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Positive reviews. Tsitovir - instructions for use Taking Tsitovir 3

To treat influenza and reduce the likelihood of infection, pediatricians often prescribe Tsitovir-3 for children. This is an immunostimulating and antiviral agent, which, according to the instructions, can be used from one year onwards.

Cytovir-3 is available in syrup for children, powder, from which a solution is obtained when diluted with water, and capsules.


Cytovir-3 is a multicomponent medicine, its therapeutic effect is explained by vitamin C, bendazole and sodium α-glutamyl-tryptophan.

In addition to them, sucrose and water are added to the syrup. In appearance it is a colorless or yellowish liquid.

Hard capsules made from gelatin. They have a white body and an orange cap, inside there is a white or yellow powder that does not smell of anything. The capsules contain milk sugar and E 576 as inactive ingredients.

The powder is white, yellowness is allowed. The finished solution either does not smell or smells like orange, cranberry or strawberry. The powder contains fruit sugar as an inactive ingredient and may also contain fragrances.

Tsitovir 3 is an immunostimulating agent. The main ingredients of the drug are effective against influenza A and B viruses and other ARVI pathogens.

The therapeutic effect of the immunostimulant is explained by its active ingredients:

  • Bendazole triggers the body's process of producing its own interferon, which is necessary for the production of enzymes that suppress the proliferation of viruses. Active.
  • Sodium alpha glutamyl tryptophan normalizes the number of T cells, which maintain normal immunity. This component enhances the immunomodulatory effect of bendazole.
  • Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant; it protects body tissues from the negative effects of free radicals and reduces inflammation. It activates the immune system and increases the body's resistance to colds.

After oral administration, Cytovir-3 is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of vitamin C reaches 90%, bendazole -80%, α-glutamyl-tryptophan - 15%. Passing through the liver, bendazole and ascorbic acid undergo biotransformation and are excreted in urine. In the body, α-glutamyl tryptophan is broken down by enzymes into aminocarboxylic acids, which are involved in protein biosynthesis.


According to the instructions for use, Cytovir-3 can be prescribed to children both for the treatment and prevention of ARVI.

Limitations and side effects

Cytovir-3 syrup should not be given to children with allergies to its active and inactive ingredients, or with diabetes. The powder has similar contraindications.

Children with diabetes, if they are over 6 years old, are allowed to give Cytovir-3 in capsules.

The drug, as a rule, is well tolerated, only sometimes it can cause allergies, which requires completion of therapy and prescribing antihistamines to the child. Taking Tsitovir-3 can provoke hypotension, but after a while everything returns to normal.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, Cytovir-3 is given according to the same regimens for treatment and prevention. After the child drinks the drug, he is allowed to feed him half an hour later.

The dosage of the immunomodulator varies depending on the age of the patient. Cytovir-3 syrup for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in children is given in the following doses:

It should be given three times a day for 4 days. For the purpose of prevention, a child can take the medicine three to four times a year.

Using the same scheme, you can give Cytovir-3 in the form of a solution; to obtain it, add 40 ml of boiled cooled water to the powder and shake thoroughly. The prepared solution must be kept at a temperature of 0-8 ᵒC for a maximum of 10 days, after which it becomes unusable.

Children over 6 years old need to drink Tsitovir-3 capsules three times a day for 4 days.

Parents who give their child an immunomodulator should consider the following:

  • The syrup must be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees for 24 months from the date of production. The shelf life of the medication in other forms is 36 months.
  • Bendazole enhances the antihypertensive effect of diuretics and antihypertensive drugs. Phentolamine potentiates its hypotensive effect.
  • Vitamin C increases the blood levels of antibacterial agents of the tetracycline and penicillin series. It improves the adsorption of iron-containing medications. Ascorbic acid weakens the properties of anticoagulants, tricyclics, antipsychotics, and the chronotropic effect of isoprenaline. Acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptives, freshly squeezed juices and alkaline drinks reduce the absorption of vitamin C. Derivatives of barbituric acid accelerate the evacuation of ascorbic acid with urine. When prescribed in combination with salicylates and short-acting sulfonamides, the likelihood of salt diathesis increases. It lowers the level of contraceptives in the bloodstream.
  • If Cytovir-3 is given to a child repeatedly, then blood must be donated periodically to determine the sugar level in the body.
  • You should not give an antiviral drug in doses higher than those recommended by the doctor and the instructions. If a medication overdose occurs, you should seek emergency help. In case of poisoning, the antidote is unknown, so medications are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication. In case of an overdose of Cytovir-3 in a child, it is imperative to monitor the functioning of the urinary system, blood pressure and sugar levels in the bloodstream.


How much Cytovir-3 costs for children depends on its release form and on the markup of a particular pharmacy. The price of syrup is approximately 380 rubles, powder - 330 rubles, 12 capsules - 320 rubles.


There are no complete analogues of the drug Cytovir-3 on sale; there are only medications with similar effects:

  • Orvirem;

Is Orvirem or Cytovir 3 better for a child?

Orvirem is made in syrup, which contains rimantadine as the main ingredient. The medication is recommended for the treatment and prevention of influenza A in children aged 1 to 14 years. Syrup should not be used if you have kidney and liver dysfunction or hyperthyroidism. It can cause dyspepsia, stomach pain, insomnia, bloating, refusal to eat, headaches, and decreased concentration. Both antiviral drugs are not completely interchangeable and it is up to the doctor to decide what to drink.

What is better Arbidol or Cytovir-3 for children?

Arbidol is a Russian drug that comes in capsules, tablets and powder. The medication should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to its composition, otherwise it may cause allergies. It is allowed from 2 years of age; children under this age should be given Cytovir-3.

Is Cytovir-3 or Kagocel preferable for a child?

Kagocel is a domestic antiviral drug manufactured in tablets that can be used in children from 3 years of age. The medication is prohibited if you are allergic to its ingredients. More detailed information about Kagocel.

Is Cytovir-3 or Ergoferon more effective for children?

The effect of homeopathic remedies has not been scientifically proven!

Analogues of Cytovir 3 for children should be selected by a specialist, since each of them has its own pros and cons.


Moms and dads opinion

Parents who gave Cytovir-3 noted that if the antiviral drug is given at the very beginning of the disease, the effect is noticeable immediately. The temperature drops quickly. The drug is effective for the purpose of prevention; if given immediately after contact with an infected person, the risk of infection is reduced. Negative reviews are left by parents who noted the development of an allergy in their child to Cytovir-3.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Evgeniy Olegovich believes that ARVI does not require treatment with medications. If a child has the flu, then a well-known pediatrician advises dressing him warmly, giving him plenty to drink, and not force-feeding him. In addition, you need to rinse the nasal cavity with medications based on sea salt, for example, using Marimer, Sialor Aqua. The room where the child is located must be constantly kept clean, the temperature not higher than 20 ᵒC and the air humidity 50%-70%.

On the 3rd day, the concentration of interferon in the patient’s body reaches its maximum and the next day his health improves. On the 5th day of illness, immunoglobulins are produced and on the 6th day the fever subsides. When the child’s condition does not improve on the 4th day or after normalization of his health he becomes worse, he needs to donate blood. The examination will detect secondary bacterial infections. When they are attached, an antibiotic must be used.

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that Cytovir-3 is useless for a viral infection; the patient’s body itself will defeat the disease.

The immunomodulator is available on a prescription form, so you should not give it without consulting your doctor. The doctor will tell you how to take Cytovir-3 for treatment and prevention for children.

Children get cold easily and do not like to take medicine. Cytovir-3 syrup is created specifically for little picky people - a sweet, pleasant-tasting product intended for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. The drug is popular in pediatrics: it is effective and safe, as evidenced by reviews from doctors and parents. The article provides a detailed overview of this antiviral agent.

Tsitovir-3 allows you to launch the natural protective functions of the body.

What does the medicine consist of and how does it work?

The “work” of Cytovir-3 syrup for children is based on the action of three substances (that’s why the name of the drug contains the number 3).

  1. Bendazole- stimulates the production of interferons.
  2. Thymogen- enhances the effect of bendazole and improves the immune response.
  3. Vitamin C- suppresses the inflammatory process, helps the body recover faster from illness.

What are interferons? These are proteins that are released by the body's cells when a virus invades. They cause changes in cells that prevent the virus from forming and multiplying, and stimulate the immune system to fight the disease.

Tsitovir-3 is used for prevention purposes, as well as in complex therapy for viral diseases. It is compatible with all medications that are used in the treatment of ARVI and influenza. The syrup is intended for small patients over 1 year.

The drug is used for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, a general increase in immunity, and the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

Larisa, Stepa's mother:

“I am not a supporter of antiviral drugs and believe that the body should cope with the disease on its own. But in some cases, taking such medications is still justified, as in mine, for example. My son was prescribed a massage course at a clinic, where patients with various diseases are constantly crowded, and I didn’t want to test the immunity capabilities of a three-year-old baby.

Why did I choose Cytovir-3? It contains no dyes, preservatives or flavors. Despite the absence of these additives, the drug has a pleasant taste, and children like it. I don't know if my boy would have gotten sick if we hadn't taken the medicine. And she didn’t experiment with his health. After completing the course, the baby did not become infected from children sneezing and coughing in the hospital, although we came there for 7 days in a row. An excellent preventive measure, in my opinion!”

Manufacturer, release form and cost

Cytovir-3 is produced by the pharmaceutical company Cytomed, St. Petersburg.

Release form of the drug - syrup transparent color with a sweet taste and pleasant smell in a glass bottle (50 ml each). It is sold in a cardboard package, where a measuring spoon and instructions for use attached to the bottle are included along with the medicine (). Available only by prescription. The average price is 360 rubles.

Tsitovir-3 is also available in powder form for preparing a medicinal solution(can be taken by children over one year old). The main difference is that the sweet taste of the medicine is due not to sucrose (as in syrup), but to fructose. This drug is suitable for diabetics.

Cytovir-3 and in capsules, but they are intended for children over 6 years old and adults.

Capsules are suitable for children over 6 years old.

How to use Cytovir-3 syrup correctly

Immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs should be taken at the first symptoms of the disease(within 24 hours after their appearance). After this time, the virus has time to spread widely throughout the body, and the effectiveness of the medicine decreases.

How to give Cytovir-3 to a child:

  • 30 minutes before meals;
  • 3 times a day, at the same time.

Measure a portion of syrup only with a double-sided spoon, which is included in the package. On one side its volume is 2 ml, on the other - 4 ml.

Children like the syrup because it has a rather pleasant taste.

The dosage depends on the age of the baby.

It is important to use the drug throughout the entire recommended treatment period, even when the first signs of recovery appear. The duration of prophylaxis and therapy is 4 days. The course can be extended only on the recommendation of a doctor. Repeated use of the drug is permissible after 4 weeks, not earlier.

Example: The pediatrician prescribed Kolya Cytovir-3 and told my mother that the drug should be given according to the instructions. The boy is 4 years old. He is prescribed 4 ml of syrup 3 times a day. For 4 days, mom should give Kolya a large spoonful of medicine 3 times a day.

Alexandra, Masha's mother:

“My baby goes to kindergarten. There children are constantly sneezing, coughing and infecting each other. I believe that when a child catches a cold 3-4 times a year, this is normal. But my girl was sick every month! Therefore, I decided that her little body needed reliable protection. The local pediatrician advised us to regularly take courses of immunomodulatory drugs.

I bought Tsitovir-3 because I myself took it before pregnancy and was confident in its effectiveness. And this drug has never disappointed me - my daughter no longer catches colds as often as before. I give it every month from the 1st to the 4th (the preventive course is only four days). The little girl says that syrup is her “vitamin”. It’s sweet and tastes good, so you don’t need to persuade your child to drink it.”

Tsitovir-3 will help your child not catch a cold.

Precautionary measures

Reviews from parents and pediatricians indicate that Cytovir-3 is well tolerated by children, rarely causes allergies. There were no other adverse reactions in young patients.

The syrup is contraindicated for children:

  • with diabetes or high blood glucose levels;
  • up to 1 year;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

No cases of drug overdose have been identified. But be careful - its taste attracts little sweet tooths and makes them want to take another dose without the consent of their parents. Such abuse of syrup threatens an allergic reaction or poisoning. Keep the bottle of medicine out of the reach of children.

What to replace syrup with? Analogs

The composition of Cytovir-3 is unique and is not found in any other medicine. But there are many drugs similar in action to it. Let's look at some of them.

  • Anaferon Available in the form of lozenges. Sold without a prescription, rarely causes allergies. The drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases in adults and children from 1 month.
  • Viferon- antiviral medicine based on interferon. The product is considered one of the safest, so it has almost no contraindications. The drug is produced and is suitable for children of any age (including newborns).
  • Grippferon- analogous to Viferon in composition. In pharmacies you can find drops, ointment and spray intended for nasal use. The only contraindication to the drug is individual intolerance.

A cheaper analogue of Citrovir-3 is Grippferon.

Antiviral medications are popular in pediatrics. They are prescribed for prevention purposes, and at the first suspicion of viral diseases. But there is still debate about the rationality of their frequent use.

Proper use of antiviral drugs helps reduce the duration of the disease by only 2-3 days.

It's up to you to decide whether to give your baby medicine or allow his immune system to fight the virus on its own.


Advantages of Cytovir-3 syrup:

  • the effect is visible just a day after the start of the course;
  • compatible with other drugs;
  • safe and suitable for treating babies over 12 months;
  • it tastes good and children like it.


  • in rare cases it provokes allergies;
  • with long-term use increases blood glucose levels;
  • is ineffective if taken more than a day after the onset of symptoms.

Natalya, Alice's mother:

“My daughter gets sick often and according to one pattern - first a runny nose and cough appear. Then the temperature rises to 39°, remains for 2-3 days and slowly subsides over another 2 days. It’s hard to watch a child suffer all this time. One infectious disease doctor advised me to give my baby Cytovir-3 as soon as I notice signs of a cold. That's what I do. Of course, we still get sick, but now in a “mild” mode. The temperature does not rise above 38°, and the duration of the illness is now only 2–3 days. Someone will say that “stuffing” children with medications from childhood is stupid. But it seems to me that this is better than watching my daughter suffer and doing nothing.”

Tsitovir-3 is a safe drug for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. It is easy to use, easily tolerated by children, rarely causes allergies (the only side effect) and has few contraindications.

Pediatricians often prescribe Tsitovir-3 to prevent ARVI and influenza, especially during an epidemic. In case of illness, the drug should be taken from the first hours of the virus manifestation.

Anastasia Vorobyova

This is an immunomodulatory drug that directly affects the reactions of the immune function. They can be cellular or humoral. The drug has a powerful antiviral effect, if we consider its relation to the viral elements of group A, B. It also acts against microorganisms that lead to acute respiratory pathologies of a viral nature. The focus is on reducing the severity of signs of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and influenza infections. The substance also reduces the duration factor within which the main symptomatic signs appear. Let's take a closer look at Cytovir 3, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues.

What does Tsitovir 3 help with?

The effectiveness of the drug is due to its rich and varied composition, containing a large number of substances. Tsitovir 3, what does it help with? These aspects will be discussed later in the article.

  1. BENDAZOL. It helps induce the formation of endogenous interferon within the body. The component also has an immunomodulatory effect and contributes to the clear normalization of the body’s immune response. Enzyme substances, the production of which is induced within organ cells, help inhibit viral replication.
  2. ALPHA-GLUTAMYL-TRYPTOPHAN. This drug acts as a synergist, which has a clear immunomodulatory property. It normalizes some parts of the immune function, improving the patient’s overall health.
  3. ASCORBINE. This type of acid is aimed at activating the humoral immune part. Normalization of capillary permeability, reduction of inflammation. The composition also suppresses oxygen radicals, which are involved in inflammation, and increases the body’s resistance to the infectious process.

It is important to know how to take the substance so that the appropriate therapeutic effect is achieved. When used internally, the composition is designed to be 100% absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Its bioavailability is 80%. The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in several dosage forms.

  • Syrup substance (50 ml) costs from 360 rubles;
  • tablets for oral administration in quantities of 12, 24, 48 pcs. from 400 rub.;
  • powder composition for creating a solution - 20 g, there are different tastes, price over 300 rubles.

There are many pathological conditions in which it is problematic to do without this drug.

Tsitovir 3 indications for use

The drug is traditionally used for preventive and therapeutic purposes in case of progression of ARVI and influenza infection. It is used for children and adults over 6 years of age, if we are talking about tablets. Used for children from one year old, if it is a special solution or syrup substance.

Before using this drug for any purpose, you should pay attention to the contraindications. They include diabetes mellitus, infancy, pregnancy/lactation, and a high level of sensitivity to drug components. Information about the drug Cytovir 3, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues are provided for informational purposes.

Tsitovir 3 capsules instructions for use

The composition is intended for internal use half an hour before meals. Usually the same scheme of use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is assumed. For children and adult patients, the use of identical amounts of the composition is indicated. It involves using one capsule three times a day. If necessary, the scheme can be changed, but everything should happen under the guidance of experienced doctors. Usually the duration of treatment is 3 or 4 days. If there is a need, the preventive course is repeated. The price of the drug is also available, which is equal to from 270 rubles per package.

Tsitovir 3 syrup for children instructions for use

Another gentle and common form of Cytovir 3 syrup for children, instructions for use will be discussed.

  1. The medicine, produced in the form of a solution or syrup intended for internal use, is indicated for use at 1-3 years of age. It is allowed to take 2 ml of the medicine three times a day.
  2. If we are talking about young patients aged 3-6 years, then Tsitovir for children is used in a different quantity. It is 4 milliliters three times a day. If necessary, the dosage is subject to adjustment by the doctor.
  3. Cytovir for children 6-10 years old is used 8 ml three times a day. This suggests that the dose increases with the age of the baby. If the disease is acute in nature, the dose is increased, but strictly under the supervision of a physician.
  4. For children over 10 years old, Cytovir syrup is indicated for use in a single dose of 12 ml, the frequency of administration is three times a day.

The preventive or therapeutic course lasts 4 days, if necessary, it is repeated after 3-4 weeks. An important role is played by the price of the medicine, which is within 300 rubles per package. We studied Tsitovir 3, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues.

Tsitovir 3 analogues cheap for children

Considering Cytovir 3, cheap analogues for children, comparing them, it is worth concluding that the best remedy can only be selected by a doctor. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the composition and the minimum number of side effects and reactions. It is difficult to call this substance cheap or excessively expensive; the cost is quite average. But pharmacies also offer cheaper substances.

If the price of the main substance does not suit you, or it is not suitable for some reason, you should look for synonyms and substitutes, which are presented in great abundance today. And we will consider their fundamental list.

  1. . This is a product that costs less, its value is at least 80 rubles. The spectrum of action of these tablets is identical, as is the set of contraindications.
  2. Aflubin. The composition is offered in tablet form and has a rich effect on the body’s condition. This is a worthy substitute, the price of which is from 200 rubles per package. An identical medicine with the same set of actions and influences and a more affordable cost.
  3. Anaferon. This composition is similar to interferon and acts as medicine No. 1 in the fight against various pathological processes. The cost starts from 200 rubles.
  4. . Suitable for the treatment of a wide range of conditions and used for preventive purposes. It is relevant for use in the early stages of the disease and for delayed treatment. Price from 200 rub.

You can find analogues with the same active ingredient, as well as find independent remedies. Worthy substitutes for the composition in question include medications such as, orvirem.

Have you taken Cytovir 3, instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues, was the information useful? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Every mother worries about how to protect her child from colds and infectious diseases. Fortunately, medical science does not stand still, and every year new means appear to solve this problem.

The drug Cytovir-3, which is prescribed to adults and children for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B and other acute respiratory viral infections, has recently gained well-deserved popularity. Cytovir-3 is produced in the form of capsules (for adults and children over 6 years of age) and syrup (for children over 1 year of age, which can be taken by the whole family, if necessary).

Composition of the drug

Cytovir-3 contains three active components: bendazole, alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan (sodium thymogen) and ascorbic acid.

  1. Bendazole (dibazole) stimulates the body's production of endogenous (its own) interferon. Remember the pink liquid in ampoules from our childhood, which had to be dropped into the nose and kept tightly closed in the refrigerator? It was interferon, which we received from the outside and which also protected us from viruses. And thanks to the bendazole contained in Cytovir-3, the body increases the production of its own, “native” interferon.
  2. Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan (sodium thymogen) acts on the T-cell component of the immune system and enhances the effect of bendazole.
  3. Ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the humoral immune system, reduces inflammation, and has antioxidant properties.

It is the combined action of these three components that provides an optimal and long-lasting therapeutic effect. Here's why this happens: back in the 1960s, scientists discovered the ability of bendazole to activate the production of interferon in the body. However, this effect was unstable, and with long-term use of bendazole, the production of interferon decreased - the so-called refractory period began. Not so long ago it turned out that sodium thymogen is able to prolong the production of interferon caused by bendazole, “cancelling” the refractory period. Thus, the combination of these substances in combination with ascorbic acid, which reduces the permeability of capillary walls, best blocks a developing infection, relieves inflammation and activates the body’s own defenses.

Indications for use

The use of children's Cytovir-3 for preventive purposes during an influenza epidemic significantly reduces the risk of infection. If the child does get sick with ARVI, taking Tsitovir-3 in the first hours of the disease reduces the duration of the disease by half and reduces the likelihood of complications many times over. Cytovir-3 has been proven effective against influenza A and B viruses, the most common adenoviruses and rhinoviruses, and para-microviruses. Cytovir-3 combines well with drugs for the symptomatic treatment of infectious diseases. Studies have also shown that Cytovir-3 does not cause allergic reactions, and any side effects are also extremely rare. Only in children with disorders of the cardiovascular system when taking cytovir-3 is a temporary decrease in blood pressure possible. It is also not recommended to take Cytovir-3 syrup for children with diabetes mellitus or a tendency to develop it (due to the sugar content in it).

How to take Tsitovir-3?

According to the instructions for use of Tsitovir-3, it should be taken in the following dosage:

Tsitovir is taken orally 30 minutes before meals.

To treat infectious diseases, the drug should be started in the first hours of the disease and taken for 4 days. If one of the family members gets sick, everyone else should also start taking Cytovir-3 to prevent infection.

To prevent infectious diseases, Cytovir-3 is taken in the same dosage and for the same number of days. Prophylactic administration of the drug can be repeated every 3-4 weeks throughout the epidemic period.

The drug Cytovir 3, syrup for children belongs to the group of immunomodulators with an antiviral focus. These drugs actively affect the immune system by increasing the synthesis of interferon. Let's look at the medicine in more detail, let's name its components, principle of action, indications for use.

Cytovir 3 – composition

Tsitovir for children has a unique composition. It is based on 3 active ingredients, as is clear from the name of the drug. Thanks to this, the medicine is able to simultaneously act in different directions. The medicine contains:

  • thymogen;
  • bendazole;
  • ascorbic acid.

The ideal compatibility of the constituent medicinal components helps not only to stimulate the production of interferon, but also:

  • increase the resistance of cellular structures to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • have a detrimental effect on pathogen cells;
  • have a general strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect.

Tsitovir - indications for use in children

Cytovir syrup for children should be prescribed by the treating pediatrician. The doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, its stage and severity of symptoms, indicates not only the dosage, but also the frequency and duration of use. As for the indications for use, doctors prescribe the medicine to increase the body's defenses. The need for this arises when:

  • flu;
  • colds.

It is worth noting that the medicine can be used both for the prevention and treatment of diseases. In the latter case, it is part of complex therapy - used together with antibacterial, antiviral and antipyretic agents. It has been established that the medicine has a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of the therapy and shortens the overall treatment period.

Tsitovir for flu and colds

Tsitovir 3 for children is intended for oral use. The syrup is easy to dose - a measuring cup is included. The syrup is taken undiluted, 30 minutes before feeding the baby. The dosage and duration of use are determined individually by the pediatrician. It is worth noting that the medicine is used exclusively in children who are over 1 year old.

Cytovir for chickenpox in children

To begin with, it must be said that there is no specific treatment. Often, therapy for this disease takes on a symptomatic nature - antipyretic drugs, treatment of rashes, antihistamines (to reduce itching). But in severe cases of the disease, a large number of rashes, antiviral syrup for children Cytovir can be prescribed as a general strengthening component. The dosage is indicated by the doctor.

Cytovir for herpes in a child

It has been established that the antiviral drug for children Cytovir is effective against. In this case, it is used as an additional one. The basis is antiviral, acyclovir group. Cytovir significantly alleviates the course of the disease, especially when used as an immunomodulator. Treatment of the disease takes less time.

Cytovir 3 for prevention in children

Cytovir can be prescribed for prophylaxis to children at an increased risk of disease (contact with a patient, influenza epidemic). In this case, the duration of therapy is limited to 4 days, and the dosage is reduced. A repeat course can be completed no earlier than a month after the end of the previous one. Increasing the body's resistance helps prevent the disease and survive it in a milder form.

How to take Tsitovir for 3 children?

Before taking Tsitovir, children are prescribed a full examination to identify the causative agent of the disease. Taking into account the obtained result, the main therapeutic treatment is prescribed. Cytovir is used as an effective immunomodulator. At the same time, parents fully comply with the dosage, frequency, and duration of administration, as indicated by the pediatrician.

At what age can children use Cytovir?

Having learned about the effectiveness and high efficiency of the drug Cytovir 3, at what age it can be taken, mothers often ask their pediatrician. Referring to the instructions for the drug, you can see that its use in children over one year of age is allowed. This feature is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body in infants, the immaturity of the immune system. Even in cases where the baby is already 1 year old, it is necessary to consult with your local pediatrician before using Cytovir 3 syrup for children.

Cytovir - dosage for children

When using the medicine, the mother must strictly adhere to the dosage indicated by the doctor. Everything depends not only on age, but also on the severity of the disease and its severity. As for the standard dosages of Cytovir, they look like this:

  • children 1-3 years old – 2 ml 3 times a day;
  • 4-6 years – 4 ml three times a day;
  • 6-10 years – 8 ml of the drug 3 times a day;
  • over 10 – 12 ml of syrup 3 times a day.

Taking Tsitovir according to the regimen indicated by pediatricians, an overdose of the drug in children is completely excluded. Full compliance with the established frequency, duration of administration, and single dose excludes the development of such a situation. During the entire period of use and clinical trials of the drug, no cases of the body’s reaction to excessive use of the drug were recorded.

How often can Tsitovir 3 be given to a child?

Having figured out how to give Cytovir to children, it must be said that the drug cannot be used frequently. This also applies to preventive measures. This fact is due to the fact that with repeated use of the drug, the immune system is forced to constantly synthesize interferon in a larger volume. This could negatively affect her condition. If Cytovir 3 syrup for children is discontinued, she will continue to need constant stimulation. Based on this, immunologists do not recommend more than 2-3 courses in a row.

Cytovir 3 syrup for children - side effects

Any medication has side effects. Due to the insufficient development of organs and systems, the greater vulnerability of a small organism, they are more pronounced in children. Regarding the drug Cytovir, the following side effects in children from its use may be recorded:

  • cardiovascular system: short-term decrease in blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions: urticaria, itching.

If such side effects or other reactions to taking the drug occur, you must inform your doctor. In this case, the medication is discontinued and an alternative drug is prescribed. Parents must strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of doctors, which eliminates the recurrence of side effects and guarantees high effectiveness of use.

Tsitovir 3 – contraindications

An allergy to Cytovir 3 syrup for children is a direct contraindication to its use. When rashes appear and itching occurs, parents should no longer give the child medicine, but consult a doctor. If there is such a reaction to Cytovir 3 syrup, an analogue for children is selected by a pediatrician. In addition to allergies to the components of the drug, contraindications to the use of Cytovir 3 syrup for children include:

  • tendency to thrombosis (disturbance of the blood coagulation system);
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • age up to 1 year.

Tsitovir - analogues for children

This drug is an expensive drug. At the same time, there are analogues similar in action to Cytovir, cheaper, and can also be used for children. But it is worth saying that these remedies are similar solely in the effect they have on the body. They have a different composition. Because of this, sometimes efficiency can be reduced. Common pediatric immunomodulators include:

  1. Anaferon for children. The medicine is available in tablet form. Available from pharmacies without a prescription. When used, it rarely causes side effects. Effective both for prevention and for the purpose of strengthening immunity during ARVI. Can also be used in infants who are 1 month old or older. In this case, the tablet is crushed into powder and added to breast milk or formula.
  2. Viferon. The drug contains ready-made interferon. Available in the form of rectal suppositories. Allows you to increase the body's defenses, strengthens resistance to viruses. It is often prescribed to babies under one year of age and has virtually no side effects.
  3. Grippferon. It is a complete analogue of the medicine discussed above. Available in several dosage forms, which facilitates administration and dosage (drops, ointment, spray). It is administered nasally (into the nasal cavity), preventing the penetration of viruses and pathogens into the child’s respiratory tract.

There are many other immunomodulators similar to Cytovir 3, syrup for children. However, doctors still do not agree on the usefulness of using such funds. Many speak negatively about them, citing the fact that the introduction of ready-made interferon into the body has a depressing effect on the functioning of the immune system. As a result, an addiction effect may occur when the body stops independently synthesizing protective substances and waits for them to arrive from the outside.