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Necessary things for the trip. What to take with you on the train

Traveling is always a lot of impressions, meeting interesting people, visiting previously unknown places and adventures. To make the most of your trip, make sure there are no distractions. If you prepare everything for the trip in advance, then during the trip you won’t have to waste time looking for some urgently needed item.

Making a list of things

On the last day, in the turmoil, there is a high probability of losing sight of something. The easiest way to take all the things is to make a list. Include in it all the items that will definitely be needed or will help in an unforeseen situation. Assembling a bag with a list takes a short period of time. Only the essentials are included on the list. On the one hand, there should be enough things so that you don’t need anything during the trip. On the other hand, there should not be too many of them so that the bag does not become heavy, which is especially important if you carry your luggage with you all the time.

It is simply unrealistic to create a universal list for all occasions. A trip to the seaside will always differ from a trip to a ski resort, at least in terms of clothing. Spending the night in a tent will obviously require more things than spending the night in a hotel room. However, we will try to give general recommendations on what to take with you on the road.

Personal care products

The set of hygiene products for women and men will be different. However, both lists will include:

  • deodorant;
  • toilet paper, wet and dry wipes;
  • means for cleaning teeth and oral cavity (toothpaste and brush, toothpicks, dental floss, mouthwash, chewing gum);
  • mirror and comb;
  • manicure set;
  • bath accessories (soap, shower gel, shampoo, washcloth).

Naturally, everyone may or may not have certain things on their list.

Representatives of the fairer sex additionally receive tubes of face and body creams, hair clips and decorative cosmetics. For men, the list usually includes a razor and shaving products. To save space, they can be replaced with an electric razor with a battery. If you don’t have one, then it’s better to compare prices in different stores. Women can also find body hair removal products in their bags, but there are enough of them to recommend something specific.

In summer, sunscreen, anti-sun and after-sun creams are additionally supplied. Choose all tubes and jars in small sizes. If the trip lasts several days, it is easier to take samples.

Clothes and shoes

Clothes chosen are comfortable and appropriate for the season. It is better to choose things that do not require ironing and are easy to clean from dirt. Depending on the time of year, take thermal underwear and an extra set of underwear. The weather outside is not always good, it is better to prepare in advance for different situations. In case of rain or snow, it is advisable to take a raincoat, an umbrella, and spare clothes, so that if you suddenly get wet, you have something to change into.

Shoes should be comfortable and not rub anywhere. If it’s winter, then it’s good to keep warm, and in summer, on the contrary, it’s good to ventilate so that your feet don’t sweat.

Technical devices

No trip is complete without phones and cameras. In addition to the smartphone, be sure to take a charger for it. A spare battery will not be superfluous, especially if there is no access to an outlet or such an opportunity arises rarely. When traveling abroad, telephone calls while roaming are expensive. In this case, they buy walkie-talkies and communicate with each other for free.

In addition to the camera itself, several pairs of batteries or a battery with a charger are taken to power it. Before traveling, check whether there is free space on your memory card. Take care of maximum protection of photographic equipment from physical damage, water and dust.

Other technical means may include a GPS navigator, laptop, e-reader, tablet. Don't forget the chargers for them too. If two gadgets are replaced by one, then take one. It is worth considering that at your place of residence there may be only one outlet and, moreover, in an inconvenient place, so make sure you have a tee and an extension cord.

When traveling, you must take all the medications you regularly take. If there are none, then it is advisable to include cold, anti-inflammatory and painkillers in your first aid kit. Medicines used for burns, indigestion and sprains will not be superfluous. Bring patches and condoms, just in case. The latter can be used not only for their intended purpose. For example, you can put valuables or documents in a condom to prevent water from getting on them.

Money and documents

Before any trip, estimate how much money you will need. Change the required amount to another currency if you are planning a trip to another country. Bring enough cash if you are traveling through sparsely populated areas and there may not be a bank branch or ATM nearby.

The list of documents includes a passport, international passport, medical insurance, tickets, and visa. Just in case, it’s better to make copies of your passport and grab maps and guides to the places you plan to visit.


In addition to the main set, the list often includes:

  • cup;
  • flashlight;
  • threads and needles;
  • items for writing (pen, pencil, notepad).

