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Folk signs on Maundy Thursday before Easter. What you must do on Maundy Thursday

An important and significant day of Holy Week is Maundy or Maundy Thursday. In 2018, it falls on April 5 and is associated with a huge number of signs, customs and rituals. This is the only day of the year when many rituals can and should be performed with a good purpose and good intentions - to improve your life.

The date of this day changes every year and directly depends on the date of Easter. In 2018, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 8, which means that April 5 will be Maundy Thursday. It was not by chance that this day received its popular name “clean” - all household chores such as cleaning the apartment, washing, and ironing were usually completed on this day. You can no longer do anything on Saturday, and with the onset of Easter comes the holiday week, when you can no longer do anything. Also, people in the villages went to the bathhouse; many signs on Maundy Thursday were associated with water.

Read useful materials on the topic:

Every day of Holy Week we remember the suffering of Jesus Christ during the last days of life on earth. On Thursday, Christ gathered his disciples for dinner, which remained in history as the Last Supper. There he told his disciples that one of them would betray him, that he would be crucified on the cross, but that on the third day he would be resurrected. This is exactly what happened, but there are three very difficult and psychologically difficult days ahead for every believer.

Another important detail of this Thursday is the establishment of the sacrament of communion. Jesus passed the bread around and said that this was his Body, and Jesus passed the wine around and said that this was his Blood. The Savior also washed the feet of his disciples with his own hands. Next, we will talk in detail about what needs to be done on Maundy Thursday, according to folk traditions and beliefs. As for the church charter, be sure to go to church in the evening, pray and receive communion.

What to do on Thursday in preparation for Easter:

  • Strict fasting is observed throughout. But it is on this day that you can cook food using heat treatment, as well as vegetable oil.
  • That money was kept, it must be counted three times on Maundy Thursday: at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. Do the recount alone and in secret from everyone at home.
  • You can prepare Thursday salt (on the night from Wednesday to Thursday), which is a strong amulet and protector against diseases. There are different modern methods of preparation, the simplest is to simply take the whole family a handful of salt from a common pile and pour it into one cloth bag.
  • You need to actively clean and do laundry, because then you won’t be able to do this for two weeks. Housewives do general cleaning on Maundy Thursday, washing everything in the house and ironing it. If you have some strength left, you can start baking Easter cakes or coloring eggs.

Water rituals

Many conspiracies for Maundy Thursday are related to water, and it is clear that such a second name for this day did not appear out of thin air. On this morning, the water is said to have miraculous powers and wash away all sins. You need to take a dip in an open body of water or at least wash yourself with dew.

In principle, cleansing rituals can be performed at home in the shower. It’s just important to do this consciously, with prayer on your lips and always in cold water. Cold water is the way to wash away illnesses on this day and give the body beauty and health.


  1. Since this day is directly related to cleanliness, then, of course, nothing good will happen to people who live in a dirty house. So, get out, involve everyone at home in this process, so that things go smoothly and amicably.
  2. In villages it would be customary to cut a child's hair for the first time on this day. For well-being, they also cut off a few pieces of wool from the livestock.
  3. You have to clean up in the morning - wash and clean everything. Otherwise, throughout the year, the family cannot avoid quarrels and even illnesses.
  4. From this day until Easter, nothing can be borrowed.
  5. That there was money, we count it three times on this day. You can also rearrange furniture and various small souvenirs during cleaning, also for the purpose of financial well-being. You can also shoot a gun, if you have one, also to attract money.
  6. On Thursday night, put a silver spoon in the water, and in the morning wash your face with this silver water. They say it will give you youth and preserve beauty.
  7. What else they do on Maundy Thursday before Easter is to prepare Thursday salt.

In this material, we tried to tell as much as possible about all the signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers for Maundy Thursday. What every Christian believer must do is go to church for service in the morning or evening and confess, and then take communion. It was during the Last Supper on this day of the last week of the Savior’s life on earth that he instituted the sacrament of communion.

