreamer’s indifference and need his attention and care.
  • If the water in the wave sweeping a person was clean and transparent, this foreshadows that he will soon be swirled in a whirlpool of new love experiences and passionate thoughts.

Running away from a flood in a dream means unexpected obstacles that may interfere with the realization of your goal

A dream in which a dirty and muddy stream covers the dreamer headlong may be a harbinger of an upcoming serious illness or injury. Also, such a dream warns that it is better to postpone all serious matters until better times.

Seeing water coming from everywhere in a dream

Watching in a dream how water coming from everywhere slowly floods the entire earth, without leaving a single piece of dry land, foretells that fate will be favorable to the dreamer in all his endeavors. By persistently moving towards the intended goal, he will be able to realize his plans.

Watching in a dream how water coming from everywhere slowly floods the entire earth, leaving not a single piece of dry land, foretells that fate will be favorable to the dreamer

A dream in which a stream of water comes from all sides very quickly and floods the entire area means that you should not take risks in financial matters by making rash decisions, since you can lose your entire fortune and end up bankrupt.

Why do you dream of a flood, a big wave, a tsunami?

Sometimes dreams of a flood are not limited to the flow of water that floods the streets of a city or village. People often dream that they are covered by a giant tsunami wave or carried away by seething water into the ocean. But, oddly enough, most dream books interpret such dreams as extremely favorable.

  • In a dream, being on the ocean shore and watching large foamy waves roll into the surf is a sign of a strong and all-consuming feeling of love that will overwhelm the dreamer and give him new, unknown emotions. You just have to be extremely careful not to drown in this pool and lose yourself.
  • Tsunami waves can be a dream of upcoming turbulent events in which a person will plunge headlong. Such a dream means that the dreamer will not be bored in the near future and he will have a lot of interesting work.
  • Dreams with large ocean waves and tsunamis are especially favorable for people involved in trade. Such a dream promises them many new clients and excellent profits.

Most dream books interpret such dreams as extremely favorable

Interpretation of the flood in various dream books

  • In Miller's dream book Flood and high water symbolize wealth, prosperity and stability.
  • According to Freud, night dreams with a flood for a woman are a sign of imminent pregnancy. For men, such a dream signifies readiness to start a family and take care of children.
  • In the Vedic dream book The meaning of a flood in a dream is unfavorable. It promises illness or serious health problems.
  • Velesov's dream book interprets such a dream as a pleasant trip or concluding a profitable deal.
  • suggests reconsidering your relationship with your loved one erotic dream book. In it, the dream of a flood is interpreted as dissatisfaction in sexual life and cooling towards a partner.

Why do you dream about water (video)

In most cases, dreams in which the dreamer witnesses or participates in natural disasters serve as a warning about impending dangers or possible failures. But we should not forget that no dream should control a person’s life, because only he can find a solution to all problems and troubles if he shows all his will and strength.

Attention, TODAY only!

Natural disasters in dreams are often perceived as harbingers of unpleasant events in life. But the image of water that floods everything around, in most dream books symbolizes huge changes. But what they will be like depends on the other details that are present in the dream. Why do you dream about a flood? What does the subconscious want to say through such dreams?

Natural disasters in dreams are often perceived as harbingers of unpleasant events in life

Water is a symbol of the emotional sphere, human feelings; it is present in almost every dream book. But the interpretations of such dreams can be radically different.

Seeing a flood in a dream - what does it mean:

  1. Mayan dream book. A large amount of water is a symbol of danger; unforeseen troubles will arise in life, the elimination of which will require a lot of effort.
  2. Hosse's Dream Interpretation. Stormy streams in a dream foreshadow the same stormy passions in reality.
  3. Miller's dream book interprets the flood in different ways. If the water is clear, in reality the matter may move forward. Muddy currents are a harbinger of difficulties; many obstacles will arise along the way. If there is a global flood - people die, buildings are destroyed, then all new projects should be rejected, they will end in complete failure.
  4. Esoteric dream book. A flood or tsunami foreshadows cataclysms in society - a revolution, a change of power. The dreamer will become a voluntary or involuntary participant in these events.
  5. The modern dream book interprets a large amount of water in dreams as a symbol of imminent global changes in the dreamer’s life - this could be new love, a promotion, an unexpected inheritance or a win.
  6. According to the Tarot dream book, a large amount of water in a dream is a good sign. This means that the important work that has begun has entered its final stage. The ending will be favorable for the dreamer.