While you get to your destination, you will want to eat and drink. Prepare yourself some food and drinks. Moreover, in the cold season it is better to take a thermos with hot tea/coffee.

It is impossible to create a universal list for any trip. But there are several categories of goods that will be useful on most trips. The list includes things that they plan to use in the future, or those that will help in a critical situation. And let the only thing that will never be useful be a first aid kit.

Having sent all responsibilities away, and not to give up everything this very moment, running away from troubles and problems somewhere into the sunset, only one thought helps: I’ll finish my job for a month (two, three, six months), and finally take a long-awaited vacation. I’ll get ready and leave here for some fabulous, paradise corner, and I’ll listen to the singing of birds and crickets alternately day and night, plunge into crystal clear water and absorb the expanse of the sky with my eyes on dark and starry tropical nights.

But as soon as the long-awaited day approaches, everyone begins to panic: what things to take on a long trip? What should you definitely not forget? Surely, after your arrival, it turns out that something incredibly important and necessary was forgotten in your native land, and it would seem such a trifle, but your vacation is already spoiled.

Fortunately, for such cases, for the sake of their forgetful compatriots, more organized and experienced travelers were not lazy and compiled a clear list of all the things that will certainly be useful to every vacationer. A list of things to do at sea, on vacation or on the road will also be simply irreplaceable if you need to pack as soon as possible. After all, there is not always enough time to gather your thoughts and determine for yourself a list of necessary items and things.

What to take to the sea

The list of things to do at sea must be compiled with special care. It is important not to forget to put sunscreen, swimwear and other special accessories in your bag. Having compiled a list of things and documents, you should be sure to mark what has already been packed, so that later you do not remember whether all the necessary things have been taken. So the list should include...


The most important of them, of course, is the passport. After all, without it you won’t even be able to board a plane. Next - air tickets. Because a passport alone does not confirm the right to fly. You will also need a medical insurance policy.


Everyone (especially women) is familiar with the situation when the “most necessary and important” things they took with them end up not even being worn even once while on vacation. That is why the following minimum list of necessary things at sea for women is extremely practical.

1) Underwear. You can take four panties, two or three pairs of socks and three bras: white, black and flesh-colored.

2) Swimsuit. You can, of course, buy it upon arrival. But, as you know, the price of such a simple purchase can be literally exorbitant. Therefore, it would be better to take care of this wardrobe item while still in your native land. Better yet, buy a pair of swimsuits. In case one breaks or takes a long time to dry after washing, always have a spare one on hand.

3) Shorts. An extremely practical thing. You can take a walk in them, visit the beach, go to the store, or just walk around in your room.

4) Jeans. After all, the evenings may not be as warm as the days, and therefore the list of things for a vacation at sea should contain this item.

5) Skirt. A great feminine alternative to shorts.

6) T-shirts. A practical item for walking in hot climates. Just don't take too many of them to the sea. The list of the most necessary things includes no more than three copies.

7) Hats. It could be a cap, hat or panama hat. The main thing is that the head is not exposed to intense heat from the sun's rays. Thus, a hat should definitely be included in the list of things to do on a seaside vacation.

8) Dress. It is advisable to take only one dress with you, but if you have space in your bag, you can take a pair: a short one and a long one.

9) Jacket with long sleeves. In addition to jeans. If it suddenly turns out to be a bad day, it will save you from the cold.

10) Pajamas. The list of things to pack for a seaside vacation for those who like to sleep in cozy pajamas should definitely include such an item.


1) Flip-flops. It's better to stock up on two pairs just in case. One will be intended for going to the beach, and the second - for walking around the city.

2) Sneakers or ballet shoes. If space in your bag is very limited, it is better to give preference to ballet flats. They are more versatile: they can be worn with shorts, a skirt, and jeans. But rough sneakers will look ridiculous and tasteless with the same skirt. And the shoes take up much less space.

3) Sandals. The ideal option is one pair at low speed. Heels will make your feet tired by the evening, and a wonderful vacation has a chance of turning into terrible torture.


1) Glasses. Sun protection and with diopters (for those who have vision problems).

2) Decorations. You shouldn’t take gold, but stone jewelry is quite suitable when compiling an additional list of things. The list of things at sea can also be supplemented with costume jewelry: it is inexpensive, but often quite elegant and attractive.

3) Umbrella in case of rain.

