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How to remove dark circles under the eyes. Why do dark circles and bags appear under the eyes?

The topic of our article is folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes. You will learn what causes dark circles around the eyes and how to get rid of them using natural remedies.

The skin directly reflects the state of human health. Redness, pigmentation, swelling and other unattractive phenomena are a marker of diseases of the internal organs, as well as the influence of bad habits and harmful living and working conditions.

The main complaints of women about flaws in their appearance are an unsightly dark blue shade of the skin under the eyes and swelling.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

The skin covering the paraorbital cavity on the face is somewhat different in structure from other areas. There is no subcutaneous fatty tissue in it and therefore the blood vessels, a network running directly under the skin, are clearly visible. In addition, continuous facial expressions and stagnation in the capillary network aggravate the problem.

Today we will talk about how to remove dark circles under the eyes?

Main factors contributing to the appearance of dark circles

First, we will need to figure out why dark circles appear under the eyes? Once you understand the essence of the problem, it will be much easier to find the right means to solve it.

Allergies are not the most typical manifestation of allergic reactions, however, in rare cases, increased sensitivity to medications, food, and cosmetics manifests itself.

How to fix it? First, find out the cause of the allergy and immediately eliminate and stop the active factor.

Lack of vitamins and microelements- as a result of a lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin B 12 and microelements involved in hematopoiesis, anemia can develop, as a result, oxygen-poor blood has a darker color and circles under the eyes become more noticeable.

How to fix it? - normalize nutrition, do a blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Get treatment for gastrointestinal diseases.

Irregular working hours— Prolonged eye strain, and this means working with small parts or in front of a computer monitor, contributes to the stagnation of blood and lymph throughout the body and in the vessels feeding the eyes in particular.

How to fix it? Alternate eye strain with a relaxing massage or other type of work. Move more often and be in the fresh air.

Bad habits- smoking regular cigarettes or an addiction to a newfangled hookah constricts blood vessels, the skin under the eyes is poorly supplied with oxygen and blood, and fine wrinkles become more expressive. If there is a harmful addiction to alcohol and drugs, then the general condition of the body worsens, and the skin of the face becomes puffy, saggy and gray.

How to fix it? Immediately quit all bad habits and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

Fast weight loss— in women over the age of 36, the hormonal levels and structure of subcutaneous fat tissue are somewhat different than in younger years, for this reason rapid weight loss leads to thinning of the skin and sagging in the eye area.

How to fix it? Normalize the process of losing weight, while losing weight, engage in physical exercise and take care of the skin of the body and face.

Climatic conditions- In the cold season or in a cold climate zone, prolonged exposure to frost and icy winds, the skin becomes thinner and poorly supplied with blood, and acquires a darker shade.

How to fix it? – Use protective creams for the skin under the eyes. Moisturize and nourish the skin with high-quality creams.

Wrong makeup- the wrong shade of eye shadow or foundation can give an unsightly gray tint to the skin under the eyes and make even the youngest face look tired and old.

How to fix it? – Learn to choose the right cosmetics, do proper makeup and choose the tone of concealers and shadows.

Low quality cosmetics— Poor quality of eye creams or inappropriate use of the cream, for example, using hand cream to care for the skin under the eyes. Wrong cream for your skin type.

How to fix it? - Do not use low-quality creams from an unknown manufacturer. Use creams purchased at the market or crossing with caution. Better yet, don't use them.

Poor sleep– Normal sleep and wakefulness is very important. If sleep lasts less than 7 hours, the skin becomes dull and thin, with translucent blood vessels.

How to fix it? Get enough sleep regularly.

Poor nutrition— Fatty, fried foods, an abundance of spicy and salty dishes contribute to disruption of the functioning of the entire body, and this in turn manifests itself as an unsightly complexion and swelling.

How to fix it? To correct the situation, you should reduce the amount of table salt you eat to 10 grams per day, taking into account the salt in baked goods and prepared foods, such as sausage and canned food. Introduce more vegetables and fruits into your diet.

Hereditary factors- If the closest relatives have a structure of the skin and bones of the face such that a depression with a blue tint to the skin is formed, then there is a high probability that children will also have this sign. In this case, it is simply impossible to get rid of it at home.

How to get rid of it? In this case, if the cosmetic defect is so pronounced that it interferes with normal life, you should resort to plastic surgery or salon procedures.

Beauty professionals, cosmetologists and dermatologists can offer a large arsenal to combat dark circles and bags under the eyes in beauty salons.

  1. Mesotherapy: Using thin injection needles, a composition based on hyaluronic acid and vitamin is injected under the skin. This promotes local nutrition and smoothing of the skin under the eyes. The procedure is usually painful. After it, marks from the injections remain for some time. To achieve good results, it is recommended to carry out several procedures.
  2. Peeling: the skin is exposed to an acid solution. An aggressive reaction causes exfoliation of the surface layer of the epidermis. The entire recovery process lasts up to two weeks. Several procedures are required for results.
  3. Laser therapy: Under anesthesia, a laser beam removes the layer of the epidermis, thus stimulating its regeneration.
  4. Facial acupuncture: The skin is treated with a roller with microneedles. The procedure is very painful, so it is done under general anesthesia. After therapy, the surface of the skin bleeds and swells.
  5. Lymphatic drainage is a manual therapy that rids skin cells of toxins and excess fluid. This procedure can be done in beauty salons and at home using eyelid gels.

