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Antiviral drugs for children - a review of the best medications with instructions, composition, indications and price. Antiviral drugs for children of any age Antiviral drugs for children after 1 year

Antiviral drugs are drugs used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of viral etiology.

The mechanism of their action can be divided into two different principles: Some medications directly affect the virus itself, inhibiting the reproduction and division of microorganisms, while others cause increased secretion of immune hormones, due to which the body itself fights the pathogenic “invader.”

The former are more effective for severe viral infections, pulmonary, intestinal, papillomavirus, smallpox lesions, and have more contraindications, the latter are more often prescribed for colds, mild flu and throat lesions (laryngitis, tonsillitis) and are safer.

Antiviral drugs for children are classified depending on the chemical nature of the active substance:

  • interferons;
  • abnormal nucleosides;
  • adamantane and its derivatives, or M2 channel blockers;
  • neuraminidase inhibitors;
  • inducers of interferon production;
  • hemagglutinin inhibitors;
  • of plant origin;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Among the indicated list of drugs, neuraminidase inhibitors and M2 channel blockers, which are distinguished by their targeted antiviral effect, have proven effectiveness. The clinical effectiveness of the rest is considered unproven.

Indications and features of use

It is most advisable to take an antiviral drug after receiving the results of laboratory diagnostics with determining the exact strain of the virus that provoked the disease.

Since many drugs in this group also exhibit immunomodulatory activity, it is recommended to do an immunogram to determine the type of immunodeficiency.

According to the mechanism of action, almost all drugs act exclusively on viruses in the reproduction stage.

Therefore, if the viral genome is integrated into cellular DNA or RNA, the medicine will be ineffective. In this regard, the antiviral drug should not be taken in the first 1-2 days after the onset of symptoms, that is, during the period of active reproduction of microorganisms.

When using such medications, it is extremely important to take them in the indicated dosage, observing the frequency of administration and duration of therapy. Children's forms of antiviral drugs are selected taking into account the child's age and weight.


Interferon drugs should be taken within the first 24 hours, only then will they be effective. At this stage, the immune response is just forming, so the introduction of interferon will help to quickly respond to the introduction of the virus. In addition, the most targeted action is achieved by drugs whose interferon enters the body bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

For children under 1 year of age

All medications for children under one year of age must be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

At this age, antiviral drugs from the interferon subgroup are most often prescribed:

  • Viferon, supp. rectal 150 thousand IU No. 10 - 275 rubles;
  • Grippferon, cap. nasal, fl. — 270 rub;
  • Human leukocyte interferon, amp. 1000 IU, No. 10 - 102 rub.


Contains recombinant interferon, vitamin C and E. The mechanism of action is to suppress viral replication, enhance the phagocytic activity of macrophages, increase their own immune response to the penetration of pathogens, increase the IgA titer, and normalize the IgE content.

The drug has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative effects. Due to the content of vitamins C and E, anti-inflammatory and membrane-stabilizing activity is manifested.

Prescribed in the complex therapy of ARVI and bacterial infections, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours for 5 days. According to indications, therapy can be continued, but the break should be at least 5 days.

Viferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to interferon, autoimmune pathologies. Allergic reactions in the form of itching and skin rashes occur extremely rarely.

Grippferon - nasal drops

Prescribed in therapy and as a prophylactic agent for acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza. Positioned as the safest antiviral drug for infants.

Influenza is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to interferons, severe forms of allergies, and autoimmune diseases.

Human leukocyte interferon

It is a mixture of several subclasses of interferon obtained from leukocytes. It exhibits antiviral, antiproliferative, antitumor, immunomodulatory effects.

Recommended by a doctor for the preparation of a solution for intranasal use in children under 1 month gauze flagella are moistened with 3 drops of the drug and inserted into the nasal passage 3-5 times a day, for children under 12 months - a drop 4-5 times a day.

Contraindicated in autoimmune pathologies and interferon intolerance. As an adverse reaction, rashes, attacks of nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, and fever may occur.

For children over 1 year old

The following list is most often prescribed as antiviral drugs for children over 1 year of age:

  • thymogen, nasal spray - 350 rubles;
  • Immunal, drops for oral administration - 340 rubles;
  • orvirem, syrup 0.2% - 325 rubles;
  • cytovir-3 syrup, 50 ml - 400 rub.


The list opens with a good antiviral agent for children, the main advantage of which is local use. Thus, the list of contraindications and possible side effects is reduced.

The active component of the drug is sodium glutamyl-tryptophan. Thymogen exhibits immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, antioxidant, and reparative effects.

The main substance interacts with T-lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, which helps normalize their activity.

Thymogen is contraindicated in case of autoimmune pathologies or intolerance to the main component.

It is prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature with an acute and chronic course, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in cellular immunity.

Also used in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. For children over 1 year old, it is recommended to spray 1 spray into one nasal passage once. The course of treatment is 10 days.


In pediatric practice it is used in the form of drops. This medicine contains grass juice Echinçea purpurea. Recommended for strengthening immune defense in mild to moderate ARVI.

Children over 1 year of age are prescribed 1 ml three times a day, 7 days in a row.

Immunal is contraindicated in case of autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity to plants from the Asteraceae family. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of skin rash, dizziness, bronchospasm, shortness of breath, anaphylactic shock.


Contains rimantadine hydrochloride, that is, it is a good targeted antiviral drug, used for the treatment and prevention of influenza types A and B.

It should be taken according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1: 2 tsp. syrup three times a day;
  • 2nd and 3rd: 2 tsp. twice during the day;
  • 4th: 2 tsp. once a day.

It is considered the most optimal antiviral drug for children 2 years old, since the bottle is enough for a course of treatment, and the therapeutic effect appears 4 hours after the first dose.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary substances, kidney and/or liver pathologies of any origin, confirmed epilepsy. Side effects develop in the form of skin rash, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, dizziness, and insomnia.


Contains thymogen, ascorbic acid, bendazole hydrochloride (dibazole). The last component belongs to the class of immunostimulating agents that exhibit antiviral activity, which is realized by stimulating the production of its own interferon.

This compound also increases the nonspecific immune response. Thymogen activates T-cell immunity and enhances the antiviral effect of dibazole. Vitamin C activates humoral immunity.

This effective drug is prescribed for the treatment of ARVI (colds) and flu. For children over 1 year of age, the recommended dose is 2 ml of syrup, which should be taken three times a day for 4 days.