4) Blanket for a trip to the sea.

5) Cosmetics. Caring and protective products. And also decorative cosmetics, which you will definitely need to grab in order to look impressive. You should also take a comb, hand cream, nail file, nail polish and nail polish remover.

6) First aid kit. It must include painkillers, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, alcohol wipes, activated carbon, adhesive tape and small scissors.

7) Hygiene products: soap, washcloth, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, pads or tampons.

8) Insect repellent spray is also important and should be included in the list of things to pack for a seaside vacation.

9) Technique. Phone, charger and headphones, tablet, internet modem and, if required, a camera.

A pleasant trip for the little ones

Parents traveling with children will need a special list of things to pack for a trip to sea with a child. What to take depends on a number of factors such as the baby’s age and health status.

For infants you will need a large pack of diapers, for an older child - an additional set of underwear. After all, as you know, children get dirty much more often than adults.

You need to bring warm clothes for evening walks, since children's bodies are more susceptible to cold. Getting sick while on vacation - what could be worse?

If you get bored

Of course, you will also need entertainment items: your favorite book with fairy tales, a toy, pajamas with your favorite cartoon character. If you have space, you can include board games in the list of things you need for a seaside vacation (they are not bulky, but they will be able to amuse a bored child). Coloring books and the accompanying felt-tip pens, gel pens or wax pencils that do not need sharpening will also be useful. The main thing is that their composition is non-toxic and safe for the child’s health. To spend time on the water, an inflatable ring and arm guards, a terry towel and a robe are required. By the way, this children's little thing can be entrusted to the smallest traveler, having previously packed it in a small children's backpack.

What products to take on the road

It’s more convenient, of course, to order food directly on the plane and not bother with preliminary preparations. But for home cooking lovers, there are also ready-to-go food lists. What food should you take with you on a trip?


First of all, clean water. If drinking plain water is not common in your family, you can take tea or homemade fruit compote instead. But you need to take into account that liquids can only be transported in 0.1 liter packages with a total volume of no more than a liter. So you have to pour the drink into small jars.

Travel food

Food should not be perishable, very crumbly or give off an intense odor. Especially if it is specific. Thus, you should not take baked, fried meat and cutlets on the plane.

An excellent option is cookies, especially biscuits (dry and low-fat), chocolate. You need to make sure that your food contains enough protein. This can be boiled meat (chicken, beef, turkey), nuts, a little hard cheese. You can take fresh fruits or dried fruits and vegetables. It will be easier to pack them if you pre-cut them into medium-sized pieces.

What should be packed separately

By the way, you cannot take canned or jarred food on the plane. You can take boiled eggs, but on the condition that they are stored separately from other products, especially those that can speed up their spoilage. Sweets should also be placed in a separate, securely sealed bag. You can also pack salads or sandwiches in an airtight container.

And lovers of hot tea can take a thermos with boiling water and bags of their favorite tea or coffee sticks on the road. Thus, on the road you can enjoy the most pleasant tea drinking process.

Of course, to be on the safe side, you should carefully read the flight rules of the specific company whose services you decided to use. And when getting ready for a trip, you need to collect the basic things provided for in the ready-made list and think about some of your personal needs. It is quite possible that there will be something additional, without which the trip will not be as exciting and productive. And purchasing a forgotten item locally can be incredibly expensive. Have a nice holiday!

The most essential things to take with you on a trip. 10 things that will make your vacation interesting, productive and safe.

The long-awaited vacation has arrived! Suitcases are packed, tickets are purchased, and happy vacationers are burning with anticipation of enjoying the sea, air, and mountains. But are you really ready for the journey? We will talk about things the absence of which can ruin your holiday in this article.

So, what is worth taking with you on the road:

Tablet or laptop

Favorite gadgets are indispensable on vacation!

This very useful device with Internet access will take up minimal space in your luggage and will make your vacation much easier. Wherever you are vacationing, in a picturesque village in your native outback or on the mysterious Pacific islands, the presence of the Internet will allow you to always be aware of the latest news, and simply stay in touch. Watching movies on a laptop or tablet will help pass the commute. Using a tablet or laptop, you can easily find your way in an unfamiliar area, book a bus or train ticket to another city or a hotel room, select the attractions you want to visit, find out which restaurant you can taste the best dishes of national cuisine.