Cosmetic corporations have developed many products to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. The biologically active substances included in these products increase the permeability of vascular walls and accelerate blood flow in the blood and lymphatic vessels. The list of these substances is quite long:

  • nettle extract;
  • horse chestnut;
  • gotu kola;
  • raskus;
  • Pontian butcher's broom;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • vitamins A and K.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes using folk remedies

Potato masks

Potato-based masks are the best remedy for dark circles under the eyes: take peeled raw potatoes and grate them. Mix the potato mixture with 10 grams of olive oil. Place the mask on the skin under the eyes, rinse after 30 minutes with warm water or green tea.

Oatmeal mask

Take oatmeal. If you don’t have ready-made flour, grind a small amount of oatmeal in a blender. Peel and grate one raw potato and mix with prepared flour. You can add a little milk to make a mass with the thickness of sour cream. Apply the mixture to the problem area and rinse with warm boiled water after 25 minutes.

Cottage cheese for dark circles under the eyes

Take cottage cheese, preferably homemade, and mash until smooth. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Carefully remove the curd with cotton pads.

Walnut mask

A good nourishing mask to combat bruises. Walnuts, peeled and ground to flour. Mix the resulting flour with butter. To improve the effect, add 3-4 drops of pomegranate juice to the composition. Apply to skin for 20-30 minutes. After time has passed, clean with a napkin.

Cucumber mask

In summer and early autumn, we recommend making a mask from fresh cucumbers. Grate the fruits on a fine grater or chop in a blender. Chop the parsley or cilantro with a knife. Take the resulting ingredients in equal parts and mix with fat sour cream. Apply the mask to the skin in the eye area, rinse after 30 minutes.

Parsley for dark circles under the eyes

Make an infusion of parsley. To do this, chop the parsley, take about 25 grams, pour half a glass of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes. Soak cotton swabs in the resulting solution and apply to eyes.

Herbal compresses

An effective remedy is a compress made from infusion of cornflower and rosemary. To do this, take 15 grams of dry suspension of one of the medicinal plants and pour 220 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 35 minutes in a tightly sealed container. Apply cotton swabs to the skin.

Ice cubes

Prepare cosmetic ice

You can use black or green tea for this. The substances contained in teas help improve blood circulation in the thin capillaries around the eyes. Instead of tea, infusions of medicinal plants such as sage, chamomile and cornflower flowers, parsley, dill, and rose petals are used.

To prepare cosmetic ice, you need to take one glass of boiling water and pour in 15 grams of dry plants. Pour boiling water over the plants, let them steep, then cool to room temperature.

Pour the herbal or flower infusion into ice cube trays and freeze in the freezer. Application is extremely simple: wipe cleansed skin in the eye area with an ice cube in the morning and evening.

Mallow for eye beauty

The beautiful garden flower mallow can serve as an excellent cosmetic product. Soak fresh mallow petals in cool milk and place on the skin.

Milk and bread mask

Soak the soft part of white bread in cold milk. Apply the resulting thick mass for 30 minutes. If you regularly use this mask, you can get rid of dark circles under your eyes forever.

Curd mask

A mask with cottage cheese and apricot reduces puffiness and bruising under the eyes, in addition, the mask smoothes out fine wrinkles around the eyes. Mix 5 grams of cottage cheese and apricot pulp, add a few drops of peach seed oil. Apply the resulting mass to the skin under the eyes. Remove with warm water.

Grapeseed oil for dark circles under the eyes

Squeeze about 1 teaspoon of spinach juice with grape seed oil and vitamin A oil solution. Apply to the skin under the eyes.

Watermelon and cucumber mask

The dark blue color of the skin under the eyes does not suit any woman, which is why in folk medicine there are so many remedies for dark circles under the eyes. For example, a mask made from watermelon and cucumber pulp.

It is more important to carry out this mask in the summer-autumn period, when watermelons have the least amount of pesticides. Peel and chop the cucumber, mix with the same amount of watermelon pulp.

Apply the resulting mixture to the skin under the eyes. Watermelon, due to its chemical composition, will provide hydration, and cucumber has the ability to whiten the skin.

Keep the mask on for about 26 minutes, rinse with warm water, and apply moisturizer.

Melon and grape mask

Melon in combination with ripe grape juice is excellent for toning and moisturizing the skin around the eyes, especially in women after forty years. Take equal parts of ripe melon pulp and grape juice of any variety. Combine all ingredients and apply to skin. Wash off after 25 minutes. Apply moisturizing cream to the eyelid skin.

Banana eye mask

Banana will help fight the imperfections of thin skin under the eyes. These masks have a beneficial effect on both the skin under the eyes and the skin of the face in general. Mash half a ripe banana and combine it with a spoonful of sour cream and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Stir until smooth. Do not use immediately, but after 20 minutes.

The mask must infuse and mature. This is a universal mask that allows you to perform several tasks simultaneously. First, eliminate the blue under the eyes. Secondly, moisturize the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Herbal compresses

Compresses based on medicinal herbs are also very useful. Some compresses act like a contrast shower, that is, alternating the use of warm solutions with very cold ones.

Take dry sage herb; you can easily buy it at a pharmacy. Pour one tablespoon of sage into a glass of boiling water. Let stand in a dark place in a closed container.

Make ice from one half, and heat the other to such a temperature that there is no burn, but it is hot. First apply the hot infusion as a compress, then wipe the skin with ice. Do this 6 times.

