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What metal according to the horoscope? Precious metal according to zodiac sign. What metals and stones bring good luck to the Taurus sign?

WHICH METAL SUITS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? Each Zodiac Sign can enhance their energy with a metal that is close to them in its aura. A metal talisman will bring good luck to some, protect others from danger, and give others peace of mind. Aries Aries metal is gold. Only it can support the very flame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. The fire element and gold are a wonderful union, and for Aries it is doubly better. Taurus The Taurus metal is aluminum, because it is as easy to process as Taurus. But despite its softness, it is resistant to various types of influences. Aluminum will help Taurus not to be afraid of anything in this life. Gemini Silver is best for Gemini. This metal can highlight their incredible intelligence, as well as save them from senseless risks and reckless actions. Cancer Cancers are stubborn, but not to such an extent that you don’t love them for it. Despite their gentleness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for Cancers is titanium and its alloys. Silver can be an analogue, but its properties are noticeably worse for this Sign. Leo Leos love gold, and Leo loves gold. For this fiery Sign, gold is almost as useful as for Aries - it protects Leo and improves their mood, and also gives vitality. Virgo Soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, and gold are great for Virgos. Any of them will help Virgo find a balance between feelings and logic. These metals and the natural softness of this Zodiac Sign will be emphasized. Libra The zodiac talisman for Libra is bronze. She is distinguished by her excellent stamina, which Libra sometimes lacks, and also gives strength to complete any important tasks. Scorpio Scorpios are people of steel. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are in perfect harmony with them. Those born under the Sign of Scorpio can also only succumb to the influence of time, like iron. Sagittarius The Sagittarius metal is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this Zodiac Sign. Sagittarians who wear silver are usually luckier and have fewer communication difficulties. Capricorn Platinum is the patron saint of Capricorns. She protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to outside influence, as well as their wisdom. Platinum does not interact with almost anything, and this helps Capricorns remain true to themselves. Aquarius The metal of Aquarius is gold and copper. Both metals are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius itself. Aquarius carefully chooses his social circle. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and amulets for you. Pisces The metal of Pisces is silver, which protects them from misfortunes. This is a magnificent amulet and a talisman of good luck rolled into one. Silver can give Pisces success in any area of ​​life, especially in love.

According to one of the most ancient sciences of astrology, each zodiac sign has its own stone and metal, which act as a kind of talismans for them, positively influence fate, improve health, and protect from harm. Therefore you need to know how zodiac signs metals and stones fit.

Patron Aries is Mars, which determines silver and ruby, and Pluto, which corresponds to brass and opal. Therefore, jewelry should be worn specifically from these materials, the only thing you need to be careful is, since not only positive aspects can appear, but also negative aspects inherent in these planets - aggression, secrecy.

Planet Taurus is Venus, which is considered a symbol of love, so emerald and turquoise will help their owners maintain the sincerity of their feelings, as well as strengthen their intuition. As for the metal, for Taurus it is red copper.

Of course, the zodiac signs metals and stones have a strong connection and influence with each other. Therefore, if a sign has not one of them, but two or three, then you need to stop at one so that a confrontation does not begin between them. So it’s worth choosing one decoration that will be made from your talismans. The only thing you need to know is that if you notice that the stone is cracked, then you can no longer wear it, this means that it protected you from some kind of disaster.

Mercury endowed Gemini changeability, mobility, and therefore their metal also has such characteristics - mercury, the second is magnesium. But their stone will be any transparent green or blue color, for example, aquamarine, topaz.

Patron planet Cancer is the Moon, and therefore it is obvious that the moonstone is his talisman. Cancer metal silver. If you make a decoration from these two materials, it will become a very powerful amulet.

Patron Lviv The sun, and therefore they should wear gold (white or yellow, it doesn’t matter) in combination with a noble diamond or amber.