Maundy Thursday is celebrated on April 5th in 2018. On this special day, you should focus your energy on cleaning and adhere to the rituals and signs that are associated with Maundy Thursday. According to tradition, it is on Maundy Thursday that the house is prepared for the Resurrection of Christ, and after that it is not cleaned until Easter. What other customs and beliefs are worth remembering on Maundy Thursday?

Rituals and traditions on Maundy Thursday, preceding Good Friday, are aimed at cleansing not only the home, but also the soul. It is believed that it is on this day that a believer must part with his fears, problems and sinful thoughts. Such a “load” cannot be carried on one’s shoulders on the bright holiday of Easter. In addition, Thursday of Holy Week has great magical power. Therefore, it is very important to know what signs and customs of Maundy Thursday exist.

Maundy Thursday 2018: signs, customs, conspiracies

The main traditions of Maundy Thursday

Swim before sunrise. Our ancestors were confident that following this tradition would help us remain happy and successful until the next Maundy Thursday, as well as cleanse our souls and bodies. While swimming, you can read a spell for good luck:

“Maundy Thursday glorifies Easter, all the Orthodox people glorify Easter, so people would glorify me, both young and old, so that I would be held in high esteem by the authorities as a servant of God (name), so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

They finish their bathing on Maundy Thursday by dousing them with cool water.

Wash your face with silver after waking up. Before washing, you need to add a silver coin or spoon to a basin of water. According to legend, such washing will give a person good health and beauty.

Clean the house. The task of every Christian on Maundy Thursday is to carry out cleansing. Therefore, it is necessary to take all the rubbish out of the house, collect trash, cobwebs, and at the same time, the negative energy that has accumulated over the year.

Bake Easter cakes and prepare Easter. From the very morning of Maundy Thursday, housewives put out the dough “so that it rises.” And in the late afternoon, after reading a prayer, they begin festive baking. By the way, another belief is associated with the preparation of Easter cakes: by how fluffy and tasty the delicacy turns out, one can judge how joyful and easy the year will be. Cottage cheese Easter is a symbol of fertility and strength. Also on the night from Wednesday to Thursday they prepare Thursday salt. You can learn about its preparation by following the link. You can also learn about the signs on the day of the holiday. Maundy Thursday.

The best conspiracies on Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, a ritual such as reading a conspiracy will be especially effective.

Maundy Thursday spell for beauty

They read until sunrise and at the same time bow alternately to four sides.

"I'll get up
Servant of God (name),
At the clear dawn,
I'll bow first
To a beautiful star,
I'll wash myself with dew,
I'll wipe myself with a girl's braid.
Be my white face
Whiter than white light,
Scarlet cheeks are redder
Red sun,
Eyes are brighter
A clear month.
My eyebrows be
Blacker than black earth,
So that the guys are all
As one,
Word couldn't
I don't mind saying
Take your eyes off me.
I would like everyone
She was whiter and sweeter,
More desirable
And more beautiful.
My word is molded,
My business is tenacious.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy for a strong marriage on Maundy Thursday

Before reading from two spools, twist one thread and place it across the threshold. When the husband steps over the thread, tie it in the middle with a knot and hide it. When tying a knot, say:

“Servant of God (name) and I,
His thread
Twisted together
Tightly rolled.
Like a knot on this thread
It won't come undone
So he is never with me
Will not part."

Plot on Maundy Thursday for early marriage

Wash yourself with the milk prepared for the cat and say:

“How everyone pets cats
And how cats cling to everyone,
So do my suitors
They won't let you pass.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Spell for good luck and happiness on Maundy Thursday

Pronounced after finishing cleaning.

"Cleansed on Maundy Thursday
All Mother Earth,
Cleansed on Maundy Thursday
And my soul
How to walk correctly
The sun and moon across the sky,
In your own circle
Turn to the Eternal,
That's right
Will turn to me too
Happy share
And fate.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Signs and customs for health

Of course, the most important thing to do on Maundy Thursday is to take a thorough swim before sunrise: such a folk sign goes back to the deep past, or more precisely, to the time of Christ. It is believed that on the last day of his earthly life (and the Savior was crucified on Friday), he celebrated the Last Supper with 12 disciples and personally washed the feet of each of them. It was a sign of special affection, love and service to people.