For children from 3 years old

For children over 3 years old, the choice of antiviral agents is much wider. Pediatricians prescribe the following names:

  • Arbidol, tab. 50 mg No. 10 – 170 rubles;
  • Hyporamine, tab. 20 mg No. 20 – 160 rubles;
  • Groprinosin, tab. 500 mg No. 20 – 620 rubles;
  • Kagocel, tab. 12 mg No. 10 – 245 rub.


For patients of this age category, it is available in tablet form with a dose of 50 mg. The drug contains umifenovir, which exhibits immunomodulatory and antiviral activity.

It enhances the production of interferon, activates humoral and cellular immune defense, and stimulates macrophages. Arbidol has a particularly strong effect against influenza A and B viruses.

The drug is used in the complex treatment of influenza, rotavirus infection, ARVI 4 times a day, the dose is selected taking into account the age of the patient:

  • children 3-6 years old – 50 mg;
  • 6-12 years – 100 mg;
  • from 12 years – 200 mg.

For prevention purposes, take a single dose once a day for a 2-week course.
Arbidol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to umifenovir, the child is less than 2 years old. The side effect manifests itself in the form of allergic rashes.


A cheap antiviral drug containing sea buckthorn leaf extract.

It is used in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, adenovirus, influenza A and B virus, CMV, chickenpox, and herpes infection.

It is prescribed to children over 3 years old, one tablet three times a day, over 12 years old – one tablet 4 times a day.

The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to drug components.


Contains inosine pranobex as the main active ingredient. It has an immunomodulatory and broad antiviral effect.

Normalizes the dysfunction of cellular immunity, stimulating the maturation and division of T-lymphocytes. Inosine promotes the production of endogenous interferon and inhibits the synthesis of interleukin-4.

Prescribed in complex treatment and for the prevention of ARVI, influenza virus, chickenpox, measles, herpes infection, papillomavirus, CMV, molluscum contagiosum.

The daily dose depends on the severity of the disease, the weight and age of the child. As a rule, 50 mg per 1 kg of weight, divided into 4 doses, is recommended.

Groprinosin is contraindicated in case of urolithiasis, arrhythmia, renal failure, as well as with body weight less than 15 kg. Side effects most often include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, and insomnia.


Contains the active ingredient of the same name. The drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

In pediatric practice, it is prescribed to children from 3 years of age in the complex treatment of viral infections, including influenza and herpes.

The dose and frequency of administration depend on the age of the child:

  • from 3 to 6 years: In the first 2 days, a tablet twice a day, the next 2 days - a tablet once a day;
  • over 6 years: first, a tablet three times a day for 2 days, then a tablet twice a day for another 2 days.

For children from 6 years old

As a rule, the following list of remedies is recommended for the prevention and treatment of viral infections:

  • Amiksin, tab. 60 mg each No. 10 – 585 rubles;
  • Relenza, por. with inhaler – 1020 rubles;
  • Rimantadine, tab. 50 mg No. 20 – 77 rubles;
  • Cycloferon, tab. 150 mg No. 20 – 370 rub.


The drug contains tilorone, which exhibits more of an immunomodulatory effect than an antiviral one.

Allowed for children over 7 years of age and used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI.

The advantage of the drug is its ease of administration: just 1 tablet once a day for 3 days in a row.

However, side effects often develop in the form of dyspeptic disorders, chills, and allergic reactions.


Available in powder form for inhalation. The main active ingredient is zanamivir, which belongs to the group of neuraminidase inhibitors.

A distinctive feature of this modern drug is its targeted antiviral effect and proven effectiveness. Approved for use by children over 5 years old, 2 inhalations twice a day for 5 days.

This powerful inhaler is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to zanamivir or a history of bronchospasm.


The cheapest anti-influenza drug, the price of which starts from 77 rubles. Prescribed to children over 7 years of age in tablet form.

Also used to treat influenza A, tick-borne encephalitis virus, and acute herpes infection.

For children aged 12 years and older

For this category of growing patients, medications intended for adults are often suitable. However, only if the teenager is of normal weight and does not have chronic diseases.


The medicine contains vitaglutam, which exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effects.

The drug is prescribed in the complex treatment of influenza A and B, parainfluenza, and adenovirus. It is recommended for children over 13 years of age to take 1 capsule once a day for a course of 5-7 days, depending on the severity of the condition.

The maximum therapeutic effect is observed if therapy is started no later than 36 hours after the onset of symptoms.

The medicine is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to the components.


It contains enisamium iodide, which, upon penetration into the body, activates the production of interferon. Thus, further reproduction and division of the virus is indirectly inhibited.

The drug is effective against the influenza virus and other acute respiratory viral infections. Approved for use by children over 12 years of age.

Homeopathic antiviral remedies

Homeopathic medicines include plant, animal and mineral extracts, as well as other biologically active substances.

However, when using such medications in childhood, it should be borne in mind that none of those presented on the pharmaceutical market has an evidence base.

Of this subgroup of antiviral drugs, the following are most often prescribed in pediatric practice:

  • Anaferon for children (Table No. 20, 235 rubles);
  • Aflubin (table No. 12 - 310 rubles, drops for oral administration, 20 ml - 355 rubles);
  • Viburkol (supp. Rectal No. 12 - 395 rubles);
  • Oscillococcinum (granules in a pencil case, No. 6 - 395 rubles).

Anaferon for children

Contains carefully purified antibodies to interferon. It is used in therapy and for the prevention of viral infections, including herpes, rhinovirus and adenovirus.

For the treatment of ARVI, you should take 1 tablet in the first 2 hours. every half hour, then during this day - another 3 tablets. at equal time intervals.

Thus, a total of 8 tablets are taken on day 1. Starting from the 2nd day, one tablet three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of Anaferon are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and lactase deficiency.

Side effects include allergic reactions, skin itching and rashes, local swelling of soft tissues.


A relatively inexpensive antiviral drug containing extracts of gentian, aconite, and Bryonia dioica.

A single dose depends on the age of the child:

  • up to 1 year – 1 drop;
  • from 1 to 4 years – from 2 to 4 drops;
  • from 4 to 12 years – from 5 to 9 caps.

As part of the treatment of viral infections, it is recommended to take the drug every half hour, but not more than 8 times a day.

Starting from the 3rd day, the frequency of administration is reduced to 3 times half an hour before or an hour after meals.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to individual components of the tincture; sensitization reactions may occur as a side effect.


The main ingredients are extracts of chamomile, belladonna, plantain, dulcamara and other medicinal plants.

Viburkol is prescribed in pediatric practice as part of the therapy and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and painful teething.

From 6 months, when the temperature rises from 37.5, give 1 supp. 4 times a day, that is, every 6 hours, with febrile temperature (above 38) - 1 supp. up to 6 times throughout the day, or every 4 hours.

