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Rehabilitation center for disabled people (technical school). Addresses of educational institutions of the Russian Federation (higher, secondary) accepting disabled people for study Disabled child studying at college

Graduate employment information

CodeName of profession, specialty, area of ​​trainingYear 2015Year 2016Year 2017
Number of graduatesNumber of graduatesNumber of employed graduatesNumber of graduatesNumber of employed graduates
030600.62 Story1 1
030301.65 Psychology1 1
035700.62 Linguistics1 1
050100.62 Pedagogical education: computer science1 1
080400.62 Personnel Management1 1
050100.68 Teacher Education: History Education1 1
050720.65 Physical Culture1 1
030300.62 Psychology1 1
070901 Painting/Easel painting 1 1
44.03.05 Teacher Education/ History and Social Studies 1 1
44.03.02 1 1
44.03.03 Special (defectological) education/Special psychology 2 2
06.03.01. Biology/Bioecology 1 1
44.03.02. Psychological and pedagogical education / Psychology and social pedagogy 1 1
44.03.02. Psychological and pedagogical education / Psychology and social pedagogy 1 1
45.03.02. Linguistics/Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures (German+English) 1 1
44.03.01. Teacher Education/Informatics 1 1
38.03.03. Personnel management / Organizational personnel management 1 0

Moscow State Regional University is one of the leading universities in the Moscow region. We accept and train students with disabilities/disabilities (musculoskeletal, vision, hearing, and other diseases).

The creation of an inclusive\barrier-free environment at Moscow State Educational Institution is based on the ideas of inclusive, humanistic education accessible to all. Below we describe the conditions created at MGOU.

Educational activities of these categories of students are carried out in accordance with:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/2017 No. 301 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of higher education - bachelor’s programs, specialty programs, master’s programs”;
  • methodological recommendations on the organization of the educational process for training disabled people and persons with disabilities in educational institutions of higher education, including the equipment of the educational process dated 04/08/2014 No. AK-44/05vn.

At our university you can get education in a wide range of specialties; you can learn more about the faculties and areas of training at the link:

Availability of equipped classrooms and other facilities. Each building of MGOU has classrooms, adapted for students with disabilities and disabilities. They have a fairly wide doorway, a ramp (for continuous classrooms), classrooms are connected to a free wi-fi network, and there are also specialized study tables for students with musculoskeletal disorders, and special computers). MGOU libraries are equipped with a remote access system that is accessible to the visually impaired, and an electronic catalog has been created in a similar way. MGOU has a dormitory located in close proximity to the academic building (suitable for students with mobility difficulties). The dining room is equipped with a specialized call button (for a wheelchair user), a ramp and tactile signs.

MGOU has equipment for creating special conditions for students with disabilities of various nosologies, also educational buildings are architecturally accessible (pads, elevator, special toilet rooms, speech correction apparatus, sound amplification apparatus, portable Braille display, printer with relief dot font, hearing aid, complex for children with musculoskeletal disorders , complex for the visually impaired, Tactile pictograms, Information terminal).

Access to academic buildings. A ramp, automatic doors, and an elevator are installed.

Access to the information. Information terminals for people with disabilities are installed on the first floors; in addition, an electronic educational environment has been created at the Moscow State Educational Institution, which allows for distance learning and provides access to all educational materials.

Disabled students study at various faculties: Special pedagogy and psychology; history, political science and law; psychology; Faculty of Law, etc.

Every year, our disabled graduates are employed in their specialty or continue their studies in master's programs.

In addition, MGOU operates a center for comprehensive support for students with disabilities and people with disabilities, which provides full support to the student (information, assistance in finding a job, completing documentation, creating special educational conditions, psychological support, etc.).

MGOU teachers regularly undergo advanced training in the field of working with students with disabilities, attend training seminars and internships.

Since 1996, the Moscow State University has a faculty of special pedagogy and psychology, which trains specialists in speech therapy, oligophrenopedagogy, and special psychology to work with disabled children and children with disabilities.

The university became the basis for the creation of the Association of Specialists in Working with Children with Disabilities of the Moscow Region.

Thus, our university is accessible to everyone.

