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Muscle cramps or spasms in a dog. what is the reason? Muscle spasms, salivation and convulsions in a dog: causes and treatment, what to do? Dog back leg twitches arousal

Seizures in dogs, especially those that began for the first time and suddenly, always cause increased anxiety among the owners. This is not surprising, because convulsions cannot appear spontaneously, there is always some reason that provoked their occurrence. In this article, we will try to understand why dogs have seizures.

What are dog cramps

Convulsions in animals are considered to be muscle contractions, accompanied by pain, and sometimes loss of consciousness. The cause of seizures is brain disorders. Spasms that cause the dog's body to shake are divided into types:
  1. tonic convulsions- as a rule, these are spasms of the hind legs in a dog, when the spasm holds the muscles in one position for a long time (the dog's limb is either extended or bent);
  2. Clonic convulsions- short-term contractions that alternate with a relaxation phase, and then repeat again;
  3. epileptic seizures- the dog is unconscious, from the mouth (or foam). The whole body twitches violently in convulsions;
  4. Convulsions- jerky contraction of usually all muscles (doggie, without losing consciousness, twitches his whole body).
Moreover, if convulsions affect only some muscles (for example, the muscles of the forelimbs), then they are called localized. And if the whole body of the dog is seized by spasms, then the spasms are called generalized.

Seizures can develop in dogs of any age, any. However, more often muscle spasms are observed:

  • In miniature pets, especially males(seizures in and in doggie boys are more common than in dogs due to their predisposition to epilepsy, in addition, euclampsia is often found in baby pets - a lack of calcium, as well as hypoglycemia - a lack of glucose);
  • U ,(in dogs of these breeds, epilepsy is more common than in others).

Why can a dog have seizures?

It should be noted that strong muscle contractions never appear by chance. Spasms are symptoms of any serious ailments. Consider the causes of seizures in dogs:
  1. Epilepsy- (hereditary or acquired as a result of head injuries, infectious diseases, tumors, etc.). With epilepsy, a dog can experience not only a real seizure with loss of consciousness, but also involuntary or feces, foam (saliva) can go from a tightly closed mouth, eyes can rush to one point (look to nowhere);
  2. Poisoning- (for example, arsenic, rat poison, chemicals for the destruction of insect pests, etc.). If the animal has swallowed something inedible and toxic, then in addition to convulsions, there may be such symptoms: difficulty breathing, vomiting and, blanching of the mucous membranes, bleeding, weakness;
  3. Complication of diabetes (hypoglycemia)- with severe convulsions with loss of consciousness, paralysis of the limbs and even coma can develop. In milder cases, the animal has convulsions without loss of consciousness, foam from the mouth, lethargy, chills;
  4. infectious diseases(viruses, bacteria, fungi) - all the ailments in which there may be convulsions are hard to list. Usually, muscle spasms occur with ehrlichiosis (after a tick bite), coronavirus infection, leptospirosis, and many other ailments. Often, infectious ailments cause not only convulsions, but also an increase, discharge from the nose and eyes, gastrointestinal disorders, weakness, refusal to eat (and sometimes water);
  5. Inflammatory processes in the internal organs of a non-infectious nature- if the dog is convulsed, then the cause of this condition may lie, for example, in nephritis, meningitis, and other ailments, the symptoms of which vary depending on which organ is affected;
  6. Metabolic disease- in animals with metabolic problems, both involuntary convulsions and overweight, digestive disorders, palpitations, skin problems, fatigue occur;
  7. Heart diseases- heart dogs can not only have convulsions, but also frequent painful cough, shortness of breath even after a slight run, cyanosis of the tongue and mucous membranes;
  8. Cancer processes in the brain- with cancer, animals can have severe muscle spasms, a wobbly gait, unconventional behavior (the dog does not recognize the owner, becomes too aggressive or affectionate, etc.), lack of appetite, vomiting, weight loss.

