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Clearing activities. Activities to determine mutual obligations (clearing)

Clearing– this is an activity aimed at relaxing the payment system between partners who have entered into a cooperation agreement.

This term comes from the English word “clearing”, which means “to clean”. In the field of commerce, clearing plays an important role in the manipulation of securities and shares.

Clearing in simple words

In simple terms, this is a certain exemption from payment by cash payments, which was accepted by a special agreement between two interacting parties. It is based on mutual partnerships between entities and has certain requirements when working with internal and external payments.

Clearing happens:

  • interbank type;
  • interstate type;
  • clearing between organizations.

When working with international companies, clearing acts as a compensatory transaction, where the clearing entity takes over the contractually defined tasks of the acquirer and the seller for the subsequent execution of orders for both parties.

The continuous operation of banking organizations requires the “cleaning” of the obligations that they have. Clearing firms are intermediaries in concluding this type of arrangement. Such firms can carry out work on behalf of the state or on their own behalf, having received a license and permission to operate.

History of development

The history of the development of clearing begins in the middle of the 18th century in England, when a shortage of gold arose. A little later, against this background, the credit system began to develop and various ways to cover them were implemented. With each subsequent year, the number of loans increased, so the state began to look for ways to control this developing trend.

At the end of the 18th century, the first clearinghouse opened in the capital of England. Over time, companies of this type began to open in the United States of America, France, Germany and other developed countries. In the Russian Empire, the role of the settlement house was played by the State Bank.

Clearing is also a kind of financial procedure where the clearing entity is an intermediary, taking on the responsibilities of both the seller and the buyer at the same time so that the procedure for ordering goods between organizations is more efficient.

Also, the clearing procedure can be performed when concluding trade agreements to settle pricing policies when determining the number and type of goods and payment agreements. These agreements are needed to describe the rights and obligations between the parties, as well as to balance the balance sheet for various types of transactions.

In Russia, clearing organizations are opened thanks to any public or private property that is sold through a commercial form of activity. But there are some institutions that do not operate on commercial grounds.

An example can be given in this case: an enterprise under a contract is engaged in the supply of cotton products to another enterprise at a cost of 250 euros per ton, another enterprise must provide a machine for 2500 euros. It turns out that during the delivery process, one partner must provide 400 tons of cotton products, and the other must provide 20 cars. With such relationships, it is clear that equality of payment transactions is observed and there is no need to pay in money.

Types of clearing

There are several types of clearing:

Clearing always has a license to carry out work in the financial sector. All work of clearing organizations is carried out under the supervision of the Central Bank or the clearinghouse. The clearing company is a legally registered entity.

An integral element of clearing is netting. This is an activity where the client's monetary demands are calculated against his monetary responsibility. After determining the netting amount, the money remaining after paying all expenses (if any) is calculated for any client. These funds are paid to the enterprise whose profitability is higher.

Bank Vir in Switzerland and European Standard Bank in Panama are financial institutions that provide the opportunity, using their own clearing organizations, to carry out clearing settlements for any company that is involved in the production process. In addition, you can get a clearing loan from them - money that is used only within clearing bank accounts. It is capable of replacing almost 100% of the funds that are subject to new issue.

Such loans are approved at a low interest rate (1-7% per annum). At times, repurchased clearing assets are used as collateral during the loan period. The organization must complete training with these banks for further successful work in the field of clearing operations.


Participants in the clearing process are:

To effectively establish and promote positions of valuable excise taxes in market conditions, the place of the main founder of sales can fall on a company that is created from professional participants who know a lot about this area of ​​the market. Such unions are based solely on a voluntary basis.

Clearing of securities works gradually, without sudden upward surges.

  1. First of all, the stock exchange signs an agreement with the help of an intermediary.
  2. Next, all stages and terms of the agreement are clarified in detail, all the main indicators, cost, time intervals, etc. are described in detail.
  3. Afterwards, the agreement goes through a registration process, where mutually beneficial terms are officially accepted.
  4. The next stage is the mutual settlement of the obligations of the parties, where it is determined who is responsible for the services of the intermediary, the commission for the exchange and other representatives of the market environment.
  5. At the last stage, all services provided are paid in full.