So, when packing your hand luggage (and there is no place for a tablet and laptop in your main suitcase), don’t forget to take your favorite gadgets with you on vacation - you won’t regret it!

International SIM card

A tourist SIM card will save money while traveling

A tourist SIM card is the second indispensable thing for a traveler. Thanks to tourist SIM cards, which are valid in more than 180 countries, your communication costs will be significantly lower. You will receive all incoming calls completely free of charge, and the tariff for outgoing calls is much cheaper than that of the domestic mobile operator.

Thanks to the wide coverage area of ​​tourist SIM cards, you can easily forward calls from your regular number to a tourist one.

Charging device

Don't forget your chargers!

Today it is hardly possible to imagine a vacation without a mobile phone and a camera. These devices have many functions, which leads to rapid battery drain. Therefore, to avoid becoming a regular customer of local battery sellers, take chargers for your gadgets with you. This way you will save your nerves and a lot of money, because in any tourist city the cost of chargers and batteries is several times more expensive!

Pocket phrasebook

What to take with you on a trip - pocket phrasebook

No matter how excellent your knowledge of English is, it is better to always have a phrasebook on hand in the language of the host country. If you contact the seller or waiter in his native language, it will not only be easier for him to understand you, but you will pleasantly please him, which means you can count on good treatment and even discounts!

Sun protection

Sunscreen is useful in southern countries and in the mountains

An indispensable thing on a beach holiday is sunscreen. You definitely need to take a protective cream with you on the road, the protection level of which is SPF 30-50 - especially if you are going to hot countries or ski resorts. Apply this cream in the first days of your vacation, when your skin has not yet adapted to aggressive sun rays. If your skin is naturally dark and you hardly burn in the sun, do not neglect protective measures. After all, premature aging of the skin occurs precisely due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, along with applying sunscreen, use after-sun creams and sprays.

Don't forget to apply protective cream in the second half of your vacation, when your skin has already acquired a bronze tint. For these purposes, a cream with a lower level of protection is suitable - SPF 10-15.

Travel medical insurance

You should take care of health insurance in advance

For a complete and carefree holiday, you will also need to have medical insurance. In developed countries, receiving medical care is not a cheap pleasure, but in third world countries, the lack of a medical insurance policy will not allow you to receive medical help at all.

Therefore, even if purchasing health insurance is not mandatory to obtain a visa or you are going on vacation to a visa-free country, take care to purchase an insurance policy.

Travel first aid kit

A first aid kit will be useful to you on any trip.

The same applies to medications, which must be in your vacation luggage. Most medications abroad are available only by prescription. Thus, in Europe only aspirin is available for free sale. That's why Take with you on the road medicines for colds, intestinal disorders, allergies, headaches, motion sickness. After all, before your body adapts to new climatic and gastronomic conditions, all sorts of unexpected things can happen to it more than once.

Insect/mosquito repellent

What else to take with you on vacation? Of course, protection from insects!

Special emphasis should be placed on insect repellents. Remedies for midges and mosquitoes will come in handy in an area where there are a great many of them. You must have a good understanding of the area you are heading to. And if you are planning to conquer the jungles of Africa or, insect repellents must be very strong.

Driver license

They will definitely come in handy on the road!

You should also take your driver's license with you on your trip - they may not be superfluous. Even if you don’t go on a trip with your own car, who knows, maybe the desire to explore the area on your own will encourage you to rent a car. In this case, you cannot do without a driver's license.

Extra bag

If you take an extra empty bag, you’ll definitely thank us later :)

Be sure to bring a souvenir bag with you on your trip. By the end of the trip, cruelly violating all the laws of physics, the tourist’s luggage inexorably increases, and shopping does its job. And if you don’t want to buy expensive suitcases and bags abroad for souvenirs and new things, just take an empty bag with you, which can easily be folded into a suitcase and used when necessary.

If you are planning to go on vacation at sea, you have already decided on the direction and place where you will spend your vacation. Or maybe you decided to give up everything and start traveling on your own. If this is your first time, then you need to know what to take with you to the sea - a list of things.

In this article we will look at several options and several lists for specific situations and people who will travel with you:

We love to travel the world. And twice a year we go somewhere. We go on vacation and travel with our children (we have two: a boy and a girl).

