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Reasons why fish don't bite. In what wind does the fish bite better? The influence of wind on fish biting

The eternal question of the fisherman is: at what pressure does the fish bite better in winter? Thousands of fishermen are struggling with the decision; the fishing environment is filled with fiction and guesswork. And everyone has developed their own understanding of the influence of this factor on winter fishing. The Internet is full of articles about supposedly “better” or “bad” blood pressure. But this information, to put it mildly, is unscientific, and does not relate to the winter bite, but to the personal opinion of the authors of such publications. One thing is for sure - atmospheric pressure affects the life activity of underwater inhabitants in winter. We will discuss how exactly further in this article.

The fishing community believes that there is normal pressure for fishing in winter and abnormal pressure. Peaceful fish are better caught at high and high pressure, and predators at low and low pressure. Long jumps discourage the bite. Anglers often put the factor of pressure on fish biting first among others. The pressure for fishing turns into a deity that you almost need to pray to so that it is “correct” when going to a winter pond. On forums there are battles and disputes about at what atmospheric pressure the fish bite better.

Misconceptions of Anglers - Destruction of Myths and Speculations

The influence of atmospheric pressure on fish biting matters, but not nearly as much as we imagine. After studying the issue, you come to the conclusion that we, fishermen (and not ichthyologists), are mistaken when trying to determine the optimal pressure for fishing in winter. This is such a multifaceted moment of influence on the bite that it is impossible to say anything unequivocally about this. This factor must be considered in conjunction with other phenomena, among which there are much more important ones than the barometer readings. One thing can be said for sure about how pressure affects fish - this factor does not determine the intensity of the bite, but indirectly affects it.

The developed tables of the influence of pressure on fish biting in winter do not reflect reality. Such a truly relevant table can theoretically be created - separately for each pond, lake, small section of a large reservoir, etc. Moreover, after many years of research and observation. And such a schedule will not last long - until, for example, the wind rose or the hydraulic engineering of the reservoir changes. Do you understand the volume of such work on the scale of all water bodies? Therefore, it is impossible to create a single valid biting plan. And what is there reflects, at best, general weather trends and the personal opinion of the compiler.

Specific barometer values

Another myth is the claim that some specific atmospheric pressure is considered normal for fishing, while others are not. The altitude varies across regions. And it is impossible to say that the norm of 760 mm of mercury is good for fishing. In Western Siberia this will have a different meaning, and on the Eastern plateaus it will have a third meaning. This value is relative; it is impossible to use specific values ​​to determine whether the bite will be good or not.

There is no specific value or norm of atmospheric pressure for a good fish bite. To predict fishing, you need to take into account not a specific value, but trends of change: it grows, falls, jumps or stays at the same level - this can really help the fisherman.

Effect on the swim bladder and the ability of fish to control buoyancy

Often in disputes about what atmospheric pressure is best for fishing, people cite the example that pressure greatly affects the swim bladder, and this is associated with a deterioration in biting during pressure surges. The truth is that even with a change of, for example, 10 mm of mercury, the fish, in order to equalize the pressure in the bladder, needs to change the depth of immersion by only 10 centimeters. Meanwhile, underwater inhabitants constantly change their diving depth, walking many meters in the vertical plane, and do not experience any problems.

Fish swim bladders are a perfect organ for regulating buoyancy, and the influence of pressure changes on them is minimal. Therefore, the statement that pressure affects fish biting in winter due to its effect on the swim bladder is nothing more than speculation. These are attempts by fishermen to explain to themselves the influence of this factor on the bite. In fact, normal pressure for fishing in winter is almost any (except for long periods of constant sharp surges). It’s just that in winter conditions the fish behave differently, and the angler needs to choose the right fishing tactics, bait and gear.

The main factor in winter is oxygen in the water, temperature and food availability.

Pisces are cold-blooded creatures. Metabolism directly depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the more active the cold-blooded ones are, and vice versa. These organisms live in water and extract oxygen from it with their gills. Depending on the temperature, water is saturated with oxygen to varying degrees. At low temperatures, more oxygen is “placed” into the water, and at high temperatures, less. Here we get the opposite paradox. The warmer the water, the less oxygen, and the higher the fish’s metabolism. But in cold weather there is more oxygen, so the fish breathes normally, even barely moving its gills. Therefore, in winter there is a danger of death - if there is a lack of oxygen, the fish cannot actively push water through the gills and receive more of it, since it itself is inhibited due to the low temperature.

Changes in atmospheric pressure indirectly affect the oxygen content in water, and for fish in winter this is more important than in summer. Due to low activity in winter due to low temperatures, she will always look for water with a high oxygen content in order to calmly stand there and breathe without additional effort. As it rises, the upper layers of water are better saturated with this gas, and this forces the fish to rise upward if in their usual place near the bottom there is not enough oxygen for comfortable breathing. This factor is relevant, for the most part, only in the wilderness.

