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A promising baby - how to choose a puppy from a litter of German Shepherd, Labrador, Alabai, Laika, Husky or Spitz? Alabai puppies: the main rules for selection, care and education What documents for a dog should a breeder have

The Central Asian Shepherd is a breed that emerged from Central Asia through natural selection.

Since ancient times, these brave and playful dogs have guarded huge flocks of small ruminants and protected pastures.

Modern Alabai faithfully perform guard and escort service, having established themselves as a strong and balanced breed.

External signs of the Central Asian Shepherd

The photo of the Central Asian Shepherd shows that it is a rather large and tall dog, with a muscular body that is in harmony with its proportions. Bitches tend to be slightly smaller in stature, and cables have broad, large chests and “hard” shoulders.

A male dog reaches a height at the withers of 70 centimeters, but greater height is possible. His weight is at least 50 kilograms, and the female is slightly weaker in proportions.

You need to know that this breed should not have extra pounds against the background of fatty tissue, that is, only muscle mass predominates.

The head and muzzle are standardly close to a rectangular shape, the forehead is wide, separated by a shallow groove. The bite of the teeth is correct and not crooked, and the teeth themselves must be present in the mouth in full. The color of the dog's elastic, dense coat allows for any color.

How to choose the “right” Central Asian Shepherd puppy?

Nurseries offer a large selection of this breed, but still, you should first properly study all the features of the specimen.

Central Asian Shepherd puppies develop and gain proper shape within three years, so it is necessary to regularly seek advice from a professional dog handler in order to be able to raise your pet correctly and with dignity.

It is wise to choose a nursery with a good reputation, where healthy offspring are bred, since many animal ailments are inherited.

First, you should look at the parents of the Central Asian Shepherd Alabai, check documents on vaccinations and veterinary examinations, and study the pedigree certificate.

At the time of purchase, the baby's ears and tail should already be cropped and healed. It is important to know that the “disadvantages” of the forms will not change over time, that is, all parts of the body of the Alabai puppy for sale must be immediately correctly formed.

The Central Asian Shepherd dog can be trained up to three years. It is important to patiently teach her the main rules:

  • obedience;
  • stop attempts to take a dominant place in the house, that is, show that it is you who are the owner, and in no case she;
  • execute these commands.

Alabais are quite stubborn animals and do not waste their energy in vain, so it is necessary to play with him and at the same time persistently give tasks that will be interesting to the puppy.

Proper maintenance and care of the dog

The best option for housing a pet would, of course, be a spacious open-air enclosure and a cozy, private “apartment” - a kennel, from which the dog must have a full view of the protected area.

The wool has two layers and a warm dense undercoat, as in the photo of a purebred Alabai, so it can easily withstand severe frosts.

Since the dog lives on the street, its care is minimal, but we must not forget about regular eye cleaning, bathing and combing out excess shedding hair.

You also need to clean your ears to avoid ear infections. Naturally, like any other pet, you need to carry out flea and tick prevention.

Alabai menu

Despite the fact that the breed is large, the shepherd dog does not eat that much. You should not overfeed your dog - this will lead to obesity, which provokes dangerous diseases of the joints and heart.

It is better, if possible, to avoid dry food and tubular bones; offer your dog natural food - meat, vegetables and even fruits. It is necessary to include special vitamins in the diet.

If you still have to feed your dog dry food, it is wise to choose an extra-premium product for large breeds, and until the puppy is three years old, you need to take food with a strengthened composition.

Possible ailments of a dog

The Alabai dog breed has an average life expectancy of a maximum of 15 years and, being bred in harsh conditions, still has a predisposition to certain diseases:

  • The occurrence of arrhythmia, due to the ability to move little, sitting on a chain or living in a cramped apartment.
  • At a later age, arrhythmia can lead to a heart attack, but most often due to obesity.
  • Diseases of bones and joints also arise from a sedentary lifestyle and lack of vitamins.
  • If the dog is not completely purebred, there is a risk of genetic diseases.

The puppy must receive the appropriate vaccinations in a timely manner, following the mandatory vaccination schedule!

Alabai is characterized as a powerful, strong, reliable and devoted pet.

But when getting a puppy of this breed, it is important to realize full responsibility and fully understand that the dog needs competent training, taming its temperament and decent care!