What to take with you to the sea - a general list of things

The main thing is don't fuss. Sit down, take a piece of paper and a pen. Imagine how you are already at sea. What are you doing there, what are you doing? Scroll through the program for a day, for a week for the entire rest period. Pull yourself together and with a clear head start making a list of things.

Write down all the things that you think will be useful and necessary for you on your trip to the sea. Add everything. When your stock of knowledge has dried up and nothing comes to mind, divide the list into sections (for example, clothes, equipment, medicines or first aid kit, documents, money, hygiene and personal care products, protective equipment, shoes, etc.).

For the fastest, we have prepared a checklist (). You can download it below. All you have to do is check the boxes next to each item if these things are collected.

Divided - you can number them for convenience if the list of things turns out to be large and inconsistent. For example, clothes – 1, so next to each item related to clothes, put – 1 and so on.

The list of things to take with you to the sea is quite large. Therefore, choose those that you cannot live without on a daily basis and that you will need in a pinch. A lot of things are also not the point.

During all our travels, we decided for ourselves and made a general list of things - what things we need to take with us to the sea:

What medications should you take with you to sea?

This is an important point and should not be forgotten. Anything can happen far from home. Even if there are hospitals in the place where you are going on vacation, still take and pack a small first aid kit (in case of a fire). What if you get hurt or have a toothache or diarrhea?

And we would also like to remind you that if you have chronic diseases, be sure to consult with your doctor before traveling.

List of medications you need to take with you on vacation:

  • For fever (cold medicines), antipyretic: Panadol, Paracetamol, Rinza and Rinzasip, Coldrex, Theraflu. Any of these drugs or whichever one you take for acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
  • Digital Thermometer.
  • Cough medicines (Lazolvan, Ambrohexal, Mucaltin, Stoptussin, ACC).
  • For indigestion, Tablets for diarrhea: Activated carbon, Smecta, Phthalazol, Imodium, Mezim, Levomycetin. It is not known how your stomach will react and accept local food.
  • For the nose, drops in the nose: Quix, Aqua Maris, Xilin, “For the nose” - for a runny nose. For allergies - Vibrocil, Rinofluimucil.
  • Antibiotics: Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Cefpirom and others.
  • Pain relievers (painkillers): Analgin, Aspirin, Nurofen, No-shpa, Mig 400, Ketanov.
  • First aid kit: bandage, cotton pads, cotton swabs, brilliant green or iodine, adhesive plaster, hydrogen peroxide.
  • For sunburn, what to apply to the skin for sunburn: Solcoseryl, Panthenol (also used for children), Cream “Rescuer”, Fastin.
  • For herpes (different climate, temperature changes): Acyclovir, Tetracycline ointment, Oxolinic ointment, Viru-Merz, Viferon.
  • Other medicines related to your medical conditions.

What to take with you to the sea - list of documents

Without which you can’t move around the world, you can’t get a hotel room, confirm your identity and one of the most important items on the list of things to do for a holiday at sea and beyond:

  • Passport and foreign passport. And additionally make a copy of the first page of your civil and foreign passport, and the visa page. You can download all copies to your phone (take photos)
  • Tickets. If you are traveling by plane, train or bus, be sure to make photocopies.
  • If you have booked a hotel, you will need a printout of your reservation (voucher).
  • Medical travel insurance.
  • If you are traveling alone or alone with a child, then permission from the other spouse and his consent are required.
  • Driver's license (international standard, if you are going on vacation abroad). This is for renting a car or scooter.

How much money to take to sea?

What is missing at sea is money. No matter how many you take, it’s not enough! I want this thing, I want to go there, I want and...

  • Cash. “Real” money is always needed for travel and on vacation. Let it not be a large amount (and if you find yourself abroad, then it will certainly be dollars). For pocket money.
  • Bank cards. It is better to have cards from several banks with you, if possible (anything can happen with ATMs of a particular bank, but you have a card from another). MasterCard and Visa are suitable. Check the expiration date and remember the PIN codes.

What we can advise you - take as much as you really don’t mind. So that when you return from vacation, you don’t bite your elbows. And if approximately, we return to the list of things (scroll above). Again, a piece of paper and we write everything down point by point: housing, travel (gasoline, if by car), food, entertainment. If you haven’t booked your accommodation in advance and decide to pay on the spot, put the money in a separate envelope. Place some in the next envelope for the return journey.