Mercury on Dev creates a different effect than on Gemini, and therefore their talismans are bronze and jade. The only thing is that those representatives of the sign who are able to absorb other people’s energy (energy vampires) should not constantly carry jade with them, as it is a source of strong energy.

Libra under the auspices of Venus belong sapphire, which gives wisdom, aquamarine, which gives a sense of calm, and white gold. In this case, the most successful talisman will be a chain with a small pendant.

At least Scorpio two patron planets are Pluto and Mars, but Pluto has a greater impact on him, and therefore his amulet is garnet, hematite, brass, iron.

Thanks to the influence of Jupiter, Sagittarius a true leader who is not afraid of any obstacles. His talismans are yellow gold, aventurine or stones of yellow shades.

Mysterious, magical Saturn patronizes Capricorn, and therefore its stones also reflect the character of this planet - black agate, opal, and from metal - lead, tin.

On Aquarius Saturn also influences, but at the same time is inferior to Uranus, which determined the talismans for this sign: zircon, quartz, and from metals: lead, green gold.

On Pisces The two planets Venus and Neptune also act, but the latter manifests its influence more strongly. Thanks to this, Pisces look at the world around them a little differently than others. The stone for this water sign will naturally be pearls, coral, metal - silver, tin.

How to identify magic stones by zodiac signs?

Probably every person dreams of discovering a sixth sense, some kind of extrasensory senses, or at least maximizing intuition. Magic stones according to zodiac signs can help us very well with this. We just need to identify ours so that it helps us save, give us energy, open up new opportunities, and protect us.

For Aries The best amulet would be a diamond or a ruby; they can influence different areas of life and improve them. To discover something new, magical in yourself, metal will become your main assistant. It is enough to wear clothes that have a lot of metal buttons, rivets or a belt with an iron fastener. Clothing in red and white colors will help enhance their effect.

Best protected Taurus turquoise, sapphire. Moreover, it is sapphire that gives its owner good health and opens up new opportunities. To enhance its effect, you need to wear yellow or green clothes.

Using agate, chrysoprase, beryl Gemini You will be able to not only protect yourself, but also improve your business and love spheres of life. Agate also awakens extrasensory abilities in Gemini.

Magic stone for the zodiac sign Cancer is an emerald, as well as a moonstone. They will also be a talisman for Cancer. Therefore, you must definitely wear jewelry with one of them.

Amber, topaz, and chrysolite of yellow flowers can protect Lviv from any troubles and problems. But onyx in a gold frame is a source of magic for all Leos. Clothing in yellow or red colors will enhance its effect.

Suitable stone for zodiac sign Virgo there will be jade. It helps to gain the favor of others and improve health. The magical symbol for Virgo is a carnelite in a white metal frame.

Opal, lapis lazuli as a talisman for Libra They help strengthen faith in one’s strengths and the achievement of many things planned. But they will only have such a positive influence on good people who have overcome selfishness. Peridot in a copper frame will help you discover the magical side of your inner world.

For Scorpios, a talisman is garnet, aquamarine, coral. They will be especially effective if they are part of a snake-shaped decoration. Berelite will help to unlock magical abilities, but you cannot wear it, just hold it in your hands occasionally.

Good luck and prosperity in your life Sagittarius can bring with the help of amethyst, topaz, and topaz is also a source of magic for Sagittarius. It is desirable that it be framed in silver.

For Capricorn amulet - malachite, ruby, dark onyx. The only ruby ​​should not be worn by people with a tough character, as it will only strengthen negative manifestations of character. Ruby is also a magical symbol for Capricorn, but again you should be careful, because ruby ​​can accumulate energy.

For Aquarius talismans will be garnet and zircon. Garnet helps you easily overcome even the most difficult life situations and brings success, but zircon strengthens the mind and improves memory. Various garnet jewelry will be powerful magical amulets.

Pisces The strongest amulet against negative blows of fate will be amethyst, as well as a magical talisman. Pearls will give prudence and fidelity in love.

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You are on a bus. The driver brakes sharply, you fall and find yourself in the arms of a stranger. What will you do?