Photo of Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

The purchase of a Central Asian Shepherd puppy should be taken with responsibility, because the future owner will acquire a faithful and devoted friend for many years. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a pet, you need to know what criteria to evaluate an Alabai puppy and what factors to focus on when buying a baby.

What rules should you follow when buying a Central Asian Shepherd? You should buy a dog only from a special nursery that breeds this breed. When purchasing a dog secondhand or through an ad on the Internet, there is a risk of buying a sick puppy or an ordinary mongrel. It will be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish a mestizo from a purebred Alabai.

The breeder must provide the future owner with all the necessary documents: a veterinary passport and a pedigree history of the puppy listing its ancestors, confirming the purebred of the Alabai. You shouldn’t rush to make a choice and buy a baby from the first nursery. To buy a really good and healthy pet, it is advisable to visit several breeders and carefully familiarize yourself not only with the puppies, but also with their parents. You need to ask the breeder how many babies there were in the litter. If the bitch has given birth to more than six cubs, you should refrain from purchasing, as the baby may be underfed and have developmental disabilities.

To choose the best puppy from the litter, you need to visit at least 2 kennels

To choose a good puppy, you should examine the appearance of the animal and conduct several tests to find out the character of the future pet.

Important: you should also pay attention to the conditions in which the dogs are kept in the kennel and how the animals react to strangers. If the Alabai behave hostilely, the enclosures are dirty, and the dogs look unkempt, it is better to buy a puppy from another breeder.

At what age is it better to adopt an Alabai puppy?

In order for a small pet to quickly adapt to new conditions and unfamiliar surroundings, it is advisable to purchase an Alabai that is no more than three months old. The most optimal age to buy a baby is considered to be forty-five to sixty days from birth, since they are already feeding on their own and have already received the first necessary vaccinations.

You need to adopt an Alabai puppy at two months of age.

Some breeders give away puppies that are barely a month old, but you should not buy an animal at such a young age.

How to determine the age of an Alabai so as not to bring home a puppy that is too small? The easiest way is to request a veterinary certificate from the owner. After all, puppies of this breed are vaccinated only after two months of age. You can also ask the breeder to measure and weigh the baby. Alabai, who is one and a half to two months old, should be thirty to thirty-five centimeters tall and weigh at least ten kilograms.

How to choose an Alabai puppy from a litter by appearance

To make sure that the puppy is healthy, the owner needs to carefully examine the baby. A healthy puppy should have:

  • shiny and soft wool;
  • clean and smooth skin;
  • ears without traces of discharge;
  • clean eyes and anus;
  • wet nose;
  • front and hind legs, without curvatures or defects;
  • elastic and rounded tummy without an umbilical hernia.

Important: if the owner purchases an Alabai to participate in exhibitions and competitions, then experts do not recommend choosing the smallest or largest baby from the litter, because the growth of an adult pet may not meet generally accepted standards.

You should pay attention to the conditions in which Alabai puppies live

Features of the character and behavior of the Alabai

When choosing a baby Sao, you should also pay attention to his behavior. A baby with a stable and healthy psyche will in the future become an obedient and reliable guard, and his training and education will not require much effort from the owner. The puppy should be curious and observant. You should check how kids react to external stimuli; to do this, you can throw a bunch of keys or a small pebble near them. If an Alabai shows interest in an unfamiliar object and begins to examine it, he will make an excellent and reliable guard.

You can tell if your puppy is paying attention by clapping your hands. A loud sound should alert the baby and make him look around in search of the source of the noise. A small Alabai that is frightened by unfamiliar sounds and runs deeper into the enclosure should not be purchased. It is unlikely that he will be able to fully fulfill the role of a defender and formidable watchman. Also, you should not choose a puppy that is too restless and active, because training such a pet will be quite difficult.

Boy or girl: who is better?

An equally important step when purchasing an Alabai puppy is to decide on the gender of the future pet.

Girls of this breed have a calm and balanced disposition; they are easier to train, obedient and flexible. They are patient and affectionate towards children and are perfect as a pet for a family with a small child. But it should be borne in mind that during estrus or in the first two months after the birth of babies, females cannot fully perform the duties of a guard. In addition, during the period of feeding puppies, the behavior of the bitch can become unpredictable, and, protecting her offspring, the new mother is hostile towards other animals and even people she knows.

