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Is it possible to douse yourself with cold water if you have osteochondrosis? Hardening the body as an effective method of combating vertebral and joint pathologies. Treatment of osteochondrosis with currents: advantages and contraindications of physiotherapy

It has long been known that a person is 80% water. All chemical reactions, all processes in every cell occur in the presence of water. A person cannot live a day without a sip of water. Therefore, water is the closest and dearest liquid to us. In addition, water always carries a large amount of energy, which is transferred to us upon contact with it.

Water is easily charged with surrounding energy and changes its structure under the influence of external factors - noise, sounds, voices, your mood and even your thoughts. I think many of you have watched the documentary about water and know that we can influence water, both positively and negatively. Likewise, water can affect us in different ways.

Think for yourself, why, when you are angry, do you feel bad? My head starts to hurt, everything falls out of my hands, and so on. Because you charged your inner water with bad energy that you sent from your brain through your thoughts to your whole body.

Pay attention to something else - when you are in a good mood, say and do only good things, then it is easier for you. Because your water has switched to positive energy and supplies you with it. It’s worth thinking about why kind and bright people live longer and healthier.

And now it will be easier and more clear for me to explain to you how to douse yourself correctly and become healthier. Let's get straight to the basics of dousing.

Why does the water have to be cold?

Some beginners first pour themselves warm or room temperature water. This is a mistake, since it is this fact that will lead to a cold. The main effect is a short-term stress reaction for the body, when first all superficial vessels narrow and then, on the contrary, expand.

This is how the blood vessels and the whole body are trained. You should definitely feel the coldness of the water during the plunge, and then the enveloping warmth. Only then will it be done correctly.

What is the main effect of dousing?

During direct contact with water, your energy surges, awakening all cells and tissues. When you are already drying out, the water that evaporates from you transfers all its energy to you.

That is why at this moment you feel a surge of warmth, while your skin is covered with goosebumps and all the hair on your body stands on end. At this moment, your electromagnetic field is powerfully charged from the water. You get a huge boost of energy.

Under what conditions are douches contraindicated?

  • Exacerbation of any chronic condition
  • Any acute illness that is accompanied by fever, malaise, and weakness
  • The presence of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, with increased blood viscosity

Instructions for dousing

I prefer and advise you not even to douse, but to immerse in water. This will create an ice-hole effect and work the entire body more fully. If you have never done this before, then start with cool water, but not warm water, which will have no effect.

So where to start?

Fill 2/3 of the bath with cool/cold water so that when immersed, the water does not overflow and flood the floor.

Once your bath is ready, turn off the water, stand next to the bath and take 5 to 10 minutes of gratitude. Here you are left alone with yourself and try to sincerely say thank you to the Universe for everything that is in your life.

Mentally or out loud thank the Universe for your family, for health, for life, for a new day, for the sun in the sky. Say thank you at least for waking up today and welcoming a new day. Well, isn’t this a gift from the Universe?!

Be sure to be grateful for the water that you can easily get from your tap every day. This way you will charge the water with positive energy and make it “alive”.

After gratitude, with a good attitude, without fear, climb into the bath and plunge headlong for 3-5 seconds. You can do it without a head if you have long hair and don’t have time to dry it with a hairdryer for a long time.

As soon as you take a dip, immediately get out of the bath and, without drying yourself, go to the balcony or stand in front of an open window. Regardless of what the weather is outside, summer or winter. In winter, this is even more effective.

Stand for a while and feel the warmth that will envelop your body. Afterwards you can do a couple of exercises such as swinging your arms, squats, bending, and so on. But the main thing is to try to perform them in front of an open window or on the balcony.

If you feel that any part of your body is starting to freeze, start rubbing it with your hands. Afterwards you can completely rub yourself, but not with a towel, but with your own hands. When using a towel, you will wipe off all the energy of the water and there will be no effect.

After this, go back into the room and walk around for a couple of minutes, taking air baths. Only after this can you get dressed and start your business. After the douche, you yourself will feel a surge of new strength, a feeling of rebirth, positivity and endless energy.

If you don’t have a bath, you can do classic douches. Fill a bucket with water and after saying thanks, pour it over your head (or over your chest and back if you don’t want to get your hair wet). But still, dipping and pouring over your head is much more effective!

By the way, if you live near clean bodies of water, you can take a dip in them. Especially in summer. But this can also be done in winter, when you reach a good level of hardening.

Why do douses have a positive effect on the spine?

In the past, when I had exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis, when I had a headache, muscle spasms occurred, and for a couple of seconds it seemed that I would lose consciousness, the chiropractor told me that at these moments it was necessary to get up sharply under a cold shower, and It’s better to take a dip in a cold bath.

I tried this method on myself and was surprised at its positive effect. When I fell under streams of cold water, it sharply distracted and sobered me up and all the listed symptoms disappeared. That’s when I realized that there is no need to come up with super-smart treatment methods when there is such a wonderful folk natural method.

Cold water stimulates the nervous system and causes a sharp reaction in blood vessels. After contact with cold water, subsequent dilation of blood vessels and muscle relaxation occur. Therefore, after the douche, I really felt an improvement in my condition.

After one such douche, exacerbations occurred less frequently. And when I connected to massage and actively began to engage in exercises (complexes of which you will find in) and self-healing, the exacerbations gradually passed. And now I realized that such dousing or dipping should be done not only when there are already exacerbations, but also for prevention.

Now I am actively involved in sports, moving to a higher level of training, taking a dip in the morning every day for 3 months and undergoing manual massage once a month. Thanks to this lifestyle, I have long forgotten what exacerbations, headaches, fainting and stiffness in the spine are.

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The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Alexandra Bonina

Comments: 28 on “ Dipping and pouring for osteochondrosis
  1. Ninel

    You look and it’s already cold. Bravo, Dmitry! I won’t dare to do this yet, I’ve had enough of contrast showers)

  2. Sergey

    For almost two years now, I have been taking a cold shower every morning. There is a special thrill in winter - you can feel the burning effect. Now it’s April, the water has warmed up, and this effect is no longer there, but it still invigorates you for the whole day. But after the shower I dried myself with a towel, but here they advise not to do this. Need to try. Good luck to all!