In the field of banking organizations, clearing intermediaries are chambers and settlement centers. Clearing houses are the main effective levers of the economic sector, which are independent organizations. She independently accepts the rights and obligations specified in the contract, which allows her to reduce risk situations and provide certain guarantees for a successful outcome.

If the settlement chamber is a branch of the exchange, then it is the controlling body of all related work. It turns out that in this case it is the exchange that will provide a guarantee for the concluded agreements. The chamber also has the full right to act as an independent body by registering itself as a legal entity. In such a combination of circumstances, the chamber and the exchange will cooperate only on the terms of the agreement. A clearing organization of this type has the ability to enter into contractual relations simultaneously with an indefinite number of exchanges.

Clearing Process

At the moment when the intermediaries have registered the contractual relationship, clearing begins to operate. All clearing work has a specific meaning, where the step-by-step implementation of a new registration from one owner of value to another takes place. This process looks like this:

  • registration on the stock exchange;
  • confirmation;
  • valuables and funds are transferred to the exchange with the help of intermediaries;
  • re-registration is carried out under the new owner;
  • re-registered values ​​are returned to the exchange;
  • newly registered values ​​are transferred through intermediaries to new owners.

Clearing work is one of the main levers of influence on the fund and currency market. With its help, the amount of money between all participants in the process is brought to a minimum. The guarantee of a successful outcome when using clearing provides efficiency and mobility in the market.

During a crisis, clearing can go beyond the boundaries of its usual use and begin work in the form of compensatory transfers, additional payment methods, etc. These actions help cover the cash deficit when issuing new money, which is a positive factor during times of crisis.

These manipulations were first used in Switzerland at the Vir bank at the beginning of the twentieth century. This allowed a large number of law firms to cope with critical consequences in the financial sector, as well as increase their own turnover and profitability at a time when other companies were forced to reduce their own performance and were several steps away from bankruptcy.

The concept of clearing activity has not existed in the world for long, but has already contributed to the effective development and promotion of a large number of organizations and companies. As a certain type of barter, clearing helps in conditions of market instability and stock exchanges to stay afloat and increase production efficiency, profitability and profitability indicators. Such agreements are always concluded on a voluntary basis and have state registration, where all points of current legislation are observed within the country or between several states.

Clearing activity is work aimed at releasing payment obligations between business entities. In this article we will consider the essence of clearing and the scope of its application.

Clearing, clearing activities

Clearing in English means “to clear”, “to clear”, “to clear”, and in the commercial sphere it is a special practice when working in the securities market. That is, clearing activity is an exemption from the obligation to pay in cash, established on the basis of mutual settlement between counterparties.

For example, a seller and a buyer meet in a market. First, the item for sale and its value are determined. Next, a contract is concluded. As a result, an interchangeable transaction occurs, on the basis of which the buyer pays and the seller transfers the goods. This is a classic example.

In the securities market, such a meeting of counterparties occurs quite rarely. Buyer and seller are separated by both time and space. Intermediaries act as liaisons, organizing, calculating and guaranteeing the fulfillment of obligations. Thanks to the technological development of modern automation systems, it has become possible to process huge amounts of information. The necessary calculations of exchange transactions are carried out: their registration and accounting, offset of obligations between counterparties, guarantee of collateral and other operations.

Counterparties can be organizations, international companies and even entire countries. And the objects of such activity are goods, services, and securities.

In the securities market, clearing activity is a process whose main purpose is the settlement and fulfillment of mutual obligations. And the main condition of the deal is the balance of payments.

Clearing activities: Federal Law No. 7 dated 02/07/2011

The activities of clearing organizations in the Russian Federation are regulated by Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated 02/07/2011 (as amended on 12/30/2015) “On clearing and clearing activities”.

In the Russian Federation it is subject to mandatory licensing. The license is issued by the Bank of Russia; its validity period is not limited, but can be canceled for the reasons specified in Article 28 of Law No. 7-FZ.

The list of types of activities in which a company cannot engage in clearing activities is clearly stated in paragraph 3 of Article 5 of Law No. 7-FZ. It is important to note that to implement the latter, the company must provide an initial amount of equity capital of more than 100 million rubles.

