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How to distinguish bleeding from menstruation yourself. Bleeding during menstruation

Such a menstrual cycle disorder, such as heavy bleeding during menstruation, makes you worry. A woman often does not know what to do in this case, since it is difficult to independently determine the cause. Let us consider this phenomenon in more detail, highlight the factors that cause it, and measures to combat it.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation - causes

It is often difficult to determine the factor that influences the volume of blood released during menstruation. Doctors prescribe a large number of examinations, which include:

  • examination in a gynecological chair;
  • smears from the urethra and cervix;
  • blood test - general and for hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic gullies.

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to find out what increases bleeding during menstruation in a particular case. Among the reasons are:

  1. Failure of the hormonal system. When estrogen concentrations predominate, there is increased growth of endometrial cells that make up the inner layer of the uterus. When it detaches, which is noted during menstruation, a large amount of blood is released, sometimes with clots. This can also happen during premenopause, when the reproductive function of the body declines. With the onset of menopause, everything returns to normal.
  2. Endometriosis. The disease is characterized by the gradual ingrowth of cells of the inner layer of the uterus into nearby tissues. Due to changes in hormonal levels, their increase is noted, which provokes bleeding from the uterus. In such cases, drug therapy is required.
  3. Tumor-like processes (fibroids) may cause heavy bleeding during prolonged periods. Occurs in women of reproductive age. A benign tumor almost always provokes the appearance of blood from the vagina and prolongation of menstrual periods. These signs are the basis for contacting a gynecologist who diagnoses the disease. It is worth noting that during menopause, fibroids gradually decrease on their own due to a decrease in hormone synthesis.

In addition to the disorders listed above, an increase in the volume of menstrual blood can occur with:

  • inflammatory diseases (oophoritis, salpingitis);
  • infections of the reproductive system (gonorrhea, gardnerella);
  • after operations on the reproductive organs, curettage;
  • as a result of trauma.

Heavy periods or bleeding - how to determine?

It is necessary to strictly distinguish between two different terms: heavy bleeding during menstruation and uterine bleeding. The second is associated with the loss of a large amount of blood, which is fraught with the development of anemia. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to find out what the girl is experiencing: menstruation or bleeding - everyone should know how to determine which. If several of the following signs are present, we are talking about blood loss:

  • hourly change of sanitary pad;
  • duration of discharge more than 10 days;
  • severe weakness, fatigue;
  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • blood from the vagina after sex;
  • decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation - what to do?

You should not self-medicate even if you have knowledge of how to stop bleeding during menstruation. In such a situation, you should consult a doctor, whose task will be to determine the immediate cause of the disorder. The girl must adhere to the following rules:

  • drink large amounts of liquid;
  • avoid physical activity, heavy lifting;
  • do not visit the sauna and steam bath;
  • exclude alcohol, coffee;
  • take vitamins A, C, B.

To reduce heavy bleeding during menstruation, you can use cold. A heating pad filled with cold water is placed on the lower third of the abdomen. The duration of one procedure is 15 minutes. The water should not be very cold - 20-25 degrees. A decrease in body temperature in this area can trigger the development of an inflammatory process. The duration of the manipulation cannot be exceeded.

Anti-bleeding medications during menstruation

All appointments are made exclusively by doctors. For mild disorders, pills are prescribed to prevent bleeding during menstruation. Among them:

  • It has a fast effect, the first result is noticeable after 3 hours. It can also be used to prevent heavy periods.
  • Calcium gluconate. A decrease in vascular permeability as a result of the use of the drug helps to increase blood clotting. Take the pills before meals.
  • Ascorutin. It is prescribed to strengthen the vascular walls, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the volume of blood lost.

If symptoms are severe, injections are given to prevent bleeding during menstruation. Among the drugs used in this case:

  • Dicynone;
  • Tranexam.

How to reduce bleeding during menstruation - folk remedies

When choosing how to stop bleeding during menstruation, women resort to traditional medicine. Effective recipes in such a situation may be:

  • Nettle. Brew 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water. Consume throughout the day in small portions, 3 times a day, for 10 days.
  • Peppermint tincture. 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water, leave for 3-5 hours. Drink a glass before meals, 3-4 times a day, 7 days.
  • A decoction of oak bark, shepherd's purse, yarrow, and cinquefoil. Take in equal portions and dilute in 1 liter of boiling water. Take after meals, after 2 hours, morning and evening, 5-7 days.

