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Magnetic therapy: indications and contraindications, benefits and harms, for osteochondrosis, for joints, in gynecology. High frequency magnetic therapy

High frequency magnetic therapy-- therapeutic use of the magnetic component of the electromagnetic field of high and ultra-high frequencies.

Under the influence of a high-frequency magnetic field, an eddy electric field of the same frequency arises in body tissues with significant electrical conductivity, and eddy currents (Foucault currents) are induced. As with UHF therapy, non-thermal and thermal components of the mechanism of therapeutic action are also conventionally distinguished here.

In the first of them, eddy currents cause circular oscillatory displacements of large dipole biomolecules, which leads to local concentration shifts and a change in the nature of the interaction of the own magnetic fields of charged particles in biological tissues. Maximum magnetically induced mechanical moments occur in liquid crystalline phospholipid structures of membranes, in supramolecular protein complexes and in subcellular structures, the relaxation time of which is 10-7 s. This leads to the activation of physicochemical processes of their interaction, which are most pronounced in body cells with significant mobility (formed elements of blood).

With increasing magnetic field strength, in addition to the non-thermal effect, the speed of short-circuited rotational movement of ions increases, which is most pronounced in tissues and environments of the body with high electrical conductivity (muscle tissue, blood, lymph, etc.). Such currents, in accordance with the Joule-Lenz law, cause the transformation of the energy of the electromagnetic field with the release of heat. The amount of heat generated in tissues under the influence of a high-frequency magnetic field is determined by the formula:

where k is the proportionality coefficient; L - specific electrical conductivity of tissue; f-- frequency of influencing oscillations; B -- magnetic induction.

The heat generated as a result of the induction of eddy currents is removed ineffectively using existing heat transfer mechanisms. As a result, uniform local heating of the irradiated tissues occurs by 2-4 °C to a depth of 8-12 cm, as well as an increase in the patient’s body temperature by 0.3-0.9 °C. This phenomenon was the basis for the old name of the method (inductothermy - heat induction).

An increase in tissue temperature in the affected area causes a pronounced expansion of capillaries, arterioles and venules, an increase in the number of functioning muscle-type vessels and increased blood flow in them. The formation of arterial collaterals accelerates, and the number of anastomoses in the microvasculature increases. Due to the increased permeability of the histohematic barrier, tissue respiration is activated and the rate of lymph perfusion increases. In the area of ​​inflammation, swelling decreases, the dispersion of cell autolysis products increases and the phagocytic activity of leukocytes increases, which contributes to subsequent dehydration and resorption of the inflammatory focus. Activation of fibroblasts and macrophages leads to stimulation of regeneration processes in the damaged area and reduces degenerative processes in tissues and the activity of cellular immunity.

High-frequency magnetic fields reduce the conductivity of somatic and visceral afferent conductors with a subsequent decrease in the excitability of the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system. A decrease in the tone of smooth muscle fibers also promotes the expansion of blood vessels and significantly reduces blood pressure in them, relieves spasms of the bronchi, stomach, and intestines, restores the kinetics of the biliary and urinary tracts, stimulates the filtration function of the kidneys, promotes the excretion of nitrogen metabolism products and increases diuresis.

High frequency magnetic fields activate the body's endocrine system, increase the concentration of free molecules of catecholamines, glucocorticoids and thyroxine in the blood, and stimulate hormone synthetic processes in the pancreas. In addition, they increase bile formation and excretion, stimulate the synthesis of anticoagulants and the Ca2+-accumulating ability of osteoclasts and accelerate the epithelization of wounds.

Therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, secretory, muscle relaxant, immunosuppressive, catabolic.

Indications. Subacute and chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs (bronchitis, pneumonia, cholecystitis, glomerulonephritis, adnexitis, prostatitis), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, muscle contractures, vasospasms, metabolic and post-traumatic arthrosis, hypertension stages I-II, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Contraindications. Malignant neoplasms, acute and purulent inflammatory diseases, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris III FC, the presence of metal objects (shards, pins) and artificial pacemakers in the affected area, severe hypotension, a formed purulent focus of inflammation, purulent sinusitis, hemorrhagic stroke.

Options. To carry out the procedures, electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 13.56 MHz (wavelength 22.13 m), 27.12 MHz (wavelength 11.05 m) and 40.68 MHz (wavelength 7.37 m) are used. For pulsed exposure, high-frequency magnetic field pulses are used, following with a frequency of 50 imp * s1. The ratio of non-thermal and thermal components of the therapeutic effect of high-frequency magnetic therapy is determined by the output power of the devices.