Clearing operations

The operations described are compensatory transactions. They can be with full, partial or no security at all. In the first case, the risk of financial losses is minimized, since the amounts necessary for the transaction are available in the accounts of the participants.

With partial security in the participants’ accounts, it is enough to have some of the funds or confirm them with data from other contracts. Such operations can be carried out with a zero balance in the participants’ accounts, that is, without collateral. But such a transaction is quite risky.

Types of clearing

Depending on the participants in the activity, there are:

  1. Simple clearing. This is a calculation of obligations both for each participant and for each transaction.
  2. Multilateral. It involves calculating liabilities in aggregate.
  3. Centralized. It is based on conducting transactions through the accounts of a clearing company. At the same time, she has all the rights of the parties to the transaction.

The named company has the right to independently determine not only which type of clearing is preferable to use, but also to combine them. If the obligations for securities or cash flows are of a homogeneous nature, then the intermediary organization can net (offset) these obligations.

Types of clearing transactions

Depending on the methods of mediation activities, there are:

  1. Bank clearing. It exists in those countries where the banking sector is actively interacting and developing. Involves non-cash payments between banks. The main condition is the mutual offset of equivalent cash payments.
  2. Currency clearing. Refers to the international system of obligations. In this case, settlements can be carried out not only at established prices - a special clearing currency can be developed for this purpose. This clearing method is used if participants do not have converted currency for mutual settlements. Of course, you can pay in gold, but, as a rule, such resources are limited in many countries.
  3. Commodity. It is represented by a settlement system between the exchange and the commodity market.

Participants in the clearing process

Participants in mediation activities include:

  • the intermediary organization draws up documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this type of activity, receives a license from the Bank of Russia, and then begins work;
  • clearing member. A legal entity or individual enters into a clearing service agreement with an organization;
  • clearing center It is an organization in which the process of clearing transactions occurs through stock exchanges and other trade organizers;
  • The settlement depository is a guarantor on the securities market. Transactions take place through trade organizers;
  • settlement organization. Having received the clearing results, this business entity calculates cash flows;
  • market organizers. The classic organizer is the stock exchange, which additionally carries out settlement, clearing and depository activities.

For the productive formation and development of the securities market, the role of trading organizer can be performed by a self-regulatory organization, which is formed from a composition of professional participants. Such an association is voluntary.

Features of the clearing process

Clearing activities in the securities market operate in stages. First, a contract is concluded on the stock exchange with the help of a broker. Next, the details of the transaction are clarified, the volumes, costs, delivery times and other conditions are thoroughly spelled out.

Then the transaction is registered and intentions are confirmed. This is followed by the calculation of mutual requirements, with the help of which participants determine who will have to pay for brokerage services, commissions to the stock exchange and other professional market participants. At the final stage, mutual settlement occurs between them.

Clearing activities of banks

In the banking sector, the role of intermediary operations is carried out by clearing houses and centers. The first of them are a powerful financial instrument and have an independent status. The chamber assumes contractual obligations, which reduces risks and guarantees financial results.

If the chamber is created within the exchange, that is, it is its structural division, then the exchange controls its activities. Therefore, she is a guarantor of transactions. Having chosen an organizational and legal form in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the chamber can be organized as an independent legal entity. At the same time, its relations with the exchange are of a contractual nature. It is important to note that such a clearing house can interact with several exchanges at once.

Stages of settlement and clearing activities

As soon as a transaction is recorded by brokers on the exchange, the clearing procedure begins. Settlement and clearing activities have a certain peculiarity and undergo a step-by-step process of re-registration of the new owner of the security.

  1. Registered on the stock exchange.
  2. Confirmed by counterparties.
  3. Securities and money are transferred to the stock exchange through brokers.
  4. The re-registration process is underway.
  5. The process of returning re-registered securities to the stock exchange.
  6. Transfer of money from re-registered securities through brokers to new owners.

Clearing activity is an important regulatory mechanism in the stock market. With its help, the amount of money supply between participants is minimized. The guarantee function when fulfilling obligations ensures high-quality liquidity of the market itself.