  3. VladimirM

    Hello, if you have a thermometer, then measure the temperature of the water in the bath using it, which would be more specific for starting the procedure, otherwise such a description of the temperature as Dima’s before the procedure is not very clear what the temperature of the water was in his bath before procedure?

  4. Valery

    The method is exotic and a little controversial.
    I advise you to douse yourself better and easier with cold water, with a temperature below 11 degrees...

  5. Vladimir Mironovich

    It was not Dmitry Pecherkin, but Dmitry Tarzan!
    I had a case in '91. I entered and plunged into a mountain river near Svalyava (Carpathians), celebrating February 23rd. Lasted for 10-15 seconds. Impressions for life!!!

  6. Boris

    The residents from the house opposite will be especially happy when, after the dip, I go out onto the balcony dressed as Adam! :-)

  7. Evgenia

    Thank you, I also practice cold showers, but it doesn’t always work. But the effect is super!

  8. Elena

    Hello, Alexandra! I must say that dousing with cold water (and immersing in cold water) is not suitable for everyone - many (including me) feel severe discomfort, and for some this cold dousing leads to the development of arthrosis-arthritis, which happened to my friend, who after After 10 years of this pleasure (she was delighted with this procedure), arthrosis manifested itself in its strongest form. In any case, it is advisable to consult with YOUR doctor. In fact, a person only benefits from those methods and procedures with which he feels comfortable.

  9. Oleg

    For a month now, every day I have been dousing myself with two buckets of cold water outside, now the water temperature is +9 C. Then I dry myself, doing morning exercises at home. I will practice warming up on the street and before dousing, be sure to put a positive thought into it... I am switching to adequate nutrition (previously I only ate meat), [deleted by moderator]. I wish everyone happiness and a better living environment!

  10. check mark

    In the morning, after having breakfast and having recovered a little, you usually run to work rather than draw water for the bath. And let’s dive into cold water after breakfast... plus gastritis in addition to osteochondrosis :)

  11. Vlad

    Dear Alexandra!
    I carefully re-read your publications, I like them, and I put some of them into practice.
    Thank you very much!
    But you have to be very careful with dipping and cutting. It is fraught with certain negative consequences, including physiological and mental changes in the body. Some illnesses may occur. I believe that to practice dipping, a person must be theoretically prepared, or practice under the supervision of a specialist.
    Best regards, Vlad.

  12. Galina Pavlovna

    Nice article and video!
    For three years I doused myself with 2 buckets of ice water directly over my head, and walked short distances in winter without a hat. I stopped because then I started to feel cold throughout the day. Now I would be happy to resume this procedure. but I’m afraid - I have a cervical hernia of 2 vertebrae and cerebellar degeneration of unknown etiology and diabetes has appeared. This is what stops me - is it possible to wet yourself with such diseases? And yet - not a single doctor answered me - why, after 3 years of dousing, did I begin to freeze to the point of chills throughout the day?

  13. Michael

However, before dismissing these procedures, it is worth understanding what pathogenetic mechanisms are involved in such treatment. And why it works.

Stress and its effect on the body's defenses

Stress goes through three stages in its development: anxiety, adaptation, exhaustion. These stages are always sequential. However, the development of stress can be interrupted at any stage.

  • Anxiety is the body's primary response to stress. All life-supporting processes in the body work to the limit. This often leads to decompensation, which is manifested by exacerbation of chronic pathology, strokes, heart attacks, fainting after a strong psycho-emotional impact.
  • Adaptation. Replaces anxiety. The body begins to work at a qualitatively new level. He perceives stress as a warning, a signal that life conditions are changing. A restructuring is taking place. Work productivity increases.
  • Exhaustion. Occurs with prolonged and severe stress. Or with numerous frequent negative impacts. The body's defenses are depleted.

It is clear that for therapeutic purposes it is necessary to stop the “stress cascade” precisely at the adaptation stage. This is what happens when dousing with cold water.

What physiological processes occur during dousing?

These are processes that accompany short-term, mild stress. General hypothermia of the body does not occur. The action is limited to superficial vessels and nerve endings.

Under the influence of cold, skin vessels spasm. The hormone adrenaline is responsible for this. The body cannot maintain a spasm for a long time. Therefore, vasodilation and redness of the skin occur. This leads to a feeling of heat after dousing.

The effect on the nervous system is due to irritation of cold receptors in the skin. The impulse travels through nerve pathways to the brain. The brain responds to this by producing heat. The person feels the heat again.

Benefits of the procedure

Often, after a course of such procedures, the symptoms of osteochondrosis are significantly alleviated or go away. There are several reasons:

  1. Reflexive distracting action. The effect on cold receptors during dousing is short-lived, but quite strong. It suppresses pain impulses from the source of inflammation. A person forgets about pain.
  2. Spasmed muscles with osteochondrosis experience a lack of blood supply. Reflex vasodilation after cold procedures contributes to the effective delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues. The outflow of blood increases, removing mediators of inflammation and pain from the lesion.
  3. During short-term stress, enkephalins and endorphins are released into the blood. These are natural pain relievers and antidepressants. They suppress pain and the psycho-emotional component associated with it.
  4. The alternating sensations of cold and heat are an excellent workout for the nervous system. The general condition stabilizes and calmness sets in.


Never douse yourself with cold water if you have:

  • severe chronic diseases or exacerbations (including exacerbation of osteochondrosis);
  • skin diseases: psoriasis, acne, dermatitis of any nature, pustules;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy, predisposition to fainting;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever, ARVI;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, hyper-, uncontrolled hypotension, heart failure.

Pouring cold water for osteochondrosis should be done simultaneously, from a bucket, and not in a shower. Don't wet your head. Water temperature is about degrees.