To carry out the procedures, an IKV-4 device is used (frequency 13.56 MHz, output power 200 W), which has one cable and two resonant inductors (22 and 12 cm in diameter). In medical practice, devices for UHF therapy are also used - UHF-80-30 Undaterm, UHF-30-2, Megatherm, Mega-pulse and Ultratherm with cable and resonant inductors (the latter was previously called an applicator - eddy current electrode EVT-1 ).

Methodology. During high-frequency magnetic therapy, the cable inductor is fixed on the patient's body through a towel at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from its surface. The gap between the spiral turns is set using special separating combs, which are supplied with the devices. The cable inductor is placed in three main positions: a flat longitudinal loop (usually on the back), a flat round spiral (on the torso) and a cylindrical spiral (on the limbs). Resonant inductors are installed contact or remotely at a distance of 1 cm from the patient’s body. A low-intensity magnetic field is used mainly in the subacute phase of inflammation, and a high-intensity one in the chronic phase.

High-frequency magnetic therapy procedures are combined with galvanization (galvanoinductothermy), medicinal electrophoresis (electrophoresin inductothermy and inductothermoelectrophoresis) and peloidotherapy (peloidoinductothermy).

The dosage of treatment procedures is carried out according to the patient’s heat sensation and the output power of the device. Due to significant systematic errors (30-50%) of output power meters in devices for high-frequency magnetic therapy, power dividers are installed instead of wattmeters. There are low-thermal (I degree), medium-thermal (II degree) and high-thermal (III degree) doses of high-frequency magnetic influences. So, for example, when working with the IKV-4 device, influences are conditionally dosed with weak (1st--3rd positions of the power switch), moderate (4th--5th positions) and strong (6th--8th positions) feeling of warmth.

The duration of exposures carried out daily or every other day is 15-30 minutes; Up to 15 procedures are prescribed per course. If necessary, a second course of high-frequency magnetic therapy is prescribed after 2-3 months.

Magnets are different. Ball-shaped, hanging on refrigerators, hidden in magnetic keys, therapeutic... And if someone has not personally met the latter, this does not mean that magnetic therapy does not exist. And everything that is inherent to her.

Low-frequency magnetic therapy is the most common type of magnetic therapy. In this therapy, low-frequency magnetic fields are used - of course, for therapeutic, preventive, and rehabilitation purposes. Magnetic fields are used - alternating, pulsating, traveling, rotating. As a result, that’s what experts call it – AMF (alternating magnetic field). Such a low-frequency magnetic field can change the rate of lipid peroxidation. And for a reason. And for the sake of activating trophic processes in various organs and tissues, eliminating infiltration, accelerating the epithelization of wounds. Of course, we can talk about the biological activity of alternating magnetic fields, about electric fields and currents induced in the body, about perineural edema, and even about the modulation of the excitability of neurons with spontaneous impulse activity. As well as about many other things. But then the subsequent text will take on a psychiatric slant. And we are interested in magnetic therapy.

What is low frequency magnetic therapy

This is a branch of physiotherapy, using the effect of a low-frequency alternating magnetic field on the entire body, or part of it. The tissues of the body (or part of it) are not magnetized, but many tissue elements in the magnetic field are imparted magnetic properties. Changes occur in biologically active substances (enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids), metalloproteins (hemoglobin, catalase, vitamins), liquid crystals (cholesterol, lipoproteins...). Responsive to magnetic field and the cardiovascular system. I mean, he perceives it positively. Magnetic fields reciprocate – have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, sedative effect. Not just the heart. So it turns out that, to put it succinctly, magnetic therapy is the treatment of diseases of the body with magnetic fields.

Indications, contraindications, effects

Indications: stage I hypertension, coronary heart disease, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, consequences of closed brain injuries and ischemic stroke, diseases and damage to the peripheral nervous system, neuroses, arthrosis and arthritis, diseases of the peripheral vessels of the extremities, chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs, bone fractures, osteomyelitis , periodontal disease, purulent wounds, ENT diseases, keloid scars... Magnetotherapeutic effects: improvement of blood counts, improvement of general well-being and sleep, reduction of lymph nodes, weakening or disappearance of pain, lowering blood pressure, restoring the function of peripheral nerves, resorption of infiltrative tissue, increased joint mobility, normalization of temperature, lowering blood sugar levels... Therapeutic effects: vasodilator, anti-inflammatory (drainage-dehydrating), catabolic, trophic, actoprotective, hypotensive, hypocoagulant. Contraindications. Individual hypersensitivity, condition after myocardial infarction (1-3 months), coronary heart disease, hemorrhagic stroke, angina pectoris class III, artificial pacemakers, hypotension.