Clearing companies - English Clearing Firms, sometimes referred to as clearing houses or clearing corporations, are a type of business that provides settlement and clearing services for various types of financial transactions. Clearing companies operate within the framework of the laws and regulations of the government and other regulatory authorities of the jurisdiction in which they are registered. In some countries, clearing companies offer a wide range of services; in others, their activities may be significantly limited by law.

Typically, clearing companies can handle all types of financial transactions, including investment activities. They act as an intermediary in financial derivatives transactions such as futures or options trading. In addition, they provide a mechanism that allows for a wide range of funds transfers between local and foreign market participants.

Clearing companies also service financial transactions that allow individuals and businesses to arrange automatic payments to merchants or creditors on a revolving basis. For example, an individual may sign an agreement with a utility company that gives them the right to have their monthly payment automatically deducted directly from their checking account. In this case, settlements between them will be carried out through an intermediary - a clearing company, which will process invoices issued by the utility company and transfer the required funds. Automated mortgage payments, donations to charities and other non-profit organizations, and membership dues are also processed through clearing companies.

When carrying out investment transactions, clearing companies are involved at every stage of their implementation. They process not only the purchase order, but also ensure delivery of the purchased investment. By verifying that payment and delivery have been completed in full in accordance with the terms of the contract, the clearing company guarantees the flawless execution of transactions. For example, on the stock exchange, these functions are completed within seconds, allowing sellers to receive funds immediately and investors to immediately gain control of their shares.

Clearing companies also provide excellent documentation of every phase of any transaction. This makes it possible to use accumulated data to review and analyze the execution of each step of any operation, including the exact date and time, as well as the moment the operation began and ended. This can be extremely valuable information when parties disagree over the details of a particular transaction.

"SV Cleaning" is a modern cleaning company operating in the Moscow market since 2008. Our services are distinguished by high quality and efficiency. We use the latest cleaning technologies to ensure cleanliness and freshness. Extensive experience, high-quality equipment and a staff of qualified employees allow us to successfully cope with tasks of any complexity. The company employs experienced cleaning specialists. They are trained and master the technologies for removing various contaminants. Our employees have modern equipment and professional equipment at their disposal.

1. Apartment cleaning


3. Cleaning of offices and premises

Service Unit measurements Price
Daily cleaning of offices on a contact basis m2 From 35 rub.
Daily cleaning of retail and industrial premises on a contact basis m2 From 30 rub.
General cleaning of offices after renovation m2 From 80 rub.
Comprehensive office cleaning m2 From 50 rub.
Cleaning offices after a fire m2 From 300 rub.
Cleaning warehouse and industrial premises after a fire m2 From 190 rub.
Cleaning roofs from snow and ice m2 From 40 rub.
Cleaning of adjacent areas (during the cold season from November 1 to March 31) 3.1 m2 From 40 rub.
Cleaning of adjacent areas (during the warm season from April 1 to October 31) 3.2 m2 From 20 rub.
Garbage removal Container 5000 rub.
Snow removal Container 5000 rub.

4. Window cleaning

5. Treatment of floors and hard surfaces

6. Dry cleaning of carpet surfaces

Service Unit measurements Price
Rugs and carpets (synthetic composition) m2 From 220 rub.
Carpets and rugs (wool composition) m2 From 290 rub.
Carpeting from 50 to 100 m2 m2 From 70 rub.
Carpeting from 100 to 200 m2 m2 From 50 rub.
Carpeting from 200 to 300 m2 m2 From 40 rub.
Sofa, armchair (one seat) 1 PC. From 500 rub.
Double sofa 1 PC. From 1000 rub.
Three-seater sofa 1 PC. From 2800 rub.
Back of the sofa 1 PC. From 1000 rub.
Armrest 1 PC. From 500 rub.
Chair, pouf 1 PC. From 200 rub.
1 bed 1 PC. 700 rub.
2-bed place 1 PC. 1000 rub.
Washing external built-in glazed balconies and loggias 1 m.p. 500 rub.
Cleaning the interior surfaces of microwave ovens and kettles 1 PC. 200 rub.
Cleaning the interior surfaces of refrigerators and stoves 1 PC. 400 rub.
Washing mirrors (more than 5 m2) m2 100 rub.
Wiping the interior surfaces of furniture Per element 150 rub.
Polishing furniture with polish Per element 200 rub.
Cleaning stairs and landings m2 70 rub.
Wiping blinds m2 300 rub.
Chandelier washing (medium, large) Per element 300/350 rub.
Removal of garbage not exceeding 10 kg. 20 rub.