After the temperature returns to normal, you need to continue treatment for 4 days with a suppository once.

Viburkol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, in the first days of treatment, the child’s well-being may worsen., and sometimes there is an exacerbation of allergies.


Indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza that occur with mild to moderate symptoms in early childhood.

For babies up to one year old, the granules of the 1st pencil case should be dissolved in boiled water and given twice a day for 3 days.

For a child over 1 year old, the granules can be dissolved in the mouth twice a day.

Contraindications for use are increased sensitization (sensitivity) to the components of the drug; among the side effects, allergic reactions most often occur.

Features of the combined use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs

The combined use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antibiotics only affect bacteria by destroying them or inhibiting growth and reproduction, and this group of drugs does not affect viruses at all.

Antiviral drugs affect only viruses, but are powerless against bacterial pathogens.

However, drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect are often prescribed in the complex treatment of bacterial infections along with antibiotics. This is due to the fact that they contribute to the activation of nonspecific immunity.

Also, both groups of drugs are used in combination for the development "superinfections" or with severe bacterial complications against the background of a viral disease.

When prescribing such a therapeutic model to children, the nature of the disease and the patient’s immune status are always taken into account.

Antiviral Medicines – School of Doctor Komarovskog

In contact with

At the height of the period of colds, antiviral drugs for children become the first remedy for the treatment and prevention of the most common diseases - acute respiratory infections and. Despite the widespread use, only a doctor should prescribe even such seemingly harmless drugs; self-medication is unacceptable.

Symptoms of the virus in a child

Very often, an ordinary virus in a child can be caused not so much by a collision of the body with an infection, but also due to hypothermia and weakened immunity. It is important not to miss the onset of the disease in order to help the baby cope with it as quickly as possible. The main treatment at the initial stage is a children's antiviral, which will gently adjust the immune system in the right direction. The very first and main symptoms of the virus are:

  • muscle weakness;
  • headache;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • apathetic behavior of the child;
  • occasionally vomiting/nausea or diarrhea.

After 2-3 days the following symptoms are added:

  • sore throat and sore throat when swallowing;
  • cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • , sneezing.

How to treat a virus in a child?

Therapy or ARVI is simple. Treatment of the virus in children is carried out with medications in parallel with traditional methods, which have proven themselves to be the best. A good antiviral drug for children should be given literally in the first hours from the onset of the disease. In this it will be effective. If you start taking it for 3-5 days, the effect will be unnoticeable.

In parallel with taking the medicine, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids in the form of fruit drinks, decoctions, and herbal teas.
  2. Maintain indoor air humidity at 65-70%.
  3. Carry out wet cleaning twice a day.
  4. Reduce the load on the body by giving more drink, but less food.

Should I give my child antiviral drugs?

Without exception, all parents who are concerned about the health of their children are concerned about the question of whether to give their children antiviral drugs. After all, there are different positions on this issue, when it is believed that the effectiveness of such therapy has not been proven, or there is simply no point in it. Doctors insist that children's antiviral medications can significantly alleviate the condition of a sick baby and even strengthen his immunity, but the choice to give or not give the drug remains with the parents.

Before offering a child this or that drug that affects the immune system, you should find out about its effect on the child’s body. All drugs belonging to the antiviral group contain human or genetically modified interferon. The effect of the latter has not been fully studied, and therefore one should be careful with drugs that interfere with the activity of the immune system, not exceeding the dosage and not giving it too often, citing benefits for the body.

When foreign interferon enters the body in the first three days from the onset of the disease, it acts similarly to its own – it kills viruses. Its own interferon begins to be actively produced only on the fourth day from the onset of the disease. This means that if you regularly “help” the immune system, fight the invasion of viruses artificially, the immune system will not be able to fight on its own, because it is simply not used to this. That is why it is better to help children cope with the disease on their own by giving plenty of fluids, not lowering the temperature and ensuring humidity in the room.

What antiviral drugs can children take?

Since it is better not to start treatment with medications if the temperature has not exceeded 38°C, an antiviral drug for children is the best thing that can be offered to a child at the moment. For children under seven years of age, it is optimal to offer homeopathic or interferon-containing dosage forms. They are safe for younger age groups. Drugs to combat viruses come in the form of:

  • candles (suppositories);
  • syrup;
  • nasal or oral drops;
  • capsules and tablets;
  • nasal ointments.

All of them have approximately the same effectiveness and should only be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication even with such seemingly harmless medications is undesirable. Suppositories and drops are usually prescribed to children under three years of age, because other forms of antiviral drugs are more difficult to give (syrup, tablets). after three years, you can use any type of these medications according to the age-specific dosage.

Antiviral drugs for children under one year of age

Babies in their first year of life are the most vulnerable group of children. That is why an antiviral drug for children of this age group should not only be effective, but also as safe as possible. Antiviral drugs for children used in medicine for this category are as follows:

  • Imupret;
  • Vibrukol;
  • Viferon;
  • Anaferon.

Antiviral drugs for children over 1 year of age

Whatever medications the parents give the child for the virus, all of them must be prescribed by the attending doctor. After all, most antiviral drugs for children can negatively affect the baby’s development, instead of bringing benefit. After the age of one year, the range of medications used expands slightly and already includes:

  • Tamiflu;
  • Aflubin;
  • Cytovir-3.

Antiviral drugs for children over 2 years of age

When prescribing antiviral drugs for children 2 years old, the doctor is guided by the fact that the child’s body is already sufficiently strong and stronger drugs can already be used. At this age, it is customary to prescribe syrups and drugs in the form of rectal suppositories, because the tablet form can cause problems with administration, since the child is still very small. Arbidol is added to the list of approved drugs at this age.

Antiviral drugs for children over 3 years of age

The best thing that can be offered to children against the virus are drugs that not only force the body to produce its own interferon, but also stimulate the immune system. Children at the age of three begin to attend kindergarten en masse and the incidence increases sharply. To prevent this from happening, in the autumn-spring period, it is necessary, in addition to vitamin complexes, to take antiviral drugs for children as prevention and treatment. They simultaneously increase resistance to disease and provide healing. These include:

  • Kipferon;
  • Derinat;
  • Bronchomunal;
  • Imudon;
  • Immunal.

The best antiviral drugs for children

Choosing antiviral drugs that are inexpensive but effective for children is not easy. After all, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body of a particular child, the effect of the drug itself and many other nuances. Therefore, the price-quality ratio will not always be appropriate here. Basically, a children's antiviral drug for colds has a mild effect on the child's body and, if the dosage is correctly calculated, cannot harm. The most popular products that have proven themselves and are loved by mothers are:

  • Aflubin;
  • Amizonchik;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Gripferon;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Kagocel;
  • Immunoflazid;
  • Imupret;
  • Immunal.