Choose for yourself:

  • Magnetic therapy device BTL 09 Magnetoacoustic therapy device MAGOFON-01.
  • Magnetic therapy device MAG Bracelet Jisei Teq 3 Combi.
  • Magnetotherapeutic device with a traveling pulsed field Almag-01.
  • Device for low-frequency magnetic therapy AMT-02.
  • Portable device for low-frequency magnetic therapy MAG-30-4.
  • Device for low-frequency therapy ANET-50M “Magniter”.
  • Device for magnetic resonance therapy "MIT-MT".
  • Magnetic therapy device EASY QUATTRO PRO.

And use it for your health.

Today there are many physiotherapeutic procedures that help cope with serious diseases.

A universal procedure is magnetic therapy, which is the effect of a magnetic field on the affected area. Magnetic therapy, the indications and contraindications for which are described in the article, is a therapeutic procedure and has a proven medical effect. Despite the fact that this procedure has a beneficial effect on the internal organs of a person, it should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Magnetotherapy: advantages and features of the procedure

Magnetotherapy has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, hypotensive, reparative and analgesic effects. Almost every person knows about the healing properties of magnets. People have used magnets in healing since the distant past. But its miraculous effect has been proven quite recently. Today, magnetic therapy, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, is used in almost all countries, including China, Japan, and European countries.

More than 90% of patients feel improvement after magnetic therapy. This is explained by the naturalness and naturalness of the method. Each person has his own electromagnetic field. When the effect of the field decreases, a person may feel a deterioration in their general condition. Otherwise, serious illnesses may occur. When a person does magnetic therapy, his magnetic field is adjusted, so the patient gets recharged and feels much better.

Magnetic therapy for joints helps reduce pain. The patient can safely use the affected limb. For each disease, magnetic therapy produces its own individual effect. Magnetic therapy as a physiotherapeutic procedure has a number of advantages, including:

  • painlessness;
  • universal use;
  • improvement of general condition;
  • the possibility of influencing certain areas;
  • numerous list of indications;
  • ease of use;
  • lack of complex and expensive equipment.

Magnetic therapy is well tolerated, does not cause discomfort and is absolutely safe. Very often this procedure is prescribed to small children and newborns. This is due to the fact that this procedure is the gentlest. Magnetic therapy, which can be used by both people in poor health and the elderly, does not cause any complications.

Magnetic rays penetrate all types of surfaces. Therefore, if a person is wearing a splint or an ointment bandage, then the effect of the magnet will be the same as without them. Magnetic therapy has a general and local effect. So, a person may be prescribed a procedure to improve their general condition or to treat a specific organ or part of the body.

A constant magnetic field with the mildest effect allows you to calm and expand the veins, and an alternating one eliminates swelling, relieves pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The pulse field stimulates the effect and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How does magnetic therapy work?

The most popular procedures prescribed for people with neurotic disorders are electrophoresis and magnetic therapy. This is due to the fact that the human nervous system begins to respond to the magnet. At the same time, the person will feel relaxed and calm. Next, the performance of the thyroid gland, muscles, heart, blood vessels, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract improves. Magnetic therapy affects all systems of the body, having a beneficial effect on each of them.

Magnetic therapy has a beneficial effect on the entire body. And thanks to this:

  • the functioning of the biliary tract is normalized;
  • the functioning of the pancreas improves;
  • the functioning of external respiration is restored;
  • congestion during breathing is eliminated;
  • general condition improves;
  • the patient feels at ease;
  • the depression goes away.

Magnetotherapy for humans is an immune corrector. It acts individually in each specific case, increases the reduced activity of the immune system and vice versa. Magnetic therapy procedures have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. After it, the patient experiences a decrease in vascular tone and blood clotting processes are normalized.