How are prices for cleaning company services determined?

Many factors influence the cost. This is a list of cleaning works and their labor intensity, the area of ​​the premises and territory, the location of the facility, the number of employees in the team, etc. All this is calculated on the basis of standard tariffs, which can be found in the price list. You will see that calling a specialist is not only more convenient, but often also more profitable than doing the cleaning yourself. You can order cleaning services on the website or by phone.

List of our services

1. General cleaning:

  • washing windows and window frames;
  • wiping dust from walls, tall cabinets, furniture;
  • wiping the external surfaces of all cabinets, shelves, etc.;
  • washing doors, trim;
  • cleaning radiators;
  • polishing mirrors and glass surfaces;
  • removing dirt from lighting fixtures;
  • wet cleaning of floors;
  • disinfection and cleaning of sinks, bathtubs, showers;
  • kitchen cleaning: washing cabinets, removing all grease, lime stains, soot from the external and internal surfaces of the refrigerator, microwave, oven;

1.1 Maintenance cleaning:

  • garbage collection and removal;
  • dry cleaning of TV cabinets, refrigerators, lighting fixtures, cabinet furniture, equipment, sockets, switches, floors;
  • vacuuming carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • wet floor cleaning;
  • cleaning and disinfection of toilets and bathrooms.

1.2 Cleaning after construction and renovation:

  • construction dust is removed, including from walls, ceilings, furniture and other vertical and horizontal surfaces;
  • wet cleaning of floors;
  • excess grout, glue, remnants of tape, cement are removed from all surfaces, windows and other places;
  • In the bathrooms, all plumbing fixtures are disinfected, walls and ceilings are washed;
  • mirrors and other shiny surfaces are polished;
  • Windows, slopes and window frames are washed.

2. General cleaning of the cottage:

  • washing windows and window frames;
  • wiping window sills, interior items, household, audio and video equipment;
  • wiping dust from table and wall lighting fixtures;
  • wiping dust from walls, ceilings, tall cabinets;
  • wiping the internal surfaces of all cabinets, shelves, etc.;
  • dry vacuuming of furniture;
  • vacuuming carpets and rugs;
  • washing doors, trim, stairs;
  • heating radiator cleaning;
  • washing door blocks, including fittings;
  • wiping mirrors and glass surfaces;
  • cleaning the floor covering;
  • wet cleaning of floors;
  • washing baseboards;
  • disinfection and cleaning of toilets;
  • disinfection and cleaning of sinks;
  • disinfection and cleaning of bathrooms;
  • disinfection and cleaning of shower cabins;
  • disinfection and cleaning of plumbing fixtures, floor and wall tiles;
  • kitchen cleaning: washing cabinets, removing all grease and lime stains, removing soot;
  • cleaning household items (laying them out in neat piles);
  • taking out the trash, washing trash cans.

3. and premises

Maintenance cleaning (during the day):

  • wet cleaning of floors of corridors, stairs, entrance area;
  • wiping walls, door blocks;
  • maintenance cleaning of bathrooms;
  • garbage removal with bag replacement;
  • replacement of consumables in bathrooms (soap, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.).

Comprehensive cleaning (at the end of the working day)

In offices and corridors:

  • wet cleaning of floors and baseboards with special means, removal of stains and sticky substances;
  • wiping dust from the working surfaces of tables, shelves, cabinets, cabinets, window sills, grilles and screens of heating radiators, door handles, etc.;
  • wiping office equipment and household appliances, removing dust from switches, sockets, plastic boxes, extension cords;
  • wiping and removing dirt from leather upholstery;
  • removing dust from armrests, crosspieces, legs of chairs and armchairs;
  • cleaning and polishing mirrors and glass surfaces;
  • removing garbage from bins and receptacles of paper shredding machines, washing trash cans, replacing plastic bags.

In the bathrooms:

  • cleaning floors with disinfectant;
  • cleaning and disinfection of plumbing fixtures;
  • removing dirt from mirrors, door blocks, wall surfaces and accessories.