If at first this method of dousing is difficult to tolerate, the water can be slightly heated and gradually cooled over time. You can also first rub your legs, legs, thighs, chest, stomach, and only after that pour a bucket of water on your back.

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Swimming with a vertebral hernia

The occurrence of a hernia is the result of an uneven load on the back. Swimming for a spinal hernia is a way to comprehensively restore the body. In addition, water aerobics can be safely called useful, since in the process the spine is stretched and all muscle groups are strengthened, and primarily the back. An important aspect is the correct execution, which increases the benefits of the exercise.

The benefits of swimming for a herniated disc

The treatment procedure for intervertebral hernia includes a complex technique. This includes exercise therapy (physical therapy), massage, acupuncture, and water aerobics. In order for the complex effect to be beneficial, the patient’s health status and physical fitness are taken into account. Swimming must be done under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will monitor the correct execution of this or that exercise. Classes are held in a swimming pool, the temperature of which is about 28 degrees Celsius. A set of exercises performed in water reduces the load on the back, thereby positively affecting the spine.

In addition to the physical benefits, water has a positive effect on the nervous system, due to which it allows the patient to relax and calm the nerves. Since some patients have a very difficult time with both the disease process and the recovery period. The thing is that the fear of the impossibility of returning to normal life after an illness takes root in their thoughts.

How to swim?

People who have problems with a vertebral hernia need to know how to swim correctly before classes so as not to harm themselves even more. There is a swimming style that is not recommended - butterfly. The method includes complex movements, which are not always possible even for professionals, and can aggravate the disease.

Water aerobics for a herniated spine is considered a good way to reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscle corset. Also, for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to swim in the following styles:

Swimming with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine includes several basic rules:

  • Classes are 2 times a week, and in some cases - possibly three. The duration of one lesson varies from 45 to 60 minutes.
  • During the first visits, the water temperature should be at least 23-25 ​​degrees. Later, the temperature is gradually reduced to 23 degrees and below.
  • Correct breathing, which allows you to fill the circulatory system with oxygen. Breathing with deep inhalation and deep exhalation is considered correct. If everything is done correctly, the ventilation of the lungs improves and they are filled with oxygen.

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Brass style

The technique is well suited for the back and chest, helps strengthen them, and is also characterized by a calm manner of execution. Breaststroke is also recommended for lumbar hernia. The idea is to keep your spine straight while working your legs and arms. It is recommended to perform the technique relaxed, without sudden movements, feeling slight tension in the muscles and enjoying the process. In case of a herniated cervical spine, it must be performed with caution.


This type of swimming allows you to completely relax the spine, thereby reducing the load on the intervertebral cartilage. Back exercises are good for the spine, because all muscle groups work in the process. It is necessary to take into account that the exercises are performed slowly and not abruptly, since, otherwise, displacement of the vertebrae is possible. In addition, it is possible to reduce pain and improve mood.

Style "Crawl"

When performing this technique, it is necessary to take into account the presence of problems with the respiratory system and untrained muscles, since it involves fast and sudden movements. "Crawl" is not recommended for intervertebral hernia. Some doctors are even inclined to prohibit the use of this technique for hernia. And to decide whether it is possible or not, you must consult your doctor before performing it.

Water aerobics

  • Walk in the water, raising your legs high. In this case, the water level should be chest deep. Move your arms as if you were walking with ski poles. The execution interval is 5 minutes.
  • Turns the body left and right. Number of repetitions - 10 times.
  • Tilts to the left and to the right. Number of repetitions - 6 times in both directions.
  • Performing squats using the sides of the pool as support. When performing, alternate both legs, perform 10 times on each. After which they do full squats.
  • Pulling both legs towards the waist. Number of repetitions - 12 times.

Water aerobics for a hernia of the lumbar spine allows you to harden, develop body muscles and a healthy mind. When performed regularly, therapeutic exercises reduce pain and relieve stress. The exercises are performed for a month. It is better to exercise 4 times a week under the guidance of a trainer.

Swimming with a hernia of the lumbar spine, like any physical exercise, includes certain features when performed:

  • It is prohibited to perform during the acute stage of the disease. In this state, even minimal movement can cause harm. The optimal time to start water training is the recovery period after an illness.
  • Before performing exercises, the trainer must consult with the attending physician to create the correct individual training plan. The instructor often takes into account the general condition, the stage of the disease and the need to perform one or another type of exercise.
  • Finding a trainer is a must, especially during the first lessons. The patient, in turn, must report in case of unpleasant or painful sensations so that the instructor reduces the load or monitors the correct execution.

Exercises in water for osteochondrosis are performed smoothly and without sudden movements. Therefore, the following features must be taken into account:

  • When performing the exercises, the starting position is lying on your back so that the spine has the opportunity to straighten. In the process of swimming on your stomach, the spine will bend even more, which will lead to unpleasant sensations and complications of the disease.
  • If the patient's back curve increases, it is recommended to avoid back swimming exercises. It is better to choose a different execution technique.
  • Sometimes doctors recommend eliminating sudden movements with your hands, so calm techniques such as crawl are more suitable for them.

Correct swimming procedures, when performed, become a simple and painless therapy during recovery and during the course of the disease. Being in the water helps you relax and be filled with positive emotions. It is important not to forget about systematically performing exercises, because regularity helps to recover from a hernia.

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Is it useful to douse yourself with cold water for osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a disease that can bring not only pain and discomfort, but also various complications that affect the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, doctors recommend taking preventive measures to prevent the disease, and starting treatment at the first symptoms.

As a rule, for complete healing, medications, ointments are prescribed, and a whole range of procedures is used, including traditional methods of treatment. Is it possible to treat osteochondrosis by dousing it with cold water? We will examine it in detail. How water affects the body and what the benefits of the procedure are - everyone needs to know all this.

Features of dousing - what you need to know

Before starting the procedure, it is important to know that cervical osteochondrosis can be treated by pouring cold water only if there is no inflammation in the body. You need to start gradually, moving from water at room temperature to colder water.