The principle of action of the therapy is based on the interaction of both cellular and non-cellular substances in the blood, increasing the level of autoimmune antibodies, changing the rheological properties of the blood, and improving blood circulation. Magnetic therapy has a number of advantages, including its universal action. The procedure has an anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, reparative, analgesic effect.

Indications for magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy is prescribed very often. It has not only proven effectiveness, but is also absolutely safe for humans. Very often it is prescribed even to newborn children. The list of indications for the procedure is quite impressive. At the same time, magnetic therapy at home has a number of advantages, including saving time, money on travel, simplicity and efficiency of the procedure. Indications include:

  • heart diseases;
  • neurological disorders;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • musculoskeletal injury;
  • genitourinary, infectious diseases and much more.

You should know that each person’s body responds to magnetic waves differently. The effect that magnetic therapy has has a significant contribution to human healing. The body becomes more resistant to various diseases, including acute respiratory diseases and colds.

The magnetic therapy procedure is carried out using a special apparatus, which consists of inductors. They are installed on the affected areas or on areas of the body that are located as close as possible to the diseased organ. A magnetic therapy device can be of any shape and size, but the operating principle of all devices is the same. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist uses different techniques, including single-inductor or double-inductor exposure.

The single-inductor technique is used mainly in cases where there is only one lesion or it has a small area. If the device has 2 inductors, then they are placed in the same plane. Thanks to this arrangement, the area covered by the magnetic field increases. There are often situations when inductors are placed transversely: first on one side and then on the other. This arrangement increases the depth of influence of magnetic pulses.

Magnetic therapy for osteochondrosis helps eliminate discomfort and pain in the neck. After a course of procedures, a person may feel improvement. The neck turns to the side easily, and the chondrosis bump noticeably decreases. In this case, magnetic therapy effectively replaces massage. The most active and effective is the rotating magnetic field. If it is necessary to influence the body with a rotating field, the patient is placed in a special mechanism. The emerging field constantly changes its direction.

The procedure time and dosage of magnet exposure are selected individually in each specific case. All parameters and factors depend on the type of disease and severity of the patient. In medical practice, devices that produce weak magnetic fields are used. In other areas, strong, weak and ultra-weak magnetic fields are used.

The doctor prescribes the patient to undergo a course of magnetic therapy, which lasts 10-15 sessions. Procedures must be done every day or every other day. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. The frequency of repeating magnetic therapy is every 2 months. This is done in order to consolidate the therapeutic effect. Six months after the last course you need to take another one. In combination with drug treatment, magnetic therapy, the contraindications of which must be strictly and strictly followed, contributes to the patient’s recovery and improvement of his general condition.

In what cases is magnetic therapy contraindicated?

Despite the fact that magnetic therapy has a number of undeniable, proven advantages, it, like any other physiotherapeutic procedure, has a number of limitations and contraindications. If the patient has hypertension, then magnetic therapy cannot be performed. It helps lower blood pressure. The procedure is not recommended for persons whose heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute. Magnetic therapy should not be performed on patients who have a pacemaker installed, as it is dangerous for their health.

  • benign and malignant neoplasms that tend to progress;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • constant increase in body temperature above 38 o C;
  • pregnancy.

Pregnant women are prescribed magnetic therapy only if the possible therapeutic effect outweighs the risk of death or defective development of the child. Therefore, pregnant women can undergo a course of magnetic therapy only after consultation with a gynecologist. As a rule, pregnant women are prescribed low-frequency magnetic therapy. This procedure has less impact on the human body.

If you want to start a course of magnetic therapy, ask your doctor if magnetic therapy can be done at home. The devices differ not only in the degree of impact, but also in their purpose. In treatment, you need to take into account all the nuances that can lead to a side effect or unforeseen deterioration.

Devices for magnetic therapy

In hospitals and clinics, private clinics, special devices are installed that have a beneficial effect on a person, restoring his magnetic field. Today, everyone can purchase a mini-device for home use. Pharmacies offer a wide selection of devices from different manufacturers. The cost of devices varies from 2 to 15 thousand rubles. But there are devices with a higher price. Their efficiency is much higher.

But it is not advisable to buy any device without consulting your doctor or primary care physician. The doctor will help you choose the device that will be most effective in treating a particular disease. The Mag-30 device is especially popular at the moment. A magnetic therapy device can be purchased at a pharmacy or at a factory that produces it.

