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Side effects of steroids and how to reduce the harm of steroids. Anabolic Steroids: Side Effects

    Andriol (active substance - testosterone undecanoate) - one of the few new steroids, along with "Methyltestosterone" is the only oral testosterone drug. Testosterone itself, when taken orally, is completely ineffective, since it is immediately inactivated in the liver upon absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Andriol does not show the phenomena of feminization, it is very quickly excreted by the body, it is not indicated for women, because. androgenic components are very strongly manifested in the body when taking the drug. When using andriol, sometimes there are phenomena of high blood pressure, accumulation of fluid in the body, acne, supersexuality, and in women all this leads to masculinization phenomena.

  • Winstrol Depot (the active substance is stanozolol) - according to some experts, “it is completely useless in all respects. Winstrol does not have any side effects worthy of mention at conventional traditional doses, but at any dose it does not produce noticeable muscle or strength gains. It is also of little use to women, as well as to men ”(Kzrr R., 1999). Side effects of the drug include the formation of scars at the injection site, i.e. on the buttocks, which forces Winstrol to be injected into the shoulders, legs, or even the calf muscles.
  • A growth hormone (active ingredient - somatropin, trade names: crescormon, humatrope, norditropin) - is used for long-term muscle building. This is the biggest risk an athlete can take, as the side effects are irreversible. Growth hormones are surrounded in their use and application by an aura of mystery, some call it a miracle remedy that gives a giant increase in strength and mass in the shortest possible time, others consider it completely useless in achieving sports results and explain this by the fact that the drug stimulates the growth of only those who are lagging behind in physical development of children. The hormone has a strong anabolic effect and promotes increased protein synthesis, which is expressed in muscle hypertrophy and muscle hyperplasia. The latter is expressed quite interestingly, steroids do not have a similar effect. Secondly, growth hormone has a strong effect on the fat burning process. Growth hormone strengthens connective tissue, tendons, bones and cartilage, which is probably one of the main reasons for the increase in strength that is observed in some athletes. But, when using the hormone, the body's need for thyroid hormone, insulin, corticosteroids, gonadotropins, estrogens, androgens and anabolics increases. This is the reason why growth hormone, as the only drug taken, is much less effective and can have its optimal effect on the body only with the additional intake of steroids, thyroid hormone and insulin. And this is the sum of the side effects. Growth hormone causes side effects that are not similar to the effects of steroids. The main problem is a possible lack of sugar in the blood or a possible hypofunction of the thyroid gland. Acromegaly, diabetes, myocardial hypertrophy, high blood pressure, kidney and liver growth can theoretically occur with excessive and long-term use of growth hormone. More frequent problems with growth hormone occur when an athlete additionally injects insulin.
  • Deca-durabolin (active substance - nandrolone decanoate) - causes the accumulation of nitrogen in the muscle cell in an amount greater than it gives off, which leads to a positive nitrogen balance. At the same time, most athletes have a noticeable accumulation of water in the body, in high dosages leads to an elastic and watery appearance. Promotes the accumulation of water in connective tissues. Due to the fact that Deca is a long-acting anabolic, there is a danger of accumulation of excessive amounts of water before the competition at a higher dosage. At dosages above 400 mg per week, androgen-related phenomena may occur, which is expressed in an increase in blood pressure, in slowing down the process of blood clotting, which can lead to frequent nosebleeds and bleeding wounds that do not heal for a long time, as well as increased activity of the sebaceous glands and sometimes progressive acne. Young athletes sometimes report a headache. When taking very high doses for a longer time in men, spermatogenesis delays may occur, i.e. the testicles will produce less testosterone. This is the reason that Deca-Durabolin, like almost all steroids, causes a delay in the release of gonadropins from the pituitary gland. In women at high doses, androgen-induced masculinization phenomena may occur: a decrease in the timbre of the voice (often irreversible), increased hair growth, acne, and sometimes clitoral hypertrophy.
  • Dianabol (active substance - methandrostenolone / methandienone), trade names: anabol, nerabol, dialon, etc.) is an oral steroid that has a strong effect on protein metabolism. Under its influence, protein synthesis is enhanced, the effect is expressed in a positive balance of nitrogen in the body, it promotes the entry of calcium into bone tissue. Dianabol can cause gastrointestinal disturbances. In women, it leads to noticeable masculinization phenomena, so dianabol is hardly indicated for them. In high dosages and with prolonged use, dianabol is toxic to the liver. Due to the fact that dianabol quickly increases weight through a strong accumulation of water, an increase in pressure and tachycardia are possible. Dianabol is highly aromatized and easily converted to estrogens, causing gynecomastia in some individuals and worsening an already poor condition. It can cause acne on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. stimulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. In individuals with a hereditary predisposition, dianabol can accelerate baldness, the reason for which is the high conversion of its chemical into dihydrotestosterone. Due to a significant effect on the level of endogenous testosterone, it reduces the level of testosterone production in the body by 30-40%, which explains the pronounced antigonadotropic effect. As the drug is discontinued, there is often a loss of strength and muscle mass, tk. the water accumulated in the body while taking the drug is again removed from it. When taken in high doses, an increasing aggressive behavior of a person is sometimes observed. Therefore, in people with an "explosive" nature, its intake can lead to uncontrolled actions. Side effects are especially characteristic when taking domestic dianabol, when using it, some strange side effects that go beyond the usual norm are noted, with variations from nausea, vomiting to real diseases, which bedridden more than one athlete to bed for several days. But its main difference is that the drug has a strong effect on the liver.
  • Durabolin (active substance - nandrolonenphenyl propionate, trade names: activin, durolon, phenobolin, etc.) - quite similar to Deca-durabolin and its predecessor. But unlike Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin requires frequent and regular injections. Of the side effects, masculinization phenomena in women are possible, such as hoarseness of the voice, a decrease in the timbre of the voice, hirsutism, acne, etc., but as a rule, they develop when taking high doses of the drug.
  • HCG, human choriogonadotropin (active substance - hCG, trade names: A.P.L., biogonadil, choragon, chorion plus, glucor, gonadotrafon, pregnyl, etc.) - is not an anabolic / androgenic steroid, but a natural hormone that is formed in the placenta of a pregnant woman. HCG has almost the same qualities as luteinizing hormone, so it is used to boost testosterone production. In many weightlifters, bodybuilding athletes, when taking the drug, sexual interest decreases at the end of a hard training cycle, shortly before and immediately after competitions, and especially at the end of a steroid course. HCG is considered illegal doping in competition. Taking HCG can cause the same side effects as taking testosterone. With increased testosterone production, estrogen levels also increase, which can result in gynecomastia (growth of the mammary glands). The man has a noticeable growth of the chest. In high doses, the drug can also cause acne, as well as the accumulation of water and mineral salts in the body. In very young athletes, HCG, like anabolic steroids, can lead to premature completion of bone growth.