The largest amount of expenses (you should be prepared for it) goes to entertainment and all sorts of souvenirs and trinkets. Next come the costs of food (groceries, canteen, cafe, ice cream, water, fruit, etc.).

Last year in 2016, we spent about 70 thousand rubles on a trip to the Black Sea for 10 days, in Sochi for four (two adults and two children). We drove in our own car. The house was spotted for 1,500 rubles per day.

What equipment should you take with you to sea?

Don’t type, let the gadgets rest, and you too. After all, we came to the sea to sunbathe and relax. Only the essentials:

  • Camera or video camera and charger for it.
  • Mobile phone, smartphone, tablet and again charger.
  • Additional flash drive.
  • Monopod for camera and phone.
  • Portable charger for everything (universal).
  • MP-3 player with headphones.

Clothes and shoes - a list of things to take with you to the sea

You have to figure this out yourself, since everyone wears what they like best. Some people like to change their clothes every day, put on outfits, wear an evening dress, while others are used to a casual style and prefer a T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops.

To a woman

You know what you came to the sea for - how you will spend your days and evenings. Our advice is not categorical and is approximate.

  • Swimsuits or bikinis (2 pieces). Take a couple with you, we understand why. We swam in one, sunbathed, washed and dried. It was the second's turn. And so on in a circle.
  • Pareo for the beach (2 pieces). An irreplaceable thing for those who go on vacation at sea. This is an ordinary silk scarf (maybe from a different fabric), but on the other hand, it is a multifunctional beachwear. Look online and learn how to wear it correctly.
  • Shorts(1 piece). It is enough to take just one - they are less easily soiled.
  • Sundress (2 pieces). A couple of bright and free ones. You can visit cafes and restaurants there.
  • Skirt. Just like a sundress, it is suitable for “outings” to a restaurant or evening “entertainment”. It's better to take a long one.
  • Jeans or pants (1 piece). This is an important item on the list. And necessary in cool weather. Or maybe you want to visit the mountains.
  • Blouse(1 piece). See the point above - so as not to freeze.
  • Underwear (2 pieces). This is the minimum - for each individual.
  • Tops and T-shirts (2 pieces each). Enough for a 10-14 day holiday at sea.
  • Pajamas (1 piece). We advise you to take these clothes with you to the sea. After a hot day, salty water, you will want to take a shower and put on loose home clothes. Letting the body rest at night. Or a nightgown.
  • Flip flops. An essential shoe for the beach and seaside holidays. And in some cases, where the bottom is rocky, it is mandatory.
  • Sneakers. Useful for long walks and forays into the mountains, and in cold weather.
  • Panama il hat. An optional but necessary thing that will protect you from the sun.

Everything else is at your request and discretion. An evening dress and shoes (sandals) only if they are necessary, and you have come to the sea to relax and have fun - to “hang out”.

To a man

Men are more practical than women in terms of things. Few people like to “show off” on the beach - they take the minimum. Only what is really necessary for them.

  • Swimming trunks (2 pieces). How would we go to the beach without them?
  • Underwear – briefs (2 pieces).
  • T-shirt and tank top (3-4 pieces). It’s still hot, and men sweat more profusely.
  • Socks (5 pairs). The same thing - we are talking about heat and sweating. Change more often.
  • Shorts (1-2 pieces).
  • Jacket (1 piece). Better light and with long sleeves.
  • Jeans or trousers (1 piece).
  • Sports suit. Instead of a sweater and jeans, for cool weather.
  • Flip flops, sneakers (1 pair each).
  • Panama hat, bandana or other headwear (1 piece). Avoid direct rays of the sun.

Creams, hygiene and personal care products

Everything without which your skin will fade. And also those things that bring order and beauty to your head, face and hands.

  • Toothpaste and brush
  • Deodorant
  • Shaving accessories
  • Shaving and aftershave creams for men
  • Soap, shower gel, shampoo
  • Manicure set for women
  • Wet and dry wipes
  • Cotton pads and buds
  • Hairdryer and comb (you can get by with just one comb)
  • Toilet paper

Protective means

A list of things that will protect your body from sun rays, insects, and salt water.