It is worth noting that dousing with cold water brings not only benefits, but also harm, and has its contraindications, especially when a person:

  • increased blood viscosity, which leads to heart attack or stroke;
  • the development of thrombosis is observed;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • for flu, colds.

The basic rule for dousing with cold water for osteochondrosis is to pour only the back area, the water should flow quickly, in a wide stream from the cervical vertebra to the sacrum, you can pour water on the head. After this procedure, you need to quickly rub your back with a terry towel.

Those people who are afraid of cold water and cannot bring themselves to douse themselves with it can use a contrast shower, but the temperature difference of the water should be 40 degrees hot and 20 degrees cold, the procedure is carried out no more than 7 times.

Interesting to know! With the development of cervical osteochondrosis, the question always arises: is it possible to heat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and doctors answer unequivocally, it is impossible to heat it. This is due to the fact that with cervical osteochondrosis, tissue swelling occurs, they compress the vertebral arteries and nerve endings, causing pain. Be aware that when warmed up, tissue swelling occurs, which aggravates the problem, the pain intensifies, and the sciatic nerve may also be pinched.

Osteochondrosis is now significantly younger and develops not only in older people, but also in young people, and the main reasons are:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lifting weights;
  • incorrect posture;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • infectious diseases;
  • spinal injury;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • hereditary factors;
  • age-related changes, bone degeneration.

These and other factors lead to poor circulation, resulting in spasms that cause pain in the spine.

Before carrying out this procedure, you need to ask yourself whether it is possible to douse yourself with cold water for osteochondrosis and what is the mechanism of action of cold water on the vessels.

Know! With osteochondrosis, you can douse yourself with cold water, since the action of such water leads to vascular spasms, but this is a short-term phenomenon, after which expansion occurs, blood flow to the joints increases sharply, and metabolic processes around the vertebrae intensify.

Cold water in osteochondrosis acts as an irritant and impulses from the cold irritant are sent to the brain, which gives the command to produce heat in the muscles, which reduces spasm and pain. You can start dousing yourself with cold water, gradually reducing its temperature.

Dousing is carried out after physical exercise, when a person is fully awake, and pain syndromes after the action of cold water recede, because:

  1. With a short-term effect of cold water on the receptors, enkephalins and endorphins, natural painkillers, which are produced by the body during physical activity and when the nerve endings are exposed to alternately negative and positive temperatures, begin to be sharply produced.
  2. Cold water constricts the blood vessels, and then they sharply expand and muscle spasms decrease, and the flow of nutrients to the sore joint increases.
  3. Cold water has an effect on the spine and acts as a short-term pain reliever, since the pain center in the brain is suppressed.

An important rule for those who are just trying to douse themselves with cold water is not to start dousing themselves with warm water.

The therapeutic effect consists of short-term stress of the body, the vessels sharply narrow, then quickly expand. Such vascular gymnastics makes it possible not only to harden the body from infectious diseases, but also to reduce pain in cervical and other types of osteochondrosis.

It has already been mentioned that osteochondrosis has made people look much younger, this applies to those young people who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. They devote little time to physical exercise, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the vertebrae and the development of osteochondrosis.

A person should not only do physical exercises, move a lot, but exercises in water help a lot, because while swimming, the muscles between the vertebrae relax, the nerve roots are released, which significantly reduces pain.

For osteochondrosis, mineral springs are of great benefit, where mineral water is filled into a bathtub and a person lies down in it for 15 minutes; after taking 10 such baths, osteochondrosis gradually recedes.


Dousing with cold water is contraindicated:

  • if a person is currently sick with the flu or other colds;
  • with severe disease of the genitourinary system;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • during menstruation in women;
  • irritations or inflammations on the skin, pustules or wounds;
  • sick joints.

Please know that before you begin the hardening procedure, you need to undergo a full medical examination and consult a doctor. However, those who are allowed to douse themselves with cold water enjoy this procedure, as pain decreases, body tone increases and nervous tension decreases.

Pouring cold water on a herniated spine - the benefits of hardening

The therapy that most neurologists prescribe to patients diagnosed with intervertebral hernia according to the standard regimen includes a whole list of methods.

These include medications, manual therapy, massage and physiotherapy courses, as well as a number of other procedures, which together make up a long and complex treatment. Moreover, no matter what the specialist chooses, it can all end in an inevitable operation.

Therefore, some modern doctors prefer to use new techniques, including treatment of hernia with water. Let's consider several well-known options.

Therapeutic traction

Spinal traction for intervertebral hernia is considered one of the most common and most effective methods of conservative treatment of this degenerative change.

The main beneficial effect that this procedure has on a sore back is the increase in the spaces between the vertebrae, which helps reduce pressure on the nerve endings, as well as reduce pain.

In addition, if everything is done correctly, the muscle fiber lengthens, blood circulation improves, and all metabolic processes in the body return to normal. There are two main ways in which traction can be done. These are dry and water methods.

The first involves the use of special tables - horizontal or vertical, as well as additional weights.

The second combines the beneficial effect of stretching and water itself, which makes all manipulations much softer and also relieves tension from the nerve endings. Shields, handrails or circles can be used as additional devices.

For the procedure, ordinary fresh water or mineral water can be used. The optimal temperature is 37 degrees (that is, approximately equal to the temperature of the human body).

There are a number of contraindications for using the hood:

  1. Severe pain that occurs at a late stage of development of the pathology;
  2. The presence of a tumor in the spinal cord or tuberculous spondylitis;
  3. Severe inflammation, such as of the arachnoid membrane of the brain or spinal cord (arachnoiditis);
  4. Osteoporosis (bone disease);
  5. Sequestered hernia (the last stage of development of the defect associated with prolapse of the nucleus pulposus);
  6. Excess weight;
  7. Age over sixty years;
  8. The presence of fractures and bruises in the spine.

You can perform spinal traction exercises for a lumbar hernia at home on your own, however, only if there is no severe pain.

To do this, you can use such accessible equipment as a wall bars, horizontal bar or inversion table.

If pain occurs, you should immediately stop exercising and consult with your doctor, who can recommend a more appropriate technique or prescribe a medical procedure.