  • Clenbuterol (the active substance is clenbuterol hydrochloride) is not a steroid hormone, but a 2-beta sympathomimetic, although it can be compared in action with steroids. Clenbuterol has an anti-catabolic effect, i.e. reduces the percentage of protein that breaks down in muscle cells. Clenbuterol is not a hormonal drug, therefore it does not have strong side effects typical of anabolic steroids. Possible side effects of Clenbuterol are restlessness, palpitations, slight shaking of the fingers, headaches, increased sweating, drowsiness, sometimes muscle cramps, high blood pressure, and nausea.
  • Lasix (active substance - furosemide) - is a diuretic and is used to reduce body weight due to intense dehydration of the body. Side effects of Lasix include circulatory disorders, dizziness, dehydration, muscle spasms, vomiting, vascular collapse, diarrhea, and feeling unwell. Cardiac arrest may occur.
  • Nolvadex (active - tamaxifencitrate) is neither androgenic nor anabolic, it belongs to the group of hormones and is an anti-estrogen. Normally, its scope is the treatment of certain forms of breast cancer in women. Nolvadex is often taken concomitantly with anabolic steroids, since the action of most steroids can increase the level of estrogens in the blood with feminization phenomena (gynecomastia, increased accumulation of fat and increased accumulation of water in the body), and the anti-estrogen Nolvadex counteracts this. But in some cases, Nolvadex does not lower the level of estrogen, but can, on the contrary, increase it. The drug weakens the anabolic effect of some steroids. Side effects include vomiting, fever, confusion, numbness, visual disturbances, and in women, menstrual irregularities can occur, which manifests itself in scanty menstruation or no menstruation at all.
  • Omnadren 250 (active ingredients - testosterone phenyl propionate) - a four-component preparation of testosterone. Omnadren is used, as a rule, due to the accumulation of water in the muscles. The drug is characterized as "Omna-skull" (due to the pastiness of the face, which is noticeable on the cheeks, forehead, under the eyes). Side effects are similar to those of other testosterone preparations, the most characteristic, along with fluid retention, is the appearance of acne and increased aggressiveness.
  • Parabolan (active substance - trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) - a strong androgenic steroid, it does not cause a sharp increase in weight. Parabolan is quite toxic, affecting primarily the kidneys, then the liver. Athletes who take it in high doses and for more than a few weeks often report unusually severe darkening of the urine. In some cases, blood may appear in the urine. Along with this, many athletes exhibit aggressive behavior, the reason for which is the strong androgenic effect of the drug. However, compared to other drugs, acne and hair loss are very rare. As the drug is discontinued, there is a distinct decline in strength, while the increased muscle remains longer.
  • Proviron (active ingredient: masterolone) is a synthetic, orally acting androgen that does not have anabolic properties. In medicine, it is used in the treatment of disorders caused by a lack of male sex hormones, to raise the reduced production of testosterone. At high dosages, it can lead to a delay in the body of electrolytes and water, to the development of edema. The most common side effect of Proviron is pronounced painful sexual superstimulation and, in some cases, prolonged erection. This condition can lead to all sorts of disorders. Women should take Proviron with caution, since all kinds of androgenic side effects are not excluded.
  • Sustanon 250 (active ingredient - testosiberon propionate, a mixture of four testosterones) - begins to act quickly and at the same time remains in the body for several weeks. It has a pronounced androgenic effect, without retaining water in the body. Side effects are similar to those of testosterone enanthate, although they are less frequent and less severe. Depending on the time of administration and doses of sustanon, the usual androgen-related side effects can be observed, such as acne, aggressiveness, sexual overstimulation, fat deposition in the skin, accelerated hair loss, reduced production of sex hormones.
  • Testosterone enanthate (the active substance is testosterone enanthate, there are 14 other preparations in the USA containing the active chemical substance testosterone enanthate) is an ester of natural testosterone. He is responsible for the normal development of male sexual characteristics. In medicine, testosterone enanthate finds use: in boys and adolescents it is used in growth therapy, and in women it is used as an additional treatment for certain forms of mammary tumors in the postmenstrual cycle. Testosterone enanthate is a long-acting steroid that provides a long duration of exposure to the body. Depending on the metabolism and the hormonal system, the effect of the drug is 2-3 weeks, so theoretically very long intervals between injections are possible. Very strong androgenic effect and intense anabolic effect, very strongly stimulates the regeneration processes in the body, so it acts quickly in terms of increasing vitality, energizing and accelerating the compensation phases. But already 2 weeks after discontinuation of the drug, the skin loses its relief, becomes smooth, flat, and the muscles are edematous. It looks like it's filled with air. Beginners in steroid cycles should avoid all types of testosterone. With high-dose testosterone therapy, a cessation or decrease in spermatogenesis is often observed. Therefore, the side effects of testosterone enanthate are, first of all, phenomena caused by its strong androgenic effect and increased accumulation of water in the body. As a rule, they are the cause of hypertension that often occurs when taking testosterone enanthate. Quite often, taking the drug is accompanied by the appearance of widespread acne on the back, chest, shoulders, arms, a little less on the face, and more often the rash does not appear while taking testosterone enanthate, but after stopping the intake. Another side effect is painful sexual superstimulation with frequent erections that appears at the beginning of taking the drug. Testosterone can lead to accelerated growth and maturation of bone tissue, to the predominant growth of the epiphyses, and, consequently, to the cessation of the process of body growth. Side effects include testicular atrophy, decreased spermatogenesis, and increased aggressiveness. Large doses can cause steroid psychoses - "androgen megadose psychoses". Side effects also include a decrease in the timbre of the voice and accelerated hair loss, and changes in the voice and alopecia are irreversible, hirsutism and clitoral hypertrophy are only partially reversible.
  • Testosterone Propionate (active substance - testosterone propionate) - testosterone ester, in contrast to the long-acting testosterone enanthate and cypionate, propionate has a significantly shorter duration of exposure. In women, with its proper use, androgen-related side effects can be avoided. The side effects of propionate are similar to the side effects of enanthate, but they are less common. With a genetic predisposition, the drug in very high doses can cause well-known androgenic side effects: acne, hair loss, increased hair growth on the body, and a decrease in the timbre of the voice. Increased libido is often observed in both men and women. Gynecomastia, despite the high level of propionate convertibility, is less common than with other testosterones. Possible water retention in the body.
  • Esiclene (hubernol, active substance - formsbolone) - is a steroid, although it differs from other steroids, it is of little use in terms of its anabolic effects. At the site of its injection, local inflammation of the muscle tissue develops, the involved muscle swells and increases in size.