Metals and precious stones have accompanied man for centuries. Possessing special frequencies and emitting energy, they affect all living organisms. If you choose the right stone and metal according to the signs of the zodiac, this will enhance your energy potential and will help attract the energy of luck, luck, and wealth into your life.

Metals for fire zodiac signs

The fire signs of the zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius, Aries - are characterized by such qualities as optimism, self-confidence, determination, and initiative. Let's look at the metals according to the zodiac signs for the fire elements.

Sagittarius is a fearless leader due to the influence of the dominant planet - Jupiter. Optimistic, enthusiastic, he loves change. He is inquisitive and has a philosophical mind. Gold will help highlight the best qualities of Sagittarius. Precious stones: amethyst, topaz. They will bring prosperity and good luck into your life. Their stones are also lapis lazuli, opal, jade, and onyx.

Which metal suits the zodiac sign Leo? The main qualities of the “king of beasts” are self-confidence, authority, creativity, sociability, and generosity. To enhance these character traits, a representative of the fire element is recommended to wear gold, harmoniously combining it with diamond and amber. Gold helps Leos replenish their vitality. Precious stones for them are gold quartz, agate, ruby, jade.

Curious and fair, Aries are distinguished by purposefulness, determination, initiative and an optimistic outlook on the world. Like other fire signs, gold suits them perfectly. It can motivate Aries to achieve high goals. They should choose turquoise, ruby, quartz, and amber as precious stones.

Air signs

The most suitable metal according to the zodiac signs of the air elements is silver, copper, bronze. “Air” people are communicative, freedom-loving, and changeable. Therefore, metals and stones are suitable for them, helping to activate their best qualities and saving them from hasty decisions and senseless risks.

Aquarians are eccentric and energetic people, despite their apparent modesty; deep thinkers with a passion for helping people. They know how to solve problems easily; They are friendly, so they can boast of many friends. Metals for Aquarius are determined by their ruling planet, Uranus. Their talismans are green gold, copper, lead. Of the precious stones, sardonyx, coral, and fluorite are considered their amulets.

Communicative Geminis are very enterprising. This sign needs intellectual stimulation; he always seeks development physically, mentally and spiritually. Since the patron saint of Gemini is Mars, metals such as mercury and silver are suitable for them. And their stones are considered to be aquamarine, emerald, and crystal.

People born under the sign of Libra are calm and fair. They really want to love and be loved, they hate loneliness. In pursuit of equality and justice, they must strive for spiritual harmony. Metals such as bronze and white gold help them achieve this. They prefer malachite, emerald, and carnelian as precious stones.

Earth Signs

Earthly zodiac signs - Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos - try to plan everything in life, do not like change, and prefer deliberate actions to risk.

People born under the sign of Capricorn are distinguished by seriousness, tact, and self-control. To better control their emotions and learn to restore vitality, they should choose platinum. Among precious stones, you should give preference to onyx, amethyst, and ruby. A person with a tough character should be careful with the latter, because ruby ​​accumulates bad energy and can enhance negative emotions.

Taurus are considered the calmest people. To provoke open aggression in them, you need to try. These representatives of the earthly element seek stability in everything, love earthly pleasures, and value luxury items. Which metal according to the zodiac sign suits Taurus? These include silver, copper, and the stones are agate, sapphire, turquoise, rose quartz.

Virgos are pedants and extremely cautious people. They have a strategic approach to life. More often their hearts are closed from the outside world, but in their souls they are tender and sensual. Mercury patronizes Virgos, which means they should choose copper, bronze, and tin from metals. Their precious stones are jade, tiger's eye, turquoise.

Water signs

Let's consider which metal according to the zodiac signs to choose for water representatives.

Intuitive and sentimental Cancers should choose titanium and its alloys as a talisman. Onyx, agate, and cat's eye help strengthen the determination of representatives of the water element, giving them inspiration, creativity, and the gift of persuasion.