What to do if your dog is having seizures

So, as we found out, muscle spasms do not start from scratch (light twitching of the limbs during sleep does not count). In a good way, after the first attack, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. But what to do directly at the moment when the pet's body cramped? The owner needs to do the following:
  1. Having cast aside panic, carefully observe which muscle groups of the animal cramped (the whole body, front or hind limbs), whether the dog lost consciousness. This information will help the doctor to further determine what the dog is sick with;
  2. If the animal lies on a hill (for example, on a sofa), it should be quickly transferred to the floor, preferably on a pillow in order to avoid injury to the head and choking with saliva;
  3. The dog will breathe easier on the right side;
  4. During a seizure, do not stick your fingers or a spoon into the dog's mouth. Animals, even during an epileptic seizure, are not able to swallow their own tongue;
  5. With dog convulsions, you do not need to shout loudly (it is advisable to turn off the radio and TV). It is believed that noise only aggravates the condition of an animal affected by body spasm;
  6. First aid for convulsions - the use of Valocordin drops, which will help the dog recover as soon as possible (the drug is dripped onto the animal's tongue);
  7. You can stop muscle spasms with magnesium sulfate injections (but only after agreement with the veterinarian!);
  8. A dog that has come to its senses should not be fed immediately, but the animal should be given plenty of water to drink;
  9. Treatment of convulsions in a dog with serious drugs (Phenobarbital, Diazepam, etc.) can only be started after a visit to the veterinary clinic. Self-medication will not only not heal the pet, but will bring him additional torment.
An experienced veterinarian will tell you how to stop spasms by taking all the necessary tests from the animal. Unfortunately, you can help the dog only after calling the veterinarian. And you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible if:
  • The duration of the attack is more than 10 minutes (usually muscle spasm disappears after 1-5 minutes);
  • If the dog has lost consciousness;
  • If the condition of the dog even before the seizures caused concern (diarrhea, vomiting, heavy breathing, etc.);
  • When convulsions cover the animal again and again (more often 2 times a day);
  • If the dog has severe chronic diseases, is in puppyhood or old age.

Seizures are one of the most frightening and baffling ailments that can affect your pet. Even an experienced owner can get scared when faced with such a phenomenon. In order for the owner to avoid panic, in this article we will talk about what convulsions can be in a dog, consider the causes of their occurrence and methods of treatment.

How to tell if your dog is having seizures

In order to determine the presence of seizures in a dog, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the essence of this process. Any cramp is a violation of muscle contraction caused by neural hyperactivity. So, the following symptoms of the disease can be distinguished:

  • slight trembling of the paws;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • salivation;
  • spontaneous urination;
  • shaking, convulsions;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • the dog concentrates on a certain area of ​​​​space, directs his gaze to one point.

Most often, a convulsive attack begins suddenly: the dog has just been happily playing with his favorite ball, and the next moment he is convulsing. The seizure lasts from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and goes away as suddenly as it started.

Types of Seizures in Dogs

Any convulsions can be divided into several types of groups. First of all, according to the nature of the course, one can distinguish: slight or medium trembling in the limbs, throughout the body, or a spasm, accompanied by loss of consciousness. We will talk in more detail about involuntary contractions of the muscles of the hind, forepaws and body.

Paw cramps

The first thing to do is to learn to separate the normal twitching of the animal's limbs from the signs of illness. So, for example, leg cramps during sleep are normal for some adult dogs and for all puppies. There are several types of convulsive contractions of the paws:

  • Convulsions are jerky small contractions of the muscles of the hind and front legs. The dog can be conscious, hear and even respond to the voice of the owner.
  • Tonic contractions usually proceed slowly and for a long time. In this case, the dog is conscious, twitches its paws and whines in a panic.
  • Clonic seizures are associated with alternating rapid contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue. The pet can fall and rise again on its paws.
  • Epileptic seizures are the most serious of all types of seizures. Here there is a contraction of the muscles not only of the paws, but of the whole body. In this case, the pet loses consciousness.