A more important factor is feed migration. It is the food that the fish follow in winter. And it rises under the ice not at all because of pressure, but following the food supply.

It is important to understand that this “influence” of pressure will rarely work in its pure form. Indeed, the oxygen content in water in winter is influenced to an even greater extent by currents, changes in bottom topography, underwater springs and the global slow transport of water masses (in large standing reservoirs). Here we come to the main idea.

In general, there is no favorable pressure for fishing. This factor can only be taken into account when applicable to specific fishing conditions and observations in a reservoir. The effect of pressure is indirect for fish; there are much more significant factors. It is not correct to ask how pressure affects fish biting in winter. The right question is where to look for fish at high or low pressure in winter, what fishing methods and bait to use.

How does atmospheric pressure actually affect the bite?

It is important to understand that fishing pressure is not an indicator of good or bad bite, but a broad condition that affects many other factors, which together determine the activity of underwater inhabitants. The barometer reveals only general trends, which lead to both an improvement in the bite and a deterioration, depending on the reservoir and many other variables. It is impossible to predict the bite from it. But assessing this value makes it possible to predict changes in the weather as a whole - wind, rain, temperature, etc.

Fishermen know that in winter fish do not like weather changes. This is true, but not always. With sudden changes from a cyclone to an anticyclone and vice versa, as well as when the border zones of atmospheric fronts are exposed, fish either are not caught or bite well, and these periods are impossible to predict. And the bite in winter is influenced not by pressure indicators, but by changes in a number of weather factors. Atmospheric pressure is an indicator of the weather and its changes, which in itself does not affect the bite. It can be relied upon as an indirect measurement for forecasting.

The optimal atmospheric pressure for catching fish in winter is even, without jumps. And the fish will bite not because the pressure is exactly that, but because the weather is constant. A change in pressure is a sign of a change in atmospheric fronts. And in this case, biting in winter does not stop, but changes. And the fisherman needs to re-select the keys in view of the changed conditions - change the depth, bait, methods of play, the fishing place itself. The barometer level itself has almost no effect on the fish bite in winter. It is an indicator of a particular state of a weather system. Therefore, the question “at what pressure does the fish bite in winter” is not correct. You can answer it: “In any case.” It’s just that in different weather the fish will be more active or passive, feeding greedily or not. Also, depending on temperature, wind and light, it can move and stand in different horizons of the water column or change place. The fisherman needs to find out in a particular body of water under what set of conditions it begins to actively feed, and where it is at that moment.

Other factors

The ideal pressure for fishing is a myth. Experienced fishermen know that they need to consider weather conditions for winter fishing in general:

  • Temperature dynamics;
  • Direction of the wind;
  • Wind speed;
  • Illumination;
  • Dynamics of pressure changes.

There is simply no best pressure for biting fish. It must be taken into account only in conjunction with other factors - temperature, wind, cloudiness. Clear frosty weather is usually characterized by high pressure. The appearance of wind and a decrease in barometer readings indicate that clouds are likely to appear. Minor fluctuations can be ignored. But a long-term constant decrease indicates that the anticyclone will soon be replaced by a cyclone, and vice versa.

The best weather for winter fishing is constant. This is clear frosty weather (high pressure), or cloudy, cloudy, warm with low pressure. In one case, the fish will actively move, in the second, it will calmly feed in place. It bites poorly with sudden changes and constant changes, and even then not always. Before the sudden change there are short bursts of strong biting. But this does not mean that there is no bite due to pressure, which is simply an indicator and meter of ongoing phenomena.


The wind itself does not affect the bite. However, a sharp change in wind direction or strength indicates an imminent change in weather. Strong winds in winter on thin ice on large reservoirs can negatively affect the bite, as the entire shell will begin to move in waves - this will be visible from the pulsating movements of the water in the holes. At such times the bite is mostly bad.


Ambient air temperature and pressure are also related. Low is usually warmer than high. But the air temperature itself does not affect the bite - under water, and even under ice, the conditions are completely different. Frost will become a hindrance to the fisherman rather than to the bite. But if it gets warmer for a long time, the fish become more active and bite better. In the warm water near the hydroelectric power station it bites almost all winter.


Where are fish located when pressure is high in winter? Such barometer readings indicate that the weather is now dominated by an anticyclone. There are usually no clouds, the wind is either absent or uniform, without gusts. In winter it is often clear, frosty weather. This weather is favorable for catching peaceful fish. The predator can also be caught. There is a myth that a predator does not bite when the barometer is high. But that's not true. At such times, he simply has no hunger; the peaceful fish is very active and difficult to catch. Therefore, the predator stands in its place and is content with falling over.