Alabai girls are more obedient and gentle

Males behave more aggressively and warlike than females; they are formidable and reliable defenders, ready to guard the peace of the owners and the possessions under their control around the clock. Therefore, if a dog is purchased to guard the territory, it is better to opt for a boy. But male dogs have an independent and willful character, and the owner will have to devote a lot of time to training and raising the puppy in order to become a leader and authority in the eyes of the pet.

What should the parents of an Alabai puppy be like?

The character, behavior and appearance of a puppy largely depends on its parents. Therefore, before finally deciding on the choice of a baby, the owner needs to not only look at his mother and father, but also ask the breeder several questions related to the age of the bitch and the frequency of her birth. The future owner should:

  • find out the age of the puppies' mother. The healthiest offspring are born by females aged from two to eight years;
  • ask when the female had her previous birth. If less than a year has passed between gestations, the puppies may be weak and prone to various diseases;
  • look at the puppies' father. If the breeder bred a female with a male from another nursery, ask to see photographs of the animal in order to evaluate its external characteristics;
  • study the behavior of both parents or at least the mother of the children. Let the breeder have the dog perform a few basic commands so that the future owner can evaluate his level of training and propensity for obedience.

Before choosing an Alabai puppy, you should look at its parents

Important: it is worth asking the breeder if the puppies’ parents are close relatives. If yes, then you should refuse to buy a baby. After all, Alabais born from such a marriage often exhibit hereditary and genetic diseases.

How to distinguish a purebred Alabai

To distinguish an Alabai from a crossbreed, just look at its coat. For example, Sao mestizos and Caucasian Shepherd dogs have long hair, while purebred Alabais have short and plush fur. There are cases when puppies of ordinary large mongrels have their ears and tails docked and are sold to inexperienced people as purebred Alabais. By what external features can you distinguish a Central Asian Shepherd from a mongrel dog?

The buyer is offered an ordinary mongrel if:

  • the puppy has yellow or amber eyes;
  • gray coat color;
  • thin, long legs;
  • erect ears;
  • long or wavy hair;
  • wide and convex forehead.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish an Alabai puppy from a crossbreed, especially if the owners use tricks

Important: purebred Alabais always have a white tip of their tail. Therefore, the future owner should ask the breeder to show a photo of the newborn puppy to ensure that the baby is purebred.

The Central Asian Shepherd is primarily a guard and protector, but if you win the dog’s respect, the pet will become a faithful and devoted friend for the owner, who you can always rely on.

Alabai dogs have an independent character. Despite this, they are immensely devoted to their owner and are always ready to protect him literally until their last breath. In addition, these are very smart and strong animals, which, with proper and timely training, can understand the owner at a glance or gesture.

Features of choosing an Alabai puppy

How to choose an Alabai puppy? It is best to purchase it from a specialized nursery where this particular breed is bred. This approach will allow you to be guaranteed to get a purebred, absolutely healthy and mentally balanced four-legged pet.

Alternatively, you can buy a puppy from trusted friends who will give you the opportunity to make the choice yourself. In any case, first of all you will need to determine the sex of the animal, focusing on the following recommendations:

  • if your family has small children, then it is better to choose females. They have an easy-going and even patient character and create significantly fewer problems. Their only drawback is the inability to fulfill their duties to protect the family for some time after childbirth. Usually this period lasts no more than one and a half to two months;
  • The Alabai male is a formidable guard for whom there are practically no difficult tasks. He is ready to protect the owner and people close to him around the clock;
  • Both males and females are big fans of fighting. Moreover, very often such battles end in a fatal outcome for the enemy. If this is a problem for you, it is better to opt for other breeds, since the love of fighting is almost impossible to eradicate from the Alabai.

We focus on the behavior and appearance of the puppies

Alabai puppies have absolutely smooth fur and from a distance look very much like plush toys. If you are offered an animal with long hair, then it is most likely a cross with a shepherd. Some people don’t pay any attention to this, but if you want to buy a purebred puppy, it’s better to refuse the offer.

In addition, long-haired puppies can much more easily tolerate being kept on a chain in an outdoor kennel, but a purebred Alabai requires complete freedom of movement.

  • the puppy’s skin, as well as his ears and eyes, must be completely clean;
  • carefully turn the baby over and gently feel his tummy - this will allow you to detect a hernia in a timely manner;
  • a healthy puppy's nose is always wet;
  • Do not buy babies that have any curvatures or defects in the front and rear legs.