At the end of the procedure, apply cream. If unsightly blue discoloration is not associated with a disease, then this method can effectively and permanently rid you of a cosmetic defect.

Peppermint for the skin around the eyes

A compress of peppermint leaves. Take 20 grams of dry mint herb and add to 300 ml. boiling water Close the lid and let it brew. Use the compress regularly for a month. Every day, apply a cotton swab soaked in the prepared solution to your eyes for 24 minutes.

Tea for the skin around the eyes

Tea compress. Both black and green tea are perfect for this compress. The only condition is that the tea must be without additives. Brew a couple of tea bags or one teaspoon of loose tea in a glass. Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the eyes. You can also use just tea bags.

Birch leaves for dark circles under the eyes

Compress made from fresh birch leaves. In spring or summer, pick a small amount of birch leaves. Grind them in a blender. Pour the resulting mass with cold water, so that the water covers the leaves by one finger. Let it brew in a dark and cool place for 12 hours. The process of applying a compress is unchanged. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply to the eye skin for 23 minutes. Regular use will allow you to see the effect within a few days.

Linden compresses

Linden flowers in a container with hot water. Let it brew for 8 hours. Apply a compress for 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, apply cream.


The general rules for applying masks and compresses are that some ingredients should be applied with caution to people with allergic reactions. For the effect to be noticeable, it is important to use the product you have chosen regularly for some time. One-time use of most products cannot give a positive effect.

Massage for dark circles under the eyes

What are the benefits of massage and how to do it correctly?

Massage is a fairly effective means of improving blood circulation in the vessels of the paraorbital area. With daily use and the right approach, it will help you get rid of the blue tint of the skin under the eyes and swelling for a long time.

Wash your hands with soap and cut your nails if possible. For massage, use a light moisturizing cream, under-eye gel or warmed base oil. It could be:

  • Coconut oil;
  • apricot kernel oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • Castor oil;
  • rosehip oil.

Basic massage techniques

Using light patting movements without tension on the skin, use the pads of your ring fingers to move along the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner, along the upper eyelid from the corner of the bridge of the nose to the outer. Complete 7 such circles.

  1. Using your fingers, lightly pressing and tapping movements, go over the entire surface. The duration of the procedure is no longer than 20 seconds.
  2. Apply your fingers without pressure to your closed eyelids. In this position, try to open your eyes using the levator brow muscles.
  3. Massage the skin in the eyebrow area in different directions for 30 seconds.
  4. Place a few fingers on the skin in the temple area and massage in a circular motion for 40 seconds.
  5. Stand near the window and try to see the smallest point on the horizon. Then look at your nose. Do this several times.
  6. At the end of the massage, lie down, turn off the light and lie in the dark for a few minutes.

Exercises for dark circles under the eyes

Pharmaceutical preparations to combat skin imperfections

In the pharmacy chain you can find several effective and efficient remedies to combat various problems. They can help along with folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes.

  1. Heparin ointment- a drug from the anticoagulant group. The substances included in the composition prevent the formation of fibrin protein. In everyday life it is used against bruises, abrasions and contusions. To eliminate swelling and blue discoloration, apply a thin layer to the skin under the eyes in the morning and evening.
  2. Vitamins A and E— the drug is called Aevit and is used in courses for two weeks every day in the morning and before going to bed, carefully apply to the skin under the eyes, do not wash off with water. After 14 days, you need to take a break for 10-20 days and continue treatment.
  3. Ointment Relief- this remedy is used to combat hemorrhoids. It contains natural shark liver oil and phenylephrine hydrochloride. The components allow you to quickly and effectively relieve swelling and inflammation. Has vasoconstrictor and softening properties. Today it is recognized by women as one of the most useful drugs for getting rid of skin problems under the eyes. Apply a thin layer under the eyes in the morning.
  4. Solcoseryl ointment is a remedy for restoring skin after burns and damage. It is an activator of metabolism in tissues. It is a protein-free extract of calf blood. Improves oxygen exchange between tissues and blood flow. When applied, it restores a beautiful, even complexion and eliminates fine wrinkles, leaving the skin beautiful and smooth.
  5. Zinc ointment- an ointment based on the chemical substance zinc is designed to fight inflammation and redness, but at the same time it can tidy up the color of the skin under the eyes.
  6. Ointment Radevit— First of all, thanks to its rich vitamin composition, it smooths out wrinkles and gives a brighter look.


Beautiful skin and clear eyes are very important for women at any age, so taking care of the delicate skin around the eyes should be systematic. It is important to know and be able to choose the right cosmetic care products so as not to harm your appearance; folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes will also help solve this problem.

All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

The eyes, as a rule, are the mirror of the soul, and the skin around them reflects the state of the body. Many people, at least once in their lives, have encountered such unpleasant manifestations as dark circles under the eyes, which are often accompanied by swelling, the so-called “bags”. There are various methods of treating these problems, but in order for it to be as effective as possible, it is first necessary to establish the causes of their occurrence.


If bruises and swelling under the eyes appear rarely and go away quickly enough, then there is no need to worry. But if these problems become chronic, then this can be a serious signal of health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why there are dark circles and swelling under the eyes? It could be:

  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Constant stress and nervous tension.
  • Anatomical features (light and thin skin on the eyelids).
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Age-related changes.
  • Heredity.
  • Overwork and constant lack of sleep.
  • Excess salt in the body.
  • Heart failure and kidney pathologies.
  • Long work at the computer.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Lack of iodine.
  • Features of the location of blood vessels.
  • Plastic surgery or surgery.