How do fish behave under high pressure in winter? In the wilderness, you need to look for them in permanent parking areas. At the beginning of winter and at the end, in such conditions it is warm, and the fish actively walks around the habitat, throughout its feeding area. The correct methods would be active search and fishing with a jig or a reelless bait. Fishing for predators can also be successful if you accurately determine the parking areas and fish there.


The fish bite at low pressure is often sluggish, but this does not mean that it does not exist. The fish are just less active. It moves less around the pond. In such conditions, it is better to hatch on bait in places of permanent deployment. A cyclone dominates the atmosphere, the sky is overcast, and it may snow. If the weather is calm, a very good bite can happen, just the fish will peck carefully and slowly. At such times there is a feeding frenzy for the predator, which comes out of its den and hunts. This applies to pike, pike perch, and perch. Most likely, they will not stand, but will begin to scour the usual hunting places in search of prey.


An increase indicates the approach of an anticyclone, and a decrease indicates a cyclone. If these changes are smooth, then the fish does not react in any way, but simply gradually moves from one feeding mode to another. It has been noticed that with a sharp increase it is bad. With a sharp decrease, during the day, and a change in the weather after a long cycle of good to bad, immediately before bad weather, for example, during the day, a strong bite is sometimes observed.

Horse racing

If the barometer is constantly jumping, the weather is changing and does not settle in any way, then it usually bites badly. But this is far from the rule. With constant drops, the fish is unpredictable - now it is biting, after 10 minutes it has gone no one knows where. In such weather it is only good to fish.

This is far from the most important biting factor. But anglers can use it to determine weather trends, the behavior of underwater inhabitants and, as a result, the bite. On specific bodies of water, you can take notes in a notebook (if you go fishing frequently). This will allow us to catch some weather algorithms and the impact of this change on fishing.

Caught a fish

Why don't the fish bite?

We continue our traditional section Tips from experienced fishermen - today we will try to deal with the question of why fish often do not want to bite:

There is nothing better than preparing for fishing, when you put different hooks and fasteners into small boxes for a long time, when you go to a pond, think about the upcoming fishing, prepare bait, cast tackle, and ... .. it doesn’t bite! What kind of bad luck? Why doesn't it bite?! After all, it was done correctly... What to do?

This question has been worrying all fishermen for a long time. It is natural that there is no clear answer. There are many reasons that can ruin your holiday. Of course, an inexperienced fisherman who has not caught anything will always refer to the weather, pressure, moon phases, etc., but we will talk about the situation when the fish really refuses to bite in the usual way.

First, let's figure out what factors influence the behavior and bite of fish.

Weather and fish bite

Best bite seen in stable weather.

In warm water fish digest food faster, so they feed will be more active(But there is one amendment here: at a very high temperature of the water, the fish is in a semi-conscious state, which is bad for biting).

On a sunny clear day the fish tries to stay at a depth, and only the young go aground to the very shore, where the water has warmed up enough.

light rain may increase fish activity. The upper layers are saturated with oxygen, in addition, various food particles are washed into the water.

Wind may complicate the fishing itself, but often it helps with the bite. The wind saturates the upper layers of water with oxygen. Ripples and waves prevent direct penetration of sunlight - the fish are less wary and can go to the shallows.

Pressure plays a major role in changing fish activity. The best time to fish is on the eve of a storm or before the arrival of a cold front when the temperature drops sharply.

Transparency water also affects the behavior of the fish: in clear water the fish behaves more cautiously and tries to stay deeper. However, very cloudy water is not good either: it is difficult for fish to see their food.

Optimal water temperature different for different fish. As a rule, peaceful fish, which are more thermophilic, look for the place where they are most comfortable, where they behave actively and feed with great pleasure.

Sharp water level changes in a reservoir have a bad effect on fish biting. When the water level slowly rises or falls, the fish can maintain their usual activity and actively feed.

Flow helps the fish - it washes food into the pond, washes sand spits where the fish likes to stay.

What to do when the fish don't bite?

Well, when you have figured out why the fish doesn’t bite, you need to act in accordance with the prevailing circumstances.

Change– often gives a positive result. Try different baits, try to combine them, make “sandwiches”, change the size of the bait.

If you catch then It's worth experimenting with the type of wiring bait and its speed. Change baits more often, try even those you would never fish with here.

Change your fishing spot– you need to look for the fish, perhaps it has gone to the depths or hidden in the reeds. Try to fish as many new places as possible.

If you catch, then perhaps replacing the leash with a thinner one will not alarm the fish and this will bring you a positive result.

Keep quiet. Perhaps you are scaring the fish with your behavior or bright clothes.

try stay fishing longer– sometimes the morning lack of bite gives way to midday gluttony.