Of course, since then people have managed to create their own little rituals: for example, it is believed that it is better to wash your face using silver dishes. Or at least put the silver item in a vessel with water overnight, from which you can wash your face the next morning. This procedure will help maintain youth and beauty throughout the year.

And what else you need to do on Maundy Thursday is to thoroughly clean the house. After all, this is not only an ancient folk custom, but also a sign of good luck. It is believed that if the house is in complete order, then the year will be successful, because all household members will feel a wave of freshness, cleanliness and order.

And there was also this sign: after cleaning on Maundy Thursday, the houses were not cleaned and the floors were not swept until Easter, so as not to “clog the eyes of Christ lying in the tomb.”

On the evening of Maundy Thursday, the whole family can organize a small holiday for themselves: they start dyeing eggs and baking Easter cakes. True, you can only eat them on Easter Sunday.

Signs and rituals for money

Since this day sets up positive emotions of renewal and good changes, it is useful to know what to do to attract material well-being. Simple folk rituals help you tune in to the wave of luck and mentally bring your well-being closer:

  1. First of all, the sign says that on Maundy Thursday you need to count all the money in the house three times: at dawn, at lunch and at sunset.
  2. On Wednesday evening, you can put a silver coin in a vessel with water. The next morning they wash their face with this water and keep the coin in their wallet - it will bring good luck throughout the year.
  3. You can also take any 12 coins, throw them into a bucket of clean water and mentally wish yourself wealth, imagining how your dream has already come true.
  4. By the way, you can wash windows and doors (that is, all openings) with this water - then you will have money all year round.
  5. Imagining yourself to be rich, on Maundy Thursday you can wash your face with clean water in the morning - this should be done before sunrise.
  6. Finally, the most interesting sign about Maundy Thursday is associated with a change in the situation in the apartment. If you rearrange the furniture, the whole year will be prosperous. After all, the holiday is a symbol of renewal. Therefore, it is better for the owners to try to get on exactly this wave: cleaning and changing the scenery will do their good deed.

Signs, customs and conspiracies for marriage

According to popular beliefs, an unmarried girl should clearly imagine the image of the desired man (perhaps this is a specific or imaginary person). Having tuned in and believing in the fulfillment of your dream, your desire is reinforced by the following rituals:

  1. They take ordinary soap and, calling the name of their loved one, say: “(Name) sticks to me like soap.”
  2. After the cleaning is finished, it is better to put your wardrobe in perfect order. And be sure to leave room... for men's clothing. This symbolic gesture allows you to imagine those days when your loved one will be nearby: the girl invites him into her life.
  3. You can take the seed of any plant and plant it in a flower pot. A folk sign says that if a flower planted on Maundy Thursday sprouts quite quickly, then you won’t have long to wait until marriage.
  4. But if a girl has been looking for her happiness for a long time, but has not yet met her betrothed, she must paint the eggs herself, bake Easter eggs and distribute them to everyone who needs them.

Along with these signs, it is useful to know what else you need to do on Maundy Thursday to get married. Here are some interesting prayers for love:

Prayer for marriage “O all-merciful Lord”

And it’s better to say this prayer while looking in a new mirror. They also buy it on Thursday, but you don’t need to take change:


And this conspiracy is specifically intended for a widow. You need to wake up early and wash your face, placing a basin next to the door frame, and say the following words:


If a girl wants guys to look at her, she can get up early in the morning (even before the sun rises) and say the following prayer once:

While reading the prayer, you need to bow to all four directions - once to the north, once to the south, and once to the west and east. Of course, it is better to say the prayer in private, because any conspiracy requires complete immersion, attunement to inner feelings. Therefore, the presence of any person and even an animal can greatly interfere.

And finally, the simplest version of the conspiracy:

My betrothed, dressed up, without bad habits, appear!


If prayers can be said on any day and at any moment, as the heart dictates, then in the case of conspiracies there is a special reservation. It is believed that they cannot be read in a state of even slight intoxication, as well as during the monthly cycle.