Children's antiviral suppositories

For those children who cannot drink syrup or its composition poses a risk of allergies, there are antiviral suppositories for children belonging to the interferon group. They can be used for any age group but are best suited for toddlers. In this case, there are no problems with their use, whereas older children do not like such treatment. Antiviral drugs for children in the form of suppositories must be stored in the refrigerator and taken out immediately before use. For the treatment of viral diseases it is recommended:

  • Viferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Kipferon;
  • Laferobion.

Children's antiviral drug in syrup

When using children's antiviral drugs in liquid form, parents need to understand that the baby may have an allergic reaction to some components included in the composition (dyes, sweeteners). This is why the first time you take a new medication, you should keep an eye on it and have an antihistamine on hand. In addition to the main active ingredient, antiviral syrup for children contains:

  • sucrose;
  • dibazole;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • dye E122;
  • sodium alginate.

Antiviral nasal drops for children

As an alternative to syrups, antiviral drops for children are widely used. They are easy to use, it is much easier to instill them than to give them in the form of syrup, and the cost does not exceed other dosage forms. Antiviral drugs for children in the form of drops contain interferon, which helps fight the virus immediately after entering the body. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is, but starting from the fourth day of illness, their use becomes meaningless. The following drops are recommended:

  • Nazoferon;
  • Laferon;
  • Gripferon;
  • Genferon;
  • Interferon.

Children's antiviral tablets

When the baby gets older (after 3-5 years), a children's antiviral drug in tablet form can be used for treatment. Its effectiveness will not be higher or lower, but it all depends on when to start taking the pills. It is better to do this from the first to the third day, because after that the body itself begins to produce its own interferon, which is necessary to fight the virus. The doctor may prescribe the following antiviral drugs for children:

  • Ergoferon;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Anaferon for children;
  • Arbidol;
  • Tsitovir 3;
  • Amizon;
  • Remantadine.

Prevention of viruses in children

In addition to therapeutic effects, interferon-containing drugs are used to prevent diseases. Antiviral drugs are prescribed for prevention to children before the start of the season of respiratory diseases. In addition, they are needed when a child begins to attend kindergarten or school, where he will definitely encounter numerous viruses and bacteria. Two weeks before this, you should start giving the selected drug, according to the age dosage.

In addition to the usual syrups and nasal drops during a flu epidemic, oxolinic ointment has been used for many years to lubricate the nasal passages. It contains the active substance oxolin, which has high activity against a large army of viruses. Paraffin-based ointment is practically not absorbed, and therefore it is safe even for small children. It is used immediately before leaving the room, and then wiped with a napkin.

At least once a year, or even more often, children - young and old - suffer from viral infections. The most common of them (about 99% of all cases of viral infections in children) are ARVI and, in particular, influenza. Therefore, parents are obliged to understand when there is a need to use antiviral drugs to treat children, and when their use does not make any sense.

What role antiviral drugs play in the treatment of a particular childhood viral infection depends, first of all, on the disease itself, and secondly, on the strength of the baby’s immune system.

How the body becomes infected with a viral infection: lecture on the topic

Viruses are designed in such a way that they are not able to reproduce themselves. In order to reproduce, viruses need to penetrate a certain type of cell (in our case, one of the types of cells in the child’s body), integrate into its genetic structure and literally “force” this cell, like a candle factory, to “stamp” others like it. And in order to really suppress the reproduction and activity of this harmful virus, it is necessary to act “targetedly” on the cell that produces it.

These are the most common childhood diseases, and the most common viral diseases among people of all ages. Therefore, we will mostly talk about the use of antiviral drugs specifically in the treatment of ARVI.

Most viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections are embedded not just anywhere, but in the cells of the mucous membranes of the upper and lower respiratory tract. That is why the symptoms of ARVI, especially in children, are very characteristic of various types and.

Killer viruses

However, there are other viruses (fortunately, they attack our children tens and hundreds of times less often than ARVI). For example: the herpes virus, which causes many diseases, one of which is well known to everyone under the name chicken pox. There are also viruses that cause extremely severe and deadly diseases - hepatitis and AIDS, viral meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis, measles, rubella, polio, rabies and many others.

Fortunately, humanity has long invented and massively introduced effective vaccines for most of these diseases. All of these (as well as other) viruses are distinguished by the fact that they use certain human cells to “reside” and reproduce, changing them structurally: the hepatitis virus attacks liver cells, the meningitis virus “attacks” brain tissue cells, etc.

Thus, it turns out that in order to neutralize a particular virus (stop its reproduction and activity), it is necessary to influence the cells into which it has penetrated. This circumstance greatly narrows the possibilities of antiviral therapy, because sometimes, in the case of very severe and serious diseases (for example, AIDS), the virus can only be “killed” by simultaneously killing the cells in which it has spread. Often this condition is incompatible with the patient’s life.

Antiviral drugs for children: in vitro - one thing, in life - another

So, the following situation arises: theoretically, in laboratory conditions, in a scientist’s test tube, an antiviral drug can easily kill the virus. But in the human body - almost never. Because, as we have already mentioned, the virus, in order to live and reproduce, is embedded in a living human cell. And accordingly, in order to kill such a virus, it is necessary to kill the cell itself! In real life, in practice, the main task and goal of antiviral drugs is not to “kill” the virus, but to stop its reproduction and protect healthy cells from infection.

This is where the effect of antiviral drugs, as a rule, ends. And the child’s immune system takes on the leading role in the fight against the virus. It is she who is responsible for destroying the virus without damaging the cells and tissues of the body. This system does not successfully cope with all viral diseases (otherwise such severe catastrophes as encephalitis or AIDS simply would not exist). However, in the vast majority of cases of childhood ARVI, this is exactly what happens - all the work to destroy the virus and recover falls on the immune system.

If a child has serious problems with the immune system, the effect of all antiviral drugs is practically reduced to zero. And vice versa - if the baby has strong, sufficient immunity, then often the use of antiviral drugs (for example, with) is not necessary from a medical point of view.

Let's take a closer look at the most common antiviral drugs, which are bought in huge quantities by parents and absorbed by children with the most common ARVI.

Antiviral drugs for children based on interferon

Antiviral drugs based on action interferon(a general name for a series of proteins that help block the reproduction of viruses) are known to every parent. Some of these drugs are based on leukocyte interferon (it is made from human blood), and there are also drugs that are completely or semi-synthetic. It is believed that these agents work (or try to work) on the same principle as our natural interferon proteins.