We will talk about the various types of contractions of the entire body of the dog further.

Body cramps

Convulsive contractions of the muscles of the whole body are usually called epileptic seizures, although the cause that caused them may not only be epilepsy. Any such seizure can be divided into three phases. In the first stage, the dog begins to show anxiety: whine, hide from strangers. Then the seizure itself begins: the animal loses consciousness, the limbs begin to cramp, breathing quickens. Foam may start to come out of the pet's mouth.

In the last stage, the animal begins to come to its senses, while restlessness and disorientation are still observed. These seizures can last from 5 minutes to an hour. There is only one way to help a pet in such a situation - to show the veterinarian as soon as possible. Next, we will talk in more detail about the reasons that cause such conditions in a pet.


It is important for the dog owner to understand that seizures are only a symptom, but not the disease itself. The answer to the question why they appear may lie in a number of dangerous diseases that, proceeding in a latent form, adversely affect the pet's body. Consider what can cause seizures.

  • Epilepsy. A disease manifested by loss of consciousness and convulsions of the legs or the whole body. It requires a long treatment. Its manifestations are a clear sign of a malfunction in the brain and nervous system. This disease can be of two types: primary and secondary. In the first case, these are genetic disorders that can appear in any breed at an early age.
  • Metabolic disorders. Lack of trace elements in the body can also cause similar seizures. Here it is important to distinguish between hypoglycemia and eclampsia. Let's talk about them in more detail. Hypoglycemia is a sudden drop in blood glucose levels in a pet. It can occur and be accompanied by a metabolic disorder in the body of a dog of any breed.

The appearance of epileptic seizures and convulsions can also be influenced by such signs as the age of the pet, size, breed of the animal and sex of the dog.

First aid

What should you do if your dog has a seizure? The first thing a dog owner of any breed needs to do when a pet has seizures is to calm down. As a rule, the first attack of seizures is not life-threatening for the pet, but there can always be exceptions, and this is important to remember. Your calmness and attentiveness will help the veterinarian in identifying the causes of the disease and treating the pet.

Next, you need to provide the animal with complete rest. It's easy to do: turn off the TV, music, close the windows, protecting the dog from the sun's rays. Lay the pet on a thick blanket, turning it over on its right side (it will make it easier for the dog to breathe). Put a roller or hand under the pet's head, make sure that the foam flows out of the pet's mouth. Do not open the jaw of a dog of any breed, do not try to bring it to consciousness.

The next thing to do is to get the pet to the vet as soon as possible to determine the treatment. Remember, if the dog has leg cramps, but he is conscious, then, without waiting for the attack to end, take the pet to the doctor. If the pet is unconscious, then you should wait until the attack is over, and then go for help. But here it is also important to know that if the attacks are repeated or last longer than 10 minutes, then you need to wrap the dog in a blanket and immediately go to the clinic. This condition is the most dangerous and can threaten the pet with death.

To diagnose and treat your pet, the doctor will order several important tests, such as:

  • x-ray examination of the chest;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • tomography of the brain;
  • urine, blood and stool tests;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • consultation with a neurologist.

How to prevent seizures

What should be done to prevent seizures? We have already said earlier that any convulsions are a manifestation of various serious diseases. Therefore, the preventive measures here are appropriate: timely vaccination of the pet, regular veterinary control, proper nutrition, activity, as well as careful selection of individuals involved in breeding any breed.

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For the owner of the dog, who first encountered convulsions in a dog, this sight becomes a real shock. However, you must try to pull yourself together, calm down and help your pet, which at the moment is in great need of it.

Let's take a look at the causes of dog seizures and how you can help your pet.