The above reasons are only the most common. To get rid of bruises and swelling under the eyes for a long time, it is better to engage in comprehensive healing of the body.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

A morning finger massage is an excellent remedy for bruises and swelling under the eyes. It is best to perform this procedure after washing your face in the morning. It is necessary to make light tapping movements with the pads of your fingers in the direction from the outer corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose. In the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose there are central lymphatic venous nodes, in which interstitial fluid accumulates.


Is it possible and how to remove dark circles under the eyes without resorting to the help of a cosmetologist? Answer: “Of course you can!” Masks are very effective remedies against these problems.

The most effective masks around the eyes.

  • Potatoes, flour, milk. Peel the potatoes, finely grate, mix with oatmeal in equal proportions and dilute with warm milk. Apply the mask to the skin for 20 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese, green tea. Apply soft cottage cheese evenly to the skin of the eyes. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, then remove the mask with a swab soaked in cool green tea.
  • Parsley, sour cream. It is necessary to chop the parsley leaves and mix them with sour cream in equal quantities. The prepared mixture must be wrapped in two gauze and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes.
  • Walnuts, butter, lemon juice. Grind 2 tbsp. l. nuts into flour, mix with the same amount of butter and add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your eyelids for 20 minutes, then wash off with a cotton swab.

Dark circles under the eyes - treatment by a cosmetologist

Professional cosmetic procedures will help you get rid of bruises and swelling under the eyes: mesotherapy, ozone therapy and biorevitalization. These professional procedures can restore beautiful, healthy color and elasticity to the skin in 2-3 sessions. In addition, in beauty salons you can sign up for procedures that will also help get rid of “blueness” and bags under the eyes - this is ultrasound stimulation or lymphatic drainage. The prices for these procedures are quite affordable, but to achieve a positive result you need to undergo 6-8 sessions.

Compresses for eyelids

Among home recipes, compresses occupy a leading place, since they are quite easy to implement with products that are always available in every home, and are also the safest compared to cosmetics. How to remove dark circles under the eyes using compresses? To begin with, it is worth noting that it is recommended to use cold and contrasting lotions for the skin in the eye area.

  • Brewing compress. You can soak cotton swabs in a strong decoction of green or black tea, or apply brewed tea bags to your eyelids for 2 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, each time wetting the tampon again.
  • Contrasting sage compress. To prepare a compress, you need to brew sage in a glass of boiling water. Cool half of the broth, and, on the contrary, heat the other half. Then you need to moisten the tampons in cold and warm broth and alternately apply them to the eyelids. This therapy is recommended to be carried out over a month.
  • Compress from cornflower flowers. It is necessary to brew dried cornflower flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-25 minutes. Soak cotton swabs in the infusion and apply them to the skin for no more than 20 minutes.

Folk remedies

In addition to the above remedies, there are many more folk methods of combating unwanted manifestations around the eyes. Common foods will help for this, for example, potatoes, mint leaves, cucumber, ice, etc.

How to remove dark circles under eyes using raw potatoes? The vegetable should be grated, the resulting consistency should be wrapped in 2 pieces of gauze and applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Cucumber in the fight against dark circles under the eyes. You must first grate the fresh cucumber. Apply the paste in a thick layer to the eye area and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the slurry with a cotton swab soaked in water.

You can get rid of bags under the eyes with ice. To prepare it, you can freeze a decoction of chamomile, sage, linden, cornflower, parsley or dill flowers. Every day you should wipe the previously cleaned area around the eyes with ice.

Daily care

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and delicate, so it is important to choose the right cream. It is better if it is a cream containing hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. Creams that contain these components tone well, moisturize the skin and activate the movement of lymph, and also perfectly eliminate circles under the eyes. To increase the effectiveness of the cream, it should be stored in the refrigerator (cold relieves swelling and tones the skin).

It is recommended to apply the nourishing cream every day in the morning and before bed. The upper eyelid must be lubricated from the inner corner to the outer, and the lower - in the opposite direction. All movements should be performed carefully, lightly touching the skin. If the cream is very thick, then it can be diluted with a drop of vegetable oil. For skin prone to swelling, the use of fatty creams is contraindicated; it is better to use gels and sticks with a cooling effect.

Preventing bruising and swelling around the eyes

To prevent dark circles under the eyes from appearing, you need to follow simple recommendations every day that will not only help prevent unwanted manifestations, but also generally strengthen the body:

  • It is recommended to consume the required amount of liquid daily (1.5-2 liters of still water);
  • it is important to completely abandon bad habits;
  • spend time in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • ensure that the diet is as balanced as possible;
  • systematically make masks for the skin around the eyes;
  • It is very important to use a special cream around the eyes every day.

If you suspect that bruises and bags under the eyes are associated with health problems, then be sure to consult a doctor and get examined.

The color and elasticity of a person’s skin are a reflection of the state of the body: one can easily notice disruptions in its functioning by observing the color of the epidermis under the eyes. After all, it is there that the skin is thinnest and permeated with capillaries. The darker it is, the greater the likelihood that a particular organ is involved in the pathological process. Therefore, it is so important to know and be able to determine the causes of dark circles under the eyes.