Without in any way affecting the viruses themselves, our natural interferons force uninfected cells to temporarily change their structure so that the virus cannot “capture” them. In addition, interferons stimulate the immune system, raising it “into arms” to fight the disease. We can say that interferons are the same generals, under whose leadership the “army” of immune cells ultimately defeats the disease.

Precisely because our own interferons themselves never come into direct contact with viruses, virus resistance to them never arises. This means that even with repeated infection with the same virus, interferons will always, throughout life, successfully perform their work, as if for the first time. The same cannot be said about all other antiviral drugs, to which, with frequent use, a child develops stable viral resistance.

Interferon preparations exist in different forms (drops, rectal suppositories, tablets and pills, formulations for injections and droppers). But not all of them have medically proven effectiveness.

The most powerful antiviral drugs of the interferon group are not administered into the stomach or rectally, but exist only in the form of injections. These drugs are administered intramuscularly and intravenously and are used only for very serious, sometimes fatal, viral infections - for example, HIV infection, hepatitis B, C and D, as well as severe tumors, etc. These interferon preparations are extremely poorly tolerated by the human body and are used only when the patient’s life is at stake, and not just his poor health. You most likely won’t even buy such products at a regular pharmacy.

The most potent and effective interferon-based antiviral drugs exist in injectable form. And they are used only in cases of severe viral infections, to which ARVI has nothing to do.

Naturally, such medications are never used for common ARVI in children and adults. Well, those interferon preparations that we are usually used to giving to children at the first sign of a “cold” - we drop them into the nose, give a pill or put a candle - alas, are drugs with unproven effectiveness and are not used at all in most countries.

In our country, a huge number and variety of such antiviral drugs are sold. But let us remind you that all these “cold and flu” drugs are officially classified as drugs with unproven effectiveness. This means that they perform well in laboratory conditions, but there is not yet a single study that would prove their absolutely successful effect on viruses inside a human cell.

Whether or not to give such drugs to your children is a matter of parental discretion and will. However, it would be useful for parents to know that with any acute respiratory viral infection, from the very first day of infection, interferons actively begin to be produced by the child’s body independently.

Already on the third day of illness, natural interferons reach their quantitative peak. Therefore, when your child, who “caught” ARVI, becomes noticeably better after 3-4 days (which most often happens with typical “colds”), not a single doctor in the world can reliably determine whether the interferons from the bottle with nasal medications helped him drops or his own interferons, in other words, the child’s own immunity, had their usual effect.

Antiviral drug Oxolin: “warrior” from a test tube

An extremely popular antiviral drug for children with ARVI in the post-Soviet space is the so-called “Oxolinic ointment” (with the main active ingredient - naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron) - although it has been known for almost half a century, it also still refers to drugs with unproven effectiveness.

Only one thing is known for certain: the substance naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron perfectly kills viruses in a Petri dish. Just like hundreds of other substances with the highest antiviral properties. But laboratory conditions are one thing, and the cells of the human body, a highly complex chemical-physical system, are quite another.

To date, there is not a single medical study proving the effectiveness of the antiviral effect of the substance naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron (that is, “Oxolinic ointment”) in a living human cell. Although a lot of comparative tests and studies have been carried out over the past years!

Antiviral drug resistance is the enemy of prevention

Resistance to most antiviral drugs occurs much faster in children than resistance to antibiotics. Let us recall that only the body’s own interferons, which begin to be produced as part of the immune defense whenever the body encounters viruses, “do not fall under resistance.” By the way, it is precisely with the rapidly emerging resistance of viruses to drugs that the true difficulty in treating such terrible diseases as AIDS is associated - viruses adapt too quickly to the action of the drug, which requires a constant search and selection of analogue drugs.

In this regard, there is a simple rule: antiviral drugs should not be used to prevent viral diseases (although sometimes drug manufacturers tell us the opposite in their commercials). And these are not just words supported by logic, but a specific WHO recommendation.

The more often we use this or that antiviral drug as a method of prevention “against colds in general,” the less chance we leave for it to help us defeat the disease when it really hits.

“Targeted” prevention against viruses: more likely yes than no

Another thing is “targeted” prevention. Let's give a specific example: you know for sure that 10 out of 12 of your work colleagues with whom you share the same office space fell ill with the flu, and you probably, involuntarily, “caught” this virus from them, like a relay baton. And at home you have four children and a pregnant wife... Then yes - in this case, you can use it yourself and give it to your household as an antiviral drug aimed specifically at fighting the influenza virus.

If you do not know exactly what kind of flu your colleagues are suffering from, choose an anti-influenza drug with the greatest spectrum of action for prevention (that is, a medicine that would act on both the influenza A virus and the influenza B virus).

Active substance oseltamivir- an example of such a medicine. But, for example, another popular and effective remedy against influenza is rimantadine- affects only influenza A viruses. (Please note - we indicate only international names of medicines; in pharmacies you can find them, in most cases, under commercial names, which may not coincide with international ones. In this case, read the labels carefully and look for the label “main active ingredient”).

Even though “targeted” antiviral drugs (specifically against the flu, or specifically against the herpes virus, etc.) can do a good job and protect your loved ones, including your child, from the disease, in most cases In civilized countries, the best way to prevent viral diseases today is vaccination, rather than taking antiviral drugs.

In any case, will you give your child antiviral drugs as a preventive measure justifiably (when everyone around is already sick, and only he, by some miracle, has not yet become infected) or simply out of the principle “to stay safe”, with each use the virus becomes more resistant to a given drug and in a given organism will increase. And accordingly, their effectiveness will decrease.

So, antiviral drugs for ARVI in children: to give or not to give?

When do we most often think about whether or not to give a child an antiviral medicine? When the baby gets sick. And he suddenly falls ill - just yesterday he was jumping and galloping, and today he came down with a fever, runny nose and cough. In 99% of cases, these symptoms are caused by nothing more than a manifestation of an acute respiratory viral infection (that is, ARVI). And in this case, most modern pediatricians, guided by WHO recommendations, argue that no medications need to be used.

Cool air, bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids help. can be done using special physiological saline solutions. And it will pass quite quickly if you establish the right microclimate in the children's room.

If you do all these non-medicinal, but quite reasonable, adequate and at first glance simple actions correctly, you will allow the child’s body to comfortably and without consequences “wait” for that maximum level of interferons in the blood (their number reaches its peak on the third day of illness), which will help the child’s immune system defeat the disease on its own.