Switch to catching a different species of fish– if you caught a predator, then switch to fishing and vice versa.

Monitor the situation on the pond– often reveals its presence by splashes on the surface of the water.

Talk to other fishermen, perhaps their tactics of catching this day are more successful.

Conclusion: fish are very sensitive to sudden changes in weather. Her feeding preferences may change throughout the day. If the fish doesn't bite, don't give up. Try something new, choose the best from your own and others’ experiences, and your catches are guaranteed to become heavier!

Surely all fishermen have found themselves in a situation when you come to catch a specific fish, but it is not caught. This happens especially often when fishing for fish such as catfish, pike or crucian carp - their behavior depends so much on the water temperature, weather conditions and fishing time that it is very difficult to predict the result of fishing.

Why don't the fish bite?

If, say, you are fishing for bream, then your possible trophies could be the bream itself, the bream, the roach, other, smaller inhabitants of the fish kingdom, and in some cases even pike perch. If you went for pike perch, then most likely you'll catch some perch too. But imagine that you have come to catch catfish and all your gear is aimed at solving this problem, and everything seems to be fine - the weather, the bait and the place have been tested (a week ago you pulled out a decent one here (with a mustache), but there is no bite.

It is in such a situation that the eternal question arises: “What to do? How to return home without lowering your eyes in front of your wife’s gaze? We had to solve such problems when we found ourselves on one of the river islands on a May night. A sharp rocky cape, the depth starting three meters from banks, fast currents, and a complete lack of bite. After waiting for about two hours, we decide to act. Bleak plays on the surface, and from time to time we can hear the throws of large fish hunting for it.

Catching live bait with a fishing rod in complete darkness on the current seems impossible, but a way out was found. The water flowed over the rocky cape from which our gear had been thrown, and where it had been dry in the evening, now, after the night rise, there was a 20-centimeter layer of water. We managed to notice that single fish stood motionless at the bottom at this shallow depth. Since we did not have any devices for catching live bait, it was logical to try to catch them with our hands. It turned out that this is possible. The fish were in a sleepy state and, with some caution, they could be caught in hands folded in a boat.

At first we fished together: one grabs, the other shines a lantern and with the other hand pushes the fish into the trap, and then, when it began to dawn, we did it separately. Moreover, we became so impudent that we “chased” even fish standing directly in the river (naturally at an accessible depth). We came across only “white” fish, gobies, heh, were in an active state and did not allow us to bring our hands closer to a dangerous distance for them . Live bait was consumed quickly. We “launched” them with a float rod along the shore and, if there was no bite during the swim, then it followed at the moment of braking. when the bait came off the bottom. The bites were felt by hand.

Things got going. At night I caught pike perch and chub. Closer to dawn, the perch became more active. The fishing was saved. Even in childhood, my friend and I invented a method of catching live bait, which we called “raking”; it consisted of the following: the palms of two hands were folded with the thumbs together and with such a kind of rake, thick algae was raked onto the shore along with silt and small fish, usually gobies.

In this way, sometimes it was possible to catch crayfish, and it was not difficult to catch the “on duty” perch with small live bait. I thought that I would no longer have to use our children’s invention, but everything turned out differently. Last November, after spinning for four hours to no avail, I decided to remember my youth. As it turned out, it was not in vain, after several “rakes” I had 5 bulls and one “little white” fish.

Having put the goby on a jig head, I tried to catch it by dragging it along the bottom, and already on the second cast I felt a blow and caught a decent pike perch. Of course, the mentioned options for catching live bait are forced, and going fishing expecting to get live bait by “raking” is not serious. However, I hope that, as a last resort, they will help you get out of the dead end of no-biting.

You are fishing in a place where you are sure to find fish, you have chosen the right bait for the fish and the right fishing tactics. But the fish don't bite. Why doesn't the fish want to bite? The answer is simple. Sometimes the fish doesn’t bite, simply because it doesn’t want to bite, despite all the tricks. And the fisherman asks a lot of questions: where are the fish biting, what am I doing wrong when the fish are biting? What's next? Give up and hang your head and go home, or try to change something. How to make fish bite?

If the fish don't bite, don't give up

Don't get too upset about the lack of fish biting activity. Her feeding habits can change from day to day and even from hour to hour. Sometimes the fish stands still, as if in tetanus, and a minute later begins to grab everything that floats past. With her in such a mood, the fish bite is very cheerful. Even if the fish is not actively feeding, there will still be individuals that continue to feed. If it doesn't bite, you can't give up. Start experimenting with fish baits, fishing methods, and fishing spots. By changing your fishing tactics, you will find the right combination. In order not to start experiments from scratch, in this article we will look at the factors that influence the fishing activity of fish and find out what to do if the fish does not bite.