Date of: 2014-12-04 Views: 44 664 Grade: 4.9

Important! The site "Your Trainer" does not sell or encourage the use of anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who nevertheless decide to take them do it as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

At times you read the description of various pharmaceutical substances by "specialists" from the network and it becomes ridiculous. And when you think that some guy, disappointed in the natural approach to the training process, will take and apply these masterpieces of thought on himself, and laughing is no longer a hunt. I mean recommendations:
  • Use insulin for those who are not gaining mass.
  • Put on 3-4 grams of AAS per week, after two years of chemicalization.
  • The inclusion of growth hormone in your, so to speak, courses, etc.
Somehow, on one of the forums, I was shocked by the advice to a newcomer from an authoritative forum member: if they say your caviar does not grow, then forget about them and don’t worry. And buy synthol - solve, so to speak, your problem once and for all. At such times, it really seems that the moralists who oppose the propaganda of pharmacology on the Internet are really right. Let it be better to live with a drisch than a boy will be crippled or die, God forbid. In this article I will try to briefly and clearly explain what cannot be done. And it is undesirable for advanced amateurs who do not compete. Let's start with our favorite AAS (androgenic-anabolic steroids). One of the most dangerous and insidious steroids. Moreover, despite the vast experience of application, it is still presented as an excellent tool for the first course in life. Enough of those who sit on it most of the time of the year! These are, first of all, the so-called fitonies who want to look dry and fried all year round. Yes, stanase is unrivaled in terms of peak performance in bodybuilding and fitness. It is enough to follow the diet traditional for these sports and Stanozolol will literally squeeze water out of the body, and extremely quickly. Alas, just as aggressive are its side effects. IRREVERSIBLE damage to the cardiovascular system and damaging effects on ligaments, joints and tendons is the norm for this drug. Yes, and it hits the liver no worse than methane and oxymetholone. Add here the negative impact on the prostate and think, is all this wealth of temporary physical conditions that amuse your EGO? Halotestin and Halotestin are commonly referred to as drugs based on this active ingredient. Recently, it has been actively used by athletes from heavy weight categories in preparation for bodybuilding competitions. And how is it customary to consider in amateur circles? Since this is common among the monsters of our favorite sport, and it costs decent money, then we must take it. Perhaps, and on me will play. This steroid is completely useless for a set of meat. Does not assume such properties initially. But androgenic to disgrace. Baldness, severe acne, hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands, prostate growth and pronounced aggressiveness - this is all about him. It is also extremely toxic to the liver. The absolute leader in this indicator among everything that can be purchased today. And you have to take care of your liver. Otherwise, the protein and pharmaceuticals that we consume will simply go down the toilet. Cheap and angry. This ancient drug is still in demand among powerlifters. The rapid increase in body weight, strength performance and strength endurance is the secret to the popularity of methyl. True, the collapse of these results occurs literally on the second or third day after the drug is discontinued. But he spent a penny and showed off in front of the boys in the gym. Shouted like a God. Being the most unpurified substance among all AAS - pampering with methyl is fraught with a full list of side effects inherent in steroids. That is, he can do everything - complete suppression of the production of sex hormones, androgenic and estrogenic-mediated effects and toxicity to the liver. Despite the fact that it is impossible to maintain the results achieved on it even within a few weeks after the course. s No doubt, this steroid has outstanding anabolic abilities. At the same time, it not only anesthetizes the joints, but has an anti-inflammatory effect on them. Yes, and endurance with pumping during training increases significantly. With all this, nandrolone is able to upset your genital arc for a very long time. This is especially true for athletes over 30 years of age. And, first of all, erection and spermatogenesis suffer. Perhaps the most important quality for any man. True, this does not always happen. Sometimes not immediately, but after several courses. And there are those who tolerate this steroid with a bang. Want to check which category you personally belong to? Despite the completely different mechanisms of action, these substances are very similar to each other in two features. Both quickly and effectively increase body weight and strength, provide fast recovery, muscle pumping with blood, give an amazing feeling of self-confidence and their athletic performance. And at the same time, they are completely incapable of stabilizing androgen receptors in muscle cells. It is impossible to collect real meat on them with all the desire. Yes, and the rollback after the course both give just hard. And there are those who complete courses on them. And then they complain that everything went away in a couple of weeks. There are also enough side effects (typical for steroids). So maybe it's not worth risking your health for nothing? Now let's go through substances of a different nature used in chemical cuisine. Growth hormone in amateur circles is considered a magic potion. Save up some money, buy a good one, and turn into a lean, muscle-bumping monster. Without diets and special stress in training. In fact, the effects of growth hormone are greatly exaggerated. Selling is profitable. It's not cheap. Yes, growth hormone is able to help, both in mass gain and during the clearance period. It has a beneficial effect on bones and the nervous system. But in order to get a noticeable and stable result, it must be taken for a long time, correctly and in large quantities. 4-6 IU per day for two to three months - except that it will relieve joint pain for a while. And high doses, and even when accompanied by AAS and insulin (and this is correct) are fraught with global changes in metabolism. Sometimes life-threatening. Among other things, everything in the body grows from somatotropin. Including various innovations. And its reception is fraught with hypofunction of the thyroid gland and the development of diabetes mellitus. In my opinion, this is definitely not what an amateur needs.