A set of exercises in the pool

Another common method of preventing and treating such an unpleasant pathology as intervertebral hernia is exercise in the pool. We offer you a standard complex that includes the most popular exercises in water:

  1. Walking. When in a pool where the water level comes up to your chest, perform the same movements as you would when walking on the floor, but raise your knees high. Move your arms like a skier, in time with your legs. Lengthen your steps. Time to complete – 5 minutes.
  2. Squats. Hold onto the handrails and squat as deep as you can, transferring pressure from one leg to the other. Try to stay in the water for three to five seconds. Number of repetitions: twelve squats on the right, left and both legs at the same time.
  3. Somersaults. You can use dividing tracks to perform this exercise. If water gets into your nose, use a special clothespin. The number of repetitions is 4 times in one direction and the other.
  4. Vertical turns. While standing in the water, turn 360 degrees in one direction and the other 8 times.
  5. Slip. Pushing off from the side, stretch your arms forward in the water, freely hold your head parallel to the floor, and direct your gaze to the bottom. Don't tense up. Number of repetitions – 4 times.
  6. Horizontal turns. Perform the action as in exercise No. 5, and then rotate in a horizontal plane in one direction and the other. Number of repetitions – 4 times.

The described complex is suitable for those who are just starting to learn swimming, for those with a hernia larger than seven millimeters, as well as for those who constantly experience severe pain.

The optimal course of such therapy is one month, three workouts per week. In between, you need to perform a home complex of physical therapy. After removing the hernia, it is better to refrain from such stress for several weeks.

No warming up

There is an opinion that for back pain you need to warm the inflamed area with hot water, a heating pad or special ointments.

However, the famous doctor Bubnovsky dispels this myth, saying that along with positive effects, such as calming and distraction, there are also negative ones.

These include a bad effect on connective tissue and provoking the spread of edema, which leads to various complications.

In this regard, one of the methods of therapy is dousing with cold water or short-term immersions in a bath with a water temperature of about six to eight degrees. At the same time, a couple of seconds are enough to dive, especially for an unprepared body.

So, treatment with water for intervertebral hernia is a very effective direction in medicine, which includes several techniques available to every person.

Before choosing something for yourself, be sure to consult with your doctor to avoid irreparable mistakes.

By the way, now you can get my free e-books and courses that will help you improve your health and well-being.


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Hardening, dousing with cold water

General opinions

At one time I doused myself with cold water in the bathtub from a bucket, and at baptism I plunged into an ice hole. I didn’t notice any particular effect on ODA: neither positive nor negative. So, to raise the overall tone. But during periods of exacerbation of such procedures I would not do

According to Bubnovsky - for 5 seconds. Plunge your whole body into ice, no more than this time. Rub yourself right away and no warm douches - this is categorical! In his opinion, dousing is already less effective.

Do you think cold and contrasting showers are harmful in cases of back problems? Dousing me invigorates for a short period of time, but if my muscles spasm or otherwise worsen the situation, I, of course, will get by!

Vector, thank you for the detailed detailed story. Much coincides with my methods of restoring my health. I completely forgot about dousing: another way to reveal the internal reserves of the body. I started doing it yesterday. Health to everyone!

Even children know what hardening is. To this question, my six-year-old nephew answered this way: “This is when people bask in the sun in the summer and pour cold water on themselves so that they get sick less in winter!” Yes, that’s right, hardening helps our immune system to “pull itself together.” Many people have chosen water hardening for themselves. Some people are now into winter swimming. Except someone has dedicated their whole life to this and does it according to all the rules. And someone becomes a “walrus” at Epiphany, in company with other people! But there are also those who have not forgotten about the good old dousing with cold water. One of them is my colleague, a physical education teacher at a secondary school. It was he who once told my boys the benefits of dousing them with cold water.

Good feedback

About vitality: The temperature of the water in the ice hole is 5-7 degrees. The temperature of the tap water is 5-7 degrees. After leaving the ice hole, the maximum temperature outside is 0. Therefore, the body needs much more energy and strength to warm up. Haven't you noticed?

Personally, after each trip to the ice hole I lost 1-1.5 kg. True, then I quickly gained. “I feel like the shower is more extreme and the cooling is uneven, here and there, you’re standing there fidgeting, then your neck will tremble, then your left ball will shrink, what the hell)” There’s no need to stand! Cuckoo too! Pouring should be dynamic! Feet, legs, chest, head, etc. Everything in that order! The back should be straight, breathing should be deep. You can even say “AAA. FINE. “The effect of self-hypnosis has not been canceled.

Bad reviews

I also tried dousing. To be honest, I sent them all at once. Now I understand that I did the right thing. - I don’t recommend it to everyone, but still. - this is my successful experience.

hard to tell. practiced as a teenager. got inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. I don’t see much point, to be honest.

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Intervertebral disc herniation, symptoms, treatment

Intervertebral disc herniation occurs quite often among modern athletes, and not only among them. The disc is a kind of shock absorber of the human body; it softens the shocks and vibrations that appear when the body moves. The spine has elasticity and resilience thanks to the intervertebral discs. The structure of the disc consists of a fabricous ring and a nucleus pulposus, which is located in the center. The circular ligament encircles the central elastic part, this ensures the safety of the gelatinous substance.

Rupture or weakening of the fibrous ring, which is accompanied by protrusion of the nucleus pulposus, is called prolapse, in other words, a herniated disc. The most common manifestation is seen on the posterior lateral side of the intervertebral disc, namely in the lumbar region. This is understandable, since the lumbar region bears the main load, this is especially true in weightlifting and powerlifting, because many exercises are performed in a bending position. Squats and deadlifts with heavy weights are especially dangerous.

Every second person, which is 48% of the population, has a risk of developing a herniated disc, since the degenerative process that occurs in our spine leads to this disease. People who have a hereditary predisposition are especially susceptible; this is associated with connective tissue, in which mutations of genes encoding proteins occur. Experts say that starting from the age of nineteen, the fibrous rings of the spine weaken, therefore, changes occur in the intervertebral disc and this progresses.