If on the 4th day of illness the child does not get better, it is necessary to do a clinical blood test and determine exactly what kind of infection “attacked” the child - is it still viral, or bacterial (or maybe fungal, but this is already extremely rare ). And depending on the result, the doctor will build a treatment regimen and prescribe the necessary medications.

As parents, you must understand that modern medicine today has a wide range of very effective antiviral agents and drugs, but they are used, as a rule, only for very serious, severe viral infections, which ARVI, of course, does not include. Fortunately for us, such diseases occur in children tens or even hundreds of times less often than common colds, flu, runny nose and cough. For the treatment of which, in turn, often no medications are required at all.

With increased activity of pathogenic viruses and microbes in the body of children under 1 year of age, pediatricians prescribe antiviral drugs. Properly selected medications quickly destroy pathogenic flora and strengthen children's immunity. Before starting the course, an individual consultation with a specialist is required.

Can children under one year old take antiviral drugs?

Breastfeeding plays an important role for the health of children under 1 year of age. Babies on adapted formulas have a weaker immune system, so they get sick more often.

During treatment, additional medications may be required (as recommended by your pediatrician). Modern antiviral drugs for children are effective as part of complex therapy for acute respiratory viral infections, colds, flu, chickenpox, and herpes.

Types of antiviral drugs for children

Type of antiviral drugs Efficiency Flaws
Interferons Contains interferon protein similar to natural. Such products normalize and accelerate the production of antibodies. There is a high risk of side effects.
Immunostimulants Such medications enhance the child’s body’s immune response to the penetration of a pathogenic virus. The functions of one’s own immunity are impaired (the protective system is “lazy”). When using immunostimulants, a child begins to get sick more often.
Direct antiviral drugs These medications prevent the replication of the virus and its further spread in the child’s body. There is a high probability of side effects from internal organs and systems.
Homeopathic remedies The herbal composition of medicines contains molecules similar in structure to the virus. A selective therapeutic effect is observed (not all patients are helped).


Effective and safe antiviral drugs for children under one year of age are represented by the drug Anaferon. This Russian-made medicine has immunomodulatory properties, increases the concentration of antibodies, and stimulates the production of interferon. Short description:

  • Release form: sublingual tablets.
  • Active ingredient: affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.
  • Main indications: treatment and prevention of colds, ARVI, influenza, cytomegalovirus, bacterial, herpetic infections.
  • Contraindications: intolerance by the body to the active ingredients of the medication, tendency to diathesis (allergic reactions).
  • Side effects: urticaria, skin rash, itching.
  • Directions for use: in case of relapse, 1 tablet is recommended. every half hour for 2 hours, then the dose is reduced to 1 tablet. three times a day.
  • Price: 180 rubles.


This is a homeopathic medicine for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu. Recommended as an independent medicine or as part of complex therapy. For ease of use, Aflubin has several release forms that are suitable for newborns and older children. Short description:

  • Release form: drops for oral use, sublingual tablets.
  • Active ingredients: gentian, aconite, bryonia dioica, iron phosphate, lactic acid.
  • Main indications: respiratory viral infections, flu, colds.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity of the body to the active ingredients of the drug.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, signs of dyspepsia, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia.
  • Directions for use: for the first 2 days the medicine should be taken 8 times per day, after which the number of approaches should be reduced to 3. A single dose for children 1 year of age is ¼ tablet. or 1 drop.
  • Price: 215 rubles.


This is a homeopathic medicine with antiviral, sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, detoxification and antispasmodic properties. It has a gentle effect on children's bodies and is well tolerated. Short description:

  • Release form: rectal suppositories.
  • Active ingredients: pulsatilla, belladonna, dulcamara, chamomilla, plantago, calcium harmonicum.
  • Main indications: ARVI, colds, painful teething, flu.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to active substances.
  • Side effects: allergic, local reactions.
  • Method of administration: children under six months are prescribed 2 soups, from 6 months (at a temperature above 37.5 ° C) - 4 soups, above 38 ° C - 6 soups. in a day. After the temperature has normalized, the child is recommended to take 1 soup. 1–2 times a day for 3–4 days.
  • Price: 370 rubles.


This drug belongs to the group of antiviral drugs containing interferon, similar to natural one. When treating children, the medicine may cause side effects. Short description:

  • Release form: rectal suppositories.
  • Active ingredient: interferon alpha-2b recombinant.
  • Main indications: bacterial and viral infections in the treatment of children of all ages, including premature babies.
  • Contraindications: allergic reactions or predisposition to such, intolerance to components, autoimmune diseases.
  • Side effects: in isolated cases, urticaria, skin rash, itching and swelling of the epidermis, and local reactions occur.
  • Directions for use: patients under 7 years of age are prescribed 1 soup. every 8 hours, from 7 years - 2 candles every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  • Price: 270 rubles.


This is a Ukrainian drug that has a convenient release form for treating children. Sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Short description:

  • Release form: syrup.
  • Active ingredients: extracts of ground reed grass and turf pike, alcohol base.
  • Main indications: herpes simplex virus, bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract (ARVI, flu, colds).
  • Contraindications: autoimmune diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, individual intolerance to ethanol and other components.
  • Side effects: signs of dyspepsia, nausea, headache, dizziness, local, allergic reactions.
  • Directions for use: the course of treatment is 2 weeks, the medicine should be taken twice a day. Children under one year of age are prescribed 0.5 ml of medication.
  • Price: 180 rubles.


Such antiviral drugs for children under 1 year of age contain interferon and have several release forms for ease of use and acceleration of the desired therapeutic effect. Short description:

  1. Release form: lyophilisate (drops for nasal administration).
  2. Active ingredient: human leukocyte interferon.
  3. Main indications: treatment of viral diseases affecting the respiratory tract.
  4. Contraindications: organic damage to the nervous system, epilepsy, intolerance to active substances, serious disorders of the liver and kidneys.
  5. Side effects: disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems, skin, and hematopoietic organs.
  6. Directions for use: for treating newborns, apply 3 drops. onto cotton swabs, then insert into the nasal passages for 10 minutes. Perform the procedure 4–6 times a day. For patients under 1 year of age, 1 drop is recommended. into each nasal passage 4–6 times a day.
  7. Price: from 80 rubles.


This effective antiviral for children under one year of age has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effect. Dosages are adjusted individually by the pediatrician. Short description:

  • Release form: drops, nasal spray.
  • Active ingredient: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b.
  • Main indications: ARVI, influenza, viral rhinitis.
  • Contraindications: severe allergic diseases, hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.
  • Directions for use: children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1 drop. into each nasal passage 5 times a day.
  • Price: 70 rubles.