  • Sunglasses
  • Mosquito repellent spray or cream
  • Sun protection cream and tanning cream
  • Umbrella (preferably not a cane, automatic, folding)
  • Cap, Panama or hat

Other things

Women who cannot go without makeup every day can take a minimal set with them to the sea.

So what other things:

  • Cosmetics
  • Earplugs (useful for sleeping)
  • Mask for sleep
  • Towel (2 pcs) – for the beach and shower
  • Pen and notepad
  • Beach mat (you need something to sunbathe on)

It is better to leave jewelry and decorations at home. This way they will be safe and sound. You can also recall a bunch of different things, but they are more suitable for traveling (not for two weeks).

And here is the promised checklist - list of things to go to the sea download

Watch Video Tip - What to take with you to the SEA?! | Packing my suitcase for a trip:

If you are going on vacation at the seaside with children, then this is a list of things, let’s call it for children, you will have to add to the general one. Children are different and at sea you can meet both infants and fully grown children.

Before going to the sea, do not forget to look on the Internet where the nearest hospital is located from the place where you are staying, write down all emergency numbers.

Children's medicines

In addition to the medications described in the first aid kit (see above), you should take children's medications: for bruises, bruises and abrasions, drops for the nose and ears, antipyretic, antiallergenic, anti-motion sickness, powder, glycerin suppositories.

All those medications that the doctor prescribed for your child.

Baby clothes

  • For the sea (swimming) – swimming trunks or swimsuit (2-3 pieces)
  • Underwear (panties) – 2-3 pieces
  • Shorts and T-shirts (2 pieces are enough)
  • Set in the form of a top and a skirt or a top and a bridge (1-2 pieces)
  • Pajamas (1 piece)
  • Jeans (sport pants)
  • Long sleeve blouse
  • Panama hat or cap
  • Flip flops and sneakers
  • Dresses for girls (1 piece is enough)
  • Diapers (for babies)

Toys and useful things for visiting the sea

Well, what kind of child can do without toys? Take the ones he loves and plays the most. Toddlers and older children are very happy to play on the beach with a ball - don’t forget about it.

For little ones, it’s not a bad idea to bring inflatables: toys, circles, a pool, a mattress and more. Sand toys will also come in handy: digging in the sand with molds, a bucket and shovel, a water pistol. If possible (and if you have your own car, no problem), you can also take a beach umbrella with you.

Don't forget about food on the road and on the beach. Books, sketchbook or coloring book, markers or pencils. Nail scissors.

And one more Video, What to take with you to the sea with a child:

Rail transport in our country has already established itself as a cheaper mode of transportation. Those who are going to the south can often be found by train. The trip takes 2-3 days, so it is worth taking care of the list of necessary things.

The issue that worries me the most is food. If on the first day you can collect it yourself, then the next day (especially in hot weather) it’s already risky to eat yesterday’s food. There is a way out of the situation - take instant food with you (noodles, mashed potatoes), buy it from the platform and in local shops, or eat in the dining car.

For entertainment and pastime: books, magazines, newspapers, tablet or smartphone (don't forget about the charger). For the child: toys, coloring books. For the baby - a potty and bags.

More and more often, Russians travel by car. When traveling by car to the sea, costs are reduced significantly, especially in company. Economical, but a little cramped. And the convenience is that you have your own transport - you get in and go wherever you need to go.

Before the trip, be sure to check the car for serviceability - just go to the service center and tell them that you will have to drive for a long time.

Mandatory necessary list of things when traveling to the sea by car:

  • Navigator. This device will replace yesterday's card (if we talk about new or updated programs). Now there are navigators that already have built-in navigation maps, routes, and radars.
  • Atlas of highways. This way you will quickly find your bearings and correctly create a route for the navigator (detours and shortcuts).
  • Bloothus headset (wireless) for cell phone. Your cell phone will distract you, but with this gadget it’s convenient to hold the steering wheel and talk on the phone.
  • Automotive tools. The unexpected can happen on the roads, so it’s worth being as prepared as possible. But let's not talk about the bad.
  • Car first aid kit and fire extinguisher. No comments. This should always be in the car.
  • Flashlight (preferably 2 pieces).
  • Bedspreads. It can be chilly when driving at night.
  • And most importantly, documents: driver’s license and registration certificate.