According to official data, about 12 million people live in Moscow, and 10% of them are people with disabilities... As for disabled children, there are approximately 35 thousand of them in the capital of the Russian Federation, and the number is growing every year.

Fortunately, in the modern world, disability is not a death sentence. People with disabilities sometimes demonstrate limitless abilities and achieve a lot in life. But in order for them to fully realize themselves, special conditions are needed. The most important of them is the opportunity to study and acquire professions that are in demand on the labor market.

Today, education for people with disabilities in Moscow is provided by many educational institutions, both specialized (exclusively for people with disabilities) and combined types. Several options for both below.

UCPC at the College of Automation and Information Technologies No. 20

The center was created in 2013 and aims to create optimal conditions for obtaining vocational education by persons with disabilities or severe health problems. Provides the possibility of distance learning, which is very convenient for people with limited mobility.

The center's staff adapt the curriculum to the students' abilities, and also provide psychological and pedagogical support to the latter and their parents, helping them find their place in society.

At the college, boys and girls with disabilities receive professions related to the IT field, mastering the skills of website building, video editing, software development and implementation, etc.

Specialties are extremely in demand in the modern world, and college education is free. Graduates of both 9th and 11th grades are accepted. A scholarship is available.

REAKOMP Institute

The Institute was founded in 2000 and is the base institution of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, aimed at comprehensive rehabilitation of people with visual impairments. This is the only institution in the country that provides comprehensive support to people with a severe combination of deafness and blindness.

Computer typhotechnologies are actively used in the learning process. Disabled people here receive not only useful knowledge (in the field of information technology) - they are also helped to fully integrate into society.

In addition, the educational institution provides social training. workers, sign language interpreters and “forges personnel” for the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

Moscow College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering No. 26

This college is combined. Citizens with disabilities whose age does not exceed thirty-five years are accepted.

Under the guidance of experienced teachers, everyone can master such specialties as construction carpenter, furniture maker, plasterer, painter, seamstress, free of charge.

Training is carried out on the basis of secondary education. Additional “bonuses” include a scholarship, discounted travel, provision of free food, and assistance in finding employment.

Scientific and practical rehabilitation center for the disabled

The center trains specialists in the fields of law, archival science, accounting and economics, decorative and applied arts, painting, etc. Accepts persons with disabilities aged sixteen to forty-five (only Muscovites!). The form of education is full-time.

Moscow Academy of Labor Market and Information Technologies

It provides high-quality educational services for people with disabilities in Moscow and MARTIT, or rather, the department operating under it, whose activities are aimed at social adaptation and rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

People with disabilities undergo retraining or advanced training here in areas such as management, accounting, psychology, web design, Photoshop, political technology, marketing, etc. Training is provided both free and paid.

Driving school "Motor"

But not only vocational education is in demand today by people with disabilities. Many of them strive to master, for example, driving skills.

This opportunity is provided to disabled people in particular by the Moscow driving school "Motor", whose teachers have extensive experience working with people with disabilities, and the curriculum is fully adapted to them. There is the possibility of distance learning.

The driving school is one of the few in the capital where both healthy people and people with disabilities study, which is an absolute plus for the latter.

Very often in life people face health problems that lead to disability due to one or another disease. In these difficult moments, you can only rely on your loved ones, but you shouldn’t forget that the state can also help. Families in which a disabled person lives can receive assistance in the form of a discount on housing and communal services. In this article we will tell you about benefits for people with disabilities when entering college/technical school in 2020, and we will consider the procedure for applying for them.

Types of benefits for disabled people

In order to register a disability, you must first contact a doctor at the place of registration; in any case, he must give a referral to see specialists and take tests. After this, having received all the results, you return to him for a referral for a medical and social examination. Then make an appointment with the ITU Bureau.

You must have with you:

  • referral from the clinic from the attending physician or from a hospital inpatient department
  • an extract from the medical history or other documents confirming the fact of the disease
  • statement from parents, in case of registration of disability for a child
  • birth certificate

During the commission, experts can ask about the conditions in which you live, what you do, how you usually feel, and then make a positive or negative decision, which can be challenged in court. Also, before assigning a disability group, other diseases of the patient are taken into account. For mild and moderate degrees, the third disability group is usually assigned, for moderate and severe - the second, the first is given very rarely when a person requires constant supervision of strangers and is not able to serve the disability independently. Read also the article: → "".