Causes of seizures

Seizures are not an independent disease, but arise as a result of some pathology of the body. Seizures in dogs can be caused by:

  1. Congenital or acquired diseases - epilepsy, diabetes, dropsy of the brain.
  2. Severe weakening of the body due to poor nutrition or disease.
  3. Drop in dog blood sugar.
  4. The bite of a poisonous insect or snake.
  5. Intoxication of the body in case of poisoning with chemicals, drugs or poor-quality food.
  6. Head injuries, both recent and past.
  7. Neoplasms of the brain and spinal cord.
  8. Infectious diseases.
  9. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  10. Serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder.
  11. Electric shock.
  12. vascular problems.
  13. An unbalanced diet resulting in a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  14. During the period of estrus and feeding puppies in bitches due to a decrease in calcium levels.
  15. Strong overvoltage.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of convulsions in a dog, so only a professional can identify the exact cause.

Types of Seizures in Dogs

Cramping is an uncontrolled muscle contraction that has a paroxysmal character. It is difficult to confuse a seizure with something else, so the owner of the dog will immediately understand what is happening to his pet, even if he has encountered this for the first time.

Most often, a seizure occurs in one of the options:

  1. If a dog has clonic seizures, then it looks like an alternate contraction and relaxation of certain muscles, for example, on the paws. They last an average of about a minute, after which the animal rises to its feet, but sometimes the attack may resume.
  2. When there are convulsions and loss of consciousness.
  3. Tonic seizures are characterized by slow contractions of various muscles that last for a long time and frighten the dog. At the same time, she worries and whines.
  4. Convulsions look like sharp, jerky muscle contractions. The animal does not lose consciousness during convulsions.

It is important for the veterinarian to have a clear description of the seizure pattern, which the dog owner should give, as this will help in making a diagnosis, so try to remember how the dog behaved during the seizure or film it on the phone.

In addition, there are several factors, given which, you can try to determine the cause of a seizure:

  • convulsions in a puppy under the age of one year are most often the result of congenital epilepsy or occur after poisoning with chemical or medicinal substances;
  • epilepsy makes itself felt in dogs under the age of 3 years and more often males suffer from it;
  • seizures in an adult dog older than 5 years are usually triggered by neoplasms of the brain or spinal cord, endocrine pathologies or serious diseases of the internal organs;
  • hypoglycemia is more common in shorter breeds.

The course of a seizure

As a rule, a seizure can be divided into several stages:

  1. The first stage, preceding the attack itself, is called the aura. During this time, the dog may be salivating, anxious, and wander aimlessly. This condition can be observed in a dog from several minutes to several days, depending on the state of the organism.
  2. The most difficult stage is a stroke, that is, an attack itself, accompanied by convulsions, and in some cases there is a strong flow of saliva and involuntary urination. This stage lasts for several minutes.
  3. After the attack comes the post-traumatic stage, during which the animal becomes lost, disoriented. During this period, the dog may avoid the owner or, conversely, show excessive affection for him, and profuse salivation may also continue. The duration of the post-traumatic stage is different, and it can end in minutes, or it can drag on for a day or two.

A single attack does not pose a particular danger to dogs, but often recurring seizures and lasting for 10-15 minutes, this is already a serious threat to the life and health of the animal.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose the causes of seizures in your pet, it will be necessary to conduct a series of tests and instrumental studies:

Once you have all the necessary information, you will need to contact a veterinarian who specializes in neurological diseases, since seizures are most often a sign of neurological diseases.

First aid for convulsions and their treatment

If your pet has had a seizure for the first time, then once again we ask you not to lose your presence of mind, try to remember how the seizure goes and give the dog first aid. What to do with convulsions?

  1. Create a calm environment, try to remove bright lights and loud sounds.
  2. Place the dog on a flat, fairly soft surface, such as a thick bedding on the floor.
  3. Lay the animal on its right side and make sure that saliva can flow freely from the mouth and does not interfere with breathing.
  4. If the attack happened for the first time, and the dog did not lose consciousness, then you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic.
  5. In case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to wait for the attack to end, carefully wrap the animal in a blanket and take it to the doctor.
  6. You can try to give the dog a drug that helps reduce muscle tone and relax the animal. These drugs include Corvalol, Valocardin, Valoserdin.