Dark circles are often mistaken for a sign of fatigue and general malaise, but in some cases they can also signal more serious problems.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The causes of dark circles under the eyes may include the following:

    An inflammatory disease such as sinusitis always causes the formation of dark circles in the lower eyelids. They manifest themselves especially clearly in the chronic nature of the disease. This pathology is accompanied by pain in the forehead, in the depths of the eyes, sometimes progressing to;

    Hormonal imbalances in the body associated with disruption of the endocrine glands often provoke the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination. Thus, diabetes insipidus is always accompanied by bruises in the periorbital area, severe thirst and an increased volume of urine excreted;

    Age also causes dark circles under the eyes. This is due to the thinning of both the subcutaneous fat layer and the skin itself. Over time, blood vessels begin to show through from underneath. The structure of the face also changes, the eyes sink deeper into the sockets, which creates the visual effect of shadows under them;

    Diseases of internal organs, in particular, and;

    Exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases skin pigmentation. If in other places its darkening is not so noticeable, then in the area located under the eyes they appear more clearly;

    Impaired water balance in the body, which can have many causes, ranging from diabetes insipidus to iron deficiency anemia;

    Hay fever, or seasonal allergic reaction to pollen;

    Taking medications, in particular to dilate blood vessels;

    Unbalanced diet, abuse of salt, coffee, spicy foods. This also includes strict diets and sudden weight loss, leading to thinning of the fat layer under the eyes;

    Skin diseases, which include;

    Lack of oxygen or tissue hypoxia. This occurs in diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as due to lung pathologies;

    Low physical activity leads to lymph stagnation, which is manifested by dark circles under the eyes;

    Dark circles under the eyes can occur due to injury to the bridge of the nose or the eye itself. Most often they appear from a direct blow, at first they are dark in color, and then lighten over time.

In order to remove dark circles under the eyes, it is important to identify the cause of their occurrence. If the diagnosis itself is not difficult, and a visual examination is enough to detect this defect, then identifying the cause in some cases is only available to a specialist.

When there is any pathology in the body, changes in skin color cannot be corrected using cosmetic procedures. A thorough medical examination and appropriate treatment are necessary.

Salon procedures offer the following options for solving the problem of dark circles under the eyes:

    Lymphatic drainage, which is a procedure using microcurrents. Thanks to such electrical stimulation, the facial muscles acquire tone, and lymph drainage occurs from the lower eyelid area;

    Laser resurfacing. The problem area is exposed to rays emanating from a special device, due to which the skin acquires a lighter shade. The disadvantage of this method is that one procedure, as a rule, is not enough to completely eliminate dark circles under the eyes. And after a certain time the course must be repeated;

    Mesotherapy involves injecting medications directly under the skin around the eyes. They affect cells, promoting regeneration and metabolic processes. Most often, to eliminate dark circles, products based on fetal extract, plant extracts, a complex of vitamins and caffeine, lysine, etc. are used. The effect of mesotherapy lasts for six months or more, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin;

    Lipolifting. A modern popular procedure for eliminating dark circles under the eyes, which is based on the injection of the patient's own fat tissue into the area under the eyes. Fat is most often collected from the thighs. The skin becomes denser, and the dark circles underneath become invisible. The effect lasts for a long time – up to two years. After this, the procedure will need to be repeated;

    Plastic surgery, called “blepharoplasty,” which is performed by a surgeon and requires general anesthesia. This method allows you not only to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, but also to remove excess fat and skin from the upper and lower eyelids, and rejuvenate the face as a whole.

In order to normalize blood circulation in the area under the eyes, you can use ice cubes. To do this, you must first freeze the water; it is important that it is purified; you can use mineral water. After waking up, you need to do a light massage with the resulting cubes around the eyes, and then all over the face. Limitations to such a procedure are rosacea and sinusitis. This method allows you to tone the blood vessels and make the skin under the eyes firmer and more elastic. It is important to follow the direction of movement - from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner. After the procedure, the skin should be moisturized by applying a special cream for the skin around the eyes.

To get rid of dark circles caused by lymph stagnation, a regular acupressure massage is suitable. The direction of movement is the same - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Two minutes is enough to speed up lymph flow and reduce visible dark bags under the eyes.

Contrasting washes are also useful; the difference between the water temperatures should be at least 10°C. After the procedure, it is recommended to use creams containing vitamins K, A, C, and E, antioxidant complexes.

In order to prevent the formation of dark circles under the eyes, preventive measures are important. These should include:

    Complete rest in suitable conditions. Night sleep should not be disturbed by extraneous sounds and light sources. Its optimal duration for an adult is at least 8 hours;

    Drink enough water daily. Its volume, excluding teas and juices, must be at least 2 liters;

    Quitting bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking;

    It is important to give your eyes proper rest when working at a computer monitor for a long time, watching TV and reading books. There should be a break every hour. At this time, it is useful to perform eye exercises;

    You should limit your consumption of sweets. According to the latest WHO recommendations, the daily amount of sugar consumed for an adult should not exceed 6 teaspoons;

    It is important to include fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber in your diet;

    Salt intake should be minimized;

    Before a night's rest, you need to remove all makeup from your face so as not to provoke irritation and allergies;

    You need to spend as much time as possible outdoors. The bedroom should be regularly ventilated to prevent hypoxia, which causes the appearance of dark circles under the eyes;

    When selecting cosmetics for facial care, preference should be given to those that are natural, age-appropriate and appropriate for your skin type;

    Before leaving the house, especially in the summer, you should apply sunscreen to your skin. It is better to wear glasses with dark lenses over your eyes.