Mag-30 is a magnetic therapy device that you can use at home yourself; reviews about it can be read on the manufacturer’s official website. The use of any device must be approved by a specialist. In this case, it is necessary to follow the instructions and observe the permitted dosage and frequency of procedures.

There are all kinds of magnetic bracelets and various devices on sale. Their effectiveness in medicine has not been proven, therefore, if you want to undergo a course of magnetic therapy, it is better to buy a special medical device that meets all safety and quality requirements. The choice of devices is truly diverse. You can purchase the device “Almag”, “Magniter”, Mag-30, “Politsvet Mag” and many others. All devices have the same operating principle. The magnet has a positive effect on human internal organs. The magnetic therapy procedure is not associated with pain or discomfort.

Magnetotherapy- exposure to a constant or alternating low-frequency magnetic field (respectively PMF or PeMF), in continuous or intermittent modes.

Physical characteristics (biometric parameters):
- MF intensity in mT, gradient in mTkm, vector, frequency, pulse shape, duration of exposure.

Physical and physiological effects of magnetic therapy

Guidance of electromotive force;
- influence on the course of a number of free radical chemical reactions in biological systems and the processes of lipid peroxidation in membranes;
- impact on volumetric electric charges - their resorption and the transition of electrical energy into mechanical energy;
- change in the probability of electronic transitions affecting the rate of chemical reactions (taking into account systems of iron, copper, manganese ions).

Non-thermal quantum mechanical action of PMF and PeMF. The action of MP is based on cellular and non-cellular components of the blood, its coagulation system and vascular endothelium (synthesis of prostaglandins), changes in redox processes, restructuring in the parts of the neuro-endocrine system - activation of endocrine target glands (release of hormones), metabolic reactions, increased level of autoantibodies, changes in the rheological properties of blood, improvement of microcirculation.

Therapeutic effect

- decongestant,
- painkiller,
- reparative,
- hypotensive.

Magnetic therapy, indications:

Diseases of the neurosurgical profile and the autonomic nervous system;
- neuritis of various localizations and phantom pain;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system: stage 1-2 hypertension, coronary heart disease, obliterating endarteritis, chronic arterial and venous insufficiency;
- in pulmonology: acute pneumonia, bronchial asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- bone fracture;
- inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
- in dentistry: periodontitis, catarrhal gingivitis, ulcerative and traumatic damage to the oral mucosa, inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial area, postoperative trauma, fracture of the bones of the facial skeleton.

Contraindications to magnetic therapy:

Predisposition to bleeding
- blood hypocoagulation,
- severe course of coronary heart disease,
- individual increased sensitivity to the factor (repeated stress reactions to MP),
- active pulmonary tuberculosis.

Magnetic therapy devices

"Polyus-1". The kit includes 5 inductor-electromagnets: 2 cylindrical, 2 rectangular, 1 cavity. The device generates pulsating PMF and low frequency PMF (50 Hz) and MF induction from 9 to 35 mT

"Polyus-101" and "Um-6" are equipped with inductor solenoids of various diameters.

Olimp-1, Zvezda-Z - generators of traveling pulsed MF (0.05 -2.5 mT).

To influence the PMF, elastic magnetic applicators are used, which are a magnetic carrier based on ferrocomposites: a mechanical mixture of polymer binders (rubber, resin) and powdered ferromagnetic fillers with a magnetic field induction of up to 28 mT.

Technique and methodology of magnetic therapy

For a patient lying on a couch or sitting on a wooden chair, one or two working inductors are installed at the corresponding area in contact or with an air gap of 0.5 - 1.5 cm. When using two inductors simultaneously, the distance between them is at least 5 cm, the arrows of the inductors are located in the same direction. The duration of exposure to MP on one area of ​​the body is from 15 to 30 minutes, the course of treatment is 20 procedures. Elastic magnetic applicators are applied contactally using fixing bandages.

Alternating magnetic field of UV frequency - ultra-high-frequency magnetic therapy

Healing factor

High frequency electromagnetic field, frequency 27.12 MHz (Ultra High Frequency PeMF)

Physical and physiological effects

PeMF causes oscillatory movements of electrically charged particles (eddy currents) in tissues - electrolytes, which leads to heat generation in the muscle layer, blood, lymph and other liquid media at a depth of 7 - 8 cm. The action of PeMP is based on the neuro-reflex mechanism:

Increasing the excitability of nerves and the speed of excitation;
- strengthening of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system (with prolonged action);
- expansion of blood vessels (temperature increase by 2.5-5 "C), acceleration of blood flow, increase in the number of functioning capillaries;
- activation of lymph circulation and venous outflow;
- lowering blood pressure;
- release of corticosteroids, increasing the concentration of hormones in the blood;
- decreased immune reactions;
- increased phagocytosis;
- improvement of bronchial patency and pulmonary ventilation.