Such children have a number of benefits for their education:

  1. Opportunity to enter higher and secondary educational institutions without competition, without exams
  2. If you want to enroll on a budget basis, you must get positive scores for the entrance exams, then you can count on a quota
  3. One-time, you can undergo preparatory training at a university or institute, which makes it possible to enter this educational institution
  4. A benefit recipient who scores the same number of points as another applicant will receive an advantage in admission.

Outside the competition, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, the following are accepted into educational institutions:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • young people under twenty years of age whose one parent is a disabled person of the first group;
  • contract servicemen who serve for at least three years

Features of admission for people with disabilities

Benefits for disabled people when entering a university are the same as for orphans. A future student can choose to either enroll in a full-time course or a training department, or take advantage of a discount on admission according to a quota. A prerequisite for admission is that the applicant must pass exams with a positive grade.

The number of places for people with disabilities is 2-3% of all preferential places.

In case of admission of disabled children, there are some nuances in submitting documents.

  • Firstly, you need to provide a certificate from a medical and social examination stating that you have a disability and studying at a higher educational institution is not contraindicated.
  • Secondly, during exams such children are given additional time to prepare, but no more than an hour and a half

Documents required for admission

An important condition is that you can apply to a technical school on a preferential basis only to one educational institution; if you want to try your hand at several institutions, the competition will be on a general basis. The list of documents for admission will include:

  • applicant's application;
  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • school diploma of completion;
  • documents giving the right to benefits for admission without competition:
  • for disabled people - a certificate from a medical and social examination, which confirms disability and the opportunity to study at an educational institution;
  • certificate with USE results;
  • Some photos.

Thus, the state is concerned that all Russian citizens have the opportunity to receive higher and secondary specialized education, regardless of social status and health status. Read also the article: → "".

Monthly payments for disabled people upon admission to educational institutions

People with disabilities are entitled to monthly payments. They can be paid several types of pensions: social, insurance. Insurance is paid if a person worked at an enterprise for at least some period of time and made contributions to the Pension Fund; a social pension is due in any case for disability.

If a child is disabled from childhood, he is entitled to a benefit in the amount of 10,068.53 for groups 1 and 2, for the third 4279.14. To receive these payments, you must submit an application to the social protection office at your place of residence. The day of submission of the application is considered the day of submission (registration) of the application for payment assignment (with all necessary documents) by the Department of Social Protection of the Population (USPP) at the applicant’s place of residence.

If the application for payment (together with documents) is sent by mail, the date of submission of the application is considered to be the stamp of the post office at the place of departure about the acceptance of documents for shipment (the day of delivery to the post office for sending). Read also the article: → "".

Payment is made by transferring funds to the recipient (ward) by mail or to an account at a bank institution (at his choice).

Required documents for appointment and receipt:

  • Certificate of secondary general education (copy certified by the educational institution)
  • Certificate of enrollment in a college, technical school, or university (for applicants)
  • A copy of the work book of the graduate-mentee (for employment)
  • Applicant's passport
  • Application to the administration (department) of social protection of the population at the place of residence for payment of benefits (compensation payment)
  • Applicant's details for transferring funds (benefits)

Additional benefits for people with disabilities

  • to pay for housing, utilities, communications in the amount of fifty percent;
  • repair work necessary for housing (where the child currently lives);
  • purchasing food, clothing
  • increased scholarship for studying
  • free medical care
  • meals without payment in government institutions during training
  • preferential spa treatment
  • free prosthetics

To receive compensation for utility services, you must contact the nearest micro-financial center, housing office or social security. The main requirement is the absence of debts to pay for utilities and attitude towards this category of citizens.

Documents are submitted once every six months, the review period is ten days. If you submitted them before the fifteenth day of the month, then you can expect a benefit this month, if later, then next month. Compensation is provided either to a current account opened in your name or to the post office.