To choose a dog for protection, you need to pay attention to the baby’s behavior. If he jumps up, whines and runs away from one loud sound, he is unlikely to be a defender. Such a cowardly puppy is not suitable for dog fighting. Many breeders advise a potential buyer to throw keys or some heavy object on the floor - a good dog will not immediately run away, but will begin to sniff an unfamiliar thing.

If you are choosing a puppy, but do not have much experience in raising dogs, you should not buy an Alabai that is too playful and restless. In the future, he can create a lot of problems for you, almost impossible to train.

What documents should a breeder have for a dog?

To avoid problems in the very near future, it is better to purchase an Alabai puppy with a full set of documents. For example, in specialized nurseries you will definitely be presented with the following documents for your baby:

  • veterinary passport. This document contains information about the puppy's health status, as well as all the vaccinations that have been given to it up to now;
  • pedigree. It is the official confirmation of the purebred animal, and also contains information about the nursery and the ancestors.

It makes sense to buy an Alabai puppy approximately 45-50 days after its birth. This is exactly how long it takes for a baby to adapt to this cruel world. In addition, during this period he receives all the vaccinations that protect the body from a wide variety of diseases. It is also not worth stalling for time and taking your pet home later than the appointed time, since the beginning of an independent life for the puppy should occur under your full control.

If you do not like any puppy from the examined litter, it is better to wait for the next one, without succumbing to the breeder’s persuasion and without trying to choose the “best of the worst.” Insist on testing to determine the animal's level of trust in humans, its tendency to obedience, and its level of dominance.

Well, all the thoughts are behind you, and you have finally decided to buy a puppy. I warn you right away, remember: good things don’t come cheap. Tribal Asian is not a cheap pleasure. Their price is on average from 500 USD. That is, and for some litters pre-registration is required.

Having understood the moral and material issues, you are ready to buy. However, buying a puppy is too important a matter to decide on without being a specialist. I would advise choosing a puppy together with a person who knows all the intricacies of this breed. To do this, you first need to select the litter from which you would like to purchase a puppy. In this case, I will give some useful tips that I hope will help you.
1. Buy puppies only bred by the Kennel Union of Ukraine (KSU), because only puppies with such documents have a reliable origin.
2. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the correspondence of the brand number on the puppy to the numbers on the puppy card.
3. Check out the pedigrees of the puppy's parents. If possible, look at photos or videos of your ancestors.
4. Look at the exterior of the puppy's parents, and also look at the type (length) of the coat. The smooth-haired, short-haired type is most preferred. But, unfortunately, it is quite rare. Most dogs have a medium coat type. Dogs with long hair should be treated with caution, as there is a high probability that this is an admixture of other breeds (for example, the Caucasian Shepherd). Pay attention to the mother, to her psyche, because... It is the mother who has a great influence on the offspring.
5. If it is not possible to look at the father of the puppies in person (in the case of a mating from another city), look at his photo or video image, read his measurements (height, weight, pastern girth, etc.).
6. Find out for what purpose the mating was made with this manufacturer. Was there inbreeding and on what dogs? In the case of inbreeding (closely related breeding), what the dog looked like and what character it had, because in this case the puppies may be similar to it.
7. In a litter, puppies usually come in different colors. Very often, a puppy that is similar in color to an ancestor becomes similar to it with age.
8. Pay attention to the psyche of puppies. To do this, you can perform a simple test. First, throw a bunch of keys near the puppies and watch their behavior. Then place a bowl of food. You will immediately notice a difference in their behavior. Those puppies that do not show fear, will approach the keys and boldly defend their rightful place at the feeding trough, will grow into brave working dogs in the future and, as a rule, will have the makings of a leader.
9. Having selected the puppies you like based on their behavior, examine their exterior (i.e. body structure, appearance). An Asian “starts from the head.” The most desirable is a teardrop-shaped head with smooth lines and a smooth transition from forehead to muzzle. The forehead is flat, the muzzle is voluminous, well filled under the eyes. The ratio of skull to muzzle is 3:2. The lower jaw is massive, wide, the lips are thick, fleshy, the nose is large and dark.