3.1 Cleaning the area in winter:

  • removing snow and ice from parapets;
  • removing dense snow and ice using hand tools;
  • sprinkling dense snow and ice with granular reagent;
  • cleaning up debris, sand and fallen leaves using manual equipment;
  • snow removal using manual equipment, formation of temporary snow pyramids in places specified by the customer.

3.2 Cleaning the area in the summer:

  • removing garbage from street bins and ashtrays;
  • painting fences, gates, updating markings;
  • watering hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete, stone, tiles);
  • cleaning and painting of hatches;
  • cleaning and painting curbs;
  • storm drain cleaning;
  • cleaning debris, sand and fallen leaves using manual equipment.

4. Window cleaning:

  • frame washing;
  • washing of slopes;
  • washing window sills;
  • glass washing;
  • double glazing is unscrewed and washed (if possible).

5. Washing facades, shop windows, signs, sidewalks

Facades and sidewalk:

  • treatment with a jet of water from top to bottom, angle 20-80°;
  • pressure varies from 20 to 500 atm;
  • working solution concentrate from 0.1 to 5.0%;
  • removal of atmospheric pollution;
  • removal of efflorescence on facades;
  • soot removal;
  • cleaning of metal facades;
  • cleaning facades from cement residues;
  • cleaning facades from mold;
  • cleaning facades from fungus, applying antifungal compounds;
  • post-construction cleaning.

Showcases, signs:

  • preliminary cleaning of glass from coarse contaminants;
  • removing traces of paint;
  • removing glass stickers;
  • glass rinsing;
  • drying glass using a rubber squeegee;
  • washing glass using special detergents.

6. Treatment of floors and hard surfaces:

  • wet and dry cleaning of floors using special equipment and cleaning products;
  • deep cleaning of floors using an alkaline solution and a rotary machine;
  • crystallization of marble floors (to remove minor scratches and add shine) using a single-disc machine;
  • grinding of stone floors is carried out using diamond dies of varying degrees of grain size;
  • floor treatment with the application of polymers to protect linoleum, vinyl or plastic floors.

7. Dry cleaning of furniture, carpets, rugs, mattresses:

  • pre-processing of the product;
  • basic dry cleaning of the product;
  • final dry cleaning of the product.

You can ask questions and order cleaning services in Moscow by phone or by calling back on the website. We guarantee affordable rates and a high level of work performed.

Trust the cleanliness and comfort of your home to professionals!

The concept of Clearing refers to a system of mutual settlements aimed at reducing the volume of payments made. A similar work scheme existed back in the USSR period and was used to offset mutual demands between supply, transport and production enterprises.

What is Clearing in simple words

Clearing refers to a system of non-cash payments between countries, companies, banks, and enterprises, when mutual offset of goods sold to each other is carried out. Actual transfers of funds are carried out only if there are differences in amounts (to compensate for debts). Subsequently, this practice moved mainly into the sphere of international business.

The use of clearing settlements allows reducing the costs of banking operations

There is another name - compensation payments, which better denote the system itself in the case when several organizations agree on mutual reconciliations and offset of debts of counterparties against work performed and goods supplied to them. Clearing organizations, which are divided into private and public, usually act as intermediaries in such negotiations.

Types of clearing

The presence of an intermediary significantly improves the quality of clearing and adds a link to guarantee the integrity of transactions. Clearing company experts often provide clients with audit specialists who are ready to review the clearing settlements provided for compensation. This system is effective in many ways.

Clearing is used in almost all areas of business

The most common types of Clearing are:

  • Simple. Two counterparties are being considered. Mutual settlements are carried out for each type of business transaction (supply of raw materials/goods).
  • Multilateral. A whole chain of organizations is taken into account, starting with the supply of raw materials to production, ending with sales in retail chains. This takes into account the likelihood of returning inventory items and other options.
  • Commodity. Offsetting of goods, securities or services supplied to each other is carried out.
  • Foreign exchange. Applies between countries and eliminates the need for actual currency transfers.

Clearing between banks is the most common, since the transfer of large amounts of funds often requires the actual transportation of cash, which significantly increases the risks of financial transactions.