Since the blood supply does not flow to the discs, nutrition occurs due to the diffusion of nutrients that are taken from the intercellular fluid. But over time, this diffusion rate decreases, and thus the synthesis of collagen and prothioglycans slows down. All these factors cause weakening of the intervertebral disc. A degenerated spinal disc sets in position and becomes weaker, especially under stress. A hernia forms outside the fibrous ring; collagen fibers, which have succumbed to degeneration, rupture and the nucleus pulposus passes through them. The pain, the source of which is the affected spine, progresses and increases, this is due to the fact that compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots occurs. Pain may occur in the legs, and sensitivity of the lower extremities is impaired.

Symptoms of intervertebral hernia.

In many sports, including bodybuilding and powerlifting, lumbar hernias are far from uncommon, with every tenth athlete being an exception.

When an intervertebral hernia occurs, its consequence can be chronic pain in the lower back, which radiates to the legs. The pain is accompanied by numbness of the skin in some places and a characteristic tingling sensation.

In fact, there are a lot of symptoms of intervertebral hernia. This depends primarily on the volume of affected tissue and location. In milder forms of intervertebral hernia, the symptom may only be mild pain in the lumbar region. When the body moves, there is a shooting pain in the lower extremities; this is due to the progression of the disease, compression of the nerve roots occurs. Weakness and aches in the body may also appear, sensitivity is impaired, and there is a disruption in the flow of impulses along the root nerves to or from the legs.

In order to accurately determine whether you have an intervertebral hernia, you should perform the Leseg test. To begin with, the person lies on his back in a calm state, the doctor lifts the patient’s leg up by the heel, and with his free hand aligns the knee of the same leg. If pain appears in the position of the raised leg, which is fully straightened and reaches degrees, this means that there is still a hernia.

The most effective method for detecting a herniated disc is diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.

How to cure a herniated disc?

There are three basic treatment methods. Firstly, this is drug treatment, this means treatment with drugs, it is classified as conservative treatment. Secondly, sports and gymnastic treatment, a special program of exercises is being developed to strengthen and restore the spine. Thirdly, surgical treatment using surgery.

Anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed intramuscularly. Experts note such a drug as Diclofenac, it effectively anesthetizes, relieves pain, and prevents inflammation. It should be used at the peak of the disease.

Beclofen is a centrally acting muscle relaxant, available in tablets. Intended to relieve pain from muscles in the lumbar region and relax them due to compression of the nerves.

Amitriptyline - produced in tablets, is an antidepressant, reduces pain impulses, increases the overall tone of the body and psychological state.

Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors are a completely new class of drugs, and Enbrel has released a product called Etanercept. Elimination of pain symptoms and improvement of general condition is achieved by suppressing tumor necrosis, since tumor necrosis is a mediator of the inflammatory process in case of intervertebral disc herniation.

Thanks to products and drugs that are based on chondroitin and glucosamine, inflammatory processes are frozen.

It is best to combine physical therapy with conservative treatment, this will give excellent results.

Here is a list of all the necessary sports and gymnastic exercises for the prevention and treatment of herniated discs:

  • Hyperextension is an exercise aimed at strengthening and restoring the lower back muscles. But, initially you need to consult a doctor; experts recommend giving such a load only during the remission stage.
  • Special stretches for strengthening and rehabilitation of herniated discs.
  • Swimming has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, relaxes and relieves tension from pinched areas of the spine.
  • Aerobics - well-chosen exercises will quickly bring the body and body into active work.

Therapeutic exercises contribute to good rehabilitation and effective prevention of herniated discs. Thanks to such physical education, muscle function increases and immunity stabilizes. During treatment, when the acute stage begins, such exercises are not recommended. Since sports and gymnastic exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the chest, abdomen and back, it would be advisable to use them during the period of remission. You can very carefully bend the spine forward and to the sides, as well as squats. It is equally important to breathe correctly; inhalations and exhalations should be deep and unhurried. In case of discomfort, experts recommend using fixing bandages to fix the static position of the body.

Physiotherapy - includes various methods and means that are aimed at the prevention and treatment of intervertebral disc herniation.

The following physiotherapeutic processes are distinguished:

  • deep massage of the lumbar region or manual therapy,
  • electrical stimulation using special electrical devices,
  • prophylaxis using ultrasound,
  • acupuncture - which was borrowed from oriental medicine, it has proven itself well in our country,
  • hardening - has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, improves immunity.

Surgical treatment is a treatment that is performed surgically; it is a last resort measure that is only relevant for severe forms of intervertebral disc herniation. After making sure that medications and conservative treatment do not help, the symptoms do not go away, but only worsen, you should resort to surgical treatment.

The role of sport in the formation of intervertebral disc herniation is great. It depends on heredity, as well as on the age of the athlete. These factors are taken for granted and cannot be corrected or cured. The best prevention of this type of hernia is to minimize the load on the problematic parts of the spine. Weightlifting in general presents serious challenges to the spine; all professional athletes face this problem, and there is no escape from it. There are a number of exercises that are especially dangerous for the lumbar spine, these are squats with a barbell, deadlifts, barbell presses, shrugs and other exercises in which most of the load falls on the spine.

But, despite all of the above, this disease is not a contraindication to heavy sports.

  • consultation with a sports doctor about a training program.
  • conduct training during periods of remission, that is, when there is no pain in the spine.
  • a good warm-up and thorough warm-up before the main training program.
  • it is necessary to increase the working weight smoothly and gradually, preparing the body for active work with heavy weights.
  • it is necessary to perform exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the back, this can be hyperextension, or regular bending with small dumbbells, that is, those exercises in which the weight does not exceed the weight of your own body.