The bite is scissor-shaped (the upper teeth extend beyond the lower ones), the chest is deep and wide, the articulations of the thoracic vertebrae form the upper platform, and the sternum (keel) forms the lower one. The wider the “lower and upper platforms” are, the wider the adult dog’s chest will be. The front legs are thick with well-defined growth zones at the joints. In a 1-1.5 month old puppy, the palm of an adult male can freely pass between the front paws. Behind the normal ribs are false ribs (i.e., the ribs on top are attached to the spine, but below are not attached to the keel). The longer the false ribs are, the more load the dog can withstand (due to increased lung capacity). Behind the rib cage is the lower back. It should be wide (the width is not much narrower than the chest), the length does not matter much, because different lines have their own length of the lower back. For example, the line of White Ekimen 1 consistently has a long, well-muscled lower back, capable of withstanding a very heavy load.

And the Black Ekimen line has a short loin. The loin goes into the croup. The croup should be as powerful and wide as possible. The pelvic bones serve as the basis for attaching the thigh muscles. Tail. It is advisable for the dog to hold it up. A drooping tail is a sign of fear and indecision.

When choosing a puppy, you should decide on the gender in advance. Decide who you need - a male or a female. You cannot categorically declare who is better. I will introduce you to the main differences, and you will be able to decide on this issue. Males are more powerful, heavy and tall. The height at the withers is, on average, from 73 to 85 cm, weight is from 60 to 80 kg. The girth of the pastern is from 14 to 18 cm. Males have a better developed protective instinct. They are physically stronger and more resilient. Of the minuses: they are more hot-tempered, they can go after a bitch in heat.

Bitches are smaller and slightly lighter than males. Height at the withers is on average 66-75 cm, weight 45-70 kg. Pastern girth 13-16 cm. Bitches are more affectionate and easier to train. Of the minuses: 1-2 times a year the bitch leaks. To prevent self-tying, the dog should be walked only on a leash or kept closed in an enclosure for three weeks.

11. When choosing a dog, you should also pay attention to the number of puppies in the litter and their weight. Normally, a bitch can feed no more than 6-8 puppies. In larger litters, puppies are usually smaller in size with finer bones and lighter heads. The weight of puppies at birth should be 700-1000 g for a male, 500-800 g for a female. At the age of 30 days, the male already weighs 4.5-5 kg, the female 4-4.5 kg.

You will have a question: which litter should you choose? After all, it is enough to come to the bird market or open any newspaper with advertisements to make sure that everywhere they sell no less than purebred Alabais. On the one hand, everything is understandable: everyone wants to make money. However, you should know that all Alabai are Asians, but not all Asians are Alabai. Not every mongrel without ears and a tail with “left” documents is a purebred Asian. The easiest way to understand the variety of puppies for sale is to go and see as many options as possible. And believe me, after examining 3-5 or more litters, even a non-specialist will see the difference. After all, “a diamond can be seen even among a heap of cobblestones.”

12. The puppy must be picked up no earlier than 45 days, so that the puppy can feed on its own, without the bitch. The vaccination can be started from 45 days, consolidating after 14 days. When picking up the puppy, find out what he was fed, what type of feeding he was used to: 1) only dry food; 2) natural products (porridge, meat, cottage cheese); 3) mixed. Knowing what the breeder fed the dog, you can determine the type of feeding that is convenient for you and switch to it painlessly.

And in conclusion, I would like to add that buying a dog is too responsible, because you are not just buying a thing, but a family member. In this case, you can remember the old proverb: “Measure a hundred times, cut once.” Only in our case it sounds something like this: “Look and think a hundred times - and only then buy.”

People who want to acquire a loyal and brave protector should consider purchasing an Alabai puppy. This breed is famous for its balance and ease of care: the main thing is to provide the animal with enough space and regularly engage in training. If a dog recognizes its owner as a true master, it will faithfully serve him for the rest of its life. But only a person with a strong will can control a dog: there are legends about the pride and independence of the Alabais. Anyone who is not afraid of potential difficulties and is ready to work on their relationship with their pet can go to the breeder. How to choose a good Alabai puppy?

How to choose an Alabai puppy by gender

All puppies look cute, regardless of gender. But with age, habits change, which can cause a lot of trouble for an unprepared owner. Who is better to choose - a boy or a girl?

  1. Bitches are slightly smaller in size than males. Their character is quite pliable and calm. Even absolute beginners in dog breeding can buy “ladies”.
  2. Males are distinguished by their large “dimensions” and almost always a tendency to dominate. Male dogs are independent and can actively try to defend their “right” to a dominant position in the pack, so certain difficulties often arise with their upbringing.