The dark circles under the eyes caused by the blow deserve special attention. Their treatment consists of applying cold to the affected area as soon as possible after the injury. It is better if it is ice wrapped in cloth. In this way it will be possible to create a spasm in the damaged vessels. As a result of narrowing, less blood will be released from them, which means dark circles will be smaller the next day. It will still appear from a strong blow, but it will not be as bright.

The next step in treating dark circles caused by an impact is to use ointments to help relieve swelling and pain. For this, products such as Troxevasin or Heparin ointment are suitable. Iodine mesh is another remedy that promotes the rapid resorption of dark circles after an impact. It is important to remember that on the first day the injured area requires cold, and on all subsequent days - heat.

If the cause of dark circles under the eyes is an allergy, then taking antihistamines is advisable. However, their selection should be carried out by an allergist. They are often prescribed in combination with vasoconstrictor medications. It is important to find out what exactly is causing the allergy. In the event that a reaction occurs to a cosmetic product, it is enough to simply stop using it. If the dark circles are a result of hay fever, then you should limit your time outside as much as possible and stay indoors as long as possible with the windows closed and the air conditioning on.

In conclusion, it must be said that getting rid of dark circles with the help of cosmetics is possible only when they are an anatomical feature of a person or the result of banal fatigue, but not when they are caused by a pathological condition of the body. The disease must be cured, then the appearance will return to normal.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician at the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016 he has been working at diagnostic center No. 3.

Find out what causes the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, what remedies and techniques will help you quickly get rid of them at home.

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Dark circles under the eyes make your face look tired and make you look older. Most often, this phenomenon indicates that there has been a violation of nutrition or daily routine. The skin in the area under the eyes is very thin, sensitive and delicate, so it instantly reacts even to minor changes in the body. It is possible to completely get rid of bags under the eyes only if the reason that triggered their appearance is precisely established. Otherwise, you can only achieve a temporary effect.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The most common reason that provokes this phenomenon is an unhealthy lifestyle, including:
  1. The presence of various bad habits - for example, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.
  2. Insufficient sleep - you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  3. Long periods of work in front of a computer that require constant eye strain.
  4. An unbalanced or unhealthy diet - for example, excessive consumption of junk food before bed, the presence of salty and spicy foods in the diet, and a large amount of liquid drunk in the evening.
If bags under the eyes were caused by these reasons, it is quite enough to normalize your diet and sleep, as well as make several cosmetic face masks.

If this problem becomes chronic and does not resolve after following a correct lifestyle, you should seek help from a doctor. In some cases, dark circles under the eyes are caused by a specific medical condition.

After the examination, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and then prescribe a course of treatment. Quite often, dark circles under the eyes are the main and only sign of the onset of the disease. This symptom may indicate:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • the onset of an allergic reaction.

It is worth considering the fact that the sooner you seek help from a doctor and begin treatment, the faster and easier it is to get rid of the disease and prevent more severe health consequences.

Other factors can cause dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, including:
  1. Heredity- for example, the structure of the face, deep-set eyes or powerful brow ridges create the effect of dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Age-related changes- over time, the skin becomes dry and thin, blood vessels become more visible.
  3. Excess weight- a disease such as obesity can cause fluid retention in the body, resulting in bruising and swelling under the eyes.
  4. Taking medications- a side effect resulting from taking medications.
  5. Rapid weight loss- due to sudden weight loss, dark circles under the eyes may appear, and the skin becomes flabby.

Methods to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Depending on the cause that provoked this cosmetic defect, products will be selected that will help you quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home.

Cosmetic procedures

In the event that diseases are completely excluded from the list of factors causing dark circles under the eyes, modern cosmetology products can be used to get rid of them. Eg:
  1. Cosmetic massage, but it should only be performed by an experienced and professional specialist, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating the problem.
  2. Laser therapy.
  3. Mesotherapy - minimal doses of special medications are injected subcutaneously.
  4. Microcurrent therapy - this procedure improves lymphatic drainage and venous outflow.
  5. Lipofilling - with the help of this procedure, the content of subcutaneous fat in the area under the eyes increases.

Massage and exercise

One of the best remedies to quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes is massage. You need to do it with your fingertips, treating the area around the eyes. It is useful to do this procedure every day immediately after washing.

The massage is done by lightly tapping your fingers in the direction from the lower eyelid to the temples. 2-3 minutes will be enough. Then, using the same light tapping movements, apply eye cream or gel. This simple procedure helps to significantly improve venous drainage from the lower eyelid.

If you regularly perform a few simple eye exercises, you can also get rid of dark circles:

  1. Rotation of the eyeballs is done - first the eyes are closed, after which you need to rotate the eyeballs clockwise. This exercise is repeated 4 times clockwise and counterclockwise.
  2. You need to look up and down - your eyes close. Then you need to look up and down. The exercise is repeated 7–10 times.
  3. This exercise is performed with open eyes. First you need to look as high up to the left as possible, and then lower your gaze down, raise your eyes up to the right. The exercise is repeated 7–10 times for each side.