Licensing of clearing activities

The quality of services of intermediary companies and the accuracy of clearing settlements guarantee the legislative requirement for compulsory licensing of activities. This requirement is laid down in No. 7-FZ of February 7, 2011 “On clearing, clearing activities and the central counterparty.”

Without a license from the Bank of Russia, clearing activities are prohibited

On the Bank of Russia website you can find a list of organizations that have been issued a license to carry out clearing activities, which simplifies the choice of a partner for carrying out mutual settlements with counterparties. Without confirmation of licensing, Clearing may lead to financial problems requiring the involvement of qualified and expensive accounting restoration specialists.

Clearing loans

As part of the relationship between counterparties in clearing mutual settlements, a number of specific services have appeared, one of them is a system of targeted lending on the part of the clearing organization, as well as through a partner bank. Such loans are issued only for making payments and repaying debt under Clearing. Thanks to this service, it is possible to reduce mutual settlements between counterparties to zero, but the debt remains only to the intermediary.

The advantage of clearing lending is that a special intra-bank currency is used, which is limited to “circulation” exclusively within the organization itself, which allows you to do without collateral assets and issue loans at a minimum interest rate, since the bank does not incur material costs for the issue and other operations typical for real money.

A similar system is common in the European market. Loans to Russian companies from international clearing organizations are available subject to a list of conditions, such as market coverage of at least 30%, basing the business on their own know-how, and the availability of highly liquid assets for collateral. Lending is not particularly widespread in the Russian market; clearing organizations primarily work to reduce the costs of actually making payments and mutual deliveries of goods.

Advantages and disadvantages of Clearing

Turning to the services of clearing organizations is justified primarily by the enormous speed of transactions. Due to the lack of actual deliveries of goods or transfers of funds, the entire cycle of mutual settlements is completed in a matter of hours. The system also has other attractive advantages.

Insurance or guarantee funds can reduce the risks of clearing operations.

Advantages of clearing:

  • Low costs for operations.
  • Elimination of the influence of price fluctuations on the results of mutual settlements due to the high speed of registration.
  • Ease of interaction with any counterparties, regardless of their actual location.

There are certain risks in the system. One of the counterparties may provide incorrect information about the existing debt, and the mutual settlement will proceed with an error that will have to be corrected, and this will not be possible without a thorough audit. If the calculation is carried out on assets with high volatility, participants may lose profits due to postings on unfavorable quotes.

How to reduce the risks of clearing operations

The clearing settlement system was originally created to reduce the risk of financial losses due to ongoing settlements. The intermediary provides more accurate calculations, a guarantee of timely provision of data and fast financial transactions. In many ways, the presence of risks depends on the service procedure or the methodology for resolving disputes.

Measures to reduce the risks of clearing operations are reduced to the following list of conditions:

  • Shorten the billing period.
  • Determine limits on the total volume of settlement transactions for each type (commodity assets, securities, credit debts).
  • Possibility of canceling a clearing session if one of the counterparties determines that the data provided is unreliable.

The key point is the minimum period of operations. This approach guarantees the absence of losses due to bankruptcies, financial crises, and fraudulent actions on the part of any counterparties. Processing transactions within the established limit makes it possible to resolve major financial issues step by step, and canceling started transactions allows you to promptly terminate mutual settlements without the risk of losing funds.

Clearing during periods of financial crises

The services of clearing organizations are most in demand during financial crises. One of the methods of stabilizing the situation is to reduce overhead costs for cash transactions and logistics of raw materials/goods. Clearing allows you to eliminate most of the costs and bring mutual settlements to zero or a minimum amount by taking into account existing receivables/payables.

The use of clearing loans partially helps resolve the crisis situation. Essentially, an internal banking payment system is used, which does not require an issue from the state. In this case, the intermediary assumes the risks, and its clients receive a significant installment plan for the actual fulfillment of obligations while maintaining good partnerships with other counterparties.

For the first time, to reduce the impact of the financial crisis, clearing operations were used in Switzerland at the beginning of the 20th century. Subsequently, the practice was applied whenever there were negative consequences of fluctuations in supply/demand in world markets or other signs of financial crises.