If you brought the animal to the clinic during an attack, the doctor will prescribe injections of an antiallergic drug and magnesium sulfate, which will stop the attack.

Any convulsive attack, regardless of its duration and intensity, should be the reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian!

After the dog has been examined and diagnosed, the veterinarian will prescribe a treatment that will help your pet live without seizures. With epilepsy, these will be anticonvulsants, and if seizures are concomitant signs of another disease, then the main attention will need to be paid to getting rid of this disease.

In order to make your dog's life full in the future, you will need to carefully follow the prescriptions of the veterinarian, monitor his nutrition, physical activity and emotional state.

Faced with such a frightening phenomenon in a pet as convulsions, it is easy to get confused. Muscle contractions can be caused by a variety of reasons - from epilepsy to pet poisoning with toxic substances. It is important to competently provide first aid to the animal and immediately deliver it to a veterinary facility for diagnosis and qualified treatment.

Read in this article

Causes of Seizures in Dogs

Convulsions in pets are not considered a separate pathology. This phenomenon, as a rule, is alarming and signals serious health problems. Veterinary experts note the following reasons that lead to convulsions in four-legged pets:

  • Infectious diseases. Bacteria and viruses, rickettsia and fungi secrete biological toxins that have a negative reaction to neuromuscular conduction. Infections accompanied by inflammation of the brain and its membranes most often lead to convulsions in the dog.

Especially dangerous, which is a deadly disease for animals and humans. The dog has seizures, salivation, inability to take water due to the muscles of the pharynx.

Drooling as a sign of rabies
  • Epilepsy. The disease affects the brain, develops, as a rule, as a result of injuries and neoplasms of the brain, and is inherited. Representatives of breeds such as golden retrievers, German shepherds, beagles, collies are more likely than others to have epileptic seizures.
  • Chronic pathologies of internal organs. Diseases of the digestive system and kidneys are accompanied by the production of toxic substances that irritate a group of neurons in the brain, which is accompanied by a convulsive syndrome.
  • Often leads to convulsions problems with the cardiovascular system accompanied by a decrease in the level of oxygen in the brain. Violation of metabolic processes in the nervous tissue leads to a powerful synchronized electrical discharge, which provokes muscle shaking in the pet.
  • low or high blood sugar. As a result of metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia develops in the blood. A high level of sugary substances negatively affects the function of the kidneys, liver, brain, causing convulsions.

The same phenomenon is observed with low blood glucose due to insulin overdose. Hormonal pathology often has a hereditary predisposition and is observed in young pets.

  • Neoplasms in the brain, spine, internal organs. Malignant tumors produce the production of toxic substances that irritate the neurons of the central nervous system.
  • , spinal column, electric shock to a pet, heat stroke are often accompanied by the development of convulsions.
  • Intoxication. Poisoning with pesticides, household poisons, heavy metals, bites of poisonous insects, snakes are accompanied by severe irritation of neurons, which leads to convulsive syndrome in dogs.

The cause of convulsions in four-legged friends may be low calcium in blood. Hypocalcemia is typical for pregnant females and in the first days after birth. Convulsions associated with a lack of calcium in the blood are also observed in newborn puppies.

Why did convulsions and vomiting occur?

The owner may be faced with a situation where, along with a convulsive syndrome, the pet has vomiting. Such signs may indicate the development of an infectious process, such as canine distemper. The cause of convulsions and vomiting in animals can be poisoning, both food and toxic substances (barbiturates, strychnine, isoniazid). Brain injury, heat stroke, and electric shock can also cause similar symptoms.

Why do small breeds have more

Representatives of small and dwarf breeds (toy terriers, chihuahuas, pinschers) due to increased nervous excitability often have conditions similar to convulsive syndrome. The animal's legs twitch and shake, ears and facial muscles twitch. This phenomenon does not require specific medical treatment. The owner should caress and calm the pet.