It is necessary to adequately assess your capabilities. If an Alabai is taken into a house where small children live, a female should be preferred: there is less chance that the pet will have any conflicts with the younger members of the family.

A male dog who both looks and acts more seriously than a “beautiful lady” is better suited as a guard. True, it is better not to get an Alabai boy as your first dog: it is not a fact that an inexperienced owner will be able to assert his authority over the pet, and in this case the pet will simply be dangerous.

The ideal option is to get a couple of dogs of different sexes at the same time. But this is only permissible if there is enough space in the yard for a spacious enclosure, and the owner is able to pay a lot of attention to the pets.

Alabai puppy: how to choose by appearance

The correct exterior of a puppy can be described as follows:

  • “plushness”, short soft wool;
  • “smooth” teardrop-shaped head;
  • flat forehead;
  • dark and large nose;
  • heavy lower jaw;
  • thick fleshy lips;
  • scissor bite;
  • massive chest and croup;
  • raised ponytail;
  • widely spaced front paws.

As a rule, a puppy takes on its character from its mother, and its physical characteristics from its father. Therefore, it is advisable to read the description of the puppy’s parents, and, if possible, observe them with your own eyes (or watch photos/videos). But you should understand that the loud titles of their ancestors do not mean that these dogs gave the same “brilliant” offspring.

There are a number of criteria by which it is easy to determine which Alabai puppy it is better not to adopt:

  1. Long wool. This sign indicates that the dog is a mixture of a Caucasian Shepherd and an Alabai.
  2. Obvious health problems. Unpleasant body odor, cloudy eyes, suppuration, nasal discharge, rash, redness are not the best symptoms. Perhaps the puppy was not properly kept and looked after poorly. There is no need to take risks: any injuries or illnesses are a reason to refuse to purchase a specific individual.
  3. Lots of folds and hanging lips. Such an alabai will most likely grow up “loose” and develop problems with joints and skin.
  4. Excess weight. A fat, well-fed puppy only looks cute - in fact, he has already entered the risk zone, having begun to experience the “delights” of being overweight from early childhood. In the future, diseases of the joints and bones are possible.

It is necessary to purchase Alabai either from a trusted breeder or from a nursery with a good reputation. This is the only way to be sure that the purchased puppy will be truly purebred and healthy. The price of the breed is rather high: for a purebred baby with a pedigree, about $1000 will be forgiven; Just an Alabai dog puppy can be found for about $150-200.

Which Alabai puppy to choose based on behavioral characteristics

It is necessary to evaluate not only the external characteristics of the puppy, but also how he behaves. Alabai with a healthy, balanced psyche exhibits the following qualities:

  • curiosity;
  • courage;
  • goodwill.

There is a simple test that allows you to quickly assess your dog's habits. You need to throw the usual keys in the direction of the puppies: those “guys” who are not afraid of an unusual sound and approach an unfamiliar object with interest have leadership inclinations and are capable of becoming good guards.

You should not choose the most active and restless puppy if you have no experience at all in breeding dogs: in the future such an Alabai may turn out to be very “difficult” and difficult to train.

Alabai puppy: which one to choose? Required documents

It is advisable to purchase alabai with a full set of documents. Only their presence can confirm the “reliability” of the breed and the pedigree of the animal. For a dog you need the following “pieces of paper”:

  1. Pedigree (for puppies - puppy card, or metric). It confirms the breed, contains information about their ancestors and the nurseries in which they were bred.
  2. Veterinary passport. Provides information about the puppy's vaccinations and his health status.

Purchasing an Alabai without documents is a lottery, since a person does not receive true information about the breed and parents of the dog. In the latter case, there is a risk of buying a puppy with hereditary problems.

You can take your pet home no earlier than 45 days after its birth. The baby needs this period to adapt and gain the first skills of communicating with others, especially with the mother. In addition, the dog will receive the necessary vaccinations, the details of which will be included in the veterinary passport.

After the allotted time, the alabai will be able to feed on its own, and will also acquire the necessary skills for further training. You should not “overstay” the puppy in the kennel longer than necessary: ​​the first months of life are the most important in the development of the animal’s personality, and it is important that the owner controls this process.

Alabai can become a loyal friend if you treat the dog with due understanding and respect. But in order for the relationship with the pet to meet all the owner’s hopes, you should carefully approach the issue of choosing a puppy. This is the first step towards finding a pet that will live side by side with a person for at least the next decade.