What affects fish bite?

The world of fish is very, very changeable: the weather, water conditions, food supply are constantly changing, and as a result of these changes, the level of activity of the fish changes. The angler must analyze all the conditions to determine where the fish are and what they will bite. After several years of fishing, you will also become experienced, and the question of when the fish bite and where the fish bite will not arise for you.

In the meantime Explore the factors that influence fish activity levels. These are the most basic principles, because otherwise there are no rules in fishing, only exceptions. But for most fish, most of the time, these rules apply.

In what weather do fish bite?

At what pressure does the fish bite, at what wind does the fish bite, what weather factors affect the bite - now you will find out everything. Any fishing trip you take will take place in different weather conditions. Smart anglers will definitely take advantage of good weather conditions when the fish are biting and will diligently learn to fish in bad weather when the fish aren't biting. The fish bite depends on weather changes, such as:

  • the arrival of a cold front,
  • change in atmospheric pressure,
  • change of wind,
  • regionality, etc.

Let's look at where the fish bite depending on the weather.

At what temperature do fish bite?

The warmer the air, the warmer the water, and vice versa. The fish is cold-blooded, so its activity directly depends on the water temperature. In warm water, fish digest food faster, so they feed more actively. The exception to this rule is very high temperatures when the fish is in a semi-active state. Therefore, fish bite better in warm months than in cold months.

Conclusion: fish bite when it’s warm, but not hot.

In clear or cloudy weather, fish bite

The condition of the sky affects the location of the fish, and therefore it depends on the sky where the fish bite better. In cloudy weather, the fish prefers to be in the shallows, above aquatic vegetation. But if the day is sunny, the fish sinks deeper, goes into the shadows, and hides in the algae. It is extremely rare for a fish to remain in the shallows or in open water on a cloudless, sunny day.

Conclusion: in cloudy weather, where the fish bite - in the shallows, in clear weather, where the fish bite - at depth or in algae.

When the fish bite during the rain

It has long been said that fish bite better when it rains. It's true, the fish bite in the rain, if the rain is light or medium, but not a downpour. Why do fish bite when it rains: the sky is cloudy, various foods that attract fish are washed into the water, the water becomes cloudier due to dirt washed off from the banks, the water temperature drops, and more oxygen gets into the water. All this activates the fish and awakens its appetite.

Conclusion: fish bite during rain, if the rain is light.

What kind of wind does the fish bite in?

The wind greatly affects the fish bite. Wind usually activates fish because it creates waves that push forage fish into areas where predators are feeding. Waves from the wind wash dirt and silt from the coastline into the water, making the water cloudy, washing away crustaceans from the bottom, washing away insects and other goodies from the shore. The wind creates ripples on the surface of the water, preventing direct sunlight from penetrating, and the fish come out onto the shallows. Also, in windy weather with waves, the water is better saturated with oxygen due to the mixing of water layers. All this has a positive effect on the activity of fish and the fish bite increases in windy weather. However, the wind can make fishing difficult, so the question naturally arises in what wind the fish bite.

Conclusion: fish bite in any wind that does not interfere with your fishing.

At what pressure do fish bite?

Pressure affects fish bite because it plays a major role in changing fish behavior:

  • the fish bite when the pressure drops;
  • fish bite when the pressure is consistently high for several days;
  • A slight increase in fish bite is observed with a sharp rise in pressure.

One of the best times to fish is in the lead-up to a storm or before the arrival of a cold front. Under these conditions, the barometer drops right before our eyes. The fish senses this and goes to the feast. Once the cold front passes and pressure begins to rise, fish activity decreases. When the pressure stabilizes, the fish begins to feed normally.

So, in order not to ask unnecessary questions about when the fish are biting, where the fish are biting, why the fish are not biting, when going fishing, you should:

  • find out the temperature
  • look at the sky
  • what precipitation is expected,
  • determine the direction and strength of the wind,
  • look at the barometer to determine the state of atmospheric pressure.

How water conditions affect fish bite

Water conditions include:

  • water transparency (clear, cloudy, medium),
  • water temperature,
  • water level,
  • the force of the current,
  • amount of dissolved oxygen.

All these water parameters are directly or indirectly related to weather conditions and affect the fish bite.

How does water transparency affect fish bite?

When anglers talk about the color of water, they mean its clarity. In reservoirs with clear water, fish stay deeper or in cover, unlike reservoirs with murky water. Also, in reservoirs with clear water, fish are more wary, since visibility in clear water is better and you need to be wary of predators. As a rule, fish bite better in slightly turbid water. The fish does not stay very deep and is not so timid, as long as visibility allows it to be relatively calm about its safety and see its prey. Many experienced anglers begin their day of fishing by searching a clear body of water for a cloudy area.