Spells when swimming

And here are some more special conspiracies for Maundy Thursday. Like prayers, they are said only in solitude. These words are spoken before the sun rises. They wake up on Thursday, wash themselves with water (it can be recharged with silver by placing a ring or other object at night) and say:


If you have the feeling that someone has been jinxed or just has been unlucky more than usual lately, you can use this spell on Maundy Thursday while swimming:


Pregnancy conspiracies

Women who cannot get pregnant for a long time should ask the Lord for their motherhood on this holy church holiday. What Maundy Thursday conspiracies can be read, and what needs to be done to get pregnant:

  1. You need to prepare two dishes - one should be sweet and the other salty.
  2. Sit down at the table, eat a sweet dish first and say “Plot for your daughter.”
  3. After this, you need to try the salty dish and say “Conspiracy on your son.”
  4. All meals must be eaten throughout the day.
  5. It is prohibited to throw away the remains of such food.
  6. This ritual can be performed throughout Holy Week. According to signs, if a woman liked the salty dish more, then she will give birth to a boy, and if she liked the sweet dish, then she will give birth to a girl.

Plot for my daughter

Sweet, sweet to me, the Lord will send me the same sweet daughter. Come, my daughter’s soul, come into me. I will love you, take care of your soul, and not give offense to anyone.

Conspiracy against my son

It’s too salty, so much so that I want to cry, but my son won’t cry, he will come into this world as a hero. Come, darling, to me, I will be the best mother for you, come, I will love and care for your soul, and not offend you to anyone.

Folk signs and rituals

Each of us at least once, but still paid attention to certain signs. It is all the more interesting to think about what messages fate has prepared on the special day of Maundy Thursday, which happens only once a year. Here are some interesting folk signs:

  1. There has long been an interesting custom: coins and other symbolic objects were placed in pasochki when baking. Whoever pulls out what will get the corresponding events in the coming year.
  2. Housewives carefully monitored how the dough rose and whether they were able to bake good Easter cakes. If everything went well, it means the year will be successful.
  3. Another important custom: borrowing, borrowing, giving away some things from home (even for a while) was considered a bad sign. It’s better to be patient a little and choose another day for this - after all, along with the good you give away, you can also lose good luck.
  4. And here’s another interesting sign: on this day it is very important who you see first on the street. If people are young, it’s a good sign. If it’s an old woman, perhaps fate is warning about some event that is better to pay attention to.
  5. It is believed that it is better to attend a service and bring a candle from it. It can burn throughout the day and charge the house with its miraculous power. This candle serves as a good talisman against illnesses and unwanted events.

Prayers in church and at home

During the church service on Maundy Thursday, various prayers are said. For example, like this:

Thy secret supper this day, O Son of God, accept me as a partaker: I will not tell the secret to Thy enemies, neither will I give Thee a kiss like Judas, but like a thief I will confess Thee: remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.

In the evening, a service is held with the reading of the twelve Passionate Gospels. These passages reveal to us a complete picture of the terrible suffering of the Savior. Believers stand in the temple with lit candles in their hands. After each reading of the Gospel, the choir sings with thanksgiving: “Glory to Your long-suffering, O Lord!”

Maundy Thursday 2018: prayers, what you can do, what you can’t do

Each person can say any prayer from the heart on Maundy Thursday:

Special prayer and conspiracy against drunkenness

When you clean your house on Maundy Thursday, leave some water when washing the windows. Then sprinkle this water on the sleeping man (son) 7 times, while reading the following words:

How I gave birth to you, fed you with my milk,
So you, servant of God (name), would not drink alcohol,
I didn’t pour wine or mash into my mouth. The windows have been washed and you are clean.
Let it be so.

Take water blessed for Epiphany. Lean towards the water so that when reading the plot, your breath touches the water. Then say the following words 3 times:

Like the Lord God, Jesus Christ did not know, did not drink, and did not tolerate vodka;
How the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the holy saints did not know drink,
If you didn’t drink and didn’t tolerate it, so you, servant of God (name), will give up drinking and shake off.
Forever and ever, Amen.