This antiviral for children under one year old belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies, is well tolerated by the body, and rarely causes side effects. Short description:

  • Release form: granules in tubes for oral use.
  • Active ingredients: anas barbarialium, hepatic et cordis extractum.
  • Main indications: as part of complex therapy for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, parainfluenza, and colds.
  • Contraindications: lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions.
  • Directions for use: dissolve the contents of one tube with boiled water, stir until the granules dissolve, give to a child under 1 year of age 2-3 times a day.
  • Price: 370 rubles.


Today, the pharmaceutical market is overflowing with antiviral drugs, which differ in their mechanism of action, effectiveness, targeting, route of administration and price.

A special place on pharmacy shelves is occupied by a number of antiviral drugs for children. These medications significantly alleviate the course of many diseases, therefore they are widely used for acute respiratory viral infections, intestinal infections, viral damage to the liver, skin and other organs.

In addition, the undoubted advantage of antiviral drugs is that they are highly effective in both the treatment and prevention of viral infections. But the main advantage of these products is their safety for the child’s body.

Considering the above, we suggest you understand what antiviral drugs for children are, how they work and when their use is justified. We will also present to your attention an overview of the most effective antiviral drugs for children.

A virus is a microorganism consisting of genetic material and a protein capsid, but does not have organelles that are responsible for metabolism, so it cannot reproduce outside the body.

To replicate, viruses need to invade a cell of the human body and use its organelles as if they were their own. Thus, the infectious agent multiplies, and the cell of the macroorganism dies.

The process of virus reproduction can be divided into several stages:

  • the virus secretes enzymes that melt the cell wall, after which its genetic material penetrates inside the cell, inserts itself into DNA or RNA strands and reprograms their operation. The affected cell of the human body works on the virus and ceases to perform its functions;
  • daughter viruses are synthesized;
  • Viral cells fill a human cell while it is still functioning, after which they are released from it and infect healthy cells.

A healthy immune system has mechanisms and substances that can resist viral damage to the body. Among these it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • interferons– these are special proteins, the synthesis of which is activated from the onset of inflammation in the body. Interferon damages the enzyme systems of the virus, preventing its penetration into body cells;
  • macrophages and lymphocytes– look for viral cells, absorb and digest them;
  • cytotoxic lymphocytes - these are components of cellular immunity that are responsible for the destruction of body cells infected with the virus;
  • antibodies to the virus, which are synthesized by humoral immune cells, namely B-lymphocytes.

To help the body cope with infection, drugs have been created that affect one or another part of the immune system, namely vaccines, interferons and their inducers, as well as inhibitors of viral enzymes. We will consider the classification of antiviral drugs in more detail below.

Is the use of antiviral drugs justified in children?

The opinion of experts is that antiviral drugs, especially those containing interferon, should be prescribed strictly according to indications. These drugs affect the immune system and can cause its functioning to malfunction, and this, in turn, can become a starting point in the development of cancer and autoimmune diseases.

For example, if you have a cold, you need to look at the child’s condition. If the body temperature is low, he is active, eats and drinks normally, then you can do without antiviral drugs.

It is not recommended to use antiviral drugs containing interferons more often than once every six months. It is also strictly forbidden to self-medicate, because only a specialist can determine the indications for prescribing antiviral drugs, choosing an effective and safe option.

In cases where the child’s condition is serious and requires help, a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist may prescribe an antiviral drug according to age.

If we talk about how to take interferon drugs correctly, then there is a rule: the drug will be effective if it is prescribed in the first 24-72 hours, since it will not work later.

The well-known television pediatrician Komarovsky believes that antiviral drugs should be prescribed only if the immune system is weak and cannot cope with a viral infection on its own.

What about prophylactic use of antiviral drugs? For prevention, it is better to use herbal or homeopathic preparations, which cause virtually no side effects and are safe for children. Although it is also impossible to say reliably that these products are highly effective, as their manufacturers claim.

Classification of antiviral drugs

Depending on which viruses antiviral drugs act on, they are divided into the following groups.

  1. Anti-flu: Amantadine, Remantadine, Zanamivir, Oseltamivir and others. The listed drugs destroy viruses.
  2. Antiherpetic: Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Zovirax and others, which prevent viruses from multiplying and thus stop the progression of the disease.
  3. Preparations with a wide spectrum of action: Anaferon, Viferon, Lavomax, Arbidol and others. The listed antiviral drugs can also be used for rotavirus infection, herpetic lesions of the skin,
  4. Antiretroviral. This group is used exclusively for the treatment and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

In addition, all antiviral drugs can be divided into groups depending on the age group in which they can be used.

We present to your attention a list of antiviral drugs differentiated by age of children.

Antiviral drugs for newborns:

  • Aflubin;
  • leukocyte interferon;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Grippferon and others.

Antiviral drugs for children 6 months and older:

  • Immunoflazid;
  • Viburcol;
  • Ergoferon and others.

Antiviral drugs for children aged 1-2 years:

  • Immunal;
  • Orvirem;
  • Cytovir-3 and others.

Antiviral drugs for children over 3 years of age:

  • Kagocel;
  • Engistol and others.

Antiviral drugs for children over 4-7 years of age:

  • Ingavirin 60;
  • Relenza;
  • Cycloferon and others.

Top 7: the most effective antiviral drugs

Viferon is a combined immunomodulator with antioxidant properties. Its active components act detrimentally on viruses by increasing the activity of T-lymphocytes and accelerating the maturation of B-lymphocytes.

Compound: human recombinant alpha-2 interferon, vitamins E and C.

The use of Viferon during antibiotic therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy increases the effectiveness and reduces the duration of treatment.

Release form:

  • rectal suppositories 150 thousand IU, 500 thousand IU, 1 million IU, 3 million IU;
  • ointment 40 thousand IU;
  • gel 36 thousand IU.

Indications: Viferon is prescribed for ARVI, meningitis, sepsis, intrauterine infections, viral hepatitis, as well as as part of complex therapy for diseases caused by enteroviruses.

Viferon in the form of an ointment is used for skin lesions of the herpes virus and papillomavirus.

Scheme and doses:

  • for full-term newborns - 1 suppository (150 thousand IU) twice a day;
  • premature newborns - 1 suppository (150 thousand IU) three times a day, every 8 hours.

The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days. For acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, sepsis and other diseases, a repeat course is carried out no earlier than after 5 days.

Side effects: allergic skin reactions in the form of itching, urticaria, dermatitis.


  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
  • diseases of autoimmune origin.