Conclusion: where the fish bite in the reservoir, the fish bite better, where it’s a little cloudy, ohVery cloudy water is bad, as the fish cannot see their prey and their activity decreases.

At what water temperature do fish bite?

The fish looks for water whose temperature is most comfortable for it:

  • heat-loving fish (carp, crucian carp, catfish) prefer a temperature range of 15-25°C;
  • lovers of cool water (pike perch, perch, pike) prefer 8-18°C.

Depending on the time of year and the prevailing water temperatures in the reservoir, the fish looks for places with a temperature closest to its comfortable level, where it becomes active and feeds with great pleasure. Water near the surface changes its temperature faster than deeper layers. How can all this help you find fish?

  1. Let's say you're hunting walleye in the dead of summer. The temperature at the fishing spot is 22°C. You can expect the fish to take cover or move to deeper areas. But at night, when the water cools down, it will definitely come to this sandbank and will be more accessible to the fisherman. In this case, night fishing will be more effective.
  2. Another example concerns early spring. On a sunny morning, the shallows protected from the wind will warm up much faster than other areas of the reservoir. Even if it is only a few degrees warmer, the fish senses it and will come there and actively feed at noon. But as evening approaches, the water here cools down very quickly, and the fish leave this area, going deeper.

Many experienced fishermen take a thermometer with them when fishing to measure water temperature. In different places of the reservoir, the water temperature can vary greatly depending on depth, transparency, wind and other factors. You can determine all these factors and find out where the water is warmer and where it is cooler. Therefore, it is better to understand where the fish are biting.

Conclusion: Water temperature affects where fish bite and when fish bite.

How does water level affect fish bite?

The water level in reservoirs can decrease and increase under the influence of weather conditions (rains), human activities (dams) and seasonal changes (melting snow and ice, summer drought, etc.):

  • the fish bite better if the water level rises;
  • The fish bite worse if the water level drops.

A rising level means two things affect when the fish bite:

  1. In lakes and reservoirs, when the water level rises, new areas are flooded, which makes new food sources available for fish. A lot of fish move into these flooded areas and actively feed there.
  2. In rivers and streams, rising water washes food from the banks, and the increased current carries this food to certain areas that you can easily find.

Lowering the water level has the opposite effect. If the water decreases slowly, then the fish can feed with low intensity, but if the water drops sharply, then the fish do not bite, and this continues until the level stabilizes.

Conclusion: when the fish bites - when the water level rises; where the fish bite is where a new food supply is formed.

In what current do the fish bite?

The current affects the fish bite and resembles the flow of wind, but only in water. The current picks up the food and carries it away with its flow. Predatory fish know this and use the current to feed. The flow in rivers and streams is constant, it can increase due to heavy rains or decrease during drought. Also, the speed of the current can be adjusted by a person.

Conclusion: increased current leads to improved conditions for feeding fish, and the fish bite more actively.

How does the moon affect fish bite?

In many fishing publications, you can find a lunar calendar of fish biting. This calendar was developed taking into account the influence of the gravitational forces of the Moon on the earth's water bodies. Moon gravity creates currents in the oceans, and anglers know that when this happens, offshore fishing is usually better. The same thing happens in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. Pisces feels the gravitational influence of the Moon and this affects its mood.

Many anglers use the lunar fish-biting calendar when planning their fishing, others simply ignore it, although this influence is observed, it is still of secondary importance for fishing after other factors.

How to make fish bite

I hope we figured out why fish sometimes bite and sometimes don’t. What to do if the fish doesn't want to bite? Change your tactics. Think about why the fish doesn't bite, and what you can do to tempt it. Then start experimenting with different parts of the reservoir, wiring methods, and baits. There are plenty of variations.

To make the fish bite, change the place

If you don't catch a fish in one place, try catching it in another. Try to fish different places, and not just similar to those where you once caught fish. If you've been fishing in open water, switch to fishing near vegetation to encourage the fish to bite. If you don’t catch it there, fish in the vegetation itself, if you fished in the depths, try the shallows and vice versa, and all this with different options. Remember that fish in an inactive state prefer to remain in cover or at depth.

Conclusion: Change your position depending on the weather and water conditions, so you will get the fish to bite.

To make the fish bite, change the bait at

Inactive fish take small baits more readily than large ones. Imagine that you have had a hearty lunch and are sitting relaxing in a chair, and someone brings you a huge sandwich? Naturally, you will refuse. But if they bring you a small portion of ice cream, you might eat a little. The same thing happens with fish. After eating, she rests and ignores large prey. But if a small dessert floats in front of her nose, she might take it.

Conclusion: to get fish to bite, use small baits.

To make the fish bite, slow down the retrieve

Active fish attack fast prey, but when lunch is over, the fish is not in the mood to chase it. Therefore, it ignores fast-moving baits. But slow, hovering lures that float past and don't require a chase have a better chance of tempting a predator.

Conclusion: Slowing down your retrieve can help influence predatory fish to bite.

To make fish bite, change the color of the bait

I think the color of the bait is not the most important thing if the fish is not biting, but sometimes this is the only thing that helps. The main thing is to find the right color, and sometimes this can be more difficult than finding the fish itself.

Conclusion: to ensure that the fish bite, take baits of different colors with you when fishing and change them if the fish does not bite.

For fish to bite, be careful

Sometimes the fish don't bite simply because you were careless. Don't get too close to the fish. Don't make noise in the boat. Do not cast bait into an area where fish are standing. Instead, cast a little further and gently bring the bait towards the fish. In general, be more careful when fishing; the less the fish senses your presence, the calmer it is.

Conclusion: Don't let the fish see you if you want the fish to bite.

Success in fishing, as in other sports, is built on the foundation of previously gained experience, and this experience is acquired by fishing. You also have the opportunity to learn from the experience of other anglers, which is also very important. Try something new, choose the best from your own and other people’s experiences, and your catches are guaranteed to become heavier.

May 03, 2013 Hunting and fishing

Imagine, you got ready for a fishing trip, prepared for a long time, anticipated pleasure, but the fish doesn’t bite, no matter what tricks you try, no matter how many attempts you make. You have changed the location, bait and tactics, but there is still no result. There is no need to despair and think about returning home; try to come up with something to stir up the fish. Let's remember that the feeding preferences of fish change not only every day, but even every hour, so let's not get upset ahead of time because of the fish's passivity. There are times when the fish almost jumps into the boat itself and greedily grabs everything that is offered to it, and there is darkness all around the fish. But suddenly the bite stops abruptly, although you can see that there are still fish. What happened? What changed: pressure, wind, or did the fish just get full? There are also the opposite situations, when the fish initially stands still, but after a few minutes begins to actively grab everything that floats past, and the fisherman is glad that he did not panic and did not go home.

If the fish does not attack the food, there will still be specimens that have not yet eaten and continue to feed. So, there will definitely be a few hungry fish. And even if your fishing is unsuccessful, you still gain experience. The conclusion is: don't give up! Try experimenting with methods, baits, and location. Experiencedly you will find the best option. But in order for your experiments to be conscious, let’s consider the natural factors that affect the activity of fish and, based on this, choose the appropriate options.

Factors that influence fish behavior.

The fish world is changing very quickly due to the fact that there is always something happening near the surface of the water. The weather, water conditions, food availability change, i.e. something on which the activity of fish directly depends. The angler must know and be able to analyze these factors to determine the location of the fish and its feeding preferences. Experienced fishermen find the right options very quickly. But even a beginner has to start somewhere. We will consider the most basic factors influencing the activity of fish, because... There are no clear rules in fishing, but for most fish they apply.


Weather is a capricious thing, so your fishing will take place in different conditions. Sometimes the weather will be your helper, and sometimes, on the contrary, a hindrance. But you need to learn not only to take advantage of good weather conditions, but also to learn the tricks of catching fish in bad weather. Several weather factors are important for fish. Air temperature (high or low), cloudiness, precipitation (snow, rain), wind (strong, weak, gusty), changes in atmospheric pressure, the onset of a cold front, changes in wind direction and much more. Let's look at each of these factors in more detail.

Air temperature.

It is clear that the higher the air temperature, the warmer the water and vice versa. Fish are cold-blooded creatures, so they are very dependent on factors such as water temperature. If the water is warm, then the process of digesting food in fish goes faster, which means they swallow food more actively. The exception is a very high water temperature, then the fish are inhibited. But fishing is more effective in the warm months of the year.

State of the sky.

Whether there are clouds in the sky or the sun is shining - this also affects the behavior of the fish. On a cloudy day, the fish, for the most part, like to be in the shallows (above the vegetation); on a sunny day, they go deeper into the shadows and hide in the algae.


Even those who are not keen on fishing know that fish bite better in rainy weather, provided that it is light rain and not a downpour. After all, rain is accompanied by several other factors: cloudiness, rain washes into the water any food that attracts fish, mud washed from the banks causes the water to become cloudy, its temperature drops and at the same time the oxygen level rises. This makes the fish more active and awakens its appetite.


The wind makes the fish more active, but at the same time makes fishing more difficult. It creates waves, thereby pushing the fish into the places where the predator lives. Waves make the water cloudy, washing dirt, silt, and insects from the shore into it and washing away crustaceans from the bottom. Dirt forms on the surface of the water, the sun's rays do not penetrate through it well, and the fish retreat to the shallows. In windy weather, the water is better saturated with oxygen due to the fact that the water layers are mixed and this has a good effect on the bite.

Change in atmospheric pressure.

Pressure is one of the most important factors influencing fish behavior. When pressure decreases and when pressure is consistently high, fish are more active. The best time to fish is before a storm or before a cold front arrives. When the barometer starts to drop sharply, the fish senses it and actively strives for food.

Condition of the water.

This concept includes transparency, temperature, water level, current strength, and the amount of oxygen in it. All this is related to weather conditions.

Water transparency.

In reservoirs with clear, clean water, fish prefer to be deeper or in shelter; here they are more timid and wary, because Visibility in such water is excellent, and she needs to be wary of predators. In slightly turbid water, the fish stays at shallow depths, is not afraid of predators, sees its prey well and bites better. Experienced fishermen are looking for just such a turbid area in a clear body of water. A very muddy body of water does not contribute to a good bite, because... the fish does not see the bait and is inactive.

Water temperature.

The comfortable temperature zone for fish depends on many conditions. Heat-loving fish such as crucian carp, carp, and catfish prefer water temperatures from 15°C to 25°C, and such as pike, perch, and pike perch prefer water temperatures from 8°C to 18°C, i.e. prefer cool water. This must be remembered. At any time of the year, the fish looks for places with the most comfortable temperature, where it feeds most actively. The water temperature on the surface changes faster than in the depths. Suppose you are planning to hunt for pike perch in a hot summer. The water temperature at this time is about 22 degrees. It is clear that during the day the fish will go to deep places, and at night, as the water cools, it will come to the shallows, and that’s where it will be available for fishing. It follows that it is better to catch pike perch at night. If we talk about spring fishing, then on a warm morning the shallows will warm up sooner than the deeper parts of the reservoir. The fish can feel even a difference of several degrees and by noon, you can be sure that it will come to a warm place. And in the evening, when the water cools down, it will leave the sandbank. Experienced fishermen usually take a thermometer with them when fishing to measure the water temperature and determine where in the reservoir the fish are located at that time.

Water level.

The water level in a reservoir depends on many factors: rain, drought, human activity (dams), melting snow and ice, etc. If the water level rises, the fish becomes more active, and, conversely, when the water level decreases, the bite worsens. Why is this happening? When the water level rises, it floods the areas adjacent to the reservoir and this creates additional food reserves for fish. Therefore, if the water level rises, fish should be looked for in those places where the water carries food from the banks.


Current can be compared to wind, but only in water. It washes away the food and carries it with a stream of water. Predatory fish know this very well and actively use the current to obtain food. The flow in rivers is not always the same. It may increase due to rain and decrease in hot, dry weather. Increased current has a beneficial effect on fish activity.

Moon phases

For the convenience of fishermen, a calendar is published, which indicates the phases of the moon and their effect on the fish bite. It takes into account the influence of the Moon’s gravity on water bodies, which contributes to the creation of currents in the ocean and at this time sea fishing is more effective. The same thing happens in freshwater bodies. Therefore, fishermen identified two periods of high and two periods of low fish activity in a day.

How to stir up inactive fish.

We've dealt with natural factors, now let's move on to advice. What to do if the fish doesn't bite? We need to change tactics. You need to think about and find the reason why this happens, and then start experimenting with different baits and maneuvers.

    Change location. There is no need to remember those places where there was once a good bite, and even more so, look for something similar to them. Try fishing not only in open water, but also near vegetation, at depth, in shallows, combining this with bait and retrieve options. Focus on the weather and water conditions.
    Change bait. If you've been using artificial bait, why not experiment with live bait? If this is not to the fish’s taste, then try putting on something with an expressive effect. It is better to use a small bait; such inactive fish take better, because... After feeding, she rests and does not react to large prey.
    Slow down the wiring. Having become heavy with food, the fish no longer wants to fuss around in pursuit of quick prey, but one that swims by and is not escaping from a predator may interest it.
    Use thinner line. Such a fishing line is less noticeable and the fish are not scared; moreover, with a thin fishing line it is easier to use small baits.

Please use caution.

Try to become invisible to the fish, do not move close to it. Be quiet, don't make noise. Don't try to cast the bait exactly where the fish are. It’s better to cast a little further and slowly bring it towards the fish. The less likely the fish is to sense you, the more calm it will be.

Catch different types of fish.

For example, if a pike perch doesn’t want to bite, try catching a pike; if a pike doesn’t want to, try catching a perch. There is no need to stop at one species, because while some fish are active, others may not feed at all. To do this, you need to know the habits of each species.

Success in fishing is the experience gained from your own successes and failures, as well as the experience of other fishermen. Experiment and eventually you will get the desired result.

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