Brass amulets are ideal for passionate and assertive Scorpio. They help to withstand difficult moments in life and maintain inner harmony. Their precious stones are opal, sapphire, black quartz.

Pisces are very emotional. Silver jewelry helps enhance their energy. They promise their owner happiness, success in love and business. Pisces gemstones - pearls, tiger's eye, euclase.

Each metal has a planet

It is not difficult to determine metal by zodiac sign and date of birth. But alchemists claim that each metal also has its own planet. Venus is copper; The sun is gold; iron is the metal of Mars; Saturn is lead; Moon - silver; mercury is the metal of Mercury; Jupiter is tin. Knowing their planet, everyone can determine the metal that suits them. It is worth noting that there is a metal according to the zodiac sign that suits absolutely everyone. Is this platinum. It is characterized by purity because it does not accumulate negativity, which cannot be said about other metals.

How to enhance the energy of your metal

To reveal the positive aspects of character, a person should choose the metal or stone that suits him. You need to treat the amulet carefully and with care, and visualization helps to revive the power of the talisman. The owner must believe in the power of his amulet. If the chosen jewelry causes a feeling of anxiety and discomfort, it is recommended to remove it for a while. We should also not forget that, regardless of the chosen metal, the person himself remains the master of his destiny.

Metals are often used in the manufacture of jewelry, talismans and souvenirs. But how to choose the one that is most suitable and brings good luck? In this article I will talk about which metals suit your zodiac sign.

Choosing a metal by date of birth is easy. Here is a list of recommendations for representatives of various signs.

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Aries and Scorpio

Metals for the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio are iron and steel. You might say it's boring and unfashionable. However, don't rush to conclusions. In the fashion world today you can hear the following phrase: “steel is the new gold!”

Wearing steel jewelry is also very practical. It does not darken or oxidize. It is difficult to scratch. Not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Steel is often combined with other materials: leather, nubuck, semi-precious and artificial stones, which allows you to get beautiful products.

Rings, bracelets, chains and other jewelry are made from this metal. They are inexpensive, but have a great appearance. Such products will emphasize the strong character and unbending will of representatives of the signs Aries and Scorpio.

Taurus and Virgo

Here are the zodiac signs that especially value beauty and practicality. advises Taurus and Virgo to wear copper. They need stylish jewelry that has some useful properties. Copper has been used to produce beauty items for a long time. It was especially valued in Ancient Egypt. Copper products were also loved in Ancient Rome and Medieval Europe.

These days, copper is gaining popularity among fashionistas and fashionistas. Copper bracelets not only look great, but also have healing properties.

There is so-called copper therapy, in which this metal is used to treat various diseases.

It is also believed that wearing copper items helps smooth out conflicts, brings good luck, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps normalize sleep. For men - help increase potency.

Gemini and Leo

Gemini is a very versatile representative of the zodiac. Various metals suit him, but especially gold. As for Leo, he needs to wear gold and look at other metals with caution.

Gold symbolizes creativity and inner strength. It is suitable for constant wearing only by generous and open people.

The jewelry market offers a huge range of gold jewelry. Geminis and Leos will always find something to choose from.

Wearing gold jewelry and talismans has a beneficial effect on the body. Helps overcome stress and gives strength, relieves melancholy and depression. If you feel a lack of energy, turn to this amazing metal for help. Gold warms and nourishes a person, like the Sun.

Cancer and Pisces

The metal of the zodiac signs Cancer and Pisces is silver. Products made from it resemble the lunar surface, just as attractive and cool. This is the metal of the water element, which includes both zodiac signs.

Silver suits many people according to their horoscope, but it is especially favorable for Cancers and Pisces. They should prefer silver over gold to attract good luck, health and prosperity.

The properties of this metal have been known for a long time. The first silver jewelry appeared more than six thousand years ago. They were especially valued by government officials and other rich people. It is believed that wearing silver rejuvenates and protects against the evil eye. Returns peace of mind.