List of things to take with you to the sea by car with children

If you are traveling by car with children. And for a child, a trip is always a joy, but not a long one, but a short one. Children do not like to sit in one place and wait. Therefore, they need to be distracted or entertained.

I love packing my suitcase - I know how to put all my things neatly and don’t forget important things.

I know how to protect my suitcase from thieves. I'll tell you how to do the same.

Sergey Korol


How to choose a suitcase

The best suitcase is small, hard and has four wheels.

A large suitcase is inconvenient to carry: it weighs a lot on its own and does not fit on luggage racks on buses and trains. You are unlikely to fill it with things and purchases on a regular trip. And if you score, you will pay the airline for the advantage.

Things are more intact in a hard suitcase. It will not wrinkle when loaded onto an airplane and is not afraid of impacts. In my soft suitcase, tin cans were constantly crushed and bags were torn. I boldly carry wine bottles in the hard one - everything gets there.

Often a combination lock is installed on suitcases, which secures the zippers. It's called TSA Lock. A thief will not be able to open your suitcase without knowing the code, but airport security staff will be able to, they have a special key. I do not recommend using this lock. In fact, at many airports there are no keys to TSA Lock, and the security service opens the suitcase with a ballpoint pen, damaging the zipper ( here's how it's done). Thieves do the same.

This is how I'm going on a trip

Copies of documents

I'm afraid of losing my documents while traveling. That's why I don't carry them with me, but leave them at the hotel. However, sometimes documents are needed: they are asked when you buy alcohol, or the police are sometimes interested.

For such cases, I make color copies. I copy the main page of the passport and the visa page. I put them in my wallet and always carry them with me.

Printed insurance

Some are content with an email from the insurance company with a PDF of the policy. But I print the insurance and put it in my passport. If I am brought in by ambulance unconscious, the first thing the doctors will do is find the policy in my wallet and contact the insurance company themselves.

Cable tape measure

This is a small lock the size of two matchboxes, with a pull cord and a code. It is convenient for them to fasten their luggage on the train, store, or room.

In a hostel, such a thing will save a couple of euros. They will ask for money for a padlock to lock things in a personal locker, but you have your own.

When is a cable tape measure useful?

You have arrived in Berlin and are traveling an hour by city train to get home. The luggage was placed on a special shelf, among other people's suitcases. In order not to worry and not to look back after each stop, fasten it with a cable to the handrail. This way no one will grab your suitcase.

Or you are going to buy water at the supermarket, but it is inconvenient to roll your suitcase in the store. Clip it near cash registers or storage areas.

But remember that the rope-roulette is a weak lock. If you give the thief enough time, he will either figure out the code or bite the cable. You shouldn't park your suitcase for a couple of hours on some busy street.

Spare card and cash

I'm paranoid - I'm afraid of ending up in a foreign country not only without a passport, but also without money. To prevent this from happening, I put a mini-wallet with a credit card in my suitcase.

I put a hundred dollars in there just in case. I’m also putting a piece of paper with the bank’s support phone number - I’ll call it so that...

If my wallet is stolen, I can always take a taxi to the police, embassy or airport. I can use a credit card to pay for food, buy a new plane ticket, or withdraw cash in a pinch. But this is only as a last resort - withdrawing money from a credit card will immediately incur large interest rates.

What else to take with you

An interesting book and chocolate- in hand luggage. The book helps aerophobes like me relax. Have a chocolate snack if you wait a long time for lunch or don’t want to spend money on a cafe.

All liquids It is better to carry them in your luggage - otherwise they will be taken away at security control.

Thread and needle. I advise you to pack them in an empty matchbox and put them in a bag with wires. It will help if your pants rip or a button comes off. It’s also convenient to use a needle to change the SIM card in an iPhone.

A couple of simple souvenirs. Give postcards from your hometown, magnets, and even metro tokens to random acquaintances you like, or give them to your apartment owner from Air BBC. I prepare special traveler's business cards for every big trip.

What to take with you on a trip

  1. Copies of documents.
  2. Printed insurance.
  3. Roulette rope with lock.
  4. Mini first aid kit.
  5. Clothes in covers.
  6. A bag with wires.
  7. Spare card and cash.
  8. Souvenirs for nice fellow travelers.