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Why does it feel better after burping? Frequent belching. The occurrence of belching can be prevented if you follow the basic rules of eating

Belching after eating occurs in most people and this is considered normal. But what if it occurs frequently and causes discomfort or pain? Let us consider the main nuances of this physiological phenomenon.

Moderate escaping of air through the mouth after drinking soda occurs in all people, but sometimes this disorder is intense, causes pain and occurs even after a small portion of food or a glass of drink. It is a sudden, loud release of air through the mouth that has accumulated in the stomach or esophagus with a small amount of stomach contents. This occurs due to the contraction of the gastric muscles when the cardinal sphincter is open. Based on this, we can conclude that the origin of regurgitation can be both physiological and pathological.

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Cause of belching after eating

The reason for belching after eating may lie in physiology or be caused by diseases of the internal organs. In addition, there are foods that provoke its appearance and flatulence - these are onions, milk, oxygen cocktails, legumes and cabbage, ice cream, soda.

Factors contributing to physiological regurgitation:

  • Eating quickly on the go provokes the swallowing of air, which comes out in the form of belching. The same thing happens when eating food while talking.
  • If a healthy person drinks a glass of carbonated water, the liquid is absorbed, and the air comes out through the mouth with an unpleasant sound.
  • Increased physical activity after a heavy meal provokes disruption of the normal motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, during normal digestion, it is necessary to be at rest for at least 2-3 hours.
  • In the second trimester of pregnancy, due to the growing uterus, which is supported by the diaphragm, there is a displacement of organs, which causes the accumulation of gases and their natural release.
  • In newborns, it appears during the act of sucking, as babies swallow part of the air with milk. If it comes with air, then this should not be a cause for concern, but if it has a sour smell, you should take your child to the doctor.

Eliminate physiological causes by chewing food slowly and thoroughly. It would be a good idea to adjust your daily routine, that is, setting aside time for meals, in order to avoid overeating and eating on the go.

But the disorder can be caused not only by physiology, but also by pathologies of internal organs and systems, that is, certain diseases. Lesions of the gallbladder, gastritis, hiatal hernia, ulcers, pancreatitis and other diseases are accompanied by this disorder. Frequent passing of air through the mouth when the stomach feels full may indicate symptoms of stomach cancer. It occurs extremely rarely in diseases of the cardiovascular or nervous system.

Why does belching occur after eating?

Why does belching occur after eating and how to deal with this problem? Most often, people with aerophagia complain about its appearance, that is, a deviation in which air enters the digestive organs during the process of eating food. But the reasons may be associated with pathological processes in the body, for example: bulbitis, gastritis and high acidity, acute or chronic pancreatitis, inflammation of the esophageal mucosa and others. If it is strong and often repeated in an adult, then this indicates health problems, so you should seek medical help.

Frequent causes of belching after eating caused by various diseases:

  • Anatomical defects in the structure of the esophagus and stomach, for example, with a narrowing of the lumen of the stomach, a kink or a hernia of the esophagus.
  • Pathologies in the functioning of the gallbladder, liver and duodenum provoke belching after eating with a bitter taste.
  • Diseases of the large and small intestines provoke dysbiosis, imbalance of beneficial microflora and belching. And malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract disrupt the activity of all parts of the digestive system, creating mechanical obstacles to the passage of food.

Belching air after eating

Belching air after eating is the involuntary release of air from the esophagus or stomach after a sharp contraction of the diaphragm. Very often this is accompanied by bad breath and an unpleasant sound. If it occurs very often, then it is a clear symptom of a developing disease.

Belching air indicates poor tolerance and digestibility of certain foods. Excessive physical activity, aerophagia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, liver and duodenum are another factor that provokes belching of air.

There are preventative methods to eliminate air belching. First of all, it is not recommended to talk during lunch, and food should be chewed slowly and thoroughly. It would be a good idea to reduce the consumption of foods that cause flatulence and belching (soda, milk, cabbage, onions). The diet should contain many foods rich in healthy vitamins and microelements. Avoid drinking drinks through straws and chewing gum. Following these recommendations will bring relief and help eliminate the physiological causes of the disorder.

Belching food after eating

Belching food after eating is caused by the fact that small portions of gastric contents enter the oral cavity along with air. Often this phenomenon has a sour, bitter or putrid aftertaste. Sour regurgitation of food occurs with increased stomach acidity, ulcers, fermentation of gastric juice or the absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. If it is bitter, it appears due to the reflux of bile into the stomach, and putrefactive due to prolonged stagnation of the contents in the stomach and its decomposition.

Regurgitation of food occurs when overeating and increased physical activity after eating. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that linger in the stomach for a long time and foods that contribute to increased gas formation. You need to eat often and in small portions. If the disorder recurs, you should seek medical help. If the reason lies in hypersecretion of gastric juice, then patients are prescribed antacids to eliminate digestive problems.

Heaviness and belching after eating

Everyone experienced heaviness and belching after eating at least once. If this occurs systematically, it is most likely due to diseases of the digestive system, overeating or poor nutrition. Most often, heaviness in the stomach appears as a result of poor chewing of food, overeating and eating food while lying down or on the go, due to the consumption of large amounts of fried, fatty or fast food, that is, with an excess of carbohydrates, as well as due to carbonated drinks. Drinking beer, kvass, strong tea or coffee also provokes a feeling of heaviness and even nausea. This occurs due to bloating in the lower abdomen, which does not allow the body to digest such drinks normally. By the way, even milk causes heaviness and bloating.

  • If disorders appear in the morning, it is caused by overeating before bed or at night. Eating unhealthy foods and not following sanitary rules also cause belching in the morning. To eliminate such phenomena, it is necessary to resort to fasting days and monitor your diet.
  • If heaviness in the stomach is accompanied by elevated temperature, this indicates infectious diseases or functional disorders in the digestive system.
  • If belching causes not only heaviness, but also bloating, then this is one of the signs of gastritis. In this case, patients complain of constipation, flatulence, nausea and heartburn after eating.

Constant burping after eating

Constant belching after eating can be mild or severe, causing not only discomfort, but also pain in the gastrointestinal tract. If the release of air and gases through the mouth is constant and has a bitter, sour or purulent odor, then this is a clear symptom of a disease of the digestive system. Let's look at why this disorder appears:

  • Air entering the stomach occurs due to talking during lunch, eating food quickly and chewing it poorly, as well as drinking through a straw.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and low stomach acidity are the most common causes. If acidity is disturbed, heartburn appears, and the belching itself often has an unpleasant sour taste.
  • Frequently repeated belching indicates problems with bile. In this case, the person complains of pain under the ribs on the right side, which indicates problems with the gallbladder.

This disorder is treated only after identifying the factors that provoke its occurrence. If an underlying disease is detected, the doctor prescribes a special diet that normalizes the digestion process and restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There are also preventive methods that help get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon that occurs after eating. It is recommended to avoid foods that cause increased gas formation and carbonated drinks; you should eat slowly and in small portions.

Belching sour after eating

Sour belching after eating has several causes. It indicates an inflammatory lesion of the gastric mucosa, that is, gastritis, gastrointestinal reflux, ulcer or cancer. Sour burps can smell rotten, cause loss of appetite, heartburn and excessive salivation. For some people, this provokes attacks of nausea, heaviness and pain after eating.

If sour regurgitation occurs frequently, you should contact a gastroenterologist who will help identify the cause of this problem. Since this indicates that there is an excess of acid in the stomach, which is necessary for digesting food.

If it appears due to gastrointestinal reflux, then this indicates that the muscular valve separating the esophagus from the stomach is not functioning properly. That is, gastric juice enters the esophagus and oral cavity. This pathology in 10% of cases leads to the development of Barrett's syndrome, in which regular irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus changes its structure, which becomes similar to the intestinal mucosa. According to recent studies, the risk of esophageal cancer is especially high in patients with reflux.

Belching with bitterness after eating

Belching with bitterness after eating is a sign of disorders and certain diseases. Sometimes healthy people also face this problem. Let's consider the main factors that provoke the pathological release of air and gases through the oral cavity:

  • Gastroduodenal reflux - due to a violation of the outflow of bile, it moves in the wrong direction and enters the stomach, causing bitterness, heartburn and flatulence.
  • Various injuries, tumors of the abdominal organs and previous surgical interventions cause improper excretion of bile, which enters the stomach, causing unpleasant symptoms.
  • Chronic duodenitis, that is, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum increases pressure, which causes duodenal contents to penetrate into the stomach.
  • Pregnancy - during the growth of the uterus, all organs are displaced, including pressure on the duodenum.

Belching and heartburn after eating

Belching and heartburn after eating are two common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Every person, at least once in his life, has encountered these ailments. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest area, but can manifest itself in different ways. Some people experience it after eating a certain product or overeating. It persists for a long period of time, or for a couple of minutes.

The frequency of such disorders indicates problems in the gastrointestinal tract, so you need to take care of your digestion. It is advisable to adhere to proper, balanced nutrition, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It would be a good idea to avoid foods that cause gas and heartburn. If these ailments cause not only discomfort, but also pain, then you should seek medical help.

Nausea and belching after eating

Nausea and belching after eating occur in all people, but for some they indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, while for others they act as a signal of satiety and even overeating. In a healthy person, these symptoms appear due to the uncontrolled release of gases from the digestive organs into the oral cavity, which is accompanied by a specific sound and unpleasant odor. Along with the air, gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid and small portions of food can come out of the stomach, which is what provokes heartburn and nausea.

The origin of nausea and regurgitation after eating:

  • Binge eating.
  • Eating large amounts of fried and fatty foods.
  • Intense physical activity after eating puts pressure on the diaphragm and a full stomach.
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Consumption of spoiled products, that is, with expired expiration dates.

The reasons described above should not cause concern, and to eliminate them it is enough to get rid of unfavorable factors. But if you cannot independently determine the causes of the pathologies, then you should seek medical help, since it may be a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Frequent belching after eating

Frequent belching after eating acts as a signal from the body, indicating errors in nutrition, aerophagia (even against the background of nervous disorders) or pathological processes. As a rule, regular release of air and gases through the mouth appears in diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Factors that cause excess gases through the mouth after eating:

  • Pathologies of the biliary tract and pancreas.
  • Non-ulcer dyspepsia.
  • Peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

In addition, there are several other factors that contribute to the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs. First of all, this is insufficient or excessive fermentation. With insufficient fermentation, the body cannot cope with the volume of food entering the stomach. And with excess, on the contrary, a large amount of gases are released, which come out in the form of belching. If you drink a large amount of water after lunch, this will dilute the gastric juice, which will reduce its acidity and the ability to digest food that enters the stomach. This problem is treated after examination by a gastroenterologist.

Belching foam after eating

Belching foam after eating indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder or biliary tract. In some cases, this is the first symptom of severe poisoning requiring urgent medical attention. Foam coming out through the mouth may indicate gastritis and serious problems with stomach acidity. It also occurs when you abuse fatty and spicy foods. In this case, it is a symptom of gastrointestinal pathologies or the onset of a peptic ulcer.

To determine the root cause of the malaise, it is necessary to measure gastric secretion. It will not be superfluous to adhere to fractional meals and avoid heavy foods. In any case, if such a pathology appears, which creates inconvenience, discomfort and pain, you should seek medical help from a gastroenterologist.

Hiccups and belching after eating

Hiccups and belching after eating occur in all people, regardless of diet. Often these phenomena appear when eating food on the go, dry food and poor chewing. Let's take a closer look at both ailments:

  • Hiccups have both a physiological and pathological nature. In the first case, this is an involuntary sharp sigh, accompanied by a characteristic sound and protrusion of the abdomen. Hiccups occur due to convulsive contraction of the diaphragm. It occurs due to dry and hard food, as well as during severe emotional shocks. We offer a couple of methods to help get rid of hiccups:
    • Take a couple of deep breaths in and out, hold your breath, and inhale deeply again.
    • Drink a couple of sips of cold or acidified water, suck on a piece of sugar.
    • For this method you will need help. Place your hands behind your back and lean forward, taking quick sips of water from the glass the other person is holding.
    • If disorders persist for a long period of time, then prepare a decoction of dill seeds and drink it in small sips.
  • Pathological causes appear due to diseases and problems in the body. Overeating, eating fatty, fried, spicy and carbonated drinks cause belching. But diseases of the liver, intestines, gall bladder, liver, and even cardiovascular diseases also provoke the release of air through the mouth with a very specific smell and sound.

If the disorders are systematic, then you should seek medical help and be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Belching after eating rotten eggs

Belching after eating rotten eggs is a very unpleasant problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. It causes concern because it is pathological. The release of air through the mouth with the smell of rotten eggs occurs due to the release of gases with a small amount of hydrogen sulfide from the stomach into the oral cavity. Hydrogen sulfide appears during putrefactive processes, so a rotten smell cannot appear in a healthy body. That is, this indicates the inability of the stomach to digest food and its stagnation.

To treat this pathology, you should seek medical help, especially if it lasts a long time. Depending on the cause of the pathology, the doctor will prescribe effective treatment. Don’t forget, the sooner the diagnosis is made and therapy is prescribed, the greater the chances of successfully eliminating the problem.

Belching after eating in a child

Belching after eating in a one-year-old child is considered normal. The small amount of air that comes out in the form of belching is required to regulate intragastric pressure. Since the gastrointestinal tract is imperfect in young children, the gas bubble is retained in the stomach or intestines. This may cause bloating and intestinal cramps. The child will cry in pain until the trapped air is released through the mouth. In the process of growth and development, this problem goes away on its own.

  • If the disorder often appears in a child even after a year, then you should seek medical help and consult a pediatrician. This may be due to the state of the baby's nervous system.
  • If a child is easily excitable, then he has a tendency to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But most often, malaise occurs due to improper nutrition of the baby.
  • Increased salivation, adenoids, tonsillitis, runny nose and emotional outbursts also provoke this phenomenon. If malaise occurs too often in schoolchildren or young children, this indicates diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract.

Belching after eating during pregnancy

Belching after eating during pregnancy worries many women. In most cases, this is caused by physiological changes in the body in the second half of gestation. It is during this period that the child actively grows and puts pressure on the internal organs. That is, the pressure on the stomach increases, and the organ takes a different position. Very often, the release of air has a sour taste and appears immediately after eating, especially after sweet and fatty foods.

Treatment of belching after eating

Treatment for belching after eating depends on the factors that caused it. If this is an episodic phenomenon, then most likely it is associated with errors in eating and eating disorders. But if the disorder is permanent and recurs within a few hours over 1-2 weeks, then this indicates pathology. In this case, you need to seek medical help from a gastroenterologist and consult other doctors.

To get rid of the physiological reasons for the release of air and gases through the mouth, you must:

  • Organize the feeding process correctly, chew food thoroughly and without haste.
  • You should not start eating in a nervous or emotional state, or while talking.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise after a heavy meal.
  • Avoid foods that cause gas, as well as soda, beer, and any other foods that cause belching and flatulence.
  • Stop chewing gum, don't drink through a straw, stop smoking.
  • Eat well, eat foods that supply the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

If the release of air through the mouth has a specific odor and is accompanied by painful sensations in different areas of the abdomen, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate diseases that require urgent diagnosis and treatment.

If the disorder appears as a result of food poisoning, then it is worth taking antimicrobial agents for heaviness in the stomach, for example, “Sulgin”, “Furazolidone”. If this happens rarely and is associated with poor nutrition, then it is recommended to take Motilium, Cerucal, activated carbon or enzyme preparations such as Festal or Mezim.

There are traditional methods for treating physiological disorders, consider them:

  • Grind the dry calamus root thoroughly and take ½ teaspoon 15-20 minutes before meals. This remedy will also help cope with heartburn.
  • Mix carrot and potato juice in a 1:1 ratio and drink ½ glass before each meal. Immediately after eating, eat a couple of tablespoons of chopped fresh carrots. A fresh apple after eating has preventive properties.
  • Twice a day, take 6 drops of clove oil on a piece or spoon of sugar.
  • Fresh goat milk is another way to get rid of burping. After each meal, drink 200 ml of milk. Some patients, following such therapy for 3-6 months, completely got rid of this disorder.

Belching after eating is associated with poor diet or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If it is physiological in nature, then it is worth reconsidering your diet and nutritional principles. But if it causes not only inconvenience, but also pain, then it is worth consulting with a gastroenterologist and undergoing all the necessary diagnostic methods to determine the origin of the disease.

It's not often that you see a person seek medical help because of belching after eating. Many consider it something natural and completely normal, others think that it is an inability to follow the rules of etiquette.

In fact, belching after eating can be one of the first signs of pathologies of the digestive and nervous system or even a symptom of cancer. The presence of such a sign should alert a person and force him to see a doctor to find the causes of belching after eating and select rational treatment.

Why does belching occur after eating?

Belching is an involuntary (sometimes voluntary) expulsion of gas from the stomach or esophagus into the oral cavity, which is accompanied by a specific smell and sound. Along with air, remnants of food eaten the day before can enter the mouth, then this is called regurgitation. Air leaves the stomach into the esophagus through the sphincter (cardia), and is pushed by contraction of the diaphragmatic muscles into the oral cavity.

Belching is classified according to several parameters:

1. By origin – physiological or pathological.

2. By the smell of escaping gas:

  • without smell;
  • with a sour odor;
  • with a rotten smell;
  • with the smell of acetone;
  • with bitterness.

Physiological belching is odorless and occurs due to excessive entry of ambient air through the mouth into the esophagus and stomach. This can occur due to overeating, poor chewing of food, talking while eating, improperly installed dentures, a runny nose, chewing gum, after drinking drinks with gases, or, for example, watching TV (or reading) while eating.

Frequent belching of air after eating appears as a sign of aerophagia. Aerophagia is the uncontrolled swallowing of air that occurs during talking or eating and is usually associated with neurological, psychological or psychiatric disorders. In addition to belching, the patient may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort in the stomach;
  • shortness of breath;
  • bloating;
  • decreased appetite.

A similar condition occurs in infants, whose nervous system is not yet fully formed, and the act of swallowing is not fully regulated.

This is why babies often burp after eating. This is not a pathology if the belching has no odor. To avoid regurgitation, it is enough to hold the baby correctly during feeding, make sure that the nipple and bottle fit the baby, hold the baby upright after each meal, and let him lie on his stomach for a while before eating.

Odorless belching also occurs with gastric neurosis. This is a common neurological condition that is associated with stress, depression and other psychological problems.

In this case, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract work properly and do not have any abnormalities, but subjectively the patient feels discomfort, it seems to him that he is sick. People with a weak nervous system are susceptible to this pathology.

belching with a smell and heaviness in the stomach - what does it mean?

The feeling of a lump in the throat after eating and belching air with a sour smell indicates increased acidity in the stomach due to overproduction of gastric juice, for example, with hyperacid gastritis or ulcerative processes in the gastric mucosa.

Another reason for this symptom may be a decreased tone of the cardia between the stomach and the esophagus; it does not close completely and because of this, the acidic contents of the stomach return to the esophagus.

This happens with reflux esophagitis, scleroderma of the esophagus, with hernias, after operations on the digestive organs. A frequent companion to sour belching is heartburn.

Heaviness in the stomach after eating, accompanied by belching with air and a rotten smell, occurs when there is a lack of enzymes and acids for normal digestion. The smell occurs due to the fact that the food is not processed with the required amount of substances and the remains of the consumed food begin to rot, releasing ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

Diseases accompanying this condition:

  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum due to achylia and achlorhydria;
  • oncological processes in the stomach;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • hyposecretory gastritis.

Belching with a bitter taste characterizes pathologies of the gallbladder and liver (for example, cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, bile duct dyskinesia). If the belching takes on the smell of acetone, this indicates the presence of diabetes mellitus in the patient.

Naturally, in addition to air belching, patients have other characteristic signs of the corresponding diseases; it rarely acts as an independent symptom of serious pathologies.

Unusually, some cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, angina) can also cause belching after eating.

Treatment of belching after eating - how to get rid of it?

Unfortunately, there is no symptomatic drug that could get rid of such an “indecent” symptom in a few doses. If belching is caused by a pathological process in the body, then the only way to cure it is to begin therapy for the underlying disease.

Belching with a sour odor can be eliminated by prescribing an appropriate diet, antacid and antisecretory medications; these drugs neutralize hydrochloric acid and reduce its production in the stomach. In addition, to improve motor skills, the doctor prescribes prokinetics.

  • Very rarely, surgery may be necessary (stenosis, hiatal hernia).

For belching after eating associated with problems in the liver and gall bladder, the same drugs are prescribed as for sour belching, and also depending on the diagnosis: choleretic, antispasmodics, litholytics, bile acid inhibitors. We recommend dietary table No. 5.

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out surgical interventions (duodenostasis, cholelithiasis). For chronic pancreatitis, enzyme replacement, analgesics, and drugs that reduce the production of gastric juice and block the pancreas' own enzymes are prescribed.

Atrophic gastritis is treated with antibiotics that act against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, vitamins and gastric juice preparations.

Oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract almost always require tumor removal followed by chemotherapy. If the belching is caused by aerophagia, then you need to contact a neurologist and undergo a course of treatment from this specialist.

When a person is healthy and the belching is physiological, you just need to follow certain rules to prevent this symptom.

7 simple steps

To avoid burping, you must follow 7 simple rules:

  1. Take your time while eating;
  2. Don't overeat;
  3. Chew food thoroughly;
  4. Do not watch TV, read or talk while eating;
  5. Avoid carbonated drinks and foods that cause flatulence;
  6. Quit smoking and alcohol;
  7. Do not overexert yourself physically after eating.

It is important to consult a doctor promptly if other warning symptoms appear. It is much easier to treat any gastrointestinal disease in the initial stages.

Belching air after eating is a reason to think about your diet, lifestyle and health in general. Despite the insignificance of this symptom, it should not be neglected, since it can be a sign of a variety of pathologies.

Even a person who has a completely healthy digestive tract may experience belching - an unpleasant phenomenon of involuntary release of gases from the stomach. If the situation is rare, there is no need to worry, but if it recurs regularly, you should think about a visit to a gastroenterologist. What diseases are accompanied by belching and how to treat it?

Non-pathological causes of belching air after eating

With each swallowing movement, a small amount of air enters the stomach, which helps control pressure in this organ, and with excessive reflux during eating (a condition called aerophagia), an air bubble is formed. It is the reason for the release of gases through the mouth with a characteristic internal push. The situation occurs when:

  • abuse of garlic, onions, fatty foods, sour fruits (especially citrus fruits);
  • excess animal protein in the diet (belching with the smell of acetone);
  • overeating;
  • eating quickly, especially while talking or running;
  • wearing a tight belt that squeezes a stomach that is full after eating;
  • smoking;
  • deep mouth breathing;
  • abuse of carbonated drinks, strong coffee;
  • pregnancy (pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm);
  • using inhalers;
  • physical activity immediately after eating (especially bending, jumping).

Pathological causes

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and malformations of the organs of this department are the main causes of frequent belching of air and even food after eating. Only a doctor who will conduct instrumental examinations can make an accurate diagnosis, but some assumptions can be made based on the symptoms. The main condition that causes belching of air is insufficiency of the cardiac part of the stomach (sphincter), which has 3 degrees:

  1. Poor compression of the muscle at the entrance, belching occurs when breathing deeply while eating.
  2. The lumen is half the diameter of the cardiac region, belching air is very frequent.
  3. During deep inhalation, the cardiac region does not close at all; there is a constant reflux of food from the stomach upward.

In people with problems with the sphincter, the situation is aggravated by eating habits (tendency to overeat, heavy, fatty foods), weakness of the lower valve, injuries to the esophagus or stomach, tumors, and inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. The most common problem is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which accompanies grade 3 cardia insufficiency. Belching is sour, with foam, occurs due to the reflux of food into the esophagus, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • chest pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach even with a light snack;
  • bloating.

A common gastrointestinal disease, especially common among young people, gastritis, is also among the likely causes of air belching, which occurs even a couple of hours after eating. The clinical picture depends on the type of inflammation and severity:

  • Gastritis with mucosal atrophy - sharp or aching pain in the solar plexus, vomiting after eating, rotten belching of air, loss of appetite, strong urge to defecate, upset stool.
  • Antral form - heartburn, acute pain in the epigastrium on an empty stomach, sour belching (due to bile reflux).
  • The initial stage of peptic ulcer disease is similar in symptoms to antral gastritis, but is supplemented by nausea or vomiting (recent food, bile), pain during sleep, and constipation.

Constant belching of air (with a rotten or sour smell) can be observed in people with changes in the outlet of the stomach; at the initial stage the pathology is asymptomatic. Additionally, doctors mention stomach cancer, which in its early stages is similar in clinical picture to atrophic gastritis, but later appears:

  • active weight loss;
  • severe frequent bouts of vomiting after eating;
  • aversion to meat;
  • asthenia (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • quick satiety during meals.

Pathologies of the esophagus are also common causes of active belching after eating.. Most of them are accompanied by a feeling of a lump in the throat, increased salivation, and cough. The following diseases require special attention:

  • Scleroderma of the esophagus is a lesion of connective tissue and arterioles, accompanied by atrophy of the mucosa and the formation of ulcers. Characteristic symptoms are difficulty swallowing, heartburn, belching of air, rapid turning blue of the limbs, ears or nose at low ambient temperatures, swelling of the small joints of the feet and fingers.
  • Zenker's diverticulum is the formation of a sac-like expansion in the area of ​​the junction of the pharynx with the esophagus, protrusion of the wall of the latter. The clinical picture is determined by the stage of development of the disease; characteristic symptoms include sour belching, inflammation of the walls of the diverticulum, vomiting, and excessive salivation.
  • Achalosis cardia - poor relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, reflux of air and food occurs when bending forward, taking a horizontal position. When swallowing, a person experiences pain in the chest, suffers from hoarseness, and a feeling of a lump in the throat.

Less common causes of air belching in adults after eating are diseases and pathologies indirectly related to the stomach and esophagus. When diagnosing a patient, doctors do not rule out:

  • Pathologies of the diaphragm - congenital or acquired (age-related, with pulmonary obstruction), leading to pain behind the sternum (can radiate - radiate - to the back). Belching with bitterness after eating, with a sudden change in body position.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis is a disorder of the microflora due to long-term use of medications, poor nutrition, decreased immunity, and previous infections. Associated symptoms are bloating, nausea, indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, and air belching.
  • Chronic pancreatitis - against the background of insufficient production of certain enzymes, gas formation increases and the digestive process is disrupted. Belching after eating with bitterness occurs often, accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen and unstable stool.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract are a whole group of problems, which include dyskinesia, cholecystitis, and cholelithiasis. The belching is bitter; characteristic symptoms include dull pain in the right hypochondrium after eating or physical activity, nausea, and bloating.
  • Renal failure - develops against the background of diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the urinary system, and taking medications. Belching with the smell of acetone due to poor blood cleansing of toxins. The clinical picture includes digestive disorders, nausea, weakness, polyuria (increased urine production).


Each specific cause of belching after eating requires an individual approach, so treatment begins with a visit to a gastroenterologist and conducting instrumental and laboratory tests. In most situations, it is necessary to prescribe a diet that helps reduce the load on the diseased organ (kidneys, liver, stomach, esophagus, intestines), while other treatment methods depend on the cause of the problem:

  • With atrophic gastritis, you cannot do without antibiotics that act on the pathogen (bacterium Helicobacter pylori).
  • For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, antispasmodics, fatty acid inhibitors, and enzymes (Mezim, Pancreatin) are required.
  • In the presence of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract or hiatal hernia, surgical intervention is mandatory.
  • Treatment of neurotic aerophagia involves the use of sedatives (calming) drugs and antidepressants.

Often, the treatment regimen includes drugs that help normalize the acidity of the stomach (especially with GERD), control its motility and reduce gas formation. Such medicines include:

  • Rennie is an antacid, recommended for dyspepsia during pregnancy, heartburn, stomach pain and other symptoms of high acidity. To treat these conditions, 1-2 tablets are taken after meals up to 5 times a day. Contraindications are renal failure, hypophosphatemia, hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis, children (up to 12 years).
  • Omez is an antacid, prescribed for ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, GERD. The drug is prohibited for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. Take 1 capsule once a day, half an hour before meals, with water.
  • Gastal is an antacid prescribed for the complex treatment of hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer, reflux esophagitis, heartburn and other dyspeptic symptoms. The drug is prohibited for renal failure, hypophosphatemia, and Alzheimer's disease. Children are allowed from 6 years of age. For treatment, the tablet is dissolved under the tongue, the daily dose is 8 pieces, divided by 4-6 times. Take one hour after meals.
  • Motilak is an antiemetic drug prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of a complex of dyspeptic symptoms and nausea of ​​any etiology. Prohibited for children under 5 years of age, with prolactinoma, gastrointestinal bleeding. Classic treatment regimen: 1 tablet 3 times a day, regardless of meals. If necessary, add a tablet before bedtime.
  • Simethicone – reduces foaming in the stomach and intestines. Used to treat flatulence, aerophagia, gastrocardial syndrome. The drug is prohibited for intestinal obstruction. Take after meals, dose of suspension – 25-50 drops, capsules – 1-2 pcs. The medicine is used once a day.

Belching is the reflux of the contents of the esophagus or stomach into the oral cavity. It is usually preceded by a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the epigastrium, which is caused by increased pressure in the stomach. The release of excess stomach contents into the esophagus or pharynx and oral cavity relieves this condition.

Burping can include food, acidic stomach contents, or air. We will consider the features of the latter option and its reasons in this article.

Belching of air in healthy people

Normally, the stomach on an empty stomach contains air in the form of a gas bubble, the volume of which directly depends on the size of the stomach. The average portion of air in the stomach of an adult is 0.5-1 liters. Air enters the stomach when:

  • swallowing while eating (especially hasty)
  • deep mouth breathing
  • frequent swallowing, hasty speech
  • smoking
  • drinking carbonated drinks
  • chewing gum

In a completely healthy person severe belching of air can occur if he eats to the point of amazement and simply fills his stomach with food so much that the sphincter of the inlet of the stomach cannot completely close, and gas under pressure will be pushed back into the esophagus and pharynx. The same thing can happen if, after a heavy meal, a person begins to bend, jump or run, squeezing or displacing the stomach. With tight belts and belts, especially in obese people, it is also possible to achieve an increase in intragastric pressure, against the background of which belching of odorless air appears.