Characteristics of normal menstrual flow. Causes and types of bleeding. Signs of uterine bleeding.

On average, menstruation begins at age 12. Within 2 years, the cycle stabilizes, and girls already know the characteristics of their body.

Sometimes on critical days the uterus opens, and due to inexperience the thought arises that menstruation is heavy and not the same as always. A late visit to the gynecologist is fraught with the development of severe bleeding and problems with conception in the future.

Therefore, all girls after menarche should be aware of how to distinguish periods from bleeding.

Characteristics of normal menstrual flow

During the normal course of the cycle, menstruation in each specific case has physiological characteristics. The woman knows that the duration of discharge falls within 3 to 7 days and never exceeds this period.

Bleeding begins after the same period of time, for example, after 21, 28, 30 or 35 days. Menstruation begins with scanty spotting, on days 2–3 the mucous-bloody mass becomes abundant, after which the volume of discharge gradually decreases.

Small blood clots during menstruation are normal if they come out in small quantities in the first days of bleeding. The color of the discharge is initially scarlet and bright red. By the end of the critical days, the blood becomes dark burgundy (occasionally black). The smell of menstrual blood is reminiscent of fresh meat.

As for the volume of discharge, normally the body should lose about 50 ml over all days of menstruation. This is easy to calculate using the gaskets. If 2–4 products are used during the day, then everything is in order and your periods are not heavy.

Abdominal pain is acceptable at the beginning of menstruation. You can get rid of it with the help of painkillers and antispasmodics. If discomfort does not interfere with daily activities, there is no cause for concern.

Minor spotting may occur in the middle of the cycle. They indicate rupture of the follicle at the time of ovulation.

Dysfunctional bleeding: causes and types

Menstruation that is associated with improper functioning of the ovaries, adrenal glands and pituitary gland, as well as with a variety of diseases, are considered pathological.

Heavy periods or bleeding - how to determine the pathology:

  • Menorrhagia is long, heavy periods with a short cycle. Blood loss exceeds 100 - 150 ml. Anemia develops.
  • Polymenorrhea – cycle duration is less than 21 days.
  • Metrorrhagia is irregular intermenstrual discharge not associated with the cycle. Duration and volume are variable.
  • Menometrorrhagia – periods are prolonged, but occur irregularly.

Why do uterine bleeding occur instead of menstruation?

Doctors consider diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands and pituitary gland to be the functional causes of anomalies. Improperly functioning organs disrupt the process of hormone production, provoke diseases and change the nature of menstruation.

Iatrogenic causes of heavy menstruation, which turn into uterine bleeding, are medical procedures and medications. Medicines affect blood clotting, hormonal and nervous systems.

Organic causes are associated with diseases that disrupt the structure of the genital organs, change the functioning of the kidneys, liver and negatively affect the processes of hematopoiesis.

Let's look at the types of bleeding that occur during menstruation:

  1. Juvenile – characteristic of adolescence. The problem arises against the background of poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency, and due to emotional and physical stress. The characteristics of menstruation are also determined by a history of diseases - measles, rubella, whooping cough, mumps.
  2. Reproductive - bleeding worries adult women suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, endometriosis and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  3. Ovulatory - characterized by heavy, prolonged bleeding against the background of adhesions, pathologies of the uterus and appendages. Women complain of brown spotting before and after menstruation. This indicates an incorrect ratio of progesterone and estrogen.
  4. Anovulatory - progesterone deficiency with excess estrogen leads to endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia and the development of tumors. Anovulatory bleeding worries adolescents and women in menopause. Patients complain of delays in menstruation, heavy blood loss and bleeding lasting longer than a week.
  5. Profuse - occur during menstruation and in the intermenstrual period. Bleeding of this type is dangerous due to anemia and hemorrhagic shock. They are removed by surgery.
  6. Breakthrough bleeding occurs in women taking hormonal birth control pills. Their appearance indicates a restructuring of the body due to changes in hormonal levels. The volume of discharge is scanty, but with abrupt discontinuation of the drug, blood loss becomes significant.

The development of dysfunctional bleeding is facilitated by stress, strict diets, excessive physical activity, low social status, age and general condition of the body.