Often a flood or flood symbolizes surprise - perhaps you will soon meet an extraordinary person who will dramatically change the usual course of life.

A tsunami in a dream is an alarming sign. A misfortune can happen to loved ones - a car accident, fire, serious illness.

Why do you dream of a flood (video)

Why do you dream of a flood in an apartment, house, on the street, in the bathroom - you should reconsider your attitude towards loved ones and finances

A flood in an apartment often causes people to wake up in a cold sweat; many people perceive such dreams as a symbol of an impending disaster.

Why do you dream of stormy streams of water?

  1. If you dreamed of a flood in your own apartment, you should pay more attention to your children and spouse. Otherwise, the marriage may fall apart, and the children will stop obeying.
  2. If a flood in the house was prevented, or in a dream a person quickly dealt with its consequences, then in real life it will be easy to cope with family troubles.
  3. A flood in someone else’s apartment in a dream is a harbinger of good news, financial success, and favorable changes at work.
  4. Flooding on the street. Such dreams remind you that you cannot always go with the flow - such behavior can lead to serious problems in the personal and professional sphere.
  5. A flood in the bathroom is a symbol of a precarious financial situation. You should be more attentive to new projects, not take risks, refuse to participate in a business if there is even the slightest suspicion of its legality.

For a woman, a flood in an apartment can symbolize changes in her personal life

For a woman, a flood in an apartment can symbolize changes in her personal life. If you read water, then you should expect a new, passionate relationship. Dirty streams symbolize the betrayal of a loved one.

Often a flood in dreams is a consequence of experienced stress. Many sleep specialists interpret large amounts of water as a reflection of the current emotional state of the sleeping person.

Seeing a flood in a dream means troubles and disappointments should be expected

A flood in a dream inspires a feeling of fear and danger. Such dreams foreshadow the onset of a protracted black streak - the dreamer will not be left with a feeling of hopelessness for a long time. The bigger the disaster, the bigger the troubles will be. But if the waves in the dream are small, then in reality a miracle will help you get rid of your troubles.

Flooding in a dream inspires a feeling of fear and danger

Becoming a victim of a flood in a dream is also not a very good sign. Such dreams signal that a person ignores common sense and is guided only by instincts.

If the dreamer observes a natural disaster from the outside, then soon inevitable and irreversible changes will occur in life, which will force one to reconsider all life principles.

Why do you dream of a global flood - a symbol of emotional overstrain

A global flood in dreams symbolizes the dreamer's lack of self-discipline. Often such dreams are seen by overly emotional people who react violently to everything that happens around them. Dream books recommend taking a break, relaxing in nature, and getting your nerves in order.

The global flood in dreams symbolizes the dreamer’s lack of self-discipline

A flood, as a symbol of the end of the world, may indicate difficult trials - the dreamer will need a fighting spirit and determination to cope with all the difficulties.

Clean water during a flood or dirty streams – the condition of the water matters

If in a dream everything around is flooded with dirty water, you should prepare for losses, you may have to lose some property. If pure streams flow, then you should boldly enter into the fight, defend your rights - the truth will be on the side of the dreamer.

If pure streams flow, then one should boldly enter into the struggle

Why do you dream about dirty and clean water?

  • clear water symbolizes love passions, strong emotions;
  • pure flows mean unspent creative potential, which will be realized in the near future;
  • a large amount of dirty water portends to the dreamer protracted conflicts and quarrels that can undermine mental health.

Dark water with mud and clay foreshadows the appearance of a serious enemy in life, the confrontation with which can drag on for many years. Many dream books interpret water as the dreamer’s life - the nature of the events that will occur in the near future depends on its appearance.