It is advisable to pronounce each repetition of the spell in one breath. Then give this charmed water to the drunkard to drink. You can also regularly add such water to any drink or soup without his knowledge. Sometimes one serving of water is enough to help a loved one overcome drunkenness, but in some cases the ritual needs to be repeated. By the way, you can charm water in any month, but only on the 19th.

The vessel with the enchanted water must be kept closed in a dark place. Open it only before you next add water to an alcoholic’s drink. This water cannot be boiled.

The main condition for Maundy Thursday when conducting rituals, observing customs, reading prayers and conspiracies is the person’s sincere faith. It is she who helps to tune in to the bright wave of this unique day. In fact, you can pronounce your own words, say them out loud or to yourself - in many ways such actions are performed on a purely intuitive level.

Well, if you have any doubts about this, it is better to ask for advice from a priest or the person you trust most in such matters.

Maundy Thursday: what not to do at home?

You can do a lot on Maundy Thursday, but there are also restrictions that every believer should know about:

  • You cannot sit and listen to church services;
  • in order for peace and tranquility to always reign in the house, the candle that was lit in the church should burn all the way to the house and not go out;
  • before the church service you cannot drink, eat or do anything;
  • on Maundy Thursday nothing can be given from home;
  • Do not leave dirty dishes and soaked laundry;
  • You cannot start preparing dishes for the holiday table until the house is in complete order.

If you follow all the customs and signs, then until next Maundy Thursday everything will be fine in the house.

What you need to do on the night of “clean” Thursday for yourself:

  • Early awakening will help you spend the whole year cheerfully and actively.
  • Swimming before the first rays of the sun rises will help you gain health for the whole year (until the next “Maundy Thursday”).
  • Water on Clean Thursday has magical and healing properties: wash your face, body, head, drink water.
  • Don’t be afraid of cold water, it will help harden you and wash away not only illnesses from your body, but also the sins that have accumulated over the year. Cold water on “clean” Thursday restores beauty to the body.
  • If you want to “give” your face beauty, fill a ladle with cold water, place a silver ring in it, and only then thoroughly wash your face on “Clean” Thursday.
  • It was believed that if you take the soap outside overnight in advance, it will be especially “clean.”
  • It was read that in order to wash away damage from yourself on “Clean” Thursday, you need to add charmed salt to the water. A handful of salt simply rushed to the mouth, wishes were whispered into it and it dissolved in the water.
  • It was believed that if you wash your hair on Maundy Thursday before dawn and trim the ends carefully, your hair will be healthy and thick.

What to do with change after Maundy Thursday?

It is believed that wash with water, in which you dipped the coins, follows not only doors and jambs, but also any windows, as well as cracks. This is necessary so that any air that flies into your home brings good luck and prosperity.

After the rituals with coins are performed, fines must be removed from the water. Any empty corner in the house should be thoroughly washed with the remaining water or other water. To a clean corner put a handful of coins and leave them in this state for exactly a week.

IMPORTANT: If you still have “charmed money” water, you can pour it into a flower. It would be good if it was a symbolic money tree.

Coins for spells

What words should you use to wash your face on Maundy Thursday?

Washing on Maundy Thursday helps not only get rid of diseases, but also give beauty. It is also believed that such a ritual will give the head “pure” thoughts and will protect a person from bad deeds. It is recommended to wash your face by dipping a silver or gold ring into water.

Silver helps you gain health, and gold helps you gain wealth. Also, if you want get rid of slander and evil eyes– add salt to the water. Wash from a ladle or basin, thoroughly scrub every part of the body. Washing should not be quick, take your time and pay full attention to yourself.

To make washing as effective as possible, you can read the conspiracies out loud. After washing, under no circumstances pour the charmed water into a drainpipe; it should be poured into the ground: vegetable garden, garden, flower bed, or a regular pot with a house plant.


Maiden conspiracies

There were also special girlish spells - for health, beauty and, of course, for a quick marriage.

So, on Maundy Thursday, girls specially cut the ends of their hair so that they would be lush, shiny, healthy and grow better.