How to distinguish periods from bleeding - important signs

Every representative of the fair sex must know the signs of uterine bleeding during menstruation. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the regularity of monthly discharge, its quantity and nature.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) can be recognized by the following criteria:

  • Time of onset of menstruation – early or late.
  • Intensity of discharge – 10 or more pads are used during the day.
  • Duration – menstruation lasts for more than a week with the same volume of discharge.
  • Consistency – the mucous-bloody mass contains red clots.
  • PMS persists - abdominal pain, weakness, drowsiness, and fatigue continue. The discomfort is so excruciating that everyday activities become an overwhelming task.
  • Blood test - the result shows anemia.

How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding based on general health? With significant bleeding, paleness of the skin and mucous tissues is observed, the woman is worried about chills, dizziness, tachycardia, and decreased blood pressure. Loss of consciousness and increased gag reflex are possible.

External signs of regular uterine bleeding are manifested by changes in the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. The covers acquire a marbled hue and maintain high humidity. Nails quickly break and hair falls out.

Bleeding during pregnancy

During a normal pregnancy, there should be no periods. In the early stages, scant implantation bleeding is allowed. Occasionally, expectant mothers experience brown spotting, which is not menstruation. This is the body's reaction to a decrease in progesterone levels.

Bloody discharge that resembles menstruation during pregnancy may indicate pathology:

  1. Risk of miscarriage. Against the background of heavy bleeding, cramping pain occurs in the lower abdomen. Gestation ends spontaneously before 22 weeks.
  2. Uterine rupture. Increased uterine tone, excessive fetal activity and abdominal trauma cause this condition. Trouble happens in the 2nd – 3rd trimester.
  3. Damage to small vessels. The causes of bleeding are rough sexual intercourse, vaginal ultrasound, pseudo-erosion of the cervix, inaccurate gynecological examination.
  4. Placenta previa. The low location of the placenta does not allow the growing baby to remain in the uterine cavity. Placental abruption is accompanied by heavy bleeding.

During an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding is characterized by dark-colored discharge and clots. Sharp pain occurs from the location of the embryo. The woman is worried about nausea and vomiting.

Postpartum period

In the first 8 weeks after childbirth, female bleeding is defined by the term “lochia.” Immediately after delivery, blood loss is 500 ml, after cesarean section - up to 1 liter. After 4 – 10 days, the lochia lighten and are secreted less.


After 45–50 years of age, menopause causes menstruation to become irregular and stop completely. If after a year menstrual-like discharge appears or uterine bleeding begins, for a woman in menopause this is a sign of the disease. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will help avoid complications.

Menstruation is an individual natural phenomenon that can last from 3 days to a week. It is characterized by cyclicality, with the number of days in the female cycle most often varying from 23 to 35 days. Menstruation can be scanty or heavy, regardless of the duration of the menstrual period. How to distinguish the normal amount of blood released from the bleeding that occurs, which is dangerous for the female body?

Menstruation or bleeding - how to determine?

There are a number of differences that can be used to distinguish between menstruation and bleeding:

  • Excessive amount of blood produced
  • Lots of clots
  • Hygiene products are changed more than 5 times a day
  • The period of critical days becomes more than a week
  • Constant pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pulls in the hips and sacrum area
  • A woman begins to feel dizzy
  • Feeling of constant fatigue and weakness.

On average, a woman's cycle lasts from 28 to 35 days. If it is longer, then this can already be regarded as a health problem for which you should make an appointment with a doctor.

If bleeding bothers a woman in the middle of her cycle, then urgent medical attention and diagnostics are needed to identify the cause of the bleeding. Most often this ends in hospitalization. Before the ambulance arrives, the woman should lie on her back and raise her legs higher than her body. Bleeding can begin in a woman of any age.

If in doubt

Sometimes menstruation can also occur with a large amount of blood, and a woman doubts for a long time whether she is menstruating or is bleeding. What symptoms will correctly indicate pathology?

  • The blood does not decrease with each passing day, but the discharge only becomes stronger
  • The discharge came earlier or later, in the middle of the cycle
  • The blood becomes not dark, but scarlet
  • Skin turns pale
  • Fainting and confusion begin
  • Pulse changes (faster or slower)
  • Urge to vomit and nausea

What are the risks of blood loss?

Once the bleeding starts, it is difficult to stop. Heavy discharge may require surgery or blood transfusion. If blood loss is regular but small, this can cause anemia. In some cases, bleeding leads to shock, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women.