Flood to the ceiling in a dream - financial situation may improve

If in a dream water pours from the ceiling and floods the entire room, then in reality events will begin to occur that the dreamer will not be able to influence.

  • For traders and businessmen, a flood to the ceiling is a good sign, which soon promises profit, new profitable contracts, and useful contacts.
  • If everything around is flooded, and the dreamer lies calmly on the water, does not try to swim or resist, such a dream portends prosperity, luxury, and a profitable marriage.
  • For a pregnant woman, clean water in large quantities is a harbinger of happiness. To see such a dream in the later stages means that the baby will be born soon and the birth will be easy.

Why do you dream about water (video)

Dream experts believe that a person has the most prophetic dreams within 12 nights after his birthday. Each dream determines the main events that will occur monthly throughout the year. But often dreams are a warning for a person. You should reconsider your attitude towards finances, loved ones, colleagues, be more attentive to your own health, and avoid adventures and dangerous situations.

Attention, TODAY only!

What does a flood symbolize in a dream? The dream book considers it a harbinger of uncontrollable emotions and unfavorable events. At the same time, this plot may indicate unexpected receipt of unfamiliar information and even large monetary income. To understand why this natural phenomenon is dreamed of, it is worth remembering as many details as possible.

Why do you dream about a natural disaster?

A global catastrophe with widespread flooding warns of misfortunes, failures, family and work conflicts. In the night adventure, the flood was caused by a raging natural disaster? Prepare for an influx of work and the need to reconsider your priorities. A storm that floods everything around you reflects fears and phobias that you cannot cope with on your own.

Was the flood accompanied in a dream by a terrible earthquake? The dream book warns: excessive nervous tension will cause total trouble. At a certain point, you simply cannot restrain yourself and will run into a response. If you miraculously managed to survive in such terrible conditions, in reality you will find a way to get out of a difficult situation.

Interpretation from the Enigma dream book

Why do you dream of a flood in general? In a dream, it reflects the emotional chaos that will arise in the soul due to the destruction of old views and stereotypes. If such visions come often, then it’s time to engage in introspection or visit a psychologist.

Seeing a calm surface after a flood can indicate temporary stagnation in spiritual development. If the surface is turbulent, then you will be overwhelmed by a feeling of panic and even hopelessness. Often, a flood is associated with a society, a team, a group of people who are going through turbulent times. It is definitely worth noting the day of the week when the dream appeared.

  • Monday is bad news.
  • Tuesday – complications at work.
  • Wednesday – the consequences of an old action.
  • Thursday – a loud family scandal.
  • Friday is a fruitless struggle, a waste of resources.
  • Saturday – peer pressure.
  • Sunday – illness or profit

Seeing a flood in a dream according to Miller

Did you dream of a dark, seething flood? Miller's dream book foresees serious trouble. It's bad to see helpless people being carried away. In reality, you will experience loss, experience deep disappointment, and realize the futility of your existence. Did a stormy stream pick you up and carry you away? An important task will suddenly slow down.

If the water was clean, Miller gives the opposite interpretation: after a long and seemingly hopeless struggle, peace, contentment, and confidence in the future will come. Freud's interpreter identifies any dream about a flood with pregnancy and childbirth. After such a plot, you personally or someone close to you will become pregnant or give birth.

What does Vanga flood mean?

Vanga’s dream book considers a dirty and too stormy flood a sign of illness or magical influence (curse, intentional damage, love spell). Did you see clear water gradually flooding the city? This means that progress has been made in your life: expect luck and all sorts of improvements.

Is there a terrible rainfall outside? Circumstances in reality will change so quickly that you will experience confusion, because you will not be able to adapt to them. In order not to find yourself in a dead end, the seer Vanga advises to be decisive, otherwise a great chance will pass you by.

In your dream, you saw a terrible flood that washed away everything in its path, but didn’t it scare you? In reality, what you no longer need will be naturally destroyed. After such a “cleaning”, you will gain freedom and confidence, and you will be able to move forward unhindered.