Whoever says anything about the ability to gain on insulin and not get fat - do not believe it. This hormone increases primarily the permeability and susceptibility of fat cells, and muscle - in the second. Look at the monsters of the mass in the offseason. None of them can do without this substance. Hypoglycemic coma ALWAYS strikes at the most unexpected moment. And the dose for everyone is individual. There were severe reactions to 4 IU in total. In addition, the nutrition when using this tool should be IDEAL. A simple amateur can not afford it. Do not forget also about the active growth of visceral fat. Around the heart as well. Further, I think everything is clear. Rumor has it that these things are very effective. That's just little studied and in a qualitative form inaccessible to mere mortals. Application schemes from overseas specialists cost thousands of dollars. Some of our competitive level fans use them. I know for sure that locally-intramuscularly. The rest is a secret. What is sold on ordinary sites under the guise of peptides is one hundred percent crap. Look like that's it. This corticosteroid went to the masses, thanks to Yuri Bombela, who is very respected by me. Yes, just agree with him about the dex, I just can’t. There is a regimen that allows (according to the supporters of this scheme) to gain some amount of muscle mass. So - we tried it on several people who wanted it in practice. The guys were seduced by the cheapness and availability of the substance. As a result, two gained fat in the abdominal region and acquired acne. And the third received such a fluid retention that he was forced to stop the experiment. No one has grown real meat. In Soviet times, the guys from the basements also did the same. I did not hear positive feedback from representatives of those times. If someone has not been convinced, I advise you to look into the leaflet that is released along with the medicine. in the side effects section.


Much has been said about this scandalous substance. So I'll just add the following. Proper use of this oil is the preserve of medical professionals working with professional bodybuilders. The main word in this sentence is PROFESSIONAL. Those who undertake to cope with it by the method “But I can do it!” Often look unattractive. And this is not counting the prospects to hurt deep nerves, inflammatory-purulent processes and the death of soft tissues due to hypoxia and insufficient blood supply. Well, what is fraught with getting oil into a blood vessel, I think there is no need to explain. You can do just fine without all this. A reasonable amateur is a person who not only looks good, but also feels good. Believe me, a hand of 50 cm, against the background of cubes on the stomach - it is quite possible to achieve without ever resorting to the above substances. Even at the most advanced amateur level of chemicalization, it will be possible to manage with a minimum set of pharma, if you have a brain. There is nothing to say about newcomers who are just joining drugs. If the owner of the resource gives the go-ahead, I promise to write something similar about

The top 10 anabolic steroids below are proven to be effective, which confirms their popularity among bodybuilders.

To begin with, I would like to note that the criteria by which these 10 drugs were selected are, first of all, the prevalence among athletes and the effectiveness of the impact on muscle mass gain. Perhaps someone will want to argue about this or that drug, substantiating their arguments with side effects or course features, but, I repeat, the drugs most popular among users and proven to be effective will be considered here, it turns out such a very conservative review, because perhaps there are very effective drugs, but, they will not be so widespread and the price will be exorbitant, so they will not fall into this top, and therefore this top can be called classic, realistic and perhaps the most objective for most bodybuilders, so let's go.

1. Methandrostenolone (Danabol, Anabol, Nerobol, etc.)

The first place of honor in our top is occupied by perhaps the most popular drug that has proven its effectiveness over several decades of use, known to everyone by the slang name "methane". In Russia, it is produced under the name Methandrostenolone and Nerobol. Global pharmaceutical companies produce this anabolic under various brands, there are perhaps more than a dozen of them, the most common are listed in the title. This steroid is one of the most effective and affordable drugs on the market.

In Russia, its circulation is limited, as well as other anabolic steroids and is sold only by prescription, which does not prevent many sellers from distributing the drug "under the counter" using the Internet. As for the effectiveness of the drug, it is at a fairly high level, for example, after completing a course of 1.5 months, taking 20 mg of the drug per day, you can add up to 10 kg of weight. At the same time, you will definitely lose from 2 to 5 kg after the course is over, since the drug contributes to the accumulation of water in the muscles, nevertheless, the result is not bad. Do not forget about the side effects of this steroid, such as gynecomastia, drug toxicity to the liver, and others, which are often exaggerated and usually occur when the dosage is exceeded.

2. Testosterones (a group of steroids)

This is one group of highly sought after and common anabolics among bodybuilders. From the name of the drug it is clear that it is based on one of the esters of the testosterone hormone. Everyone knows about the anabolic effect of the testosterone hormone, this drug also has an anabolic effect and helps to increase muscle mass, although its anabolic activity is slightly less than that of Danabol, but the drug does not contribute to the accumulation of water in the muscles, and also promotes fat burning, therefore there is practically no rollback effect. There are several types of drugs based on Testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate, Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone cypionate and some others. Testosterone propionate is often used for cutting to shed excess fat and make muscles more defined while slightly increasing their volume. Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are more suitable for building lean muscle mass.

Due to the high androgenic activity, when using the drug, the likelihood of such side effects as gynecomastia, acne, baldness and others is higher than that of methane, but at the same time, it is not so toxic to the liver. The drug is injected into the body, usually the course is combined with other steroids, during the course it is necessary to use antiestrogen drugs to minimize side effects.