Causes of heavy bleeding during menstruation.

Why does bleeding start? Factors that provoke this phenomenon can be the girl’s adolescence, when the body is just forming and the hormonal background is not yet ideal.

Women during menopause and pregnancy are also susceptible to it. Bleeding often occurs during the birth process or in the presence of cancer of the genital organs.

Bleeding may also begin due to a course of hormonal therapy; for diseases of the ovaries with changes in hormone levels; with severe inflammatory processes in the body.

Endometriosis and blood pathologies that interfere with blood clotting often provoke severe bleeding. The same thing happens after treatment with medications that help liquefy it.

Transitional periods in a woman's life

During puberty and during the formation of hormonal levels, menstruation can take a long time to establish, be irregular, and sometimes disappear. The same situation is observed during menopause. Therefore, a woman with the erratic arrival of her critical days does not immediately notice that she has started not having her period, but bleeding. And teenage girls who are just beginning to menstruate are unable to distinguish normal from pathology.

Taking hormonal medications

Bleeding may be a consequence of a course of contraceptive hormonal drugs, especially in the first 2-3 months of use. In this case, you need to consult a gynecologist who will stop the pills and prescribe another drug. If the reason lies in the use of oral contraception and the doctor was able to select a suitable drug, then within a few months the balance of hormones is equalized and the bleeding stops on its own.

Benign neoplasms

Against this background, two types of bleeding can occur:

  • With profuse blood loss of liquid bright scarlet blood
  • With minimal blood loss, lots of clots and dark blood.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy, bleeding signals important disorders in the female body. This may be placental abruption, tube rupture during ectopic pregnancy, abnormal position of the placenta and other pathologies. If the developing condition is not prevented in time, it can cause shock or death for the pregnant woman.

During the birth process, bleeding develops against the background of mechanical damage to the birth canal and inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is also provoked by the afterbirth not being removed in time.

Anti-bleeding medications during menstruation

Treatment with pills to stop menstruation is possible at home. It is important that the medications are prescribed by the attending physician, and that the woman does not self-medicate.



This medicine is an artificially synthesized vitamin K. It replenishes the deficiency of the useful substance in the body. Tablets improve coagulation and accelerate the formation of prothrombins.

If bleeding does not begin due to a lack of vitamin K or problems with blood clotting, then Vikasol is ineffective.

Side effects: allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, difficulty breathing, hives.


Release form: tablets. Indications: used to stop bleeding during menstruation; bleeding of capillary origin, etc. This medicine is prescribed in critical situations: with prolonged and heavy blood loss.


Used to improve vascular permeability and enhance tissue microcirculation. The drug affects the production of thromboplastin, which stops heavy discharge. There is no need to be afraid that the drug will negatively affect coagulation and cause thrombosis. It is prohibited to combine Etamzilat with other medications and drugs.


These are tablets containing vitamin C, which strengthen the patient’s blood vessels, make them more elastic, and reduce their permeability. If a woman has a problem with too much blood discharge during her menstrual period, then this drug will help reduce the time of menstruation. Ascorutin has a beneficial effect on the entire female body, especially during postmenopause or after a cesarean section. The tablets reduce blood loss and do not have a negative effect on the female body.

Injections to stop bleeding

In some cases, doctors prefer to use injections that have a hemostatic effect instead of tablets. After oral administration, tablets and capsules begin to act within 60 minutes, and after injection, the active substances act within 5-10 minutes after administration.


This is a fast-acting medicine, does not cause allergies, and relieves inflammation.


Promotes uterine contraction and reduces blood loss. Oxytocyton is often used to eliminate discharge after childbirth. Method of administration: intramuscularly, intravenously.


It quickly stops bleeding of various origins. This is a drug from a new line of hemostatic agents.

Folk recipes

Herbal decoctions will help cope with bleeding and heavy discharge. They help accelerate blood clotting and do not cause allergies or side effects. Herbal decoctions constrict blood vessels. These medications should be taken a week before the start of your period.


With severe internal bleeding, the above symptoms are accompanied by severe pallor, cold extremities, thirst, sticky sweat, drowsiness, dizziness, deterioration in health, decreased vision (feeling of a veil before the eyes), lack of air. If first aid is not provided, the pulse weakens and increases, and palpitations are felt. With large blood loss, blood pressure drops sharply and death can occur.