What does the plot mean according to the Islamic dream book?

In the dream, did the flood spread, covering more and more land areas? The Islamic interpreter promises fateful trials. Beware if you are washed away by a strong current. In reality, you will become seriously ill, lose money, property, relationships. At the same time, the Islamic dream book considers a flood caused by a summer shower to be a harbinger of delight and joy.

The Muslim dream interpreter has his own opinion on this matter. Seeing a flood from the outside means that catastrophic events will occur that will not affect you personally. But if you were at the epicenter, then the interpretation is completely opposite.

What does a flood promise in nature?

In a dream, the sun warmed up and the ice began to break on the river? Because of your daring trick, you risk causing difficulties in your service. Did the spring flood cause a huge river to overflow? Participation in a profitable enterprise will bring enormous income. Why else do you dream of a flood in nature? The dream book offers the following meanings:

  • Flooded ravine - delay, stagnation
  • Forest – changes for the better.
  • The field is worthy prospects, new horizons.
  • A vegetable garden is an unfavorable situation.
  • The railway - unforeseen obstacles.

If an old bridge was demolished by a strong flood, then due to outdated views you may end up in a mental and material crisis. If the bridge was new, then your goals are clearly unattainable, and your ideals are false.

What does continuous flooding in the city mean? A period is approaching that will be marked by anxiety, suspicion and hard work. If you find yourself in a whirlpool that appears on a city street, then in reality you will find yourself in a society of excessively noisy and conflict-ridden people.

Why see water in front of the house?

In a dream, watching a flood from the side means communicating with a very obsessive person. Why do you dream of a real flood near your own home? You have to prove your worth and professionalism in practice. Did the water come right to your feet? Dream book advice: prepare for difficulties associated with real estate.

Has the flood reached your home? Family life is on the verge of disaster, the situation is so difficult that it threatens the complete collapse of relationships. At night, some water reached the windowsill, but didn’t flow inside? This is a harbinger of cloudless happiness, a life of luxury, incredible luck, and a valuable find.

I dreamed of a flooded apartment

In your dreams, the apartment was flooded by careless neighbors from above? You have to wage a desperate struggle for your position, but even the circumstances will be against you. Streams flowing from under the floor? In reality, an extremely undesirable meeting will occur for you.

Did water jets come out of the walls? You will face insurmountable obstacles. Did you manage to stop the flooding? Thanks to the measures taken, the difficult situation will gradually be resolved. Swimming in a completely flooded room? You will fall under the influence of others.

Why else do you dream about flooding in an apartment? In a dream, this is a rather contradictory symbol, which with equal probability can predict an emotional conversation or a family scandal. Therefore, the dream book recommends taking into account the quality of water.

Muddy water is bad for you

Cloudy slurry is associated with gossip, distress, bad experiences, and serious conflicts. If there was garbage floating in the water, they will try to slander you. Did you literally choke on dirty liquid in a dream? This is a warning about a debilitating disease. Did you dive into the muddy water with delight and interest? You will experience a very unusual adventure.

Clear water bodes well

A flood with clear water is generally interpreted as a positive sign. After such a dream, the dream book promises peace, mutual understanding and general well-being in the house. In addition, a major acquisition, falling in love, joyful emotional excitement is possible. This is also a sign of bright thoughts and original ideas. Only in rare cases do clear waters hint at temporary delays, delays, or minor disturbances.

What does a strong stream portend?

Why do you dream of a particularly severe flood that threatens life? This is an omen of radical changes in lifestyle, preferences, and worldview. In a dream, were you literally carried away by the current? Despite your efforts, you are unable to influence your own destiny. This is a sign of a threat to current affairs, reputation, plans.

Have you seen how other characters are carried away? The dream book suspects that you will witness someone else's failure, but will not be able to help. Did the flood carry a variety of debris past? Solving a problem you know requires maximum effort.

Have you watched cars float by? Circumstances will develop in the most unfavorable way and you will lose control over them. What does it mean if the flood suddenly recedes? The expected event is temporarily postponed or will not happen at all.