3. Turinabol

This drug is very similar in composition and effect to methandrostenolone. But some differences from methane made this drug quite popular, and the most important difference is the absence of the effect of fluid retention in the body. According to user reviews, the effect in mass gain is not as fast as that of methane, but muscle mass is of better quality and with minimal rollback. Also, this drug has a lower likelihood of side effects, aromatization is practically absent, i.e. the likelihood of gynecomastia, acne, baldness and other things is very low if the dosage is observed, liver toxicity is about the same as that of Danabol.

4. Nandrolone (Retabolil, Deca-Durabolin)

Nandrolone is a group of very popular injectable anabolic steroids based on a substance called 19-nortestosterone. This substance is produced in the body during heavy and prolonged physical exertion, as well as during pregnancy in women. The popularity of the drug is due to the high anabolic activity and low frequency of side effects. From the positive effects of Nandrolone, one can single out a good and stable increase in muscle mass, but without the accumulation of excess water and with virtually no rollback effect, while bones and ligaments are strengthened, joints secrete more lubrication and stop hurting, the level of red blood cells in the blood increases, which improves oxygen metabolism in the blood. body, immunity increases. Side effects such as those of methane and similar drugs are practically absent and appear only when the dose is exceeded.

An impressive list of positive effects, isn't it? But there is a fly in the ointment here, this is the progestin activity of the drug - it is expressed in a decrease in libido, sluggish erection and similar troubles. In this regard, the course of Nandrolone is usually combined with other anabolics and drugs to suppress progestin activity. Also, the drug acts as quickly as other steroids and the time course is longer and, given the price, more expensive.

5. Anadrol (Oxymetholone, Anadrol)

It is a synthetic steroid based on the substance oxymetholone. Anadrol is produced in tablets and is one of the most potent anabolic steroids. Anadrol is also produced under the trade brands Anadrol, Anasteron, Oxymetholone, Androlik, Dynasten and others. The most important effect of Anapolon is a powerful and rapid growth of muscle mass, in one course lasting 1-1.5 months you can increase up to 15 kg of mass, unfortunately there is a rollback effect, up to 30% of the gained mass. Also, Anapolon significantly increases strength and, when combined with other steroids, increases their effectiveness.

Very interesting effects were discovered during the study of this drug by American scientists, it was found that the drug can contribute to an increase in muscle mass even in those who do not exercise at all (!) At the same time, the mass of adipose tissue decreased, tests were carried out on elderly men with reduced secretion own testosterone.

Possible side effects of Anadrol: accumulation of fluid in the body, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, liver toxicity and others. There is no conversion to estrogen.

6. Sustanon 250

Sustanon is a fairly popular injectable steroid based on a mixture of various testosterone esters. Effects of Sustanon: Increase in muscle mass, an average of 5 kg per month, the effect of suppressing catabolism, increased appetite, increased red blood cell count, increased libido. Of the side effects, like other testosterones, it causes conversion to estrogens, hence gynecomastia, acne, baldness, swelling, suppression of the production of one's own testosterone, testicular atrophy and others. Also, many note an increase in temperature and a condition like with the flu. The latter effect can be explained by the low-quality "dirty" drug and the numerous fakes that flooded the market. The original Sustanon 250 is getting harder and harder to find on the market today.

7. Trenbolone

Trenbolone is a powerful steroid that was previously used for veterinary purposes to increase the weight of livestock. This drug has a fairly strong anabolic effect on the body and at the same time has a wide range of side effects. There are several types of Trenbolone drugs: Trenbolone acetate (brands Finaplix, Finaplex, Trenbol-100 and others), Trenbolone cyclohexylmethyl carbonate (under the brand name Parabolan) and Trenbolone enanthate. All of these drugs are made in the form of injections. Trenbolone is considered one of the most potent anabolic steroids; for a 2-month course of the drug, an increase in muscle mass up to 10 kg is possible. Along with this, you will feel an increase in strength, a decrease in cortisol levels, a decrease in body fat and an increase in libido during the course.

But you have to pay for everything, in this case a wide range of side effects. Since Trenbolone does not aromatize into estrogens, such phenomena as gynecomastia and fluid accumulation in the body do not threaten you, but there is a high probability of such phenomena as a decrease in libido after the course, sluggish erection and testicular atrophy. To this is added insomnia, high blood pressure, attacks of aggression, hair loss, acne, a significant suppression of the production of one's own testosterone. The toxic effect on the liver has not been proven. According to some information, manufacturers use the veterinary drug Revalor as the basis for the Trenbolone drug, which in turn is used to feed livestock before slaughter.

8. Boldenone (Equipoise)

Boldenone, also known by the brands Equipoise, Boldesten, Boldabol and others, was, like Trenbolone, originally developed for veterinary use. In terms of anabolic effects, this steroid is similar to Methandrostenolone, but the process of muscle mass growth is slower. Apply it in the form of injections. When taking this drug, you will feel an increase in strength and a good appetite. The steroid also promotes the production of red blood cells. As for the side effects of Boldenone, compared to other steroids, they are minimal, if the dosage is observed, there are practically no possible effects such as gynecomastia and swelling, as well as baldness, acne and others. Suppression of the production of own testosterone is minimal. Often the course of this steroid is combined with testosterone.

9. Primobolan (Methenolone, Primobol)

Another anabolic steroid that can be purchased both in the form of injections and tablets. This drug has a fairly moderate anabolic effect. Often used during cutting to preserve muscle mass, the drug is not suitable for gaining muscle mass, since the effect is rather weak compared to other steroids. In turn, the drug has a minimal set of side effects and is considered one of the safest to use, subject to dosage, which makes it popular with some athletes.