Therapeutic effect

Anti-inflammatory in subacute and chronic inflammatory processes,
- painkiller,
- antispasmodic.

Indications for ultra-high frequency magnetic therapy

Subacute and chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and other body systems,
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system, arthrosis-arthritis of the temporomandibular joint, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system - bruises, fractures,
- diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems,
- hypertension stage I - II,
- Raynaud's disease,
- bronchial asthma.

Contraindications to ultra-high-frequency magnetic therapy

Malignant diseases
- cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation,
- febrile conditions,
- acute inflammatory diseases,
- tendency to bleed,
- active pulmonary tuberculosis,
- the presence of implanted heart stimulators (when exposed to the head).


UHF-30, UHF-66 and UHF-80-01 with a resonant inductor (eddy current applicator) with a diameter of up to 90 mm.

Technique and methodology of ultra-high-frequency magnetic therapy

The resonant inductor is fixed in the holder of the UHF device and installed at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm from the surface of the patient’s body (pathological focus), the device is turned on, and the presence of MP is checked.


The procedure is carried out at a power of up to 30-40 V. Dosing during inductothermy is based on the patient’s sensation of heat. Weak and medium sensations of heat are acceptable on the head and face, duration of action is up to 10 minutes, course of 5-8 procedures.

Low frequency magnetic therapy - therapeutic use of the magnetic component of various types of low-frequency alternating electromagnetic fields. For therapeutic purposes, the following are mainly used: alternating, pulsating, pulsed, oscillating and traveling low-frequency magnetic fields.

The basis of the action of low-frequency magnetic fields on the body is the magnetomechanical effect and the induction of electric fields and currents, which influence various biological systems and processes.

Mechanisms of therapeutic effects

Low-frequency magnetic fields have a diverse effect on the body and the course of pathological processes. The nervous system is considered to be the most sensitive to the action of low-frequency magnetic fields. Depending on the parameters and methods of influence, a magnetic field can have both an inhibitory and an exciting effect on the nervous system. The most reactive formations of the central nervous system when exposed to magnetic fields are the cortex and hypothalamus. When using general methods of influence, low-frequency magnetic therapy increases the body's resistance to adverse factors, expands its compensatory capabilities, normalizes the activity of many organs and systems - cardiovascular and endocrine, and also produces local changes.

The basis of the therapeutic effect of low-frequency magnetic therapy for many diseases is the activation of local blood circulation and microcirculation, which improves blood supply and stimulates the metabolism of various organs and tissues. The basis of these changes is the improvement of macro- and microcirculation due to the direct influence of the factor on the formed elements and proteins of the blood plasma, its viscosity. Low-frequency magnetic therapy has a vasodilating effect caused by relaxation of the smooth muscles of peripheral vessels. This explains the pronounced hypotensive effect, especially manifested during general magnetic therapy.

The trophic effect of low-frequency fields is associated with their influence on some intracellular processes - activation of protein synthesis and an increase in the level of intracellular ATP.

Under the influence of low-frequency magnetic fields, the inflammatory process is weakened. The anti-inflammatory effect is associated with the influence of the factor on the synthesis of prostaglandins, an increase in the content of heparin in the blood and tissues, inhibition of histamine release against the background of increased vascular permeability, improvement of microcirculation and transcapillary exchange, and influence on immunological processes in the body.

There is also a positive anti-edematous effect of low-frequency magnetic therapy associated with changes in transcellular regulation, changes in water metabolism and stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow.

Also, low-frequency magnetic therapy is characterized by a mild analgesic effect. It is based on the cessation of impulses from the source of pain and the increase in endorphins in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Main therapeutic effects are considered anti-inflammatory, decongestant, trophic, hypocoagulant, vasoactive, analgesic, stimulating reparative processes, immunomodulatory.

Combination of low-frequency magnetic therapy with other factors

Low-frequency magnetic therapy is combined with phoresis of medicinal substances, laser radiation, chromotherapy, ultrasound, vibration therapy, heat and cryotherapy.