Required documents:

  1. application for social benefits;
  2. identification document of the applicant;
  3. a document confirming the right to receive benefits (certificate from the social security authority);
  4. certificate of family composition;
  5. certificate of ownership of residential premises or social tenancy agreement (upon initial application).

Why can you get rejected?

Reasons for refusal may vary.

  • First of all, you do not fit into the preferential category of citizens entitled to this subsidy, namely, in our case, orphans
  • Secondly, they did not provide a complete set of documents necessary for processing compensation.
  • Thirdly, the certificates could have expired
  • Errors in submitted documents
  • Not provided by the applicant himself
  • There are not enough originals

If you do not agree, if you have provided all the documents and believe that you have been refused without reason, first contact your superiors, if no results are given, then write to the prosecutor's office, and as a last resort, file a lawsuit in court and defend your rights .

Advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages Flaws

The advantages include a convenient method of registration, since the MFC has many employees who accept documents for rent benefits

The benefit is paid until the age of 18, then the disability can be lifted
The ability to receive compensation on a card, withdraw funds, which can be used at any time, even while in another country for housing and communal services Benefits are provided if you study full-time
Free training opportunity Social pension for disabled people is paid up to 18 years of age
Chance to enter without competition

Benefits after age eighteen

It is a well-known fact that children under 18 years of age are not diagnosed with disability; they receive benefits equal to the first group. Then he goes through a commission that determines his membership in one group or another. So that a disabled child can receive not a social pension, but a labor pension, parents can take care of this in advance, voluntarily begin to transfer insurance contributions, thereby in the future it will be possible to obtain a labor pension, which is much more profitable than a social one.

To do this, contact the Pension Fund and fill out an application, open a current account, you can pay until the end of the year in full or in parts.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. My friend is disabled, what benefits can she get, she is 16 years old.

After graduating from school, she will be able to enroll either in a higher educational institution or as a technician out of competition, subject to positive grades, then she can apply for benefits on utility bills, receive free treatment, and have the opportunity to go to a sanatorium at a reduced price. If she studies full-time, she can count on these subsidies until she is 18, as well as a pension from the state.

Question No. 2. Can I, a disabled person, receive compensation for housing and communal services if I have a payment debt?

No, the main requirement for obtaining is the absence of debts on utility services; when you pay them off, then you can contact the micro-financial center for a benefit

Question No. 3. I live in Moscow, disabled group 1, 20 years old, what monthly benefit can I receive?

If you have been disabled since childhood, you can receive a pension in the amount of 12,082.06 rubles.

Video tips. What payments and benefits are entitled to a disabled child?

The video reveals information about benefits for disabled children. Rights and benefits for parents of disabled children⇓

Director - Syrnikova Bella Alikhanovna

Form of study: full-time
We accept disabled people of groups II and III aged 15 to 45 years living in Moscow
Accepting applications: from May 19 to August 5

Rehabilitation after endoprosthetics, musculoskeletal disorders
Rehabilitation after cerebrovascular accidents and diseases of the nervous system
Rehabilitation for diseases leading to temporary or permanent disability
Mobile rehabilitation department (mobile home care teams)
Comprehensive rehabilitation
Vocational rehabilitation
Medical and social rehabilitation

Education. Specialties:
Social Security Law and Organization
Documentation management and archiving
Painting (by type)
Design (by industry)
Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts (by type)
Economics and accounting (by industry)
Gardening and landscape construction

Master of gardening and landscape construction
"Green Worker"

Technical College
At the State Budgetary Institution Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled, educational activities for the disabled have been carried out since 1993 within the framework of secondary vocational education.

The educational process is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard for the basic level of secondary vocational education. The duration of training is from 2 to 4 years, depending on the chosen specialty and previous level of education. We accept disabled people from 16 to 45 years old, living in Moscow, who have successfully passed the entrance exams or based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

Classes are held in classrooms equipped with modern equipment and specialized equipment (including multimedia). Practical classes take place in training and production workshops, which are a model of a manufacturing company based on the student’s specialty profile. Students undergo practical training on the territory of the center, in workshops, as well as in various institutions, farms and facilities in the city of Moscow.