Average cost in Russia:

  • suppositories Viferon 150 thousand IU, 10 pcs.: 250 rubles;
  • suppositories Viferon 500 thousand IU, 10 pcs.: 350 rubles;
  • suppositories Viferon 1 million IU, 10 pcs.: 500 rubles;
  • suppositories Viferon 3 million IU, 10 pcs.: 900 rubles;
  • Viferon ointment 40 thousand IU, 12 g: 160 rubles;
  • Viferon gel 36 thousand IU, 12 g: 160 rubles.

Anaferon is one of the inexpensive and effective homeopathic antiviral drugs, the main ingredient of which is purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.

Release form: pills.

Indications: the drug is widely used for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and herpetic skin lesions. Anaferon is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes.

Scheme and doses:

  • for a cold, the drug is dissolved under the tongue until completely dissolved according to the following scheme: on the 1st day, take 1 tablet every 30 minutes for two hours and three more times, 1 tablet at equal intervals, and from the 2nd day - 1 tablet three times a day. For babies over 6 months old, the tablet can be dissolved in a spoonful of milk or water;
  • Prevention of viral diseases consists of taking 1 tablet once a day for 12 weeks.

Side effects: Very rarely, an allergy to the components of the drug is possible.


  • age less than 6 months.

Average cost in Russia:

  • Anaferon for children 20 tablets – 200 rubles.

Nazoferon belongs to the interferons and consists of recombinant human alpha-2b interferon. The drug has a detrimental effect on viruses, increases the capabilities of the immune system and reduces the severity of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

Release form: nasal drops and spray 1 ml/100 thousand IU.


  • treatment of ARVI, influenza, frequent colds;
  • prevention of ARVI in contact persons during an epidemic.

Regimen and dose:

  • for children under one year of age and newborns, instill 1 drop into each nostril 5 times a day;
  • children 1-3 years old are prescribed 2 doses of nasal spray 3-4 times a day;
  • children 4-14 years old - 2 doses in each nostril 4 to 5 times a day.

For preventive purposes, 1 dose of the drug is prescribed twice a day for a week.

Side effects: individual intolerance to the drug.

Contraindications: history of drug allergy.

Average cost in Russia:

  • Nazoferon drops 5 ml – 380 rubles;
  • Nazoferon spray 5 ml – 430 rubles.

Arbidol belongs to the broad-spectrum antiviral drugs, since it blocks the penetration of influenza viruses, coronavirus, and rotavirus into the cell of the human body.

The active ingredient of the drug is umifenovir, which has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

Release form: capsules of 50 and 100 mg.


  • therapy and prevention of ARVI, influenza A and B;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • recurrent herpes infection;
  • therapy for rotavirus infection in children;
  • treatment of secondary immunodeficiencies.

Regimen and dose:

  • children 3-6 years old are prescribed 50 mg orally 4 times a day;
  • children 6-12 years old – 100 mg 4 times a day;
  • children 12-14 years old - 200 mg 4 times a day.

The course of treatment is 5 days.

Side effects: allergy to the drug.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Average cost in Russia:

  • capsules Arbidol 50 mg, 20 pcs. – 260 rubles;
  • capsules Arbidol 100 mg, 20 pcs. – 460 rubles.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is an effective antiviral drug that is used in the treatment and prevention of influenza A and B.

Timely use of Oseltamivir can speed up recovery, reduce the intensity of flu symptoms and prevent complications. This drug is effective in terms of prevention in case of contact with patients with influenza A and B, and it does not affect the immune system.

Release form:

  • capsules of 30, 45 and 75 mg Oseltamivir;
  • Oseltamivir suspension 1ml/12.


  • treatment of influenza A and B;
  • prevention of influenza A and B in contact persons.

You should know that the drug is not effective for colds, so it is prescribed only if there is reliable data on the etiology of the disease.

Scheme and doses in children depending on body weight:

  • less than 15 kg – 30 mg 2 times a day;
  • 15-23 kg – 45 mg 2 times a day;
  • 23-40 kg – 60 mg 2 times a day;
  • more than 40 kg – 75 mg 2 times a day.

For children under 12 years of age, only the suspension is used.

The course of treatment is 5 days.

For prophylactic purposes, the drug is prescribed in the indicated doses 1 time per day for 10 days, and during an epidemic of influenza A and B - for 1.5 months.

Side effects:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • from the central nervous system: headaches, sleep disturbances, general weakness, convulsive syndrome and others;
  • from the respiratory system: cough, runny nose;
  • from the skin: skin manifestations of allergies and others.


  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age under 12 months;
  • severe renal failure.

Average cost in Russia:

  • capsules Oseltamivir 75 mg, 10 pcs. – 700 rubles.

Groprinosin, the active ingredient of which is inosine pranobex, has direct antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

Release form: tablets 500 mg.

Indications: the drug is prescribed for ARVI, viral bronchitis, mumps, herpesvirus infections, viral hepatitis.

Regimen and dose in children:

  • for colds, mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus and herpetic infections, the daily dose of the drug is 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight, which is divided into 3-4 doses. The course of treatment is 7-14 days;
  • for cough (bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis), the daily dose is 50 mg per 1 kg of weight in 3-4 doses. The course of treatment is 14-28 days;
  • for measles, the daily dose is 100 mg per 1 kg of weight in 3-4 doses. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.

Side effects: temporary increase, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, bowel dysfunction, manifestations of allergies to the drug.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • severe renal dysfunction.

Average cost in Russia:

  • tablets Groprinosin 500 mg, 50 pcs. – 980 rubles.

Remantadine is active against influenza A and B and prevents their reproduction in the body by inhibiting replication.

Release form: tablets 50 mg.

Indications: treatment of acute infection caused by influenza viruses in children over seven years of age.

Regimen and dose:

  • children from 7 to 10 years old are prescribed 50 mg orally twice a day;
  • children 11-14 years old - 50 mg three times a day.

The course of treatment is 5 days.

Side effects: skin manifestations of allergies to the components of the drug, diarrhea, nausea, decreased attention, drowsiness, general weakness, and others.


  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • impairment of kidney and liver function;
  • increased secretion of thyroid hormones.

Average cost in Russia:

  • Remantadine tablets 50 mg, 20 pcs. – 150 rubles.

As you can see, today we are offered both expensive and cheap antiviral drugs. But the quality and effectiveness of the drug does not always depend on the price.

Only a doctor knows what antiviral drugs can be given to children, so at the first sign of a viral infection in your child, do not run to the pharmacy to look for medicine, but consult a specialist. Self-medication can not only be ineffective, but also dangerous for your child’s health!