Under the term convulsions, veterinary specialists usually understand the following types of muscle contractions: convulsive, clonic, tonic and epileptic seizures.

Convulsions throughout the body

Periodic muscle shaking with constant twitching of individual muscle groups is convulsions. Animals with these types of seizures are conscious, respond to the voice of the owner.


If a pet has short, but constant muscle contractions, then we are talking, as a rule, about tonic convulsions. The owner notes muscle twitching at regular intervals. The animal is conscious. Severe muscle spasms are accompanied by pain. The pet is worried, whines, squeals. Tonic convulsions according to the tonic mechanism, as a rule, are not associated with a danger to the health and life of the dog.


Muscle shaking in the clonic variety of seizures is characterized by alternating contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscles. The interval between contractile movements and the absence of muscle tone reaches from 30 to 120 seconds. Due to uncontrolled movements, the animal falls. The condition is dangerous because the pet can injure itself, get under a car, fall from a height, etc.

epileptic seizures

Paroxysmal muscle contractions, accompanied by loss of consciousness in a pet, are the most dangerous. Muscle contraction occurs without intervals. The pain syndrome is so strong that it leads to a deep fainting. The dog's eyes may be open during such seizures.

epileptic seizure in a dog

Symptoms of the onset of seizures

The most common and dangerous for an animal is an epileptic seizure. That is why the owner of a pet with epilepsy should know the main symptoms of the onset of this unpleasant phenomenon and the seizure phase:

During this stage, there is often a strong salivation with foam at the mouth, involuntary urination, defecation.

  • Postictal phase occurs after the cessation of the convulsive syndrome. An animal may have a poor orientation in space for a long time, not respond to changes in the environment, and not recognize the owner.

Veterinarians distinguish between a small and a generalized attack. With a moderate convulsive syndrome, the animal is conscious, there is a deviation of the head, weak salivation. The dog retains the ability to move.

In the case of a generalized seizure, the pet has severe salivation with an admixture of blood, retraction of the eyeballs, frequent and heavy breathing. Chewing movements of the jaws may be noted. The movement of the limbs resembles the running of a pet. The head is usually tilted to the side.

If the dog has the slightest suspicion of the onset of an epileptic seizure, the owner must be ready to provide first aid.

First aid

First of all, it is important not to get confused. If a convulsive syndrome is detected, you should immediately call a veterinarian at home or take the dog to a specialized institution on your own. Before providing qualified assistance, the owner must take care of the safety of the animal, which is not able to control its actions.

To do this, it is necessary to remove foreign things and objects so that the dog does not accidentally get hurt. In the room where the animal is located, you should turn off the lights, hang the windows with curtains. If the seizure is caught on the street, you must carefully move the pet to a safe place and be inseparable from him. In order for the dog to breathe comfortably, it is better to turn it on its right side.

With severe convulsions, do not open the dog's jaws to avoid injury. If salivation is profuse, then measures should be taken to eliminate saliva from the mouth. This should be done by wrapping your hand in a towel. During transportation or waiting for the arrival of the veterinarian, the dog should be covered with a warm blanket, a light blanket.

Seizure treatment

Therapy of pathology depends on the cause leading to the convulsive syndrome, and consists in its elimination. In veterinary practice, injections of magnesium sulfate, antihistamines, and anticonvulsants are used to relieve muscle shaking in dogs. Effective drugs such as Phenobarbital, Diazepam, Sibazon, Primidon, Hexamidin. With kidney dysfunction, the dog is prescribed sodium bromide.

Seizures in four-legged pets indicate disorders in the central nervous system and can be due to many reasons. Epileptic seizures are the most common in dogs. The owner should know the symptoms of the pathology and competently provide the animal with first aid.

Useful video

Learn about the causes and treatment of seizures in dogs in this video.: