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Why does a kitten's hind legs fail? The cat's back legs have failed: reasons and what to do

Post date: 03.07.2012 15:19


Hello Dear Olga Andreevna, please tell me how I can help my cat, she is 1 year old and her hind legs have failed. She drags them behind her, and as far as I understand, the front ones are absolutely healthy. It all started when her eyes began to become cloudy and the cornea seemed to be blurring. then after about 4 days she started dragging her paws and now she’s completely crawling. Doesn't refuse food. Tell me how to help her please.?

Post date: 09.07.2012 12:00

Vorontsova Olga

See a doctor URGENTLY

Post date: 31.08.2012 15:36

Valery Alekseevich

Our cat is 5 years old. He has been deaf since birth (he is completely white) and we think he has a heart problem, because from childhood, when he begins to play intensely, after a while he begins to breathe heavily and stops playing. The cat is neutered, domestic. Only for the summer does the family go to the dacha, from which he returned 2 weeks ago in perfect health. We feed canned kitecat. In the evening he was in perfect health, sleeping on the floor when we left the apartment for 15 minutes. We came home and looked and he came out of the room towards him and his hind legs began to fail. After 20 minutes of moving, he lay down on his side and did not get up again. Only sometimes he meowed. His paws seemed to be stiff and a whole half of his body was lost. It was late and we called the night ambulance. The doctor arrived, felt him and said that the back part was not sensitive at all. No tumors can be felt, the heart can be heard normally. That this is most likely a spinal injury and nothing can be done to help. But the cat was just normal. What could happen and what to do? HELP.

Post date: 04.09.2012 10:14

Vorontsova Olga

You need to take an x-ray, perhaps the cat jumped unsuccessfully.

Post date: 04.09.2012 22:56


Hello dear Olga Vladimirovna! We have a cocker spaniel dog, he is 10 years old. A year ago, he started coughing and we thought he had a cold, but after an x-ray it turned out that he had a tumor on his lung, which was pressing on his trachea. An ultrasound confirmed this. A year later, we took another picture and the tumor had increased and the lumen became smaller, but this was not noticeable from the dog’s behavior. The doctor said it was amazing that the dog lived for a whole year. I thought that she was given no more than six months. Please tell me whether lung operations are being performed and what the prognosis is, or should we just accept it and wait for the inevitable. Or are there any medications that can at least slightly prolong the joy of communicating with our dog. Now we have prescribed emicidin and ciprovet and diuretic tablets. That's all for now.

Post date: 05.09.2012 13:57

Vorontsova Olga

It’s very difficult to answer you, you need to look at the pictures. You need to know what type of tumor and in what exact location of the lungs.

Post date: 07.10.2012 18:59


Hello! My cat is 2 months old (Siberian breed). I took her 3 days ago, she played... There were no problems with her appetite either. A nightstand accidentally fell on her, but after that everything was fine, Nyusya was active. There was no pain, she ate well, and a day later in the evening. Nyusya became somewhat lethargic and slept constantly, which was not like her. Somehow she stood up heavily on her hind legs. But at the same time she didn’t meow... To be honest, I didn’t understand, I thought I was just being lazy today. In the morning she felt completely ill and could hardly move. She meowed a lot, hissed as if everything hurt her, then she couldn’t even raise her head. I was breathing very hard! I immediately took her to the veterinarian. but on the way she had already died! Tell me what could have caused her death!!!???

Post date: 11.10.2012 17:53

Vorontsova Olga

Possibly a viral infection such as panoleukopenia.

Post date: 12.10.2012 12:51


Could it have been that the nightstand fell on her?

Post date: 12.10.2012 15:53

Vorontsova Olga

And this certainly could have an impact.

Post date: 30.10.2012 10:05


This morning the cat suddenly screamed loudly and could not walk, she skidded. She lay down for a while, wanted to get up and fell. What to do? The cat is 16 years old7844

Post date: 04.11.2012 15:34



Post date: 17.11.2012 15:20

Vorontsova Olga

See a doctor immediately.

Post date: 03.12.2012 11:15


Hello, please tell me, the cat is 7 years old, his hind limbs have failed, he is crawling at the very bottom, the doctors say a pinched nerve, partial paralysis. We are going to physical therapy... We haven’t had an X-ray, maybe it’s worth doing?? What to do???

Post date: 05.12.2012 20:49


Yesterday my 2.5 month old kitten's right back leg gave out. We went to the doctor. He didn't find anything. Today in the evening it got a little better, but now both legs have failed and when he crawls he meows as if he's being cut. Tell me what could be wrong.

The illnesses of our little brothers greatly worry and upset their owners. However, you can fight them if you know what the animal is sick with and how to treat it correctly. It is noteworthy that cats, like other animals, quite often suffer from diseases that are associated with impaired functioning of the limbs (more about). However, such diseases do not always arise due to unsuccessful landings on the paws. Often, cats pull their paws due to problems with internal organs. Well, here’s what they are, and why – our publication will tell you about this today...

Limb dysfunction in a cat

Have you started to notice that your pet is stretching its hind legs, its gait has become uncertain, and instead of making graceful jumps, the cat clumsily misses, breaks down and falls from a height (what to do if)? Has your pet begun to frequently stretch out its hind legs and meow pitifully at the same time? Besides, do your attempts to stroke his spine and tail often end in very aggressive behavior on the part of the cat? Do not rush to think that the problem is only an injury to the spine or hind legs - the cat could have received them while jumping earlier. The cause may also be internal violations. And we will tell you more about them and their symptoms right now. But first, let's decide what examinations the animal needs to undergo, what tests to take, in order to diagnose the cause of impaired limb mobility in a cat.

Diagnosis of the causes of limb dysfunction in cats

In order to determine which of the following reasons is relevant in your case, you should, of course, seek advice from a veterinarian at your nearest veterinary clinic. After examining your pet, the specialist will probably prescribe you to donate blood to the cat, its urine, and also do an ultrasound of the pet’s internal organs and an X-ray of the spine (more about). Thanks to the results of this minimum package of examinations, it will already be possible to draw the first conclusions about the causes of this disorder, and accordingly talk about the treatment of the disease.

Causes of impaired limb mobility in cats

Here we are directly approaching the very causes of impaired mobility of the cat’s limbs. One of them will definitely be indicated by the results of tests and examinations of a sick pet.

Glandular cystic hyperplasia in cats

This type of violation is also called. It is characterized not only by impaired mobility of the cat’s hind limbs - the animal pulls its paws - but also by frequent urination and increased thirst. At the same time, the pet looks weakened and prefers to spend most of the day lying down. Often, at an advanced stage of purulent endometritis, the cat experiences bloating and painful sensations, which the poor pet can report by loud meowing.

However, cases of purulent endometritis, due to physiological characteristics, can only occur in cats.

As for the treatment of such a disorder, it involves the removal of the inflamed uterus and ovaries. Such a simple strip operation can be performed in any veterinary clinic. As for attempts at drug treatment, they do not justify the hopes placed on them, since there is a high risk of relapses after the next heat.

Pinched sciatic nerve in a cat

An animal may also pull its hind legs due to a pinched sciatic nerve. Veterinarians themselves claim that such cases occur quite often in their practice. But diagnosing and treating such a disorder is not so easy. Since pinching can be practically asymptomatic - the cat's appetite, toilet and sleep are not disturbed in most cases, but only some limitation in the animal's mobility - the cat has difficulty walking, it is difficult for her to sit, she lies, stretching out her hind legs, indicate that that the animal is still unwell.

Treatment should be carried out by a veterinarian who has an approach to animals, since cats in this condition are very timid and even distrust their owners.

Diseases of internal organs

Often, diseases of the internal organs may be accompanied by a symptom such as limited mobility of the cat’s hind limbs. If there are problems with the liver or kidneys, the cat may pull its paws. In order to exclude the possibility of these diseases, it is necessary to take not only an x-ray of the spine, but also donate the blood and urine of a sick cat for analysis. They are the ones who can say that perhaps the cat is sick, or has kidney stones, or perhaps we are talking about kidney failure. Depending on the test results and diagnosis, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Limitation of a cat's mobility due to paralysis is a serious challenge for both the owner and his pet. A lot of questions arise: why did this happen, is there any point in fighting, how to alleviate the suffering of a pet? If it is paralysis of the hind limbs in cats, many veterinarians prefer euthanasia: “Don’t torture yourself and your pet, let him go quickly and painlessly.” However, not in all cases, paralysis in cats is an incurable disease.

It is quite difficult to understand why a cat loses its paws. There are many ailments that can lead to partial or complete paralysis. Moreover, it is conventionally believed that almost any disease under certain circumstances can cause paralysis in cats. For example, banal ones, if the pet is not treated: inflammation of the middle ear - inflammation of the inner ear - inflammation of the meninges - paralysis. Listed below are only the main causes and signs of paralysis in cats in one case or another.

SPINE INJURIES(fracture, dislocation or contusion with damage to the spinal cord) - as a rule, paralysis is bilateral, sudden, often complete. In this case, paralysis in cats shows symptoms as soon as possible. In case of serious injuries - shock, loss of consciousness. When the spinal cord is ruptured, sensitivity below the site of injury is lost, motor functions are completely lost and, unfortunately, are restored in extremely rare cases.

INFLAMMATION OF THE SPINAL CORD(infections, helminthic infestations, poisoning, injuries) - in addition to the fact that the cat has lost its hind legs or develops complete paralysis, there are disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, incontinence, increased temperature, and possible fever. With proper care, motor functions are fully restored (of course, the prognosis depends on the severity of the disease).

FIBROCARTILAGE EMBOLISM- This is caused by blockage of the vessels of the spinal cord. The disease begins suddenly: a cry of pain, then apathy and reluctance to move, the cat literally falls on its side and does not respond to stimuli. More often, unilateral paralysis of cats with partial loss of sensitivity is observed - the prognosis is cautious. If the pet feels absolutely no pain, for example, when pricked by a needle, the prognosis is poor.

Unfortunately, caring for our pets is not always able to protect them from all troubles. It happens that a cat’s hind legs give out and this situation greatly frightens its owner. No one is immune from such cases, and every owner of a four-legged pet should know how to help and how to alleviate his condition.

Paralysis of the hind limbs in cats manifests itself partially or with complete failure of functioning. Often this is a signal that a neurological failure has occurred in the body and professional intervention is required. Any disease can lead to this condition, but this mainly occurs for the following reasons:

  • spinal or spinal cord injuries. Appears most often in free-roaming cats or as a result of a fall from a height;
  • inflammatory processes in the spine. Occurs due to infectious lesions, worms, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, injuries;
  • intervertebral disc prolapse. May occur as a result of active games, impacts, falls;
  • arterial thromboembolism. Occurs due to blockage of the femoral artery by a blood clot;
  • lack of potassium due to lack of a balanced diet;
  • hip dysplasia of the hind legs. With this disease, there is a disturbance in the development of the joint;
  • fibrosis of the heart muscle;
  • consequences of stroke;
  • consequences of ixodid tick bites. Without urgent treatment within 24 hours, the animal may die.

Renal damage, myasthenia gravis, and drug allergies can also lead to a paralytic state. Some cats are susceptible to paralysis due to their breed. These are Maine Coons, Chartreuses, Cymrics and Burmese.

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis of the occurrence of paralysis of the limbs. He, after conducting the appropriate tests and examination, will prescribe the correct treatment.

Symptoms of paralysis of the limbs

Symptoms of the disease appear depending on the cause of paralysis.

  1. With inflammation of the spine and spinal cord, weakness in the limbs occurs with possible subsequent failure. The animal may have bloating, paralysis of the rectum and bladder. The cat may begin to lick and bite its back paws. When trying to move, he feels severe pain.
  2. Fibrocartilaginous embolism is characterized by sudden pain. The cat exhibits apathy, there is no sensitivity in the area of ​​the hind legs and lower back. If the animal does not react to stimuli at all, the prognosis is unfavorable.
  3. Arterial thromboembolism complicates the work of the heart, causing its failure. When palpating the limbs, the cat feels pain. Cyanosis is visible on the paw pads, and the limbs become cold. The animal's breathing becomes heavier and shortness of breath appears.
  4. Fibrosis of the heart muscle at the initial stage practically does not manifest itself in anything other than numbness of the hind limbs. Subsequently, disturbances in heart rhythm and pulse are observed.
  5. After a stroke, the animal will have difficulty moving, falling on its side. The ability to eat, swallow and even breathe normally is complicated. In some cases, the cat will be in a state of shock and not respond to stimuli.

With any of these diseases, you may notice the following signs in your kitten:

  • the gait becomes wagging with the hind legs affected;
  • the animal moves slowly and uncertainly, as if drunk;
  • the hind legs move apart;
  • frequent squatting on the hind legs;
  • dragging the paws without lifting them off the floor.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms, immediately contact a clinic or private veterinary office. Inaction or delayed treatment can cost the animal its health, and possibly its life.

How is hind limb paralysis diagnosed in cats?

You can find out why a cat's hind legs are failing only through a full examination. Diagnostic measures are as follows:

  • examination by a neurologist;
  • performing x-rays of the spine;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • taking bacteriological cultures;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • tomography of the brain and spine;
  • examination of paws for sensitivity to various irritants.

Various ailments that provoke the development of hind limb failure have similar symptoms. To exclude errors, if necessary, differential diagnosis is carried out using thoracic radiography to detect fluid in the lungs. Echocardiography and computed tomography are also performed.

Treatment of paralysis of the hind legs in cats

If a cat’s hind legs suddenly fail, the quality of your pet’s life depends on the speed of subsequent treatment. It is better to go to the clinic immediately, but if this is not possible, you can consult by phone and take initial measures.

Drug therapy

Treatment of numbness in the hind legs is possible with medications only in mild cases. Injuries caused by a fall can be treated at home with medications such as Traumeel plus Cel ointment, Metipred, Milgama or Maralgin. Thromboembolism of the femoral arteries is treated with anticoagulants: Clopidogrel, Aspirin, Heparin. The only exception is the presence of dead tissue, and a complete lack of sensitivity will then require hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Metypred is a drug that is prescribed if a cat has lost its hind legs.

Paralysis due to vitamin deficiency is eliminated by changing the diet and taking a vitamin complex, in which vitamins A, B and D predominate.

Stroke is treated only in an inpatient setting with anticonvulsants, painkillers and antipsychotics.

Heart problems in cats do not require surgery, so the doctor prescribes only drug therapy. Atenolol or Diltiazem are used as medications. They slow down the heart rate.

In case of renal failure, steroids and B vitamins are used. To reduce their intoxication, saline solutions are used.


The help of a surgeon is required in exceptional cases. The veterinarian decides on the advisability of performing an operation in a particular case after a complete examination of the sick animal. For hip dysplasia, the animal is placed in a cage for several weeks. If this method does not produce results, surgical intervention is prescribed. Arterial thromboembolism requires surgery to remove the clot. After this, medications, antioxidant and infusion therapy are prescribed.

Physiotherapy for cats with leg paralysis

In addition to doctor's instructions, the pet owner can help their pet get into shape faster. If a cat's hind legs have failed, he needs daily restorative procedures. There is nothing complicated in carrying them out, and you can easily do them yourself. This will help the cat not only recover faster, but also get out of a difficult situation without negative health consequences. Additional activities consist of the following manipulations:

  • massage the limbs and lumbar region for 10 minutes 5-6 times a day in order to avoid atrophy of the muscle tissue of the hind legs. The massage should be intense, rubbing, but light, not harsh, not traumatic to an already sick animal;
  • gymnastic exercises with extension and flexion of the paws, simulating walking. This is done using a rolled up towel passed under the animal's belly. While supporting the cat, you need to force it to move its paws. If it’s difficult for her, you need to help with your hands;
  • The animal is supported and given the opportunity to try to move its legs on its own. If necessary, the cat needs help and development of its legs;
  • Water treatments and swimming will help you quickly return to your normal lifestyle, provided that the cat is not afraid of water. But it is recommended to do them already at the stages of full recovery and only after the approval of the veterinarian. According to the owners who have tried water therapy for treatment, a positive result is not long in coming;
  • to restore sensitivity to the paws, they are pinched, stroked and tickled;
  • exercises on the ball are effective. The cat is placed on a ball of suitable size. The paws, hanging down, should not reach the floor a little, so that when rolling, the animal tends to touch the floor.

If all the above methods do not bring the desired result, there are alternative methods: specialized wheelchairs for cats that perform the functions of limbs.

Cats quickly adapt to them and eventually move briskly without the help of their owner.

Prevention of limb paralysis

Even the most loving owner cannot completely prevent his pet from becoming ill. To prevent consequences in the form of numbness in the hind legs, you need to monitor your pet and control its movements whenever possible. If you notice the slightest changes in your pet’s behavior that are not typical for him in everyday life, consult a doctor. Regular visits to the veterinarian will help prevent the manifestation of serious illnesses and, as a result, avoid the appearance of paralysis of the hind limbs.