Also on Maundy Thursday, the girls left some water from the water that was prepared for cleaning. A silver coin or spoon was thrown into a cup of Thursday water. On Easter morning one should wash oneself with this water in order to attract beauty, good luck and a kind, rich and handsome husband.

If the groom did not appear for a long time, then the girl who had stayed too long as a bride should have washed herself on Thursday night in an open reservoir. And sometimes the confused beauty took the towel with which she dried herself on Maundy Thursday and put it in a basket with Easter cake and colored eggs intended for alms. It was believed that a charitable deed would not go unrewarded, and matchmakers could soon be expected.

Pure Four is the fourth day of Holy Week. This day is associated with a lot of troubles and tasks that must be completed during the day. What exactly should you do on Maundy Thursday before Easter? Consider the mandatory list of things to do, in their priority order, so that you don’t forget anything and properly prepare yourself and your home for the bright holiday of Easter.

Briefly about the meaning of Maundy Thursday

To understand why one should do what can already be called a tradition on Maundy Thursday, one should turn to the history and meaning of this holiday.

During the service in the temple on this day, they remember the Last Supper, during which the Savior of mankind predicted that he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, and also established the Sacrament of Baptism, dividing bread (from my flesh) and wine (from my blood) between apostles. Also, at the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of each apostle, showing an example of virtue, humility and selflessness. Partly, it is because of this act (washing the feet) that Maundy Thursday is usually called Clean Four.

It is believed that on Maundy Thursday one must not only cleanse one’s soul with prayers and the ritual of washing, but also put one’s home in order. Any action on this day should be treated as a step towards complete healing of the soul from evil, and all actions should be performed with joy and reading prayers.

What to do on Maundy Thursday

Since the day ahead is troublesome, you should wake up early. The first thing after waking up is to wash your face or bathe with soap; it is believed that water on Maundy Thursday (especially in the early morning) is endowed with healing powers. With its help, as with Epiphany water, you can heal ailments, strengthen your immune system, and attract good luck to your life.

When all bath procedures are completed, you need to begin general cleaning of the house, yard and barn (if we are talking about private housing). One of the signs says that you need to wash windows and frames with water charged with money: to do this, you need to immerse coins in a basin of water, and then wash every corner of the window, every crevice with such water, so that wealth can easily enter the house and not leave it. .

In addition to the fact that you need to wash the windows and frames, you should take care of every corner of the house: remove junk from cabinets and shelves, throw out spoiled food from the refrigerator, wipe off dust, polish the floor. If there are any unfinished repairs in the house, then on Maundy Thursday they must be completed.

After cleaning, the housewives began cooking. They should be baked on Maundy Thursday; it is believed that they will not spoil until Easter and will remain fresh and soft. You should knead the dough and read a prayer, then the traditional Easter treat will turn out lush, tender and very tasty. Also, you should go to the store and buy food for the festive table for Easter, be sure to buy eggs for coloring.

If we talk about chores in the kitchen, then it is worth mentioning such a tradition as preparing Thursday salt. Despite the fact that it is usually prepared in monasteries, some housewives also want to have such salt in the house for personal use. It is believed that Thursday salt is endowed not only with healing powers, but also with magical powers. Therefore, it is used both to treat ailments and to remove damage, the evil eye, and for love spells. But such use of salt is not welcomed by the church, since it is all considered relics of paganism (except, of course, for the use of salt for medicinal purposes).

And the final important thing on Maundy Thursday is visiting the temple. It is advisable to take communion and confession in church. This is necessary in order to completely cleanse the spirit and body, because only on Maundy Thursday can one pray for all sins, even mortal ones.

What is forbidden to do on Maundy Thursday

Many prohibitions on this day are directly related to what must be done. For example, you should not leave your house uncleaned. It is believed that if you are lazy and do not put your house in order, then quarrels and misunderstandings will reign there for a year. You can't even start cooking until the house is cleaned. That is why the sequence of actions on Maundy Thursday is as we described above.