The metal according to the date of birth for the Libra sign is bronze. This durable yet flexible metal has been used for thousands of years to make a variety of products, including jewelry. Such jewelry is expressive and sophisticated, but at the same time they are unusual and charming.

Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. It looks great and has many beneficial properties, just like pure copper. Pendants, pendants and even handmade earrings are made from bronze.

Bronze jewelry helps with colds, relieves headaches and brings harmony back to life. This metal helps strengthen the body and helps in creativity.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

The metal of the signs Sagittarius and Aquarius is tin. It is a silver-gray metal with a noble shine. It has been known to people since prehistoric times. Its properties are hypoallergenic and harmless to the body. Tin is also very practical; you can swim with it in sea water.

Tin was valued in Ancient Greece and Rome. Only rich people could afford it. Figurines, carved decorative elements and, of course, jewelry were made from tin.

Pewter pendants, earrings, bracelets and much more can be found on sale today. They look elegant and aristocratic. These products are classified as luxury jewelry. It is believed that tin should only be worn by people who have reached a certain position in society. Then it will strengthen their status.


In the classics, Capricorn corresponds to lead, but this is a metal hazardous to health. Therefore, a replacement is proposed for Capricorns - cupronickel is considered a suitable metal. It is an alloy of nickel and copper.

Wearing products made from cupronickel gives a person concentration, strengthens the spirit and self-confidence, and also helps to find harmony and balance.

This alloy was popular in the Soviet Union, but today it is losing its position. Which is very sad, because it not only looks presentable and original, but also gives peace of mind to its owner.

Products made from this metal are strong and durable, which is appreciated by Capricorn - one of the... Nickel silver is used to produce rings, earrings, and pendants. Cupronickel silver jewelry in ethnic style is especially beautiful; they look like ancient artifacts.

These are the metals for the zodiac signs. You can find other recommendations on dates of birth in books or on the Internet. All options are valid. The choice is up to you.

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A group of American scientists in 1960, under the leadership of Joan Michaela, developed a technique called “Therapeutic Touch” based on the use of energy meridians and acupressure points (biologically active and lymphatic active). The materials of this technique can also be used in treatment with minerals.

To restore Yang energy, it is important to use not only active minerals, but also the corresponding metals. Active Yang metals, in addition to gold, include iron and aluminum. Yin metals - silver, copper, bronze, lead, titanium.

The most astrally stable metal is gold. Through it there is a huge flow of energy associated with Leo, Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Aquarius, Gemini and Scorpio. It is better to melt and buy (give, receive) gold on the 11th lunar day. Programming - in the 25th. Gold is an excellent conductor of yang energy; even without a mineral, it can nourish its owner. Gold treats endocrine disorders, so this property is widely used in cosmetology (reinforcing the face with gold threads).

Silver is the finest conductor of Yin energy. It can store information about the owner's emotional world. Silver turns black in different people in different ways and at different speeds. It depends on the astral nature of a person, on the properties of his soul and physical condition. Silver is a symbol of spiritual beauty and is associated with prayer (salaries are most often made of silver). Silver affects the inner world of a person, his subconscious; it is a spiritual metal. It is better for people with water and water-air cosmograms for Cancers and Pisces to wear and use silver.

All metals must be cleaned. Gold and silver, if they are not used for medicinal purposes, do not need astral cleansing. If they are used for treatment or diagnosis (framework), information must be taken from them.

Cleaning is done as follows: the metal must be placed in water and placed in the freezer (cleaning with melt water) for 16 hours, then thawed for up to 24 hours. After this, it must be carried over a live fire (candle) an odd number of times. Gold - 33, silver - 20 (exception to the rules). If necessary, after astral cleansing, the metal can be cleaned physically. Gold is cleaned once a year on the 3rd lunar day. Metal rests once a month - on the 20th lunar day. Silver is cleaned four times a year (once per quarter) on the 18th lunar day, turned on and worn on the 26th lunar day. Silver is melted on the 12th lunar day.

Copper is associated with the energy of Venus, it is an excellent corrector, a metal of peace, peace, and harmony.

It has healing and magical properties, smoothing relationships, feelings, and smoothing out conflicts. Applying copper eliminates the consequences of injuries, resolves bruises, hematomas, tumors and cysts. In bracelets on the arms and legs, copper helps in the year of the active sun, during magnetic storms, reduces excitation, corrects excess energy, redistributing it. It is good to use copper for people with a water-air cosmogram: Gemini, Cancer, Taurus, Libra. Copper is cleaned like gold or silver. After cleaning, it must be charged on a piece of copper 10 times heavier than the main one for 2 hours. Copper is cleaned on the 28th lunar day, rests on the 13th lunar day, melted on the 6th, and turned on on the 21st lunar day. Treatment with copper is a very interesting and independent section of lithotherapy.

Iron is the metal of Mars, from which magical tools are made. Does not like lazy people, recommended for active people - Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn. No one should wear iron all the time. Clean the metal not with water, but with fire (48 circles over the fire), then put it in the refrigerator in an oiled rag for 24 hours. Cleaning on the 11th, rest on the 26th, switching on on the 18th lunar day. Iron treats blood diseases (bracelets), with its help it calms the nervous system, removes damage to the blood, and eliminates anemia (key on the body). After treatment with iron, it is necessary to wear a blood cap.

Aluminum is the metal of Gemini, Virgo and Libra and is associated with Mercury. They clean aluminum on the 13th lunar day, rest on the 24th, purchase it on the 7th, turn it on on the 22nd lunar day.

Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Everyone can wear it. It perfectly normalizes internal harmony, is associated, like tin, with religion, with the accumulation of energy, and can create self-confidence and a festive mood. Bronze combines and conducts the energy of many stones associated with the forces of Venus and Jupiter, enhances the properties of minerals, relieves stress, and restores the nervous system.

Tin is the metal of Jupiter and Sagittarius. Leo, Cancer and Taurus can use it. It is better not to use tin for air trigon people. Clean tin and bronze in the same way as aluminum. It rests on the 13th, melts on the 20th, is put on and turned on on the 6th lunar day, and cleaned on the 26th lunar day. Tin and bronze allow you to accumulate and retain material wealth. Bronze rings were worn by Russian merchants. Bronze bolts, bronze keys and locks protect property. Bronze products are perfectly programmed to protect the hearth.

Lead is the metal of Saturn and Capricorn. It's better not to wear it for anyone. If necessary, you can use an alloy - titanium. Black magic uses an alloy of lead and iron - a major and minor misfortune together.

Cupronickel is an alloy of copper and nickel, named after the Magus. Contains the energies of Venus and Saturn, good for Libra. Rafting never gets tired. Thanks to cupronickel, gentle people become active. Hard alloy makes it more harmonious. A fusion of wisdom and harmony.

Cupronickel works with many minerals, improving and harmonizing their properties. It is better not to put Bloodstone in cupronickel. Nickel silver is contraindicated for Gemini and Sagittarius. It can be used by Leos, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Aries. Cupronickel strengthens, enables concentration and stability.

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, contains the energy of Venus, works like copper.

Mercury is the metal of Mercury and Gemini; it is better for them not to work with minerals. Active poison.

Iridium is a metal of Mercury, Uranus and Vulcan, associated with Air Triton and Cancer, and works similar to aluminum.

Cobalt contains the energies of Saturn and Pluto; it is better to replace it with titanium - the magical metal of Aquarius and Uranus (the future belongs to it). Partially contains the energy of Saturn. Associated with Capricorn and Cancer. In esoteric astrology, these constellations are associated with the gates of evolution. Cancer is the beginning in embodied form, Capricorn is liberation from the circle of incarnations after the 5th Initiation.

Bismuth is the metal of Proserpine and Virgo.