The technical school employs highly qualified specialists, including 3 candidates of science, 27 teachers of the highest and first qualification categories, 5 teachers are members of the Union of Artists of Russia.

The main principles of professional rehabilitation in the conditions of the Rehabilitation Center are the development of creative and intellectual abilities, the desire for self-expression and the achievement of real results in practical activities.

Specialty 035002 Publishing

A publishing specialist must carry out proofreading of all types of copyright and publishing originals, proofread the main text, conduct editorial analysis of the text, use computer technology during work, artistic and technical editing of publications, draw up publishing contracts, conduct advertising events to promote publishing products, manage and organize activities of the production unit.

An artist of folk arts and crafts must be able to depict a person and the surrounding object-spatial environment using academic drawing and painting, create artistic and graphic designs of decorative and applied art products of individual and interior significance and embody them in the material, independently develop coloristic solutions for artistic and graphic designs of decorative products -applied and folk art, carry out sketches and projects using various means and techniques, vary products of decorative, applied and folk art with new technological and coloristic solutions.

Specialty 030912 Law and organization of social security

The lawyer must receive citizens on issues of pension provision and social protection, review a package of documents for the appointment of pensions, benefits, compensation, other payments, as well as social support measures for certain categories of citizens in need of social protection, identify persons in need of social protection and implement accounting, using information and computer technologies, receive citizens on issues of pension provision and social protection, establish (assign, recalculate, transfer), index and adjust pensions, assign benefits, compensation and other social payments, advise citizens and representatives of legal entities on issues of pensions and social protection.

Specialty 072501 Design (by industry)

The designer must organize and carry out work on the design of artistic and technical, subject-spatial, industrial and socio-cultural environments, maximally adapted to the needs of various categories of consumers, technically carry out artistic and design (design) projects in the material, control the manufacture of products in production in part compliance with their author's sample, develop a coloristic solution for a design project, make sketches using various graphic tools and techniques, make reference samples of a design object or its individual elements in the material, master classical visual and technical techniques, materials and means of design graphics and layout, use computer technologies when implementing a creative concept, take into account the features of materials, manufacturing technologies, and features of modern production equipment when designing.

Specialty 080114 Economics and accounting (by industry)

An accountant must have professional competencies in documenting business transactions, maintaining accounting records of the organization's property, maintaining accounting records of sources of property formation, performing work on inventory of property and financial obligations of the organization, conducting settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds, drawing up and using financial statements.

Specialty 034702 Documentation management and archival science

A specialist in documentation support for management, an archivist must be able to organize documentation support for the management and functioning of an organization: carry out work on preparing and holding meetings, business meetings, receptions and presentations, organize the workplace of the secretary and manager, process incoming and outgoing documents, systematize them, draw up nomenclature affairs and formulate documents into files, provide telephone service, receive and transmit faxes, draw up and register organizational and administrative documents, organize archival and reference and information work on documents, work in electronic document management systems, develop and maintain classifiers, time sheets, etc. reference books on the organization's documents, ensure the reception and rational placement of documents in the archive, ensure the accounting and safety of documents in the archive, carry out organizational and methodological guidance and control over the work of the organization's archive and the organization of documents in office work.

Specialty 071001 Painting (by type)

An artist - painter, teacher must have professional competencies: to depict a person and the surrounding object-spatial environment by means of drawing and painting, apply knowledge about the laws of constructing artistic forms and the peculiarities of its perception, consistently work on the composition, master various techniques for performing painting works, use computer technology in the implementation of a creative plan, carry out teaching and educational activities in children's art schools, children's art and other institutions of additional education, in educational institutions and vocational education institutions, apply classical and modern teaching methods, use individual methods and techniques of work, taking into account age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

Specialty 250109 Gardening and landscape construction

In this specialty, students study: designing gardening and landscape construction projects. Conduct landscape analysis and pre-project assessment of landscaping objects, carry out design drawings of landscaping objects using computer programs, develop design and estimate documentation. Conducting work on gardening and landscape construction, analyzing the demand for gardening and landscape construction services, introducing modern technologies for gardening and landscape construction.