10. Winstrol

This anabolic is produced both in tablets and in the form for injections. This is a synthetic steroid based on a substance called stanozolol, which was originally intended for use in horses, but eventually began to be used in humans. It is produced under various names such as Strombafort, Strombaject, Stanover, Stromba, Stanol and others. The drug is very popular with athletes, despite the fact that it does not significantly affect the growth of muscle mass, but significantly increases strength and endurance, gives muscles relief, burns fat, increases appetite, and also, according to studies, significantly increases the effectiveness of other steroids during combining their course with winstrol. There is no conversion to estrogens, therefore, there are no side effects such as gynecomastia and edema. However, there are other unpleasant effects: joint pain and ligament damage, high blood pressure, increased blood cholesterol levels, androgenic phenomena such as acne, hair loss, and suppression of the production of one's own testosterone are possible. Also, the drug is toxic to the liver and there is a possibility of myocardial hypertrophy.

Here are perhaps the top 10 most effective and popular anabolic steroids among athletes. If you are new to bodybuilding, we advise you not to think about the use of anabolic steroids, but to work for a year or two without them and feel the natural result, and only after weighing the pros and cons of approaching the use of steroids for further progress.

Steroid drugs are banned for use in sports by the World Anti-Doping Organizations.

I do not think that it is a secret for anyone that steroid drugs pose a great danger to human health. Athletes who have come to use this kind of drugs often regret the use of anabolics. Against the background of their reception, a whole range of side effects often occurs. It should be noted that steroid drugs are prohibited for use in sports and for self-administration without a doctor's prescription. During the ongoing hormonal treatment, side effects may also occur, usually due to an incorrectly selected drug, excessive duration of treatment, lack of background therapy, and other possible factors. All information is taken from trusted medical sources.

General prevention
side effects

  • Do not prescribe large dosages of steroid drugs;
  • Do not use drugs with a high degree of androgenic effect for more than 8 weeks;
  • The drugs of choice for hormone therapy should be steroid drugs that do not inhibit testosterone production;
  • Patients should be prescribed those drugs that do not have a strong toxic effect on the liver;
  • When possible, if necessary, use antiestrogen agents to normalize endogenous testosterone production and prevent estrogenic side effects in male patients.

Contraindications for use

  • Steroids should not be prescribed to patients under 25 years of age, since the effect of anabolic drugs on a young body can lead to irreversible consequences: endocrine disorders, growth retardation, short stature, erectile dysfunction, depression, etc.
  • You should think several times before prescribing high-androgenic steroid drugs to women. Virilization (the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics) is irreversible;
  • Congenital and acquired heart defects are also contraindications, since the use of steroid drugs can exacerbate the disease;
  • Violations of the liver and kidneys;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.

Special cases

Product oppression
endogenous testosterone

Suppression of the production of one's own sex hormone is inevitable when using steroid drugs. When hormonal substances enter the body, an endocrine response is formed in response to an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood, which contributes to the inhibition of testosterone production in the testes. This process is carried out using a feedback mechanism. The human body is always striving to maintain energy and balance, so if the level of any of the hormones begins to increase, the hormonal system of the body suppresses the production of this hormone to restore its own balance. The result of this is the normalization of the level of all endogenous hormones. For example, when nandrolone is introduced into the body, the amount of own testosterone in the blood begins to decrease, after the completion of taking anabolic drugs, as a rule, a complete restoration of the hormonal background should occur, but this process can last for months, which can affect the quality of human life.


To prevent side effects from steroids, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) should be used - an effective drug for normalizing the secretion of endogenous testosterone and preventing the development of testicular atrophy. In the human body, gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) are produced regularly. Both of these hormones ensure the correct course of spermatogenesis and endogenous testosterone production processes. With prolonged use of steroids, the production of gonadotropic hormones decreases and, as a result, testicular atrophy develops. The use of hCG, acting on the principle of gonadotropic hormones, helps to restore the endocrine balance and maintain the performance of the testicles. The dosage of hCG depends on the degree of androgenic and anabolic activity of the steroids taken. If the duration of the course is less than 45 days and one hormonal drug is used, then hCG can not be used. With a duration of hormonal treatment of more than 45 days against the background of the use of two or more drugs, and even at higher dosages, additional use of hCG is extremely necessary (500 IU weekly during hormone therapy; dosages of all prescribed drugs should be calculated by the doctor). You can often come across information that the introduction of hCG should be carried out after the course of treatment, however, this point of view is incorrect, since with combined courses, the testicles may not be stimulated for a long time by gonadotropic hormones, which, accordingly, will lead to atrophy of the sex glands. The use of hCG throughout hormone therapy helps to balance the levels of all hormones in the human body and maintain sexual activity at peak levels. It should also be noted that the need for taking hCG is not associated with the synergistic effect of gonadotropin, but with the prevention of the negative effects of steroid drugs on the body. Antiestrogenic drugs can often be used to normalize the production of endogenous testosterone.

Toxic influence
on the liver

The toxic effect of steroids on the liver is the most common side effect; in practice, the negative effects of drugs can be avoided. Some sources claim that absolutely all anabolic drugs harm the functions of the liver, while taking any other medication is also harmful to the liver tissues, especially when the dosages are exceeded and the drugs are taken for a long time. First of all, serious violations of the liver occur when taking oral steroid drugs, which have a methyl group in the 17-alpha position in the chemical structure. Methyls significantly slow down the half-life of the active substance, but this fact is also a significant disadvantage, since, in this case, the destruction of liver tissues occurs. Plus, side effects in relation to the liver develop only when the prescribed dosages are exceeded. Proof of this are the results of many experiments involving animals on which methandrostenolone, stanozolol and other steroid drugs were tested. Experts have found that the destruction of liver cells develops only with the introduction of 10-fold dosages of anabolic drugs into the body. For example, the toxic effect of taking methandienone is fixed only when the dosage is increased to 80 mg per day or more, despite the fact that the average therapeutic dosage is 5-10 times less. Later, clinical trials were conducted with the participation of athletes, who were divided into 2 subgroups: some participants used steroids, other subjects were engaged in exclusively natural training. Blood samples were taken from both subgroups during the experiment to assess the functionality of the liver. In participants using steroid drugs in high dosages, there were negative changes in liver tissues. Given that the liver tissue is “renewed” every 12 weeks (in the absence of other negative factors), after this period, liver functions are fully restored. Based on such observations, it can be assumed that the negative side effects in relation to the liver are completely reversible.