Obese people are more susceptible to belching that is not associated with illness. It often affects those who abuse strong coffee or tea, garlic, onions, and fatty foods.

In patients without gastrointestinal problems, but are forced to use inhalers due to other diseases, excess air also enters the stomach.

In pregnant women, the enlarging uterus gradually displaces the internal organs and props up the diaphragm, which can also provoke this unpleasant symptom.

Constant belching of air due to stomach pathologies

The main condition leading to regurgitation of air is the incompetence of the cardiac part of the stomach (cardia insufficiency), which does not completely close. This deviation is diagnosed by X-ray examination of the stomach or by endoscopy (FGDS).

Cardia insufficiency is divided into degrees.

  • At first degree the muscle of the inlet of the stomach does not contract completely, leaving up to a third of the lumen during deep breathing, which provokes belching.
  • The second causes a gap in the lumen of the cardiac region by half the diameter and also frequent belching of air.
  • In the third case, not only complete non-closure of the cardia during deep inspiration is required, but also the phenomenon of reflux esophagitis due to the constant reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.

The failure of the cardiac sphincter explains frequent belching, the causes of which are as follows:

  • An overfilled stomach in people prone to overeating, as well as in people with slow motor skills and digestive disorders (atrophic gastritis, hypomotor gastrointestinal dyskinesia), including obese people and pregnant women against the background of hormonal changes.
  • Weak lower esophageal sphincter, hiatal hernia.
  • Increased intragastric pressure due to inflammation (peptic ulcer) or tumors, as well as pylorospasm or pyloric stenosis.
  • Surgical interventions on the cardiac part of the stomach with removal or damage to the sphincter.
  • Injuries and burns of the esophagus and stomach.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

The most common cause of belching is gastroesophageal reflux disease. In this case, the circular sphincter muscle, which locks the inlet of the stomach, does not completely close, causing the reflux of what is in the stomach or air into the esophagus and pharynx. Belching is provoked by bending forward and prolonged horizontal position.

  • in addition to belching air and acid (heartburn), with GERD there is pain behind the sternum or in the left half of the chest
  • nausea, episodes of vomiting
  • rapid satiety and bloating
  • Extragastric manifestations are also characteristic: cough, shortness of breath, cardiac rhythm disturbances in the form of tachycardia or arrhythmia (Houdin syndrome), atrophic or hypertrophic pharyngitis, manifested by scratching sensations in the throat and difficulty swallowing.

Gradually, the esophageal mucosa erodes or even becomes covered with ulcers. With prolonged untreated esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus or intestinal-type metaplasia of the esophageal mucosa may develop, which increases the risk of cancer of this organ.

The second gastric cause of belching air is gastritis

Gastritis can be infectious, toxic, nutritional, autoimmune, or radiation. In the clinic of acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, nausea and belching of air may be present. At the same time, it is combined with both sharp or dull aching pain, heaviness in the epigastrium, and vomiting.

  • In case of damage to the body of the stomach by atrophic processes

A rotten belch may also accompany the belching of air. Characterized by decreased appetite and rapid satiety. Less commonly, a clinical manifestation similar to dumping syndrome occurs (weakness after eating, nausea and belching, sudden urge to defecate, loose stools). Also, belching in combination with weakness, decreased performance, pallor of the skin, brittle nails, dry skin and hair may indicate iron deficiency or B12-deficiency anemia due to impaired absorption of iron or vitamin B12 due to atrophic processes in the gastric mucosa against the background of chronic gastritis .

  • For antral forms of gastritis

most often occurring against the background of Helicobacter pylori infection, belching of air can alternate with heartburn and fasting or early pain of a sucking nature in the epigastrium.

Stomach ulcer

How to behave when burping

Since such a condition is a manifestation of a large number of diseases and pathological conditions, if it is present, it is reasonable to seek diagnosis from a doctor - a therapist or gastroenterologist. Once the true cause of the problem has been established, treatment should first be aimed at the underlying disease. Treatment of belching sometimes takes quite a long time.

At the everyday level, for temporary relief of an unpleasant phenomenon, it is worth recommending:

  • eat small portions without long gaps between meals (4-5 meals per day are optimal)
  • give up smoking, soda, excess chewing gum, and eating in a hurry.
  • You should not lie down immediately after eating, or engage in physical work or sports.
  • It makes sense to reduce excess weight for those who have it.

Thus, timely seeking qualified medical assistance regarding air belching gives a chance to get rid of it as quickly and reliably as possible.

Belching is a kind of reflux of undigested food from the stomach and esophagus into the oral cavity. This manifestation is usually preceded by heaviness and distention caused by high pressure in the stomach cavity. When the release occurs, the condition improves significantly. Depending on the cause of the pathology, a person burps air or food. The burps may have a rotten odor or no odor at all. To eliminate frequent belching, it is necessary to determine the cause of its development.