In addition, despite the fact that on this day it is customary to prepare treats for the Easter table, you cannot try the dishes, because Lent continues, and breaking it means undoing all your efforts in the past. In addition, Holy Week is the strictest week of fasting. Of course, if a person cannot fast due to health reasons, he is allowed to relax.

Also, in Pure Fours you cannot lend anything, since financial well-being can leave the house for the whole year. It’s not just money you can’t lend, this also applies to any things or objects.

According to the church canon, on Maundy Thursday one must pray intensely, and therefore the church recommends not to get too involved in worldly affairs if they interfere with prayers.

Knowing what you can do on Maundy Thursday, you can adequately prepare for Holy Easter, because this is almost the final stage.

The history of Maundy Thursday is connected with the Last Supper. Jesus, having gathered his disciples, washed their feet, showing that the humility of a true Christian should be limitless. It is also a symbol of spiritual and physical cleansing. Part of it is a mandatory visit to the temple - believers must pray and confess.

From this day until the Resurrection of the Lord, everyone is dedicated to the memories that he experienced on earth.

What should you do on Maundy Thursday?

As mentioned above, even before sunrise, Christians tried to “purify themselves” with water - they swam in a river, lake, or doused themselves in a bathhouse in order to be healthy for the whole year.

Also, earlier on this day many were made for the Easter table. To do this, they took a grain of salt, wrapped it in a rag and put it in the oven. Once the rag was burnt, the salt was collected and stored throughout the year.

On Maundy Thursday, people tried to carry a candle home from church without it going out. For this purpose, special lanterns were made from colored paper or glass. With the flame of a passionate candle they burned a cross in the house on the scum - from all evil spirits. This candle was lit during serious illnesses of people or livestock, as well as during difficult childbirths, and given into the hands of the dying person.

Let’s take a closer look at this Maundy Thursday tradition. There is a belief: if you want, be sure to take a swim before sunrise on Maundy Thursday. It is believed that, indeed, this morning the water acquires miraculous properties. With this water you can wash away the stains that have accumulated over the year.

Therefore, they advise at dawn, but a shower or with soapy foam is also welcome.

It is believed that this happens not only to the soul, but also to the soul, as water acquires cleansing and protective properties that can wash away accumulated negativity and illness. It is important to have bright, joyful thoughts during the procedure.

Money sign on Maundy Thursday

It has long been believed that if you count everything available three times, then within a year the family will live in abundance. According to popular belief, money should be counted early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This must be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from all members of your household. Only then will there be any benefit from performing this ancient ritual.

What should you not do on Maundy Thursday?

Orthodox people have a list of actions prohibited on Maundy Thursday. This is because this day is associated with cleansing the body, soul and home from dirt. And those who stirred up dirt in the house on Maundy Thursday will live in dirt and quarrels all year.

On Maundy Thursday you cannot give away anything valuable from home and you cannot, because along with valuables you can also transfer well-being.

In the series of days of Holy Week, Thursday is one of the most significant. It is called Clean because on this day people are cleansed of sins and finish cleaning the house before Easter. Rites and rituals on Maundy Thursday, signs and customs, prayers and conspiracies for family and home, for unmarried girls are associated with well-being, personal happiness and health.

What signs should you pay attention to on Maundy Thursday?

If you believe the signs for Maundy Thursday, then on this day you need to take water treatments before sunrise and finish cleaning the house. For financial well-being, you need to count all the money in the house in the morning (at dawn), in the afternoon and in the evening (at sunset). This is done in private so that no one distracts. Financial stability should also be ensured by washing windows and doors with water into which a handful of coins have been thrown. After washing, the coins are hidden away, and the water is poured under a tree growing in the yard. Washing with water infused with silver will protect you from evil spirits. To do this, silver is placed in a vessel with water overnight, and in the morning this water is used for washing. To believe or not to believe in omens for Maundy Thursday? The Church considers them superstition. At the same time, we cannot ignore the experience of our ancestors. There is a fine line between prohibited acts and established traditions that have become firmly entrenched in our lives.