  • Adhere to the dosages prescribed by the doctor;
  • Do not use alkylated steroids;
  • Injectable forms of drugs do not have a toxic effect on the liver.


Gynecomastia- Enlargement of the mammary glands in men. This side effect can be avoided by the correct selection of drugs for hormone therapy. Gynecomastia develops, as a rule, due to the use of easily aromatizing steroid drugs, which are quickly converted into estrogens (methandienone, testosterone esters, etc.). The selection of the drug should be considered for the prevention of gynecomastia.


When included in the course of treatment of easily aromatizing drugs, antiestrogen agents that block the aromatase enzyme should also be added. Taking antiestrogens will prevent such an irreversible side effect without surgical intervention as gynecomastia. Often, in various scientific sources, you can get information that antiestrogen drugs should be taken after the first symptoms of breast enlargement in men have appeared. This is a big mistake, so drugs that block the action of estrogen in the body must be used during the entire period of hormone therapy. At first, gynecomastia is reversible, and the best treatment, in this case, is prevention. The best option in this case would be the systematic testing of estrogen levels with further adjustment of dosages of antiestrogen drugs.


Dermatological manifestations, in particular, acne, occur due to the fact that steroids increase the work of the sebaceous glands in the skin, which contributes to the development of an inflammatory reaction and the appearance of acne. In most cases, this is due to the intake of drugs with androgenic activity.


  • Regular washing of the skin, taking a shower at least once a day, and preferably after waking up and before going to bed.

Increasing concentration

Steroid drugs can lower the level of "good" cholesterol (or high-density lipoprotein), as well as increase the concentration of "bad" cholesterol (or low-density lipoprotein). Theoretically, both of these factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. In reality, this is not observed, especially in young patients. During the period of hormonal therapy (30-60 days), the rise in the concentration of "bad" cholesterol does not contribute to the development of any negative changes in the vessels, moreover, after the end of steroid treatment, cholesterol is completely normal (again, if no vascular problems). It should be noted that an increase in the concentration of cholesterol does not develop often, since not all steroid drugs have this side effect.


  • During treatment, take omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in the form of capsules or from food;
  • Reduce your intake of yolks and fatty foods;
  • Take to lower your cholesterol.

Cardiovascular diseases

It is no secret that the use of anabolic drugs contributes to the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In all likelihood, this is due to their effect on cholesterol levels. In addition, excessive use of steroids contributes to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy. It should be noted that strength work also contributes to this.


  • High doses of steroids should not be given to patients;
  • You should go in for sports (with the normalization of health), while focusing on aerobic activity;
  • You must follow the recommendations of your doctor;
  • Take medications to strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Use herbal preparations, for example, the drug protects the heart muscle to a greater extent from hypoxic damage and normalizes blood flow in the main arteries.

High blood pressure

This side effect is noted due to the fact that steroid drugs:

  • Accumulate sodium ions inside cells;
  • They have a vasoconstrictor effect (reduce the vascular lumen);
  • Increase the volume of blood in the body.

A blood pressure of 120 over 80 mm Hg is considered normal. Art., normally elevated are numbers up to 140 by 90 mm Hg. Art. To monitor blood pressure indicators, it must be measured regularly. At home, you need to have a tonometer and measure your blood pressure, preferably 2 times a day (morning and evening).

Kidney disorders

The renal pelvis filters the blood and excretes unwanted metabolites in the urine. The use of steroid drugs may increase the burden on the kidneys, but they do not have a nephrotoxic effect.


  • Maintaining normal blood pressure levels.

Consequences for the psyche

Excessive aggressiveness when using steroid drugs is quite rare and, as a rule, when using high dosages. In one of the studies, it was proved that the use of anabolic steroids was not involved in the appearance of aggressiveness, often only temperament affects it.

For a stable psyche, as well as with constant stress on the body, it is recommended to take the herbal preparation "Nervo-Vit", which will help a person in a difficult struggle with stress and eliminate its consequences.

Alopecia (hair loss)

Steroid drugs contribute to the occurrence of alopecia in males, especially at an older age. Very good hair loss is noticeable on the parietal part of the head. Experts suggest that alopecia is due to heredity, so steroid drugs can lead to baldness if your next of kin in the male line already has alopecia. Anabolic steroids can exacerbate this process. The main factor in alopecia is the presence of a large amount of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, therefore, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to use such anabolic agents that are not converted to dihydrotestosterone.


  • Steroids that convert to dihydrotestosterone should not be used as the drug of choice for hormone replacement therapy;
  • To prevent alopecia, the drug Finasteride is well suited, which is used quite often, but has a lot of side effects;
  • Minoxidil cream is also effective against alopecia.


The use of steroid drugs increases the prothrombin index, or in other words, leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. In some cases, in people from the older age group, rapid platelet aggregation increases the likelihood of stroke and heart attack, which develop just because of too intense blood clotting in the main vessels.

Taking the drug "Dandelion-P" prevents the occurrence of thrombosis and enhances vascular blood flow. Another herbal preparation "Hondro-Vit" also contains dandelion root, and the cold processing technology allows you to save all the therapeutic properties of dandelion.


To reduce the negative impact of steroid drugs, people over 45 years of age are recommended to prescribe anticoagulants against the background of hormone replacement therapy. A good option would be to take acetylsalicylic acid in low and moderate dosages, but do not forget that the frequent use of aspirin-based NSAIDs can lead to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.


Masculinization is a whole range of irreversible side effects from taking steroid drugs associated with the development of secondary sexual characteristics: a deep chest voice, breast atrophy, enlargement of the external genital organs, a "male" face, hirsutism, etc. Such symptoms develop quite often when women use hormonal agents with a high degree of androgenic activity.