Folk remedies

If unsightly dark circles appear under the eyes, you can get rid of this cosmetic defect at home if you use easy-to-use folk methods. Such cosmetic procedures will not take more than 20–25 minutes:
  1. Place 2 teaspoons in the freezer and leave for about 10-12 minutes. Well-chilled cutlery is applied to the eyes. When the spoons become warm, they must be placed back in the freezer and the procedure repeated.
  2. One of the fastest ways is to apply fresh cucumber circles to dark circles. Natural cucumber juice perfectly tones the skin, has a brightening effect, and eliminates puffiness.
  3. It is useful to wipe the skin under the eyes with ice cubes. To prepare them, you can use plain water or a decoction of herbs. It is best to opt for frozen black and green tea. Ice cubes are wrapped in a napkin and then applied to problem areas.
  4. Contrasting lotions from a decoction of sage or lemon balm help remove dark circles under the eyes. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tsp. lemon balm or sage and add 100 ml of boiling water, then cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour. The finished infusion is filtered and divided into two parts. One half is heated and the other is cooled. Take a cotton swab and soak it in cold and warm infusion. Then cold and warm tampons are applied alternately to the eyes.
  5. You can soak a cotton swab in green or black tea, then apply it to your closed eyes and leave for 15-18 minutes.

How to remove dark circles with homemade masks?

Today, there are a large number of easy-to-prepare but effective homemade masks that will help quickly remove dark circles under the eyes and relieve puffiness. A specific product must be selected depending on your skin type.

Raw potato mask

  1. Take raw potatoes and peel them.
  2. Rubbed on a fine grater.
  3. The resulting potato pulp is wrapped in gauze folded in several layers.
  4. The compress is applied to the eye area and left for half an hour.
  5. After the specified time, you need to remove the compress and wash with warm water.
Mask with cottage cheese
  1. To prepare such a mask, it is best to use fatty cottage cheese.
  2. A few drops of black tea are added to the cottage cheese and all ingredients are mixed well.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the skin under the eyes and left for 15–18 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, the nourishing mask is washed off with warm water.
Mask with parsley and cucumber
  1. Parsley and cucumber help quickly relieve swelling.
  2. To prepare the mask, take a cucumber, grated (1 tsp) and finely chopped parsley (1 tsp).
  3. Add sour cream (1 tsp) and mix all ingredients well.
  4. The resulting composition is applied to the skin under the eyes.
  5. The mask is left for 16–22 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
Regular use of such a mask will help not only remove dark circles under the eyes, but also relieve puffiness, the skin receives the necessary nutrition and hydration, and has a slight whitening effect.

Walnut mask

  1. Take a walnut and grind it on a grater.
  2. You will need 2 tsp. nut mass, after which 2 tsp are added. pre-softened butter.
  3. A couple of drops of pomegranate or lemon juice are added to the composition.
  4. The composition is applied to the skin and left for 10–12 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Preventing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

If unsightly circles appear under the eyes every morning, and there is no time to do masks or other cosmetic procedures, you need to resort to prevention methods. If you have allergies, you should definitely take antihistamines, but only those prescribed by your doctor. You can also use the following tips.

Healthy sleep

It is very important to maintain a proper sleep schedule, allowing the body to rest and recover. It is best to fall asleep no later than 23.00. Sleeping on your side or stomach provokes fluid stagnation. If you tend to have puffy eyes, it is recommended to try sleeping on your back.

Be sure to choose a comfortable pillow that should not be too flat or very high. In both the first and second cases, swelling may appear.

Proper skin care

The skin under the eyes is very delicate and therefore needs regular and proper care. Even minor injuries can stretch and weaken it. That is why cosmetologists do not recommend rubbing or pulling it too hard.

Makeup should be removed with light, soft and gentle movements. It is imperative to use only high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics. After washing, it is not recommended to rub the skin with a towel; lightly blotting it will be enough.

The skin will retain its firmness, beauty, elasticity, youth and health for many years if you regularly use moisturizing creams, lotions and oils. To improve lymphatic drainage in the area around the eyes, it is useful to use those cosmetics that contain vitamin K or A.

To improve the condition of the skin, it is useful to take preparations based on blueberries and horse chestnut. Before going out in the sun, you must use special sunscreen, as ultraviolet rays can greatly dry out delicate skin, making it weak and fragile.

7 effective ways to remove dark circles under the eyes in this video:

The appearance of dark shadows under the eyes indicates the presence of some problem in the body. The skin around the eyes is very thin, and therefore its darkening does not even indicate a cosmetic, but a medical problem. It is quite easy to identify the presence of such black circles, but it is worth remembering that they are not completely dark - their color can vary from yellow-brown to black-pink. So, today we will find out how to remove dark circles under the eyes, and also get acquainted with effective preventive measures.

Why do dark circles appear?

The most common such phenomenon is an incorrect daily routine and a common lack of sleep. Indeed, many have encountered this, but sometimes the reason is precisely health problems.

That is why it is necessary to know why the skin in the periorbital zone darkens - this will allow you to identify the problem (if there is one) and begin to treat it.

Table. Possible causes of this problem.

Name, photoShort description

The area around the eyes is permeated with small capillaries, and in order for blood to move through them, red blood cells have to stand in a row and even divide in half. Sometimes, due to such pressure, the capillaries simply cannot stand it, their walls break through and the plasma flows into the subcutaneous space. There is nothing dangerous here, dark circles go away just like bruises.

Allergies lead to itching and irritation of the area around the eyes; a person rubs them vigorously, which injures the delicate skin. As a result, the same thing happens as described above - rupture of capillaries and subsequent release of plasma.

When the skin is exposed to UV rays, the body begins to produce melanin for protective purposes. It is quite natural that melanin is excreted closer to the upper layers of the skin. Around the eyes, the latter, as we have already found out, is the thinnest, and therefore the tan appears here first. As a result, these “dark glasses” appear.