Pulmonary bleeding may occur due to tuberculosis. For some time it is preceded by hemoptysis or a slight admixture in. Subsequently, it manifests itself in the discharge of up to several glasses. Bleeding caused by chest trauma is accompanied by a feeling of chest compression and lack of air. This is due to the filling of the pleural cavity with blood.

Gastric bleeding can occur with many diseases, for example, with an ulcer, tumor, polyps, and sometimes with damage to nearby organs - the liver, pancreas, spleen. One of the signs of stomach bleeding is brown vomit and tarry, heavy stools. With strong bleeding, sticky sweat appears on the forehead, weakness and palpitations appear. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, due to large blood loss, the pressure drops and sometimes to a critical level.

Intestinal bleeding is most often associated with diseases of this organ. When bleeding from the upper intestines, the stool becomes tar-colored. From the lower sections, for example, with anal fissures, stool may be mixed with scarlet blood.

Uterine bleeding is characteristic of many female diseases - inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, prolonged menstruation (more than 10 days), pathology or miscarriages. When ruptured (due to inflammation or inflammation), blood spills into the abdominal cavity, causing symptoms of acute blood loss.


Internal bleeding is much more dangerous than external bleeding, since it is not possible to identify it immediately. Therefore, at the first sign of it, you should call an ambulance.


  • how to detect bleeding during menstruation

Internal bleeding is the effusion of blood into the cavities of internal organs as a result of damage to arterial or venous vessels. Possible causes of its appearance include: injuries, malignant tumors, complications of chronic gastrointestinal diseases and diseases of the genital organs in women.

Signs of internal bleeding

Common early symptoms of internal bleeding include: weakness, drowsiness, pale skin and mucous membranes, cold sweat, thirst, darkening of the eyes, and in some cases, fainting. The intensity of the process is determined by changes in blood pressure, pulse, and also by some clinical symptoms. With low blood loss, a slight decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate to 80 beats per minute are observed; other signs may be absent.

With moderate internal bleeding, the systolic (upper) pressure drops to 90-80 mm. rt. Art., the pulse quickens to 90-100 beats per minute. The skin becomes pale, there is a slight increase in breathing, cold extremities, possible nausea, dry mouth, weakness, slow reactions, fainting, dizziness. In cases of severe blood loss, systolic pressure drops to 80 mm. rt. Art. and lower, the pulse becomes frequent - up to a minute and higher. The patient experiences a strong increase in breathing rate, disturbance of its rhythm, sticky cold sweat, pathological drowsiness, yawning, tremors of the hands, apathy, indifference, darkening of the eyes, nausea, vomiting, painful thirst, decreased volume of urine excreted, sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. .

With massive internal bleeding, the pressure drops to 60 mmHg. Art., the pulse quickens to 140-160 beats per minute. Characterized by periodic breathing, confusion or lack of consciousness, delirium, sudden paleness of the skin, cold sweat. The look becomes indifferent, the eyes become sunken, and the facial features become pointed. With fatal blood loss, a person develops a coma. Upper (systolic) pressure drops to 60 mmHg. Art. or not determined. Breathing becomes agonal, heart rate decreases to 2-10 beats per minute. There are convulsions, involuntary release of urine and feces, dilation of the pupils, the skin becomes dry, cold, and “marbled.” Then comes agony and death.

Symptoms of some types of internal bleeding

Vomiting dark blood (“coffee grounds”) indicates blood leaking into the esophagus or into the stomach cavity. If there is internal bleeding in the small intestine and upper digestive tract, tarry stools may occur. The discharge of scarlet blood from the anus indicates bleeding in the lower parts of the large intestine or hemorrhoids. If blood enters the abdominal cavity, upon palpation, signs of irritation of the peritoneum are observed.

When there is bleeding in the lungs, a cough with foamy, bright blood appears; when blood accumulates in the pleural cavity, severe shortness of breath, lack of air, and difficulty breathing are observed. Bleeding into the uterine cavity is indicated by the discharge of blood from the female genital organs. When bleeding occurs in the urinary tract or kidneys, hematuria (blood in the urine) occurs.