Our physical capabilities are truly limitless - this is proven by scientific research, records and achievements of athletes. History knows many examples when a person, having found himself in a stressful situation and mobilized all the reserves of his body, became a hundred times stronger and more resilient. But a stressful situation is only a special case. Is a person able to make full use of his reserves in everyday life? It turns out he is capable. It is known, for example, that a person can tolerate significant fluctuations in air temperature (from -86 to +50 ° C and even higher). But this requires special training - hardening, which also has a powerful restorative effect on the entire body.

Hardening, like any physical training, has its own laws and principles, following which a person ultimately strengthens his body so much that he easily overcomes the negative influences of the external environment. Various methods of hardening are widely known - from air baths to dousing with cold water. The usefulness of all these procedures is beyond doubt. However, how many people do we know who regularly and purposefully engage in hardening? One of the main difficulties is how to fit these procedures into our daily life, overloaded with urgent matters?

First of all, you need a psychological attitude towards hardening and interest in it. This is the most important principle. And you shouldn’t waste time on it. You only need to learn how to systematically work on yourself, since systematicity is the second important principle of hardening.

The human thermoregulation system uses almost all body systems to withstand cold or heat. It includes the regulation of heat generation (chemical thermoregulation) and heat transfer (physical thermoregulation). As a result of complex chemical reactions during the digestion of food, heat is generated, which is spent on the most necessary life processes: the work of the heart, respiratory organs, etc.

The place of heat production in the body is skeletal muscles. With slight cooling, their involuntary microvibration begins, and with very strong cooling, trembling occurs. It increases heat generation by 3-5 times. Voluntary muscle activity (walking, running) also generates heat. Heat generation in this case can increase 10 and even 20 times.

The thermocomfortable temperature for a person in air is usually +19 °C, in water - +34 °C. At such temperatures, the thermoregulation system does not turn on.

Physical thermoregulation plays a more significant role than chemical thermoregulation in ensuring constant body temperature. When the ambient temperature decreases, physical thermoregulation reduces heat transfer, and when it increases, it increases.

The easiest form of hardening is air baths in the fresh air.

Air baths, especially outside the city or by the sea, they help saturate the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, as well as other metabolites that accumulate as a result of the body’s vital activity. When taking air baths in combination with sun baths, these processes intensify. And if you take air baths indoors, it should be well ventilated. It is important that adaptation to the cold occurs gradually. Start taking air baths with 1-2 minutes, gradually, day after day, increasing the procedure time to 10-15 minutes or more. Focus, first of all, on how you feel: if you feel chills, do some vigorous exercise or rub yourself with a dry towel and put on clothes.

The famous Japanese scientist Katsuzo Nishi paid great attention to air baths and contrast douches in order to increase immunity and remove carbon monoxide from the body. He recommends carrying them out as a therapeutic measure up to 9-11 times a day (starting at 5-6 am), 1 hour before meals and 30-40 minutes after it, but not earlier than 1 hour after a contrast bath. You should start doing air baths on the first day for no longer than 20-70 seconds, and after a week you can increase your stay naked to 120 seconds. For weakened patients, it is better to take air baths while lying on your back (40 seconds), on your right side (40-70 seconds), on your left side (70-100 seconds) and again on your back (100-120 seconds).

A more effective hardening effect is provided by wiping the body with a sponge or towel, moistened with water at room temperature. Every day or every other day the water temperature decreases by 1 °C, and after 2-3 weeks you can wipe yourself with cold tap water. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. After drying, it is recommended to rub yourself well with a hard towel and put on clothes.

Pouring- this procedure has a stronger effect, it causes spasm and subsequent rapid expansion of skin vessels. For them, dousing is a kind of gymnastics, after which the tone increases and a feeling of vigor appears. You can start dousing with water at a pleasant temperature, reducing it daily by 1 °C and gradually bringing it to tap temperature. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes.

Shower- the next most intense hardening procedure. It not only provides thermal stress, but also perfectly tones blood vessels, increases blood and lymph circulation, improves skin respiration, and has a massaging effect on the skin and tissues.

It is recommended to start hardening with a cool shower (30 °C), gradually lowering the water temperature to 20-22 °C. The most effective is contrast hardening with alternating dousing with either warm or cold water during one session, which lasts 3-5 minutes, 2-4 switches are performed. You should always complete the procedure with a heat deficit, that is, a little chilled, so that the cooling effect of water on the body exceeds the warming effect. Then hardening will increase from lesson to lesson.

The procedure for contrast dousing according to the Nishi system It is especially effective if hot water has a temperature of 41-43 °C, and cold water - 14-15 °C. The water temperature must be changed at least 10 times, starting with cold water and ending with cold water. The duration of exposure after each temperature change is 1 minute. Carrying out less than 5 cycles does not provide the desired effectiveness. It is more convenient to douse the body in the shower or from several buckets, starting from the legs: from the knees, navel, left shoulder, right shoulder - only 3 buckets for each shoulder.

Home baths and swimming pools are also widely used for hardening. The temperature of the water and the time spent in the bath are regulated according to the same rules as in the shower.

Hardening the feet It is convenient to carry out in the bath, starting with water at room temperature (20-22 ° C). After pouring a small amount of water into the bath, you need to stand in it and move from foot to foot for 2-3 minutes. The water temperature should be lowered by 1 °C every 1-2 days to the temperature of tap water. During the procedure for hardening your legs, you can rinse your mouth and throat with cool water, gradually lowering the temperature to tap water - this will enhance the hardening effect.

Hardening should not be interrupted if you experience malaise or deterioration in your general condition. It is necessary to reduce the cold load, for example, replace dousing with wiping, use water 2 °C warmer. After recovery, you can again gradually reduce the water temperature to the original one.

B. Samoilenko

"Hardening in the prevention of osteochondrosis" and other articles from the section

In the treatment of arthrosis, water is an important factor in restoring joint health. Often, it is the lack of fluid that leads to the destruction of cartilage tissue. We must not forget about the synovial fluid located inside the joint capsule: water deficiency leads to arthrosis through the loss of functionality of this very joint lubrication, which, in turn, ceases to be a high-quality shock absorber, and the joints wear out faster. Water for arthrosis helps to recover: in modern therapy, baths for osteoarthritis, swimming in the pool, doing gymnastics in water and other methods that effectively affect diseased joints are widely used.