How to behave on Maundy Thursday - signs, customs

One of the main signs on Maundy Thursday is the custom of taking water procedures before sunrise. Thursday water has miraculous properties. If you bathe in it, all the sins accumulated over the year are washed away. Another important ritual is cleaning the house. Started on Monday of Holy Week, it must be completed on Thursday. After this, you can move on to other things. In order to get everything done, it is advisable not to delay it, but to start cleaning after visiting the church. It is believed that if Easter cakes baked on Thursday turn out to be tasteless, then the year will not be very successful. On Maundy Thursday, signs, customs and rituals are strictly observed.

What unmarried women should do on Maundy Thursday - signs, customs for girls

On Maundy Thursday, signs and customs for girls relate to external attractiveness and personal happiness. Washing with silver promises not only health and deliverance from evil spirits, but also beauty. If you cut the ends of your hair, they will be healthy and beautiful. Having stayed too long as a girl, the girl had to dry herself with a towel on Maundy Thursday, and on Easter, with Easter cakes and eggs, give it as alms. The ritual promised mutual love and quick marriage. A favorable outcome is also promised by a sign when a girl, according to a long-established custom, looks out the window on Maundy Thursday and sees a healthy young man.

What signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers exist on Maundy Thursday?

On Maundy Thursday there are other signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers. Silver is placed in the water collected on Maundy Thursday and left until Easter. To wash with such water on Christ’s bright Sunday means to gain wealth and beauty. On Maundy Thursday, signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers have special magical powers.


Lord! Have mercy and save!

I come to You in prayer.

And forgive me for my sins

I beg you, Almighty.

Help me cleanse my soul

Me from my vain sins.

Save me, God, save me

From hopeless deeds and thoughts.

Give strength to your wounded soul

Rip off the slippers of sinful dirt,

Everything that is planned to be accomplished

Despite evil and the machinations of scum.

Save and have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

Prayer Maundy Thursday, cleanse me from all evil

As confession cleanses, as water removes dirt, so you, Thursday, be pure, cleanse me from all evil, from offending people, from disobedience, from intemperance, from devilish blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for beauty

They read on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, bowing on all four sides.

"I'll get up

Servant of God (name),

At the clear dawn,

I'll bow first

To a beautiful star,

I'll wash myself with dew,

I'll wipe myself with a girl's braid.

Be my white face

Whiter than white light,

Scarlet cheeks are redder

Red sun,

Eyes are brighter

A clear month.

My eyebrows be

Blacker than black earth,

So that the guys are all

As one,

Word couldn't

I don't mind saying

Take your eyes off me.

I would like everyone

She was whiter and sweeter,

More desirable

And more beautiful.

My word is molded,

My business is tenacious.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Spell for strong bonds between husband and wife

On Maundy Thursday, one thread is twisted from two spools and placed across the threshold. After the husband steps over the thread, it is tied with a knot in the middle and hidden away. When tying a knot, they say:

"Servant of God (name) and I,

His thread

Twisted together

Tightly rolled.

Like a knot on this thread

It won't come undone

So he is never with me

It won't part."

Maundy Thursday conspiracy for quick marriage

They wash themselves with cat milk, saying:

"How everyone pets cats

And how cats cling to everyone,

So do my suitors

They won't let you pass.

Now and forever

And forever and ever.

Maundy Thursday - signs, customs, what not to do in church and at home

What not to do on Maundy Thursday, what do the signs say and what customs exist?

  • Sitting is not allowed in church during services.
  • In order for there to be prosperity in the house, a candle lit in church should not go out on the way home.
  • Do nothing, do not eat or drink until the liturgy and communion in church.
  • Do not give anything to anyone - no matches, no salt, nothing else.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes or laundry soaked for washing.
  • You cannot prepare anything for the holiday table, bake Easter cakes or paint eggs until the cleaning is completed.

What other signs, customs, and what not to do should be observed on Maundy Thursday? The Church does not approve of fortune telling, conspiracies and other rituals that came into our culture from pagan times.

We told you what signs and customs exist on Maundy Thursday, conspiracies and prayers, signs for girls, what you should not do on this day. It's up to you to follow them or not.