Menstruation occurs in a woman as a result of physiological processes occurring in the reproductive organs. Normally, they are repeated at approximately equal intervals, last several days and are practically not bothersome. But in some situations (after childbirth, during menopause), when blood discharge appears, doubts arise about its origin. Uterine blood loss has very dangerous consequences. You need to know how to distinguish it from menstruation in order to prevent complications and find out the cause of the pathology.

  1. Period. Their duration is 3-5 days, volume 50-80 ml. They occur regularly with a deviation of 2-3 days. The interval between them is 21-35 days. The color of the discharge ranges from red (at the beginning) to burgundy or dark brown (on the last day), the consistency is mucous with clots of coagulated blood.
  2. Minor spotting in the middle of the cycle. They occur when the follicle ruptures.
  3. Implantation bleeding. Appear if conception occurs. They are caused by slight damage to the endometrium at the time the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Scanty discharge of this kind appears on the 7th day after fertilization. If they intensify, this indicates detachment of the fertilized egg and the threat of miscarriage. If a woman is looking forward to pregnancy, then such discharge should alert her and force her to urgently go to the doctor.
  4. Obstetric – bleeding during childbirth.

It is important to know how to distinguish menstruation from pathological bleeding in order to take timely measures and begin treatment.

Addition: Any deviations from the norm, as well as increased pain in menstruation, are a pathology. In rare cases, deviations are due to the characteristics of the body and heredity. Most often the cause is serious illness.

Dysfunctional bleeding

This is uterine bleeding that occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance associated with impaired functioning of the ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Depending on the nature of the manifestation, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Menorrhagia. This is the name for regular, long and heavy periods with a short gap between them. The bleeding continues for more than a week. During this time, blood loss is 100-150 ml or more, which leads to anemia.
  2. Metrorrhagia. This is irregular bleeding between periods. They have nothing to do with the processes of the menstrual cycle. Their duration and volume are variable.
  3. Menometrorrhagia. Irregular long periods.
  4. Polymenorrhea. Frequent periods less than 21 days apart.


There are functional, organic and iatrogenic causes.

Functional. These include diseases of the ovaries, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, which lead to disruption of hormone production. These include inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, ovarian dysfunction, hypothyroidism and others.

Organic. Associated with diseases in which not only the production of hormones is disrupted, but also the structure of organs (tumors, cysts, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, fibroids, uterine cancer, as well as liver cirrhosis, pyelonephritis, hematopoietic disorders).

Iatrogenic. The reasons are medical manipulations or taking medications (hormonal drugs, antidepressants, anticoagulants).

Types of dysfunctional bleeding

Factors such as emotional stress, physical overload, poor living conditions, and poor nutrition contribute to the occurrence of dysfunctional bleeding. In addition, an important factor is the age and general condition of the body, its functioning.

Video: Uterine bleeding. Types and reasons

Juvenile bleeding

It occurs in girls during puberty, when hormonal levels become established. The development of reproductive organs in adolescents is influenced by living conditions, emotional and physical stress, and nutritional patterns. The appearance of unusual uterine blood discharge is promoted by malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Puberty and reproductive health are also affected by previous infectious diseases (measles, mumps, whooping cough, rubella), and the presence of diseases of the liver and other organs. Juvenile bleeding is anovulatory and may be distinguished by the fact that it occurs primarily in winter and spring.

Dysfunctional bleeding of the reproductive period

They occur in women of reproductive age with endocrine disorders, heart and vascular diseases, in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, endometriosis or uterine tumors, as well as as a result of stress and physical fatigue. This group also includes bleeding that occurs only in women who are sexually active.

Ovulatory. They appear during menstruation. In this case, ovulation occurs. Characteristic fluctuations in the intervals between menstruation. They are abundant and long lasting. The cause is usually inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, the formation of adhesions. Often, in addition to heavy periods, a woman also experiences spotting brown discharge before and after them. Such discharge is associated with impaired ovarian function, leading to an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. They are typical for young women.

Anovulatory. Cycles without ovulation occur when there is insufficient progesterone and excess estrogen. This leads to pathological growth of the endometrium (hyperplasia, endometriosis), the appearance of benign and cancerous tumors. Such bleeding is characteristic of menopause, and also occurs in adolescents. At the same time, menstruation comes with a delay. The intensity of blood loss may be too great, and the duration of menstruation exceeds 7 days. This affects the woman’s well-being, as anemia occurs.