Water in your daily diet

As mentioned above, the importance of fluid in our body cannot be underestimated. Entire health directly depends on the quality of drinking water and consumed products. The musculoskeletal system is no exception. The fact is that leaching from bones occurs throughout life, but especially intensifies after 35 years. It is from this age that people begin to notice the first unpleasant symptoms of incipient osteoarthritis: crunching in the joints, stiffness of movement, difficulty climbing stairs.

A young body is able to quickly replenish calcium and fluid losses, but over the years, metabolic processes slow down, and now the joints do not receive the required amount of water. Hyaline cartilage loses its elasticity, and a lack of lubrication in the capsule leads to the appearance of the hip joint and other joints. The destruction of cartilage is also dangerous because a large number of cytokines appear due to chemical degenerative processes.

Cytokines are protein molecules that produce lymphocytes and provoke inflammatory processes.

Doctors recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day. For patients with arthrosis, a glass of clean water in the morning will be very useful, since the body loses up to 200 grams of fluid during the night. Unfortunately, modern society has forgotten how to drink it; We drink teas, juices, compotes, cola, but our body practically does not receive pure H2O. It is very important to replenish the balance with high-quality drinking liquid.

Our advice: drink a simple and tasty cocktail on an empty stomach: mix water with natural or freshly squeezed orange juice and. It will tone the digestive system and add useful substances that will definitely reach your bones.


Now let's talk about the external use of water. Hydrotherapy is usually understood as a set of techniques and methods for treating arthrosis (in our case), using water for rubbing, dousing, swimming in pools and performing gymnastic exercises there.

How is hydrotherapy useful for arthrosis? It allows:

  • Relieve spasms in muscle tissue;
  • Increase blood flow (as a result, an increase in the supply of nutrients to bones and cartilage);
  • Give muscle tone, which leads to a reduction in the load on sore joints by strengthening the muscle corset;
  • Noticeably relieve pain;
  • Perform gymnastic exercises in the pool, which are sometimes inaccessible on land, without much risk of damaging or overloading the joint.

A lot can be said about exercises for arthrosis in a pool or river. There are many studies confirming the positive effects of non-traditional gymnastics practice. Due to the amazing properties of the liquid, the weight of the human body in it is half that of the body on land, which reduces muscle fatigue by 50%, and accordingly the load will be gentle.

What exercises can be done in water with arthrosis?

  1. Leg swings for knee osteoarthritis, coxarthrosis.
  2. Hand rotations for arthrosis of the upper extremities, shoulder osteoarthritis.
  3. along the bottom of the reservoir.
  4. Swim in a way known to you, but breaststroke is recommended.
  5. Squat, especially with arthrosis of the lower extremities and spondyloarthrosis (vertebral disease).
  6. Doing the splits or striving to do so is recommended for diseases of the hip joints.


Thus, arthrosis and water are very interrelated phenomena. Insufficient fluid will have a detrimental effect on the health of the joints, however, excessive consumption can also lead to water imbalance. In addition to the mandatory drinking of pure or mineral water, it is imperative to include hydrotherapy in the general complex of therapy using baths, rubdowns and gymnastics in the pool and ponds. Then the process of treating arthrosis will progress more successfully. Drink water, stay healthy!

Pouring cold water for osteochondrosis is very useful and effective. When cervical osteochondrosis worsens, muscle spasm occurs and there is no proper blood circulation. After dousing, the vessels dilate, the muscles receive nutrition and the symptoms disappear. You just need to apply cold water pouring daily. Why come up with some supernatural methods of treatment if the folk method helps.

The benefits of hardening for osteochondrosis?

The therapeutic benefits of hardening for osteochondrosis and arthrosis are based on a sharp spasm of blood vessels and their subsequent dilation. This increases blood supply and nutrition to disease-affected areas. For osteochondrosis, dousing, rubbing and a contrast shower are indicated.

Pouring is beneficial for the body when cold and heat alternate: blood vessels and heart muscles are strengthened, blood circulation and muscle function are improved, toxins and waste are removed from the body, the skin becomes elastic and smooth. The procedure for osteochondrosis has a positive effect on the condition of the spine. Hardening with cold water will preserve youth and health for a long time, strengthen the immune and nervous systems.

How to douse yourself correctly?

The water must be cold or cool, but comfortable. Gradually you need to reduce the temperature of the liquid by 1 degree. If the water is warm when pouring, the risk of catching a cold increases. A procedure done correctly is stressful for the body. Pouring cold water constricts the blood vessels, then they expand, and heat spreads throughout the body. The main recommendations for dousing for osteochondrosis are presented in the table.

For beginners

You need to gradually get used to a different temperature regime.

First you need to do a partial douche, it is better to carry out the procedure in the morning. In the evening, fill a bucket with water; by morning it will warm up to room temperature. When you wake up, you need to douse yourself several times - immediately on your arms, legs, neck, rub with a towel. Regular rubbing with cool water for osteochondrosis for 2 weeks will prepare the body for the cold. Afterwards, you can begin full dousing.

Hardening for osteochondrosis with immersion is carried out as follows:

  1. Fill a third of the bath so that when immersed, the water does not “overflow the banks.”
  2. Immerse your head for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Immediately go out without drying yourself and take an air bath near an open window.
  4. Stand a little.
  5. When the warmth runs through your entire body, do a little exercise near the open balcony.

If some part of the body begins to freeze, you need to rub this area with your hands, and then the whole body, just not with a towel. Afterwards, take some more air baths, and then get dressed and start your daily routine. As an alternative, you can use the bucket pouring technique. You can start right away from the chest, and then try to douse yourself from the head. It is better to start hardening in the summer, take sunbathing, walk on the grass barefoot in the morning when there is dew. If there is a river or lake nearby, you can take a dip in the pond. So, over the summer, the body gets used to hardening, and in winter, methods involving immersion in a bath or dousing from a bucket are used.