Belching air

If we consider the limits of the norm, then on average, The stomach of an adult contains about 0.5-1 liters of gases. The reasons for air penetration may be the following: ingestion during eating and talking, chewing gum, drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks. In healthy people, frequent belching of air occurs in case of overeating. Since in this situation the sphincter of the inlet does not close completely, the gas under the influence of pressure is pushed into the pharynx and esophagus. Most often, a similar problem is observed in obese people.

Belching is observed with the abuse of fatty foods, onions and garlic, tea and strong coffee. Intense belching is a concern at different stages of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the uterus grows, forcibly displaces neighboring organs, and also props up the diaphragm, which provokes these symptoms.

Belching with gastrointestinal pathologies

The main reason for frequent belching is when the valve separating the internal space of the stomach and the esophagus does not close completely. Such a deviation in the digestive system can be detected using FGDS and x-rays.

Degrees of cardiac failure:

  • First degree - incomplete compression of the inlet section is observed, when a third of the lumen remains during deep inspiration.
  • Second degree - the lumen in the cardiac region is almost half the diameter.
  • Third degree - incomplete closure is recorded during inhalation, esophagitic reflux manifests itself, since gastric contents are often thrown into the esophagus.

The main pathological causes of frequent belching are the following:


Pathology can be nutritional, infectious, radiation, autoimmune, toxic. If gastritis occurs in an acute form, belching, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dull and aching pain, loss of appetite, and rapid satiety are observed. Rotten belching often occurs. Sometimes dumping syndrome occurs: diarrhea, belching, nausea, weakness after eating. There is decreased performance, pale skin, brittle nail plate, weakness, anemia, atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

Ulcerative disease

As for the consequences of an ulcer, it leaves rough lesions and scars on the mucous membrane, damaging the muscle layer. Manifested by sour and airy belching. Clinical picture: half an hour after eating, dull or sharp pain occurs, nausea, vomiting, and a predisposition to difficult defecation occur.

Transformation of the output department

The cause of this manifestation may be pyloric stenosis, accompanied by a narrowing of the pyloric section of the stomach. With this pathology, high intragastric pressure occurs, which leads to stagnation and fermentation of the contents. The result is a loud belch: rotten, sour and air. As symptoms increase, weight loss, water and electrolyte imbalance, nausea, vomiting, abnormal heart rhythm, and shortness of breath occur.

Stomach cancer

The initial stage of a dangerous disease occurs with a minimum number of symptoms that resemble. Signs such as weight loss, rapid satiety, aversion to meat, lack of appetite, and anemia appear. Patients complain of frequent and severe belching of food, pain and heaviness in the epigastric region.

Pathologies of the esophagus can be the causes of belching:

  • Zenker's diverticulum;
  • Achalasia cardia;
  • Scleroderma.

Frequent belching accompanies such pathologies of the digestive system as intestinal dysbiosis, chronic pancreatitis, insufficiency of the Bauginieva valve, duodeno-gastric reflux and diseases of the biliary tract.

Features of therapy

Considering the fact that belching accompanies many diseases, it is important to promptly contact a gastroenterologist and undergo high-quality diagnostics. Treatment should begin after identifying the provoking factors and causes of belching.

Belching is not considered an independent illness.

Since this manifestation is a symptom and not a separate disease, there is no specific treatment for this phenomenon. In order to eliminate one-time manifestations of belching, it is enough to adjust the culture and diet. If belching accompanies gastrointestinal pathologies, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease, and the symptoms will subside.

Most ailments related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated with special diet therapy. Its goal is to limit the consumption of foods that have a negative effect on the mucous membrane and cause increased gas formation. Most often, in such cases, the doctor prescribes medications that help normalize the functioning of the digestive tract: Imodium, Mezim, Omez, Festal, Creon, Almagel. The diet involves frequent split meals in small portions.

It is not recommended to drink liquids with food, as they dilute the concentration of gastric juice, which slows down the digestion process. In turn, this provokes the processes of rotting and fermentation, which contribute to the manifestation of belching. Defecation should occur daily. If digested food is retained in the body, flatulence and belching with an unpleasant odor occur.

Pain and belching observed after eating indicate damage and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Therapy is carried out in accordance with a scheme drawn up by a doctor based on symptoms and the results of instrumental and laboratory tests.

Traditional medicine recipes are also used in the treatment process. Such products are safe to use and effective. However, you should consult your doctor before use to avoid possible side effects.

To get rid of belching, drink 6 drops of clove oil diluted in a glass of goat milk 2 times a day. If desired, milk can be replaced with a decoction of elecampane root. To prepare this decoction, pour 20 grams of crushed root into a liter of boiling water and bring to a boil. Leave to brew for 2 hours, strain, cool.

As for belching that occurs in infants, such a manifestation is a natural process. Regurgitation is observed after each feeding for up to three to five months. To avoid regurgitation, the baby must be raised for 3-5 minutes after feeding. Baby burps have no odor. If you notice a sour smell, you should contact your pediatrician.

Belching is a normal process. However, if such a manifestation occurs regularly, has an unpleasant odor, or is accompanied by additional symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.