Breakthrough bleeding. It occurs as a result of taking hormonal oral contraceptives. Usually, spotting and spotting appear in the first months after starting to take the pills due to the body’s adaptation to changed hormonal levels. They can be scarce. Their volume may increase if the drug is abruptly stopped. If the patient complains of breakthrough bleeding, the doctor changes the dose or recommends another contraceptive.

Profuse bleeding. This is the most dangerous type of internal or external heavy bleeding. It can occur both during and between periods. Leads to anemia, hemorrhagic shock (acute blood loss). Occurs due to injuries to the genital organs (for example, during curettage, removal of fibroids). Often, such bleeding can only be eliminated through surgery.

Video: How dysfunctional bleeding occurs

Features of bleeding during pregnancy

Normally, once pregnancy occurs, a woman should not have periods until she gives birth. The only exception is scanty implantation bleeding.

In rare cases, on the days of normal menstruation, pregnant women may experience spotting brown discharge in the first months, which must be distinguished from menstruation. They are caused by low levels of progesterone. Gradually the condition returns to normal.

Blood discharge during pregnancy can appear as a result of various pathologies.

Miscarriage. Accompanied by heavy bleeding and spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen. A miscarriage is considered to be a spontaneous termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks inclusive.

Ectopic pregnancy. There is abundant dark discharge with clots. A woman experiences sharp pain on one side of her abdomen, nausea and vomiting. If the fallopian tubes rupture, immediate surgery is necessary.

Contact damage to small vessels. It can occur during pseudo-erosion of the cervix, sexual intercourse, gynecological examination, as a result of vaginal ultrasound.

Placenta previa. Bleeding appears in the 2nd or 3rd trimester due to the position of the fetus and placenta being too low, as a result of which the growing fetus is not retained in the uterine cavity. Detachment may begin, which is accompanied by heavy loss of blood. There is a threat of death of the child.

Uterine rupture. Occurs in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy due to abdominal trauma, increased uterine tone, or fetal activity.

Warning: In any case, if bleeding occurs, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor in order to eliminate dangerous blood loss and possibly maintain the pregnancy.

Video: How to find out if a miscarriage has occurred in early pregnancy

Bleeding after childbirth

Within approximately 8 weeks after birth, the uterus is restored in size and cleared of blood and placental debris. At this moment, the woman develops so-called lochia, red discharge. After 4-10 days they lighten, become less abundant and slimy. The total blood loss in the first days is approximately 500 ml, with a caesarean section - about 1000 ml. The timing of a regular period depends on how long a woman breastfeeds her baby.

Bleeding during menopause

After 40 years, women experience a gradual decrease in the level of sex hormones. Hormonal imbalances increase the risk of tumors and other pathologies in the uterus. It is important for women to know exactly how to distinguish between menstruation and bleeding during this period.

Any bleeding that occurs after you have not had a period for 1 year cannot be menstruation because the ovaries have stopped functioning. Bloody discharge now acts only as a sign of the disease. The sooner a woman sees a doctor, the greater the chance of avoiding serious complications.

Video: Features of blood discharge during menopause

How to distinguish menstruation from pathological blood loss

There are signs that will indicate how to distinguish menstruation from bleeding of a pathological nature:

  • bleeding is indicated by bleeding that does not stop for more than a week;
  • the intensity of the discharge is such that the pad has to be changed every 1-2 hours;
  • there are many clots in the blood;
  • symptoms of anemia appear (nausea, weakness, headache, rapid heartbeat);
  • there are pains in the lower abdomen that are constant or cramping in nature;
  • blood discharge appears after sexual intercourse;
  • increased bleeding appears after a long delay or much earlier than usual, perhaps between periods;
  • spotting begins a few days before menstruation and continues for another 3-4 days after the cessation of menstrual bleeding;
  • If there is bleeding, the discharge may have an unpleasant odor.

The nature of the discharge helps to distinguish bleeding from menstruation after childbirth. When several weeks have already passed after the cessation of lochia and bright red profuse discharge appears again (while the woman is breastfeeding), this is not menstruation.

What to do if there is heavy or suspected bleeding

If signs of blood loss are detected, a woman should definitely consult a doctor; if there is severe bleeding, call an ambulance.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to lie down and remove the pillow from under your head. Your feet should be higher than your head. Ice should be placed on the lower abdomen. You can drink a decoction of nettle or yarrow, which have a hemostatic effect.