Deceleration of bone growth
in length

Unfortunately, growth retardation is already an irreversible process. This side effect is important only in puberty, since active bone growth occurs at this time. Therefore, it is not recommended to use and prescribe steroid drugs to persons under 20 years of age. Preparations with a high risk of aromatization have the greatest effect on growth.

Osteomed, a natural-based preparation, will help you prevent growth retardation and strengthen bone tissues.


First, it should be noted that anabolic drugs only occasionally lead to prostatic hyperplasia and, as a rule, this is observed only after 45 years, and this is often due to heredity. The main reason for the development of this pathology is the presence of too high levels of dihydrotestosterone in the blood.


To prevent the occurrence of prostatic hyperplasia, the drugs "Leveton Forte" and "Eromax" are used.

low fertility
in men

100% infertility after taking steroids is rare. Usually, against the background of the use of anabolic drugs, a short-term decrease in fertility develops, up to its complete absence. Fertility is completely normalized after the abolition of hormonal drugs.


To quickly normalize testosterone levels in the body, herbal preparations Leveton and Eromax are used.

testicular atrophy

Through the feedback mechanism, there is a decrease in the production of endogenous hCG. This hormone regulates the functionality of the testicles, therefore, if the level of hCG decreases, then the tissues of the testicles gradually atrophy. Testicular atrophy, by the way, may be irreversible, especially with prolonged use of illegal drugs. The consequence of all this is the occurrence of erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and, in some cases, testicular cancer.


To prevent atrophy, hCG is used at 500 IU weekly. A similar condition occurs against the background of exceeding the prescribed dosages and duration of treatment.

To prevent atrophy on the course and quick recovery during the "rollback", the drugs "Eromax" and "Leveton Forte" are used. Their effectiveness has been repeatedly proven by many independent studies.

Feeling that the limit of possibilities has been reached, but it is necessary to move on, the athlete begins to look towards steroids. Anabolic drugs really help to achieve incredible success in muscle development, as well as in increasing strength and endurance, but they often offer to pay for it with their health. However, in the scientific community there is already reliable information about the most safe steroids In sports.

The structure of the AAS article:

The safest anabolics today include the following drugs: boldenone, oxandrolone, primobolan (metelon enontate), masteron, oral-turinabol. Safe steroids are called anabolic drugs, which differ from others in low toxicity and a minimum number of side effects. Their side effects are possible only if, due to stupidity or negligence, the recommended dosage of the drug was several times exceeded.


The safety of the drug boldenone is expressed in the fact that it allows you to gain muscle mass very quickly, but at the same time almost does not retain fluid. According to a survey, health-conscious Japanese athletes call boldenone an indispensable part of an anabolic regimen. American researchers came to the conclusion that a highly effective sports result with minimal harm to health is possible only when using boldenone.


Oxandrolone has long been considered the main assistant in achieving maximum progress in creating a beautiful muscular body with a minimum of side effects. If they exist steroids without side effects effects, then oxandrolone is first on the list. Oxandrolone is a synthetic testosterone, or rather, its analogue, with an incredibly low androgenic index. This allows you to use androgens to the fullest without worrying about side effects. The safety of oxandrolone is associated with a unique modified formula in which carbon was replaced by oxygen. Numerous international studies have shown that oxandrolone can be taken regularly. Even with an incredibly high dosage and a long time of admission, the athlete did not have any traditional side effects.


Primobolan is a low androgenic steroid. Its main difference is that, despite the tablet form of administration, the drug does not adversely affect the liver. Due to the very mild anabolic effect, Primobolan is used on a cutting cycle. Among Western athletes, Primobolan is most often taken by those athletes who have a predisposition to the development of gynecomastia. This is due to the lack of conversion to estrogens. The drug is considered one of the safest anabolics also for the reason that it has practically no effect on changes in blood pressure and changes in bad cholesterol. During the use of the steroid, not a single athlete suffered from baldness was officially recorded.


Masteron in the world of bodybuilding is considered the mildest and most harmless steroid, which at the same time can help develop muscles and create a luxurious muscular frame. Today, it is he who is the favorite of professional athletes (sprinters, swimmers) who dream of building muscle, gaining strength, increasing endurance, developing speed, minimizing the percentage of subcutaneous fat and avoiding side effects. Being a highly effective steroid, Masteron is completely safe. The reason was discovered by scientists during the development of an innovative drug - high antiestrogenic activity. Masteron blocks estrogens and increases protein synthesis.

During the reception of Masteron, the appearance of fatigue was not noticed (even in conditions of very intensive training). Athletes (10 out of 10 subjects) felt self-confidence, colossal energy, good spirits and fighting enthusiasm. It is impossible not to note the lack of flavoring effects even when the dosage is exceeded several times. Masteron is able to help bring the relief to a state where it has an extremely low percentage of body fat. Muscle stiffness, active muscle growth with a minimum of side effects is the main merit of the drug, which made it so popular among athletes who strive for improvement.

Oral Turinabol.

Oral Turinabol is a great way to gain lean muscle mass, increase strength, endurance and speed, improve muscle quality and at the same time reduce the impact of side effects on the body. Modified oral turinabol is interesting in that, while maintaining high-quality anabolic efficiency, the drug demonstrates completely insignificant aromatization. Due to the low androgen index, athletes can observe the positive effects of androgens and a minimum of side effects that are possible when using drugs of this power.

Scientists have been studying oral turinabol for a long time and came to the conclusion that even the tablet form of this steroid shows a high level of safety. This is what made Oral Turinabol such a widely popular drug among athletes of absolutely all levels and sports: from track and field athletes to experienced professional bodybuilders. I would like to note that bodybuilders who are in pursuit of higher sports results take Oral Turinabol in an overdose. And even in this case, there is a minimum of classic side effects. Oral Turinabol is deservedly called the most effective steroid with safe action.

The team of our pharmacological store will help you choose anabolic drugs with a low index of androgenic activity. We know how to avoid the influence of side effects and achieve excellent results in sports with the help of quality steroids.