In this article I will tell you how to properly massage a cat’s hind legs. I will consider the reasons for prescribing physiotherapy. I will list the signs and sources of diseases, why the hind legs may fail or become weak. I’ll help you figure out what the problem is when a cat pulls its hind legs and how to help her cope with it. I will tell you about the techniques and method of giving a massage to your pet.

Massage of any part of the body for medicinal purposes is prescribed only by a veterinarian. The technique of massage movements is not complicated. After a little training it will be easily mastered by the pet owner.

In this type of treatment, it is customary to use 5 techniques and movements:

  1. Stroking. Movement of the hands in the direction of hair growth is carried out easily, without pressure. Rhythmic gliding over the surface of the skin provides a relaxing and cleansing effect. When stroking, particles of dead epithelium and sebaceous secretions are eliminated.
  2. Trituration. The action of fingers is similar to stroking, but at the same time they move the skin, achieving a deeper effect. This method stimulates blood circulation, improves vascular and muscle turgor.
  3. Kneading. Particular attention and most of the time is paid to careful study of muscle tissue. The technique is performed with the fingertips and the very top of the palm. Using fingers, they fix, shift and slightly lift the fold of skin and muscle tissue. Then it is pressed with the side of the hand to the bones.
  4. Vibration. This technique works on the lower layer of muscle tissue, blood vessels, internal organs and nerves. During massage, the pads of one or both hands are used. The principle of operation is that without leaving the surface of the bowl, a person makes rhythmic oscillations.
  5. Effleurage. The technique has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, nerve endings, and provokes contractions of muscle tissue. The technique is simple - use your knuckles or the edge of your palm to gently tap the surface of the paw. The joint area should not be beaten; this will cause pain and may injure the pet.

Massage techniques are similar to human ones, so you can practice them on yourself or other family members.

When massaging a cat's hind legs, you should reduce the strength of the movements.

Stages of massage

  • Using a stroking technique, treat the back, then the cat’s paws.
  • Take the right hind paw and massage the pad and each toe using a vibrating technique.
  • Using the kneading technique, the muscle tissue and tendons in the area of ​​the wrist joint are worked out, after which the paw is bent 2-3 times.
  • Using a rubbing technique, clockwise, they pass from the end of the limb to the base of the hock joint.
  • The area between the hock and knee joints is alternately worked with kneading and stroking techniques. The main part of the massage session is allocated to this stage.
  • Gently bend the pet's knee joint 5-6 times, accompanying this action by kneading the muscles.
  • Using alternating circular kneading and stroking techniques, the femoral part of the limb is worked out.
  • Tapping is performed on the same area, gently working with the knuckles.
  • The massage session ends with stroking movements.
  • The left paw is worked in the same way.
  • At the end of the session, the pet is praised, petted and treated to treats. This way the pet remembers the pleasant sensations from the procedure and will not resist repeated massage.

For the best effect and proper execution of massage techniques, the first session is carried out in a veterinary clinic.

The doctor shows the basic techniques, and the cat owner observes. After mastering all the techniques, massage is performed at home.

Why does a cat need to massage his back paws?

Massage is a method of physiotherapy that has a healing and relaxing effect. Relieves various symptoms and helps prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

This therapy is prescribed if:

  • Painful sensations in the muscles.
  • Partial and complete paralysis of the hind limbs.
  • Closed injuries – dislocations, sprains, bruises.
  • Muscle strain.
  • Inflammatory processes of the nervous system - neuritis.
  • Swelling of the limbs.
  • Arthritis.
  • Osteodystrophy is the replacement of tissue with fibrous tissue.
  • Recommendations for postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Preventive recommendations for cat breeds prone to musculoskeletal diseases.

Contraindications to massage therapy

  • Violations of the integrity of the skin - cuts, scratches, ulcers, acne;
  • Skin diseases, the foci of which are present on the hind limbs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Bleeding of internal and external nature.

Massage has a healing and beneficial effect not only on the condition of the body, but also on the moral health of the pet.

With a good mood and many pleasant sensations from the massage performed by the owner, the cat will recover faster.

Reasons why a cat's hind legs may fail

The hind legs may become weak or fail. Failure of the hind limbs is a serious disorder of the body, often leading to death.

Paralysis can occur suddenly or develop over a long period of time.