By itself, it does not lead to the appearance of dark circles, but with excessive stress on the body, the skin turns pale and against its background these circles become more noticeable. The effect of chronic fatigue is created.

Another common reason is that over the years, the skin around the eyes thins. This problem is especially noticeable in females when sexual functions are fading.

During these difficult periods, women often develop black circles under their eyes. The reason is simple - the same paleness of the skin.

A deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C) can also cause dark circles.

If a person suffers from disorders of the urinary system and at the same time he has the problem described in the article, then his body is most likely experiencing severe intoxication. This occurs due to incomplete removal of waste products.

Chronic heart/vascular diseases may be accompanied by the appearance of dark circles in the periorbital area.

Everything is the same here. The appearance of dark circles may be a symptom of one of these diseases.

The darkening of the skin around the eyes is explained by the disappearance of subcutaneous fat (in this area the fat layer is already very thin, because the fact that it disappears is especially noticeable here). The capillaries that penetrate the skin become brighter.

All this leads to thinning of the blood vessels (including those under the eyes), they become brittle and fragile. As a result, the risk of injury (and therefore plasma release) increases significantly.

With sudden weight loss, dark circles become more noticeable, which is only aggravated by a deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

The phenomenon may be the body's reaction to skin care products.

With a lack of iron, black circles may also appear, that is, we are talking about iron deficiency anemia.

Circles can occur with excessive psycho-emotional excitability, severe nervousness, and stressful situations.

How to get rid of them?

To do this, you need to find out the reason why dark circles appeared under the eyes. And it is not surprising, because subsequent actions to eliminate them depend on this.

Note! If the culprit is a disease of the internal organs, then no cosmetic products will certainly help you! Be sure to consult a doctor for examination and complete a full rehabilitation course.

If the circles under the eyes did not appear due to illness, one of the remedies/cosmetic procedures described below will help.


The essence of this procedure is that The patient's fat cells are injected into the area around the eyes, thereby thickening the fat layer. The result will not be long in coming, but it will not be long-term, since over time the procedure will have to be repeated. Actually, this is the main disadvantage of lipolifting.

Another effective method is injecting a special drug under the skin using a thin needle. According to doctors, the effectiveness of mesotherapy largely depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient, as well as his reaction to the drug.

Lymphatic drainage

For this cosmetic procedure it is used a special device that affects the desired areas of the skin through microcurrent. This improves blood circulation and dissolves dark circles.

Various cosmetics

Such products - and we are talking about moisturizing and nourishing creams - can be purchased at the pharmacy. They, penetrating into the epidermis, promote faster resorption of hemoglobin, due to which a person gets rid of dark circles under the eyes. Moreover, such creams strengthen the walls of the capillaries, that is, they are a kind of prevention of possible hemorrhages in the future.

Note! On moisturized eyelids, the skin will not dry out, therefore, there will be fewer wrinkles and increased resistance to the negative effects of external factors.

Removing black circles without cosmetics

If you want to quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes (provided that they are not caused by a disease) easily and quickly, we recommend using the methods described below.

Method No1. Tea spoon

Step 1. Take a dessert or teaspoon (metal), its size will depend on how large your black circles are.

Step 2. Place the spoon in the refrigerator for three to four hours. Although you can just leave it there overnight.

Step 3. Place a spoon on the problem area. A few minutes will be enough.

Step 4. Finally, apply moisturizer. That's it, the procedure can be considered complete.

Method No2. Cold water

Step 1. You can wash your face with cold water.

Step 2. You can also drink a couple of glasses of cool water. The method is quite effective, and if you don’t notice any results, then just drink more water. Or, alternatively, wash your face with colder water.

Method No3. Raw potatoes

Step 1. Take a potato, peel it and cut it.

Step 2. Place a couple of slices on your eyes, then relax and just enjoy it.

Prevention measures

Here are the basic preventive measures that will help avoid this problem:

  • have a good rest. If you sleep less than 7 hours a day, then black shadows cannot be avoided;
  • keep a daily routine. Go to bed and eat at the same time - this will keep your body in good shape;
  • If you work at a computer, take a short break every hour. You can do a light warm-up or just close your eyes - this will relieve tension from them, therefore, the delicate skin underneath will not be injured due to constant rubbing;

  • Spend more time outdoors to oxygenate your blood. This way the red blood cells will move more actively. If long walks are not possible, try to ventilate the room as often as possible;
  • wash your face with cool water in the morning. Rubbing your face with ice cubes is very useful (due to this, blood vessels are strengthened). Before going to bed, wash your face alternately with hot and cold water;
  • balanced diet. It will help maintain the tone of blood vessels and prevent their rupture;

  • get rid of bad habits(if any, of course);
  • avoid stress;
  • When sunbathing for a long time, protect your face. Wear sunglasses, use special creams, wear a wide-brimmed hat;
  • do not use low quality creams. They will not protect the skin, but will only harm it;
  • start the day with a facial massage.

Important information! If you want to get rid of dark circles that are caused by some kind of disorder in the body, then be sure to seek help from a doctor and undergo full treatment!

As a result, we note that if the cause of dark circles is injury, then the problem can be solved with cold. During the first hour after the incident, apply something cold to the damaged area. That's all, take care of your eyes and consult a doctor in a timely manner!

Video - Black circles and bruises under the eyes