Signs indicating risk of limb failure:

  • Wobbling when moving.
  • Uncertainty of gait, the animal seeks a balance point before each step.
  • Dragging of limbs.
  • The cat's hind legs move uncontrollably to the sides.
  • Frequent squatting in the hind limbs.
  • Tissue compaction and swelling in the hip area.
  • Unreasonable refusal to play, preference is given to long-term, motionless rest.

At the first signs of paralysis, you should urgently contact a veterinary clinic for examination.

Only a doctor can determine the true cause of paw failure and prescribe appropriate treatment.

There are many reasons why cats become paralyzed in their hind limbs:

  • Inflammation of the spinal cord. This process is a consequence of infection with worms and infections, heavy metal poisoning, spinal trauma, and an autoimmune reaction. Uncontrolled urination, indigestion, and fever are common concomitant diseases.
  • Herniated intervertebral discs. With this disease, displacement of the vertebrae occurs with neoplasms in the intervertebral region. Symptoms of the disease are pain when moving, immobility, and constant tension in the muscle corset. The disease provokes compression and constriction of blood vessels and nerves of the spinal cord.
  • Thromboembolism is a serious condition of the body in which the femoral artery is blocked by a blood clot. With this disease, the cat feels sharp, sharp pain in the femoral part and tries to bite it in order to get rid of this feeling. Signs include loud meowing when moving, dragging of the paws, which eventually become completely paralyzed. The limbs become cold and lose sensitivity.
  • Hip dysplasia. Large breeds of cats or overweight pets are most susceptible to this disease. The symptoms are vague, expressed in pain when moving, uncertainty in gait, and a winding trajectory of movement. The pet tries to avoid jumping, during which it suddenly falls on its side and meows loudly from acute pain.
  • Cardiomyopathy and stroke. Dystrophy and sclerotic changes in cardiac cells lead to oxygen starvation and subsequent paralysis. Symptoms of the disease are shortness of breath during movement and at rest, limitation of movement, cough, vomiting and nausea, complete loss of appetite and refusal to eat. For strokes, the symptoms are as follows: fainting, dysfunction of the swallowing reflex, asphyxia, loss of the ability to navigate in space, shock.
  • Tick ​​paralysis is a deadly disease. If treatment is not started within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, the probability of death becomes 100%. The disease occurs due to the bite of an infected tick. Symptoms of tick-borne paralysis are hyperactive overexcitation, followed by severe apathy. The pet does not respond to external irritating factors, the paws stop moving, and the body is shaken by tremors.
  • Alimentary hyperparathyroidism – increased production of parathyroid hormones. It occurs with an unbalanced diet, as a result of which the content of calcium and vitamin D is minimized, and phosphorus exceeds the norm. Symptoms include lameness, bone deformation, pathological limb fractures, severe pain, and cramps in the hind legs.
  • Spinal injuries. With a fracture, crack or sprain, there is a high probability of complete or partial paralysis of the hind legs and tail. Cats get injured when falling from a height, accidents with vehicles, falling under a heavy object or being hit by a person. The symptoms are pronounced - back deformation, immobilization, sharp pain, internal and external bleeding, general weakness of the body, loss of appetite, apathy.

Treatment of your pet, regardless of the cause of paralysis, must begin immediately. Delay will cost not only the loss of the ability to move, but may also cost the animal its life. In some cases, minutes count.

Treatment for failure of a cat's hind legs

Treatment procedures and measures for partial and complete paralysis of the hind limbs of a cat or kitten are prescribed only by a veterinarian. Self-medication in such cases is contraindicated and will worsen the pet’s condition, sometimes leading to death.

Paresis of the limbs in cats usually develops against the background of severe injuries.

Depending on the cause of paralysis and the extent of the disease, treatment may be of the following nature:

  • Massage.
  • Injections of medications.
  • Use of ointments and suspensions.
  • Operative surgical intervention.
  • Oral and rectal administration of drugs.

The methods of treatment procedures have one thing in common - strict adherence to the veterinarian’s instructions and regular examination in the clinic.

Prevention of diseases leading to paralysis is much easier and safer than treating the consequences of the disease.

The health, ability to move and life of a pet directly depends on the attention and responsibility of the owner.

Constant monitoring and preventive measures will help avoid sad and tragic fates for the cat and its owner. Regular examinations at the veterinary clinic, coupled with home monitoring, are the key to a healthy and long life for your pets.